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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 6, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: good morning, everyone is 10:00 o'clock eastern time at tiny amount of green on the left-hand side of the screen. last week was great for stocks. the major indicators went up 5% each, that was a rally last week continued a little this party. the ten year treasury is
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creeping up it is now at 4.63% very early this morning i sell it at 458. it's up for 63 as we speak. the price of oil 81 or $82, 8102. bitcoin holding his gains, bitcoin quoted at $35224. the market since we start a new week, now this. saturday morning the new york times releases a bombshell whole biden loses to trump in five of six battleground states. he's losing support among young people, blacks and hispanics. the coalition is fractured in the reelection are slim to none. that is my opinion by saturday afternoon things have gotten worse congresswoman rashida tlaib released a video about gaza it ended with this in bold letters, joe biden supported the genocide of the palestinian people. the president acute of genocide by a member of his own parties,
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come to that. the alarm bells are ringing, politics is about putting forward a candidate who can win. when you know your guy is not going to win you change the candidate treat obama senior advisor david axelrod wants obama to step aside. obama has reappeared is michelle going to be the democrat savior just saying the problem is democrats campfire they must persuade him to step aside the pressure is intense. the new york times, joe biden is in trouble. the wall street journal a five alarm biden reelection fire. maybe a little history is in order. in 1968 president johnson performed badly in the new hampshire democrat primary, 30 days later on national tv he dropped out of the race he knew he could not win. that's where the democrats are today they know the biden harris team cannot win and they have very little time to get them out and they also know if the
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president is incapacitated anyway we will have president harris. the second hour of "varney" just getting started. >> 's cbs poll found if trump wins the election in 2020 form more voters with better finances and staying out of wars very positive on a trump win. an abc poll finds that most americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction i called a negative for biden. jason chaffetz joined me now, let me start like this and see what do you think of this. i keep. about michelle obama, any reaction. >> probably the strongest name of the democratic side of the aisle, i don't think she'll do it i think she likes being above the fray, being rich spending a lot of money, i don't think she'll do it i don't think joe
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biden and kamala harris can win like to get like the 1980 race. joe biden is like jimmy carter, he is feckless. what i call the safety index all the negatives for him people don't feel safe in their wallets, they don't feel safety on the streets immigration has gone crazy and oversee always use were in more joe biden more cowbell is not going to solve it is not a good communicator he's a weak leader and if i said to you or anybody else what's joe biden's plan to tackle inflation nobody can tell you what that means. stuart: the democrats want him out but they don't know how to get him out that's the dilemma isn't it. >> it is the puppeteers around him like having somebody that
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they can pull the strings on does anybody believe that he's pulling all the strings and calling the action dated day out, i don't i don't think many people do. stuart: squad member rashida tlaib accused president biden of supporting genocide and the palestinian people. watch this. >> mr. president the american people are not with you on this one. [shouting] we will remember in 2024. stuart: joe biden, that is extraordinary that is a new low. i'm astonished to see that. >> democrats have a radical fraction to the left that does want to eradicate and exterminate the jews in israel
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is one of the most disgusting things that we've ever seen to o for her to say the president of the united states from her own party as a member of congress saying he's okay to be involved and engaged in this. it's beyond pale but you know what the people in michigan have to stop electing her. stuart: you got that right, thank you for being with us an important day. >> abc is trying to defend biden's bad polling numbers, what are they saying. >> this is the chief washington correspondent jonathan karl says trump is ahead only because voters aren't paying attention. stuart: the thing to consider. trump is been in the news over the last year based on the come no cases in the civil case in new york but people have not been paying attention to what trump has become we talk about biden's age and there on television every day. as we get closer to the
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primaries will see not just where trump is based on the criminal cases but where he is now as a human being. >> he says trump is detached from reality and he too is three years biden junior also confuses facts. >> have you ever seen president trump confused, i've never seen him confused. stuart: he sometimes confusing and what he says but he does not appear to be confused himself. >> similar in age but completely different mental capacity. stuart: the governor and iowa kim reynolds is set to endorse ron desantis for the 24 reaction. >> this is big he called governor reynolds extremely disloyal and her desantis endorsement will be the end of her political career can it make desantis career, traditionally the iowa governor stays neutral before the first in the nation caucus. she's going all in on desantis. he needs an endorsement and he might get this big one does this
