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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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the script shows the struggle of ukrainians with poles, poles with ukrainians and so and so and so and so and so, where the 18th century, the 17th century, the 18th, the 17th faster, and then at the end that they fought, went astray, and then the first partition of poland, the second , the third, and then the invasion of ukraine, zaporizhzhya, and you, only the moscow tsar won from this, and the poles and ukrainians will continue. i have the impression that here we are again standing in the same idiotic position, we are slobbering, and russia is sitting, well, let's lie down, and hey, we, we will sit here in the kremlin. sorry, please, ms. olga popovych, we are ending, unfortunately, we have to end the conversation with you, but i promise, we will talk again, because something seems to me that this is not the last time we will discuss these problems, and.. annual problems between poland and
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ukraine. thanks to olga popovych, editor of the ukrainian almanac annual published by the association of ukrainians in poland, for her participation. thank you once again, and i remind you that we, not us, all of us, not us at espresso, not me, mykola verezny, all of ukraine needs funds for drones and a charging station for reconnaissance. the more, the better better, this, in our case, it is... the third regiment of special operations forces, which is just destroying muscovites in the temporary ravine in donetsk region, and uavs will help improve the performance of combat missions, and save the lives of our defenders, and force the russians to bear terrible losses, to what i urge everyone, so donate, any donation helps in this, we need uah 890.
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join, you see the props and saw them on the screen, i say goodbye to you, tomorrow we will definitely see you all small and preferably big victories, mykola was with you birch bye-bye. greetings, dear viewers, you are watching the espresso tv channel, my name is lesya vakulyuk, and a special program of the reconstruction and development of cities is on the air. in this project, together with experts, we talk about the reconstruction of ukraine, so that those who need it know about their rights and opportunities, which are related to recovery initiatives, and we also want to improve the process of recovery of our country. already in our project, we discussed a number of regs. of our state, and today we will talk
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about chernihiv oblast, and today's guest is ours program - this is the spokeswoman for the reconstruction and development of infrastructure in the chernihiv region, alina kolomiets. mrs. alina, i congratulate you. good day ms. lino, i have a proposal for you and for our viewers. we will first watch the material of my colleague artem lagutenko, about how the kindergarten in goncharivskyi is being restored, and then we will discuss. read more about recovery in chernihiv oblast. ugh, good. racism is trying to deprive ukrainians not only of the past and present, but also of our future. thousands of educational institutions throughout the country damaged or destroyed by the russian federation. yes. fate also befell this
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kindergarten in the village of goncharivske in the chernihiv region. in march 2022, the russians fired a hurricane at him from a rocket salvo system. then the right wing was damaged, the left wing was damaged, the central entrance was damaged, the windows were blown out, the entire roof was broken, completely broken. a very big destruction drove our kindergarten. goncharivske is a military town. most of the children living here are children of military personnel. an enemy shell killed these kids a normal childhood. it is important because it is a supporting institution, first of all, for our community. secondly, it is the largest institution of preschool education for our village. it covers our children, before the war we were educated and educated in our institution , 110 pupils were also sent to it from other villages of our community. and everything that
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the occupier destroys, ukraine restores. last year , the kindergarten entered the state program for the restoration of objects damaged by russian aggression. the scope of work is here. quite large, total area premises on three floors, this is the first, second and basement, where there will be a shelter, it is 2,500 km, and plus there is also the improvement of the territory, and here everything is fully replaced, well, all communications, electricity, sewage, ventilation, walls, floors, doors, works they are going to the kindergarten in full swing to... make the ventilation system, the entire kindergarten needs to be completely restored, the entire
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first floor, second floor, second floor we have already finished the plasterboard, the walls are completely done, finished, we are now doing dismantling on the first floor, the apparent cost works was 86 million hryvnias, but the contractor agreed to a smaller amount - 79 million hryvnias. but here the guys seem to have construction waste, ask how we guessed? the most important innovation in this didsadk will be the creation of a high-quality shelter. the main thing is that here they make shelters of a double meaning, and there...
