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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 10, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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all, which they don't but elizabeth mcdonald has all the sense of the world and that's why have to watch her, starting right now. >> thank you so much and i totally agree with you that's good 70 of a good weekend and you worked hard this week, larry love you okay, the story, hello can moscow, israel discovers hamas tunnels in children's bedrooms in gaza, and plus as lawmakers will get to see footage of a hamas terror attack in israel will far left squad without and the u.s. senators accuses eog officials with spying on congress and we have the stories and top lawmakers, is the new york judge in the trump fraud trial with a netflix complaint citing his bizarre biased and unconstitutional moves and this is your governmet work, stolen pandemic aid money, whispered and things like buying an entire island off of florida and the fatally naïve decision,
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the white house that he russia and china tour secret u.s. nuclear facility and also with us, the author of the bestseller anyone months, walter isaacson joins us and musk just joined a big court victory against the government and of elizabeth mcdonald in the evening edit starts right now. liz: and 20 is now, four-time combat u.s. army veteran coming and served our nation for 21 years with deployments to iraq and afghanistan cover the student little daniel davis and delighted to have on former deputy national security advisor into former pc mcfarland think you both for joining us tonight started with you cutie so house lawmakers next tuesday, will get to see the graphic and edited footage of hamas october 7 terror attack in israel alleges that the number slaughtered was 1200 you know that atrocities of you expect the part of squad
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including rishada tlaib you think the watch it. >> you know first would like to thank carl davis for your service veterans day but we really all oh hewitt end of gratitude and you will all of the other veterans putting my daughter and son-in-law who are still in service when it would like to say, with the people are going to watch these videos what happened in gaza in the tunnels they will be horrified the problem is not the israelis, ise having these big out that in totality's and settles and why are we having all of the well is not the israelis into some bosses its own people, it is women and children, to put in front of themselves and they want casualties and they want the blood the pictures because they want to be able to say to the world that israel is bad hamas doses not going to be as real battlefield or economically but it can maybe feet israel diplomatically this been department in the pr department pretty and so that is why they're doing it in as a path to
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think that any leaders 20 is our own women and children sacrifice them for their own personal gain but that's exactly what is happening. daniel: that's what they're doing and carl davis what do you think is it media falling for this from osprey what i'm not sure point, and by the way pt thank you for the kind thoughts and is most appreciated and save your family as well head of this issue was than just you know any kind of tempted to change the narrative or make themselves look good make israel look bad, they are openly saying this i do know if you saw this earlier this become the leader of hamas from the very luxurious confines have course are saying, sometimes you have to sacrifice intersect vice million people do you freeze we care less about his palestinian people much less the people of israel. something used out to have as much blood as they can to accomplish their goals and they truly not care what happens to
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anybody. liz: so also this kt is rest that is already been doing the four hour pause the white house said is been telling as a victory and you know israel the already set up and evacuation order from 10:00 a.m. until 2:0e and now it is vetted to six hours and you know the thing is that russia iran and china, is watching whether we will soon find defender allies. kt: yes that is the whole point of this, is the bad guys you know iran and russia china, certainly hamas, they know that they can somehow daylight between israel and the united states amazing and leave israel alone vulnerable, then they will go after israel advice that i would give to benjamin netanyahu was the same advice that jackson gave during the first war, israel, you're going to blame for this no matter what because in the narrative is controlled by the palestinians and is controlled by hamas and far left of the pretty party pretty what is will finish the job because going to be blamed is just the
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same if you do have job, for the whole job so who finish the job just destroyed eradicate hamas forever. liz: circumference it up to run carnal, but kate teaches that initials that is not what is up fighting hamas freeze all of the hostages but hamas is totally wiped out the new hear from the senator chris an issue, the obligated in them buses demanding against avoided a terrorist released about along the hostages of that they can get care in the hospitals and so this is hamas in action col. daniel: use the problem double standards don't thank you so going to be surprised by about. but i do tell you, though it israel does have a threatening on this because will, these images coming out of gaza are no kidding it is not any kind of propaganda it all, there's large numbers of innocent civilians are you know most is no matter who father was, there's heavenly suffering and graciously for this just like the israelis
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submit civilians in israel has to be careful it do not to be seen both in the west and they in the arab world is not hearing about people because it undermines support the west which is vital to their survival and success of the united states. liz: facing the building over backwards more than any other military the world kt to help with his palestinian civilians would you think. kt: look i've been there heaven settles have been with the idea and they do bent over backwards to not have casualties on the other side. and as i've said first of all, were humanitarian but also we have to live with these people and they are not going anywhere. so if we can somehow and for the needles the col. says if we can somehow reduce the casualties, then maybe we will have possibility for the way to live together after the fighting stops. liz: okay thank you so much and thanks to you for your service to our nation and family kt a new col. davis good to see you
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in every veterans day the stories coming up, let's welcome house judiciary, congressman is good to see you then the infighting we hear about, between us republican moderates and conservatives, still going on on the schedule reaction to former speaker mccarthy here listen to this. >> it that case you been missing run how much of the republican party benefits if you're no longer member of the house in your opinion. >> tremendously pretty people have to earn the right to be here. i just think that will he doesn't have a conservative vented his philosophy in just the nature of what he focuses on. >> you think the house should expelling him suitable, that is up to the conference but having come i don't believe the conference would've never heal and there's no consequences for the actions they care a lot about press and on about policies as they seem to just want the press pretty the personality.