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move the needle for teen desantis. >> how far is trump ahead and iowa. >> by nearly 30 points. >> for voters in iowa 43% support trump. nikki haley and desantis are tied at 16%, one point of commonality between the governors of iowa and florida, reynolds and desantis they support the six-week abortion. stuart: thank you very much lauren a quick check of the market 37 minutes worth of business the gains are in the nasdaq which are up 36 points, look at this elon musk released a brand-new a.i. chat bot called grok. jessica is with us this morning do you think elon musk will do well. >> there's something ironic about this because elon musk has come out and he said a.i. is the single biggest threat to humanity and he's been saying
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this for the last decade now is going full steam ahead into the a.i. company and he's committed in describing x a.i. as being more rebellious as trying to attain the knowledge of the universe and he wants a non- politically correct bias. he wanted to be objective because all the studies are showing that chat gpt and a.i. have been liberal bias. he is going full steam into it. i used to be very critical of elon musk now i become almost the president of his fan club i'm so happy about his free-speech initiative. stuart: his achievements are extraordinary and what is a 50. >> he understands. he heeds a higher calling which
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is what we should all do he wants to protect free speech and he knows a.i. in the chat gpt model in the wrong hands will destroy humanity and he needs to keep it centered and free-speech and if he does we might have a great industry and he might be the pioneer. i'm excited about it. stuart: jeff sica loves elon musk but he does not like disney. they report on wednesday. you usually don't like the stuff. >> even though you own it. >> i've owned the stock for over 30 years it was the first stock i bought i was a disney fanatic and i would be holding this thing. back in the day they called disney dogs but i like dogs too much to refer to as a dog but this stock has been floundering for so long.
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stuart: go one why didn't you sell it. you didn't want to pay capital gains. >> that's one reason. i'm holding it and they come out and make a full audit myself and supporting bob iger as an activist insane i think bob iger could take them to a new level he's doing more of the same he's not protecting the content. what i'm looking forward to on wednesday is to see number one what disney is going to do with espn the $22 billion company that they mismanaged whether they will sell it or not and see what's happening with disney+ they had a great ramp-up and now they have been slandering and to see if they protect the content. that's what makes me most upset about disney they are ruining their brand and they need to get back to the way it was. stuart: elon musk yes, bob iger,
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no. i want to see if you sell that. were looking at the other movers this morning, let's start with paramount it is down 3.6%. >> double down grade bank of america price target nine down from 32, what happened. they thought paramount would sell one of the assets like showtime but they don't see any asset sales on the horizon no catalyst for the company the stock is down. stuart: is this another dating company. >> you start with the date then you can mate, very forward. a ceo whitney woolford is stepping down. the company reports tomorrow look at the stock on seven and three quarters percent. match which owns tinder cratered after the fourth-quarter forecast is pretty terrible and now the shares are at a record low speed when we were discussing the cost of the day it's going to the theory the
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matchmaking systems don't work as well so the stock goes down. >> in part. >> we were discussing the expense of the date but none of us really knew. stuart: booking holdings a travel site. >> the on priceline the stock is up to into thirds% the stock is down 7% since the end of september and "the price is right" by the dip in priceline has a black friday deals if your subscriber you can find hotels as much as 99% off. stuart: what hotel without b. rules and regulations around that but it's basically free. >> thank you so much, most people in america did not know who mike johnson was until two weeks ago. that's not stopping the media from attacking the new speaker. joe concha said johnson has replaced trump as the number one enemy.
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barack obama said nobody's hands are clean when it comes to the word israel but what about his own policies appeasement and cash payoffs to iran. kt mcfarland deals with that. israeli troops have surrounded gaza city. trey yingst is on the ground with the latest. his report next. we take great pride not just in the job our team does, but in them as people. our people. and while we're in the business of taking care of others... it's important our therapists know that with benefits from principal, they're taken care of too. (♪)
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♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. >> israeli forces have surrounded gaza city they continue to target hotspots in the region. trey yingst is in southern israel what is the latest.
