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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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severi pro pans take up almost no space, so your cupboards will always be in order. savory pro pan set. 10 items in total from 999 uah call there are discounts on ocyn baths until independence day. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. hundreds of thousands. square meters
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of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. and in romania, in romania, the parliament there is considering a wonderful initiative to transfer the patriot to ukraine, and this is actually about one of the seven complexes that were purchased in the united states, this is the version 3+ is, in fact, the most advanced configuration of the patriot system used in spol'.
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of the states and it is also used by about 20 allies of the united states of america. , to attack, so we will not pass anything on to anyone. obviously, the romanians saw that we still need these patriots here more than they do, we are waiting and rooting for them." transferred as much as possible rather. oleksandr dmitriev with the call sign tykhod, adviser to the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, author and coordinator of the ochi project, is currently in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. oleksandr. glory. we ask you to present this project, what it is. we know that this is a super modern thing, a super modern project. you have a word. good day
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, studio, and i can tell you about the project only that, in principle, you can tell about certain military technologies that give us an advantage on the battlefield, but first of all, it was born from history he, unfortunately, only during the defense of kyiv region, in fact, his concept was proposed on one sheet of paper to the current commander-in-chief, and then to the commander of the ground forces oleksandr syrskyi, where like any commander who quickly... thinks about certain advantages or strategic tasks , which can be implemented by this or that initiative, he immediately said, yes, this is a good ball, take it and implement it, from that time, somewhere in the sixth month, they began to use this project already in the khorteka, if you remember, there was a story when there was strong the onslaught from lisichansk, and our troops were retreating, the first four pilot groups that were... united in this project on
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mass-produced drones, unfortunately, chinese at the time, were able to show our armed forces at the same time what was happening on the battlefield on side and as it was written in the bible, and saw that it was very good, and from that time the project began to spread, today it unites almost all drone groups, those who join, many know its advantages, especially as those who do not have drones, can use by our colleagues, toolmakers, and in principle we did not think about it when we started, but... i can frankly say that this is essentially a new type and or protocol of working with unmanned systems in the guise of scouts, that is, they have increased so much the capabilities of our armed forces, something now without air reconnaissance, military operations are certainly
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impossible at all, and the war, of course, it revealed the huge priority of these systems, unmanned, now on the video you can see how the guys are very... effectively used for hitting a target and from a seemingly dangerous position can cause a lot of damage, but the eyes are a rogue project, in fact, it is an initiative project that was once proposed as a concept, and now it has become a powerful tool that has been put into operation , already has a corresponding certificate from the ministry of defense of ukraine, unfortunately... i had to go through all these bureaucratic procedures, very difficult, but they allowed it to be used in the military completely legally. mr. alexander, i am now reading the release of your project, and you, in particular, talked about the fact that there are certain
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advantages of this project, but we also have to deal with the fact that the russians are trying to lay down our power system, this creates additional difficulties, and actually there are certain questions about what. .. our partners from abroad to help, what kind of help can our partners provide so that this project is more effective and it can perform the functions that were entrusted to it when it was developed? well, first of all, any powerful system, and in fact, it is already an eye system, an information and communication system of the armed forces of ukraine, it needs certain consumables, and this is one of them - this is internet traffic. it is simply crazy, that is , we can already get somewhere closer to netflix, because the number of broadcasts is sky high, and every day they increase, increase and increase, because the capabilities of the armed forces in this direction are increasing, accordingly, paying for this traffic
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is really a very huge amount, but the efficiency is also very high, that is, for today again, any actions the enemy takes can't come undone. for us, because always, regardless of whose drone, everyone who is in this area can react in time and certain decisions have been made in advance to repel this attack or create a synchronized attack, this is the first, second, many already know, that the video material transmitted from drones is, after all, a volume of data, it is large and the higher the quality, the more information. therefore technical means such as ordinary computers which are purchased there for accounting or documentary work, of course, they do not export this traffic, so there is a need to purchase for the armed forces at the level of brigades, battalions and above, quite specific
