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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 6, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: you know, you may not like donald trump or you may love donald trump, but he's the 45th president of the united states appeared in a courtroom and, no, left wing clubhouse democratic political judge ought to stop trump from saying his piece about real estate where he spent his entire life. anyway, we'll all listen to it
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on liz macdonald that will tell the whole story, as always. elizabeth: we'll try, larry. hope you had a good weekend. larry was saying, we're going to bring you mayor fireworks and former president trump testified in the new york city fraud case today, we've got it. this story, why are democrats, the media acting so surprised about brutal new voter polls going against president biden when that started two years ago? now insiders say the president should drop out. plus, fire whomever said, yeah, campaign on bidenomics. and dc and the white house hit with pro palestinian protests and vandalism. school board parents, that fight, that's a battleground in tomorrow's virginia state elections and a look at this, hbo bill maher really went after neil tyson over protests at 50 u.s. colleges and house impeachment inquiries are heating up and what they're
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saying about rampant biden influence peddling is true and make a td series house of cards look like disney. i'm elizabeth macdonald and "the evening edit" starts right now. okay, major fights and chaos in court today between former president trump and judge enderon and former president testified in new york's $250 million civil fraud suit against him and his family business. fox news nate foy has been breaking all the stories on this. he's live outside the courthouse in manhattan with the details. what happened? reporter: liz, it was a contentious day of testimony for former president trump leaving the courthouse about an hour ago saying this is a sad day for america. he called the trial a scam and a disgrace. i mentioned those contentious moments and multiple of them and more recently in the afternoon president trump asked for a jury and this is a bench trial and enderon will have the pull power to decide former president
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trump's punishment and in the morning session, president trump was very upset with the judge after the judge told trump attorney to get his client under control and the judge said that tram was taking too long in answering the ques questions and something the former president posted about on truth social and his attorney was also very upset with that as she explained during today's lunch break. the former president trump talked about how he feels he's being treated own fairly while leaving the courthouse. >> the case is brought and the court was making references to things that were very valuable. >> the net worth is higher than what was listed in the trump organization statements of financial condition and because of that, he said the state is no
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case. trump said he paid the banks back in full and on time and he also criticized new york attorney general learfield img leticia james said sheremains f. >> i'll not be bullied or harassed and this case will go on. reporter: but during the lunch break today, trump attorney shot back at attorney general james pointing to her history of campaigning ongoing after trump. >> miss james, you taunted him before coming into office and saw one record and statement of financial condition. you taunted him and said his administration was too male and too pale. those are her words. reporter: liz, the trial will resume on wednesday when ivanka trump takes the stand and the final witness before trump's lawyers can call their own
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witnesses to the stand. elizabeth: god it, nate foy, always terrific and former federal prosecutor and doj fran seizure disorders headaches and congressional investigators sam dewey and take out their names. the judge that ruled by fiat against the defendant and that defendant trump was guilty before the trial began without a jury. that judge gets to decide on his own whether to rule against trump, no jury. fran seizure disorders, this is aplite -- francey, this is a politically charged case brought against trump as a "illegitimate president". >> you're absolutely right, liz. from soup to nuts and incredible legal and constitutional flaws in the case not least of which is the attorney general running on getting trump in some way shape or form bringing charges that have apparently never been seen before and probably will never been seen again in new york. the judge prejudging the case and the antics of the judge in
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the courtroom today asking his -- asking trump's attorneys to control his client. those are things you say in front of a jury. they have nothing to do when you've got a bench trial and a supposedly experienced judge who should be able to see through any issues brought by the defense. elizabeth: francey said, sam, this looks -- this case, what's happening with the trump cases moving through the court system, it's really turning up and churning up. all these weird idiosyncrasies and peccadilloes in the court system itself. this could break the courthouse. how can you stretch to the point where it snaps, a consumer fraud statute in new york state that now the ag is ramming a truck through to go after trump to -- and wipe out his entire business. you know, i get it with msnbc and cnn analysts, they don't like tram, we're just middle of the road looking at it factually, sam. this could be precedent setting
