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tv   [untitled]    September 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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week and we start it with analytics, experts' opinions, and of course our opinions, andriy smoliy, khrystyna yatskiv. we congratulate our viewers and listeners and remind you that we have a new week in our project, every monday project, for this we need to understand in general what you live by and what is the course of your thoughts. that is why in each of our programs we ask you about the most important... today, in the second part of our conversation with andrii, we will talk about the hypothetical, i really hope that it is still hypothetical, but the possibility of revanchist attempts by russian and pro-russian forces in our country, perhaps even after the war with the russian federation, of course, if we survive as a state, as a country, because something similar is actually happening in georgia now, and it is quite interesting to observe the rhetoric of local churches, so to speak , they... are already setting up their population
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to shake hands with the russians and apologize for the conflicts unleashed by the russians on the territory of georgia, and what is interesting is that this is really a country that also experienced a terrible war in which things, 20% of the territory is occupied, to this day, russian troops are stationed there, and russian troops also killed, raped, destroyed populated areas there, well, as they say, standard... unfortunately, the recruitment of a russian soldier, of the russian empire, so, that's why we'll talk about it, i already announced today in the second part, however, of course we are you, and we are interested in your opinion on this, because we are thinking about our country and we are certainly trying to anticipate even possibly hypothetical some processes that are possible again in our country, so today in us survey, is it possible in ukraine's pro-russian revenge on... similar
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to georgian, if so, you can take your smartphones and phones, vote absolutely free, call, yes 0800-211-381, if not, 0800-211382, i remind you once again, all your calls are absolutely free of charge, at the end of this hour we will draw up the intermediate results, at the end of the next hour we will see the final results after our discussion with you. well, let's move on to the guests then, shall we? yes, we start, as always, with the topic of the situation on our front, in shades, well, in general terms trends, all this with vladyslav seleznyov, military expert, former spokesman of the general staff, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vlad, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. friends, good evening, glory to the heroes. good evening. i would like us to listen to a fragment of one of the last public... speeches
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of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, mr. budanov, who suggests that by the beginning of 2026, russia will think about ending, at least the hot phase of the war with ukraine. what motivates budanov's opinion? we hear they predict that around the summer of the 25th year, the negative... impact on the economy will begin to be very noticeable for their country, by the way, many processes are connected with this, which they are now trying to speed up in their state. to enter this period as much as possible, well, as much as they would like, they would like to finish with their victory, unfortunately, it does not suit us, of course, the turn of the 25th, the beginning of the 26th, it is key for them, they want to end all this, because they are... on their own
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according to the calculations of the russian federation, if they do not come out of this war as conditional winners, they are far away, let's say this, the future that can be calculated is a horizon of 30 years, they fall out altogether from the possibility of seeing russia as a superpower, which is what they are striving for. well, mr. vladyslav, taking into account such forecasts from kirill budanov... taking into account the current situation on the front lines, do you think this forecast is realistic? so, first of all, we have to understand the level of competence and unity of the military leader development of our country. well, it is obvious that general budanov has comprehensive and multi-level information about the plans of the enemy army and, in principle, the trends, in which way the same enemy army is trying to implement these plans. and already his statement in part. as far as
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the general public is concerned, they are verified and accordingly carry very high weight. as for the capabilities of the russian occupiers, they are to some extent limited by the resource capabilities of russia. economy, but we see that it does not prolong the war, 2.5 years of full-scale war, there are signs. i have to remind our audience of another statement by general bodan, he issued it in early august, then he said, it was august 7, that the enemy had resources left for 15-2 months of active combat, which is actually three months, three weeks by october 7, the enemy should... be emptied of its resources, and accordingly we will see a kind of operational pause in the performance of the russian army, whether this will happen or not, we will see in the near future with you all, but this factor is, in my opinion, very important, because you can dream about it all you want, but
