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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 8, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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that colony was jamestown, virginia, and that factory was built not to make textiles or rope or brick or iron. that factory was built to make glass, and here we are, 420 some years later, still cranking it out, over 2.8 million pounds, in fact, since this episode officially began. the opportunities over at arc americas and every other glass maker in this country are real. you can check 'em out over at in the meantime, here's to hoping that your glass is always at the very least half full. see you next week. larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. israeli war against
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barbaric, hezbollah iranian hamas terrorists now in its second month, we go to edward lawrence live from white house off john kirby press briefing. reporter: the prime minister of israel. benjamin netanyahu saying they will have a security responsibility for gaza once this is done. he said we're seeing what happens when they don't have that responsibility. today the pentagon confirmed 40 times iranian proxies since october 7 attacked american forces. so far, u.s. responded with just two strikes. >> on the iranian proxies, why isn't the president's message of don't getting through to them. >> you would have to talk to the proxies there. i would tell you is that they continue to attack american troops and facilities at their own peril. and we will do what we need
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to do. reporter: senate source. the biden administration plans to send 3 21 billion dollars worth of precision missiles to iran. >> far as tactical little pauses an hour here and there, we've had them bev, i suppose -- before, i suppose we'll check the circumstances to enable the humanitarian goods to come in or individual hostages to leave, but i don't think there will be a general ceasefire. reporter: senator ted cruz sees weakness out of this white house. >> prowas the bi -- what was brin obam biden administration, response, stop spending money to people who are not only killing our allies but killing americans, don't
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give money to terrorists who want to kill you, the white house does not seem to understand. reporter: the president will be touring demonstrations of future technology. larry: edward, the issue, if israel doesn't want to govern gaza but they want to make sure that gaza is secure, i thought i heard during the press briefing, kirk kirby saying to keep want israel involved with gaza. this sounds like a push back. reporter: it might be, maybe nuances in the words in the briefing, john kirby said they do not, will not approve of hamas in a government of gaza after this. and benjamin netanyahu making the point without some security responsibility, not saying
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what it is, not calling it an occupation, not saying police force, some responsibility of security, they can't protect their own citizens. you might be mincing words here. there is a little bit of push back, the israelis are not totally listening to what the president is saying, they are calling for humanitarian pauses an hour, benjamin netanyahu saying an hour is a pause. you know some could argue maybe it is or not. there is push back from what president biden would like to see and what benjamin netanyahu is doing. larry: i see space, great reporting edward lawrence appreciate it. >> continuing this discussion, joining us now john roberts coanchor of america reports on fox news, he was in israel and now back home in washington safe, sounding. thank you, john. on a different subject, but still the war, i guess 42, 40 or 42 hits later on
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american military assets in the middle east, i will characterize them as iranian or iranian proxy hits, what house the united states done to hold iran or anyone else accountability. where is that accountability? >> i don't think there is much on that accountability front there is a lot on deterrents front, we have a lot of fire power in eastern memediterranean. we have thiz thize group, that is the most top of tom secret where the subs are. we don't want our adversaries to know where the subs are operating in terms of holding iran to account, all we have done is bombed a storage shed and
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some other munitions depot deep in heart of syria. but tough rhetoric toward iran this administration keeps saying don't, i say that to my dog when he tries to take a sock out of the laundry, we hear, ran defense minister saying if u.s. does not call a ceasefire iran will hit hard, in the past dang, y administration, there was a lot of tough language toward iran and iran backed off. larry: i grew up in reagan administration. "the gipper" used very tough language. and you are right in the trump administration, president trump and others, you know pompeo and others, used tough language. bolden used tough language and et cetera, it was not by bailiwick but it was national security bailiwick. i am astonished, you are right about the power power
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-- about the fire power, and i am sure that iran and the crazies understand that. but you know, you are suc suppose to send messages and signals, i know it's not the same, but trump bombed the syrian airport while having chocolate cake with xi jinping in mar-a-lago and took out -- >> i remember that. larry: and took out soleimani. and so forth, those by themselves they mott not have turned tide but they sent a message, every day, i don't know kirby, every day i hear mr. kish kirby talk about holding them accountable and every day i see iranian terrorist proxies lobbying missiles or drones at our american military assets. >> there is a lot of implied threat, but i don't think that there is a tremendous amount of actual threat. and if you listen to the
