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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 1, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: good morning. 10:00 eastern, up 47 on the dow, 63 on nasdaq, 18 on the s&p. where's the 10 year treasury? 490. wait a minute. look at that. there is a surprise. all of a sudden we are down 12 basis points, that's a lot and the yield is back to 4. 40%, that's no doubt encouraging especially for the nasdaq. the price of oil $82, $83 a barrel, bitcoin 34,000 and change, 34-6 to be precise. just into at the latest read on the manufacturing sector. lauren: the numbers 46.
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7, the expectation was 49. we have 12 straight months of contraction. the fed will make a decision on interest rates later today, look at the prices paid component. the other report we got, jolts. the number is a little higher, 9.55 million jobs open at the end of september down a bit from august and on friday we get the government jobs report for october. stuart: a steep drop in manufacturing, 9 million jobs slightly higher than the last week, don't see much impact on the market, the dow up 60, the nasdaq up 60 points. now this. there is a profound split in the democratic party, it will be felt in next year's election. a resolution condemning hamas was opposed by 15 democrats,
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they could not condemn them the atrocities. a new jersey democrat said the 15 were despicable. andre carson, democrat and squad member promptly called him a coward and suggested they step outside to settle it. that's a split. at a press conference, democrat congresswoman a lot omar shouted at new york democrat richard toros how many more palestinians would make you happy, taurus demonstrate, calling it a vicious lie. illinois democrat schneider called out rashida tlaib for continuing to push anti-israel propaganda that has been picked up around the world, incredibly disappointed. the hamas lobby has split the party. wall street journal poll, only 48% of democrats believe the us has a responsibility to support israel, the split is hurting biden. a gallup poll showed his
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approval rating among democrats dropped 11 points in a month and his approval overall dropped to a low of 37%. he's losing ground among young people and minorities. key constituents for the election a year from now. in other words the party's divisions restrict the president's policy options and public statements. this will divide the party for years. second hour of varney just getting started. liz pico with us, what are democrats going to do with those party members that are openly anti-semitic? liz: right now what's happening, not just bad for the democratic party but the united states, president biden is losing his moral voice. he should be out there condemning anti-semitism in the most forceful tone and manner
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every single day, not just what's going on israel but in the united states. president biden needs to be a leader in this moment, to step up and say there is no equivalency. what happened october 7th is an unspeakable horror, has nothing to do with what israel has every right to do which is why about hamas because otherwise they will never live in peace. where's that voice? the problem with president biden, he's scared to death of the left-wing part of his party, he can't talk about anti-semitism in the united states, these protests these guys are leading are not just pro-palestinian, they are anti-israel and in many cases anti-jewish people and calling for the annihilation of israel. many don't understand that but president biden should be addressing it. every day, this anti-semitism living in new york, we have friends telling their children if someone stops you don't say you are jewish, if they ask you
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do not say you are jewish, who thought in our lifetime this whatever happened in the united states and is happening and this president needs to be clear that this is unacceptable. stuart: what is he going to do with the hamas lobby? i don't know. you've got a new op-ed, three ways biden challenger dean phillips is sending democrats valuable advice. that's interesting. what advice? liz: his grandmother broke the dear abby advice column. it is true. what is he telling democrats? open the doors, let's have a primary. very often a party will protect their incumbent. incumbency is a powerful weapon for someone running for president. in this case it isn't much of a weapon because president biden is so underwater not just in overall approval ratings but every issue voters care about.
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it seems to me it is a reasonable thing what dean phillips is saying, president biden is too old to run, 73% of the entire country and increasing number of democrats are also saying and probably the only democrat that could lose to donald trump. i think he is probably right. he is saying open the doors. what i love about this, president biden is big on competition, he says we have inflation because there' s not enough competition in sectors of industry, how about competition in the democratic party, if you are so terrific why are you afraid of this? for the reason you talk about and many others, dean phillips has gone after him on the border, going after him on israel thing, i don't think he has much of a platform. stuart: you are on today. liz: i'm fired up with this anti-semitism thing, it is horrifying. stuart: i see it. liz: dues are 2.
