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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 3, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> china is a net seller, japan
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is a net seller. those are the three of the biggest buyers in the bond market. who's left to buy? >> demand for leisure travel remains resilient. >> five days a week and the office is dead. people that don't want to show up need to show up. they're starting to bring lawlawsuits and so forth. this is a not a healthy thing. >> if we're going to do a across the globe, there needs to be cuts elsewhere to rescind some of that. we can't just keep borrowing money and sending it around the globe. >> he's speaking in public. but not on the film. what does that tell you? he's incredibly emboldened right now. iran's emboldened, hezbollah and iraq is emboldened. >> power of a fringe frame work in the party. feeling amongst liberals, especially jewish liberals of betrayal. craig:t good morning,
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everyone -- stuart: good morning, everyone. dow industrials up 164 and nasdaq up 126 points. big gains. check the 10-year treasury and this is why we have a rally. 10-year treasury yield coming down, 451 and earlier 448 and a few weeks ago at 5% and that decline in the field is good for the nasdaq stock market. now this, take a look at this video, those four people you can vaguely see there, they're throwing explosives at the border. from the mexican side. cartel members? terrorists? we don't know. but we can't just shrug this off. not in times like this. in september, border patrol agents in texas discovered a backpack with what i describe as cannon ball-sized ieds. that is improvised explosive devices, the kind of weapons that killed and injured hundreds
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of american soldiers in iraq and afghanistan. surely that would set off alarm bells at department of homeland security but apparently not. it took hours of questioning for homeland security chief alejandro mayorkas to admit there's been 600,000 got aways that went undetected at the border in the last year. 600,000. we don't know who they are or where they are. on october 3, agents arrested a border crosser in arizona and given a court date date and released. this week, he was arrested in new york for alleged terrorist activities. biden will not secure the border no matter what mayorkas says. he wants more money for the border but it's not to close it, it's to expedite the entry of thousands more migrants. look, this is a kansas city chiefs toosh fio in the making. catastrophe in the making. what happens if there's an attack here and it's directly linked to migrants crossing our southern border? my answer is this: trump wins. he's the president who virtually shuts off the migrant flow.
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biden is the president that opened the border. he's responsible, he loses. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve hilton joins us this morning. come on, steve. what happens if there's an attack here and linked to the border. speculate for me, what goes on? >> of course. first of all, we've got to be clear, despite our political criticism of the open border ideology that's led to the total chaos and humanity, that's the last thing anyone would want to see. you're right, it would reveal the consequences and what's so interesting about this border crisis that is entirely created by the biden administration and hard left ideology that it basically driving everything it does is that they're kind of embarrassed about it and they can say with a straight face the border is secure. all of them on and on. it's secure and obviously it is
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not. they're saying don't believe what you're seeing. debbie wassermann shu schultz sg the reality is not cassioppi wallty. they can't -- act wallty and they can't sweep it aside and honestly the consequences of the hard left ideology on the border and throughout the economic and social policies of the country totally should drive a massive defeat for this administration. it's been a total slamty on every -- calamity on every issue. stuart: biden's strategy memorabilia wrote said he's going to revive the themes from 2020. maybe that's basement strategy, attack maga. do you think that works for him? >> well, what choice has he got? he can barely string a sentence together, can barely walk around so i mean there's be some update of the basement strategy and
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armchair strategy and i don't know what it'll be but he can't go out and make the bomb storming campaign schedule that trump is doing because he can't do it. in terms of their strategy for the election, it's very clear, they know they can't win on their record. there's a quote in the same story talking about this memo. the quote, the biden campaign "wants to avoid a straight referendum on biden policies, some of which get poor marks from voters. some of which show me the policies that get high marks from voters. they cannot win by talking about what they've done, they have to use this total ridiculous claim that everyone on the other side, this extreme maga republicans is all going to be about that. people can see through that and know the reality on their lives and economy, inflation, gas prices, you name it. crime, border. everything in the wrong direction. that's going to determine the election. stuart: did you see this from a magazine, online magazine,
