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tv   [untitled]    September 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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court separate 15% in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. news time on the spresso tv channel. the driver is kateryna shiropoyas. at night, the enemy attacked ukraine with one iskander ballistic missile from the occupied crimea and launched 78 shock shahaids from kursk, yeisk and primorsko-akhtarsk. aviation, anti-aircraft missile forces, reb units and mobile fire groups were involved in repelling the enemy attack. 60 attack drones were shot down, two drones returned to russia, one to belarus, 15 were lost in location on the territory.
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no information about destruction or victims came in kyiv , there were no casualties or damage during the drone attack. this was reported in the city military administration. the alarm lasted more than 9 hours. this time, the shaheds entered kyiv mostly singly, not in groups, but none of them achieved their goal. all drones destroyed. a 19-year-old volunteer was injured as a result of russian shelling in vovchansk, kharkiv region, and is currently in the hospital. the enemy attacked the city during the evacuation of people, reported the head of the regional military administration oleg synigubov. also the occupiers artillery hit the village of kurylivka, an elderly resident was injured. at night, the russians shelled kivsharivka, the damaged administration building, the school and the cultural center.
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three people were injured in the kherson region. the russians shelled 18 settlements in the region during the day. enemy shells hit the critical infrastructure, a cellular tower, the administration building and the office premises. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. six private houses, a gas pipeline and private cars were damaged. by 1954, the number of dead as a result of the russian strike had increased. at an educational institution in poltava, 297 people were injured, this was reported by the state emergency service . five more victims may be under the rubble. search and rescue operations are ongoing. to date , 1,760 tons of construction waste have been dismantled and removed. i will remind you, on september 3, the russians hit poltava with ballistic missiles. one of the buildings of the institute of communication was partially destroyed. damaged houses by. mourning continues in poltava oblast. 66
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people were injured as a result of yesterday's incident combined attack of the russians on lviv. ten children are among the wounded. currently, 28 victims are in the city's hospitals, including seven children. the condition of seven patients is stable , but there is no threat to life. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration maksym kozytskyi. in medical institutions , there is a need for a donor. it can be handed in for the victims at the blood service center, and a mobile center will also operate in the center of lviv today. let me remind you that the russians attacked lviv yesterday early in the morning, seven people were killed, including one child. and now it is day in lviv mourning our correspondent emma stadnyk is currently working on michnovsky street, where an enemy missile landed the day before. greetings emma, ​​tells what is happening now at the... place of destruction, what do you see, what are
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people saying? kacho, congratulations, a day has passed since the russian market attack on lviv, but communal services are still working at the site of the hits, on eliminating the consequences. yesterday, at approximately 6:00 a.m., a russian rocket hit the house behind me. from direct extraction, it instantly ignited, and the fire began to roll over to the neighboring house and cars. which were parked nearby, several of them burned to the ground. today they have already been removed and taken away so as not to obstruct traffic. fortunately, there are no dead people in this house, there are only injured, unfortunately, among the injured is a child. in particular, the residents of this building told us that during the air raid, approximately 150 residents of this building and the building opposite were in the parking lot, in the parking lot that people use. as a storehouse, as a shelter, and
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this is what saved their lives, now communal services and residents of these buildings, as i have already mentioned, are eliminating the consequences, in particular , the residents are eliminating the descendants. directly in their apartments, and the communal services are still dismantling the remains of some kind of fittings or glass, they note that it is still dangerous to walk directly near these buildings, because here there are still broken windows, fragments that can injure, so partly still in some in places there are certain obstacles that are blocked by a tape, where you cannot pass, but still behind i have already been partially restored. movement, i note that a few minutes ago behind me goods were delivered to a commercial premises, a grocery store, that is, people are still starting to resume their work little by little, even though absolutely all the signs in these stores have burned out, they are now being removed and
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they will still try to replace it, the owners of these stores told us about it directly, after all, both commercial premises and people... want to return to their usual lives, so they are very actively spending here restoration works. katya, as of now i have everything, i give you the floor. thanks emma. let me remind you, this was our correspondent emma stadnyk, she is actually on michnovsky street, where a russian rocket landed the day before yesterday morning. and as of today, evacuation trains from the pokrovsk station in donetsk region have been canceled. the decision was made due to the complication of the security situation. this was reported in the local military administration. trains will depart from the pavlograd station in the dnipropetrovsk region, the distance between pokrovsk and pavlograd is more than 100 km. currently , about 26,000 people remain in the profront city, including more than a thousand children.