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5% of the population, but 60% of religious hate crimes are against jews and they need our protection. this is no. this has been boiling up and everyone ignored and now here it is on our doorstep. really unconscionable. liz: see you. stuart: back to the markets, green, up 40 on the dow, up 40 on the nasdaq. consumers are spending. why do you think that spending power is not sustainable? >> great to be with you. consumers have been spending and we know that 70% of our economy is based on how the consumer has been spending, the big difference is that we are looking at one third of not saved anything in their savings emergency funds year to date and we are looking at credit card expenses searching in ways we've never seen before. pre-pandemic, looking at 50%
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more in spending in these specific credit cards. if you are just paying minimums on credit cards you are going backwards quickly. one of -- stuart: are we were headed for recession? >> absolutely. how can we sustain if 70% of economic growth is based on the consumer. looking at real gdp versus non-real gdp, ultimately what we are doing is spending a lot more on the price of everything. not selling more units so corporations have a ability to hide the data in their numbers when looking at real versus nominal gdp side. the consumer is spending in a way similar to congress. this does not balance. i would not try this at home. stuart: would you purchase any stock at all right now? >> absolutely. there are definitely positions
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we are looking at. looking at oil as an example as we get into different situations like this in a geopolitical way, if we reduce production but the value of oil remains high i am confident that these companies look at their kidneys out before they cut dividends. they will continue to at least pay you for holding on. what is price ultimately? over time it goes up. ultimately, metal miners as well relative to the s&p 500 p/e ratios, very low and on sale based on my assessment. stuart: metal minors and oil. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. looking -- i got this nagging cough, dow is up 60, nasdaq up 40. lauren looking at movers headed by jenna rack. lauren: stock is up 14%, stronger earnings, what
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happened in the court a? you had a lot of storms, big demand for their backup generators, stock is down 16% on the year. at the top of the movers list, it is down. stuart: they've gone through a stock split. there is no stock split? that stock is much much higher. thank you. how about boeing? lauren: the dow components up 1.7%, goldman says investors are too focused on your time disruptions. the issue with spirit aerosystems. stuart: netflix, where are we? lauren: $7 a month, out a year now, 15 million monthly active users cost you $7 a month and starting in a few months early next year advertisers will show the qr code on the advertisement so you can snap it on your screen. stuart: that is interesting. fast -- there are some fast
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food chains in california raising their prices. why california? lauren: california will have to pay half-million fast food workers a minimum wage of $20 an hour, $4 more, mcdonald's and chipotle have both raised prices. they get the feeling they can't raise prices much more but they will raise prices in california to pay for the $20 an hour. they've not said how much. how much is a big mac worth? there is this value meal that is almost $19. do you spend $20 on a meal? there is an extent to how much they can raise their prices. stuart: senator josh hawley
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laid into secretary mayorkas, an employee posting free palestine online, roll it. >> has she been fired? >> that individual has been placed on administrative leave. >> she's not been fired, is on your payroll as we sit here today? she is still on your payroll? stuart: a fiery exchange. vivek ramaswamy confronted on his position as a free-speech absolutist. what does he think of the anti-israel protests on college campuses. will china use the war on israel to invade taiwan. we get into that as well.
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stuart: the dow is up 90 points, nasdaq up 55, modest rally. microsoft is up, 35 points, the dow industrials, stock, microsoft is up 43% on this year. is relaunching massive strike on a district in gaza while targeting a key hamas official. 15 soldiers have been killed in gaza. what is the latest, greg? >> reporter: the breakthrough we can report today concerning the humanitarian situation inside the gaza strip. the only way out of gaza is a crossing that connects with egypt, finally open today. that is the work of negotiations of the united
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states and other players. some nationals including 5 to 600 palestinian americans inside gaza could be getting out and critically injure people free for healthcare. more shockwaves from yesterday's airstrike, the massive and densely populated refugee camp, going after a hamas commander, the health ministry saying get hundreds were killed and injured in the strike, no confirmation on either side as the new ground incursion of gaza by his real picks up steam. the is really military says it is adding troops and armor and clashing with and killing hamas militants but it is coming at a cost. as you noted, local media reporting 13 israeli soldiers have been killed since the
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invasion began as the air force continues to strike gaza from the sky, that might have a cause especially when it comes to the 240 plus hostages hamas militants are still holding. hamas claims some of them were killed in israeli airstrikes, no confirmation of that. they are demanding a complete cease-fire talking about the release of the hostages. the israeli government is confident the only way to free the innocents is through force. over the weekend, the last few days, one young woman soldier freed. one bit of good news and a lot of bad news right here right now. stuart: my next guest wrote the book the art of the new cold war, america versus china, what america must do to win. in a nutshell, sharp and to the
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point, how do we win? >> we are in a new cold war, china, they are not the competitor, need to realize china has maximum advantage, they build like a new world order. asia is where the actions are going to be, where the growth is, you can't get bogged down in the middle east and finally so much of what makes china dangerous adversary's economic power. we should not help china grow economically or strengthen their economy as we have in the past. we should do everything we can to weaken them economically and ensure they can't invoke the value chain and go to a
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technological standpoint. stuart: should we spend more on the military and focus very much on asia? >> yes. we need to focus on asia. look we look at the defense industrial base which is straining to provide ammunition to ukraine let alone another conflict in the middle east, over the years -- stuart: are we going to do that? is this administration anywhere close to spending more money on the military? do you? >> i am skeptical in the extreme. president biden seems to think we can fight every were everywhere with what we haven't i think he is deadly wrong and if china decides to invade taiwan we will find out. stuart: how do we weaken china's economy? >> the buzzwords, decouple,
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dearest, we need to get serious about getting our supply chains out and fracturing out of china into the united states in our hemisphere. and and sanctions to ensure china isn't getting advances in technologies which they've done in the past. in a nutshell, reverse a lot of policies over the last two decades advancing china's economy and start to re-sure or decouple, give dangerous dependencies that have grown over decades. stuart: now this. senator josh hawley sparred with alejandra mayorkas, went after dhs employee who made questionable social media posts after the terror attacks on israel, it was a fiery exchange.