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there must be adequate resources to realize this dream, and if the russian federation is already forced to believe and rummage around the world looking for artillery ammunition, including not running as for the russian army caliber 130, for example, here it is said that the russian defense industry, even transferred to the rails of wartime, is not able to fully satisfy all the needs of the russian occupation forces and troops, and the new decree president putin's statement regarding the increase in the number, the limit number, of the russian army also shows that with the current composition of forces and means, the russian army does not carry out the same so-called special military operation, and therefore why... mr. vladyslav, but here is today's decree of putin, if i will remind our viewers, simply,
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that today vladimir putin, the so-called president of the russian federation, issued a decree to increase the number of the armed forces of the russian federation by 180,000 people. in particular, now the russian army should be 2,389,130 ​​people, of which 1.5 million - these are military personnel. here is this decree, by the way, if i am not mistaken, it is the third since the full-scale invasion, the so -called svo, regarding the increase of the actual russian armed forces. what do you think putin is doing this for, at least now, and how it might... affect the war that russia is waging against ukraine? and colleagues, i think here that we should go down from the strategic level to the tactical and operational-tactical level, which is currently happening in the pokrovsky direction, and there the so-called infantry or meat assault, when the russian
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troops with the support of aviation and artillery try to attack our defensive lines and positions, the enemy's equipment is lacking and here and now it is unrealistic to find the enemy's army, a few... defense equipment is enough, and as for personnel, on the ground the russian federation still has the option of finding the same personnel. of course, a recruiting campaign associated with increased financial benefits in case of signing the relevant contracts has a certain limit, but there is another very important one that has not yet been fully the implemented case is the supply of personnel to the russian army, russian conscripts. we know that the national legislation of the russian federation has been passed. changes, according to which conscript service now takes place for citizens of the russian federation between the ages of 18 and 30, and therefore the number of those who can be conscripted into military service, then through certain manipulations sent to
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combat operations is increasing, most likely this the increase in the maximum number of the russian army will be the overwhelming majority precisely for the increase of russian conscripts that will be used in that. during hostilities as part of a so-called special military operation. mr. vladyslav, a few words were said about the capabilities of the russian federation. now about our capabilities, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi actually notes that we have a problem with providing everything necessary for conducting hostilities, even four brigades out of 14 that we may need in order to carry out relevant operations, and... pour these scales of these scales on ours benefit, in principle, speaks of problems with the supply of weapons from our partners, but, as ihor lutsenko, ex-people's deputy, now a military man, writes, in particular, that the rather rapid
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advance of the russians in the east of our country, and in general the problem that they are pressing, is also not only a personnel... hunger among our servicemen, but also the fact that there is a banal lack of mines, and this is something that we should take care of ourselves, without waiting for any help from our partners, or can we now... say that this problem exists urgent, and can we now talk about the fact that there are opportunities to quickly fix it? ms. khrystyna, you and i started our conversations with the fact that it is the resource factor that is decisive, often during our informational communications, within the framework of information projects, we constantly came to the conclusion that it is the resource factor that determines who will win in the battle, and therefore resources are not only artillery, but also ammunition for them ... according to mortar systems, mines are decisive in the battle, but i would look at this issue
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much wider: the resource factor is not only weapons, ammunition for weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment, it is also a trained, comprehensively provided, motivated, it was a warehouse. today, another rate was held under the chairmanship of president volodymyr zelenskyi, during which the chief inspector of the military inspection of the ministry of defense of our country made a report. admiral ihor voronchenko, i remember him well, from the time of his service in the crimea, he is now in charge of researching the activities of the ukrainian military, starting from the highest sabers to individual divisions. so, general voronchyk's report concerned the activities of our educational centers. unfortunately, despite the fact that ukraine has been in the midst of hostilities for more than 10 years, we still have many problems with the proper training of our military personnel, in particular citizens of ukraine. within the framework of the mobilization processes, there are serious problems,
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they are currently being investigated, the president has clearly defined the task of a designated military official to work out this case, because the issue of training, training of personnel composition is key in the context of the fact that the current war is a war of resources, in particular, so we have to understand that when certain problems are highlighted in general, it means that the problems acquire these large-scale and threatening features, that something must be done about it, in including through public communication regarding these issues, and here i think that we have a lot of trouble, but i hope that a balanced decision, starting from the level of the head of the armed forces of the syrian general and the relevant specialists who are responsible for determined directions, signs will be given in the end, the ukrainian army must transform, adapt to the conditions of the introduction of the fourth generation war, this is when... modern techniques, technologies, unmanned platforms are used more and more, and therefore we cannot fight according to the patterns of
