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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 2, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello folks welcome -- a special edition of kudlow, it is special. i am larry kudlow. look at we're looking at likely house vote to israel war funding. joe biden continues to call for a pause in the war, idf moves to gaza, and more anti-semitism on america's elite campuses and another big day in the stock market, we get to our newsmaker interview, new house speaker mr. mike johnson from the great state of l louisiana. you are gracious to come on. i know this is a busy day, i want to begin if you will, there is bake a -- back and forth in white house press room for the life of me i do not understand difference between a ceasefire and a pause, hear this back and forth, maybe
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give us a comment. >> as you push the israelis for humanitarian pauses, are they supposed to sit back and let hamas attack them and attack them and attack them? and not fight back? >> we have been crystal clear that israel has a right to defend themselves. >> a pause means they can still shoot back. >> my goodness peter, we give them security systems almost every day, but do we advocate pauses by both sides to be able to get americans out? to be able to get aid in, you bet we do, that does not mean we're calling for a general cease-fire, there is a difference. larry: there is a different, thing yesterday, mr. biden said, in answer to a question that i think that president of the in minneapolis, i think we need a paused, a pause means giving time to get prisoners out, we all want prisoners
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out. but mr. speaker, do you see a difference between a pause and a ceasefire. what do you think about this debate? >> i have to tell you, i agree with peter doocy, i would be asking the same questions, let's make clear there was a cease-fire it was before october 7, right now since that time hamas has been relentlessly having its way through. we heard and seen the atrocities defy the imagine nation, we have to stand with israel, i spoke with prime minister netanyahu on the phone, he said this is good versus evil, light versus darkness, i agree with him, we will stand fully with our friend and ally of israel. larry: you will have a vote this afternoon on israeli funding bill, you can tell us about that? it does not look like the senate majority leader or minority leader agrees with
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you at the moment, i have no idea how it will play out, could you tell us how you see it. >> i'm tell you -- i'll tell you we have to change the way that business is done in washington, we have to keep an eye always on our own financial stability. we want to help israel, we're going to help. but when i brought forward the supplement the emergency relief package, the large fund 67 billion that is setting excited too beef up irs, i thought in competing priorities helping israel in this dire moment is more important than hiring more irs agents that is how we'll do it, you talk about all of the time, is fiscal responsibility. we have gotten away from, that we have to get back to it with 33.6 trillion in federal debt, treasury department this week said we have to borrow over 1.5
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trillion dollars n. we have help israel, and ensure our own house is in order that work begins today. larry: you know, newt gingrich talked about this, wrote a column on it very purpose that you reestablish pay fors or check offs, and that is what you have done. but the bigger question, will be mr. speaker, as you know, i guess difference of opinion between the republican house and the democratic senate. is there a way to predict this? i mean, a lot of people would like to see ukraine broken out, we need a good national conversation on ukraine. certainly throwing more money at the border toi expedite more cash and release -- catch and release, we need more c conversation, then the merge spending 56 billion, how
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does this play out, in the next few days? >> well will see, chuck schumer and democrats in senate want to do what president biden wants to do that slump all of those categories and items you listed in one giant spending package, that is not what the american people desire or deserve. they deserve a more sober look at each of thes, we'll handle the ukraine issue, and the border issue probably together in the house side. we'll do these separately to have thoughtful debate and discussion, we're in the consensus building business, we don't have a full consensus yet on ukraine. we do that have a growing bipartisan concern about the border, i think we'll get actual real policy changes that will serve all of the american people, we're working hard on those issues. larry: everyone is -- even mayorkas of dhs virtually agreed that potential terrorists are crossing the board, chinese
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nationalists. as well as all of the illegals and catch and release, i would think we need a full national conversation about that. >> and of course, larry, that was foreseeable when they opened the border under mamayorkas' direction and president biden, now the fbi said, director wray said, they suspect there there might be t terrorist cells they are setting up, planning only god knows against against americans, we're to be on alert, of course, when you keep the border open and allow dangerous people to come in you open yourself up to that chaos, we have been working with everything that we have for last 3 years to get the border closed and secured, we will force the issue and i believe this american people want us to do that. larry: when you spoke on president biden after your victory as speaker -- first how was that? just generally. and did these issues come up, did he you know, he said