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equipment for conducting these broadcasts, these are mac studios, mac mini pro, with processors apple, because they are more than anything, it's not advertising, it's just that it really helps more than anything. to quickly process a huge number of online broadcasts, there is also a need to develop additional software solutions, yes, that is, tools - this is time, people's working time, which is now paid for by volunteer time, or we are reset there, i personally also invest money and time in it so that it breaks down, because if before it was just not my movie, now it will be a little more system troops, today it is an information and communication system, so help is also needed in this, it is precisely within the framework of the project, in general , i support your collection for drones, because there are not many drones, in fact there are not many, there are always few of them, they not enough for
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today, mr. oleksandr, can we talk about the limits of the reach of these eyes, and are the russians making attempts to intercept, for example, images, to... harm your work, or have you already recorded such things? today, yes, we have indeed recorded many cyberattacks, now this system. protects as the main management of communication and cyber security, command age of communication, plus separate teams that deal directly with the analysis and traffic and various vulnerabilities, many tools have been launched that automatically repel certain attacks, which occur on the system itself, because any computer program, it can be vulnerable, here the question of the resource, which is bigger and smarter, the one that will act to harm or counteract these harms, is the first. but in fact, in addition to video interception, a lot depends on information hygiene, because
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this morning i have one security guard , even a little history, because some of our soldiers, who do not understand or do not give a correct assessment of the problem of various messengers, transmit videos and so on through that the same telegram through others open communication channels that the russians can easily intercept, that is, in the system itself. we closed it, but the human factor, unfortunately, cannot be closed, and i really hope that one day information hygiene and hygiene, cyber hygiene will rise in our country, there is one deputy i know who wants to start this as a movement , but there are other problems, for example, you know, any good deed that is done at the expense of volunteers, at the expense of donations or at the expense of simple philanthropy, attracts, let's say, the attention of businessmen. which in one way or another they are trying to either copy or make some kind
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of monetization, something that is not our goal, or to solve certain issues for their own, i don't know, ambitions or something else that works very cool on the side of the enemy, for example, well, you understand, yes , if the army begins to speak two languages ​​at the same time, that is , half of the battalion works and speaks ukrainian, the other half speaks chinese, they will not be able to interact, so the construction of a single system... now, too, is a threat, because some people do not understand this or try to somehow to implement their ambitions yes due to copying. and can you answer very briefly whether the russians have an analogue of this, whether they too can see our actions of our military in real time and whether they are trying to steal the code in order to write their own similar program based on it. well, in fact, the system is not only software, this
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software is only an element that allows, that is, broadcasts were invented at the same time when video cameras were invented, i think it was a long time ago, and television is just the most common story with online broadcasts, this is not a new technology, the question is how to organize, how, what protocol to use for interaction between divisions and so on, that is, it is already organizational, which is difficult, moreover, we have certain advantages in terms of connection, certain advantages in terms of the quality indicator directly of our pilots, who can carry out reconnaissance very well, are motivated, and there are other advantages that do not allow the enemy to completely duplicate, although there is already information that they use supported solutions, such as discord, google meet, well, in order to conduct an online broadcast, they try to deceive spells to access the stars. on their territory in one or another technical way in order to have the internet and a channel for this communication, the enemy is really
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getting stronger, he is copying our technologies, but we are developing very quickly and those eyes that were in the 22nd and now are different things, so the more, the faster, the more efficiently we develop and increase our capabilities, our functionality, this gives us an advantage, as soon as we stop, of course, we will lose the advantage. us simply will copy and beat us with the same weapons we have. thank you. oleksandr dmitrien dmitriev, tykhod. advisor to the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, author and coordinator of the ochi project. he was in direct contact with us. we will move on, in just a few minutes we will talk with you about matters concerning the ministry of defense, and there are many interesting matters concerning, in particular, the provision of our military. we will talk about all this literally in a few minutes. wait. we are in a few minutes, literally three minutes, and we will be back, there are discounts until