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the parliamentary committee on humanitarian policy supported the candidacy of mykola tochytsky for the position. minister of culture and strategic communications. people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi reported this. he noted that tuchytskyi, a good diplomat, strives to strengthen and strengthen the protection of the national identity of ukrainians in the world. but during the conversation at the committee, he did not present his vision for the termination political censorship and democratic restrictions. the opposition abstained during the vote. in poland, they began to study and manufacture drones for... ukrainian military volunteer organizations united with local entrepreneurs and started mass production in warsaw. our maria chornyakhivska also visited the assembly of drones. volunteers started making drones six months ago and were preceded by tragic events at the front. a year ago, my
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half-brother was killed by a russian drone. and after that, i understood, i remember how he said, what about him... drones fly like flies, and they have nothing to defend themselves, and then we called out to organizations that manufacture drones, that export, import drones, that print parts for drones, here as here now you see 3d printers , we appealed to all the organizations that want to cooperate with us, that want to join forces, and a lot of people responded. there are many people willing to collect drones, they are volunteers of various ages and professions. among them there are also students, but now they have united to help the military at the front. after testing from the assembly, the frame goes to our colleague who is doing the soldering now, so this is the most important part of the job, i would say, you have to be very precise in
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what, what you do to make it work. we are happy that each of our drones is working. quality in this case is above all else, so the process is managed by experienced engineers, and the military advises. the guys experiment a lot. here, this drone already has a fixed gps module, which still helps the flight of the drone. they also install and thermal imaging cameras, because this is also very important, a daytime camera is good, but still, our enemy often attacks at dusk or at night. here drones are assembled, configured, tested and only then sent. to the front, after activation, the drone performs the national anthem of ukraine. some parts for the manufacture of drones are printed right here on a 3d printer, others are purchased. engineers say that warbirds are constantly being improved
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and equipped at the request of the military. this is a very high-quality collection, and therefore we, as it were, teach not only students, because different people come, but it is about the fact that ... to arrange all the elements qualitatively, of course, it looks simple, but every arrangement, there is even the position of all these modules, ee on that frame, it is already verified as: over time there are some elements that simply help this drone can fly where it needs to go. this model is a so-called seven-inch drone, its flight range is about 10 km. the production of one such drone takes about three hours, volunteers have already sent more than 200 drones to the military and, having received favorable reviews, now they are preparing the next 50. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for the tv channel. press from warsaw. i have all the news for now, see you at 12 o'clock.
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terrible beginning of autumn for ukraine. on tuesday, there was an attack on poltava, during which she died. 53 people and 298 were injured. lviv will be targeted on wednesday. is the world ready for decisive action against russia? the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on new two-hour format. more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. well, we come back to you, informational morning on espressu tv channel in rozpal itself, andriy saichuk and marta oliernyk, we work for you in direct air we will remind that today is the day of mourning in lviv for those who died as a result of yesterday's attack on the city, and in poltava there is a three-day mourning, condolences to all the dead. now we will add khrystyna shkudur, the advocacy manager of the "where are our people" project, to our ether. go pr army. mrs. khrystyna, we congratulate you. you too, today we will talk about a difficult topic, in fact, because it hurts many
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people, this topic is not so often discussed in the information plane, but we understand that we have no right to forget about these people, we are talking about people who are civilians who were illegally stolen by the russians, we are talking about both adults and children, especially those who are illegally adopted there by russians and even top officials in the russian federation. we understand that the exact statistics are unknown, because there is not even any information about some people, but we understand that public activists, volunteers, they are trying to get this information somewhere, so we would like to ask you if we currently have any certain previous ones, let's say , numbers about the number of people who are currently in the territory of the russian federation, or in the temporarily occupied territories, who may be kept in prisons, and how we can help these people, the question is very broad and complex, well, let's start, probably a little with
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statistics, so that our tv viewers understand that, according to the united nations, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 2.8 million ukrainians have been deported, taken to the territory of russia, it is actually very difficult to talk about any numbers, because the russian the party that has all the information, it... simply refuses to provide it, therefore, if we are talking about children, because children and adults are two different categories, if we are talking about children, then on the website children of war and what confirmed bring kids backua, this is the fourth point of the president's program, the peaceful so-called plan of his, we are talking about 1950, this is for sure, we know the names, their stories, if we are talking about the total number, then mrs. hera semchuk, the president for children's issues and children's rehabilitation says about 250,000 deported children, russia itself talks about