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liz: so this former speaker mccarthy going aftermath case and the other member of the eight group of eight that ousted him the push to helps to minority think of kevin here. >> well i'm not going to comment on what he said or ceases to understand what he says and i understand his feelings or here's the deal, all of this makes me sick and angers me i'm tired of it we literally definitely got out of runway, we could win the election big next year and for get out of runway going out the final policy the people want we have the answers listen we have the right answers whether it is on the border, whether it is on what to try to do the military holiday of june 2 entered to tour cities with doing to our children in school horrible foreign policy and we have all of it and we have the answers done so many good things in doing individual fills on appropriations, we must move forward and we cannot do this is not about the republican party, this is about the future of the republic it self
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selfishness test assault self focus has to stop and we have to really believe and understand what our world. liz: so you say the house republicans have to cut it out with the infighting is a distraction because the media there showing to the nation just the fighting, and other policies that you say, related to victories in 2024. jeff: lead to victories and they do a better america i am serious we need to save the united states of america is in the hands of the republicans and democrats of the takeover in the left takes over, going to do bad things and we cannot let that happen this is bigger than any congressperson, this is bigger than anyone congress and this is about the future of the united states of america in a deadly serious on this no liz, five years ago i met a very very major decision on the only commerce with a mark in history that the majority to go to the
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minority artie believed so much in the focus in the vision and the ideals of the republican party and it's all there, hit is not about me and is not about anyone congressman, is about future pretty god actually pray every single night sweetie when you let the democrat party come about force you to leave and what did you going on enemy receipt elon musk say the woke mind virus communism regretted what you see happening the democratic party the major leave. jeff: when i saw happen is what were doing to our children in schools we are teaching them things that are totally inappropriate and the younger usually sing the colleges and universities, so surprising anti-semitism has resulted. it is something administration whether they want to admit it in these universities the professors the type of professors a higher have been encouraged in these kids do not
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even know with their saying standing up for must they have no idea is all about as well as the open borders, the open borders, they just do not affect one particular race, not just texas, not just here southern california, as a whole darn country disaffected sister is in book of buying a military, paying for drag queen investors to invite a new type of person for military, they should be tough and strong and faster and smarter than any other military in the world. the entire american applicant into many judiciary committee where we interviewed young students going to the universities and talk about how they were anti-semitic and anti- conservative had women on other side from the democrats when is saying, well, not really and they said you know, leave a problem was a code word like being anti- globalism and you
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want to sit will i'm not anti-semitic and a thing of written center voting for but i believe inflation pushes and we don't have as an american asked democratic witnesses if they believe in it near this heckuva just around the could not get themselves to believe in america exceptionalism trinity and this is not the democratic party we know sweetie of her grandparents her parents grew up with and congressman, helping veterans ideal think you for joining us and have a good weekend a. >> thank you for syllabic hope congressman biographer of your tribes, number one on the list one and only walter isaacs it also gop strategist, the muscular and former assistant u.s. attorney general tom diprete we love this guy is so smart and we been talking to him about how top republican elise genetic just file an ethics
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complaint against the bias basically she sang bizarre, trump judge and arthur coming is that trump and from twila new york and taking on next in the evening edit. >> i'm probably the only guy ever indicted that the poll numbers have shown through the roof and is been helpful as far as getting elected. it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management.
