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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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the only state at the time of the battle of halkingol that recognized the independence of mongolia was the soviet union, and also the tuvin people's republic, sorry, which then completely disappeared from the political map of the world , annexed by stalin, and the only state that recognized the independence of manche was japan, and therefore it was a war of the soviet japanese army, and therefore at the congress of the cpsu after this... war, georgy zhukov gave a speech in cambrai, and not at all some mongolian military leader. by the way, it was from this battle that such a military career of the future began marshal zhukov. but what does this mean that putin still needs to support this myth, because it was one of the most popular myths before 1941 , the stalinist myths. hulkingol, spain, finland, these are all such myths of war, these are all stories for which a hero was given. of the soviet
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union, by the way, zhukov received the first star of the hero of the soviet union for hulkingol, as it is not paradoxical that it will sound precisely for hulkingol today. and this is also an illustration of soviet history that putin needs very much. now i remembered these four stars of zhukov, the first for hulkingol, the next two for world war ii, and the fourth for the hungarian uprising, for its destruction. here's the whole marshal sleeve for you. such a story, when a person who fights with hitler receives the first star in the war of puppet armies, and the last one for destroying the freedom of the people who rose up against soviet tyranny. well, i think it's quite a speech. so that's why putin is still going, because he can humiliate the international criminal court. he can, as you and i understand very well, also show the power
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of this soviet mik, and he can create a precedent, because if he comes and goes back to moscow, then everyone will say: well, mongolia invited putin, so what happened, and nothing happened, what did this international criminal court of mongolia did, did nothing, could not do anything to do, you see, that's the whole story, it's a precedent, and after that, maybe other countries that signed the rome statute ratified it. will be able to calmly invite putin and not only putin. this is an incredible story, to be honest. and we understand that international law in these conditions works exactly when you want to stick to it yourself. this is the essence of international law. therefore, the world is divided between the world of democracy and dictatorships, between the world of countries that support democracies and the world of countries that support dictatorship. mongolia is a democratic country, absolutely. a country in which there is not one.
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the government changed once, a country in which there were popular uprisings, a country in which people fought for their right to fair elections, but its authorities are supported by russia and china, two dictatorial regimes, it seems you can be a conditionally democratic country and cooperate with dictatorships, here is a great example for you, and this is how the world is divided, such conditions are created for a candle war, and putin is one of the active players, i would say, who provokes this candle war. and which creates completely new rules of conduct, i.e. you can completely disrespect international law, you can sign documents and have nothing to do with them, but russia ratified a major agreement with ukraine, in which our territorial integrity was recognized along with crimea, and donbass and all other regions, and what, then they took all their words back, that it was not her and not with her, so that the government in kyiv changed, now you can take ukrainian territories to yourself. to join, well, here is the whole
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essence of the russian approach to law, and it wants to broadcast this approach to other peoples. one more topic, mr. vitaly, that i would like to discuss with you, a topic that had a great, high resonance, including among ukrainian society, but this topic also absolutely has an international context, international. topic: telegram. pavel durov, the founder and de facto head of the telegram social network, was detained in france. he spent several days under arrest, but has now been released on a bail of 5 million. actually, various kinds of investigative actions and legal actions are currently taking place, including durov, who is accused of a whole series of violations of french legislation. there, as far as i understand,
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there is also a violation of the legislation of the european union, well, we are talking about, if so in the general context, that telegram is a closed social network that does not share e. data that needs to be shared with states, which actually supports certain terrorist movements, in particular through the prism of not disclosing information, not blocking some channels and so on and so forth, there are a lot of accusations, starting from the distribution of drugs, ending again the fact that in fact telegram is a social network that supports those elements, those entities that are prohibited in france, well, but we understand less that this also imposes a context on our state, because we have telegram in ukraine is extremely widespread, it imposes a context on the russian-ukrainian war, because both
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russians and ukrainians use telegram, well, it imposes its context on global information security in general. because a lot of people spoke about it, starting from ilon musk, who began to defend durov, ending, by the way, with the state duma of the russian federation and russian propagandists, russian citizens who also took a break to defend the telegram social network. mr. vitaly, this is the context of what is happening... why is it being raised now this is the question, why does russia protect durov so much, and what further actions do you expect in relation to the citizen of
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both russia, as far as i understand, the united arab emirates, and france, mr. durov, well, look. i think that all this is again part of this big war that is global, because you mentioned this story very well, and you know that there is now a story with musk related to the fact that twitter is the former twitter, the x network, now blocked in brazil, and before twitter in brazil, these are i would say that the claims that the west has against telegram, which we have against telegram, are not mass disinformation, absolutely. said planned and completely unregulated, which has a very strong effect on brazilian society, because in brazil it is twitter that is the main network for receiving information, just as in ukraine now the main network for receiving information is telegram, in brazil , you can imagine, every tenth brazilian is