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claiming maga and christian nationalism is a bigger threat to america than hamas could ever be. steve, 30 seconds to take that to pieces. >> how can anyone even commit those words to paper or screen or whatever. it shows you the utter dilution of the hard left to nah fanatics and heart of the anti-semitism and heart of the modern left. the democratic party controlled by these absolute extremist lunatics and they have the nerve to call republicans extremists when all that republicans want is return to common sense policies that actually help people and help the country. stuart: it's the world turned upside down, steve. that's the way it is. >> exactly. stuart: see you soon. steve hilton, everyone. good man. >> thanks, stu. stuart: to the markets, basically let's go to the rally. dow it up just 34,000 right there. nasdaq's up 130 points, best
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part of 1% and solid gain for s&p as well and look who's here on a friday morning. the man himself, jonathan hoenig. we ask for an exotic pick, an exotic investment and brought one with him as usual. he's a good man. the ticker sign vwob. what exactly is that? >> we're looking for conferring idea, stuart. those ideas that no one is talking action. it's not tesla or apple, it's markets like brazil, turkey, china and argentina. this is an etf vwob and owns, stuart, one of the most unloved assets there are: emerging market bonds. these are two words hated by investors for months and they've been selling emerging market bonds for the better part of two months but vwob. a, it's a great diversification for most portfolios and yields almost 8% and in fact it's on track for a real win this week because, stuart, after the fed held back, the dollar started to drop. the dollar had the biggest drop in two months so vwob i think makes great sense for most
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portfolios and consult a financial adviser, but this is as cheap as it's ever been relative to u.s. markets and we own it at cap capitalist pig. stuart: you're sixty to concern reigns leading risk? >> yeah, currency risk or opportunity. the dollar has been number one star for the better part of months and once we said, as we said, after the fed held pat on rates and down again today and these foreign types of investments will outperform as the u.s. dollar falls and vwob is about the safest if you will way to play emerging markets because it's government bonds and it's not even stocks so it's a great diversification and yielding almost 8%. stuart: i'm intrigued at what a guy like you who follows these exotics arnold the world and at 8:30 eastern time, we get the jobs report. do you care? do you tune in and avidly watch it closely? do you? >> oh, sure, stu, you absolutely have to. there's so many indications that
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the economy is slowing. manufacturing is slowing, in fact four out of five of the manufacturing indexes are in contraction. jobs are slowing as well. as you pointed out, we're seeing interest rates come down and that's a good thing for the market but it's also a really bad harbinger of things to come when it comes to the economy writ large and happy talk and most americans are struggling and portfolios are struggling despite the rally today and by in large the fundamentals for the economy are not strong. stuart: vwob. i just wrote it down so i don't forget it. jonathan, you're all right. thanks for coming along every friday. we like it. >> be well. stuart: lauren, look at apple, down a couple of bucks after that report. lauren: yeah, sales fell four consecutive quarters and outlook is tepid despite the new iphone 15 supposed to be a major driver of sales and weakness in china. stuart: only one of the big techs or one of the few that's struggling on this particular day. carvana. lauren: surprise profit.
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look at the stock. up 12%. this is mostly because of debt cancellation but they also sold more cars and there's something called gross, not net, gross profit per unit. it's up 70% from a year ago. stuart: wow. >> just under $6,000. for the year, they're not out of the woods and losing money. lauren: we're talking in pennys and not dollars and they'll lose 82-cents this year instead of nearly $16 from last year. stuart: we showed the winners list from exchanges and on top was monster beverage and how on earth did it arrive at the top with a 7% gain. lauren: big demand for energy drinks and charging more for them. that's driving up their profits, pricing power. plus they have lower costs to ship the items and the cost of aluminum cans they come in are going down. stuart: i've never had one of those energy drinks. lauren: not a fan. stuart: make you jumpy. it's caffeine? lauren: yeah, high amounts of it. i can't deal with the taste.