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cheat themselves, but give theirs, and that was, it is not about us, not about ukraine, i will say now, in america it turned out that a huge... military contractor decided to earn not at home, he took confidential technologies and sold them to china, russia and iran, that is, these are the countries that actually do not deny, and no, they do not say that they are in direct competition with the united states of america. now pay a fine of 200 million dollars for the us government to settle. all these accusations, because it was a violation of export controls, and various other points, well, but the point is that a person transferred confidential technologies, not thinking about the security of his country, nor about the consequences that this could have, well, not really new the situation, we remember, last year there was also an employee of the special service who leaked
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secret information, now he is being tried in court, and that's why it's actually... like this, you know, well, it's not a rare situation when certain people, maybe , out of some kind of carelessness or some, i don't know, stupidity or some other considerations, they do this or that, well, but, by the way, this is important information, i want to emphasize that at the moment this is not official information about her certain western media, zavolstreurnal, in particular, write that the administration of joseph biden allegedly rejected an offer to send... american contractors to ukraine to service western military equipment, in particular, it is about f-16 fighters, and they say that the reason for this is security concerns, this is the information that the national security council of the white house considered the offer to send civilian contractors to ukraine to maintain fighter jets and other military weapons, but intelligence and other
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agencies still consider such a step too risky, and at the same time in the american there is hope on the part of the european countries that after all... you know, they will be more active and take on themselves, if not more, and maybe they even say the entire responsibility for the maintenance of f16s in ukraine, here is the news that arrived, we cannot now to verify whether the biden administration really insists on not sending americans to service the f-16 in ukraine, but there are certain such signals, we will continue to monitor this, we will see how it will be there, but still some minimal patrol. support from our partners, still present, and an american plane has arrived, it's an air tanker, a boeing, to the black sea in the district. sea, this means that, most likely, there will be long-term patrols, a long-term stay of nato aircraft in the air over our black
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sea, and this should actually worry the russians, let them worry. well, we will now talk with our next guest, hennadiy kryvosheya, a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine. he should be in touch with us. mr. gennady, congratulations, nice to see you. and thank you for that found an opportunity to join our broadcast. good day, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes. so, our ministry of defense decided to develop new dry rations, taking into account certain religious, medical and ethical needs of our military, right? that is, if earlier we did not attach importance to what exactly is included in the dry ration, now we should already take into account some wishes and beliefs of those soldiers who are currently serving in the ukrainian armed forces. or in other defense forces, when exactly these dry rations should already have reached ours of the military and actually what will be included in these dry rations? well, look, i understand that it
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will be a suhpai, in which, well, first of all , there will probably be no meat, that is, one of the options will be some kind of vegetarian set, these are just my guesses, because i do not know in detail , what will be the composition there, what will be their species, but i know for sure that there were, there was pe'. the percentage of military personnel who specifically spoke about this type of sukhpay, but at the same time, to me , today we must understand that we have two mobile sukhpay, it is the 10th and the 15th norm, the tenth is the oak norm, it is issued in the form of canned goods, there are three breakfast, lunch, dinner, there is sugar, tea so that the military can use this dry food for a day or two while on some task, and the second is the so-called to... was a field ration, which has a ration for 14 days, that is, it actually has its own ration for each day, where there is even honey, jam, boiled
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soups, porridge, er, and based on this, well here is this norm, it is, in principle, the most, i think it is the most common, it is very necessary for people who, well, for the military, who, first of all is at the front, and it is possible precisely because in such and such... in such and such daily sets of the 14th norm, there is meat itself, perhaps there is an option to add certain, a certain norm there, as where, which will provide that people who don't eat meat will use the opportunity, let's say, there is fish, that's one of the options, there was still such an opinion, as far as i know, at least mr. gennadiy wanted, but what about m apparently it's happening in our army because there are complaints from the military about... that this is a terrible quality of this meat, or is there any monitoring, what is happening, why is it of inadequate quality? look, today, in
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principle, in order for tv viewers to understand how the meat gets there and why, as some say, it is probably not checked, well, we have there, conditionally speaking, a certain part of the areas for which the certain suppliers who won tenders are suppliers who supply the entire catalog of the whole. products, accordingly, meat, meat products, well, we say there, as a rule, pork, chicken, there is beef, it enters due to the fact that they buy it somewhere from some subcontractor. as a rule, these products, and we have seen it quite often, for example, in chicken, we can see on the packages, on the labels it is written directly, because it is allowed by the technical conditions, that the amount of water there is allowed somewhere. or even 15, and once this happened to 25, it seems that it was even 30 percent, this is where we see the problem, when the military, for example,