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iranian leadership talk about it, they are thumbing their nose at biden, they don't think he would actually pull the trigger on anything substantive. if he is not repaired to do what trump did, taking out soleimani you know that shocked the hell out of the iranians then they will continue to think you have a big military and a lot of boats in the region but you are not using them for anything that will hurt us. this is a bit of a game of a cat and mouse, i think that biden is just afraid of pushing something in a certain direction which triggers then a regional set of dominoes that fall, he is hoping that with the posture, and the way that israel is conducting the war, and enough attention on getting enough humanitarian aid in gaza he could keep a lid on things and keep
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hezbollah out and keep iran out for the most part and keep a lid on this. as you well-known, history has prove than in whether it is ronald reagan or it is donald trump, or it is george w. bush talking tough to iranians saying if you do this you will get hurt, that as a result is what they understand, i don't know if they understand don't, my dog does to some degree but he still steals socks. larry: you have been in white house press room, now you are reporting for fox. how much space is there between the united states and israel right now on this war? >> i don't think that there is a lot. that you could base is on not necessarily what you hear but what you see. biden is playing to two
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constituency he is trying to hold on to both, hanging on to pro-israel and arab-american constituencies, whichy is losing very quickly, rashida tlaib is drawing more fire from democrats than in the past. but at the same time, he is sending 320 million dollars worth of missile conversion kits to israel, so they can have the precision guided joints direct attack munitions, to go after the tunnel complexes. on the one hand, what he is doing is giving israel what it needs to prosecute the war. on the other hand, the rhetoric is more balanced. with all these cautions that are issued and kirby was full of those today at the briefing about civilian casualties and how they have to be limited. and makure sh making sure israel is adheres to laws of war, behind the scenes that is full steam ahead. >> terrific stuff, john
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roberts appreciate it. you can catch john and sandra smith every day america reports weekdays 1-3:00 p.m. eastern on fox news, john thank you. >> all right, i want to weigh in switching gears. walker from the war. -- away from the war. partly, an editorial from very conservative editorial page newspaper, not naming any names, is asking quote, will trump be indicted in to office? question mark. this is their response to the spate of polls showing mr. trump leading in nearly all of the toss up states and defeating joe biden a year from now, all right. then there is another headline that i will identify, from the "washington post," it is entitled eight columnists discuss how in the world is trump winning? question mark. half of those columnists
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were conservatives, they too missed point. trump is winning on the issues. can make that as clear as i can? he is winning on high gas and grocery prices. he is winning on high interest rates on mortgages and credit cards. he is wins because americans are sick of socialist green new deal, they don't want to give up gasoline powered cars, gas stoves hot water heaters, dishwashers and woodburning pizza because a bunch of 30 something ivy league bureaucrats tell them they can't have this. trump is winning because from day one in 2015 he warned about illegal immigration, job losses, falling real wages, trump is winning because his tax cuts generated huge income gains for typical families and lower income folks, trump is winning because he took out soleimani and bankrupted iran, befriended israel,
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changed middle eastern politics with the abraham accords and he is woning because he ran the warning bell on china and followed through with tough trade policies, the nonwhite working close is deserting democrats and moving to the republican column as a result of all issues cited. democrats and rino republicans thought that election was going to be be legal problems, most of country see right through that, withs justice system denying his free speech. trump is winning because he wants parents to run the schools and tops to run the streets -- cops to run the streets, joe biden's democrats bet wrong big time on class warfare and attacking success ironically wealthiest and best educated voters now probably anymore for biden than trump, and
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democrats bet young again on illegal immigration -- bet young agawrong again on illegal immigration, thinking that pathway was a terrific idea, it was terrible. in fact, turns out, hispanic voters have the same negative view on this as white voters and african-american voters had trump's record low unemployment rate and trump's upward mobility opportunities, and they liked it. in politico this weekend republicans pollster patrick rafini calls it emerging working class republican macatemajority in "wall street journal" book review section, chronicle democratic disaster on open borders and illegal immigrants, there is a populous revot revolt going on this even voters under 30 years older a biden-trump
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toss up, never thought i would see that it reminds me of how young people came to love ronald reagan, because of his decisive leadership and key policy successes. these are reasons that donald trump is leading the pac right now. polls are not votes, they are snap shots of a point in time, election is a year away. i will say this, right now, that's why trump is winning. all right? that is my riff. >> all right, coming up, 40 hits later on hill mayor assets, how have we not held anyone accountable we have alabama senator katie britt to weigh in on that and her wonderful book, unwhat folks issues matter a lot.
