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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 6, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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>> a lot of our clients are wealth management clients. they're older. they have been waiting a long time at some real yield, some high quality yield to live off of. the fact you have treasury rates at the long end of the curve, four 1/2, 5%, we've been talk to clients putting money into bonds. we're not calling top in yields. there may be still room to run. it is an opportunity after 15 years of rate repression for folks to get some income and clip a coupon to live off of. we love high quality bonds here adding to duration. we think it is a great opportunity. liz: rate repression, i like that. that is an interesting term. great to have you, ross. thank you so much. [closing bell rings] here is the closing bell on this monday. we see the nasdaq, s&p and the dow eking out some green at the moment. tomorrow we have earnings from rivian and ebay and tennessee senator marsha blackburn. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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all right, israel now in its fifth week of war against the barbaric hamas-hezbollah-iranian terrorists. let's go straight to our own edward lawrence for the latest updates. good evening, edward. >> reporter: larry, president joe biden feeling pressure from the very left-wing of his party to put pressure on israel to ease up in their ground operations. this as now the national parks service finally removed the graffiti put on the fence of the white house here. there were handprints on the fence, painted in red. there were messages written on the fence that red cease read cease-fire and calling president joe biden genocide joe. the vandalism was left up until this afternoon. the p spoke with the israeli prime minister prime minister spoke about a tactical pause to facilitate hostages getting released and aid in. walking the line with israel
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calling for a humanitarian pause. >> we're talking with the israelis on the practicality of that. one aspect is seeing move on hostages. that is something intensely focused on. we also believe a pause could help advance that proposition as well. >> reporter: 58 democrats signed a president to the letter with a short term cessation of hostility to allow humanitarian aid and hostages released. she says all these lead unfortunately to joe biden. >> unfortunately this is what happens when you project weakness. this is why we need to act swiftly. we need to close our border. we need to stand with israel and we need to make sure that genocide and hate and any attack on any american needs to be dealt with swiftly and justly. >> reporter: president joe biden now back at the white house.
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he did not take questions from reporters as he came into the white house. he did speak today about "bidenomics." he is wanting to talk about the money he is spending for rail infrastructure, larry. larry: edward lawrence, all right, rail infrastructure sure. got it. thanks very much for that report. joining me now with great pleasure our friend bret baier, anchor of "special report" on fox news and he has got two books out, not one, but two. very special thing. author of, to rest you coo the constitution, forge washington and the fragile american experiment, and his new children's book, the history club. that is dual across time, shelves november 14th. i want to read them both. i might have to go to the kids book first. but we'll sell as many books as possible for our friend bret baier. you're encyclopeaic. >> thank you, larry. larry: bret, talk to us if you would for a moment.
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your impressions, this is antony blinken henry kissinger guess a best shuttle diplomacy but a serious question what is he accomplishing? is he telling people he can do things he can't do and is he not telling people he needs to do the one thing that he must do, convince israel to agree with a hostage swap for a cease-fire? >> yeah. larry, good afternoon. i think it is tough to walk through the tulips here for the administration because you know, they can say at the beginning with clarity that they stand by israel but israel is saying we have to go after hamas after what happened on october 7th. a humanitarian pause does no favors to go after those hamas leaders. why people are not leading with, how about free the hostages first? you know, that's a, you know, where republican lawmakers are saying let's see that. so there is pressure inside of the democratic party and you're seeing this fracture that is really pretty visible.