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so they could use new york state statute and go after whomever they don't like. >> practically the way they're construing it, yes, but on the other hand, practically this is a uniquely political case. this case wouldn't be brought in the normal course because no one lost money. the banks actually made a lot of money because trump was paying high interest rates. the issue is the theory as well they'd have made more money. okay, but you don't normally prosecute these types of cases where it's not victimless under their theory but it essentially is victimless because you're arguing about well a bank should have made even more money than they already made on their handsome profit. normally direct prosecutorial resources and cases with real victims and see bankman-fried. this is political. elizabeth: so it's a civil case, francey, without the due process of jury, no jury. even if there's no damages, even
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if there's no proof of intent to deceive, the judge gets to rule, not the jury. listen to the former president today. watch this. >> so while israel is being attacked, while civilians are being attacked, while inflation is eating our country alive, i'm down here being attacked by the biden administration and their poll numbers are terrible. the new york times and cbs came up with a poll that i'm leading all over the place but it's a very unfair situation. this is really election interference. this is ridiculous. elizabeth: the other thing that happened, francey, today, trump was talking about a nice compilation of assets. he was just talking that the banks came to me, they wanted to do business with me. that actually my assets are worth more than what's on the financial statements.
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that's what the bickering is going on and the analysis over at msnbc. they're talking about that. what you and i and sam are talking about is how in the world -- by the way, the jumped was censoring trump in the middle of the trial saying this is stricken, strike that. how in the world could this case have been brought without a jury? >> well, liz, this case has serious constitutional issues, not least is the fact that apparently it trump wasn't entid to a jury and has serious due process concerns and all three of the other cases been brought against president trump. the bottom line here, liz, is that i think these are very clearly democrat motivated cases is, both the civil case and criminal case and they're dying for one thing, to tie up the president so he either loses enough support or gives up the run all together. elizabeth: listen, we don't know if he's guilty or not. what the former president is. we don't know at this point, you
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know, we're following every sentencings, everything we can on this case. it's the ray it's being rounderred. thank you for -- rendered. thank you for joining us. we have fox news contributor and free speech ryer mark tiesen. new york times sienna, cbs, abc and gallop. now democrats like david axelrod saying these brutal polls, biden should drop out and politico reporting a democrat insider saying fire the person who said, yes, campaign on bidenomics. when you saw these polls, what was your reaction? >> exactly that. i mean, the democrats don't have a problem -- a democrat problem, they have a joe biden problem. joe biden is the least popular president since the end of world war ii not naming jimmy carter. consistently in a lot of polls and the reality is if that -- if you take him off the ballot,
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right now there's a new york times siena poll showing trump wins in all of the swing states exempt for wisconsin and take biden off the ballot and put trump against a general democrat, the general democrat wins by 12 in wisconsin and georgia 9, arizona 7, nevada 3, michigan 7. one of the letter writers into the new york times said the message of the poll is that it's time to take grandpa we love you, it's been a great grandfather but time to take away the car keys. elizabeth: that's interesting your analysis. let's go through it. biden -- trump is leading biden in five key swing states: nevada, georgia, arizona, michigan, and pennsylvania. that's 67 electoral votes and biden won all six in 2020 and needs to win four to get reelected and trump is doing better with minority voters like
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hispanics and pulling them and black voters and he's pulling away gen z voters strikingly after biden gave them student loan bailouts. to what you're saying, this new gallop poll, he's the worst of all -- biden is the worst of all president since jimmy carter. >> yeah, i mean, just look at 538 ample of polls and shows you every president back to harry truman and least popular president except for jimmy carter. this is a function of not trump's popularity and resurgence for trump and it's the conclusion that biden is an absolute disaster. what we've seen consistently in all the polls is that americans don't want a trump/biden rematch. what has been happen asking we're being asked and if you have to choose between two candidates you don't like, what are you going to do? for awhile, biden had advantage despite failures and keep in mind, he was the least popular
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president since world war ii since 20922 midterms and we were expecting a red wave and never happened and just the fact that he's unpopular doesn't mean that's how it's going to end up on the voting booth when voters cast their ballots. but the party that -- go ahead. elizabeth: no, go ahead. >> just that the party that figures out first that maybe i should listen to the voters and choose someone else as my nominee has an advantage and democrats look at polls and say i'm going to take trump -- i'm going to take joe biden off the ballot and put somebody else in that, they have an advantage going into the election if republicans stick with trump by contrast and if the republican dos it. look at same poll that shows trump narrowly winning in the swing states and he crushes joe biden in the swing states. by double digits. michigan by 10, pennsylvania by 10, wisconsin by 13, trump loses by 2. so i think what the voters are saying is we don't want either of these candidates.