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espresso tv channel. so, we will talk in more detail about the reconstruction of chernihiv oblast with alina kolomiets, spokeswoman for the reconstruction and development of infrastructure in chernihiv oblast. she is in touch with us. congratulations once again, ms. alina. i congratulate you. chernihiv region was under occupation for more than a month, hostilities continued. chernihiv region also from time to time. she is being fired upon. federation, what is the extent of the destruction in the chernihiv region, how do you assess it? well, the scale of the destruction was greatest at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, as far as our agency is concerned, we had significant infrastructural destruction, more than 20 bridges
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were destroyed, as well as housing, well, the housing stock was quite badly affected, in particular in the region itself. center in chernihiv, and our surrounding villages have suffered a lot, this is ivanovka tavsama, yagidne, then on the other side novoselyvka, kiserivka, what about chernihiv, ah, according to our agency, the projects that we manage are precisely the complex reconstruction of the village of yagidne, there are about 100 objects, and in us two objects. of social infrastructure, it is a kindergarten in the village of goncharivske and a food block of a lyceum in the village of ivanivka. we will talk about this in more detail later. in general, how do you assess the reconstruction of housing and infrastructure facilities?
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well, the agency itself, as well as the recovery service, were created last year, and aside from the roads, we, like the former system of ukraavtor. also received the direction of reconstruction and also protection of energy facilities, currently, if we talk about the village of yagidne, it is a government pilot project for the complex reconstruction of settlements that suffered from russian aggression, last year a resolution was adopted on its reconstruction, sometime in the fall were, tender procedures were carried out for... certain contracts were concluded there for the transfer of the customer's rights to the restoration service, and already at the end of autumn the contractors started work, unfortunately, as of now on the reconstruction of the village of yagidna, we have such a situation that work is suspended due to
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lack of funding, well, at the beginning of the year, contractors were still working, in march they stopped work on... apartment buildings and in april, work on individual houses stopped, at the end in july , the contractor who was performing street and road works in meriska stopped. about 30% of housing reconstruction, contractors have completed work, but in the future they cannot work, because they need payment for their work, because with at the beginning of the year, they did not receive it, and their staff accordingly understand that they need to prepare their families for something, but we hope that there will be some changes in the reconstruction of the berry farm soon and funds will finally be allocated. from the state budget and the contractors will resume work, as we understand that for the second year after the deoccupation
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, people are living in inadequate conditions, and of course social tension is growing, and we hope that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible. and these people, they live in their houses, those who ruined, or do they have some kind of temporary accommodation, you say improper conditions, what do you mean ? ah, somewhere... someone in general, when the de-occupation of yavidny took place, volunteers first went there with work, they carried out certain works there to restore roofs, windows somewhere, uh, and some of the work was carried out at the expense of latvian aid, uh currently, not all residents of yagidny have such conditions that would be suitable for living, there is one woman who... for example, still lives in the sarai, near her house, and some work has also been done
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due to the help of the republic of latvia, but also there is such a situation that they stopped somewhere, and after the latvians, we have to continue the work there on the house of this woman who lives in the same shed. what is the total amount required for... in order to complete the reconstruction of the village of yagidny, are there any estimates? well, previously, when this project was accepted, its total cost was about uah 400 million. so far, the contractors have completed 33% of the work, that is, the housing. next, funds should be allocated for continuation of work, although there is a general project. it includes the repair of the street and road network, the arrangement of a community building, well
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, a public building, there is a former cultural center that burned down, and a public building should be arranged there, where there will be a shelter and where the dispensary should be located, and the arrangement of a memorial at the base of the school, where was, where residents were taken captive and a drinking water pump, are you facing... yes, yes, well , in general, the amount of the project is about 400 million hryvnias, huh, are you facing any other difficulties, apart from the fact that the biggest the difficulty is a lack of funds, but now we have a time of a full-scale invasion, and men, especially some construction professions, are being drawn to the front, is there a shortage of workers, so for the other two objects, we have goncharivske and ivanovka. and ivanivka, we plan to complete the repair of the food block this year, and for goncharivskyi, the contractor has
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a contract until the end of this year, but we objectively assess the situation that it is possible that the work will continue next year, because now there is a catastrophic lack of construction personnel, it was on these two a contractor from kyiv works at the facilities, and there were such situations when he, when... they were going to the workplace, they were issued summonses at checkpoints, and the workers, builders had already started, were to perform combat tasks in the ranks of the armed forces. well, there is currently a shortage of construction personnel, but on the same goncharivskyi site, we have a positive example, when a military man served a certain, well, certain... period of service, he had the opportunity to demobilize, he was demobilized and in