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744 thousand whom they took to themselves, that is , they stole, deported and took them to themselves on the territory of the russian federation, what is the fate of these children, what happens to them next, this is a big question, because in fact you said correctly , that they are illegally adopted and even according to russian legislation... they are on the territory of russia in some incomprehensible status, that is why they very quickly began to change russian legislation, actually for children, for the abduction of ukrainian children lviv-bilov. the representative of the president of the russian federation on children's rights and putin himself received arrest warrants precisely because of ukrainian children. as for children, i can answer in more detail if you have any other questions. as for adults, look,
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we don't have a head count of how many were deported to the russian federation, because further traces are lost, which is a big problem. with so-called civilians in captivity, i.e. people whom the russian federation jailed, in fact, for imaginary crimes. rights defenders say, this number is also unknown, from 20 to 65 thousand ukrainians, these are just people, roughly speaking, like you and i, who were walking down the street, let’s say, roughly speaking, they were caught by the russians and put to play, for various reasons, maybe, but i talked to my relatives one of the civilian prisoners. his name is andriy, he is from the zaporizhzhia region, they suspect that he was thrown into the game only because the russian military needed his car, he tried to evacuate his friends from berdyansk, who were already under occupation, and so for three years the guy sits behind behind bars without any charges, that is, there is no article, he is accused of allegedly opposing
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the svo, the so-called, but there is no such article in the criminal code of the russian federation... that is, the person is simply behind bars, he does not have access to any red cross neither the un, nor the osce, nor all these international organizations get to him, he just sits behind bars, his relatives don't know where, they don't know what happened to him, they can't hire a lawyer, and this person sits behind bars for three years, just due to the fact that , most likely, the russians were just need his car, uh, uh, you know, found out about the plans. president zelenskyi to create a new ministry, the head of the majority of parliamentary servants of the people, davita rahamia, said yesterday that a new ministry will be created, which will be called the ministry of the return of ukrainians, i strongly suspect that it
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will primarily be aimed at to somehow return ukrainians who voluntarily left as refugees. in fact, to other european countries, but perhaps this ministry will also somehow work with this topic, which are you doing, in fact, i will tell you that with ukrainians who went abroad, that is , it is an easier, easier article, because everything is clear with them, and you know what is most important, they are safe, uh, that is, they are safe on territories of european countries, please tell me, we are now talking about civilian prisoners, there is no article in the international... legislation that would stipulate the process of returning these people, that is, there is a process of returning prisoners of war, but as for civilians, there is no such thing at all opportunities in international legislation, that is, there is absolutely no such concept that someone, any army of the world, can come and take civilians like you and me captive and
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imprison them to play, there is no such thing, so russia is creating a new precedent here, a new war crime. in general, in international law, please tell me, in your opinion, and you two more than 2.5 years of a large-scale war, it was not enough time for us, for the world, for europe, for the west, to come up with rules, come up with some laws, come up with some procedures for the return of civilians, or simply no one needs it except for us, well, because it feels like no one needs it, look, you and i can do the most important thing, we can talk about it, you and i, we can influence this process, because, well , let's be frank, well, europe and america do not need our people and their fate in the entanglements of the russian federation, because they help us, so we are very grateful to them for this help, but the heart hurts for us, for me, for you and for everyone ukrainians, because these are our
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people, our ukrainians, who simply became theirs the crime is that they... found themselves in the territory temporarily occupied by the russian army and they had a pro-ukrainian position about ukrainian views, we must draw attention to this in all possible ways, for example, the public organization with which i work, pr army, and we , together with our non-governmental organization common sense communication, are now launching a project in europe of illustrations. strations with stories of civilian prisoners, these will be 10 stories of civilian ukrainians who got to play the kremlin simply based on fiction crimes, and it will be an exhibition that will ride. so far it's germany, france and portugal in november, december, and we want to attract as many people as possible there
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, the exhibition will be called art for freedom, invisible civilians, and we want to draw the attention of ordinary europeans and european politicians to the problem of civilians hostages, you see, the problem is that neither the americans very often, nor the europeans at all . that we have, roughly speaking, up to 65,000 ukrainians who are simply sitting in prisons in of the russian federation for fictitious crimes, and it even got to the point that two additional prisons are now being built in crimea, because there is nowhere to keep them, not only that all the prisons and prisons in the occupied territory are filled with ukrainians, those people, they are still building additional prisons, so that there is nowhere to put them, they don't know about it, they don't know, so we have to talk about it, talk loudly, talk about it in all the squares. we, as a public society, we do this, but we need to involve as many journalists as possible in this, we work a lot with foreign journalists, i will give