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larry: so as i mentioned to john roberts, 40 hits later on or military assets house has united states held anyone accountable whatsoever in this middle eastern war, joining me to talk about that and other things alabama senator kat katie portekatie britt. out on shelves today, i read over 100 pages of this, it is a wonderful book. senator welcome to the shows, we appreciate it. >> thank you so much it is an honor to be with you today. larry: you are welcome. very annoying to me, 40 hits later, of day mr. kirby goes in white house press room and talks about holding everyone accountable but we do nothing. >> nothing.
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larry: you have been tough on this, i wanted to -- he did it today, my second fear that there may be some breaches between the united states and israel, which i would find to be unacceptable. >> absolutely, you look at what president obama said over the last few days, we're seeing that, we're seeing the kind of internal protest coming out of the state department, and we have to make sure we say absolutely not, we're not going back to obama era, that is what obama tries to continue to make us do with an appeasement tragedy, we have to go back to trump's bone crushing consequences, anyone who thinks they will mind a moderate to deal with in the regime in iran is on a fool's errand. we need to protect our troops and safety and stand with israel. when we said never again after the holocaust, it has
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to mean never again, not when it is easy or convenient, it means never against weaker hamas coming out -- we have hamas coming out saying we continue to recruit october 7 over and over, that is the barbaric terrorists have to be eradicated this is the beginning and end of this story. larry: you mentioned that obama thing, i find that curious his dog and pony show on some media outlet, saying that everyone's hand is dirty. he was a guy who gave iran billions and billions of unfrozen assets plus a huge chunk of cash. and that went right into their investment. into terrorism, which probably resulted in thi this confligeration we're seeing, how can a guy like
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obama say this with a straight face. >> only people who have blood on their hands are the terrorists who committed these atrocities and iran who funded them to your point where did this funding come from? what did we think that result would be, we give people who chant death to israel, and death to america unlimited resources and expect them to play nice? you look at hamas, we look at iran funding hamas and funding hezbollah and lebanon and houthis and yemen, they are funding and training them, hamas said their goal is to eradicate the state of israel, the anti-semitic here is disgust -- anti-semitism here is disgusting there is a fundamental crack in our nation. that we just can't sit here and call evil, evil and you have a former president that is trying to make an excuse for barbaric disgusting despicable terrorism. larry: why is it so hard to understand the importance of
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restoring the sanctions to coast their money. >> i don't know. larry: money is pretty much everything in this game, because of the financing, i be they can plot -- i know they can plot, trump is not perfect, i understand that but trump basically bankrupted iran, okay? >> correct. larry: the senate is, i'm surprised that joni ernst has been on many times, a wonderfa wonderful lady. >> that is what we need to do go back to maximum pressure with g7 we have to get them too, we had a hearing other day in senate banking committee it was about these sanctions, we know drying up economically iran is the way the path to peace. it worked under trump, you, able to see the work he did, we know how to achieve this, why people are wanting to go
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backwards is beyond me. larry: to the book, talk politics god calls us to do hard things, i was able to read about 100 pagings, interesting back, what do you mean god calls to us do hard things. >> i will tell you, title came from my children,. reasons that i wrote the book for my kids and next generation for preserving the american dream fighting for fundamental values, this nation waso. faith, freedom, prosperity our family, my daughter, my son sat me down first what i was talking about running for senate, i was looking for a way out, my son said no, mom, you have to did this, i had an opponent pulling at 65%, sitting congressman, i was polling at 2, you know you put your name on ballot you get to 4, the fact they could goat 2 was remarkable -- get to 2