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one party -- somebody going to listen or not. elizabeth: interesting, mark tiessen, come back soon. excited to have jason smith, bob good of virginia, congresswoman claudey tenny of new york and retired four star general jack keane, one and only general talking to us on idf troops and israel moving to seize gaza city and they'll probably do that this week. coming up, state elections in the bell weather of virginia tomorrow and it is a key 2024 prompter -- barometer and huge test for rising gop star glen youngkin coming up on the evening edit. >> i think it's going to surprise everyone. i think that conservatives are tired of their rights being taken away. i think we want to have a say in our children's education. i think that we're going to see a huge shift in virginia
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white house and retired four star administerny general jack keane is foreign policy and administration security general and won distinguished security metal and silver and -- medal and silver and bronze stars in iraq and afghanistan. colonel, when you saw this happening, what was your reaction? >> well, first of all, people have a right to free speech in this country, and that's just the way it will be and always will be that. but i mean the problem i think many of us have looking at these protest demonstrations in support of the pal tin januaries is they're -- palestinians is they're always in support of hamas, which is a terrorist organization that slaughtered innocent people. they targeted civilians. and slaughtered them in a very brutal way. that is not what the israelis are doing. the israelis are targeting the
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fighters and can i recalls that killed their people and incidental to that is loss of civilian life and they're not targeting civilian life. that is a distinction that is lost on these protesters and the other thing i find disturbing is absolute sickening arousal of anti-semitism that's in our country. in a way they have never seen before us in my lifetime, i think my father and grandfather -- my father was a world war ii marine and grandfather likely had to see some of that in the 1930s but this is just awful to witness americans with this viewpoint in this country of ours. elizabeth: general, a lot of americans would agree with you, there's this story coming in also, the defense minister of israel reportedly asking residents of gaza to help israel shorten the war by helping go
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after top hamas leaders and, general, we've seen anecdotally the people of gaza increasingly speaking out against hamas as its leadeers are steadily wiped out. what do you make of this development? >> it's been well known for some time ever since the gazans are going to elect hamas to be governing body after they took over in terms of terrorists physical control and in 2005 and the israelis departed what they've seen hamas do is fight wars they can't win, use the population, the very citizens that they're supposed to govern and protect as opposed to doing that, used the citizens as weapons in the fight by making certain that they're vulnerable to israeli weapon systems. you can see what's happened just
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now in gaza city, the focus of the mill stair operation, 800,000 gazans listened to the israeli leadership and moved south. they've held another 300,000 or so. they will not permit to leave and keeping them there and want the casualties. they want that and they're using that and from the hamas' perspective and the iranian perspective, they're certainly making progress here in the sense there's international, widespread, mass condemnation of israel as a result of what is taking place in gaza. they are weaponnizing those civilian population. they knew full well when they conducted their burrturing and savage a-- butchering and savage attack on israelis on october 7, they wanted to undermean people's confidence in their government they could not protect them. they've accomplish that had to a
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certain degree and the second thing is they knew the israelis would come with extreme violence to destroy the hamas organization in a way that they've never done before because this time hamas focused on killing civilians versus the focus on idf soldiers, which is what they did in the past. they welcomed that violent response and they set their citizens up for these huge casualties that have taken place which leads to the international condemnation of israel, which is what they want. theys want israel to be isolated internationally as a result of all of this. so, yes, this is all part of a strategy and it's really sad that the protesters are so ignorant of what is taking place here and how the palestinians themselves are being used as pawns in this and it's so tragic and sad to see that. elizabeth: got it, general keen.
