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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 10, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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texas barbecue. pork ribs -- >> let's see what we got in this one? >> yes. . >> go ahead take a look at that. >> rib. killing me now. >> it is i mean we have been dealing with high prices for maybe three years so like, what we tried to do utilizes utilize protein fatty, tortillas a sense to make everything work we want to make sure that we can -- have a price for value. >> thank you jeff flock. thank you, "varney & co." we go 30 minutes before opening bell. >> good morning, a few hours
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ago pro-palestinian demonstrators shot down much of new york city ugly scene chants from river to the sea and genocide joe lobby of "new york times" building was occupied, briefly, all part of a growing ant israel movement to put pressure, netanyahu has no cease-fire on the ground israeli surrounded three hospitals in gaza they say shield terrorists fighting intense our reporter trey yingst says number one target is the man who masster minded the october 7 massacre. >> yield of 10-year treasury up yesterday stocks down this morning down, 4.57% checking out two-year around the 5% level down below it, 4.99% you can bet that is helping market
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yes, it is, dow industrials before market opens up 120 points look at that go up 60 right there. there are nine states, where cost of gallon regular is below three dollars diesel lower at 4.38, joe manchin will not run reelection democrats worried that will cost a senate seat not saying when he will run for presidency, on the show we are all very confused about that this issue so important that pu research would have a study on it one thing for sure people don't like tipping
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screens think emotional blackmail, the u.s. www.champion a phenom despite controversy his prime sold over a billion bolts we cover it all, friday, november 10, 2023 "varney & co." about to begin. ibly1 we start with this. anti-israel protesters cause disruption in new york city and shut down much of miami. >> this has been described as intimidating protest on the verge of dangers. protesters spray-painted, 1500 in midtown manhattan accusing
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of genocide and demanding cease-fire. outside the new york public library you can see calls for the boycott of dunkin' donuts for supporting israel forgiving free food, here in the us we are very divided. what strikes me, it's fine to be pro-palestinian but why are those protesters being anti-hamas calling out terror? hasn't been much of that. stuart: they won't recognize the butchery, will not recognize it. lauren: is hamas a terrorist group? stuart: stuart: guy benson, do you think they had an impact on the
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israeli policy. >> wyant are condemnations of hamas in palestine protests, they are pro-hamas. and that own upsetting reality. is a distressing number of them. >> is administration, they've been disproportionately loud on this issue concerned about reelection in michigan, you've seen that. other people in the administration are on the opposite side of this. i saw karine jean-pierre couldn't condemn tearing down posters of the hostages, easy thing to do, don't destroy other people's speech, don't
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destroy distributes to americans held by terrorists, she had no comment on that. i hope he continues to hold. yesterday he said no cease-fire again, cease-fire sounds good, make the shooting stopped, no one wants innocent people to die, cease-fire, democrats have admitted the cease-fire is a gift to hamas, israel is moving in on terrorist headquarters not located underneath or inside hospitals which is disgusting, cease-fire is a massive get out of jail free card for hamas terrorists. that cannot be accepted. stuart: joe manchin is not going for reelection. >> i made one of the toughest
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decisions in my life and i will not be running for reelection to united states senate. what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is interest in creating a movement to mobilize and bring americans together. stuart: new york times is calling this a blow to democrats. >> not sure it was that difficult a decision for him because the polling is what it is in a red state in a presidential year. i don't think he wants to go out in west virginia on a losing note. that will be, even with the republicans being incompetent as imaginable, i don't want to regret saying this, don't think they can screw this up and lose the senate seat. that would be a net gain, they need to get -- a net gain of one more to take the senate back and into law that are part of the for look, he's testing the waters for third-party no labels unity thing. he's looking at rfk polling in
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the 20s, cornell west in the mid single digits. why not him? especially with biden and trump not terribly popular, there's some ambition or an interest in keeping his name in this. stuart: much obliged. what was trump saying about manchin? lauren: taking credit for manchin dropping out, because i am borst the governor of west virginia, he's taken a commanding lead, democrat joe manchin decided not to seek reelection. west virginia senate seat will likely flip read. the republican primary is between the governor and congressman alex mooney. jim justice was a democrat and flipped parties announced in 2017 at a donald trump rally.