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>> the battle rages on behind me inside the gaza strip i want to show you as the sunsets in israel, the black smoke is rising from the gaza skyline the israelis tried to mark new targets as they continue airstrikes above the belowground trying to kill as many as hamas militants as possible as the troops are operating inside of the gaza strip we've seen quite a bit of rocket fire toward southern, central northern israel the rocket fire coming from what hamas claims is the military wing in southern lebanon. i want to show you the video from last night explosions lighting up this guideline as israelis targeted different positions in northern gaza urging residents to go south trying to tell them the battle will get more intense insight gaza city in the coming hours and days. this week and we were granted access with israeli military inside of the gaza strip to get a firsthand look at the battle between israel and hamas, take a
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look. >> you can hear the gunfire in the distance. israelis are trying to engage anyone who tries to ambush their forces in the street by street it is urban warfare as hamas is popping out of tunnels and ambushing israeli troops. right now were embedded with the israeli military inside of the gaza strip. these forces have been ambush, shot at and lost more than two dozen of their own soldiers, still they fight block by block and bloodier been battle there enemy hamas guerrilla fighters popping out of tunnels and trying to kill as many israelis as they can. >> today hamas released a video of the battles in the specific area from saturday when we were with the israeli forces, you can see them firing rpg's that are meant to pierce armor a
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significant battle that was taking place the israelis say they killed a number of hamas militants as they push deeper into the gaza strip you saw the destruction and the united nations said a million palestinians are internally displaced. they dropped eight into gaza likely correlated with israel to avoid any miscommunication about the situation on the ground but indication israelis are allowing some humanitarian aid into gaza trying to appease the americans in the biden administration who were urging them to do so. stuart: trey yingst, thank you very much indeed, former president obama says nobody's hands are clean when it comes to the war on israel, rotate. >> what hamas did was horrific and no justification for it. and what is also true the occupation and what's happening to palestinians is unbearable.
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you then have to admit, nobody's hands are clean. stuart: i noticed he got some applause when he was criticizing israel and that's the way it works i guess. kt mcfarland with us. i don't think his hands are clean. he messed up iran in the first place. >> his hands at the dirtiest of all. the audacity of president obama to come out and say everybody made a big mistake, he was the one that empowered iran, he was the one that drove oil prices high and allowed iran to sell oil on international market, he dropped although so iran got rich and he paid money directly to hamas, why he had humanitarian aid to the palestinians in the humanitarian aid does not go to the palestinian people goes iran. he goes to hamas they steal the fee will, the cement, the fee
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will intended for the people hamas uses it for military purposes and finally president obama was the one that tried to negotiate with iran to allow iran to have nuclear weapons. for him to say everybody's hands are dirty, the dirtiest hands of all are his. stuart: why do you think he saying this at this particular time. does that have anything to do with president biden's political troubles at home. >> i'm not a political analyst so it's hard for me to say but i will point out the democrat party is at a civil war with itself over the whole israel middle east hamas palestinian issue. the younger democrats are the progressive wing of the democrat party or anti-somatic anti-israel they are pro-palestinian by definition and pro-hamas the older part of the democratic party used to be pro-israel so president obama has waded into the middle of it because for example he said when
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he was president that benjamin netanyahu was bad oedipus that israel. and benjamin netanyahu should go. president biden is saying the same thing saying his support is weakening. netanyahu wants to clean out hamas and they don't want that to happen. stuart: president biden beats china xi jinping and san francisco later this month. can you tell us what is this meeting about to lower the tension or is something else going on? >> i think in part it's a photo opportunity for president biden. his people are saying we need to make sure we have open minds of communication with the chinese. it's an issue where we can have a war in any time over taiwan or trade issues et cetera but i think really a greater fool has never been born. president xi promised a bunch of things that he lied about he
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said the islands in the south china sea, were not ever going to militarize them we're going to take control but they're never going to be military islands that's exactly what he ended up doing. the other thing president xi has gone around the world and told all the country in the world america is finished, irreversible decline you better side with china over trade or taiwan or over security issues. if biden is able to get an agreement and some people say he's going to get china to pledge to never use military force against taiwan i would rip that up the minutes assigned. stuart: always on the spot, thank you very much indeed. we will see you soon. speaker mike johnson wants to combine aid for ukraine with money with the border. good morning, what is he saying about this combination. >> good morning johnson says it just makes sense especially when it comes to protecting the southern border, here's what he told "fox news sunday". listen. >> if you go into the country people will say we understand our role as a leader in the free world and we understand where
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the great superpower that needs to assist and ensure freedom survives but we have to take care of our own house in securing our border is an essential priority to the american people. >> republican said a lindsey graham says he expects in support a senate bill that does include aid for israel and ukraine and hears his reasoning. >> i am for ukraine support we can't pull the plug on ukraine and let putin get away with this there goes taiwan if you do that definitely for israel. i think a package of border security, funding for ukraine it israel coming out of the senate probably as one package. i would support that. stuart: graham has been a vocal supporter of supporting israel and ukraine and last week he said there was no limit to the palestinian deaths that would make him question support for israel. stuart: back to you later. stacey abrams added again with identity politics.