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sticking with coffee. stuart: donald trump wants to create a free online university and wants schools like harvard to pay for it. what a story. we've got it. general jack has 120,000 rockets in lebanon. if they're all used, could that overwhen he will u.s. and israeli forces? we'll discuss that. white house is questioned over their praise for qatar. despite it being the home of the leader of hamas. roll it. >> leader of hamas lives in qatar and why is president biden thanking them for anything? >> oh, geez, peter. take a step back here and look at this. qatar was -- >> they're a terrorist group that killed americans. stuart: okay. it didn't end there. we're going to show you the full tape, next. ♪
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and i've kept it off. golo is real, our customers are real, and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? stuart: antony blinking spoke with herzog this morning. trudgings is in southern ziti regular. i want the latest on the war from you. trey, what do you have? reporter: good afternoon, stuart. the israeli haves been pushing throughout the day to get deeper into gaza city and gun it.s ranged on behind us and i want to show you destruction along the israel gaza border and the sun just set and still z israeli forces and thousands are operating inside gaza. it's been a challenging few days, the israelis say at least 24 of their soldiers were killed since friday night entering into
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the gaza strip and tarted to don conduct a larger scale operation. they've been ambushed and firing missiles at them and popping out of tunnels and israelis found new tunnel entrances inside residential buildings in the northern part of gaza. israel's chief of staff said gaza city is encircled and one of the main agenda items for the israeli military and look to push deeper into gaza and expect those battles to continue for weeks but as the fighting continues on the ground, today leader of hezbollah spoke and as the world was watching, he praised hamas for their attack against southern israel on october 7. he said hezbollah has been directly involved in the fighting since october 8 and warned israel and the united states against pushing deeper into gaza.
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stuart. stuart: thanks, trey. now this, peter doocy challenged john keystone lake by on why biden would thank qatar where the leader of hamas lives. roll tape. >> talking about getting americans out of gaza, president biden said i want to thank our partners in the region in particularly qatar. the leader of hamas lives in qatar so why is president biden thanks them for anything? >> oh, geez, peter. let's take a step back here and look at this. >> they're a terrorist group that killed americans and kidnapped americans within the last month. >> peter, kansa qatar has been l in getting the americans out. i'm sure you'd agree with me and everyone at your network would agree getting american hostages out is a good thing. qatar was a key player in that regard. stuart: former under secretary of the army patrick murphy joins us now. should we be harder on qatar? >> we have to be harder on the terrorists and make sure we have as many friends as we possibly
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can in that region. stu -- stuart: you're dancing on a foreign line here. should we be harder on them? >> we have to be harder on the terrorists and people who are frankly holding terrorists that they know killed 1400 israelis, 45 americans including one from pennsylvania. yeah, we have to be tougher, but we also can't -- stuart: would you take any action against qatar with hamas leadership live willing? >> not military but diplomatic and economic conversations to show our economic power, yes. stuart: the suggestion might be we're a little worried about qatar. they've got a lot of power, and we can't oppose them too i havivigorously. >> right, the whole region is very delicate at this point and we have to make sure we don't lose focus. what i think we need to realize
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is people talking about the military operation. it's sexy and what's the political solution and millions of focus that inept people and are some of the innocent people in palestine and the palestinians that have been abandoned by hamas when the leaders are in qatar and not in their own country. when the leader haves been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the underground tunnels and not only schools and home gameses so what is the next step. political solution that we didn't do in vietnam and very clear out of that. stuart: peace in the middle east unless you crush hamas and get rid of him completely, isn't that the only way to peace? >> we have to get crushed, number one. second part of that, stuart, we
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need to have friends in that region. >> two state solution moving forward. stuart: okay, general jack keane four star retired general apeers on this network and program frequently. he says hezbollah has 120,000 rockets in south lebanon. if they were all used, could they overwhen he will u.s. and israeli forces? >> i'm very confident and not just the israeli forces and we have just shipped out other things. talking about iron dome and other thicks, talking about rockets. does he have another one? preposition certain assets in the region and make sure we have it covered. stuart: 120,000 strong, we could prevail? >> we want to make sure it doesn't happen number one. if it happens, we're taking every means necessary that no one would get hurt and as you know, there's not been rockets but drones and missiles shot. stuart: what's our success rate?