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liz: okay, this is the republicans that accident judiciary very poorly investigating officials for allegedly spying on congressional staffers, during the time when former president trump was in office "fox news" alexandria half as this in washington. reporter: was alleged activity happened back in 2017th during the trump administration and the senators want to know with the first affirmative justice has done about this issue "fox news" hesitated for a copy of the letter signed by ted cruz chuck grassley usually do young jacob amended a campaign in covert surveillance in the revolution came out october 23rd freedom of information act request i am power oversight a group representing whistleblowers and
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senators wrote that the departments we needed some staffers private phone and e-mail logs during bicameral congressional investigation about the department in the obi for their involvement in the russia collusion hopes notice crossfire hurricane lawmakers now want to know what's was targeted my phone and internet cummings were issued subpoenas and if the departments also private records at the same time fox news has learned that the messages of surveillance noted in the letter work part of a broader investigation into the leaking of classified national security information that investigation into prosecution conviction of former director committee on intelligence soaring of the doj's not commenting on the letter senior official says is been received in response to congressman come next week in washington, "fox news". liz: thank you alexander internet and cellular journeys now tom diprete, suite have you on an okay time from your position of expertise, the
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justice department what is your reaction to the report. tom: i was worried when i saw that reporting will, the stage their allegations request for more information but if what is suggested and alleged in the letter stroke about mr. serving and you obviously can have a situation in america for the justice department prosecutors are investigating summa stabenow stepped people often capitol hill, for themselves connecting investigation was a fighter sent the message to that look, if you come after bessie were going to move on to turn the tables on you might feel. liz: how about working for the taxpayer and doing is morally is trying to protect nero circle the wagons run from government jobs. tell the story when he sums news and con edison woman just found
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an ethics complaint with the new york commission state commission that's a judge over bizarre bias what she constitutional moves but the judge in new york civil fraud case against former president trump what you think of this move. tom: what with congresswoman is saying in many cases parts of the former president was saying understand them singing the judge prejudge the case in bias against him simply treating him unfairly we certainly seen a lot of urgent to say the least between the judge and former president is he specifying think with the congresswoman is ready to basically bring all of this attention of a higher authority the state commission on judicial conduct the body that oversees the judges in new york state think a judge is acting out of line and showing by snapping inappropriately, they can take action. liz: the congresswoman said is
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not on right from choice process and a fair trial luster the judge told trump during the trump is just back i new york attorney general letitia james and go after him but also said anger on introduced summary judgment against frumpy for the trialing begin no witnesses or evidence or for the penalty phase are no cross-examination was a gig order on former president trump and his team. tom: will come of this case is certainly spiraled not a very unusual directions this war is the summary judgment before trial for the former president and extremely bad position and is already deciding the issue that is now being charge of the judge in the forum about one of the former president is business colleagues admitted thrived under front of the hour under appropriate circumstances was a high standard they basically
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have to say come the really are not any disputed facts here that i can just decide this case without hearing or just make or considering more evidence it will be reviewed in this case goes up. liz: taking the politics out of an americans doing everything politicized they don't is amazing making a political affair but when you strip it away and take out the you look at what is going on, this judge who knows if you get in trouble and couldn't get in trouble with this. tom: good i think by that he overstepped his role exceeded his authority, he absolutely could get in trouble but keep in mind that the court of appeals will be scrutinizing the trial record no doubt the former presidents lawyers one make a big argument on appeal the fact that this was a judge price against him in a fair chance to present his case in court will evaluate them with the judge didn't look at the rulings that he made if they agree with the former president of the going to vacate this verdict and trial.
