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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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it's just that there are certain certain different attitudes towards the volunteers who work directly at the arrival, towards the rapid response group, ah, a civilian can also join, as he said, transfer help either to the centers or directly to the city, and someone brought food, someone helped with medicines, someone rescued and put tourniquets there during the very moment of arrival, and also people... a lot of what we saw brought things and food, there are organized places where you can, where other volunteers who deal with food, they feed hot food, help people, that's why yes, what is the psychological state of the people from these houses that were affected, in which the neighbors were affected, the housing, how are they disposed, do they already understand what happened from... maybe
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they want to leave a little further from kharkiv, more to the rear, what settings what moods? due to the fact that the emergency services took a long time to control the fire, because it was very large-scale, we did not have access to the building that suffered the most, we did not communicate with the people there, they were immediately evacuated from the place of the epicenter of the impact, but we communicated with people from of the surrounding buildings, and everyone, no one was, well... everyone was involved, of course, but no one was depressed, but somehow depressed because, well , there was a hit, the issue is to close the contours, restore your home, and restore the windows, it's just another task, and we met with people, both younger and older, and everyone is collected, everyone understands what they have to do, and everyone is very open to help. and even on the third night,
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when we were still closing the contours, people were awake, they let us into the buildings so that we could eat helped and what did this morning look like in kharkiv, how did the city look, a few hours passed, they spent the night, who could, rested, slept, woke up, how does kharkiv look in the morning, this is a return to the usual rhythm of life, because arriving in the city is a frequent phenomenon, or there is still a difference, huh? of course, those people who are involved in helping, they are already at the locations, they are already working, also because there was a very large-scale fire in kharkiv, there is a little smoke and it is felt that somewhere there was a fire, smoke, ah, and, m , and, ordinary people are off today, they are either still in their apartments at home, that's why that it's morning, or they're already going about their business, that's why, if you don't take the epicenter itself.
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seizure in these locations, because we see only one location on the footage, and there were at least two more, here, and besides these locations , people just live their normal lives, thank you, mr. yevgeny, thank you for what you are doing and they did, that night for the people of kharkiv, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh free kharkiv, was with us, let me remind you, yesterday evening the russians shelled the city, three... cabs flew, in particular to the 12th floor, 97 victims, among them 22 children, and unfortunately, there are already seven dead, seven killed by russians, at this moment dna tests are also needed, so that a dna test is needed to identify one of the dead in kharkiv, this is reported by the police, this is how russians behave , this is how they react, meanwhile on the other side. in
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belgorod pubs, in other pubs, they are happy, they just write beautifully, they need to write more often, of course, in their russian language, which is not enough, in short, people there still do not understand what they are doing, and what evil, what they bring trouble to our ukrainian lands, it was true that there was also quite a lot of noise in them, because the russians, the russian journalistic community, are reporting. they report that there was also shelling of belgorod, vyacheslav gladkov also writes about this, they say a huge number of people, 37 in the hospital, and even some are being prepared to be transported to moscow, and they report that five people they lost their lives, such things are happening in russia, and they obviously do not connect this at all with their invasion of us. are not connected
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absolutely with their actions and think that someone is fighting against them, they do not see any cause and effect connections. now let's move on to... odesa, petro obukhov, deputy of the odesa city council, will tell us about how morning and night pass in the south of our country. mr. petro, glory to ukraine. a hero, glory, congratulations, well, thank god, the night passed peacefully, nothing happened, this week we had the same shelling as the whole of ukraine, on monday seven people were wounded, three of them children, no one died, it was still so funny story, there were two lightning strikes in... the church of the moscow patriarchate. hmm, this is, according to the current legislation, weather and nature work, i understand. i wonder how moscow, the kremlin, and gundyaev as a whole will react to this. mr. peter, i am talking about the other side of life in odesa, now we see, there are still videos from
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the beach, where everything is beautiful, everything is wonderful, a huge number of umbrellas and vacationers, we understand that the weather also helps. desire to rest and swim, but odesa is still not only vacationers and gathers tourists, now it is actually such a mecca for those who want to escape from the country, not the tisza anymore, because it is dangerous in the tisza, already because of odeshchyna, the last high-profile story was with the people's deputy, but there are many such stories, or in connection with this , within odesa region, border guards, law enforcement officers have any enhanced? mode of operation or as it was and is? well, we really have a lot of people there, they leave in this way , they run across the fields, there are organized groups, last week they detained a kamaz, in which there were 48 people inside the kamaz, and this is such