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defrosts products, quite often we see that among these products there are a lot water, that's why it happens, because i say again, the manufacturer allows a certain part, this percentage of water in its products, it is related to the cut. things, well, i believe that this is primarily a matter of such a certain dishonesty towards military personnel, is this product checked for the presence of this or that water, let's say, in this or that meat? today, veterinarians check primarily eggs and canned products, meat products as such, they are checked when appropriate a complaint, for example, about what we talked about yesterday, i understand that you are talking about exactly that... the product that was written about by our colleague from the parliament, this is tatyana chornobyl, she just showed that there is water, there is a certain foam, but for this it is necessary to
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translate... this manufacturer, it is necessary to take what is in their warehouse and conduct an appropriate laboratory test, accordingly, for compliance with dstu, therefore the production of this meat that is supplied there , if in reality we will see that there is a problem of inconsistency of this product, then this one production, as a rule, it is what, it must be transferred back, but in time we understand that the military must be supplied with other meat, because, well, you understand? that soldiers without meat, well, they must have it every day, because they cannot live without it, because if they do not have meat, they switch to either dry food or stewed products in the form of canned products there clear in order to ensure a complete diet of your diet. mr. genadiy, actually several years that's why, first in the 14th year, and then in the 22nd in february, the ukrainian military became heroes,
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so nationwide... the admiration of a military man was definitely a hero, someone who was admired, why does it concern ordinary ukrainians, but it doesn't work , this is admiration and the idea that they deserve the best, this is food, medicine, services that we can provide, that we should provide to the military, this is the history of medical problems, which were highlighted by history in odesa, when combat medic petro konoplya , he only when... i started starving, only then did they pay attention to the fact that there is no food for the military, that there are no conditions, and only then they began to decide, but it is in one institution, there are many institutions, the military are treated and recuperated in many places, well, to eat everyone needs to know why this principle does not work, that the military deserves the best, but look, well, for me this principle works and for many people
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in our country it works, the question remains. actually , that's what we were talking about, even about nutrition, why not at this moment works, food, clothes, it's not a pra, you see, it doesn't work in that today there are a number of, for example, suppliers, if we're talking about the ministry of defense, who supply, who can somewhere at some stage abuse, or rather even manufacturers, in order to eliminate this, i have always said, and before that there was a purchasing department that worked at the ministry of defense, which appeared until, i say, until we buy goods directly as much as possible. in the product of the manufacturer who is responsible for the delivered product, we we will not have clear quality control, because if this meat has appeared, we know clearly that it has been supplied by, for example, this or that meat processing plant, whether it is sausages or whatever, this is what we have today , when canned products are delivered, we can clearly see who their manufacturer is and they can immediately replace them, and with them, in principle, the problem as such has been removed, that is, the procedure has changed, what you say about the psychiatric hospital, i agree...
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i understand, that was the situation there, listen, i have been to kyiv oblast several times and to our hospital and as a people's deputy, well , listen, the situation there is not better, and it scares me in what way, that this is the situation, they don't allow everyone to go there in a row, you understand, our general outpatient clinics, hospitals, in principle, they are undergoing repairs, there were a number of programs, points of provision. there was a program of primary health care there, i don’t know, well, it’s probably not funded now, but it exists, and a number of funds were allocated for it, but to go so deeply that there are problems in some areas, i understand that the state has not yet arrived, in other words, there where you can't see, where the general public can't see, there you can do whatever you want, well, mr. gennadiy, thank you, thank you, our problem today is that we only go to the bathroom and do something after
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... somewhere there is a certain scandal, thank you , a member, someone just lives in the telegram channel, or someone just lives in facebook or something and shows that everything is fine, but it doesn't work, because sooner or later the problem comes out somewhere. thank you, we have to say goodbye, because, unfortunately, our time is up, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine gennadiy kryvosheya was with us, and now, as i say, it's news time, and our well-informed iryna koval is ready to talk about everything that is most important at the moment, iryna. i'll give you the word on what this issue will be about. thank you, oksana, well, the occupiers continue to terrorize kharkiv, despite the fact that today is a day of mourning in the city, there were just explosions there, i will tell you more about it, about the situation in kharkiv, and something is burning in russia, where exactly and what, i will also tell you in the issue, so stay tuned.


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