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thank you for r -- general keane, thank you for your expertise and insight. the bell weather state of virginia has elections tomorrow and we'll stay on that for you. are the medians democrats that tone deaf and out of touch for voters that they're so surprised about the brutal poll launch for the president. why were they slow to wake up to this voter unhappiness and they started two years ago and taking it in on "the evening edit" coming up. >> right here in las vegas and majority of the strip where people are working two, three jobs bouncing back and forth between casinos and working uber and lyft. it's ridiculous, people are literally making ends meet by working two or three jobs. it's not okay anymore. unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop
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when they need it the most. - i have no worries anymore. - the fact that we're still in this home means so much. - it's done everything for us that we hoped it would do for us. - [narrator] call now to receive your free, no-obligation info kit. the kit shows you how to get you the cash you need using your home's equity with a reverse mortgage. find out how your home can start taking care of you. call the number on your screen. - the worry every single month to make that payment was gone. - our customers' homes are taking care of them, maybe your home could do the same for you. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number-one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. elizabeth: voters on the move tomorrow in multiple st states d
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they're going to choose a governor in kentucky and also mississippi and in the bell weather state of virginia, they'll be electing all 40 state senators and 100 state house seats. now this is a litmus test for rising gop star virginia governor glen youngkin and grady tremble is live in lees eburg, virginia, with the story. reporter: youngkin and many of the candidates are focusing on the same winning issues that helped propel him to victory two years ago including cost of living and jobs. crime and education. >> we're near the bottom of job growth and near the top of job growth and law enforcement going back to work enthusiastically
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and helping our children forge ahead and this is what families are talking about and real world concerns that we're addressing, and it's working common sense conservative policies and that's on the ballot this tuesday. reporter: here in loudoun county, education is the top issue for a lot of voters. republican state senate candidate and entrepreneur by the name of juan pablo segura is really leaning into that. he's made parents rights one of the central issues of his campaign against his democratic opponent, attorney and former cia officer russet perry. loudoun county has been in the news because parents have really gotten involved in school board meeting ands their kid's educations. we'll see how that impacts this election as republicans are hoping that's an issue that resinates with voters and carries them to the polls and republicans to victory tomorrow.