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if you look at the latest polls, larry, it is not a good situation for president biden. he is seeing a lot of political, kind of shedding of his base, even black voters have shifted now in the latest "new york times/sienna poll" significantly towards the former president. and it's a big, big issue. and part of this is what they're seeing overseas. larry: you know, bret, i want to come back to those polls because you're right, it is a very important development and i just want to read you "politico" covering this event. i don't know if "politico" have the story right or not but they seem to be on it. i want to quote, u.s. officials believe the netanyahu might soften his opposition to a pause if the he can be convinced that it is in israel's strategic interests to ease the plight of palestinian civilians in gaza. now that is something completely different from what you hear from the israeli side or
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netanyahu's side because they want full release of all hostages and then they will start working on a pause and i'm sure you saw "the wall street journal" headline, what one of the leaders of hamas said about a pause. they say they're not going to pause at all. so i just, i don't understand, is blinken digging himself into a hole? is this all very superficial? because this is very, very serious stuff. >> it is and to go to iraq and to the west bank with that message of pushing for a pause, there is no pause on the other side to your point. hamas has not stopped saying they want to eradicate israel. they have not stopped saying there will be an intifada that takes out israel permanently. from the river to the sea is not something about equitable treatment of all people there. it is about erasing israel. so i think you know, it is pretty stark in what they're facing but they are hearing from inside of their party,
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arab-americans, muslim-americans who in each one of these battleground states make up a significant portion of the voting bloc, more than biden won by in 2020. larry: yeah. well, all right. point well-taken. let's come back to some of these polls which are very disgorging for mr. biden, better for trump. trump wins in five swing state polls. nevada, georgia, arizona, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin biden wins by two points, almost a toss-up. one of the things interesting here. this is "new york times/sienna polling," people feel mr. biden personally hurt their situation, personally hurt their situation. i'm thinking groceries and gasoline or mortgage rates or you can't have a gas stove or a gas-powered car. personally hurt is a very strong category. what do you make of it? >> it is how they feel at the
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kitchen table. how they do the math at the back of the envelope. it is not adding up, not adding up for groceries, not adding up for car payments with the interest rates going up. it is not adding up. they're personally hurt and they're expressing that in these polls. this poll in particular, remember it is just one poll but it is still tracking with other polls that show this shift and here is a former president that is in the middle of a ton of legal issues including in new york today own the stand and yet more and more people are going his way, not because of the person or what he says but because they remember the policies, how they felt about the economy during the trump years. how they felt the world wasn't falling apart in the trump years and that is reflected in these polls. one other thing, larry, each one of these swing states, president biden does worse if it is less, he does worse if it is more diverse, if the state is more
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diverse, president biden does worse, which suggests a racial shift in numbers. larry: well that's really interesting because i was going to refer you -- there is a couple of essays over the weekend, very interesting, republican pollsters patrick writing in "politico" and democrat pollsters, judas and texiera i don't know texiera. non-while working class swinging irrevocably away from the democratic party and to the republican party. judas and teixeira talk about the immigration, plagued by open borders policy, that is moving people toward the republican column in droves. >> i agree with you. i think the border will be a bigger issue than it has been. i thought it would be a big issue in 2022. turned out abortion and threat
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to democracy was bigger. the border now because of the safety concerns along the border, not just the border state but just in sanctuary states that don't want to be sanctuary states anymore, those folks are really going to be affected by that issue. larry: the other thing was, this really surprised me, voters un30 now about even, biden and trump. i negative thought i would see the day. >> no. and, you know, listen, again it is one poll. again a year out. larry: [laughter] >> have the caveat in there. larry: i got it. >> i agree with you. larry: really the kids are urn returning to donald trump? i never thought i would see the day. [laughter] >> you never know. you never know. larry: i am sorry i don't mean to laugh. this is serious business. you have a sense of humor. you know what i'm talking about. pick up "the new york times" nowadays never know what you will read. i will have to start reading it all over again.