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a twitter user . we don't have twitter that popular, the old twitter, i mean telegram is popular with us, but the essence of both networks, one after the purchase of musk, the other after. because it was created by the durov brothers, it is absolutely the same, it is the uncontrolled distribution of information and its anonymity, it is the fact that the information is distributed by people who are not responsible for its origin. at the beginning of our conversation, you mentioned maryana bezogula, who made public the information about the death of the f-16 plane, right? maryana bezugala is a living person, a member of the verkhovna rada, and you can have claims against her for... to court, however, for publishing some information, you can argue with it, as it was done, say, there was the former commander of the air force of ukraine, mykola likschuk and the former press secretary of the air force, yuriy ignat,
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to answer it in a strict way, now remember andriy, how many anonymous telegrams there are in ukraine -channels that are engaged in exactly this type of distribution. information, which is very difficult to answer, because they are nobody, and their name is not what they are, and even if people are, i mean, journalists find some owner of the telegram channel, next, this drainage tank, then this person says that she has nothing to do with this telegram channel, she sold it 100 years ago, she does not know at all who takes care of it, and all this is in the telegram, and there there is a lot of high-profile information, and a huge number of our compatriots who read these anonymous channels quite often do not even know whether they are really close to the ukrainian government, after all, to the russian one, and because you know that a huge number of channels was created, which pretends to be ukrainian channels, but they are channels of russian propagandistic origin, and durov, like musk, are
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indifferent to this, that this is freedom of speech, i want to convince you that it has nothing to do with any freedom of speech, if there is an anonymous telegram channel, but... . which is not responsible for the dissemination of fabricated information, it means that you can become the object of propaganda provocation, the whole society, not only us from... "if people start to trust such information, they will lose everything in their lives, what they can lose. traditional journalism, as you know, also works with sources that it does not name, but each of us, when publishing certain high-profile information, knows exactly who it comes from, he checks this information more than once or twice, and for sure it is known that the information has not been verified with several independent sources, the information is not available. but this is our work with you, a huge number of consumers of information, that is, ordinary people, they
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simply cannot realize it, and just like the post-soviet society before, it is very infantile society, very ignorant, very uncritical, and before, as people said there that they would not lie in the newspapers, now an incredible formula has appeared, i will say the formula of blatant idiocy, i read it in... and when i i ask a person, but where is the internet, what does it mean on the internet, it is on the internet, everything from politics to pornography is on the internet, where did you read it, here is something you told me that tomorrow everything will explode, be destroyed, perish, where are you from it took, dear reader, or viewer or listener, what answer do i usually get an answer when i ask this question, and what should i remember, i read somewhere. that is, this complete lack of information hygiene, it is
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used this way, you know, there are media of different political views, relatively speaking, some of them we may like, some we may not like, some like cnn, some like fox news, some like ukrainian truth, some people like censorship, but all these media, in one way or another, they defend their brand, they try to verify ... information, they somehow protect the information that they present, and we can say for sure that here we read this information, here we read this information, here we are with you live people, when we publish some information, then we understand how we will confirm the fact that we will publish, and what is anonymous, say please, anonymous, who can sit somewhere in yasinev and lead a telegram channel, a sincere ukrainian, in which story. how ukraine will disappear from the political map of the world in three months, how zelensky
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is collecting money to escape on a boat and so on and so forth, or anonymous sits somewhere in kyiv and tells the same thing, but about poroshenko, because he knows that his employers will like it, and in fact, in this way , helps the russian special services to strengthen the credibility of their slander against zelensky, because i think that ... what anonymous work, even if the people who do this anonymous work they are sitting right there somewhere in the bank district, this is work for the russian special services, and the security service of ukraine should deal with these people, because the very creation of an anonymous information background is work for the special services of the russian federation, this is work, which sooner or later will end with the disappearance of ukraine from the political map of the world, and no army, no ukraine in such a situation will save it, because it will have a completely demoralized and demotivated society, and i absolutely firmly state, these people are working for this, i do not know for russian money, for ukrainian money, money, as you know, does not smell, but i
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know exactly what they do, they may not understand it, they may simply be idiots, such idiots in our country, a wagon and a small carriage, but so or not otherwise yes uh, yes, yes, but one way or another, this is a very dangerous moment, and this moment is not accidental, andrei, when durov created telegram, he knew what he was doing, and you remember that the vkontakte network... it was just like that, haven't you forgotten yet? yes, of course, i don't remember why, we, we all used it, we all once used it, yes, we were already used to it then, anonymous accounts, remember, you could register, just write, that you are elon musk, and print alain delon's photo on elon musk's profile, and no one knows you stopped, no one tried to withdraw this one. a fake profile, and from these fake profiles