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shooting down these drones and rockets and missiles that have come at american bases? that's our success rate? >> for the most part, pretty good. there's been, whether @ trump administration or this administration, when there's smaller drones and missiles, there's been some no deaths but traumatic brain injuries and other things, which are serious. there's too much aggressive action from the players in the region. stuart: how should we respond to the rockets? go after them? >> let me finish. if they continue to do that, someone else is gone raise their children. that's how we should handle it. stuart: got it. patrick murphy, thanks for being with us. difficult position and you want to be diplomatic but hard and strong. thank you, patrick. >> exactly. stuart: i want to change the subject entirely. how about this, donald trump wants to create a free online
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university. he wants schools like harvard to pay for it. ashley, you want to explain this one. how would it work? ashley: yeah, it's a good yes. he says he wants to revo revolutionize higher education and that would do it. part includes creating a federally funded online university that awards free degrees one where trump says wokeness or jihaddism not allowed. to get to your question, to pay for it, trump proposes taxing large private university endowments to pay for a new institution called the american academy. the school would grant credit to perspective students for past course work and give students the opportunity to complete education for free and use their created den usuals to apply for jobs with the u.s. government and federal contractors. the trump campaign says the proposal is a vast contrast to joe biden's plan for free college which they say essentially wipes out hundreds of billions of dollars of student loan debt.
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they have a point, stu. stuart: yeah, the university of pennsylvania and harvard have been under fire for that lackluster response on campus. why are they making headlines now, ash? ashley: it's interesting. according to a report by the nonprofit group, open the books, elite universities raked in billions in federal payments over the past five years and billions more in federal tax breaks on endowments and critics break like harvard and u pen are more federal contractors and educators and collecting more on government contracts and grants than undergraduate student tuition and others claim under irs code, schools are considered educational charities and congress should hold hearings into their operations and in other words the author of the report, who knew that taxpayers are subsidizing the wealthy ivyy league. they don't need help. stu. stuart: exactly right, ashley. yet again. i have to check the markets because we have this rally and i
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want to keep you energid with that one and dow industrials up 200 and nasdaq up 124 and s&p up 34 and the rally this week has been really strong and it's based on lower interest rates, lower treasury yields. that's exactly what's happening right now. coming up, top democrats boosting their national profiles just in case biden were to drop his reelection bid. details on that coming up. trump leads biden in the polls and trump base will not shift but it the base growing 24 sean duffy deal withs that next. ♪
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the plan that's right for you? one that fits your needs and your budget? call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable, licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. stuart: democracy 2024. big name democrats quietly preparing for a 2024 run just in case biden drops out. who are we talking about here, ashley? ashley: some familiar names, mrd according to axios, major players in the democrat body are
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jockeying for position for an eye on perhaps the presidential run in 2028 and 2024 if president biden can't make it and drops out. quoting high ranking party officials and reports claim at top of speculation list for democrats and california governor gavin newsom is tripping over himself it seems. he just made a trip to china as well as michigan governor new jersey senator cory beaker among otothers and while all party leader resto it rated their support for biden thaws they have to. doesn't mean the democrat politicians don't have a plan to win the n nomination for themselves if it becomes an open contest. just in case. stuart: just in case. got it. thanks. new poll puts trump slightly ahead of biden. look who's here now. sean duffy. all right, sean, great to see you again. we'll talk crypto later, maybe. but it seems trump's base just won't shift my question is is it