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a peaceful life returned to construction work. are there such options now that attract women to construction work who can replace men in certain professions? well, it all depends, well, we don't mind, it all depends on the contractors . how they organize work and whether these women will agree or want to work in construction. no electricity shutdown, now we have... a little bit like this, you know, a relaxation, a little bit we all breathed a sigh of relief, because a little more electricity appeared, a little heat and we have a shutdown again, and then the academic year will begin year, and then there will be a heating season, and we understand that electricity will be worse, and electricity in construction is also very
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necessary, how much it affects the performance of work and how much it worsens. the reconstruction process, well, electricity does not affect much, it is the lack of personnel that affects more, because we have all the building materials, all of them are there, power outages do not affect much, but namely the lack of human resources, the human factor, the lack of specialists in the construction industry, you say that all construction materials are available, i.e. they have been purchased already in advance, you will not be afraid of the fact that prices may change, because also... the situation is different, and one month some building materials may cost one price, and the next month they will become more expensive. well, you see, a contract has been concluded with the contractor, and when he starts work, he was supposed to provide construction works for building materials for the execution of these works. the contractor bought the materials, they are there, but not enough. we have already
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mentioned the reconstruction today. canteens in the village of ivanivka, what else can you tell us about how the reconstruction is going on there? dining room at the village of ivanivka was also damaged during the defense of the city of chernihiv, the roof was destroyed there, the windows were broken, the walls were destroyed, and we are not rebuilding it according to the old model, but it is being reconstructed, the area of ​​this... premises in the process of reconstruction is increasing three times and there are all the necessary technical facilities according to the standards there and according to all sanitary norms for taking food for eating by children and also taking into account the factor of inclusivity, ugh, what are the terms of rebuilding this dining room? this year,
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a building has already been erected there, and now there is a... electrical works are being carried out, and the exterior facade has already been completed and is currently being painted, for the time being, as long as the reconstruction is still going on, the children go to eat, the children eat in the school premises. also know that the state agency for reconstruction and development of the infrastructure of ukraine is rebuilding roads and bridges in chernihiv oblast, of course, for security reasons, we cannot show them and will not indicate the exact locations, but i would like to ask you to tell me about the approximate scope of the work carried out, well, actually tell how important it is to rebuild roads and bridges, now during the war people will say, oh, you know, well, this is definitely not the time, but first of all, chernihiv region, it
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borders both the aggressor state and another state. from the territory of which the aggressor penetrated our land and tried to gain access to the pilot, it was one of the shortest ways to the capital, precisely from the territory of belarus, and regarding that, we have an instruction from the military not to highlight the successes in bridge construction, but i can say that the work is being held, ah uh... at the moment, well, at the beginning, when the region was de-occupied, we had such destruction that more than 20 bridges were destroyed, including these large bridges over the desna river. currently , we have provided access to most of the locations, these are either rebuilt bridges, or temporary detours, or
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these locations are still being worked on somewhere, er, or, how much... how much money? currently, i do not have this information prepared. and are there people who complain that they say, oh, it’s taking a long time, why can’t it be done faster, or why are you spending that money on roads again, something else they did it, they need to do this or that, and of course, there are such complaints, but there are also complaints, how long can we wait, we already want to go. chernihiv region, it is quite large in length, and at the beginning, when the region was deoccupied, we had a problem with the road with... driving from kyiv to chernihiv, well, it is important, if before it was possible to get there in one and a half hours, but then now it was necessary to drive for four hours, and
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this significantly affected the travel time, some even joked that from chernihiv, for example, to pryluk, which is still a large district center in our region, the road takes 8 hours, it's like going to the sea to odesa used to be. therefore, it is very important for our residents to ensure passage through the river bridges, because all this significantly affects logistics in our region, in addition, it must be taken into account the fact that our transport infrastructure is of great importance for the defense of our state, since near us is the som region and near us... bryanshchyna-kurshchyna, chernihiv region is regularly shelled every day from the territory of russia, and we must do everything so that
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our military can reach the borders, protect them and prevent them from re-infiltrating our territory. well, actually, military logistics is very important. ms. alina, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for telling us about how things are going. reconstruction of infrastructure in chernihiv region, it was the spokeswoman for the reconstruction and development of infrastructure in chernihiv region, alina kolomiets, my name is lesya vakulyuk, we saw a special issue of the program of reconstruction and development of cities, see you next time in saturday, followed by a 6:30 p.m. see you now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacalud activ+ with a plus of active ingredients. i use it to overcome problems with clear and unpleasant odor.
