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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 10, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: i like the music, not sure i've heard it before. a little fantasy on friday morning. give me a break. good morning. it is 10:00 eastern. on friday morning, the nasdaq is up 90 points. the 10 year treasury yield looking good, down 4.5 to 9%. the price of oil $76 a barrel. $76.90. gas is rather cheap. bitcoin the rally holds, 37,100 is the latest price on bitcoin. we received a read on consumer sentiment.
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lauren: the preliminary november reading, lowest since may and the fourth monthly drop consecutively. if you look at how the economy is doing now, that is up 5 points. how do you feel about the economy in the future, that fell 2 or 3 points. inflation expectation up, one year from now the number rose 4. 5%, to the highest level since 2011, 3.2. stuart: that doesn't make a difference to stocks. i don't see much reaction. lauren: it cements how we feel about the cost of living. now this. what happened in new york last night is a wake-up call to the city and the whole country. these demonstrations are profoundly anti-semitic, their size and intensity is growing. we will all be affected. the new york school walkout was organized by a palestinian
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group, hundreds march to bryant park in the center of manhattan, they set off down fifth avenue, down 34th st. and up eighth avenue. that shut down afternoon rush hour traffic, chanting genocide joe and the river to the sea. some of them broke away to occupy the lobby of the new york times building, violence was blue the surface, anti-semitism was rampant, this city has the largest concentration of jewish people outside israel. this is part of hamas's disinformation campaign. never mentioned despicable atrocities coveted by terrorists, always portray israel as the terror state the colonizers, the oppressors. the kids are going back to school. how are jewish students supposed to feel? classmates were showing their hatred and teachers who took part, what about them.
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the school chancellor says they will be dealt with. schools have been infected with hate. the new york times interview day member of hamas's leadership council, he wants the state of war with israel to be permanent. hamas thinks permanent war will force israelis out from the river to the sea. that is exactly what those demonstrators want and yesterday they shut down the city. you were right in the middle of this last night, tell us what you saw and heard. brian: incredible he tends, mobile, on the move, the crowd grew quickly. we wanted to talk to those young people, there is a sense that younger people care about the cause of palestine. web the handlers are, they box us out, trying with the young person, eventually got moved on to somebody who is there.
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>> with a tragedy palestine is facing because of the israeli government and our tax dollars are it is really scary and i don't like it. brian: is it possible for hamas to free the hostages who are in gaza right now? >> they tried. >> the hostages -- >> your calling the hamas terrorists, you're calling them freedom fighters. brian: what i want you to see, we want to talk to the young woman, had interesting things to say, that guy moved in and he was not interested in talking october 7th. and very loud unheeded, they are trying to create a moment.
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brian: it felt a little like it as we get on the move because the message, at the new york public library and a lot of that is free palestine. if you hit the load it was intifada revolution. somebody took over in the middle of that. they shouted shut it down. and that feels dicey. stuart: they had a cartoon, they remove this cartoon, hamas using small children as human shields, it is -- racist and humanized palestinians. the washington post -- brian: i thought this was the paper where it's all about democracy dies in darkness, when you take out a cartoon like this. it felt like they invited the high school students to be the
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visual but those kids had no idea what was going on. tonight that feels reminiscent of that, strategy, get somebody between them at whoever they are fighting or talking to. i don't like the feeling of that. don't think those high school students did that. stuart: stay there please. harvard received criticism about their handling of anti-semitism on campus. what are they doing? lauren: the president says the school is forming anti-semitism advisory group to offer training and to identify and route out the rhetoric from the river to the sea which means to the mediterranean sea which means no israel. she condemned that phrase. harvard had a very soft response to the terror attack. they are also getting back lash
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from donors, prominent alumni, so this is the more formal response. columbia university, the jewish billionaire who resigned from the board of the business school at columbia, he flat out cited what moral cowardice of the school, they are not calling out anti-semitism and jews at columbia feel unsafe. stuart: thanks very much indeed. let's see what we've got, let's do the overall picture, and as step up -- nasdaq a beatty. last time we checked they were on the upside. they are on the upside now. microsoft and apple and amazon moving up. are you betting on a big tech come back? we already had the comeback. >> the run-up has happened but the important thing is ais powering that and we've got a
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lot of advancement in the holiday season and this is the partnership happening in the cloud, ai, cybersecurity attack the other day. the investments in cybersecurity. a when you think big tech will keep advancing across the board? the magnificent 7. they keep going up to the end of the year, do they? >> to the point people do this so often before the end of the year to cover the losses. stuart: do you have one particular big tech company you like? >> they had in terms of not just the cloud but break pass apple. stuart: is a contest, apple versus microsoft, who is the most valuable in the world. i've i got apple at 2.87 trillion, microsoft at 2.70 trillion. there's a $70 billion difference. >> it will happen in the next month.