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there was then and, by the way, is still going now, obviously, we just don’t use the vkontakte network there, any unforgiving propaganda, telegram is actually a modernized social network vkontakte, and nothing else, just in we were banned from vkontakte, the russian special services caught us from another entrance, so to speak, that's it, if... if we are talking about the context of ukraine, we need to think about what to do in general in ukraine socially networks, and this is not just about telegram, by the way. this includes many other social networks, in particular the tiktok social network, which is actually owned by the chinese, and which is currently undergoing this transitional process in the united states of america, due to a possible ban, yes, it also brings a lot of negativity to our country, there a huge number of fakes, by
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the way, just like in telegram, what are we talking about legal? aspect, already in march of the current year 2024, by our legislators, in particular, and presented the bill by people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi was a bill that concerned the actual regulation of telegram and social networks, so now, as far as i understand, this is what the brazilians want to do with the former twitter, as far as i understand, sir. vitaliy, now the profile committee of humanitarian and information policy is going to finalize a comprehensive document by the end of september, as far as i understand, based on this bill i mentioned above, in general regarding the regulation of social networks by the state of ukraine, in particular
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telegram, we have and... and other problems. in fact, we in ukraine are watching how a russian product is being promoted even on legal platforms, musical, film, cultural, informational, you can call it differently, for the same money that goes to the russian state budget every day, and we also need , i apologize, something should be done about it, because in fact, well, our people, some of the people who don’t quite... understand or understand, it’s up to them , the use of such social networks, such programs, actually pay money to of the russian federation, that is, the issue is very complex with telegram, and with tiktok, and with all kinds of platforms and so on and so on, this is a long conversation, but still the question is for you, your personal opinion, what do we
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need with all this to do with telegram, with tiktok. to regulate, to prohibit some part of the information, or to require disclosure of the ultimate owners of the channels. your opinion, mr. vitaly. i believe that regulation of social networks is not only a ukrainian task, it is a global task. there can be no journalism with with an open face and next to it a media space with closed ones. do you understand? there are internets. there is the darknet and everyone there understands that these are different rules of the game, here everything happens in the same space. social media owners, by the way, that's what facebook does, right? they must learn to work with verified information. unverified information cannot be found anywhere. the owner of the information channel,
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information space must be responsible for his actions. well, of course, not in a situation where it is some kind of dictatorship. when you're just kind of there you secretly publish high-profile information, but this is another story, we are talking about a civilized world, a world where there is a judiciary, here we are with you, if we publish some unreliable information, now on this tv channel, we will slander someone, you and i can to judge, if our colleagues who are engaged in the investigation got hold of something incredible, you know it very well, and here at any cost. another channel, the first thing they will do is meet with lawyers to properly file this information to protect themselves from a possible lawsuit against specific people, against specific organizations, and next to us there is a monster that can say anything about anyone, and there will be no responsibility for it, it cannot be, because this is the end of civilization, you know, not only
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of ukraine, it means that the liar will always win. freedom of speech is not freedom of lies, i say this all the time, i say that the standards of the bbc are completely wrong, when you give two positions, one of which is true and the other is a lie, you can give two different interpretations of the same fact, but you can't force a person to discuss with this person who is simply outright lying, remember how it was with the story of the downing of the malaysian plane by a russian missile, that's how it should have been presented... two positions, one position was ukrainian, dutch, what do you want, that it was a russian missile, and here some russian official who was quoted said that... that it was actually a ukrainian plane that shot down this plane, although there was no ukrainian plane in the sky, nothing at all related to ukraine with this in in this tragedy, but they talked about it,
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they lied, but at least they were officials, there was some press secretary of sechin lyontsiv, he just said it with his lips, and we already knew that it was a lie, and that even if this lie meets the standards of the bbc, in fact it does not meet any... standards of decency, just an ordinary lying scumbag who hypes the death of innocent people, and now imagine that this guy from lyons or some other russian propagandist, will create an anonymous channel, why will create he probably created it a long time ago, and he will report all this information, as if he is not a russian propagandist, but a ukrainian official, how can he protect himself from this, well, if it is a telegram? twitter allows you to do this, if after elon musk bought twitter, verified users who were public figures lost these
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blue verification ticks, remember, yes ugh, ugh, and this extravagant billionaire started trading these ticks, i.e. now any person who is a nobody can buy himself this sign verification, and under this sign ver'. to spread disinformation, well, i always believed that this verification mark, when i had it on my profile, it means that here i am, i am a ukrainian journalist, i am responsible for my words, twitter confirms that i am a ukrainian journalist, so that people knew they were reading a real person, now i don't have any verification mark, because that's what this madman wanted. the buyer of twitter, who, as we know, would now have bought it with the money of people close to russian oligarchs, they lent him money, peter aven's son