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she says vice president harris has heavily criticized because she's a black woman. my question can you criticize the vice president for anything. squad member rashida tlaib accused biden of genocide, she said voters will remember biden's pro-israel stance at the ballot box. chad pergram on the divide in the democrat party. that is next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools,
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help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. stuart: as of right now one hour into the trading session, the nasdaq 32, s&p applied, modest gains after last week's rally lauren is checking out the movers, dish network which is really down 20%. stuart: a surprise loss tv subscribers fell in expanded into wireless there merging with echostar the satellite operator, now more ways to connect for streaming, 5g and now satellite options. stuart: constellation energy. >> they are a utility and raise
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their profit they be quarterly profit and raise their forecast, stock is up almost 7% extreme weather over the summer very hot, a big demand for their services. >> fresh pet. >> fresh cat and dog food they can sell it at a high price. prices go up, volume goes up it was a b in raise type of quarter, stocks of 18 and a quarter percent. stuart: pricing power, bingo. anti-israel demonstrations took over washington this weekend democrats remain divided on calls for a cease-fire. totally divided. chad pergamon capitol hill, give us the latest on the split. >> good morning these fractures are real democratic michigan representative rashida tlaib sent out a tweet over the weekend which was rather controversial, she used the phrase from the river to the sea that is offensive to many
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israelis and many jews in here's what some of her democratic colleagues are saying, democratic nevada senator jacky rosen is jewish and she says her suite from the river to the sea calls for the elimination of israel and puts jews in danger, debbie wasserman scholz says that eradicates jews some left-wing democrats embraced up pro-palestinian message. >> i will just tell you rashida tlaib is not the first person to say this, there are credible reports from agencies across the world and the united nations has said were hurtling towards the genocide of palestinians. that is not an isolated view. >> rashida tlaib argued president biden is responsible for genocide there was a big anti-israeli protests in washington this weekend. read handprints are still visible from the demonstration outside of the northwest gate of the white house. >> this is a problem of 75 years
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of suffering 75 years of massacre after massacre were not only occupied people. all we need is a freedom and it is coming. >> some democrats demand that their colleagues dropped the fiery rhetoric but there torn. >> this is not genocide this is war and i think we can certainly debate if israel is prosecuting this in the most effective way. i would love for congresswoman to leave to say israel has the right. >> the house of representatives last week blocked an effort to censor rashida tlaib but there is a new effort by the republican representative from georgia marjorie taylor greene she wants to censor rashida tlaib over the latest dustup. stuart: thank you very much indeed, failed democrat candidate stacey abrams is blaming racism and misogyny for
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the ongoing criticism of vice president kamala harris, watch this. >> is a prominent woman of color was run for office, do you think she would be receiving the same critiques if she was a white man? >> no not at all. we cannot ignore the misogyny and racism that remain prevalent in our politics. our expectations are set for the traditional white male vice president. i know if you filter through the critiques and think about how she is castigated. it's inextricably linked to race and gender. >> come on in joe concha, here we go again identity politics i think that's really hurting the democrat party because it's so divisive. >> it is such a crutch. this is an utterly fascinating take by stacey abrams who is irresponsibly given a national platform by jen psaki, she never circle back and challenged her on that front.