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elizabeth: grady trimble, you're always terrific. thank you so much. good to see you. joining us now is congressman bob good of virginia. congressman, you heard that story. what do you make of this report? well, voters -- will voters decide tomorrow if virginia goes red or blue? >> i think they will decide in virginiaens are suffering enough under democratic policy and they'll make a statement against the policies they're connecting the suffering that are going under massive 40 year high inflation and interest rates and utility prices and gas prices and war on american energy, grocery prices being so high, housing price sos high. are they connecting those to the democrat policies that have cause that had harm and whether or not they're willing to make a change and to stand behind governor youngkin and give him a working majority in both the senate as well as house and the general assembly here in virginia. elizabeth: congressman, the polls we've been tracking the polls and people don't feel safe, crime is really hittings polls and minorities don't feel
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safe in neighborhoods and you'll see this image and a forklift operate to torr -- operator lifd a car lift and lifted 20 feet in the air at arlington auto wrecking and that was in akron, ohio. that guy got arrested and also this story, kongman, co--- congressman, coed sports letting biological males play on the same team with sports. a high schoolgirl had teeth knobbed out and suffered significant facial injury when on opposed mail male player shot a field hockey ball at her face during a game thursday. when you see the video, players on the field are really visibly distraught, congressman. >> yeah, democrats are extremist and losing on every issue and no issue to run on working for virginiaens and american people and americans want safe streets and safe neighborhoods and schools and quality education. the democrat party is a party of putting criminals ahead of
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victims and ahead of law enforcement and putting parents in the backseat coming to kid's education and anti-school choice and anti-school involvement and virginiaens are send a message to the country as well as democrats in virginia that they want what governor youngkin and the republicans in virginia stand for. elizabeth: we'll be watching it, congressman good, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: new developments in a house biden impeachment inquiry and that's heating up and hbo's bill maher really goes after kneel degrass tyson over anti-semitic protests and breaking out at over 50 u.s. colleges and tiktok reportedly pushing anti-semitic, anti-israel content on teenagers here and worldwide eight hours nighting and fueling protests and more. it's coming up on the evening edit. >> the hate we're seeing spewed against jewish americans on tiktok should remind us of the facts and the fact is that this
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app which increasingly young americans get their news from this app, this is the source of news and could become the dominant news platform in america is controlled by a chinese company. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ after advil. feeling better? on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. we all know that words have power.
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elizabeth: gop senators and lawmakers again demand a nationwide ban on tiktok. fears are mounting that tiktok is being used as propaganda arm of chinese communist party and it's being used by hamas to manipulate teenagers, gen z and millennials to protest and ramp it up. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with the story.
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hillary. reporter: good evening, liz. republicans in congress are more determined than ever to ban tiktok or at least force a sale to an american company that controls the algorithm as it's becoming increasingly clear that tiktok plays a huge part of now young americans view current events and it's the number within way to get the news and if they're consuming propaganda and content that's not factually accurate and have political consequences and tiktok has seen a surge in bots pushing fake content on the apps since the october 7 terror attack and they've removed more than 24 million fake accounts and half a million fake comments related to the israel hamas war so clearly someone is trying to use the app as a way to sway public opinion. after reports claim that had anti-semitism was on the rise on the app and pro palestinian, pro hamas content was dominating and tiktok said that's not true. "over the last few days that's been unsound analysis of tiktok has tag data around the con
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athletic and causing some to falsely insinuate tiktok is pushing pro palestine over pro israel to users and that's simply false. tiktok removed a million videos for hate speech, violence and terrorism and promoting hamas and the #standwithisrael has almost double the views as #standwithpalestine and despite the denials they're not pushing anti-israel content on the platform and biden aids tell cnn they're monitoring the app and how they're handling content related to the israel hamas war. liz. elizabeth: really interesting, hillary vaughn, thank you so much and great gentlemen of the jurist. i'm joined by congresswoman claudia tenney and your reaction to now the white house monitoring this. >> yeah, i agree with my colleagues in the senate and house that we should be banning tiktok. i think though that we should be considering a way to purchase tiktok and prevent it is dangerous spread through -- and
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use by the chinese communist party as propaganda. that's a big concern they have. i've talked to a lot of people that rely on tiktok for business and they're not cognizant that they're being spied on by the chinese party and being used to hurt our most important ally in the middle east: israel. i think people need to understand the big difference between tiktok for example and facebook because you choose your audience. they take your content and they push it and it's manipulated because it's not like you have control over it where you have privacy settings and other things and the tool by which other people make money off you and it's such a dangerous tool especially when it comes to sensitive national security issues like what we're witnessing with the war in israel right now. elizabeth: pro hamas tiktok post outpace and outstrip the pro israel post and forbes reporting china-backed tiktok hand picks which videos go viral in order
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to manipulate teens and this effects and could be ramping up and there's been an explosion and anti-israel protests more than 50 u.s. college campuses and we'd like to get reaction to hbo's bill maher calling out scientist neil degrass tyson for refusing to denounce what's going on at universities with anti-semitic protests. watch. >> the ones you read about are [bleep] insane. >> give it p fur an entire generation. >> i've given up on any place that doesn't remotely believe in free speech and thinks anything they hear that they don't like that they don't agree with is violence. these people are [bleep] nuts and you should be calling them out. somebody like you who has standing with kids should be not doing -- >> when there's a science. yes. >> you're doing what parks do and taking the path of least resistance and therefore hurting the kids and yourself.