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lent him money, avin himself, as you know, is close to putin, here's the whole story for you, and it wasn't as if alisha rusmanov, a man close to putin, gave money to the fool, so this is really real political madness, no copper'. a diagnosis, but a political diagnosis, and we need to simply return to common sense, andriy, not only to the ukrainian verkhovna rada, to the ukrainian verkhovna rada among other parliaments of civilized countries in the world, the protection of freedom of speech is the protection of freedom of truth, i will repeat again, i have not finished this opinion, in cnn and fox news can have completely different interpretations of the storming of the capitol. and this is absolutely logical in a situation where there are various television or media platforms, but neither cnn nor fox news will hide from their viewers the actual storming of the capitol. and russian
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television, let's say, deals with the fact that it hides facts from those who watch it. and that's what anonymous telegram channels do. they hide facts and invent facts. and in this way they plunge people into complete darkness, into an abyss from which there will be no exit. never exit, and when you and i read such channels, we are professional journalists, we know how to analyze information, we understand how anonymous information differs from verified information, we may even be interested, as if we bought tickets with you to some theater , or we are brought to some mental hospital, and we can look through the glass to see what is happening with her patient, but imagine an ordinary person who does not have information skills. this is just the usual psychological rape of people. that's all i can do for you say. unfortunately, we have what we have. as i
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say, this applies to both telegram and other social networks. in principle, i think that the verkhovna rada, our people's deputies, and the world community in general, and mr. vitaly is right, need a comprehensive, methodical approach. er, comprehensive approach to this issue, which we have in recent years, it has already grown to incredible proportions. the issue of disinformation in the world and in ukraine has grown to unprecedented proportions. there are still other issues, and these issues are being raised again, unfortunately, this is the issue of relations, relationship ukraine and poland, here we have again a topic that concerns the historical
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contexts there, yes, and mr. vitaliy and i have discussed it several times. another scandal: polish prime minister donald tusk announced that ukraine will not join the european union until it resolves the so-called historical issues with ukraine or resolves historical problems. at the same time, this scandal affected the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, mr. kuleba, in particular kuleba also stated that, or rather, he mentioned the vistula operation, this is also one from the infamous pages of history between ukraine and poland, he reminded that these people were evicted from ukrainian territory, resettled in fact to the territory of the western part of the republic of poland, and many
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politicians, in particular from the right wing, say that kuleba should be banned entry into poland, well, that is, such exchanges of statements, but the fact that there is already a level of the prime minister who says that ukraine will not join the european union, this means that we are entering the next round of these discussions and discussions, perhaps in including in the context of future presidential elections. elections, which will be held already in may 2025, i.e. next year, but less so, this issue will still need to be resolved in some way, it will need to be discussed somehow, and ukraine, of course, will need to defend itself, but also and talk with poland, talk with polish colleagues, how to reach some kind of result, here
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mr. vitaly, why again, why again the last months, i remember that and we talked with you in july, and now it's the end of august again the same thing precisely, here is this situation, why would it seem now, when it is clear to poland that ukraine is now fighting against a russian terrorist, that we understand that this issue also needs to be resolved somehow, why now, why now it is under... and what should we do in this context, at least in the coming months, at least understanding that there will be elections in poland and this issue will be used, it will be, here we will not get anywhere without it, well, first of all, i have to say that we can do nothing in the coming months, because the issue of ukraine's accession to the european union - it is not a question of the coming months and the coming years. secondly, i would like to clarify to you that, as far as i understand, polish politicians attacked dmytro koleba, not because he
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mentioned the operation. vistula, because he called the territories from which ukrainians were evicted ukrainian, however, he misspoke, he meant ukrainian ethnic territories, but again, we call them that, and poles, poles do not think that it is ukrainian ethnic , as you understand, and here too it is necessary to realize, especially to people who there are high diplomatic positions, which in a certain situation you need to be careful with statements and not to answer, not to mention the vistula operation when you are asked about the situation. because these are completely different tracks, each one is important, but diplomacy itself in principle, you yourself are like that, it never leads to satisfactory results, this is also an absolutely obvious thing for me, but i am absolutely not going to throw stones at dmitry koleb here, because it is absolutely obvious to me that his discussion with radoslav sokorsky was simply used in order to raise the hype on this topic, it is clear, there is absolutely such an obvious reality,
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reality. which primarily concerns our contacts with neighboring countries, and i always say about this reality that if someone thinks that ukraine will be able to join the european union without regulating complex issues with neighboring countries, he is mistaken, i think i have already said a lot about this years in a row and i keep giving the example of the republic of north macedonia, which initially could not join... nato, because it could not settle the issue of its constitutional name with greece, and greece clearly said that as long as macedonia is called macedonia, it will not join any nato or european union. in the end, macedonia found a moment, maybe we too will find this moment someday, when there was a government in power in greece that was so unconventional for greece, i would say very left, even i would say left-radical government of prime minister tsipros.


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