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ms. abrams believes that racism and misogyny are the reason that, the hears is polling lower than 80 vice president pulling history because if harris is so popular with democrats why exactly did they overwhelmingly rejected when she ran for president xi was so unpopular as a 2020 candidate that she did not get to 2020 as a candidate she dropped on 2019 sober democratic voters also acting out with sexism and misogyny, here's why, the hears is so unpopular she has authenticity issues and major articulation issues, she gets an f minus for her performance as borders are in the number of people coming into the country the fbi terror watch list are at an all-time high and people in general coming into the country at an all-time high illegally, those of the reasons why the vice president is patently unpopular it is not racism and it certainly isn't sexism. stuart: listen to what mike johnson says about the medias attacks on him and his family, watch this, roll it. >> i labeled all kinds of stuff but these people don't know me.
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my family it is no fun to be misquoted and mocked but we know that comes with the job and were unfazed. stuart: do you think johnson has replaced trump as the medias number one enemy, why is that. >> that's my column for the messenger on sunday. because you see the headline surrounding the new house speaker and their utterly crap tested, here's the white house credential, maga and christian nationalism a bigger threat to america than hamas could ever be. you heard that correctly, insidious terror organization which is perjured more than 1300 israelis 30 what americans less than a month ago is not as dangerous as trump supporters and christians in this country and the fact that solon thought it was a great idea to publish this not only publish but there promoting it it's utterly sick especially considering americans are being held hostage in gaza. here's another one from the daily beast. mike johnson does have any
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retirement savings, own a stock or any assets at all he has less than $5000 in his bank account and intuitive $50000 mortgage, home equity loan and a personal loan what is his retirement plan to lobby. a few things don't pack, two thirds of americans can't even afford a 400-dollar emergency right now maybe that's why his savings are so low, members of congress owning stock that is something from aoc to josh hawley are against for obvious reasons and he's eligible for pension at age 62 so that will help in his retirement, he is not elitist enough to be house speaker that's one heck of an argument but overall nothing but negative coverage because of the letter next to his name. stuart: why am i not surprised, joe concha thank you very much indeed. bill ackman dillion or hedge fund wants harvard to suspend students for the anti-semitic actions on campus. okay what about free speech former education secretary bill
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bennett deals with on the next hour. mortgage rates ticked out a little and the first time in seven weeks falling below 8% on the 30 year fixed economist anthony chan will tell us how little affect the real estate market if at all. that is next. ♪ will will will will.
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stuart: one hour and 12 minutes have given us a 50-point gain for the doubt in a 60-point gain for the nasdaq, modest gains after the last rally, the autoworkers strike has ended and the actor strike which is ongoing have cost the economy thousands of jobs. ashley is with us how many jobs are we talking about. >> more than 75000 according to
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data released by the bureau of labor statistics employment manufacturing decreased by 35000 in october and that represents a decline of 33000 jobs in motor vehicles and parts supplies that was largely due yes to the auto strikes. employment and motion and picture recording industries decreased by another 5000 as hollywood actors remained on strike. by the way the latest labor report also revealed that the number of americans working two or more jobs has reached the highest level since the pandemic nearly 8.4 million people helped multiple jobs in october that is five-point to percent of the workforce, experts say why is this happening, battling inflation certainly for one, also bracing for possible layoffs which tend to peak at the start of a new year, they could also be generating extra income for the upcoming holidays
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but 70 people don't work at all and i applaud people who take on two jobs. stuart: me too. thank you. 30 year fixed-rate mortgage rates are down about a half a percentage point about a half point in the last week that is a sharp drop for one week. economist is with me this morning. how much help does a half point in the 30 year fixed point mortgage rate how much help does that give to the real estate market. >> i just published an article under the people's economist anthony chan, looking at the issue in the monetary tightening cycle was the worst for housing in over 30 years we had single-family home sales down 31.7%, this decline in the mortgage rate will help but it will not make up for the 31.7% that we saw during the tightening cycle. it won't hurt but it won't be the salvation. were down to 7.5% now, can we go lower than this. >> i think at this point we can
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because i believe the federal reserve did their last tightening in july and the probably not going to raise rates again. only a 15% probability if you look at the futures market that they will raise rates again one more time by january of next year and by the middle of the year all expectations that the fed will cut rates which will be beneficial for housing. stuart: we have credit karma they found that 64% of the people that they asked want every session they would not mind a recession if it lowered mortgage rates, it's come to something when people want a recession to get the mortgage rate. >> absolutely that certainly has a negative impact on the monthly payment and right now more than 50% of the people holding mortgages have a mortgage rate of 4% or less they are not about to sell or list and get a mortgage that is evident half percent or higher it is not going to happen. >> the real estate is in trouble, different subject the
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wall street journal set a new headache for bosses. employees are no longer quitting their jobs, last year companies are struggling to keep staff, now not enough people are living, why is this a problem. >> is a problem for employers that have too many workers in there trying to shed a little bit but the quick rate and i've done research on this usually goes down as the economy slows down. right now it's 2.3%, the average for the quit rate is about 2% but guess what the last two recessions we see the quit rate come down to 1.3% it is still above every session level and still above the average level but it always comes down and that's exactly what you expect as the economy slows down look at the atlanta federal reserve is now looking for one point to percent growth in the fourth quarter that is down sharply from what we saw the third quarter, the economy is slowing down in the quit rate has to come down. stuart: and welcomed unquestioning. >> come down lower one point to percent the last two recessions.