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come back anytime you like, good stuff. what is so to god that is so good about microsoft? >> big battles for cloud but the other piece is a fact that companies look to bring ai into the marketplace and that's the big driver and they've been able to do something a lot of companies have not pulled off which is get the younger users. the development and the consumer side and that's one of the biggest turnarounds. stuart: do we know that microsoft has contributed to the bottom line? is ai contributing to their profits? >> not the $30 per month plan. is contribute into the fact that everything in the cloud to start the process. stuart: tell me about nvidia. close to a high but 470 a share. where is it going?
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>> the arms dealer, that will be for the next four quarters. everyone is coming back in saying i don't want to do that and chips are coming from different sources and they jumped into the game and we see other chips like google has a tpu that comes in as well and microsoft is getting into the game as well. stuart: a eyes the next big thing. >> the biggest thing. we want why don't i hear ai associated with apple? >> it happens in the background, pictures get better on your screen, they are not out there touting ai. it just happens. stuart: that was good stuff. appreciate your support for microsoft. you are a good guy. lauren is looking at the movers and i believe disney is moving today. lauren: good earnings, the hollywood strike is over so why is the stock down? deadpool 3, the new one, blade, the new captain america, marvel
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films are being pushed back. stuart: tko. lauren: combination, the former ceo of wwe, vince mcmahon selling a third of his state, 8.4 million shares at 7980 each and that' s a 6% discount to yesterday. stuart: club power. lauren: hydrogen power, fuel cells. stuart: down 35%. %. lauren: they might go bust, they need additional cash to stay afloat. start ups particularly green energy, clean energy startups can't survive in these high interest rate environment. it's hard to do so. stuart: these green policies are flat in several areas right there. we are right, aren't we? >> it is slim all over again. stuart: solyndra, nice comment. one for you.
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ken griffin again warning about inflation. what is he saying? lauren: the us spends like a drunken sailor and he predict inflation could stay high for decades because of inflation and there is something called a piece dividend the we are paying as president biden is asking congress for one hundred billion dollars more more for ukraine and israel. this is something martha mccallum said on this show a while ago. she said something is not quite right about the country and that is what griffin said about the economy. doesn't feel right even though the job market is strong. it is so basic but that is what bidenomics isn't selling. >> you are an economist. is inflation going to persist for decades? >> we run a $2 trillion deficit this year. we keep doing that we have inflation for a long time to come. it doesn't feel right because of people borrowing. even if you are spending, if
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that's the way you are doing it, you know that can't last. that's the dirty secret. stuart: is there a debt bomb coming that will explode? we always talked about we can't go on like this, it will explode at some point. >> on the consumer and commercial side before it's on the national debt side, doesn't matter, people don't care. the balance sheet blows up. >> the administration tries to do that but it is inflationary. stuart: next case. this is important. new research shows most americans give an average tip of 15%. as we tip and how much we tip has changed a lot since the pandemic so i want to know has to been culture gotten out of control? tell us what you think, e-mail your tipping comments to senator joe manchin not seeking reelection. a major blow to the democrats. is he bowing out are jumping
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into the 2024 race? peter doocy has the story from the white house next. ♪ ♪ hive digital technologies. a leading bitcoin miner and gpu cloud operator is building the infrastructure of tomorrow, featuring a robust growth strategy that aims to double its mining capacity while accelerating gpu-on demand business. hive digital technologies.