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comments on stuff you might have had an opinion or two, that was that conversation like? >> we had a cordial meet and greet. the schedule got jostled, we wound up having 15 or 20 minutes together. we kept it at the surface level, i met him once before it was really it was pleasant, he knows we're on different planets with regard to policies and, that we kind of mutually agreed we would have a stalemate for purposes of this conversation, i mitt later that -- met later that day with jake sullivan and a number of white house officials, we have direct conversations about where the house s where the house republican majority is on for example dividing the israel and ukraine issue, i told them, we're resolved and we're doing it this way, and they need to wrap their mind around that. larry: about 15 seconds after you got off phone with
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probe his presidential campaign started attacking you. >> oh, yeah. look that is the game. i met with him in personal white house. and you know, it was cordial, and he complimented me on the having won the position, and all; that he shared old stories, he said i've been around here a while, yes, sir, we know. i respect the office that is important tr principle, i have great concern with how he is leading the policy, i would be hard press to tell you one policy issue i believe they handled well. larry: you should take it a compliment they're coming after you. one other thing to ask you, you know. bidens have been appeasing iran, i talk about it varity night, and "wall street journal" editorial page is there when way -- something
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you can to as house speaker to restore the sanctions on economic and energy activity? in last 3 years, essentially iran, which was broke when d donald trump left office has refunded itself because of the eases of the sanctions, i call it stop a ship, send a message, they are financing hamas and the rest of terrorism, is there something that you speaker and the house can do to restore the tough trump sanctions? >> on this, like so many other issues i'm from the kudlow school, we're having thoughtful d dialogue about what we can do, iran is largest state sponsor of terror in the work, they not have the u.s.'s best interest at heart, they are sparking the violence and unrest in middle east in the
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region and hamas and hezbollah are proxies for them, why would we do anything to assist them? this defies common sense, and logic, wild p -- we'll push back, we have a slim majority in one chamber of the legislative branch would use it at best we can as a bully pulpit and policy production to push back. larry: you might get bipartisan support in some quarters from the other side of the aisle, other area of potential bipartisan support on this incredible spread of anti-semitism. you see it in the elite campuses, i have not heard anything about lsu that is a good thing, you see it in the fancy schools here in the east, where the rest of us went, this is a major embarrass am and a soar spot, is there something you can do on that. >> there is a fruitful discussion about funding
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mechanisms that go to some of the universities if they harbor pro terrorist sentiment, we need to look at that there may be a role congress could play, it has do with federal funding that is important debate. at tulane in louisiana we have a physical disturbance this week, this is getting serious, our jewish students are hiding in fear some of them on the campuses this is absurd, we have to address that. larry: newt gingrich has -- he is banging me to ask you about, i would have done it balance budget but a pro growth balance budget that would include extending or improving upon the trump tax cuts which were so successful. i know that is not an immediate issue, but, jodey arrington has been a good job for his committee, that
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and hr 1, which kevin mccarthy called kudlow bill, unlocking fossil fuel spigots they are my hobby horses down the road, unlock the spigots and have a pro growth balance the budget with lower taxs. >> professor kudlow i agree 100%, if we could get both of those right we'll go a long way in helping the nation. larry: i don't want to keep you, you have a big vote coming up, are kind with your time today. speaker m mike johnson best of luck to you. >> thank you. >> god's speed. >> thank you. larry: you bet, coming up on cud kudlow, more biden scandals 40 g, lo laundered from china, winding up in joe biden's bank around, from his brother's wife account? and several other predecessor accounts?
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we have over oversight chairman james comer up next on kudlow, and dow up 600, i think it is about interest rates, we have a report when kudlow returns, good job speaker mike johnson, a smart fellow, a class act, i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. coo
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larry: all right well, now the dow jones, 4-day rally up almost 600 today, gerri willis is joining us on this big market rally. what is going on and why? >> it is a banner day for stocks, a broad rally in the markets with all three major averages ending high are by are -- higher by her more than 1%. let me show you. and the dow and s&p having their best week in a year, immediate cause of that optimism is hope that the federal reserve is done raising interest rates. and meeting this week central bank leaving target for overnight rates a range 5 to 25 -- 5.25 to 5.5%.
