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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 15, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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see ya next week. larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow, the big march for israel happening right now in washington, d.c. tens of thousands of people, let's get to it with our great friend john roberts. coanchor of america reports, live in dc. so john, this thing quickly organized. i don't know how many people you got there. a lot of politics. how did you read this. what is the significance. >> it was an extraordinary afternoon here. we had tens of thousands of people, they gave us a final coup of number who came down. it was a massive rally. on washington mall. there was one moment where four members of congress, speaker johnson, hakeem jeffries chuck schumer and
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joni ernst, republicans and democrats raised hands and held -- raised their arms and held hands in a show of solidarity. how often do you see that in dc, then families of hostages who were held in israel, very compelling. and one of them saying, you can abhor the suffering of the palestinian people and be oabhor suffering of families like mine they live out each day not knowing the fate of their loved ones was it was an extraordinary gathering, marked by peaceful nature of it. in contrast to some of what we've seen across country. larry: for a change, a pro-israel something or other we had several weeks of basically anti-israel and anti-semitic kinds of marches, de demonstrations and politicians all of the
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rest. i don't want to spoil it. but, i was watching, i could not watch all of it, but i saw sip tor sheuker t -- sense to evsenator schumer talk about how purpose israel is, but he is holding up a vote on getting them money. we have steve scalise coming in. but, i am glad -- listen, for israel, totally, i wish they would give them their money and their ammunition, this is important to israel. >> there is no question there is an urgency. to that money for israel, i have talked with republicans as well, who say, have put ukraine money in there too we can't forget about what is happening. israel is in a significant fight gaip against hamas. to some degree, that is the case. but, they are filing like we
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cannot live day-to-day with the threat of another october 7 that is why they have to decapitate hamas, but you look at ukraine as well, that is an existential threat, if russia is allowed to rollover ukraine, that gets rid of democracy as we know there and that puts rest of ea eastern europe and maybe parts of western europe at risk. that is purpose. one final -- important. >> on nature of bipartisanship hire, i really think we saw this demonstrated just an hour ago mar martha maccallum show, you have hillary clinton's right hand man for so long on same program at same time, in absolute agreement about what was going on today in washington. what we saw today has brought together both sides. in a way that i lament it
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could be a model for way washington could work going forward, i know this is just a moment in time. larry: i'm for it. john. one other point. davidi columnist in washington most predicting immediate announcement from a variety of sources will be a five-day ceasefire. and some kind of hamas, israel, palestinian hostage swap, maybe 70 plus, women and children, and 5 day ceasefire. are you hearing much about that. >> well, this is the deal ha is brokered with participation of united states through the qatari government, which brokered a couple of other hostage releases this would be an extended paused, if you will. i don't know you want to call it a ceasefire that
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different. but aic tinn a extended paused to perhaps allow women and children to be released from hamas custody, back into hands of israel, the big question is, if you give hamas a five-day break, what does this have an opportunity to do in those 5 days? israel may have gaza city surrounded. it may have the al-shifa hospital surrounded. an interesting development there, and that is the united states john ki john kirby has confirmed they have been -- hamas has been using the hospitals for their military. >> hamas is still firing rockets. if you give them a five-day pause, what does that give hamas an opportunity to do? there is also a real concern that if you give hamas a
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pause, some of the leadership may be able to escape maybe try to go to southern gaza, israel womb hawould have to keep a tight rein . >> this is a surprising development if it occurs. it runs couper to what prime minister netanyahu has been saying this is what bidens seem to want, it looks like they might win this round. unez frommiunfreezing 10 billion dollars of iranian assets wow. >> i was talking with mark from defense for democracies, he is in israel right now, meeting with some of the israeli mil military leaders, he said it is the wrong thing to do particularly at this time. the state department said,
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look, there are strict controls on this money. we never denied food, as we know money is fungible. the same way money that was held by south korea and transferred to qatar could be fungible. every dollar that iran dud not have to spend on looking av humanitarian needs, it can spend somewhere else. so i think there are people who are making a valid argument that given iran further access to wash in foreign banks will end up biting us in the you know what? >> yes. >> and, and. but the very sharp ir irk ropirony, that iranian proxies continue to attack the americans, and state department on other hand is renewing waiver to allow them access to foreign banks. larry: unbelievable. i am sorry, this is