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anyway, bret baier kind to give us time. if i get this out, catch bret every night, special report weekdays, 6:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. dual across time on november 14th. don't forget the constitutional book, want to sell all books especially for my friend bret baier. appreciate it. now, i got to weigh in my little riff here. there is somebody named gazi, hamas, member of the hamas politburo. editorial page interview on lebanese television. mr. ham mad said, and i'm going to quote, we much teach israel a lesson and we will do this again and again. this is the al-aqsa flood. don't take my word for it. this is from "the wall street journal" editorial. the editorial was written november 2nd and the title
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was, how hamas defines cease-fire. what hamad said about a week earlier. hamad also said, and i'm going to quote, we are the victims of the occupation, period. therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do on october 7, on october 10, on october one millionth. everything we do is justified. this guy is from the hamas politburo. now secretary of state antony blinken goes through his shuttle diplomacy in the middle east, is repeating this hamas cease-fire definition to all the parties involved? is he? i sincerely doubt it but he should. mr. blinken seems to be telling everybody what they may want to hear. this is not the best way to go about clear, effective diplomacy. better to have one big point you can deliver on rather than five or six secondary points over
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which you have no power. now, the big point in israel, it's a hostage release. prime minister netanyahu has suggested a temporary pause if all of the 240 hostages are released, okay? trouble is, that's apparently not the way hamas defines a cease-fire. so that doesn't look much like a deliverable for mr. blinken or his boss, mr. biden. now besides the terrorist cutthroat statements of hamas hamad, a "politico" article suggests blinken might get a cease-fire from israel without a hostage release. i will read this again. i mentioned it to bret baier, the money quote from powe let co, u.s. officials believe netanyahu may soften his opposition to the pause idea if he can be convinced it is in israel's strategic interest to eyes the plight of palestinian
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civilians in gaza, end quote. this seems to me this is exactly what netanyahu should not do but also seems to me this is exactly what biden and blinken are trying to do. they're trying to put the handcuffs on israel. no matter what the rhetoric they're trying to trap israel to some kind of a spider web of byzantine middle east negotiations. about the "new york post" editorial got it right saying biden's call forean israeli pause means he is really jumping ship on our ally. then of course blinken is telling the pla they can take over gaza at some point after the war but that is not deliverable. mr. blinken is telling turkey whose president erdogan is pro-hamas would not meet with blinken, he is telling me there will be more gaza aid. that is not deliverable. they were he tells the folks in the u.s. committed to the realization of palestinians legitimate aspirations for
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establishment of a palestinian state. once again, that is not deliverable. he is telling everybody in the u.s. can restore calm and stability to the region. that is not deliverable. then blinken goes to baghdad and tells iran to stop widening the war using joe biden's misbegotten phrase don't. but 38 iran-sponsored attacks on u.s. military assets later biden hasn't lifted a finger to fight back. then the business of easing flight of civilians in wartime that is important piece in "investor's business daily" tips insights by mr. daniel pomerantz. he is an expert in international law. he is a expert at israel universities and reality check a nonprofit ngo dedicated to clarifying global conversations with verifiable data. now hear this out.
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he argues, that israel's war campaign against hamas demonstrates incomprehensible restraint. end quote. his data? israel struck over 11,000 terror-related targets in gaza since october 11th. the gaza ministry of health, if you can ever believe them, they claim that israeli strikes killed over 10,000 people in gaza over the same period. that would mean that israel has killed on average less than one person per strike and 10% of the strikes have killed no people at all. and he argues that represents an astonishing degree of precision and restraint. now, of course war is hell. war is costly. but there are just wars and this is one of them. so i would just suggest that israel reject the voices of
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defeat or so-called strategic priorities that might work for other countries but not israel first. the idf has great momentum. they have already split gaza in two. the tide is with them. don't let anybody interrupt this battle. it is a battle for the right of israel and for jewish people to exist in the middle east and anywhere else around the world, no interruptions, please. all right, folks, that's my riff. we'll keep talking about israel's momentum on the battlefield with former israeli counterterrorism operative aaron cohen, our prince of a friend when "kudlow" returns. ♪.