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was remark. my daughter sat me down, she said mom you have to run, i said i down think you understand what a -- don't think you understand what a hard thing this is, we have to resign from our jobs, without talking about fact that people said it was impossible for a 39-year-old unknown female to get elected in alabama. i said this is a hard thing, she said, well mama doesn't god call you to do hard things. and so -- larry: how old is she. larry: now 20, at the ti -- >> she is now 14, at the time he was just turning 12. and i believe each and every one of us have a different arena, a different purpose that god calls us to this book talkeds about life lessons, this tracks by failures. larry: faith helps you beat the fear of failure.
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>> that is right. larry: is is what faith it, god is on your side. i don't know if it is true, but if we think it's true we believe it is. >> it really true, if you ask god he will walk with you, we have asked him to do that in this journey, we have to return to that as a nation, the principles that make our country great and be prepared, we need everyone to step in to the arena. but, we have to -- this helps just it will life lessons teach our kids the valleys that we hold dear that make this country great and we hold on to. larry: we'll take a quick break, and you will autograph it for me, kitt katie britt, be on click on amazon or wherever you want to buy it. >> thank you. larry: coming back here
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amendment are tax payers stuck with another massive budget busting death creating omnibus bill? there could be two we'll talk about that are sens senator rand paul. i want to know if mr. wonderful is ready to jump in and bay that greeny stuff -- buy that jeanie stuff, i dogreen stuff. we'll ask him when rereturn. i'm kudlow. and faith beat the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential,
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correspondent david spunt what do you glean from this. reporter: this has been going on since 10:00 a.m., david weiss made history first special counsel in active investigation to answer questions before congress, house republicans said he was evasive. democrats say that the purpose of today was to not talk about investigation but his authority over the hunter biden case. the irs whistle-blowers gary shapley testified that weiss complained he was denied spelspecial counsel status and could not dharming hunter biden in dc or california because of politics. >> he was asked did you ever request special attorney authority you were section 515, mr. weiss was yes in sprimspring of 2022 that
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goes to the heart of it he pretends somehow he had that authority. reporter: three sources tell fox news that house republicans chose to interview weiss remind closed-doors, democrats and doj officials wanted it to be public in front of cameras. >> is because they are well aware that there was no interference. reporter: now we await a transcript from what is going on inside, i have some of what weiss said, at no time, was a blocked or otherwise prevented from pursuing charges or taking steps necessary in the investigation by other u.s. attorneys tax division or anyone else at department of justice, this goes on we'll see if it continues than hurry or so. larry: david, a quick
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follow-up. i don't understand how they can -- i understand goldman is a partisan guy from new york city, blah, blah, blah, but weiss asked for special attorney status back to the spring of 2022. he was not granted that status. that is not special counsel, it would have given him authority as i understand to prosecute cases in delaware, and in washington, d.c. and in california. that authority was denied. i don't see -- there was a cover-up here or am i reading too much into this? reporter: no, larry this is a fair question, one that we have posed to democrat. republicans argue he asked for special counsel status it was not granted it but doj officials say weiss of told if he wanted to bring charges in california or district of thumbi columbia to go to those u.s.