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objectively unbelievable. and that will be a big outcry, i know you covered it with sandra, a terrible story. john roberts. >> smarter people than i are in charge over there at state department. because -- i would think that dud not make sense. larry: john. are you sure about that, maybe we should talk, i don't know. john roberts best of the best. you can catch john and sandra smith on america reports weekdays 1-3 eastern on fox news, one of these nights we'll do 60 minutes with john roberts. >> my riff on business about unfrozen assets, the bidens black is white and white is black, and team wid biden does not know the truth. riddle me this, pentagon spokesperson was asked if
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iranian deterrents is working 56 attacks on u.s. troops later, she said yes. yes. that is 56 attacks and growing. sure it is working or regarding iran waivers to unfreeze 10 billion, dollars, there is no country in world where we deny access to food and medicine, i have one, how bir about iran oh, hamas or gaza, or iranian terrorist proxies, i would deny them access to anything after they murder 1400 people on october 7 and continue to murder innocent civilians, if team biden had integrity they would not give iran or its proxies a wooden nickel, 10 billion of frozen money originally allowed iraq to import electricity and gas. from iran, in addition to do
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with food and medicine. >> now, these frozen funds are in an escrow account in babaghdad that is where they should be main, forever, we're at war, war. even though state department may not know it like the 6 billion dollars in frozen assets that the biden hostage deal. money is fungible. give iran any money, means they can spend similar ai aim forever their murdering purposes, someone in state department, must have taken an economic course at some point in their leavings are bidens keep saying they are enforcing iranian economic banks be and energy sanctions but news reports are proliferates that china oil imports from iran that now total about 40 billion in annual rate are financing the terrorist war.
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and in fact china oil importing from russia totally 66 billion dollars. are financing the ukraine war. china is finishing at leave two -- financing at leave two wars against the united states is that simple. biden administration continuing to deny it. the bidens have not lifted one finger to enforce sanctions to impound an iranian oil tanker or sink a ship or bomb an oil field. both wars are aimed at the united states assaul -- ultimately biden will pet meet with chinese president xi jinping tomorrow which governor newsom has prettied up for the occasion, they want to deescalate, manage competition. ? without acknowledging that china is our adversary,
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enemy? team biden just welcomed russia to the western economic meeting, let's all befriends with our enemies, black is white and white is black, yes is no, no is yes, just like the economy, the bidens are incapable of telling the truth, remember president cut budget deficit, and liberal "washington post" awarded him a bottomless pinnochio there was no inflation. remember he inherited a reeling economy, trump handed him a 6. 5% growth rate with less than 1.5 pirt5% inflation, and this doozy today. >> you know i have seen first hand, what reports made clear, the devastating toll of climate change. and the existential threat to all of us, it is the ultimate threat to humanity, climate change.
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>> really? look at him. however, 1500 scientists wrote a letter saying, there is no climate emergency that includes 4 nobel prize winners. again, no is yes, yes is no bidens are incapable of tells the truth, and they are appeasing our worst enemies and they are making the world an incredibly dangerous place. that is the bottom line. that is the part that is the toughest of all, that is my riff. >> all right, so, let's bring in our great friend steve scalise, louisiana conditicongressman. majority leader, republicans in house, good to see you, been a while. you look well, thank you. >> i'll ways great to be with you larry even in these crazy times. larry: i'm a fray afraid so, mr. majority leader, you have to stop the 10 billion in unfrozen assets that go
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to iran, you have to stop it, sir. >> yes this is crazy. this since santee, and -- insanity, thursday this week we'll have a vote on house floor to block 6 billion in transfers that joe biden wants to send in iran in the hostage swap. and iran is largest state sponsor of terrorism, they are the funder of hamas, if you want to support israel in their war against hamas, which we're in for, why would you dare give iran a indictmea -- a dimi, that money will end up in hands of the ai the aqof the a criii. >> aia. >> it is easier to produce, and sense oil made in iran in the world than this
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america. biden is making it harder to produce energy in america. we talk about this all of the time, but, energy production in america is harder than making energy in iran. because of biden's policies. that gives iran more money to fund terrorism this is insanity. larry. larry: steve scalise, can you amend it. i think you have to make a point. because the bidens are playing fast and loose with the truth. and helping our enemy, iran is there something you can to do a mend it. i would say put the sanctions in the too. they are letting that if and china imports of oil financing that damn war othe frozen and unfrozen assets is there something you can do to bundle them together? >> we passed sanctions a