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♪. larry: all right, israel is gaining momentum on the battlefield in gaza cutting the country in half or cutting gaza city in half capturing hamas commandoes and terrorists left and right. why would they stop? joining us now is aaron cohen, former israeli countyter terrorism operative, by far our favorite. prince aaron, thank you. why would they stop? they're doing very well. it reads well. i know war is hell. i know there are costs of war. oneone of the articles we cited before actually the cost of this war is rather small. israel has done a great job trying to be precise but aaron, why should israel stop? >> there is no reason for israel to stop, larry, and thanks for having me back, always a pleasure. there is a combat rythym right now that can't be broken. that combat rythym sets an operational tone, the focus being on cutting down the heads of hamas. as you mentioned gaza is
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completely surrounded. gaza city has been broken into two pieces. israel has all of the hamas terrorists that perpetrated that october 7th attack that weren't killed by idf special-ops responding to -- all those regions in the south. you know they're singing like parakeets, larry. israel has gotten an entire layout of the tunnel system now. what they're doing systemally they're chopping off the heads of these snakes for purpose of getting these hostages. the reason israel has no problem with the cease-fire. where is our hostages? let's bring back our 220 hostages we can talk turkey. we can talk about realistic deliverables you so eloquently outlined in your final thoughts with your last piece. i'm sying this, the palestinians have golden angel in hebrew, called. it is one of three-tier one special operations units that
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are the quarterback if you will, if you took russell wilson and tom brady turned them into a commando i give you israel's joint, or jtac commando unit and that's at unit are trained to faa grade standards. these are federal grade aviation administration controllers who are on the ground providing j tack or selective pinpointing of everyone of these munitions hitting those buildings and those units right now are responsible and are the mvps of these forward operations and the reason why? is because they can put a missile on the third hair of a georgia pine nut at the top of a tree reducing risk and with the highest degree of selectivity to civilians and keep in mind, october 21st, over 450 aid trucks were al in by israel on the egyptian side. keep in mind over 700,000
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palestinians have been moved to the south safely. the ones who are hanging out which is less than 30% are being held against their will or are choosing to stay after millions of leave lets have been dropped. this unit is the golden angel which will pull an on mid-flight in order, if they see a child running across a street. so there is a ton of misinformation out there. i'm here to clear the picture and set the record straight. they do this at a risk to their own commandoes, the idf in order to assure selectivity. larry: yes. that is what this fellow said who wrote the piece. he is an ngo. he looks at the data. he says israel has been incredibly precise. prioritization of civilian protection among challenging circumstances, my god. israelis are literally giving their lives to protect palestinian civilians. such an act is simply extraordinary in the human
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civilization. his name is daniel pomerantz. i don't know if you know him or not. he teaches school in israel. he runs a non-profit ngo, he uses data points. if you believe what hamas is saying, probably no one should believe, saying at moment, 10,000 have been killed, 11,000 israeli attacks beginning october 7th. that's less than, less than one person per attack. i mean, war is hell. i get that. nobody likes this but it is a just war and these are the costs of war and israel is keeping those costs very low despite the fact that certain people in this country won't acknowledge it. >> that's right. we, the idea of just taking out asyif, one of the arc techs one of senior level architechs of october 7th massacre, taken out with dozens of terror leaders responsible for the october 7th mass cure. the israeli air force, fonded by
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the cooperational team leader of the entebbe raid. that unit was swanned from senate reconnaissance unit. these commandos are the quarterbacks of these operations. we have special-ops troops who are aboutstart going unit by unit, larry, great risk to the units. regarding to hamas, regarding to propaganda it is nonsense. we've seen the nonsense videos floating out there. actors and fake, you know people jumping into these scenes to footage out to media. bbc reporting without any confirmation this is nonsense. i don't have to sell it to you, larry. i don't have to sell it to your audience here. but the fact the amount of selectivity and risk to the idf in order to assure the highest level of safety for the palestinian people is unheard of by any other military in the world. larry: yes. >> any other country would have
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turned gaza into a lake by now but israel won't do that. larry: yes. >> we care about the palestinians, they matters to us. they are good people. we'll save every one of them. you know what your cease-fire is coming. where sis rail's hostages? larry: that is the key point. nobody should force them to do otherwise. >> larry we'll get them either way, 10 yards at a time. that is how we will move the ball. larry: aaron cohen, happy to be on the team. aaron cohen, a prince. >> appreciate you, larry. larry: coming up here on "kudlow," president obama says nobody's hands are clean in this war. you know what, folks? that is a bun. of malarkey and utter nonsense, okay? nobody has hands dirtier than the former president obama. sorry to say. we've got former director of national intelligence mr. john ratcliffe. plus, it is incredible today that the new york city courts,