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stuart: on the markets the dow up 60 and the nasdaq up 74. now this. democrat senator joe manchin will not seek reelection, he will focus on trying to mobilize the middle. peter doocy, good manchin be
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signaling the white house run? >> reporter: he sounds like someone with one foot in the pool and he says he's going to go on a tour to hear americans out. >> reporter: every incentive is designed to make politics extreme. there's a divide between democrats and republicans and worsening our nation's problem. the majority of americans are just plain worn-out. our economy is not working for americans from the rising cost of food and fuel and everything in between. >> reporter: manchin something like this is possible because biden and trump are unpopular, polls prove that democrats may have found an issue to motivate their base, abortion. >> why do you think it is in this election season, i've got two good ones. wise it people are more concerned about abortion access van your aid?
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>> i don't think it's a comparable comparison. >> why you trailing trump in swing state polls? >> president biden: you don't read the polls. ten polls, 8 of mine beating him come you guys only do two. cnn and new york times, check it out. we will get the topic. >> reporter: to the president's credit, 90 in its after that somebody from his team did reach out with those polls, we talked to the fox polling unit, four of the 8 are up to fox's editorial standards because they consider things like whether it's a landline or internet, and something else that is very important, it may be the story of this election. for the polls, he sent freeway polls where they include rfk junior and that is what tilts the race towards biden. stuart: i've got it.
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it's complicated but i got it. back to the manchin story. do you think manchin will run for president? >> reporter: he won't run for reelection so he needs a job. this is a way to travel the country and say hi to people. this is an older man, a democrat, i used to be a democrat. you find out quickly that the democrats don't have anyone's best interest in mind, and everyone will remember he helped get a climate bill passed and was promised, they promised him a bill to help facilitate leases and permitting which will be great and they lied to him so he's the charlie brown of the government. if you still are a democrat and above the age of 30, you don't have good judgment and if you believe what democrats tell you and base important decisions on
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that, you can do a listening tour, good luck to him. it's bad news for the democrats because i don't think west virginia will elect another democrat but this is part of a problem. there is too much division. when you have people in the middle who keep getting tricked and doing it anyway, they are the problem. they are not making a difference. stuart: you just paraphrased winston churchill who said you get to the -- if you don't have a heart -- >> heart versus brain. stuart: go on, what is it? lauren: if you are not a liberal when you 're 25 you have no heart, if you are not a conservative by the time you're 35 you have no brain. stuart:'s that is it. thank you very much. >> you have to have had that experience. i waited too long but i am
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patient. stuart: i was -- >> good luck to him. there's a lot of that. professional candidates, he's trying to find his way and good luck to him. stuart: i think the democrats lost a seat. >> i believe so. the overall balance. >> the debate is not going to help the far left and the democrats like biden and those in charge so that rhetoric will not help their narrative. stuart: thanks for being with us again. former republican congressman charlie dent offered a blunt assessment for democrats, what is he saying? >> what do you think of this? he was on msnbc.
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>> joe manchin, winning by 40 points and manchin, defining political gravity. there is a laying for an independent third-party group. i don't think the ground has ever been more -- two thirds of voters don't like donald trump or president biden, what is too all -- ashley: too old or too crazy. manchin would face an uphill battle against the republican nominee jim justice who had a big lead in the polls for the senate seat. donald trump taking this, posted on truth social, quote, because i endorse jim justice of west virginia for the u.s. senate who has taken a commanding lead, democrat joe manchin decided not to seek reelection, looking good. stuart: george w.
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stuart: the dow is up 40, nasdaq up 46, modest gains. we are starting with american art. lauren: a downgrade, $12 price target, they see cost headwinds for all airlines including american that are hard to counter but a few days ago we set american has an issue with original pilot shortage so they are dangling quarter million dollar bonuses to ups and fedex. it comes at a cost.
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stuart: american airlines down $11 a share. estée lauder, i know they are down. lauren: $4 million in stock alludes to potential weakness and we can tell you they are selling cosmetics in china. stuart: i'm interested in these charging companies, blink charging is up 34%. %. lauren: they are benefiting from these government subsidies. they reported earnings, raise therefore you'll target and are reporting loss but it has gotten more narrow. stuart: and you have subsidies. that's were elon musk started tesla. tax credits so he could sell. mortgage rates saw their largest drop since last year. mitch rachelle is our mortgage i, real estate guy. our mortgage rates going up as rates come down?