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stuart: probably has that up. >> which type of republican can win in west virginia? the trump backed guy or the freedom caucus guy? what does joe manchin do? he's testing the waters for third-party run. the white house gave peter the polls they are looking at when president biden said i'm up in 8 of them. national polls have biden winning and paying on the ticket which means rfk moved away from trump. stuart: we dealt with politics and the near ride in new york city. we should deal with some money, look at the market this morning, i see some green in advance of "the opening bell," down one hundred 30, nasdaq up 57 at this point. i'm going to put candy polcari on the spot. i want two stocks, you are
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starting with alpha metallurgical resources. they are a call company. >> they are 9 -- call is not going away, represent 38% of global energy demand. this company earns $70 a share in an annualized basis, they traded 3 times cash flow, at a discount now, 18% from the high seen earlier. this is a name you've got to be in. fossil fuels are not going away. i like it and it is fixed what you're asking. we won first amr will go up by the end of this year. second company, rtx. isn't that missile people? >> is and that missile people? >> yes it is. a defense company, that is on sale, stock is down 35% from the high from an earlier high
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of 110 to 70 back to 80 recently considering where we are in the world, and announced $10 billion buyback so they are buying back $35 million, amr is doing the same thing, the s&p 600 today giving them another boost. but it's a defense stock considering where we are and what is going on and i expect the that group will do well and i want to thank every veteran for everything they've done from this country. from today, tomorrow and everyone. stuart: have a great weekend and we will member amr and rtx. coming up, president biden doesn't believe his lagging poll numbers. >> why you trailing trump and
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all the swing state polls? >> president biden: 8 polls i am being him. you guys only do two. cnn and new york times, check it out. check it out. stuart: by the way for the first time california voters disapprove of biden's job performance, does that set the stage for newsom? still thinking of a way to honor veterans this veterans day weekend? how about a donation to the tunnels to towers foundation to support the veterans village, the housing service, more than 100 veterans, the ceo will be joining us. israel has agreed to a 4 hour daily humanitarian pause in its assault and hamas on gaza. trey yingst brings us the latest from the ground right after this.
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stuart: israel has begun four our pauses, trey yingst is on the ground with the latest. >> reporter: the israelis, as they push deeper into gaza city, we understand according to reports the israelis have three separate ones surrounded, calling for them to evacuate and hamas leadership, the level of destruction on the northern part of the gaza strip, and airstrikes to support what's happening inside.
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there are 8 forces in ground fighting, and the israelis target hamas leadership, from elite forces, that participate in the october 7th massacre. the 222nd division of the israeli forces killed hamas operatives flooding to attack the soldiers. you mentioned the hereditary and debit humanitarian pause, 80,000s were able to leave the northern part of the gaza strip, people trying to get to a separate location and heating those as the battlefield gets more intense. there were ongoing battles in the northern part of gaza trying to engage the israeli forces and hunting down the leadership. stuart: could you tell us about
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yanhad sinwa, the mastermind of october 7th. >> reporter: he is the head of the hamas military wing. the number 24 hamas, traditionally he is inside the gaza strip. since it started we only heard reports that he's in a bunker underneath gaza but no evidence of images to support is that so the israelis are going after the number one target because they say he -- that they were behind the october 7th massacre that killed 1400 israelis. so he is the number one target. as they search for him it will be a challenging task because there's this tunnel system beneath the gaza strip on the
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northern part of gaza. they could be hiding in the southern part of gaza. stuart: trey yingst in the middle of it. much obliged. lauren is with us. what are members of the squad saying about he minute hearing causes? lauren: cory bush is demanding a complete cease-fire, no pauses. >> the ideas that we get a break for four hours, a break so that we can have food. i saw someone speak about it. they said thank you for giving us raises for a few hours. then, do we go back to bombing? no. four hours, we don't want four hours or 16 hours or 22. we want a cease-fire now.