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arthur gore ren doesn't have the grace, he is the local judge, doesn't even have the grace to let the former 45th president one donald trump, even speak out in court. he is interrupting him constantly with a political agenda on the far left. anyway we have donald trump's attorney, alina habba all when "kudlow" returns. please stick around. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it just works. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. ♪. larry: all right. you may have seen some of this earlier in the day but left-wing new york judge doesn't even have the grace to let the 45th president of the united states speak in court, much less on what the 45th president of the united states achieved as a realtor who essentially changed the face of new york real estate. anyway, joining us now is one of his key attorneys, alina hab ba, welcome back to the show, we appreciate it very much. i don't get this. he has got an agenda, everybody
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has got an agenda in this courtroom and they will not let donald trump speak his peace. now i want to ask you, okay, is donald trump being rude? is yelling or is he just trying to get his, let's say two cents in that this judge won't let? >> honestly none of the above. what would happen was they would show him two paragraphs on the screen. they would say okay, here is two paragraphs on the screen. mr. president did you certify to this, he would say the two paragraphs discuss insurance. they discuss value and they discuss how i can rent certain property, 40 wall street, for instance, let me explain. first let me hit the value. first let me hit the insurance. let me hit that. he would go into explaining to them maybe you have a loan document that says that i have to have a net worth of $50 million, basic, okay, but there's certain provisions there with step-downs and things like
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that. it is not that simple. if i have to be absolutely honest with you, larry i think they really should have thought about the legal team questioning, somebody who is a real estate tycoon, real estate mogul going down one of the greats,. larry: been his whole life. >> they are trying to attack and criticize. you better be an expert -- larry: as somebody who knows him rather well, he is trying to explain, what i will call the science of real estate. >> that's right. larry: the accounting of real estate, the economics of real estate, okay? >> that's right. larry: he knows it very well. you might disagree with some of it but he knows it very well. >> that's right. larry: this judge, as i understand it will not let him finish these paragraphs. >> no. larry: the other thing, i think this showed up, you were on, your presser was during sandra smith and john roberts. has a president ever testified like this in court? >> no. larry: never. >> it is a disgrace. larry: they won't give him the grace to do that? >> they're cutting him off.
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i objected. there was a fiery exchange with the judge. frankly i can't even say it was with the judge and i. i'm very polite. i'm very professional in the courtroom. but the judge did not like him finishing or explaining because it wasn't good for his case. he is interfering. he made his decision, let's not forget that, larry. he made decision on summary judgments. he found liability. 440,000 for a expert ag paid, new york taxpayer dollars. we're wasting all this time, he won't let the president is the person trying to get to explain why he certified to certain values. why? because the minute he starts to explain it ruins their case. he was worth more than his statement of financial conditions. miss james politics are not allowing to backtrack. she need as pr team. larry: she looks like a damn fool. >> yeah. larry: putting that aside, it is the same story with the mar-a-lago property in palm
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beach. every realtor is laughing at the tax assessor's assessment which you and i talked about a month ago. every realtor knows what trump is talking about in this courtroom. the guy that doesn't know what he is talking about is a politically biased left-wing judge who won't let the 45th president make his case. i think that is one of the worst parts of this whole story. you call a trial. you make these charges. the president who doesn't have to comes in, really? >> uh-huh. larry: you could do it just as well but he came in, they won't let him finish his paragraphs? >> not only that, larry in the beginning, this isn't reported, in the beginning, judge kept trying to say if you do it again i will tell you to leave i will have negative inference. first of all you can't do that he was trying to find a reason because he was panicked. this is an elected official. the judge is an elected official. letitia james is elected officials. we can't have elected officials who need to be bipartisan, need to be on the side of democratic
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left-wing thinking we can't have people like that on the bench and sit here and can't put our case up. it doesn't make sense. larry: i know there are left-wing judges in new york. i get that. there are good judges. >> there are. larry: court of appeals, appellate court, all that. new york bar association, i know it leans left but they're not crazy people. >> no. larry: there are a lot of wonderful law firms. law firms by the way whose chief officers are republicans, believe it or not. so i'm waiting for people to start speaking out regarding the injustice of the way this judge is treating the 45th president. do you see my point? >> i do. larry: somebody has to stop the circus and say this guy, what is his name, the name of the judge? >> judge engore ren. larry: he is a bad apple. he is making all of us in new york to look bad. >> that is the truth. larry: i'm waiting for someone to do that, step up, step up say