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a systemic phenomenon, and here is mr. dmytruk as well took advantage of this opportunity, unfortunately, it ’s a shame, i really wanted the law enforcement officers to talk to him, uh, i’m not sure that it’s technically easy to do in principle, i know that they shoot with drones and thermal imagers, but it’s obvious that there is gaps, and this is not exactly my field, i do not know how exactly they work, and how they are strengthened or not, i cannot comment here, but there is definitely a problem, and this is the control in this area near the palanka, near the checkpoint , this one is not long... the part of the track is small from odesa to reni, there is some kind of increased control, i understand that moldovan border guards work there, and in which case they can detain, or are our border guards more active there? yes, well, let's explain to our viewers, there is such a story that
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there is a part of the ukrainian road that goes through moldova, it is called the territory of palanka, that is, the road itself is part of ukraine, and moldova is on the left and on the right. and basically, if you got on this road, you just got out of the car and ran to moldova. i will also add that cars, those who drive this way, should stop there by road, you can’t, that is, when they approach this checkpoint, coming from odesa, the relevant services say that you are passing through, please do not stop, they are special, they seem to issue tickets, and they have a stamp with the specified time on them, that is , everyone knows how long approximately. it is necessary to overcome this distance by leaving the other side of this road and actually returning to the territory of ukraine, that is, there may be some kind of control there, but there is control, they do not let everyone in a row, that is, a citizen of ukraine simply cannot get there, his
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they will ask where you are going, i.e. show, well, this road, it connects ukraine with izmail, i.e. you need to show, for example, registration in izmail or there in the south of ukraine, and they filter part of the people in this way. but there is just such a tendency that people buy some cheap car there for 2-300 dollars, drive to this area, just throw it away, well, it's a disposable car and run to moldova. how many cars have already accumulated there? well, i saw a video with dozens, i don't know if they clean them, well, tambi or just like that dozens will leave cars, and it is obvious that buying a car for 2-300 dollars is cheaper than paying a conductor. 10-15 thousand dollars, how much more effective is it to detain people who are trying to overcome this section, in fact, when it is with guides, when there are such stories, as, for example, with this kamaz, or when there are several people alone in a car,
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or there they try to pass one by one, well , they mostly hold up groups, that is, when a group goes, there is a guide who supposedly knows some trails. such groups will be detained, here what we see in the video is the same kamaz that i was driving, but there are also several cars, and the most, most often in the news are just such stories. some separate ones, when one or two people, this is rarely caught, unprofitable, too many resources to detain one or two people, i understand that, right? well, maybe even to the city itself, to odesa itself, i want to return, the day after tomorrow the new school year begins, numbers 102 kindergartens and 52 schools will work remotely, why did they make such a decision, we remember that odessa was strengthened a little. air defense and we have slightly better rates of beatings,
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in fact, what prompted us to decide in this way, is there really such a threat that it is necessary for children to stay at home? the problem is that we have norms, standards that are adopted by the cabinet, these standards have recently been changed, they have become more and more strict, and thus nine schools have dropped out, that is, in these schools , storage was made from basements, and according to the previous standards these basements were used as storage, and now they do not come, and therefore the education department of the city council had to close these schools, or redistribute children to other schools, or transfer them to a remote school. i think that we will solve this issue little by little, we are near several schools building such concrete storages in their yards, i think for these nine schools, most likely it is also possible, but it will not be fast, as we understand , won't be soon, that is... until the next school year or maybe sooner? well, look, we have
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a session of the city council on september 18, how, if such a decision is made at the city hall, then tenders, examinations have been built, it is probably there at least until the new year. understood, mr. peter, and one last question with electricity, how are you doing, is the minister doing well, or hum generators - this is a normal phenomenon in tourist spots, at least. well, the blackout is dark and people are sitting without electricity, they are on schedule, that is, it is not that there is just a complete blackout, and there are hum generators, yes, well, we are all used to this, nothing new is happening here, well, people are really upset, but it's not a disaster, it's not a disaster, okay, thank you, mr. peter, petro obogov, a member of the odesa city council i will remind you about the situation in odesa region... a record: evaders are detained more often than anywhere else in
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our country. we will take a short break, then we will talk about the situation at the front, about what is happening in the kharkiv region, along the front line, and about how drones fly there, we will ask our next guest, wait. read in the august issue. magazine ukraine. how maidan and the volunteer movement formed a new ukrainian identity. the phenomenon of ukrainian stability. why did the enemy underestimate the power of freedom? from the gray zone to the european one stronghold? what lesson did ukraine teach the world? ask at press outlets or pre-pay online. the country is in the center of the main events. a medicinal plant in the hands of a specialist. belladonna, so dangerous in nature, turns into belastesin, an ally in
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galicia. listen to yours. maria gurska meets with the head of the committee every week of foreign affairs of the polish sejm as an authorized representative. in poland on the restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians, and what about you? will review our accession to the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 220 in cooperation with sisters and we will return to renew our broadcast about kharkiv region and the military situation in the kharkiv area yuriy fedorenko commander of the achilles bpak assault battalion of the 92nd separate