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and worker productivity highest in 3 years and labor costs decline. another possible positive for stocks, we're expecting earnings apple earnings out shortly. and analysts see an upbeat quarter, they are expected in just a few minutes back to you. >> gerri willis, you are right, but rick wrighter a smart bond man said be careful, long-term interest rates are going up, i agree. because the tr treasury sell 1.6 trillion worth of bonds in next 6 months, the speaker mentioned that in our interview. this story is not over, but you know, the kudlow trust has been well this week. >> flo glad do hear it. larry: jerry wil
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gerri willis thank you. >> joining me, james comer, we have 40 grand through bank account after account, thank you, mr. chairman. llc after llc, and behold, what started in china, ends up in joe biden's bank account. if i have that story right. help yourself mr. chairman, comer. >> you are right. kudlow, that is -- we call money laundering in the barbanking business, if you want to go to the beginning it started when joe biden was vice president. we know that because of the what's app message that irs employees disclosed where hunter biden said his father was sitting beside him and he was trying to shake down the chinese national. 5 days after, that text-message, 5 million to an account. then they start the money laundering process 400 thousand to hunter biden's
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shell company, then to a series of wire transfers, then deposits, it ends up 40 thousand dollars in joe biden back pocket, 40 thousand dollars happens to be 10% of 400 thousand dollars which if you go back to the laptop, l larry, this particular deal is deal that joe biden was supposed to be involved in and have 10% ownership stake in. larry: wow. that was the tony boblinsky phrase, i forgot about that bidens are denying this with his spokespeople saying this is just a conspiracy theory, how do you respond to that? >> that is what they said from the beginning. i said laptop was legitimate, they said it was russia disinformation they said joe biden never met with or spoke to the people that sent his family money
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through our 7 month investigation, we have proven he met with every person, we have proven that most money happened while joe biden was vice president and that the biden family got millions of dis dollar from china even when he died in trump debate, the lies that we have exposed are never ending. any time i come up with new evidence, of criminality, among the widen family members, then, the white house, attacks me. that is what they have done this week, we have a check second check we have produced in a week to joe biden, combined they are a quarter of a million dollars, for a guy who said he is poorest guy in congress that is real money, we have prove than joe biden benefited from his family's shady business dealings and all white house wants to do in response is attack me. larry: the first check, both came from jim biden and jim
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biden's wife, i believe her name is sarah, it passes through other llc's before to them. this loan, $200,000 was to be a repayment, we don't know the terms of the loan or the default penalties were,s when the interest rates or maturity, we don't know anything about that. you have the check and they ai ain't talking. >> if it were a, loan, wouldn't you produce evidence showing it was a loan, they said we have documents to prove it was a loan, they showed them the copy of the check, the same one that fox business and fox showed on the screen, in memo section is as loan repayment, that severed, it was alone. and ununiques and cnn said
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-- and nbc and cnn said that is good enough, that is how financially illiterate the reporters are with cnn and nbc. i can tell you with confidence james biden could not have paid joe biden that money if not for influences peddling scheme, whether joe biden got a $2 40 thousand kickback or made a loan and got repaid 2 240 thousand, she 240 tho thousand dollars bet better off because of his family scheme, peddling scheme, despite what the white house is saying. larry: follow the money, you got the checks that is pretty damaging. just one more mr. chairman, we had senator grassley on
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last night, he has uncovered 40 senior fbi informants, they wrote up 1023 reports, which are under oath about possible criminal wrong doing by the bidens it has been covered up by the justice department and fbi, chuck grassley sent letters are, you are continuing that in your committee? >> absolutely, we're working with judiciary committee, jim jordan is really investigating department of justice more than we are, we're coordinating we communicate daily, you have two problems for bidens the crime and the cover-up, imf -- we'll work together. and our effort to hold this family and this administration accountable for wrong doing. >> all right, through have it chairman jamie comer thank you, sir, appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: coming on kudlow,
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israeli troops have enveloped gaza city, the whole time they said we're waiting for the big ground invasion, guess what, the big ground invasion, we have alive report from the ground, and cent can speaker mike johnson seal the deal to get a new heir in washington, we ask joe concha and katie pavlich and mark simone when kudlow returns.
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larry: welcome back we go to fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson live on the ground in israel for the latest. what do you have for us. reporter: well, israel top general says his forces have entered gaza s city and have the area surrounds, they is succeeded in crossing from east and reached sea, severing
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palestinian territory in two. >> idf fighters have been operating in gaza city for past few days, incircling it, and deepening the entrance and t the acheap. achievements. reporter: after series of assaults israeli forces have now been fighting continuously in gaza for nearly a week, three divisions converging from 3 different directions. one pushing from east approaching and now reached m mediterranean. soldiers clearing homes and buildings, and the spider web of tunnels underground as well, they don't want hamas fighters to pop up behind them, punishing airstrikes continue, israeli air force destroyed 12 thousand targets in gaza, israeli pilot dropping bombs
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on gaza and west bank and syria. for first time, israeli f35 shot down a cruise missile fired by yemen by the iranian backed proxy fighters, they're traveling over a thousand miles to try to reach israel, one reason that israeli navy moved warships to the red sea. and israel arrow air defense system active, shooting a ballistic missile fired from yemen, iron dome used to shoot short range from gaza. and tonight here in tel aviv, all has been quiet, no rocket strikes from gaza tonight, but israel forces pushing deeper into gaza and sever the territory into two. larry: lucas, in prior reports we've seen over your soldiers shooting, flairs in the sky, what -- are they knocking out missiles is that the iron dome?