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liz: this could be a white knight saving from here we don't know but tom it's always great and think you so much for joining us tonight and have a good weekend okay okay the story coming up, it's a big deal because you'll see this in 2024, will give you preview of what to expect and the president i was going after trumps record on things like jobs, specifically manufacturing jobs little covenant a new talking with that the real numbers messenger colonist can easily and great government drift on covid-19 fraudster used solar any money you paid for by private pilot off the coast of florida you won't believe will criminal gangs who so the drizzle money but they're using many works the evening edit, next. ♪
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liz: joining us on the messenger homeless fox news contributor joe and okay really good about stories like this interview he lycos right there may be, not as nerdy but you know it's it was like every politician every democrat was again taxing and taxing and taxing americans should i run for office they don't do something about this government graft the justice department put patrick walsh in five and half years who stole $8 million to be held by island off the coast of florida. joe: is amazing and taxpayer money words going for such a boat load of irony here liz patrick walsh purchased islands called sweetheart on the present sweetheart deal we got him his very island with money that was not even his ashes and city is given and what was originally allocated for in terms of covid-19 in terms of getting businesses backup just in general try to get through in an unprecedented pandemic but this
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is also the only surprising right because when the government gives up priest up with zero accountability in terms of tracking a billions upon billions are spent, especially during a pandemic when people are locked down and isolated this almost makes too much says this the sort of that's on this level what a then walsh is business mentoring is one of thousands of individuals who perpetrated would you recall the greatest graft tenuous sister use essentially sold in broad daylight by the way, more than $280 billion in federal covid-19 aid while another 10,125,000,000,000 was wasted or miss map and this is what we know about at this point is and who knows what other grift when under the radar that we have not learned about. liz: americans of habit and the stolen it fraud rate, that is 1s that was manager, if any business mandate that coming the private sector them still have a job. joe: of course not.
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[laughter] and that is the thing, people don't mind paying more in taxes if they know is when you make the country better make their communities better with more teachers, and more firemen and better roads, when you give money to the government and you have people taking it to buy luxury houses and watches like you're showing lamborghini's and maserati's, there's even going on spending sprees is trip clubs and in vegas and rescue this money government that hands of people, they do going all of the safeguards initiative in their terms of tracking where it is going in your right commute fired he spend money like this is a well she's like me in the streets because we don't know where it when this thing people are concerned about with ukraine given that more than hundred billion dollars without any accountability has to is a really going are supposed to in terms of fighting russia ukraine wealth was he going to other places we do not know. liz: why didn't we have put on
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ukraine and the thing is the justice department found more than five dozen criminal gang members stole pandemic it taxpayer into money to spend things like hiring hitmen and that story there's also the separate story what show you this youtube wrapper going to see him camera bragging about singing about stealing pandemic eight in the government or debit cards are called edd and he is now serving 77 months in prison and watch this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ liz: and so by the cocaine so well is a shameless it has gotten read. joe: and stupid and who on youtube and bryce about stealing money that you were supposed to have if they might indict you in some way right is a 31 flavors that gotta go with this. liz: this miami real estate broker was sentenced to more than three years in prison, so
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brazen so more than $380,000 spent on billing luxury apartment in cosmetic surgery, is just that when you face and final word joe. >> is in your face because you know they got caught nearly doing three years for this in five years for this and i'm sorry to me so that kind of money, you should go away ten or 15 years, give it weight of the crime and image money was spent and what you spend it on botox really having come on. liz: your terrific and have a good weekend is. joe: thank you thank you okay republican lawmakers, they are slamming the biden white house for being fatally naïve reportedly inviting communist china russia, to tour secret is nuclear weapons facility in nevada and also gop strategists and president biden is trying to trial former president trump why that move is now backfiring next on the evening edit.
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to make that payment was gone. - our customers' homes are taking care of them, maybe your home could do the same for you. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number-one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. liz: lucas here, strategists o'connell, okay what is for the viewers have a preview of what you can expect in the 2024, race is what having upcoming as the biden attack at a guess trump manufacturing jobs, things like that better edward lawrenson said that you know what i did not create is of thousands of manufacturing jobs, only 135,000 jobs in the economy cold that entered back the jobs destroyed the pandemic shutdowns and the president recently sounds like the rooster taking credit for the sun coming up.
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>> we are absolutely right a look joe biden's attack donald trump because biden economics is done with fleas and joe biden is a sitting duck on the economy is why he is traveling the five in the 61 of the swing states donald trump what he seems to be confusing your is creating jobs versus recovery jobs into your point, on 100 city five and eventually jobs a month the river donald trump created 510,000 manufacturing jobs before the pandemic a look, so i donald trump is the voters on the economy by 20 - 30 points over joe biden's we did everything is that when you look the numbers, avoiding of the president say things like created 14 million jobs. antiwhite well when you talk about the pandemic shutdowns, going away economy growing opening up, it's really poll the real numbers as one third of that is like 4.6 million jobs. income of the government we see again and again for the last 12 months, every month stratus creating like 50000 government jobs.