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growing? >> i think it is when you look at what happens around the world and ukraine russia war in the middle east and compare to the donald trump years and there was a lot of peace in the world and strong american leadership brought peace and look at home, economy was great and border was more secure and not fully secure and less crime on the street and three years into joe biden and the conservative voter and might say donald trump is a little abnormal in how he deal withs politics but the results were remarkable especially with radical leftist progressive ideology in the white house and cray i don't say it's created and that support grows and all that's going to happen, stuart, if he's convicted and they send him to jail, which i suspect democrats want to do, that can shift in a way i can't predict. we've never had it before and that could be the unknown. stuart: biden says his strategy he'll use in 2024 will be the
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same strategy as in 2020. by that i expect it's a basement strategy and ma gather republicans and would that work this time around? >> during covid and he's old and might be concerned about catching covid and dying. whether physically or mentally, rebuff by going out and giving speeches and shaking hands and barn storming the country and count do that, plays into the idea that joe biden isn't ready for a second term and i don't think they can do that and they'll attack the maga side of the republican party and better without a record to run on, don't run on you don't want the other guy and negative adds work and people feeling in their hearts and pocketbooks is real
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and easy for republicans, donald trump perspectively to run on the failed economics and global policy of joe biden is that's the winner. stuart: newsom, governor newsom and whitmer quietly preparing a 2024 run. do you think biden, we've talked a complete the catch this before, do you think biden will be the candidate or not? >> i do. so listen, democrats, those liberals in the media and party see what they see for joe biden and not up for the task. this is a very real problem and there's a civil war if it's gavin newsom and not kamala harris. they don't want that civil war and if kamala harris was the nominee, they know she'll never win. so joe biden with all his failing ands trailty is a belter joyce than having this civil war been their party and make ago choice between kamala harris and gavin newsom.
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it's not going to work for them. they're going to stick with joe. unless he has a heart attack. joe biden will be on the ballot and he'll be their guy they'll deal with this civil war at some later point whether in 28 or 32. stuart: get to crypto. sam bankman-fried guilty, seven counts of criminal fraud. it doesn't appear to have hurt the crypto market, far from it. crypto -- bitcoin up $34,000 a coin. are you still in? >> so, listen, i think when the ftx news broke, that crushed crypto and bitcoin down at roughly 16,000 and we've gotten by that news and you're starting to see constitutional investors wanting to play blackrock and others want to spot bitcoin etf and sec entertaining it and i'm bullish and didn't take care of advice to sell bitcoin and 25 or 26,000. you'd be selling, stuart. i've held mine and i know you're
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making money on crypto yourself. i'm still bullish and again, i come back to this. with the $2 trillion deficit and $2 trillion deficits for years to come with unfunded minnesota dates and is there time the dollar has real problems and we've gotten through 15 trillion, 15 trillion, 20 trillion and there become as point and that becomes challenging and people look to other safe havens where gold and silver or bitcoin or other cryptos, that's very real in the mindset of a lot of the americans and a lot of global investors. stuart: make it easier to buy and sell crypto, which is what's going to happen if you have an etf, you should feel vindication and i apologize for all my previous criticism of your investment strategy. okay, i take it all back. >> i'm going to cut this clip and put it online, stuart. >> i know you are. >> i got it. i got what i needed from you. stuart: might want to put it on your show. we'll be watching. you and dagen, the bottom line
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tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on fox business. you're all right, sean. see you again soon i do hope. >> see you again, stuart. way bye. stuart: the dow 30, there's a sense of the market and buyers out there and dow is up 200 and about 24, 25 of the dow stocks are in the green. they are up. dow's up 200 points. next case, meant lists otis pearlman joined this program on halloween. watch this, roll it, please. >> without using your fingers, stuart, count the number of letters in her first name just to yourself. stuart: yep. >> took awhile. watching his eyes and doing this like playing drums. seven letters, isn't it? stuart: yes. you're going to see the whole thing later. his performance blew us away. we're going to show you how he stunned us all. that's next.