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injured more than 100. the russians are advancing in the pokrovsky direction, and we are advancing in the kursk region. why did the first f-16 crash in ukrainian skies? will the popular telegram social network be banned in ukraine? on the second of september, children go to school, what to do if there is no shelter in the educational institution. winged plants do not need soil. ukraine celebrates aviation day. we will have half of them. i'm sorry to do your part in the military, how will we send them drones along with them, how many soldiers will be there. martusya shows the various shapes she uses to make jewelry and talks about drones. at the age of eight, the young volunteer bought 10 warbirds that help our defenders at the front. i wanted to somehow help my defenders, and
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khresna and i were looking for an idea. because you have to come up with an idea first, and then do it, and we found in on the internet, that now such decorations are very popular, and we decided to make them. first , the girl kneads the polymer clay, then rolls it into a thin layer, then squeezes out the desired shape of the future decoration, the process admits, sometimes it is very tiring, it is fun, but it is a little heavy, very heavy, but... it is fun to do, to squeeze the clay, that's all fun, but don't bake. khresna and mother put them to bake, because we make a whole baking plate, specially such a bowl, we bake, after baking, we pour them in here, or if it is done, there must be an order, then we paint them, my mother immediately paints them, and then my cress sticks to the fittings. jewelry began to be sold through
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social networks. they received more than uah 300 from the sale of the first batch, then the girl and her mother participated in a charity school fair, where they sold absolutely all the jewelry they had prepared, and the proceeds were donated to help the army. in general, in two weeks of fruitful work and daily production of new decorations, it was possible to collect two drones at once, which is by no means in the family expected i felt the joy that they buy them from us, and i already think... the future will be even better when we buy so many drones, we did not even think that we would be able to withdraw so much money, and in such a short time, because in fact it a lot, there are 3-400 uah for a week, in fact, people have relaxed and it is very difficult to collect, that is, they stand still, here it is a wonderful, wonderful opportunity to have jewelry and accordingly, and we buy drones, the assortment of jewelry is very diverse, but they are especially
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popular birds few pigeons with poppies were even sent abroad. canada, washington, usa have already sent, we also sent to germany, poland, we also sent to various regions of ukraine. they all remember us at the new post office because we go there every day to send mail. materials for future jewelry, says ivanna, are chosen not cheap, so that the accessories will last. long: the cost of one decoration is from uah 150 to uah 550. during three months of hard work, the volunteer and her mother purchased 10 unmanned aerial vehicles, which were handed over to the needs of our military. we send these drones to different brigades in 103, 80 and 44, those that were previous. martusya believes that her birds on their wings will bring peace to ukraine. as for
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the question, what does she dream about? he answers with a smile: i want to accumulate forever. ema stadnyk, andriy polikovsky, espresso tv channel. saturday political club - live broadcast on the espresso tv channel. and today we return to our traditional format. andriy smoliy in the studio, vitaly portnikov, now. joins us via skype technology. mr. vitaly, good evening. congratulations, mr. andriy. greetings, dear viewers so, for two hours today, vitaly portnikov and i will analyze, talk, discuss, discuss what happened during the current week. what worries the whole country, what is important...


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