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>> that's exactly right and joe biden is basically trying to deceive the american voter and rewrite economics history because he understands, there is no way that is where and when the white house these current economic numbers continue and that is what you see that sleight-of-hand between ghetto creating jobs versus jobs actually recovery, economy under joe biden is abysmal just about every american in this country saying that sweetie well the thing is that the voters do not feel safe because they do not feel safe under this white house right in the mean, is compounded i think 19 percent inflation, and it is now you know, the border this in the state of collapse, the white house keeps top spinning about it now you see the washington post said that the president faces a growing list of potential 2024, challenges had are talking about on the green party candidate, and others talk senator joe manchin committees not seeking reelection is going to do a tour of the wasn't anything that joe manchin will run.
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>> joe manchin very well you know the story everybody said he stepping down from the u.s. senate well think that he can actually wind up running 2024, presidential election okay with more people to get this race, the better off it is for donald trump because donald trump -based butter has far more enthusiasm than joe biden is so again i think it is great that you will run because essentially create she because hillary a couple of midwestern states back in 2016 to do so the other thing is that the president tried to pitch himself as fdr, with new deal spending that is polls show that he is falling just as bad if not worse than jimmy carter and you can griffin of the top edge fun saying that you know what, the u.s. is spending like drunken sailors the government has got to stop it that's what he keep the inflation chronically high and goldman sachs is saying all of you 2024, presidential campaigns have a governor overregulation is hurting you a small businesses pretty ten small business owners are worried about their ability
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to boxes capitol they cannot afford to take out a loan given the current interest-rate environment. so you see the 2024 race unfolding, do you see these names just being whitewash and shoved aside by the biden campaign to their detriment to their peril. >> going to try every single way, to spend the economy is something that is going to improve their going to talk about soft landings going talk about trying to stick with joe for years this will work of the fact of the matter is, the economy frankly under joe biden, is worse than it ever was under jimmy carter there's no amount of smoothing the biden white house can do to fix that and that is why donald trump is going to win the 2024, presidential race. liz: we shall see and thank you so much for joining us happy veterans day everybody will santa fe be coming up author and road scholar walter isaacson has a new book based on the book about millionaire buses nowhere to be a movie going to talk about it and plus musk is
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company space x, just what major court victory pretty gives the justice department and a judge blocked in justice department for filing a lawsuit against space x claiming that it was not hiring enough illegal immigrants in musk just one that investment always been a felon gop lawmakers demanding of white house and stop a plan to give china and russia a tour of a secret u.s. nuclear coming up in the evening edit but first we want to check in with her pals is the what dagen mcdowell and sean duffy has me up on the bottom line yes we have jeremy and meghan morgan ortega coming up later this hour going to talk about schools have asked and changing veterans day, two-piece day please assembly and also, discussing the biden meeting coming up in the area next week. >> and. kand how is doing adisservice te
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serving on foreign policy as steve hilton, as steve forbes, that is a power duo exactly top of the hour. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh.
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liz: breaking news coming into the studio that's welcome mouse armed services ways and means congressman pat phelan and
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congressman, when is the credit rating agency, just downgraded the outlook on the u.s. aaa rating threatening that the u.s. will lose u.s. government will lose its selling goldplated aaa writing because the debt service in the u.s. federal deficits are out of control and the covers been really said within the last three major agency ratings to keep the aaa rating in u.s. living this is on biden's watch. it is been keeping the aaa, for a long time threatening to take it away sweetie make of this development. pat: this, fortunately i'm not surprised considering that this past fiscal year it will be over $800 billion in taxpayer money what is servicing that and we could be balancing this budget if we just took a seriously and had a plan republicans about a plan for years revenue and coming out jody harrington is the chair of the budget committee and putting it out a new one and one that
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the study group that they also put the plan out to balance for ten years sorry go ahead. liz: because the president, president of biden when he was vice president under the obama white house commands and be for the first time, downgraded the u.s. credit rating and then, happening august, pitch downgraded excuse me please we do it in a historical moment now and so this move on to this, so gotta move on this story so sorry, you are one of 18 republican lawmakers, the white house and don't let the energy secretary jennifer granholm, bring china and russia hundred tour one of the nation secret nuclear weapons facilities were talking about the nevada national security site, what in the heck are they thinking about here. pat: you know what this, this is well is real insanity. so the letter was asking, who's been invited specifically and