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the second world war, but must be as adaptable as possible in order to win on the battlefield. mr. vladyslav, one more important topic, and in principle this is what is expected, as well as our defenders, our armed forces, our defense forces, and in principle the whole country, this is permission for our state to impose. strikes, strike the enemy's territory with long-range missiles. in particular, some mass media, foreign of course, report that, in fact , such permission has already been granted by the usa and great britain, at least possibly for missiles manufactured in great britain. in particular, reuters writes that the usa and britain have decided to allow the use of these missiles, but are not ready to announce it. on the other side. we see that officials, in particular representatives of the white house, in particular and
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some mass media say that no, there is no such permission yet, let's wait, mr. vladyslav, in your opinion, is there really such a permission, and will it be if it is not available today, and probably the next question, how much it can change the battle map and help our defense forces. at least in some parts of the front, my phone has, well, two dozen, that's right, maybe even more, monitoring resources that track certain regional news in different corners of the russian federation, well, these are mainly the regions that border our country, in order to learn directly from the first source about the consequences of that balloon, which is often densely arranged, or ukrainian missiles, or ukrainian drones, so i can say that for the past week , i have not seen news about... that it was ukrainian rockets that led to certain destruction and occupation on the territory of the russian federation, especially in those
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regions that are located at distances of more than 100 km from the state border line or from the line combat clashes. if even we have this permission for the use of british missiles by stormov shadow, then most likely we have not yet implemented it in practice. if there is no such permission, is there a chance for us to get it, we have indisputable and very reliable partners, the british government, who behind... are now actually working as the same headliners who are trying to push through the opposition of many world leaders to grant the appropriate permissions for ukrainian defense forces, and here, as they say, the devil hides. in detail on the one hand we hear a statement from the administration of joe biden, they say that there is no sense in granting such permissions, they say that the russian aviation has withdrawn its forces and means at a distance of more than 300 km, thereby withdrawing its aviation component from the impact of ukrainian missiles that were transferred to us by western partners, and on the other hand on the other hand, i understand the tactics and technical characteristics of
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the aviation equipment that is used to launch guided aerial bombs on our territory. defenders, as well as residents of our border and frontline territories, the conclusion is as follows: our overseas partners are lying, and it is very unfortunate, because when they try in this way to avoid responsibility for providing the relevant permits, it is at least unprofessional, it is not difficult for anyone to list the possibilities of the technical tact, tactical and technical characteristics of the aviation component in order to , to come to the same conclusion, and the fact that we need to combine missile and drone attacks in order to... guarantee the destruction of enemy aircraft in the places of basing, it seems to me obvious, because now the biggest problem, the biggest trouble for the ukrainian soldiers, and it is the controlled air bomb, the lesson knows this and this factor is constantly used, more than a hundred cabs are sent towards our defenders, since recently the residents of our chernihiv
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region began to suffer from the enemy cabs, in addition to that was not, so it is obvious that the enemy is using this factor to the full, we are suffering losses, we are constantly... articulating the need for us to obtain appropriate means of countermeasures against our aviation weapons western partners, but there is still no opposite positive signal. ugh. mr. vladyslav, quite interesting and somewhat dramatic events are taking place in kurshchyna. this is the type of counteroffensive of the russians, which, as we understand, is not being crowned with anything now, and the defense forces in this area are once again leaving the russian army in ruins. and at the same time, the nine directions on which the russians are pressing, and the great threats to ugledar now, why am i emphasizing a little more on ugledar, although pokrovsk is also worth mentioning, and areas of the front in other locations, but ugledar, you and i have met many times on the air and talked about the logistical importance of this