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couple of wie weeks ago but this slo vote we just found out about 10 billion we're looking at this but we heard passed last week out of committee the bill on 6 billion dollars that is money that this president biden negotiated months ago on a hostage swap that everyone said was a horrible deal, this was before the attacking on israel where biden of the already playing footsie with iran and after the attacks everyone said you should not fifth them money, watch the -- not give them money, watch the vote. democrats and committee were split on this every single republican and democrat should slow the for this bill. to say iran should not be getting money what they use that money to fund terrorism against israel and american troops, we'll have a vote on house floor thursday and look at that 10 billion that
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popped up today, but 6 billion coming up for a vote thursday. larry: i think by thursdays you want to bundle them both. i believe america will be outraged, 1400 people killed and we're unfreezing assets. this is a lie, state department -- is wrong it has nothing to do with food and medicine it is electricity, just a lot of crap, they will not till t tell the truth. last one steve scalise. speaker mike johnson when semi-clever plan. two-stepping continuing resolution. it will pass? will we avoid government shut down? >> it will pass, the biggest thing it breaks a paradigm where we get christmas eve omnibus bills, nobody reads
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them, they are dumped 3 thousand pages the night before the vote it has garbage in this, bills has no matter what, it has things you find out later. we have to stop the cycle, the speaker negotiated pushing to january, have a fight over border security in january and start working on appropriation bills that we have already passed through house that control spending and address radical regulations that biden administration is imposed on the nation that are crushing jobs, and raising costs on families. and then in january, we'll have a fight over getting our border secure, which needs to happen. larry: scee steve scalise, god bless you, thank you for coming on the show. >> bless you,. larry: all right, coming up on kudlow. what happens when a 5 day cease-fire hostage deal? former israeli counterterrorism veteran
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aaron cohen will tell us when kudlow returns. a little bit different than what we heard 24 hours ago. but, we will learn much more stay with us, right here and stop this money going to iran, just stop. is ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage—
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larry: big news, "washington post," davidic ns -- what happens with a 5 day ceasefire hostage teal. let's bring in our great friend aaron cohen, former israeli counterterrorism veteran. all right, aaron, i don't think, i'm for the hostage
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deal, but five-day ceasefire seems to be a part of this. it just does not sound like a fabulous thing. >> we talked about this before, i want to take us to 35 days ago. we first sat down. told you israel done invent counterterrorism but they perfected it right now, you are see will dismantling of hamas leadership, hamas is getting desperate, they are asking for time. they need it. their leadership has been decapitated. there are skirmishes happening under ground in the tunnels, military and police hq in gaza taken by israel, entire tunnel system has been mapped. and the desperation is wreaking, hamas is leaning into the propaganda. as we have seen, it is
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nonsense. a lot is prerecorded. film in hollywood style, put out the media. certain elements of media are biting, and media is getting desperate too. but hamas they need this conflict. this is part of the palestinian national identity, i am leaning into that, you have been around intelligence community has long as i have, you get a good sent of psychology and behavior and how they relate with counterterrorism operations. larry: i think -- >> hamas is being decapitated. larry: i understand. the a annihilation mission is on course. i get that. but, we were talking with john roberts about that, about this issue. prime minister netanyahu seemed to be against 5 days. now it is 5 days, the
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question i'm asking, is not whether hamas is winning, i know they are getting clobbered but does this not give them resupply room or maybe you know exit room? maybe they will just you know cut and run? i am concerned -- that is all, that israel has opinion forced by -- been forced by u.s. government to do something that israel really doesn't want to do in military terms. >> well, i agree with you 100% and with john 100%. will will say, with this type of of operation, you see right now, not ifer everything is what it seems, and we have talked about it biden will talk and pander and say what he needs to say at the end of the day this is an israeli-lead operation and mission, note everyth -- not everything is what it seems, remember that time is
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a friend not just to hamas to reload. we have those supply tunnels covered. we know that hamas has been moving to the south of gaza because they are forced to at-this-point. there is several hundred odor thousand hamas terrorists running around with no terrorist leaders, their heads are off. keep in mind with ceasefires, that are longer than typical tactical pauses that we've seen for humanitarian efforts where israel has been providing close protection to the palestinians to the enemy, to their civilians and helping them get safely to south of gaza, because palestinians matter to us, not everything is as it seems, remember at the end of the day that time is a friend to israel as well. to me that ridges hostage -- ridges t ringing the hostage bill, where they are more plan, they are good piece, the five-day
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cease-fire, if it happens there are other pieces that are layered in there, keep it in mind. >> i just, you know. look, you are a print, aaron cohen, have out th out the us a lot -- taught us a lot, but the politicians meddling in life and death mission. i don't like it one damn bit. that is why i'm raising the issue, but i hear you. i don't think that it would have been my favorite option but i'm not on the front lines, i am not experienced. >> we say in my unit -- which means by way of deception. larry: all right. i lik by the way. i will say, i had the economy minister on last night, he was the fabulous, he was fa fabulous, prin