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attorneys and let them know he wanted to bridge charges and ask -- bridge charges and ask if they wanted to partner with them, but having to go to step of letting them know is concern, weiss today is doubling down with that statement that i read he said at no time any point did anyone in the department of justice tell me that i could not bridg -- bring charges against hunter biden, the big thing is that hunter biden will go to trial on the gun charges, david weiss is prosecuting that in delaware, and weiss also who is now special counsel as of august a few months ago said he wants to charge or likely will charge hunter biden with tax crimes in either washington, d.c. or california. where he lives. larry: all right, no, david spunt great reporting job thank you, we can't thank you enough. >> joining me now, tuck ti kentucky senator rand paul,
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a great friend of the show. i was getting excited not -- not about that. i don't get excited about justice department any more. i am understanding you have to help me, you are a fiscal conservative. tough budget guy, tough debt guy, we could look at two large omnibus spending bills this fall. one of them on a foreign aid supplemental and second one on 8 or 10 appropriation bills that the senate has not yet passed. after all the rhetoric about regular order, senator rand paul tell me it isn't so. >> well the inside baseball crowd here in dc are trying to convince us that a megabus is different from an omnibus. for those at home they bundle a bunch of spending bills all together in one bellwether mega-or omni there is a disaster, only way we have the power of
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purse and we exercise that power of purse to have individual appropriation bills, this is what speaker johnson was elected to do, i think he will do it i'm proud of him for his first legislation he singled out, paying for the israel aid. with irs reduction budget. >> that is a terrific start. now i'm reading, couple things to ask you about. number one, ukraine and border reform stuff. okay? whether that is chuck schumer wants a whole bill i don't know 150 billion, ukraine, israel, border, taiwan. and something called emergency aid. i am calling out a foreign aid supplemental makes no sense to me and violates is what speaker mike johnson is trying to do with respect to cut backs, is that what is
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going to happen? and senator paul, are the border reforms, i know mitch mcconnell wants them are they go good? i looked at them the reporting, they don't look so fantastic, the border will still be open. >> unfortunately this is senator mcconnell supporting president biden and chuck schumer, he is going along with kitchen sink approach. dump it all in the sink. realize what senator mcconnell and schumer are days they want a huge package over 100 billion they insist it not be paid for, president biden who is aligned with senator mccon omcconnell on this, saying it is unprecedented to ask to pay for something, i think this is about damn time we ask to pay for something, i believe that senator johnson sticks by
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his guns, he will prevail. israel as a lot of money and arm ams -- armaments. and i defy president biden to come forward and say i'll veto aid to israel, if it is paid for with irs cuts, it won't happen, if speaker johnson sticks by his courage out on this i think in the end that is what hases is israel aid by itself, but paid for that will set precedent that is what we're doing from now oyou want more money from ukraine, you have to cut more irs money that is the trade off. larry: pay for it 100%. you know. you know me 100%. i am look at business of you have seen the polls, you know or, "new york times," there are a lot of polls people are furious at the open borders at illegal immigration and what is is
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doing to the economy this is a national issue. my point, i don't see what kind of reforms are we talking about? yes, i notice build a wall but that does not specify how much of the wall, the trump wall. and i don't see catch and deport. i don't see remain in mexico. and i don't see replacing title 42. sometimes the game is not worth the candle. >> unless you change the law, and allow people who come across the river illegally to be immediately put back on the other side, unless you change that law, nothing will change. i suspect what democrats will call border security is a bunch of money for new york city to hustling well immigrants and paying for migrant holds maybe sending them to disney word b world but not back across the rio grande. i am suspicious of this and i don't like lumping to a
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bill with 50, billion to ukraine, no pay-fors and no conditions that ukraine has to do something, no -- we are pay ar paying for ukraine pensions, and workers and small businesses there is a driss shop over there -- a dress shop over there that got a grant from us, this is crazy, we have to borrow money from china to send it to ukraine. larry: i may not agree with you 100%, but, there has to be an exit strategy, there is a stalemate over there. we can't keep ponying up 100 billion a year without conditions, you have important points. if anything in the last 6 or 9 months, probably moved in your directed on this whole issue. >> i imeudz knew it would latchhappen. larry: senator rand paul you are terrific. >> thank you. larry: thank you for coming
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on. >> now we'll have even more fun. we're interviewing mr. wonderful, kevin o'leary, shark tank investor and author the cold hard trugtruth, on business, money and life, i have let's see, i hope it is right, i have a real bargain for you kevin o'leary, clean energy stocks this is so wonderful etf's, wind, solar, we'll put it on full screen there. invesco solar down 42% year-to-date, and in phase, and global clean energy down 30%, and down 29%. first trust global wind, down 20%. for kevin o'leary, you are a brilliant investor i am offering these stocks down, are you ready to jump in?
