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tv   [untitled]    September 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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er reserves, it looks like they don’t have that much left, if they had enough reserves, they would operate on a much wider front in the pokrov direction, so they are forced to maneuver with tactical, operational-tactical reserves, shifting from place by place, the most combat-capable units of the most combat-capable parts of the compounds, this shows. that they already lack strategic reserves and cannot effectively move with the same productivity as before in several directions, and now you imagine two strategic directions in which the offensive must be carried out, this requires an order of magnitude more forces, so the idea of ​​the russians is on the surface, but will they have enough? forces against
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him, if they cannot protect kurshchyna, of course there are political moments, that there bortnikov is the fsb, they are extreme, here gerasimovimo is extreme, and they are fighting each other there, but still, the military is a component, a component of strategic reserves, it very important, and so far it is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to it, because obviously putin does not want to. new mobilization, obviously putin wants his generals to cope with the forces they have, and these forces are getting smaller every day. mr. pavle, one more topic, unfortunately we don't have much time left, it concerns attacks on the russian federation, our state, our defense forces, on the night of september 1, their regions were attacked by more than 100. 100 almost 160 unmanned aerial
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vehicles , at the same time the russians are also striking, we can see on our territory, but still, if we talk about these attacks, in fact this attack on the territory of russia can be considered one of the most large-scale, should we expect such massive attacks in the near future, or will ukrainian forces strike more locally, let's say on energy facilities or military facilities, and to what extent... russian logistics, let's go back two years, in the fall of 22nd there was such a programmatic article by generals zaluzhny and zabrodsky about the plans of the armed forces of ukraine, and then the generals set such a key one of the key tasks, which was solved for almost two years, and now we can say that we are on the threshold of its solution, then... and they
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characterized as the main decisive advantage of russia, its ability to kill to the entire depth of our territory, and set a task for our military-industrial complex, for armed forces to create the capabilities for an adequate response to the full depth of the enemy's construction, and actually speaking, those... the last successful ones, well, crimea can be considered a warm-up before that, yes, now we see the transfer of military strikes, military and economic infrastructure in the depths of the russian federation, well, this is the same political effect as the effect of an attack on the russian kursk region, it is the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the enemy, they
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even said in the heart, since the burning oil refinery is somewhere in the hinterland, this is one story, but it's a little different in moscow, isn't it? mr. pavle, clarifying such a question, it seems to me that we are now in a mode of some kind of high escalation from two sides, ours is one of the most massive drone drone attacks on the territory of the russian federation, today an insane number ballistics, and andrei and i talked about it, i'm not sure that there were so many ballistic missiles for one. blow, as it was today, besides, well, i don’t know, if i remember, but here is the last large-scale shelling of kyiv before tonight, then in principle it was also crazy simply in terms of the number and combination of all means, does n’t one get the impression that both sides now they are escalating and can we say that in the near future some new features will emerge? this war, this
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confrontation, to be honest, from the beginning of the kurdish operation and the form of the answer that the unexpected form of the answer gave. to russia's word, we, as normal people, expected putin's logical decision to concentrate his forces on the protection of his people, his land, first of all, and then on seizing someone else's, no, he actually gave up the kurshchyna, and continues to advance on donetsk region, and now and this exchange of blows, or rather, not even an exchange of blows, finally... the ukrainians began to launch air strikes, air-missile, air-drone strikes at the russians an adequate response to the depths of russian territory, but to me after the start of this
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operation , this association appeared. unbelievable, it’s a frontal attack, when they go head-on with each other, and it has such a psychological component, who blinks first, who turns away first, and oh, the similarity with such a situation, well, it’s such an obvious parallel, mr. pavle, we sincerely grateful for the fact that you joined the air of the tv channel espresso, for the fact that you... caught your expert opinions pavlo lakiychuk, head of security programs of the center for global studies strategy 21, captain of the first rank of the reserve, and i will remind you about our survey, today we ask you the question, do you support
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lowering the mobilization age from 60 to 50 years old, if you think so, then you can take your smartphones or phones and call 082 absolutely free of charge. i emphasize once again, all this is absolutely free of charge. and we go further, in connection with the studio of ihor chalenko, a political and economic expert, chairman of the analysis and strategy center, mr. ihor, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. i would like to outline with you what is currently happening on the territory of germany, a country that plays a key role in europe, when we talk about... the possibilities of our allies in general to continue to help us, it very often happens, you know, germany gave, all the others are pulling up, along with britain, the united states, we understand how strong they are in that regard, and the elections in germany, in principle , were quite expected, but turned out for ukraine