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aaron cohen helping us gain as he always does. >> coming up next on kudlow. inflation is down, stocks are up big. is it for real? i don't know, kudlow trust did okay. and when will president biden understand china is our enemy? they are the ad adversary, they are not our allies. it is not friendly competition we will talk with former trump trade rep robert lighthizer and joe biden open border will cost taxpayers 450 billion a year, we have former trump official steve miller who knows about immigration. all that and cu kudlow returns. fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund
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. larry: inflation down, stocks up, we go to gerri willis, what you got? reporter: cooler inflation data sense stocks soaring. labor department reporting that prices were flat month-to-month. core inflation, high a higher, numbers taking investors by surprise, all 3 markets in rally mode. nasdaq with a gain of 326. what a performance. treasury yields cratering, wall street betting that the rate hike is over. and devil is in details, expert upbeat showing in october to decline in always
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volatile energy prices, gas down 5%. on other side shelter prices continuing higher, rents 3/10 of a percent higher, deeper to food prices, egg prices falling 22%. but thbutter and milk falling but some remain sticky ground beef, up 7.9%. not everyone says -- for workers real wages continue to decrease. since month biden came into office real wages down 3.3%. larry. larry: that is a key point the last one. other thing, i learned from gerri willis, eat eggs not meat. >> thank you so much. >> now let's turn to china. big meeting is wednesday tomorrow in san francisco, i don't know why the bidens don't understand that china is not our friend, they are our enemy. joining us now robert
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lighthizer brilliant former u.s. trade rip during the tr representative during trump administration. bob lighthizer web to the show my friend. you know, china is financing through oil imports, as you know, two wars, the iranian war against israel and united states and russian war against united kingdom and united states and point number 2, i have not heard a thing 'tougher trade policy, and point number three. they keep talking about managing competition. what does that mean? that is not the game, bob lighthizer. >> no, it is not. as one of your other guests said we live in scary times, look at the -- we days problem the biggest geo political and economy threat in american history, this
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administration does in th not understand, they think that china is like a switzerland. the presidepresident said it is in our interest to help chinese have good jobs, that is not true, it is in our best interest to have americans have good jobs, a spokesman said that president will try to -- xi jinping to say it is not in their interest to have instability in middle east, they are proxy wars. they want to do is have their ally iran be the other dodominant power, you combine this with fentanyl coming in united states and economic warfare. what is happening is we're showing weakness that i' emboldens someone who wants to take us down. they are more aggressive.
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more adventure some than in decades this a scary time. and fact they are getting together. and adding another element to this, that is maybe the real reason that meeting is for xi jinping to meet with the businessmen according to mike gallagher spending up to $40 thousand a piece to have dinner with him, when trump administration starved china of new american investment and the business people will be enticed to have more vistme investment in china, investor am should in u.s. there is a difficult time, the biden administration does not understand this. larry: trade deficit is still 350 billion a year? i don't see are they enforcing the phase one trade deal or intellectual property threat or transfer of technology, i don't get it, no one is saying anything, there is a talk about, you have seen it
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administration talking about deescalating and wall street talking about it this is wonderful. this is just the most unrealistic approach imaginable. >> it is total appease am. ment, you talk trade deficit and money transferred to other sources for terrorism and like, that is u.s. money, those are u.s. dollars that 380 trade deficit and technology theft and profit from fentanyl, we it u.s. money that is building up china and paying there a for this we should be doing, they are not keeping phase one deal, we should use it has a ryan t reason for a strategic becoupling one that is smart for america, biden administration is
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encouraging more u.s. business to operate in china, more investment in china, and doing the opposite of what they should be doing. their trade policy has a contradiction in it, sounds like it is designed by a bunch of lobbyists in washington, they were going around as ai asia this is an inconsistent policy -- fierce dangerous times. -- these are dangerous times. larry: they are, i am reading your book carefully, we don't have time to go through it tonight, we will. but i'm reading this. you are right. the test of trade policy should be the impact on the middle class, working folks, on manufacturing i agree. okay. i'll say that, ill acknowledi'll acknowledge it on the air. >> we'll sit down here in palm beach and talk china