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lauren: a female who works for the part of homeland security posted free palestine messages, images right after the october 7th attack. senator hawley wants secretary mayorkas to tell her why she hasn't been fired. >> this person works for the department of homeland security which have you fired her? don't come to this hearing room when israel has been invaded and jewish students are barricaded in libraries in this country and can't be escorted out because they are threatened for their lives, employees are celebrating genocide and you say it's despicable to ask a question? has she been fired? >> that individual has been placed on administrative leave. >> he is so on your payroll as we sit here today? lauren: she worked as an asylum
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officer vetting people before they came to the united states. she's a former spokesperson for the palestinian liberation organization, deadly terrorist group. i want to see mayorkas say that? i will give him credit for two things. he said in other parts of this exchange she does not represent members of the department of homeland security. he made that clear. he said i sympathize with his real, he lost family members. stuart: she is still employed. lauren: how was she hired is what i want to know and i want to hear him say that. stuart: antony blinken at just -- admits usaid going to gaza could head up, roll it. >> i promise you and this committee, they will be 100% delivery to designated recipients? no. there will be some spillage. stuart: spillage.
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we will follow-up on that. emily austen, a jewish activist in new york city says she's been getting death threats, decided it was time to take action and protect herself. emily is here with her story next. this is american infrastructure. megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. all running on countless invisible networks, making it a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security
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stuart: the rally progresses, and i call that a modest rally. i want to know why microsoft is at $7. stuart: 1 billion users, to access that ai, businesses pay 30 a month for business user. stuart: on top of what they are paying already. that's a lot of revenue if it works. $7 a share. good stuff. toyota, they double their profit and raise their guidance. lauren: monetization of electric vehicles. investors are buying their ev strategy, increase the range, do a lot of hybrid and cut the
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cost of the battery. yesterday we told you toyota also hired, spending $8 billion on battery plant in north carolina. we one 6%, stock like toyota, that is huge. 6 flags. lauren: jpmorgan initiated coverage with the cell, that's your loser today, they worry about the next year and a half at market share losses the could happen, stock is down 5%. %. stuart: next one for you. questions around a humanitarian aid, there is concern it could end up in the hands of hamas. what the secretary blinken say? >> you and, israel, everyone inspects the goods, and >> to date, we don't have reports either from the un or israel that this assistance has been diverted from its intended recipients but something we are going to track closely and i promise you and this committee
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there will be 100% delivery to the designated recipients. no. there will inevitably be some spillage, but we have to anticipate that. stuart: lauren: more recently, the past couple days we seen increase truckloads of a getting in through the crossing. stuart: that is specifically american taxpayer money some of which will go to hamas. lauren: $100 million. they've taken humanitarian aid. stuart: israeli activist emily austen is joining us, thanks for being here. you appeared on this show some time ago in support of israel. what happened after that? >> i've come on here, been vocal on social media taking a strong stance pro is mio and i'm condemning a terrorist group. doing so, the death threats
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that have accumulated in my messages which is normal but they are more violent calls to action. that's been concerning and it is because i condemn hamas. a terrorist group. you would think everyone would agree but that's not case. stuart: you hired a bodyguard. and you have this person not in studio with you but right outside. a bodyguard. >> better safe than sorry. i don't take these threats personally but i will put a bullet through your brain. i would rather be safer than sorry. stuart: have you restricted your movements? you are wearing a jewish star. >> i'm going to continue to do it. the alternative a stay home and hide. i would rather hire 10 bodyguards. stuart: on that note, would you hide me? that is social media.