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elizabeth: whoa, what'd you think, congresswoman? >> there's a free speech issue but it's limited to the extent it incites violence and free speech intended and hate speech again is free speech to some degree and i wrote a letter to cornell university president condemning and asking for resignation from a professor that described the brutal killings in gaza as exhilarating and energizing and this kind of speech is dangerous and it's been a slow drip and university campuses and these justice pro palestine groups are funded indirectly through hamas and other entities and the nonprofit organizations and c4s that are getting to our children and they're all over campuses spreading anti-semitism and a lack of tolerance for other people and other groups, especially jewish students. elizabeth: got it. congresswomantenney, thank you for joining us. coming up, wall street pro carol roth is here .y are they so
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surprised about the four new polls that are brutal for president biden is voter haves been unhappy for two years now. that's coming up and more on "the evening edit". ♪
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we need you on the story. good to see you. why are democrats in the media so shocked about the four new polls, brutal polls going against biden is it's been happening for more than two years since his botched exit out of afghanistan. listen to this. watch. >> this is the first time, jen, that i have felt like the 2024 election is in great trouble for the president and for our democrat controlled -- elizabeth: the first time, carol. are they so tone deaf and slow to wake up to what american voter haves been saying for years? >> yeah, i mean, all of these people whether they're in the biden administration or they're members of the corporate press, they all reside in gaslight village, liz. they all think it's about messages or actual reality and fixing the problems. there's a messaging issue, not a reality issue. that is going to come and bite them in the you know what over and over again because the
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reality is they want to talk about things like slowing rates of inflation when people care about cumulative rates of inflation. it's like going to the doctor and you gain normal weight and gain 10 and next year you gain 3.5, they don't say wow, your rate of gaining weight has slowed to 3.5 pounds, no, you're up 13.5 pounds and can't fit in your pants. that's what the biden administration and media want to tell you and it's great and everything is slowing down and they don't want to address the real pain that the middle and working class america is feeling. elizabeth: i personally wish i had a weight scale that was not cumulative and not compounded. thank you for that analysis, carol. nbc is quoting a democrat strategist saying whomever came up with bidenomics and campaigning on that in the white house should be fired. it's probably worse messages than you can imagine.
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you've talked about an average food prices have risen 20% in u.s. cities and gallon of gas up one-third higher than before the pandemic. after this, all these polls that came out from abc, cbs, new york times, siena, gallop, you'll see david axelrod and insider banal saying the president shouldn't run again. watch this. >> there's just a lot of concern about the age issue and that is something i think he needs to ponder. just to check and say is this the right thing to do? >> voters are just plane frustrated and across the board, 76% of adults in the poll say it's headed in the wrong direction. >> democrats are loyal to the democratic party and sometimes i wonder just based on how that party has mr.ed thus for for -- performed for people of color, if we should continue to be
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loyal. >> if you're joe biden, he wants reelected. he would have a problem today? >> yes, a big problem. elizabeth: problem with black voters, hispanic voters and gen z and student loan bailouts didn't help him with the new york sometimes sienna poll showing trump is leading in five of six important swing states, carol. final word. >> yeah, no matter if you're a red party member or blue party member or whatnot, at the end of the day, we're all green party members. we care about that green, that cash that's in our bank accounts and right now, liz, it is not in our bank accounts and personal saving rate is down. debt is up and americans are struggling so of course that's going to affect biden and that's not about his age but about his incompetence. elizabeth: carol roth, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> you too, liz. elizabeth: impeachment inquiry into the president is about to turn hot again and gop house lawmakers talking about calling in dozens of potential witnesses including hunter and james biden. plus firing off dozens of
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subpoenas. we'll take it on on "the evening we'll take it on on "the evening edit" next. ♪ ucing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management.