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stuart: on halloween, we had a special guest on the show, hepatolist oz pearlman. we're going to replay the segment because it was just fascinating. watch this. what have you got for us today? >> i've got a bunch of stuff. your phone? stuart: i do. >> right before we came on. stuart grabbed your phone. i said get your phone out and we didn't have time. i said, stuart, how many contacts do you think you have in your phone? stuart: probably about 50. >> that's it? lauren: that's it. stuart: yeah, i don't know many people. >> i was thought he was going to say 50,000. stuart varney knows everybody. grab your phone and look in there. i like when there's spot nayty involved and looking at your list and looked at different
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people and made judgments and kind of picked one at random. is that correct? stuart: that's where the scroll took me. >> you scr scrolled and found somebody. stuart: yes. >> 50/50. it's a female? stuart: correct. >> how do i do what i do. i see re-accounting standards boards and now, todd, your name, t-o-d-d four letters. easy to spell. lauren, six letters. without user your fingers, stuart, count the number of letters in her first name just to yourself. took awhile. that wasn't a beth or pat. that wasn't quick. it took him a beat. and especially when layers repeat like michelle two ls and throws you for a loop. i was watching his eyes and kind of playing drums like this. seven letters, isn't it? stuart: yes. >> stuart, tell them, literally, one moment before i walked onset and said get your phone. i said scroll through them and look. hide the phone. can't be on cam r. put it down. put it down.
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stuart: they got it in the shot. >> i don't want anyone to think we can see it. you looked through and picked a name and didn't say anything and mixed up the letters in her first name and grabbed one. g. think of a g. abigail is that her name? stuart: it is. it is. lauren: do you know who abigail is? stuart: it's a friend. you're about to say the last name. meyers. abigail meyers. stuart: yes! how did you know that . that's my granddaughter. >> it's halloween and talking about kids, i want you to picture this, todd, okay, visualize this. todd, to do this properly, people ask are you reading my mind. i can't read minds. that's impossible. i read people. or, are you suggesting things somehow or are you planting thought s? be honest, before you walk intoed the studio you had no idea who i was or what i was going to do. any of this? >> i asked have you seen the guy who did the stuff on college game day and you were like that was me. that shows how horrible i am.
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>> i heard of the meant list. close your eye mentalist. >> you walk into the store and today is the super bowl for cannaday and -- candy and biggest day of sales ever and don't open your eyes. imagine you're in a store and you walk in and don't open your eyes, todd. imagine you see candies all over, hundreds of them and you randomly, don't open your eyes, randomly pick them up and you're about to put it on the counter and go, no, no. i don't think so. you put it back down. again, you reach and look at all the different brake colors, one is as bright as the sun and pick it up and slips out of your if i thinker and go i'm not going to that i can that one either. then, todd, wear to me. you didn't know the two candies and you impulse buy and pick it up and put it on the counter and buy that one. don't open your eyes. tell us, you bought it and put it in your pocket. which one did you end up buying.