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unpleasantness, we see that in principle the victory is quite confidently won by the extreme right, and in principle by the very left, and... they have, well, that is, populists, populists from both sides, and before and what is most interesting, the left, there a new political force, yes, which one, which received the third places in almost both federal lands, and all of them are not very in favor of helping our country in the future, has this not happened for us now, you know, a preview of a certain fiasco for support in the near future? well, i would not rush to such conclusions. i, for example, liked it now the reaction of scholz, who, of course, called the results of the elections in the two states a shame, but the second thesis, she, i think,
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can actually work in our favor, he called for the creation of coalitions, regardless of the result of the alternative for germany, no looking at the results. well, roughly speaking, he pointed out that there are opportunities today for broad coalitions, accordingly, it is necessary to oppose today, the extreme right, the extreme left, but the most important thing is that we can twist this opposition in our direction, because again, why was scholz losing support, including the social democratic party of germany, because the voters looked at, well, let's say... not very stable in terms of foreign policy, indecisiveness, what was directly said to scholz, including on the issue of ukraine, despite the fact that germany really remains second in terms of the scale of aid to our country, all
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the same on key issues, for example, such as long-range missiles taurus, vis and now there, so we can send such a... signal at this very moment, that well, since these are right radicals, left radicals, who very much share such a position on both ukraine and russia, but nevertheless, well, if the choice is with them. accordingly, the current government coalition is there, then you need to do exactly what will be against these radicals, accordingly, you need to increase aid to ukraine, but of course, well, we cannot but record the increase in the influence of radical forces, of course, when, for example, the elections to the european parliament took place, this is the maximum, well, they softened it, we can say so, in the same way in france they were able to preserve it at the national level, in principle
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stability, but again, there are no national elections in germany right now, we also have to understand that, for now they are really local elections in several states, but nevertheless, of course, now the right-wing radicals and the same alternative for germany will make the most of it , and regarding criticism of the current government coalition. and of course, as for the criticism of the european policy towards ukraine in general, there is a risk for us in this. mr. igor, but if we still talk about such a more distant perspective, even a more precise perspective of 2025, these are elections, national the elections in the federal republic of germany, and it is clear that yesterday's regional elections, they are de facto viewed by these political forces that we are talking about now as a rehearsal to some extent, yes? how do you assess the possibility in 2025
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based on what we saw yesterday, today, a certain trend of growth of these two extreme but populist political forces, and of course, speaking in the context of threats to ukraine, in the context of threats to europe, in general, so what we know, their position and a lot of postulates of their theses, theirs principles that relate specifically to security issues, taking into account the budget problems in germany, and what is going on there now, well, let's put it this way, they are cutting everything possible, and we even feel it in support of ukraine, and when we heard there the amount in 4 billion. european aid for the next year compared to 8 billion euros this year, but nevertheless it just
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shows that in the wake of economic problems, of course the radicals will have the opportunity for further growth, well, plus again the topic of the migration of ukrainian refugees, of course it it also plays out according to different calculations, we have there in germany, there someone says 1.3 1.3 million people, someone says one... and 5 million people, but nevertheless, this is a very large number and burden, and there is and others, respectively refugees, and the germans see it all, and in this situation, of course, the radical forces will continue to play directly on this, but i also want to draw your attention, in principle, that the union of the cdu, csu, in principles, which today are also in the opposition, they... well, in their rhetoric, they are also radicalized, regarding precisely
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policies directly of the scholz government, and therefore i can also assume that at least a part of these most dissatisfied germans will still be able to attract such a major political force, this union, because again it is clear that bringing directly to power right. radicals, the actual descendants of the hitler party, well, in germany there are certain safeguards, including historical safeguards, and when the head of the alternative for germany was directly called a fascist in court and there is a court decision on this issue that it is directly written as a fascist, so in this situation i think that there is also a certain electoral ceiling, but nevertheless further growth of course it can be and, unfortunately,... the current result of the actual social democratic party of germany, i
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think that in the next year it could be even worse, it's a pity, eh, well, let's watch, alarming little bells, i don't feel very comfortable personally, when i feel such polarization not only in our society, but when something similar happens to our neighbors, even more so almost for the first time for how much 91 seems a year... so somehow it doesn't seem to lead to good, but, but, but, we hope for prudence and really for fuses, in particular historical ones, which are in germany, tell me, please, mr. igor? the rome statute, recently we actually talked about the ratification of this document by ukraine, if we talk about the rome statute and the countries that have already ratified it, then mongolia is one of such countries, nevertheless, nevertheless, it is unlikely that vladimir will be arrested in ulaanbaatar putin, the head of the russian state for the time being, and absolutely willingly and boldly, he