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sweetie looking through the german house ways and means committee, jason smith, congress and smith is always a pleasure having you wanted okay, is this true, we are an oversight your games, sing house impeachment inquiry, is getting ready to fire up around two dozen subpoenas, family and business associations the biden family
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enterprise and that's what the chair told me is not true. >> there is definitely numerous individuals that we are issuing subpoenas in regards to a lot of people need to come before congress, both to the jewish judiciary committee in oversight committee to answer a lot of the questions that we have before them that importantly, there are some that we have subpoenaed in fact the judiciary committee, some painted two, doj tax professionals that affect, higher ups in the department of justice refused to allow them to come, just over a week ago to come and answer questions before congress. liz: are you suggesting the president has tax implications here. >> let's just think about this, we have seen now, two different checksum a to the president himself, $200,000 check had a $40000 check saying that they were for debt repayment and
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according to the public tax returns, that joe biden had released when he was running for office, there's no indication that he has any interest income, for many loans. that's what currently cummings are reporting this taxes were he did not provide that information to the public and something's not having operating guess what, the ways and means committee is the tax committee, and that is our jurisdiction and impeachment inquiry. >> that's a principal that but i came up in whitewater, with my medicine guarantee, you know, the beautiful lawns for billing hill and hillary clinton and hunter biden's business partner, they invited the biden family to join him under oath and when you make of this and they say yes joins me and i will talk about your influence peddling it out operation. this after hundred biden's lawyer sending a letter demanding gu in the cleaning that he liked to the fbi and when you think. >> i'll just tell you the dark
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record hundred biden's lawyers have sent us, a letter and they said the irs, letters and using that in numerous examples and i will tell you what is concerning no, is that you look at just the affiliations that hunter biden is had with individuals including, including a donor the president ignores the plate more than $2 million of the taxes and now they are saying that that was alone, the biden family is really good at all of these different loans whether you displaying back taxes of hunter biden or whether you do something that joe biden is giving alone for. liz: the middle east 24 million, money around between llc and nine biden family members including a granddaughter of the present repeatedly denying any knowledge of any of this and we have this news coming in from brisbane, e-mail servicing from a freedom of information act lawsuit of a market first legal
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foundation, shows that then vice president joe biden office was helping hunter biden coordinate his business trips to china would have the vice president saint double cloud camino hunter biden's assistant saying yes get in touch with us bobby get in touch with the u.s. embassy in beijing, and in the investor of china and max baucus is getting roped into all this what you make of this finding. >> will is something irs whistleblowers came before the ways in many enemies committee, they documented all of this and they documented the connection the president of biden said initially, that he knew nothing of his son provide his business dealings we know that is untrue then he said that he was not involved in his son's business dealings going about was untrue and in fact, we now have documentation showing that he has benefited from his sons business dealings and so, is not adding up with the biden administration has been pushing it with the bank records tax records have been provided. liz: final question, do you
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think present then president obama knew about this but ignored it and just turn a blind eye. >> while it is really hard for me to say yes or no in regards to president obama but what i will say is the president biden clearly knew of his sons business dealings any in fact, was involved in a fish unofficial activities and we seen a and in fact from the irs whistleblowers, that hunter biden fluent air force to come in new mexico to meet with these billionaire, mexican billionaires that if not, joe biden had had his own office prior to that. dagen: got. liz: is good to have you on chairman smooth and to determine what we have congressman byron donald and former deputy assistant attorney general, john i think you for watching the evening edit now it is time for the use of the body by cummings go see you dagen mcdowell is good be back with you again and sean duffy as well. dagen: thank


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