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that, democrat, republican, it doesn't matter this is ruining the legal establishment of new york. this guy is a clown and everybody knows it. this issue he has what, got a clerk, a law clerk, you've got a mile long list of left-wing causes she donated to. what is up with that. >> i'm gagged. i'm not permitted to talk about it. i'm not permitted to talk about it. larry: i want to keep you out of jail. >> that says it all. i'm not permitted to talk about it. i'm the legal spokesperson. larry: he is gagging the president. he is gagging you. >> he is. larry: he can't gag me, free to say what i'm want. >> no. larry: what happens next? >> what happens next. this week we'll finish. they will rest their case. we're obviously going to move to completely dismiss this case. there should be mistrial based on things you mentioned today that i can't talk about. there should be a mistrial. bias in general i say. judicial code of ethics. the ethics extend to the entire
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courtroom. when you violate judicial ethics things are held accountable. your license. that is why there is the bar, why there is ethics. there is has to be rules for people to believe in an impartial system. as an american it is my mission to bring to light when there isn't that. not everybody is donald trump. not everyone can pay for a team of 20 lawyers. larry: exactly. >> if we don't stop it now we'll be in real deep trouble. i have frankly think we already are. larry: as i said before, i think calmer heads have to prevail with respect to the new york legal system because it looks like a clown show to the rest of the world. i also think that people, whatever your opinions of my former boss, the fact remains he is the 45th president. he did not have to testify in court. he did to make a case about the economickers and science of real estate. he could have given these guys a lesson if the judge just listened. >> he did give them a lesson. larry: hang on a second, he might have learned something.
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can you imagine a judge learn something? >> i would invite that judge to come see some of the properties. step on mar-a-lago. tell me that is worth 18 million. it is so absurd the country is laughing. if he has any self-respect you have an opportunity to turn this around. larry: whole west side of new york was changed by donald trump. >> skyline. larry: east side of new york was changed by donald trump. >> it is true. larry: alina habba thanks for. it has been a long time. from the ridiculous to the sublime. we'll talk to john ratcliffe former director of national intelligence. john ratcliffe i'm sure you enjoyed this real estate seminar from miss habba, listen what former president barack obama said about this terrible war between israel and hamas. take a listen. >> if you want to solve the problem then you have to take in
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the whole truth and you then have to admit nobody's hands are clean. all of us are are accomplice to some degree. larry: yeah. nobody's hands are clean. we're all complicit. there is no right, there is no wrong and there is moral confusion everywhere john ratcliffe. john, you've been around quite a while. as a house member, as a prosecutor, as a director of national intelligence, what do you make of what obama's doing here? i mean, is he just trying to could have his keister or what? -- cover his keister or what? >> no, he is showing people exactly who he is. look, larry, one of the things this war in the middle east has shown is the contempt that the democratic party or at least the progressive wing of the democratic party has for israel. it is becoming revealed. barack obama has always had that
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contempt. he just has done a better job of hiding it. even in those remarks he tried to hide it. he tries to make it seem like he is sitting evenly on the fence and talked about no one's hands are clean. in those remarks larry he talked about what hamas did was horrific but the occupation by israel certainly played a role here. you know and he went on to say, look, we need to speak to the other side, talking about hamas as the other side as if the people that you know baked israeli babies in front of their parents and is holding american hostages you, you know, he is creating this false equivalency between hamas' actions and israel's actions and you know, then he plays this, he concluded his remarks there if you listened to it, larry, with this wistful gone i wonder if -- larry: oh. technical problems. i think we lost mr. john
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ratcliffe. i know what john is going to say and he concluded it by blaming, he may have blamed social media. we'll never know. john ratcliffe is a great friend. anyway we'll have to catch him another day but most certainly think president obama has a lot to be accountable for in this. remember he gave iran well over one billion dollars not so long ago. anyway, folks you get all these democrats calling for a cease-fire. i do not understand it. we have iowa senator joni ernst. she will come in. all these democrats, house democrats, senate democrats, cease-fire. not even temporary. you, i don't know whether it is temporary or not. it is an incredible story. like nothing happened. october 7th, 1400 people at a peace concert in gaza were killed, murdered by hamas, cutting off babies heads,
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putting babies in ovens, killing grandmothers and civilians and palestinians and americans. can we please not forget that? snort joni ernst up next. i'm "kudlow".