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assault brigade named after koshovo ataman ivan sirka will tell us mr. yury, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, please share the information that you can voice, you can make it public, i understand that we will talk about the north of kharkiv region, actually about this area of ​​hlyboke lukyantsi, right? in general, we can say about hlybok luhyantsi, of course, and about the direction of vovchyansky, if we talk about the line of direct combat, the enemy remains quite active, yes or no. otherwise they try to accumulate on foot move, to carry out local shock assault actions, but in the last period, more than a week, the enemy has not made any progress on the battlefield. moreover, a number of measures were carried out by the brigades holding the edge, as a result of improving the position of the previous edge, which means that the enemy was knocked out from some positions and the defense forces firmly established themselves on them. as for
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the rest of the state border line, one way or another, the enemy continues to be active. from the point of view of intelligence of the state border, crossing it at the expense of sabotage and intelligence groups, but they are determined, calculated by the defense forces, in particular by the border outposts, as a result they are destroyed or measures are taken to move back to the territory of the russian federation, so at the current moment, from a military point of view , we can say with confidence that the initiative is completely in the hands of the defense forces, and this initiative is not just, you know, something. this is what is taken, that is, very difficult, confident, persistent, communicative, in particular combat work of force defense. there is a second component, this is the use of aviation by the enemy, in particular at the expense of management, in particular the use of means that terrorize the civilian population, kill, in particular , kharkiv residents, and here is
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what the defense forces are doing in this matter today, we are trying to counter it at the expense of those without... long-range pilots, that we have, there are concrete gains in the destruction of military targets on the territory of the russian federation, but diplomats, in particular at the highest level, affirmatively reiterate to our international partners that what we need is not the anxiety that they express or sympathize, we need concrete solutions, in particular political ones, regarding the use of high-precision, long-range weapons in depth. of the russian federation, so that we can put an end to the intensive use of the enemy's aviation, in particular due to the effect of fire with high-precision weapons on nearby airfields, from where enemy planes take off for further fire damage, therefore, at the current moment, work in this direction is very , very actively continued, according to my belief, in the near future, such
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permissions will be achieved e. and international partners will still make a willful decision. actually, i wanted to talk about this question a little later, but you yourself touched it, so let's hurry and ask you about it a little more. yesterday's visit of the ukrainian delegation to washington, and of course we are talking about obtaining certain permits, you say that they will be, but the question is when, but there is a second point in this story, that if there are certain lists, if it is already they say at this level, the whole world is talking about it. is the price reminds now of the story with the counteroffensive in 23, when so many people talked about it that the russians simply had time to prepare in contrast to the kurshchyna operation, when they did not talk, did not know, and there were such simply gigantic successes, and these were not only successes on the battlefield, and it was also
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a huge information campaign on a global scale, when ukraine returned to the... columns for a long time and everyone started talking about us again and very actively, so what could be the harm from the fact that now everything is being discussed like this, they are constantly turning to which delegations are traveling we are talking about completely different orders, you are now talking about an ongoing offensive operation and conclusions were drawn, in particular from the 23rd year, when they loudly talked in the 23rd year where, when and how we will carry out about... tasks, which part we are going to reoccupy the territory, in the case of the kurdish operation there was complete informational silence, and the enemy did not expect that such measures would be taken. a very similar situation existed during the kharkiv counteroffensive, if you remember, the defense forces took a number of measures, information campaigns were carried out on a certain
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variety, and as a result, the enemy did not expect the measures that would be taken, this led to a significant de-occupation of our territory, but we are now talking about de-occupation operations, in particular ground operations, and if we are talking about the use of high-precision weapons, it is something else, why, because the entire territory of the russian federation. all military facilities, all facilities of the oil infrastructure, the enemy will not be able to block quickly and efficiently, what they can do, they are already doing now, because we influence them significantly enough with their drones of various radio judges, now we have to say and talk loudly about it, it will not harm the fact that the salvation of ukraine depends to a large extent on the ability of the enemy to hit it on its territory. the depth of its battle formations, and every time when civilian ukrainian cities are shelled, unfortunately, we suffer losses and casualties among
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the civilian population, every time we pay even more attention to this, because the position of the world at the current moment, it remains ambiguous, consists of a straight line the impression that they are afraid of the russian federation, ukraine, with their actions, in particular , the kurdish counter-offensive... which confirms that russia does not need to be afraid, russia only understands force, accordingly , russia must be influenced by force methods and others in order to deprive it of opportunities conduct aggression against ukraine. thank you, mr. yury, i will then return to the north of kharkiv oblast, that is exactly what you said, that the enemy has not advanced for a week, on the contrary, they are retreating, and actually it has been a week since we first heard that you, your brothers... we, the ukrainian troops , began to return these territories, in fact to advance in the kharkiv region, returning our lands, we held our breath and waited, you