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reminiscent of anne frank where non-jews hid jews from nazi terror but you don't like this. >> the intention was to show solidarity with non-jewish people, the jewish community, but saying good would you hide me, showing we have to hide or should be hiding, the whole point of saying never again is reinforcing that what happened then never happens again. to say would you hide me isn't a way to show solidarity. it is inciting more fear and is counterproductive. that's with the intention was supposed to be. stuart: jewish people are telling their children don't go out there and look jewish with a yarmulke or star, don't do it. that's a form that the form of hiding and you don't like it. >> that's letting them win. if you hide on college campuses, if the jews remove themselves from society and career places, we will be overrun by hate.
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everyone is worried. i'm worried for college campuses. stuart: you met vivek ramaswamy and questioned him about free speech and where he would draw the line. what did he tell you? >> he said he did not create the lines but reinforcing the lines the constitution created but i pressed him further, what about college campuses where jews feel unsafe, he said free speech will always be protected, call to action and violence will never be protected. that should be taken into consideration, take concrete action since make sure -- stuart: that a legitimate position. >> he's right. free-speech should be protected but when students feel threatened, the ones who make them feel threatened should go to prison. they are getting away with violence. they are bullying students into
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feeling they have to hide in universities, that shouldn't be tolerated. stuart: if i come out with a sign, genocide. >> that is free-speech. it is horrible. you might be expelled from your school, probably not because they protect that free-speech, but that's not a direct call to action. if a student gets in-your-face and is inciting violence, by no means should that be tolerated. i don't have to like your speech, i hate it, that is free-speech. stuart: that is are markable stuff. appreciate you being here. one rabbi helping jewish people learn self-defense and teaching about guns. the rabbi will be on our show. 75 days to make up a lot of ground, the senator is here next.
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stuart: i could call this a solid rally, thousand 180, nasdaq up 115 points, not sure of the precise reason other than the fed is not expected to raise rates this afternoon. thousand one hundred 84. big tech, most of it is up, especially microsoft topping the list, $7, meta-up 6, amazon up two, no losers on big tech at this moment. one week before the third republican debate nine candidates are still in the race. mark meredith is breaking down the new power rankings. any surprises in the rankings? >> a few twists and turns.
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we are week from the debate but 75 days until the iowa caucus, the latest fox news power rankings show this race appears between 3 main ranker's, donald trump has the front runner followed by two main challenges, ron desantis and nikki haley. iowa voters appear set on trump. the latest des moines register paul hashem at 43% support, desantis at 16, south carolina senator tim scott putting a lot of time, money and energy into iowa, remains in single digits. senator scott remains popular with a 61% favorability rating and only trailing trump and desantis in that state while trump is looking to do well in iowa, comes in a strong second, could become what we 2-person race between trump and another big-name republican. governor ron desantis is confident it is going to be him. because of those constant trips to the hawkeye state will pay off. >> a lot of the stuff has not
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been glamorous, has not gotten a lot of headlines, we are going to small counties and meeting people and shaking their handed answering their questions but that is what you should do. that's the way these things are won and lost. >> 3 candidates on the debate stage struggling to break through including tim scott, chris christie and vivek ramaswamy. the gop candidates in miami for the third debate but only five have qualified so far. looking to see if there's any shifts in strategy to get more people on the base. stuart: thanks very much. south carolina senator tim scott joins me now. this ranking puts you in sixth place. what your strategy to catch up? >> one of the things i can say, going all in is the way we catch up. there is no doubt the iowa voter is a question voter
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interested in making sure this nation has an optimistic positive leader as long as you have a backbone. sharing our message is our strategy to finishing strong and being the candidates. stuart: as a practicing christian what is your feeling about civilian suffering and gaza? >> something we should always remember, pray for the peace of jerusalem and those who do will prosper. part of america's shine, being the city on the other standing and being loyal to our allies while being lethal to our adversaries, giving the weapons, resources and support to benjamin netanyahu and israel as a way to move forward in this war is our response ability, and the right thing, we are talking about an evil terrorist organization that beheaded children, burned them alive, raped women.