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>> mortgage rates are coming down, applications are going up, the question in the tees, will falling mortgage rates drive home prices? it will probably drive home prices upwards. may be i will just wait until rates come down and it is creating traction, nothing in the mortgage news, refinance applications have gone up so refinancing at 7% to 8%. what was your mortgage before that? stuart: mortgage is down a little bit. that doesn't amount to a hill of beans because this real estate market is dead flat and not in good shape. am i right? >> not in good shape if you are a realtor looking at a sale
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transaction to make a living. if you are a homeowner counting the equity you have in the home. if you are a seller, to be honest with you, what is troublesome is for buyers, waiting for things to get cheaper, don't see rates coming down dramatically lower. stuart: i want to know how to build more formal housing, that is where we are in most need of new construction. >> they don't trash home. -- they still are brick by brick. when you are borrowing money to build, a long protracted process. they were building prefabricated homes.
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and we can build homes as opposed to two years. and they make homes more affordable. stuart: new homes getting smaller. >> that is what homebuilders are doing to keep prices down getting rid of a powder room or study. price per square foot probably is going up, sticker price on the home has come down. stuart: thanks for joining us. always a pleasure. i want to know what you think. brian: it feels like nibbling on the morgans -- margins, applications are a little bit, this market needs a recession reset. that is what will take and
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shock demand and supply because rates come back down but until that happens you get change in demand and supply and never reset and stuck in these elevated levels. nobody is happy about this. stuart: it took a long time to get the real estate market back in shape. brian: things have to change significantly. that will move the market. stuart: do you see a recession? brian: next year -- i said for a long time the consumer is running out of steam. when they do we get recession. when we get recession, demand and supply dynamics change and interest rates fall. stuart: israel has agreed to daily four our humanitarian pauses in gaza. is netanyahu bending to president biden's pressure? congressman mike waltz on that next. township in michigan booted the government board for approving ev battery plant because it had ties to china. ashley has that story after this. ♪
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stuart: virginia treasury yield is down a little. show me bitcoin. it has been on a nice rally, $37,000 a coin. a few month ago down to 18 or so. doubled the price in a few months. now this. meta heading back to china after more than a decade. what exactly are they doing in china? not taking facebook there, are they? ashley: they agreed to sell and lower-priced version of its virtual-reality head set in
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china giving them the opportunity to get a foothold in a country where 14 years ago shut facebook out. in the deal meta would take a bigger share of device sales and more content and service revenue, and government approval, the vr content on the platform. for video games and other digital content. stuart: is this about executives, vanishing in china. it's very ominous. beijing is being clamped down, with the video streaming platform. with high profile investment, and they created summer china's dominant tech companies.
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it is not reappeared in public. some with foreign firms, prompting concerns, exit band on people being, the regulatory sweep, syndicate shelter china's business, pulled out $160 billion in total earnings in china, people are getting out. stuart: what do you know about the township in michigan? the battery plant with ties to china. what happens now? ashley: this debate does beg the question what would you do if the local economy is struggling and the company comes into town, building and
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ev battery factory, and what if the company has a chinese parent, town board in michigan, created charter township voted to get the company tax breaks but angry opponents launched the recall campaign against those members and they were probably dumped in tuesday's election. the message is clear. >> we don't like tax dollars being given to them. don't know what they are thinking. they should not be giving to a country that is at war with us. this is crazy. ashley: the chinese connection debate is a warning sign for president biden who is counting on a surge in jobs creating battery plants as part of his green new deal but it is just a giveaway to beijing. companies dominate the global
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supply chain for green technology. the ev battery company in question insists the chinese communist party has no presence in the north american company and it is a subsidiary of a business founded in china. >> they never showed space 20 board meetings are engaged the community. they hide behind this avail and we call that veil back. ashley: those are two new board members. michigan isn't the only battleground over chinese connected companies, ford halted a $3.5 billion battery project, pushback over plans to licensed technology from chinese battery. stuart: brian brenberg is with us. how far do you go? you don't get those batteries.