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arrived a few hours ago in this country, which in a good way... should have implemented the decision to arrest mr. putin based on the decision of the international criminal court for the fact that he actually kidnaps ukrainian children, but this is not happening, and on the one hand we see how in europe, very extreme forces are gaining the upper hand, we see how some countries, which have undertaken certain obligations through signed documents and ratification, do not fulfill these obligations, somehow the world has become not... uncertain, let's talk, say, whatever please, what about this visit, what is it for, why could it be dangerous for ukraine and in the future for the world order, which is still shaking, but remains, well, first of all, of course, exactly in the direction of the iss and this situation with mongolia, because we see a serious precedent, specifically in
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the matter of putin, when the state , which... at one time also signed the roman statutes, ratified them, but refuses to execute the corresponding arrest warrant, and in such a dirty and reputational case, regarding the abduction of ukrainian children, and this is just a very unpleasant signal, again fixing the lack of necessary safeguards in international politics, as of today, let me remind you... together with ukraine, we have 125 states that have signed and ratified the rome statute, and it was previously believed that this is really a very important instrument, a lever that can at least pamper putin's nerves, well, it's obvious that they really found some ways
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to get out of this situation, and this is a very dangerous precedent, and if we don't see a sufficient reaction. and so far it is not enough, because the statements that the assembly can meet are still there to make some decisions, it is not enough, but now in fact lawlessness is being committed, lawlessness continues to be committed, specifically with regard to the russian dictator, since he, well, is not being arrested according to the issued warrant, and the second point regarding this visit to mongolia, i will remind you that just recently, mongolia's decision slowed down buildings the power of the sila siberia-2 gas pipeline, at least until the 28th year, respectively, putin will discuss this issue at the highest level, and let's see if mongolia will not withdraw the relevant theses from its own program there, therefore that it was precisely because of this that formally the issue slowed down, nevertheless, well, we understand that
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if mongolia takes a more pro-russian position, prom, which quarter has losses, net losses of 6 billion dollars, well, at least partially, it will be able to discover new additional markets in terms of volumes, the same china and so on, that is also not very pleasant, because all these funds go directly to finance the war with ukraine, and we also understand that now in this field putin is trying again show that he is not is an exile. that he can shake hands with other leaders, respectively, is again a very serious challenge to the civilized international community. mr. igor, let's talk about putin one more time or another, since he has already been mentioned, putin said that he is not against peace talks, but he wants to deal with
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the bandits, conditionally speaking, he means the offensive of weapons. forces, defense forces of ukraine to the kursk region, right? now, let's listen asynchronously to what the russian dictator said. i am sure that this provocation will fail, and after that there will be a desire really, not in words, but in deed, to proceed to peaceful negotiations and solve these issues by peaceful means. we have never given up on this, but we must, of course, deal with the bandits who entered the territory of the russian federation in the kursk region and with their attempts to destabilize the situation in the border areas as a whole. that is, putin is again talking about the negotiations, although a few days ago his so-called posipaks, there the same press secretary dmitry piskov spoke about
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we apologize, there won't be any negotiations there at all, and we can't talk about them now, but in his next speech, putin says that negotiations are possible. mr. igor, what does this show, is russia really ready, at least for some kind of negotiations, or is this another one? eye candy in order to demonstrate to the world the alleged ability to negotiate with these russian terrorists? well, first of all, this shows that putin is bipolar, publicly bipolar, and not only lavrov, peskov, ushakov, medvedev said that there are no negotiations, yes said putin personally, he said no negotiations and no exchange of prisoners of war, after which we saw the exchange of prisoners of war. returned 115 of our defenders, here is already the second moment, the actual weakening of the position of the russian dictator, this just shows that in fact the kurdish operation is achieving
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its political goal by demoting certain huts directly to the head of the kremlin, but obviously this is really not enough, and it is clear that putin wanted very much to take advantage of certain advantages in quite hot areas. our of the front, well, obviously, this is also the pokrovsky direction, respectively, toretsk, mirnograd, but the topic of the kurdish region for him, well , really bit me, well, plus, again , we have to understand that soon they will have a single voting day after all, and putin still has to balance, that is , to cover his electorate as much as possible, it is clear that this is not an election in... they have pseudo-elections , they will actually appoint 25 governors through these pseudo-elections, but
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nevertheless he needs to show that he still- still for peace, he longs for peace and so on, but again he finds a reason why he can't, now he says that the kurshchyna interferes, but pay attention, he wants to drive out the bandits, but for some reason he hardens the court with kababs, casts it. .. and artillery, respectively, civilians, directly russian citizens, remain there, but putin does not worry about them for some reason, it is easier for putin to make relevant statements, well, it is obvious that they really have not decided how to get out of the current situation and what they are now implement through their propaganda vertical that ukrainians will be in the kursk region almost until the end of the war, which means that putin has accepted. that ukraine will really put the situation in the relevant region of the russian federation on the table of change? mr. igor, actually the american side of our