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we need a clear response to evil to wipe it off the face of the earth, >> you are an overt practicing christian. what are your feelings, very innocent civilians in gaza being killed and injured, men, women and children as we speak. as a christian what is your feeling? >> we always want to avoid unnecessary suffering. one of the things we read in romans 12:15 is to mourn with those who mourn and that is what we've done with the nation of israel who had an unprovoked response, reaction to just existing, literally the murder of the terror, the rape, the absolute genocide that hamas wants to bring to the jewish people, unprovoked and what was their response? their response was to say we are coming into gaza, all civilians, get out, get out,
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leave now. patience, discipline as a result of that, thousands upon thousands were able to escape the next iteration of the attack. israel has response ability to make sure hamas can never do this again. if you want to end suffering, laminate the evil that caused it. that is the fastest, most effective way to reduce suffering in the world, to a laminate absolute evil and i hope israel does it with some western military hardware. stuart: i want to get back to the race. this new cnn poll puts you in fourth place for the south carolina primary. that is your home state and you are in fourth place, how do you explain that? >> as long as we maintain a positive optimistic message.
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all we need to do is succeed, bring home momentum to south carolina, that is why we are all in and i were. >> is i will make or lead, is it iowa or bust? if you don't do well in iowa, >> we will do well and i well. and the voters in new hampshire, in 2011, herman cain was the number one candidate in the same poor you just talked about, 2015, ben carson was the number one candidate pulling really well in iowa, i know without question iowa voters, being steadfast in the state,
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sharing our conservative message, being the person we know cannot only when the primary, a red wave in november. if we don't have a red wave in november we don't have a governing mandate. we need the governing mandate. on the candidate who gets that done. stuart: the next debate one week from today, you're in it, what your strategy, coming out swinging? >> it's important for us to show the contrast between our candidacy and the other candidates. bottom line is nikki is too moderate, ron is moving in the wrong direction, we need, most conservative candidate, the strongest message, clear policy positions and not only can we win the primary but we could bring new voters independent voters, minority voters into the great opportunity party and have the governing mandate that comes from a red wave, we need it all to turn this nation from
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a nation of grievance and continue to be the nation of greatness. the radical left wants to use any group, any issue to divide this country to hold onto their power, we can unite this country on conservative principles and lead this country to another american century, america is in the middle of a biden retreat, we can turn that around. stuart: thank you for joining us this morning, see you again soon. a migrant caravan 5000 strong is making its way to the southern border, hundreds more are joining the caravan. a study of harvard said young adults struggle with feeling of lack of purpose. jonathan morris is here to inspire us all next. ♪
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stuart: a harvard study found young adults 18 to 25 are more heavily affected by anxiety and depression than teenagers. jonathan morris is with us. they found these young adults have little sense of purpose. why is that? youngsters should be bursting to get out. >> what is surprising about the study is there's been a lot of news about teenagers with depression and anxiety. the study of this study from harvard says it is even more pronounced once they get from 18 to 23, college years. why would that be? those should be the years of idealism. those should be the years we say we will change the world for the good. let me tell you one reason. colleges today have divorced themselves for many traditional values and ideals, the great majority, let me tell you a story.
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i was interviewing to be chaplain at an ivy league school. for 1.5 hours, the interdenominational chaplain pushed me to find out whether i was for the palestinian cause or whether i was pro-israel. what does this have to do with what i do as a chaplain, help people find direction and find their ideals, to find god and learn to pray. if you take all that out of college and put activism and whatever the cause is, you have kids without a rudder, without ideals, without values. that brings anxiety and depression. stuart: this was 10 years ago. stuart: imagine what it is like now. i have a question i posed to senator scott. as a practicing christian how do you feel about suffering of civilians in gaza?
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>> anyone who looks at that suffering. and and just when terrorists living in gaza, being director from hamas doing on think about things to innocent israelis. we have to to be pro human beings but also stand up for what is right and against terrorism. there will be negative consequences which is what happens. get rid of terrorism and stand up for democracy. that's the way we avoid wars in the future. stuart: jonathan morris, thanks for joining us. very interesting. still ahead. martha maccallum will breakdown the latest fox power rankings. west virginia senator shelley moore capito, i want to know
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she's willing to cut funding for ukraine. the terror threat against americans has been raised to a new level. who gets the blame if there's an attack here and it's traced to someone who came across the open border. that is "my take" next. ♪ tourists tourists that turn into scientists. tourists photographing thousands of miles of remote coral reefs. that can be analyzed by ai in real time. ♪ so researchers can identify which areas are at risk. and help life underwater flourish. ♪
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