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lauren: benjamin netanyahu says no cease-fire without a hostage release, president biden says a possibility of a formal cease-fire. that cory bush is against. stuart: an op-ed from the new york times, tom friedman says israel after the hamas terror attacks is a different country. the author of the new book joined me now. welcome to the program. if you went back to israel now, would you see it as a different place? has it changed? >> we wrote about the solidarity of israeli society. they are like a big family, and argumentative family, get poked from outside. the family comes together and divisions disappear. we didn't anticipate october 7th but october 7th is -- has triggered what we were predicting. i will give you data, 360,000
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israelis have been called for reserves, that is larger than standing army of the uk, it represents 150% meaning idf over shoots -- they call more people than they need, 120, 150%, that's the vibrancy and coming together of the country. in that sense, friedman is new to something but doesn't mean it is new in israel. >> what about standing of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he is in some trouble. >> we go through the history of crises, and the commission of inquiry after a war to find out what went wrong or what didn't go wrong, the cold war, there was a commission of inquiry after the lebanon war ended. the process is pretty good.
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i don't see how prime minister netanyahu and other leaders in the intelligence community survive after the commission of inquiry here but i also don't think there will be a change in leadership. the israelis, there's deep criticism of benjamin netanyahu, no one is suggesting what israelis are holding together, can you explain why that is? why the society in difficult times does that. stuart: will benjamin netanyahu press forward no matter what until hamas is totally crushed? will they do that despite demonstrations? >> important question. what the israeli leaders i speak to said that i chronicle in our book, they score no
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points internationally by losing less -- basically like if we dial it back to the point we can strain our ability, all these protests, the outburst of anti-semitism, students for justice in palestine organizing on college campuses, they will not hold things back if israel says we will do a temporary cease-fire. they say you had a cease-fire october 7th, you ended the cease-fire on october 7th, you had it on october 7th, ended it on october 7th. if you want a cease-fire, eradicate your weapons, give back the hostages and give unconditional surrender. stuart: good luck with the book and thanks for being with us. check futures real fast. friday morning going into the weekend in dallas up one hundred 20 roughly, nasdaq up 64. "the opening bell" is next.
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i'm going to sell my life insurance cuz i don't need it anymore. my kids are grown, my wife is great, let's settle up the score. it's time to travel to paree, spend retirement happy. call 877-sell-easy.
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877-sell-easy. 877-sell-easy, and sell your policy. you can sell all or part, live your life and play it smart. 877-sell-easy, and sell your policy. if you've had a change in health, or you're over 65, and paying for $100,000 or more in a life insurance policy you don't need, get paid for it instead. then take the money that you get, go to live it up, you bet. call 877-sell-easy. 877-sell-easy. 877-sell-easy, and sell your policy. stuart: we will bring in mark mahaney real fast, lots of green on the left-hand side of the screen.
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are you expecting it to go to 75? >> we had two -- the tale of two cities. uber is generating more free cash flow, and large addressable markets, and a longtime tech by. stuart: i own a little stock. lift. you talked about it. have you lowered your price target. >> it is unchanged on the name. the problem with lift. it is starting to improve. we have new management and getting better execution with accelerated growth. if you decide which name to own, they on the stock at 70%, as long as it it reasonable valuation.
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there were more than a ridesharing company, it was two times the size. it will try to be consistent about that. stuart: you raised it. >> it's a language learning apps, something like 60% growth even in the us they are expanding into other things like music loaning computer code learning, really well-run asset and smart name. stuart: you covered things, the bell is ringing and they are going to push that button. the market is going to open as of right now. here we go. the dow is open quite strong,
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looking at again of 150 odd points. the dow 30, 27 on the upside, two losers at this point, 17 points, 0.4%, nasdaq on the upside, up 0. 3%, 27, the dow 30 on the upside. show me big tech, apple up one hundred 3, microsoft higher. small losses from matter, amazon and alphabet. microsoft blocked employee access to chat gtp. lauren: they were worried about data leaking, security concerns. microsoft turned off employee access to chat gpt. the employee ability to use more safeguards than regular people. we've seen other companies do that.