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stuff we agree on, other stuff you are coming around i'm proud of you. larry: i'm moving. we have more time from bob lighthizer, terrific. other thing, i don't want to emphasize it, but we have not done a damn thing on enforcing the sanction on china oil imports. china is funding the iranian terror war, china is funding the russian ukrainian war. i don't see any discussion of that. i don't see calmness talking about it or the administration talking about it. we it tough sanction i trump administration, they were enforced but now they are lost, we're in trouble, the lest minute on that, china is funding two wars against the united states. >> there is no question, but, take the next step, where is that money coming from? that money is coming from us. coming from a bad trade policy, from our surrender
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to them economically. that is where that money is coming from it is this bad chinese trade policy that is really out there funding this adventurism in the world and the fentanyl. larry: all right. terrific stuff. bob light -- there there is no understanding by this administration. larry: no we're blowing the whistle, ringing the bell, appreciate it, bob lighthizer, trade rep in trump administration, a heck of a good book. >> now to different direct talk about taxpayers. 450 billion dollars bill for illegal i'm grajts th immigrant per year, joining me steve miller. former white house senior policy adviser, steve miller 450 billion is a lot of money that is annual bill according to the studies. >> yes, the cost of illegal
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immigration is ir immense in terms of healthcare, schools, and transportation and infrastructure, and housing, emergency room costs as well. larry: so, my question now is what are we going to do about it? open borders, you know, can't get a senate congressional vote on this, we can't afford it. but not just an issue of dollars and cents, we have wrecked our sovereignty and our borders and had economic damage. and you know sex trafficking and drug trafficking and the rest, i saw former president trump talk about going back to eisenhower policy to remove some of these illegal immigrants if possible, what do you think? >> there is no other way. if you have a policy where a left wing administration comes in and opens up border and lets 10 million illegals
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in a new dang -- administration comes in even if they seal the border the other 10 million get to stay. you have completely changed american society already in permanent ways, the new illegals will have children, and birth right citizenship, and they will have chain migration and i will vote for more welfare and various affects of mass illegal immigration, you don't have an alternative you have to remove the people who came illegally, while at the same time prevent entry of new illegal aliens be it is like a flooded basement, you turn off leaky pipe or exploding massive pipe bursts. you don't actually drain the basement of the flood? steve miller, other point. you know the numbers are moving, rapidly, so we used to talk about 11 million and now under biden there is
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whatever the number is 5 or 6 million more, i see estimates 25 to 30 million illegals that is contributing to the cost. that is also another reason why somehow we have to take a remedial action is it not? >> yes, nobody knows the true number. likely orders of magnitude larger than public estimates, they don't generally comply with census surveys. if you don't have a policy of removing people who have been let into the country the message to the world is, our borders don't matter, our laws don't matter, our rules don't matter, over stay a visa, slip past border patrol or find a friendly democrat administration and you can stay for life. let's day your tax rate is 90%. you have to repeal the taxes that are already in effect.
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you have to remove the illegal aliens that biden let in by the millions. larry: i love these supply side tax metaphors, terrific stuff, steve miller thank you. >> thank you. larry: a quick break, coming up, new speaker mike johnson said that biden impeachment dots have not yet been connected, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett is coming in to conta to connect them, i'm kudlow, we'll connect, we connection after the break. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better.
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larry: we'll have most brilliant wrap up. speaker mike johnson says that biden impeachment dots have not yet been connected, joining us now in the business of connecting dots, great gregg jarrett, fox news legal analyst. author of the new book. the constitution of the united states available everywhere. are the dots connected? >> johnson doesn't know he has not read in, he has been to byy getting elected speaker, now avoiding a different shut down, chairman comer said he has
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connected dots that demonstrate dom place tie of joe biden -- the compli complicity of joe biden. over his son. comer says he knows who paid the millions to the bidens, he believes he knows why. which is why he waited until now to issue the subpoena to ask specific substantive pointed questions. larry: checking in banks deposits down lie. >> you know. follow the money. it is the old saying, and it is there for a reince. and so, you know, look. only one who can ep for enforce the congressional subpoena is joe biden department of justice and merrick garland will not do that. larry: hunter biden will not testify. >> his lawyer said he will. i do know believe him. larry: sara biden will not. >> now.
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larry: who is sara biden, she is last one. >> there are -- 9 different biden family members, including aid grand kid who is just an infant. what did the infant do for the money. larry: oh >> buy gre (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life.
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