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settlement, and the logistical importance in the context of the still occupied native... with you crimea, what do you see around this location, what is the purpose the enemy and what threats in the future, in the worst case scenario, does the capture of the coal miner by the russians entail? the loss of the coal mine means the loss of the ukrainian army's ability to influence the key logistics highway that passes through the number through ee de. some railway stations of the south of the donetsk region, full weight, for example, and securing in this way the same communications along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov. the vice is understood to be the vulnerability of the kerch construction of the kerch bridge, and therefore they are trying to secure as much as possible the logistical routes and road -railways that go along
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the sea of ​​azov, and our loss of control over power will create very serious problems for us. by the way, you, ms. khrystyna, this is a very important issue, pay attention, all the emphasis is currently on the whirlwind of hostilities in our country is concentrated in the pokrovsky, kurakovsky direction, we carefully observe the processes taking place in the kupinsky direction, of course we cheer for our soldiers who hold defensive lines and positions in the ugledaro area, for our soldiers, we accept those who perform a certain task on the territory of the kursk region, but for some reason the zaporozhye direction is always a plot point for us, and meanwhile there is a russian group of troops there, it is called the dnipro, it is headed by a colonel-general mykhailo teplinsky, seems to be the most conscious among the russian generals, an officer, and there are 90,000, how quickly, exactly when and exactly where these forces can come into motion, i would not begin to talk about the fact that they will never move from the city , because the last few months they are in a static
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position, because the risk that the enemy will try to change the rebuke in this way is too great. it is precisely in the south of our country, because putin’s political vision is this, he is mad to take control of all new accessions of the territory of the russian federation, and there between among others, in addition to donetsk region and luhansk region, there are also kherson region and zaporizhzhia region of our country. and therefore , i believe that the dynamics on the battlefield, in the entire south of our country, in particular in the south of zaporizhzhia region, depends in principle on holding the position in the volodar area. ugh, there you are, sir. vladyslav, one more short question that concerns the direction of kharkiv, in particular for several, probably weeks in a row, and in particular today, according to... deep state maps, we see that in fact russian troops are trying, at least to move towards in the kupyanskyi direction, yes, in particular from pischanny, now i have opened the maps,
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i am specifically looking at how much of a threat there is, whether they want to actually repeat what happened after avdiivka, somewhere there, if we look at the map, they are trying to reproduce something similar, but will it work in them, well ... probably, if we are talking about the kharkiv direction in general, what is the situation in the vovchansk direction now? and as for the direction to kupinsk, in fact there are very disturbing news coming from there, we are losing control over the cenkivka, and what is a cenkivka - these are actually the keys to the kupinsky node. the enemy continues to move forward, there are mainly units of the first guards tank army of the russian federation, which seems to be the most well-known, but less well-known in the media. combining forces and means, they have an advance and that advance at the tactical level
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of 100, 200, 300 to 500 m. the left bank of the askil river, in such method by cutting our defenses in half, and i think that under the present conditions the enemy will be able to implement it, the only thing i hope, why it may not happen, is... according to general budanov's statement that in three weeks the enemy should have these offensive capabilities. as for the dynamics in the north of the kharkiv region, it does not abate there, even despite the fact that the enemy transferred a considerable amount of resources from that direction to the territory of the kurp region, i know from insider sources that the settlement of shibekina, a town located it is literally swarming in the direction of navchanok. write with russian forces and means, the entire industrial complex is filled to the brim with russian soldiers, russian armored vehicles, they often fly there in large numbers, as part of the counter-battery fight
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of artillery duels, our artillerymen practice artillery tasks with maximum efficiency and enemy armored vehicles, enemy personnel directly on the territory of that settlement, and also in its suburbs are being destroyed, but nevertheless, the enemy still has a lot of resources there, let’s remember again quantitative composition. the northern group, which is under the care of the colonel-general of the russian army lapin, there from the beginning there were 702, 75 thousand personnel, and leo's unit up to 55 was concentrated precisely on the territory of the belgorod region, well, it is clear why then the enemy tried to create a sanitary tank on the territory of the north of our kharkiv region, now part of those resources have been taken away, but nevertheless it is too early to talk about the enemy's complete depletion of resources in this direction... that is, in fact, the conclusion is this: wherever you and i are looked at the map of military operations, combat clashes are taking place everywhere, somewhere they are more intense, somewhere less, but nevertheless,