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brian: do you want the communists moving in next door? they say they are not connected the party. you've got small towns who know the federal government is chucking subsidies to move in next door to you and wonder what they are up to. they lose economic opportunity but how about a us economy that grows and builds, then you don't worry about getting that from china in your backyard. stuart: the senate passed a measure that would cut china out of some ev charter production. lauren: president biden wanted to waive the requirement that materials used to make the ev chargers be sourced in the united states. they wanted to waive that for certain time. senate republicans and some senate democrats worry what the waiver does is free up $5 billion to be used in china to
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bulk up the chinese economy, keep them dominant on supply chains. the white house says the president will veto the senate resolution. stuart: how far do you keep them out of bring them in? ashley: sa -- if he has these dreams of an ev buildout, they are saying no you don't. brian: the money is going to china. they can save his green, made in america, it's going to china if we keep going down this path and you see it every day. stuart: next case, more than 6 million american flags came from china. a bipartisan bill wants to change that by mandating all flags to be made in america. i don't think it is a good idea but griff jenkins has report after this. tunnel to towers, a new veteran village in houston, texas,
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housing one hundred vets. frank cella, the man who made it happen, joins us next. ♪
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stuart: the us imported 6 million american flags from china last year. as a bipartisan push that would mandate all flags being made in america. what would this bill do? griff:you will find a lot of flak this weekend but as shocking as it may sound there's a chance some of them were not made in america. you have a bipartisan lawmakers get this bill they want every federal flag, 100% made in the usa. those sponsors, nancy mace say it is a no-brainer. >> it says something to all of us as americans who are patriotic americans that when we fly the flag the flag should be made by americans. >> the american flag is the greatest.
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freedom and liberty in the world. the government is buying flags that may be made in the us. >> reporter: under current law 50% of materials used to make federal flags. they are made at home. and beyond federal flags and they were made in china. they are already required by american-made flags. and the decision bill, and it may be time for mike johnson.
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puts a inquiring minds to rest, and it is made in the usa on the back. stuart: deep down you are good man. >> yesterday we showed you the grand opening for the tunnel for towers veteran village in houston, texas. it will service 100 vets. frank cell is the chairman and ceo of the tunnel to towers foundation. welcome to the show. >> beautiful day out there. >> andy pettit was with us. stuart: what intrigued me, it's a village, a grouping of vets -- >> they were homeless. >> it will be the model.
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they take a hotel, 161. they will make it into apartments. their own independence, it gives them some hope in their lives. can't imagine what they were living in before then. also we build these comfort homes, one on the plaza today, 500 square-foot homes, vietnam veterans that were homeless, put them in this, this could be permanent housing at hotel rooms. it is a big shortage of permanent housing for homeless veterans. we will eradicate it, fox viewers will eradicate it. stuart: you need money. you look into fortune 500 companies. >> all professional sporting teams, we will ask fortune 500 companies $1 million a year for 5 years. you understand the budgets, i
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need to know a certain amount of money coming in. stuart: if you get the money, how many homeless vets can you put into a home. >> we have to raise between $6 billion and eight billion dollars. the government would take three or four times that to take care of what we have to take care of. the government said it is under 40,000 homeless veterans, we believe there is more. 50,000 homeless veterans will take care of that kind of money and $11,000 a month, the t 2, $11 a month, we count on that. stuart: you started out hoping survivors of the twin towers, you moved on to that. >> we started, smart homes for the most catastrophic service members and also pay off mortgages for families, loved ones die in the line of duty and leaved young kids behind. we did 50 of those mortgage
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free homes today. i want everyone to understand we will always take care of those great heroes and those left behind. stuart: tunnel to towers, thank you for joining us. thanks to brian for being with us. we will make sure you have been watching brian on "the big money show" at one:00 pm on fox business. still ahead, congressman mike waltz on what he wants to see from the president at next week's meeting, steve hilton on a new poll showing a majority of voters in california disapprove of biden's job performance. what's the significance of that. tech expert cara frederick on biden's exec in order to regulate artificial intelligence, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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11:00 am
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