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what is that? reporter: those are israeli forces launching irk lou. illumination rounds, to give their forces expose the enemy and depending on where the gla pl flair is dropped it would give the israeli forces on the town better light to shoot at -- >> all right, get it. the idf, we're patient we'll be slow. we're not going to have big ground invasion, you look at what happens, they are in midst of a large sizable ground invasion, they split the gaza in two, some say they split it in three, and they are capturing the hamas leaders. for someone who has not had a major ground invasion this seems to me they are kicking
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butt and taking name. reporter: no question, and why telegraph your moves, so you wouldn't see, that you know, not how war works there is no reason to telegraph that stuff, the faints of last week, we did hits together, we say israeli forces moving in and out, throwing enemy off guard, hamas, then slowly approaching from 3 directions, because of those tunnels you can't move too quickly, you want the areas clean, if you move too quickly, you don't want hamas to pop up behind you, they're moving deliberately, making sure no one is down below. larry: all right lucas tomlinson -- you are wonderful with your time be safe. >> here back in the studio, i have company. very rare moment. with joe concha, columnist at the messenger and fox news contributor, katie
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pavlich, and we have mark simone, wor radio show host. thank you kids, can i get you know. mark, start with you, just on this report from tomlinson. israel faked us out in a sense, brilliant, everyone of the waiting for a big announcement about a ground of invasion, it has been efficient and successful. they split the country in two, they have come from three differentage sells and killing hamas commanders, i think this is a hell of a thing, what do you think? politically, this is a genius. >> it is phase two, you come from different directs, you shrink the battlefield as much as you can before the real ground invasion. you are also using state of the art stuff that has never been used before with the robots that go in to the
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tunnels, they do the killing in the tunnels. larry: oh, key point. >> yes, then they use a sponge bomb, you shoot that in a tunnel that expands, a compound that eliminates the tunnel it is frozen solid. larry: katie. why in god's name if you are in israel, which is -- if you are backing israel, which is what our president said he is doing, peter doocy went after him again, john kirby, what is difference between a cease fear and a pause. if the idf is doing the lord's work, which is what they are doing. after the murder of the israelis and people from all over the world who were at the peace concert, why in god's no, ma'am would you stop it. >> -- god's name would you stop it. >> i was listen to the press briefing today, what words are they splitting here. just a few days ago they were resolved about saying,
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we do not want a cease-fire, only people who would benefit from that are hamas, today john kirby said that temporary pauses would be localized and encourage hamas and israelis to stop fighting temporarily to allow humanitarian aid to come in. now, let's p remind everyone that humanitarian aid in this case, is not needed, hamas is sitting on wohundreds of thousands of food they have been hoarding for their fighters there was an egyptian journalist who asked a hamas leader, y you have this concrete, why not allow civilians into tunnels to shelter. he said, that is not our job that is the u.n.'s job, every time you hear this tterminology and argument for humanitarian pause, hamas controls everything. they are hoarding all of the resources, they should be forced to make a choice, we
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know that choice this is putting their people in those positions to use them as human shielding and collateral damage in the pr war they are waging. and but -- larry: always. >> it is going to hamas not the people.. >> joe, concha, the news coverage by "wall street journal," i read every morning. hamas health officials are -- hamas health minn ministry officials say 150 thousand people were damaged why do people listen to anything that is first, labeled adham as. >> my favorite is gaza health ministry. so professional. remember that hospital, that israel bombed but they didn't hit the hospital they pit t the -- hit the parking lot, we're talking about -- -- >> it was hamas. the missile came from inside of gaza, we saw headlines,
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palestinian officials say, when in "new york times" showed a photo of a destroyed building that was not even in the same city. right, so we're trusting these things and the death toll 500 people killed, those people in gaza can count the bodies real fast, they trusted hamas numbers immediately, i talked to your bro deuo producer before this media reaction has been extraordinary. white house correspondent association, one brian has a story out today. maga and christian national implement a bigger threat to america than hamas could be. that is funny. larry: who is that don't. >> from sal an, he used to be on cnn. >> white house correspondent for playboy, he has a hard pass, i believe under president trump's administration they tried to revoke it he was not a
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reporter, he is into commentary. larry: he once took off after me in one of those, i know who that guy, he is a crazy person. >> he loves attention. >> hamas killed 31 americans, last week maga and m christian nationalism did not kill. >> click bait. >> mark simon, mike johnson, what do you think? >> mike johnson, i love him, they don't make guys like that anymore, he is a straight arrow, they have the playbook to wipe him out work racism, you can't do, that me adopted a black child. larry: he is a maga christian. >> he said, he is against gay marriages and civil union that was same position that joe biden had. >> he stayed he was a kudlow student or something. >> he called you a professor. >> he was attacked on nbc.