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even out 2.3% is still too high and the average will come down. stuart: the boss cannot unload the surplus staff that was hired after the pandemic. >> that is correct. >> you make things interesting and understandable. that's pretty damn good, excuse my language. lawmakers renewing calls for a nationwide tiktok band, concern over anti-israel post on the social media platform. hillary vaughn has a report on this later in the show virginia state election is tomorrow parental rights in school a top issue among voters in key districts. grady trimble has the latest on the contested race in loudoun county virginia, that is next. ♪
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quickly to the market we have the dow up 23, nasdaq at 42, not that much gain. here is good news the price of gasoline keeps on coming down, the national average for regular is $3.41 per gallon that is down 34 cents a month and i was buying gas in new jersey this weekend for $3.15 a gallon. next case virginia state election tomorrow they're seen as a bellwether for the 24 presidential race, grady trimble is in loudoun county how big is education playing at that particular county. >> it could be the issue in some parts of the state like here in loudoun county. you may have seen over the past few years it made national news as parents got more and more involved in school board meetings here at time sparring with board members over what their kids are learning in the classroom and issues like transgender issues in schools.
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in this district in particular the republican state senate candidate and entrepreneur by the name of juan pablo has made education one of the central issues of his campaign against his democratic opponent that would be former cia officer and attorney russett. focusing on education helps carry virginia governor glenn youngkin to victory in 2021. the selection he's been hitting the campaign trail hard on behalf of the republican candidates were running in the state even though youngkin is not running himself he's using a similar playbook and recalling his race two years ago. >> people cannot believe that they did not think parents belong in the classroom but they said over and over again terry mcauliffe and 21, monte mason against, they said they don't believe the same things that everybody else in virginia believes that parents should be in charge of the children. >> other issues this election
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include inflation, crime and abortion. all 140 seats in the virginia state legislature are up for grabs tomorrow we will pay close attention to what is on voters minds to see how that informs 2024 as well as the race in virginia. stuart: thank you very much indeed, one other crucial school board election are going on around the country. actually i think you have a list. >> i do but i tell you the biggest issue it used to be the school board election that were sleepy affairs and did not generate a whole lot of interest but times are changing you the issue of parental rights has created a storm across the country expiring up emotions that school districts. case in point southern the high school board election in northeast pennsylvania ten candidates for five spots. a group of the candidates have
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called themselves true republicans, what does that mean they signed a pledge that in part is aimed at keeping low politics out of the classroom and it includes language of restricting students using bathrooms that align with their gender identity and informing parents when students are asked to go by a different name or gender pronoun. these are the issues that are playing out across the country. critics call those restrictions a violation of privacy but it is an issue making the sleepy school board elections anything but. still ahead duffy suggesting biden drop out of the 24 race, former ambassador at large nathan sales on how long the war in israel could drag on. a former levi strauss briand president jennifer sey says awoke mob canceled a fashion blogger because he was israeli. the 11:00 o'clock hour is next.
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