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they don't want confidential data leaked. if you are microsoft, i made $13 billion investment in open ai and chat gpt. i have to open my investment and reputation which depends on your data. stuart: the stock has gone up since "the opening bell," 361 on microsoft, the white house restricted sales of nvidia chips to china. do they have a workaround? lauren: released three new chips for china a month after the news the white house was looking to tighten its restrictions. they want less computing power in chips the go to beijing but why would nvidia come out and say china is 1/4 of revenue, that's not a big deal so why are they aggressively -- stuart: it is a big deal. lauren: is it something they
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talk about when they meet in san francisco next week? stuart: maybe they will talk about it and moved up as you were speaking. lauren: china is 1/4 of their revenue. lauren: i am bundle of streaming package that would show advertisements and cost $10 a month instead of 17 so verizon would be the provider. warner bros. discoveries according to the wall street journal, customer retention, streaming prices have gone up. you want to watch a show or series you cancel your subscription. it is called churn and verizon in the content providers want to prevent that happening. stuart: a huge spirit
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operation, they are down 13%. lauren: latin america is forecast to fall by 20%. other markets are vulnerable. what are drinkers doing? trying to save money, they are going to trade down and consume more beer. stuart: but that is a huge drop, 13% from a company that size in that position. show me wind resorts, they are down big after a report. they got good news on the looming strike. stuart: it was the final company to reach a deal with the hospitality of culinary workers. when is down 9%, their operations disappointed in the quarter. the strike was supposed to happen today. when was the final hold out. these three companies on your screen are the biggest employers in the state of nevada.
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they reached this deal, it's a historic deal for the union. maybe that is why they are down but the timing is impeccable. formula one in vegas, tons of events in between. they have this deal and it is expensive for them. stuart: but they got the deal. unity software. don't know what they do. lauren: the straw that broke the camels back happened in september. developers have to pay more, every single time we selma game. the developers got so mad that the ceo resigned and that debacle is showing up in this quarter as stock is down almost 7% and they suspended for your forecast temporarily until they can figure out how many job cuts and cost cutting measures need to be undercut.
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stuart: that is pretty bad. 7%. we are in business now with 35, five minutes of business and the dow is up at this .100 points which about 12:45% higher for the dow, show me the dow winners, topping the list if you can get to it. lauren: the dow is down. stuart: intel is at 38. apple 184, boeing, visa and chevron. s&p winners, don't know the rest of them. palo alto networks. show me the nasdaq winners, 2.8%, not bad at all, oil companies doing well. pulte down as well. here's the important number of the day, the yield on a 10 year treasury down to 4.9%.
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that is why the nasdaq is doing okay, gold is drifting from $2000 an ounce, 1950 as we speak, bitcoin is now at 36999, close to 37,000, nice rally in the last 10 days. oil mid-70s, 74 to be precise, natural gas keeps higher, 304, an average price of a gallon of regular all across the country $3.39, 9 states are below $3 a gallon, diesel slightly lower, 438, coming up, not too late to be on the show, send your friday feedback. what do you like, what did you hate, what do you want more of? email your comments to look at this. logan poll is the us champion in the wwe, claimed the first bell of his career at crown jewel events in saudi arabia. grabbing hold of it right now. logan paul is here in the studio approaching the set in
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new york city. lauren: something about that. lauren: don't know what that is. stuart: that's on the show. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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stuart: look who's here, logan is a business owner, a boxer and the newly minted us champion at wwe. have you walked away from boxing? >> i retired from boxing. i'm going to be a wrestler now. no more money in boxing. everyone is going broke. stuart: you are the us champion.
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>> fair and square for the us championship. stuart: you don't look very beaten up. >> it was a dominant performance. it was good. stuart: not like that going forward. >> not at all. may i inform my audience? you just celebrate your billionth bottle? >> it's a crazy milestone. hydration and energy are the categories, we can't believe we've gotten this far, the biggest in the uk. stuart: have you got past the controversy or the packaging which some people say make kids go for this energy drink? >> consumers see through it. one is in a can and says
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energy, the other is marketing 18 plus, we make as much a distinction as we can. stuart: you have some pop up stores? >> to celebrate selling our billion bottle, this is a 24 carat solid gold prime worth half $1 million and people can come by into a code and they have a chance to win this prime but if no one gets it right it is drop in the vat of acid and destroyed completely. stuart: what would you do that for? >> disruption. stuart: you can't be serious. it is what we do. at least you are honest but it is real. stuart: your brother jake, you
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are part of a team? he supports vivek ramaswamy. >> don't know if he will stamp a candidate, forward moving disruptors. stuart: you voted for trump in 2020. >> not true. blue when i won't ask who you voted for. will you vote for trump in 24? >> i don't know. i didn't expect to be hit with such hard questions on the show. i've been thinking about being us champ. stuart: i will move to another. you are worth a ton of money. where do you invest? not asking how much but where do you invest? stocks? >> anywhere i can be disruptive. to take risks with my money.