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see on the spot, observe how firmly the russians were entrenched in their positions there, actually they had quite a lot of time , almost four months to build some structures there, and trenches and everything they need, how difficult it is to report them now... what system of fortifications do they have in place? very important, the enemy does not retreat, categorically about it i emphasize: i don't remember the enemy retreating in the last year of the full-scale war, all the territory that is managed to be de-occupied is knocking out the enemy by force method with an extremely powerful fire impact on the positions that the enemy occupies, the enemy is knocked out of the position. if we talk about the defense forces, in those areas where we are on the defensive, it is mostly active, i.e. the prerequisite is only being formed, which
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the defense forces themselves are forming by depriving the enemy of conducting shock and assault actions, accordingly, measures are taken to ensure that to knock out the enemy from one or another position, as for their defense lines, the enemy is actively digging, they are good at this, they know the top, i will say so. they know how to dig very, very well, accordingly, on the territory of the russian federation , defense lines are being prepared, and in those positions that the enemy receives from the front, they are trying to prepare them in terms of engineering, that is, they are digging all the time, but the front line cannot be purchased fully as determined by the enemy, because they are under constant fire, which concerns of the first line of defense, which is already located on the territory of the russian... federation, it is also under the fire of the defense forces, therefore the construction activity is quite slow, this is due to the constant destruction
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of the enemy personnel who are engaged in the preparation of this line, as well as, accordingly , the engineering of the equipment that takes part in this, what you say is that it is necessary to knock out the enemy, that it is hard work, they do not leave by themselves and you constantly have to force them to enter. means there is more 200-300 russians were removed, is it possible to capture anyone, what are the tactics there now, what is justified on the spot, if so, can you tell us about it? as for the capture, the enemy seems reluctant, this is due to information campaigns that take place inside the russian federation, and this is due, i think, to systematic coercion, to put it another way. you can't, well, i'll give a specific example, an enemy attack aircraft is coming, sawing devices are flying at it, it receives non-significant injuries to the limbs, even in the enemy's head. not
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thoughts arise to carry out an evacuation there, to call for help, support, he takes out a submachine gun and tries to, er, eliminate himself, well, it means, to end his life by suicide, which this indicates, this indicates that there is definitely no turning back for him what is possible and what is not possible, because they are already waiting for him there, and probably the level of abuse when they return is much higher than suicide on the battlefield, so objectively... the main losses of the enemy are 200, respectively 3-0 , and also additionally if to talk about capture, a small number of occupiers surrender themselves as prisoners, or at the current moment at the outpost where the line has stopped, it is possible to take them, this happens periodically, but the main replenishment of the exchange fund occurs during active actions, when we manage to move deep into the territory quickly, that happened in the kurshchyna,
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it was possible to fill up quite powerfully. e-e exchange fund. can you tell us what is happening in vovchansk and at the aggregate plant, because you mentioned that as there are wounded people, they are trying to end their lives by suicide, and we actually know that those russians are blocked there on aggregatnoy, some of them are three, but we see that they do not give up, and how long has this been going on, they should understand that the chances are small, how do they manage to communicate with others, and accept... why do they make such decisions? as we said earlier, they fear their own more than ours, or death more. this is the first. second, one way or another , the enemy is trying to somehow throw in additional means for conducting defensive actions in this case, in particular with the use of unmanned systems, but in my opinion conviction, it is only a matter of time. everything there should be in favor of the defense forces. mr. yuriy,
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what do those settlements look like, what does the land from where you are knocking them out look like now, is there a civilian population there, is there life there? the settlement is deep, i will try to emotionally convey what we observed when we took part in hostilities in the bakhmun region, there were no more settlements there, at the time when we entered, for the most part only the foundations of the enemy remained. almost everything was destroyed when harrowing began kharkiv oblast is already in its 24th year since the month of may, so that you understand, here people took care of their villages, in particular, those located near the state border line, probably in the same way as in the donetsk oblast, and all this was a whole, during four months of full-scale war, there is not a single whole building, the foundations remain and the theater of war
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is no different. from what we see in donetsk region. the enemy, due to the use of active artillery, rocket fire systems, aviation, guided bombs, destroyed everything to the root. therefore, for everyone territories where the foot of the occupier appears, where it reaches, only death, destruction and complete burning of the earth. as for the civilian population, it is clear that at the moment there is no civilian population in the villages that have been destroyed, where active fighting is going on. mr. yuri, thank you for this story, for such a thorough analysis and for what you do for the service. yury fedorenko, commander of the akhiles air defense battalion. this is the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh otaman ivan tsirk. boys and girls there are fighting in the north of kharkiv region, where the russians are entered in may, and now they are being kicked out. now these russians are being knocked out of their positions with very hard work. and now... 9:00 a.m. is the time
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to remember and honor the memory of every ukrainian and every ukrainian woman and foreigner who made it possible to expel the occupiers from our land. we will observe a minute of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it. yep.


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