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on this journey? >> larry, no, i'm not. these companies don't make money, they don't make any money because the cost of these technologies has not yet to where they are economically. they require government subsidies to work, the market -- there accounting a risk in subsidy mandate there could be a change in the administration, nobody knows,py tak let's take winds, last 12 months people photocopyfigured out. the cost, wind is not where people are. we have to build transmission lines, that causes billions of dollars, sometimes has to pay for that, states are not willing to do it feds are saying this is national subsidy. no money to be made, there is -- the technologies don't have a place. they will one day when they
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become economic. so far they have not proven to be. the market figured out, i think they will go down more. make money. that say problem. larry: all right, we don't have a fabulous connection. you are a fabulous investor, and i fabulous person, we'll get you back. i do know that fossil fuel stocks have been well this year. even while wind and solar have not. despite this government money, kevin o'leary thank you, we appreciate it. >> i want to get balk on. >bake on set -- get you back on set. >> class warfare is not working for the democrats and throwing donald trump in jail for 700 years is not working for mr. biden, we talk about it with the great charlie hurt when kudlow returns. (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments
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larry: all right, you can read this and weep or laugh from "washington post," 8 columnists discuss how in the world is trump winning in the polls, joining us now the great charlie hurt. there are a lot of reasons, class warfare didn't work.
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illegal i'm garage d immigration did not work, throwing trump in jail for 700 years is not working. now, they are blowing up biden. look at these numbers, what do you make of this? this is a huge democratic mistake. >> i will enjoy listening to them in therapy for the next year, they realize they have been dead wrong about all this and that donald trump could easily win another term. but this is what happens, you know there is no clear example than watching what democrats have done to destroy their connection to working class americans. by trying to turn everything into race. and they do it openly, they talk about identity politics that is nice term for racists politics, and democrats since barack obama democrats have embraced racists identity politics,
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they pit them against one another then run campaign ads tailored to each group, hispanic voters who work want the same things that white voters to work want, they have neglected those people, and trump walked in with a message about work, prosperity and freedom, with great people like you at his side, he stole all of those voters, they are not leaving him. larry: nonwhite and white working class want the same thing, and good values, that is what the democrats have missed. hispanics don't want to see illegal immigrants any more than blackers blacks or whites do, the democrats have missed this. reporter: if you want talk to who is racist, what semiconductor racist than being a democrat -- is more racist than being a democrat
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and assumes that hispanic americans want illegal immigration because of the color of their skin, this is the most racists thing there is, this is what they bet oand in terms of throwing donald trump in jail, you could do a poll in new york city ask people to name the 20 most pressing issues affecting them in personal real ways. and not a single person would list donald trump's business ventures as one of the pressing issues, you walk down the street, and there is just cat alf cat atropcat -- on every street corner, so they could pursue that crazy agenda of locking up their prime political opponent. larry: not really working for joe biden, this is a recurring theme, thank you ever so much charlie hurt, we'll be right back with my last word.
5:56 am
(sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
6:00 am
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks maria: good wednesday morning everyone. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo wednesday


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