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they said his interest in the bible made him an extremist. larry: the b best selling book. >> i think -- the bible is higher up than killing witches that is a joke. i won't say author. katie pavlich, he has tough issues, big sep p separation between house and senate, he has allies in the republican senate but not mitch mcconnell. what -- how do see this, funding battle, israel, versus biden's -- an omnibus spending bill. >> the new speaker is reintroducing the concept of having a budget and pay for things that you want to do, and prioritize spending, he is offering to take walker some money from irs spending puts it toward aid for israel, even irs said that all money they have is too much, but you hear from
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white house that president biden will reject any kind of a legislation that is stand alone funding for emergency israel aid, they want to be coupled with the ukraine aid. and he is having trouble in senate, he has tough negotiations to go. and he will not be alone, house republicans will vote with him on the bills, and we'll see if the president really decides to issue that veto threat. larry: joe concha immediate read on this guy. i said to him, i said, he should take that as a compliment. >> they criticized him because he has a mortgage and does not own stocks that is a good thing, like the pelosi. for example. during ain' interviews he is very comfortable in his own skin, you can't teach that, he did very well. and every conversation i have seen him have, he is
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concentrating on the pay force, you have joe biden and janet yellen saying we could finance two wars and not cut one thing here, is stedfast on that, for the time, there are 220 republicans in the house that are fully behind him, i never thought i would say that two weeks ago. larry: guns and butter was ruined by lbj, we had too were of that guns and butter, that now is out of fashion, people they want to see budget cuts. 1.6 trillion dollars of bonds, deficits have to be financed in the next 6 months, he quoted that number that is from a riff we had last night, 11% of gdp, will be sold in open market. i don't know who the hell will buy it someone will buy it at higher interest rates which we don't need. it is interesting guns and butter out of fashion, we have to go. >> thank you, larry.
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>> professor larry. larry: i have not had company in weeks. >> a great bar. larry: guns and butter. >> you are all fabulous. >> coming up, president -- a memo, president biden memo. global anti-semitism is the problem. not something called islamophobia. we'll talk about that serious matter with professor alan dershowitz. harvard law when kudlow returns.
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and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. larry: so the global war on the jews, what is what "wall street journal" editorial pain pain called it -- page called st they are right, noti,
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islamophobia, we will talk with alan dershowitz. professor dershowitz welcome back, they are setting up an agency group national security council, domestic policy council, i know all about this stuff, when i ran national economic council, about islamophobia. comprehensive, this and that, protect muslims, okay, fine. where is the interagency group to protect jewish people? who are in greater danger today? >> president biden wants to create a moral sense of equality, he talks about anti-semitism in the same breath, talks about anti-islam and arab at attitudes t that -- is a
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myth there is known on college campuses. i know no place where a supporter of hamas has been assaulted eit is all directed against jews, there is pro-islamic and pro-hamas and pro-arab attitudes on college campus, i have a book coming out, war against the jews. it was originally war against israel, but it is clear, that this is an international war against the jews, and it is waged by wake progressive young people. the modern day version of hitler's youth, remember hitler came to power as start of students out of munich. and we should not do what some people say, they are only students, they are young and naive, no, students have caused some of the greatest blood baths in the world, today hitler youth on the campuses in the
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world, are turning on jews, and we have to focus on that problem, not a nonexisting problem of i of islamophobia what is a made upturn. larry: i read this it is an insult to jews, as you say, with great clarity, it is jews who are under attack, that crazy kid from corner cornell, he say actually came out and said he wanted to kill jews, that is insane, we need a group to investigate, these death threats, to the jewish kids, it is an insult what biden is doing, i don't mean to be partisan politics, i know you are not voting for trump, i am just saying we're in a crisis, and i don't think that joe biden understands it. >> i, agree, it is not an
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insult to jews but to all americans biden is accusing americans of being anti-islam and anti-muslim and anti-air be o arab, there is no evidence of, that there was some back after 9/11, this is a drunken landlord who killed that one child, they make it, q equivalent to college campus, this is a pervasive anti-american, and anti-christian. anti-semitic approach. they devalue the western tradition, that goes to the entire woke takeover the universities, which -- destroyed some of the greatest universities in america, including my own. larry: yes, sir, thank you very much, the great professor alan dershowitz,
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. what you w ant? get on the ground, dude!


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