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larry: no discussion of this israel hamas war would be complete without iowa senator joni ernst, member of the senate armed services committee. senator ernst as always. 14 of your democratic colleagues are calling for a short-term cessation of hostilities and i don't know why, because the only people that haven't signed off on that are hamas. in fact we read earlier in the show what this hamas politburo guy said. they want to keep on killing. they don't want to stop killing. so why should netanyahu doing very well on the battlefield. so why should the idf stop, senator? >> exactly. thank you, my friend. i'm glad to be with you and you're absolutely correct, why on earth would hamas agree to a cease-fire. they won't. these are the individuals as you just stated, they are the ones that killed babies. they beheaded babies.
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these are the ones that injured and maimed and killed innocent israelis. the only ones that would be slowing down would be the idf if this were to be true hamas would continue killing. the ultimate goal is to wipe the jewish nation-state off the plan he'll. we should not be advising how to run their war just as we would no not expect other nations to tell us how to run our wars. larry: senator, you know i talked about the earlier part of the show, "the wall street journal" editorial page quote this is guy from the hamas politburo, whatever it is, poll lit politburo, how perfect is that. they want to keep on killing, making no bones about it. i don't think antony blinken is quoting him in the tour of the middle east. that is what this guy is saying to al. liz: cera and lebanese television. they have no intention of stopping their killing.
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>> right, exactly. they will not stop, larry. i hope you're still there. larry: i'm here. i'm here. >> okay, okay, great. so, yes they will not stop killing and as long as they keep receiving funds from iran and we know that 93% of the funding that hamas comes from iran, they will not stop. this is a country, iran, that chants "death to america," death to israel. so what this administration needs to figure out is, hamas is not going to stop period and until all jewish people have been wiped out and that america is held accountable as well. so, we can't allow a cease-fire to happen. we have to allow the decimation of hamas. larry: so basically, how fast can we get extra ammo money into israel to replenish the iron dome and other matters, senator ernst? >> i hope very quickly, larry. and my mantra has been weapons
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not welfare. let's focus on being the arsenal of democracy and providing what the israelis need to hamas. we shouldn't be sending joe biden's $100 million into gaza because usaid's own ig saying there was severe risk of those dollars going to fund terrorist operations. we need to focus on weapons and knew -- my missions quite well. we can do that and stop aiding and assisting terrorists. larry: i have a question for you, 30 seconds, do the democrats hold this up, they want a deal, want emergency funding for this and open borders for that are they going to hold it up? >> i hope they don't hold it up. what i would tell them, go back to watch unedited video hamas body cameras put out into the web. larry: yes, ma'am. >> they should. they should. devastating. larry: senator joni ernst. thank you. we don't have more time.
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you're always great. appreciate it very much. >> thank you. larry: folks right c last word with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■ ■if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, then
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to take on the next anything. larry: you know, you may not like donald trump or you may love donald trump, but he's the 45th president of the united states appeared in a courtroom and, no, left wing clubhouse democratic political judge ought to stop trump from saying his piece about real estate where he spent his entire life. anyway, we'll all listen to it


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