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three weeks, the next three weeks must probably be decisive, because the enemy is operating at the limit of his capabilities, he understands that the window of those his very possibility is gradually closing, and therefore we have to endure these three weeks, including thanks to the support of our western partners, well, as they say, the case of the president of our country, and diplomats, and other government officials who cooperate in various formats with our foreign partners, because weapons and resources in general are a determining factor on which the situation on the battlefield depends. thank you, mr. vladyslav, for your accents. vladyslav soleznyov, military expert, former spokesman of the general staff, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine joined the new week at espresso. well, we take a step further and remind you that today we... are conducting a survey on the possibility of revenge by russian pro-russian forces in ukraine after the war. and how does our vote sound: is
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a similar pro-russian revenge possible in ukraine georgian? if so, please call 0800-211-381, if you think that it is not possible, then 0800-211-3802. all your calls will be free, and your opinion is invaluable to us. well, he continues to speak. we are talking about victory plans, peace plans, peace formulas and everything related to this on the international track, ivanna klympush-tsensadze, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on ukraine's integration into the european union, is already live on air espresso tv channel. mrs. ivanna, we are glad to have you congratulations, good evening, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, mrs. ivano, actually i have already started to speak. about the victory plan, in particular , the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky talks about it, it is supposed to be presented to the united states of america and joe
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biden. kamala harris and mr. trump, well , in particular, we see that some insiders are already appearing, true, false - that's another matter, in the western press, in particular, bilt allegedly published some certain drafts, so to speak, of this plan, in that same time in the office of the president of ukraine emphasize that this is a fake and that no one has actually seen any of these points yet. in general, what do you think about such actions of the authorities, do we really need to present such a victory plan now, will it be effective, and can there really be certain undercurrents, pitfalls, which ukrainians need to worry about? well, i think everyone would agree
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that we definitely would like to see... both a strategy for victory and a plan for victory from the leadership of the country, both real and mature and responsible dialogue of the country's leadership, precisely a dialogue, not a monologue, constant from the country's leadership in relation to ukrainian society, and you and i understand that ukrainian society does not receive such information today, we periodically receive some new pictures once a quarter. which are drawn to us and... uh, after that, they, well, don't become reality. we are interested in it being an adult and serious conversation, and this adult and serious conversation, in my opinion, also consists in the fact that we are internally mobilized, and economically, and politically, and militarily, and industrially, ah, and, well, at this moment we do not, we do not see such, such internal
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mobilization, which would be necessary, just the way out. from the state leadership, well, but we hear promises that the victory plan will be presented to our international partners, obviously a key international partner, and well, i would like to believe that it is really some serious plan, a serious vision, but i simply do not believe in a winning plan, but some serious vision and some interaction, which could, as a result of agreements among themselves... and lead to a change in the situation at the front and to a change in our ability to put pressure on the russian federation, this is fundamental for us, could there be pitfalls? it is obvious that there can be pitfalls, you and i, unfortunately, know that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, ah, the ukrainian state, regardless of how ukrainian society and the ukrainian army acted , was operating in some terrible framework .
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negotiations with the russian side, we are true we learn about it from our international partners, and unfortunately, we also hear about it from russian sources. i would like there to be an equally frank conversation about what was happening there on the part of the ukrainian authorities, but since we already have these reasons to doubt that, on behalf of ukrainian society, the ukrainian state will behave in ... the authorities, of course, would like to avoid any pitfalls, and would like it to be something that corresponds to the national interests of ukraine, and it really was about victory, not about, and not about what will be sold to the ukrainian society, as the so-called victory. mrs. ivano, in general, here are these tracks from different countries, from the politicians of these countries about the settlement of the war with russia and
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ukraine. well, we are now talking about the information that is from bilt, we can also mention donald trump, who uses an interesting twist on the settlement of the war, that is, the wording itself is interesting. i know president putin very well, i know president zelenskyi very well, and i think that it must be done, to settle the war, and we must do it, and do it with strength and wisdom, trump states in a brief. this is a candidate for the presidency, let me remind you, from the republican party, and he promises to take care of the settlement of the war. last monday, we talked about scholz, orbán will not finish his peace-making voyage or, as it is called, i am silent about the fact that there are these ding pini beijing in general.


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