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conversation, the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov, during his visit to the united states, just last week allegedly handed over to american high-ranking officials a list of places in the depths of the territory of the russian federation that kyiv would like to harvest american distant missile attacks. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, in particular, met with philip gordon, the foreign policy adviser of the us vice president, kamala harry, with whom he discussed ukraine's military needs. and so , the economist publishes an article in which it suggests that ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky has almost the last chance to convince biden to allow us missiles to hit the russian federation. negotiations on this should take place at the next un conference. week which in general, we have prospects of obtaining this permission given the fact that more and more western american missiles, in particular critical
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components for russian missiles, are being shot down by our air forces in the sky above the ukrainian capital, generally on the territory of ukraine. well, it is obvious that everything will depend on the content of the already announced victory plan, which zelensky must directly convey to both biden and kamalikh. donald trump, because now we have actually passed on the technical details of the specific targets that we would like to neutralize at the expense of the scarecrows, but that none the less, well, obviously, biden is considering whether or not to give permission already from the point of view of strategy, how to end, well, at least the active phase of the war, well, actually, from how we formulate this message in concrete terms. which will already be there, well, obviously next week it will be handed over to the american side, i think the decision will directly depend on this, yes or no, but again, i will remind you that it will actually be up to biden. it is profitable to accept
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this victory plan in any form, because when the package of 61 billion dollars was accepted, then congress, one of the points was written that the biden administration should present a suitable plan for victory, then i don't remember how many days, or whether they gave 90 days or 45, well, they gave something there a certain number of days, but not him presented in fact, and now, in fact, this material can be a good pass for joe biden, or rather... even for kamala harris, already in the course of further campaigning with trump, although, of course, we do not interfere in the elections and keep neutrality towards each of candidates continuation of this thread sir igor, in poland in particular, there are very often thoughts that it is necessary to shoot down russian missiles either over the territory of poland or over the territory of ukraine, even thoughts, thoughts
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are heard, missiles are flying. i say, opinions, opinions, but unfortunately, it doesn't go further than opinions, in particular, two completely different statements were made today, firstly, the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of poland, radoslaw sikorski, stated in an interview with the financial times that poland and other countries bordering ukraine are obliged to shoot down russian missiles. quote: membership in nato does not cancel the responsibility of each country to protect its own air. space, that is our own constitutional duty, i personally believe that when enemy missiles are headed into our airspace, it would be legitimate self-defense, because once they cross our airspace, the risk of someone being injured by debris is significant, however, however, this is what i am leading all this to, until the evening, when we were traveling to
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this ether, and the polish government had already distanced itself from the statements of its own minister, and according to the spokesman of the polish foreign ministry, wronski, the position sikorsky is that to protect the inhabitants of poland and prevent misfortune, you need to use every opportunity. however , rechnyk warned that the possibility of shooting down russian missiles and drones at a high altitude in the airspace of ukraine should be an element of assessment by the polish military, and this applies to each specific case, ukrainian pravda writes about it. well, here are two statements that to some extent contradict each other: the position of sikorsky and the position of the polish government, and by the way, before this, the polish government also repeatedly spoke about that they will not do it. why , then, do polish politicians and polish officials often say these things, but in the end, to
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the point. it will not happen, well, of course, we would like to have the fastest possible result in this matter, because it is absolutely clear, there is no escalation here, no direct confrontation there with the russian aggressor, no, this is a matter exclusively of security and ensuring it, as for the polish citizens, and of course for ukrainians, and because, well, if we could agree on the use of their air defense systems with of their territory in our border area, but... you know, everything is fine, everything is fine, now these are the comments of sikorsky and what they are doing in the polish information space, they give results in principle, pay attention, literally, here is fresh sociology, already 58 percent of polish citizens are in favor of active actions, respectively for shooting down russian cans in the polish sky, and this is a very
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serious signal, and this... well, in my opinion , an unequivocal position in the polish virtually homogeneous society of such questions, then just as far as security issues are concerned, so i think that if not now, then in the dynamics, in the dynamics, we will be able to make some progress in involving e air defense, our partners, how about shooting down on their territory directly, because we have already seen these incidents, when they also flew to them, then from them... it fell on our respective gas storages in a stria, or like this missile that flew at 25 km, how many half an hour did it fly at them and they could not make a decision, well, that’s it a real danger, specifically the issue of polish sovereignty, poland's sovereignty is no longer a matter of nato, they say nato also made a statement that consultations are needed, and while these consultations are going on, the shaheds will fly around poland several times, just like they did ukraine.


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