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interviews to all possible european, american companies, journalists, to talk about this problem, that we have children who are deported, we have civilians who are behind bars, help to bring them back, because we will realists, russia is not with us just for the sake of... for this, they simply will not return our people, we must shout about it as loudly as possible and talk about it to everyone from wherever we can, and of course, at the legislative level, our ukrainian parliamentarians need , in a pair in the same to raise this problem and talk about the fact that at the european level some new laws are somehow adopted, as for the legislation you mentioned, it is necessary. but look, there is the geneva convention, does it mean anything to russia, according to the geneva convention , our prisoners of war can be returned, but for them it is just paper, to put it bluntly, they are
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, as bismarck said, not worth paper at all signed with the russian federation, even its price is not even the paper on which it is placed theirs signature, so we can, of course, adopt any laws, but whether the russian federation will comply with them is a big question... we understand, ms. khrystyna, and we must try, at least put pressure on those who can influence it. khrystyna shkuder, advocacy manager of the we are our people, go pr army project, was in touch with us. by the way, about how to put pressure on partners, about how to talk to them in order to give us more weapons, zelensky, the media write, will personally go to the ramstein meeting in germany, spiegel writes about this, wants for... personal, a personal reception, a personal meeting, personal contact with western partners in order to convince them to supply us with even
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more weapons, it is expected that next friday, tomorrow, that is, zelensky will take part in a ramstein format meeting, and in berlin they announced that his visit to meeting of the defense ministers of the countries that support ukraine, zelensky wants to clearly outline the seriousness of the situation, and the head of the ukrainian state wants to ask for new supplies. weapons for the army, especially long-range missiles, more means of air defense, but by the way, not yet all the means of air defense that were announced to us a few months ago, we received, for example, romania just these days voted the corresponding changes in its legislation in order to have the right to legally transfer the patriot system to ukraine, that is, the system patriot, which was promised by the romanians, it has not yet reached us. this is the situation, this is diplomacy, it is difficult, but we hope that the movements in this direction will bring certain
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the results are interesting news, well, for me, for example, imagine, that is, president zelenskyi thinks that he will come, and his very presence can radically change the attitude on this issue, that is, he will literally look someone in the eye, for example, or he some i don't know, i will pronounce it very well. a basic and powerful speech, maybe he will make a joke and everyone will laugh, somehow with relief, press some button to vote, well , i don't know, maybe i'm wrong, but as for me, in my sixth year as the president of the country, this is an example of such wishful thinking , this this is when someone believes, conditionally speaking, in miracles, and not in hard work, on the one hand, and on the other hand, this is a step of last hope, maybe he thinks that his personal presence and his ability to charm people, somehow attract attention to himself, it can work, although, although, although, it seems to me, maybe we are here, you know, well, we can
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express our thoughts on this matter. yes, but it's just a question of some kind of emotional diplomacy, it 's been exhausted a long time ago, everyone is talking about it, if at the beginning of a full-scale war the russians we were shelled, and the world supported us and was, you know, emotionally attached to the fact that this is grief, we need to help ukraine, then now they are helping us not for some emotional and ethical reasons, they are helping us for some of their own pragmatic reasons, will help only as much as they consider necessary. in view of some profit for ourselves, no matter how cynical it sounds, but unfortunately, the world is built this way, and therefore our task is not just to emotionally ask: please give us, because, unfortunately, people are dying in our country, and it's terrible and it's our problem and it 's a tragedy for us, but they look at it in a different way, they think, well, what did you do for us to help you, so you know, the question is, what do we we can offer them, if not now, then maybe
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later, what we can offer them. will zelenskyi find arguments that can convince them? i don't know, but i really want to hope that he will find them, that's my position, and here's one more point, it's just a matter of basic trust, that is , the resignation of kuleba, which is happening now, or some of us understand, and we can say, for sure, why this resignation is happening, why, by the way, it did not happen yesterday, again, there were not enough votes, i heard an absolutely comical explanation in... the media read about what is possible this is due to the fact that the former opzh deputies simply regionalized, on surkis's birthday, their votes were not enough to vote for kuleba's resignation, since she is not strongly and unanimously supported by the servants of the people in the faction itself, and the opposition is also in favor this exhibition will not be voted, because it is one of a few professional ministers who
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are actually professional personnel, for example, those who they are in the ministry, because by the way, yesterday they also did not vote for the resignation of verashchuk, who she said, the president called her to the opu, and she will go to the opu , and what she will do in the opu, that is, in the office of the president of ukraine, we do not know for sure, well , most likely she will be responsible for some such directions that were tangential to her activities in the ministry in which she was, but but i i felt from her post that she was like feels that it was she who went for a promotion, that is, she was some kind of minister, and now she will be the deputy of yarmak, it is the same, well, it sounds, it is a completely different story, by the way, we will talk about all this in just a few minutes, and not only about this, we will also talk about international politics, we will have a candidate of political sciences and an expert internationalist with us, literally in a few minutes, so we will continue this topic together with him, wait, we are tired. from the mess in
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