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skittles. hold on. bright as a sun. hold on, let me ask you a question here. we're on live national tv. i told you you don't me to pick your mind and you change your mind not once or twice. hold your hands up for me. stuart: it's sk skittles. >> i'm walkerring offset. >> how did you know this is the first one i pick to do. i'm hooked. that was the first one and if you know what the second one was. i will be absolutely dumb dumbfounded. stuart: we're all trying to figure out how he did it. none of us can figure it out. he reads people not minds. i'm not sure about that . lauren: he says he guides you with his questions to come to an
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answer but i couldn't figure that out. stuart: no way. my granddaughter. how could he possibly know her name for heaven's sake. don't go anywhere. friday feed back is next. ♪ (♪) in this clinic, we pride ourselves on putting others first. it's on us to help care for our clients' well-being; to help them adapt. it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, we feel appreciated for the work we do. (♪) this is spring semester at over 13,000 us school districts,
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and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? stuart: american girl. going down for the time. playing to be for florida. it's 73 degrees and now it's time for friday feedback. we will all ready. lauren, ashley and myself. let's get started and this comes from janet. stop picking on stuart. i too use a larger font iphone. i call that smart. lauren, quick picking on stuart. stuart: he's awesome. lauren: you pick on me more than i pick on you. but it happens in the breaks. stuart: moving swiftly along from jim. i wish you'll go to the streets across the states and ask people
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20-35 years old if they're better off now or four years ago and if not why. what's your answer to that? ash, what's your answer? ashley: i've always said you need to bust out of the studio, which you did by the way with the debate that was terrific and take this show on the road and go to florida, go to the villages where you'll be mobbed or go to somewhere like berkeley and you'll need protection and either way it would be fun to get out of studio, stuart: yes, it would. not sure we're going to do it. moving on and right to this. here we go. oz pearlman, loved the segment withs him and wish we could see more. i went to his website but there's no events listed and he was amazing and we always love watching stuart varney. thank you. lauren: i love questions about as and i got them all day. stuart: we're told he has a very busy schedule in december but promises to come back on in january of next year when he's
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on his way and tell you all about it. don't to want miss this guy. john writes this: mr. varney, you had a short bit about door dash eliciting tipping up front. that's not how tipping is supposed to work. it's paid after the delivery as a reward for good service. perhaps the drivers who don't get tips should learn to do better. go ahead, make your comment, lauren. lauren: you can add a tip at the end, i believe. stuart: but that doesn't incentivize the driver. system of articulation lauren: i see your point. i just feel fatigued by tipping. stuart: you're a big tipper, aren't you, ashley? ashley: i am, i always do 20, 25 and upwards. i mean, you know, these people work hard and absolutely i do. as for those drivers, you know, sad but it is today's world; right. we have to give them the incentive and if someone does tip and someone doesn't, guess who's getting their food first. stuart: exactly. nothing wrong with that. okay. lauren: could go out yourself. we don't to want do that either
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so we tip. stuart: i do it all the time. i don't order in. all right, this comes from don. this is good. trudgings gives excellent reports from israel and fox should be proud to have him on staff. yes, sir, we do. he's the best and he'll win prizes for what he's been doing in ukraine and now in israel. he's quite a guy. jim wants to know this, do you think ai could replace air traffic controllers? would you trust it? lauren? lauren: i would be okay if ai assisted air traffic controllers, but i want a human being there. stuart: ashley. ashley: what could possibly go wrong? someone could hack into it and go haywire. no, i don't want them anywhere near it. stuart: there was a joke about it a few years ago and get on board this all computerized plane and the voice comes on the loud speaker and says nothing can go wrong. go wrong, go wrong, go wrong. that was as good as i could get.
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with social media, beetles hands down number one no yes and without social media, taylor swift would be a very popular pop star but not a billionaire and have a opinion on that, ash? ashley: yeah, it's remarkable and it's a comparison to the bet les and had a -- beatles and had a hell of a lot longer to set records and she doesn't measure up to that and more. stuart: the trivia question, what is the most populated country in africa? ethiopia, egypt, south africa, nigeria? the answer and we have a special guest to play the game.
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stuart: we just asked the most populated country in africa. your choices are ethiopia, egypt, nigeria. you are always first, ashley. ashley: i think i know it. nigeria, number 4.
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stuart: your second. lauren: i second that. stuart: the crypto king started investing in crypto in 2018, knowledgeable lady. what your answer's your answer? most populated country in africa? >> i will go with nigeria. stuart: you are right. it is definitely nigeria, population of 230 million people. that's your first experience on "varney and company". did you enjoy? >> absolute. stuart: you knew the answer. will you come back? >> absolutely. that is it for "varney and company" this friday morning, we have 7 seconds to go. coast-to-coast will start right now.


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