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i'm more focused on compounding the money i made with big investments, not so much safe investments like my risk portfolio is high. stuart: would you tell us your latest risk investment? tell me that. >> maybe space x. i'm not a money guy, don't know why i am on this show. putting on 5-star matches. stuart: you like elon musk? >> he is great. stuart: he is the ultimate disruptor. i would like to do that when i grow up. stuart: where do you go from here? >> the pop up shot down the street to put this in the screen that will also destroy it. stuart: but the investment is
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the future for you. >> there will be people coming after me. cody rhodes even come get it. however wants it can come get it. i had some stuff to do. stuart: do you make more money and less then you did in boxing? >> that's confidential. stuart: do you make more money and wrestling than the drink? now we got to it. what kind of question is that? >> hard to do that. we when he makes more money out of his drink, that's a huge thing. >> internal revenue, $1.2 billion. i am proud of it. i'm going to be arrogant for a second and say, $1.2 billion revenue in the second year, i don't know how we got here.
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the markets, great products have great distributors. very blessed. and now got this gold prime. it was great to have you on the show. don't be a stranger. we will give you all the time you want. you know why? because you are great. that is what you want. you are a good guy, thank you very much. here is what is coming up. what happened last night in new york is a wake-up call to the city in the whole country. demonstrations are profoundly anti-semitic, size and intensity is growing, we will all be affected by that. there is this. beef prices hitting record highs, what are you doing with that thing? lauren: he did it to me. stuart: thank you, help me out.
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i'm trying to say it is forcing barbecue pit masters to make menu changes to keep customers, jeff flock reports after this. ♪ this clinic, we pride ourselves on putting others first. it's on us to help care for our clients' well-being; to help them adapt. it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, we feel appreciated for the work we do. (♪) businesses need 5g solutions today. that's why they choose t-mobile for business. las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help power operations
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stuart: in case you hadn't noticed, beef prices are high forcing restaurants to make big changes. jeff, apart from getting a pretty good food assignment today, what are they doing to keep up with rising prices. >> reporter: they have to be creative as we all are. what is killing them is the price of beef, which is at an all-time high, has been for a while. arguably the king of texas bbq. >> a little pork ribs and beef rib eye roll, and we have some beef ribs and this little section. >> reporter: look at the chart.
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they jumped and for the last three years, the highest point. >> we are trying to utilize every part of it. cook with it, utilize everything we can out of it. we will take some leftovers, to help with the cost. the problem has been the cattle herd, you had a drought down here that was just killing it. >> it was terrible. it was killing us. just very hot down here. the cattle prices and everything would be so much more. they supplement the food because the grass and everything was dead. it has been tough the last three years. >> reporter: interest rates had a chilling effect on this.
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>> it is bigger than it has been? i don't know the reason. stuart: >> reporter: if i send you. stuart: i would like to know. thank mister killen and all the people there for their hospitality. see you soon. back to the markets open 24 minutes, we will check the big board which is 100 and the nasdaq up 100 points, a late week rally at this point. look at microsoft and apple, microsoft, don't know if it is on track for the record close of the week. i'm interested in the relative value of microsoft and apple. apple is the most valuable company, valued at 2.7 trillion.
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microsoft is second at 2.70 trillion said there's a gap of 17 trillion. of microsoft keeps going and apple slips a little they will be level. let's check the 10 year treasury yield, that will make a difference to high-tech stocks. that is a plus, the 2-year treasury, at 5%. manchin will not seek reelection. is he hinting at a presidential run? tammy bruce on that. tunnel tech towers, frank salinity her to tell us about veteran villages. most california voters disapprove of biden's performance. is that setting a stage for newsom? i will ask steve hilton. is israel bending to president biden's pressure? mike waltz take that on at the 10:00 hour next. ♪
9:57 am
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9:58 am
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9:59 am
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10:00 am


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