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has this happened before and are you going to continue and plenty of doing this and by the white wire you doing it when benefit could there possibly be to invite russian experts this kind of a sensitive facility considering, that russia has pulled out of the treaty in recent silly of the nuclear test ban treaty and they saber rattling constantly with nuclear arsenal of the invade to the ukraine. and you know again, why but what are they always been america last sweetie will giving the access so getting nothing in return from russia and china. pat: will that's just it liz, when we getting in return. they know what it is, nothing a big fat zero prayed this administration once again, is proving that they are in orbit around neptune they do not live within the bounds of reality and they are not a living within th. liz: granholm reportedly said that she was approved russia and
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china that the u.s. is upholding the three decade moratorium against testing nuclear weapons so this is just for show. pat: you know what, you could have the atomic energy agency and experts come in and have a very controlled to work in you do not have to have experts and chinese experts come to the facility at all. never return the favor. and we have an active treaty they are just like their verify, that's completely when we street. liz: got it, thank you for joining us congressman and happy veterans day to u.s. will and now this news breaking today, the roller coaster life a billionaire genius elon musk will be made in a new movie based on the new york times number one best-selling book, by other walks her iq into 96 and he know what you can expect from musk is a great book and is a great writer 11 stories and his books and walter isaacson is
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>> the good thing is to have darren as a director. he has accomplished amazing things but many psychological depths. he is a director to do it. i know they're kicking a lot of actors i'm not a hollywood person. i'm not sure i love the imitation gang but that i not be the right person. he is a smart actor. he wants somebody that can be smart and psychologically. >> he was a great actor we loved him. you followed and studied elon musk close-up four years. he that you have access to him. people think is controversial. he got a lotto blowback for buying twitter he said it was pro-free speech. many government agencies investigating elon musk. he's moving into artificial intelligence. what is your take on elon musk. do you trust him.
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>> i think he's been able to succeed while others have failed he brought us into the electric vehicle revolution and been able to make rocket ships, to get people to orbit and relay and and now with twitter what he is calling acts he is able to embed artificial intelligence as new a.i. i think he does great things. but he also can be impulsive and reckless as you see in the book. and i think it is good there is guardrail trying to keep him from having too much wildness invested in these things. i do think he has open up twitter to more free speech, that is always a balancing act. you don't want it to be too toxic. liz: you know what is interesting free speech here's toxic speech. if you have a government stepping in. what is interesting, you showed how elon musk literally goes into the factories to see what
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is making his equipment, his devices, his rockets. he wants to know about the equipment not just the end products. that was really cool. what you wrote about and how you explain that he has the a.i. platform, he said it snarky and funny has to go up against chat gtp. scientists and engineers are worried that next year, 2024 is when a.i. deep thinkers from reality right into the middle of 2024 race area that will defect intervention images and false campaign ads will come up next year. do you think elon musk is all over this and will stop that? >> i do think that is a worry, a.i. is able to do good things. we said trust your own eyes it's good to be a little hard to do that, i've been using a rock and it's really funny and has great taste i asked it who did the best rendition of summertime and
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of course armstrong and fitz-gerald. then janis joplin second. so i'm thinking this is an interesting product. what happens when you ask it political questions. it seems pretty good at the moment but somebody could deploy a.i. to spread more misinformation. i know you said free speech drives out this information. sometimes it does and we all love free speech but i think we have to be on guard against huge amounts of trolls and bots using a.i. to spread misinformation. liz: that is a fair point. when you study elon musk in your book is terrific. what did you find the most interesting fascinating thing about him. >> you said a moment ago, i'm glad you picked up on it. he walks the factory floors every day. we used to be able to manufacture things in america. but then we offshore it everything for the past 40 years it seems. auto companies, 70% of what they
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do they get from overseas suppliers. elon musk really believes that designing the product is only about 20% of effort. designing the factories that make the product of a big thing and he has the designers and engineers. i'm here in austin, texas and the write up the assembly line in texas. they can see when a manufacturing problem, maybe an engineering problem. liz: walter isaacson, congratulations on another terrific book and a great movie coming out. we salute you, come back soon. great to have you on. happy veterans day everybody. senator marsha blackburn, house oversight sheriff james comeau, former nsa to mike pence, lieutenant jennifer granholm are partnering with u.s. vets for the cause campaign and honor of veterans day. you can donate to that. thank you for joining us, let's send it over to dagen and sean


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