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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  November 16, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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for the morning on my walkup alarm clock. just kidding. larry: we can do it. elizabeth: i want it in my stocking, larry. better deliver. good to see you, my friend. this story, the battle to rescue hostages and israeli mother taken hostage was murdered by hamas. we have the story. why this, why only one protester arrested in the anti-israel riot in dc last night that injured capitol police? peaceful march from israel and antony blinken wincing on camera and china and removal of the homeless for china's visit to "putting socks in the hammer". the news coming in and gag order on trump just temporarily lifted in the new york fraud case and this story irony the randi
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wiengarten teacher's union called a strike against get this, itself. trump heads to texas border and act of powerful new state law to deport illegal immigrants. i'm elizabeth macdonald and the evening edit starts right now. joining us now, retired lieutenant colonel bob mcbegin necessary. the certain -- mcguinness and he served in the army for 40 years and we have richard goldburg, he's a senior adviser at foundation of defensive democracies. colonel, this news, israel recovered body of a 65-year-old mother of five murdered by hamas. her husband also murdered by hamas on 10/7. her body, colonel, was found in a structure adjacent to a hospital in gaza. why are democrats, americans,
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anyone protesting against israel and standing with terrorists that commit such atrocities? >> yeah, liz, the stand in the media unfortunately is that israel's at fault inspite of the fact that the israelis have demonstrated through all sorts of video and other evidence that hamas, you know, did some absolutely horrific attacks, you know, beheading babies, burning alive women and children, and these sorts of things should not be tolerated but yet, you know, you have people even in this country who have been having a demented view of what's really going on. that misinformation unfortunately is promoted by not only leftist media, but you have a number of conduits and to a certain degree, you know, tiktok as we know and others that are permeating even the truth in this country. elizabeth: what the colonel susan li said, richard, this is
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about the slaughter and abduction of innocent civilians. 32 americans were murdered among the 1200 killed. untold number of americans among the 239 held hostage. richard, let's listen to the heart breaking speech from american mom rachel goldberg. rachel is the mother of son hersh goldberg poland who's now held hostage by hamas. >> right now, how we are living is hard to describe to you. we hostage families have lived the last 39 days in slow motion torment. why, why is the world accepting that 240 human beings from almost 30 countries have been stolen and buried alive? elizabeth: richard, your reaction? richard. >> well, it's absolutely heart
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breaking what she and all the families are going through right now. but i will say when we look out at that crowd that she was speaking to, american flags waving all across that rally this week in washington, and you see the pictures outside the democratic n national committee, trying to tear down american flags in the country and attack members of congress. these are terrorist -sponsoring thugs and they don't represent most of americans. who's funding them and sponsoring them? elizabeth: we're going to stay on that story later in the hour. colonel u do you believe these reports hamas and israel talking about a release of 50 women and children in exchange for three to five day ceasefire? >> well, that's certainly something that i think mr. biden talked about that in the news conference last night and he started to until anthony blinken kind of nodded not to. it appears if that's in the
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works. now whether or not the people in qatar where all the rich hamas leaders are are going to agree to that, but the idf should not stop this effort unfortunately. we need to make sure that they destroy hamas otherwise as the president said last night, they're going to return and do exactly the same thing as soon as they can. elizabeth: the president just did say that, you know, richard, he also said it's a war crime that hamas hid its military headquarters inside a hospital to use gazan civilians and patients as human shields. the idf found weapons inside a gaza hospital, mri x-ray room, antitank missiles and rockets hidden in children's strollers and under a girl's bed. >> well, that's absolute reigns leading right. hamas is critting a war crime every single day. they use people as human shields, using civilian locations like hospitals, like mosques for their terror
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infrastructure and urn the laws of war, israel is doing everything correctly, morally justified, working to destroy this terror infrastructure while minimizing civilian casualties and if you force a cease far, you allow hamas to survive, they'll rebuild and rearm and many october 7s to come. now is the time to finish this off. elizabeth: they're asking israel to lay down their arms. hamas will not lay down its arms. what richard was saying, colonel, when you compare the peaceful march in israel to the absolute mayhem of the riot last night at dnc head harters, colonel, the -- headquarters, there was no violence, no calls for genocide, no faces covered, no masks. just one rioter arrested last night, six cops were injured. they were pepper spraying cops in house office buildings, congressional office builds put under lockdown.
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>> yeah, these were professional agitators and antifa people dressed all in black and whoever is going to pay them, they'll go do their bidding. you're right, the massive rally the other day was incredibly peaceful. it was a testimony to what the first amendment is all about. it's these radicals that are paid professionals that are out there agitating and waving the palestinian flag that are not only undermining this country, but are promoting genocide as far as i'm concerned. elizabeth: colonel maginnis and richard goldberg, thank you for your insights. we appreciate you. let's talk to congresswoman cat cammick. you were involved in that riot last night. what happened in >> good to see you, liz. last night was unnerving and i was coming back from an event with my chief of staff and trying to get access into the capitol complex and were denied
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of the western and the southern portions. you could hear the clashes between capitol police and the protesters. again, these are people who are screaming at police officers, pepper spraying them, using bicycle racks as weapons and getting in their face. it was unnerving not being able to gain access to the secure facility, because you're like a sitting duck out there. so just more of the same of what we see out of this group that the pro hamas protesters. elizabeth: we got to switch to this latest round of blunders. blunders and gaffes. let's get your reaction. gavin newsom getting heavy criticized for clearing out the homeless people in san francisco for the visit for china's leader equating it to putting dirty socks in the hamper. watch this. >> any time you put on an event by definition, you have people over at your house, you're going to clean up the house. you're going to make sure the kids make their beds.
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take the socks and put them in the drawer, the hamper. elizabeth: really, it's like putting homeless people are like socks in the hamper? and president biden said newsom could have his job in the white house? >> it never ceases to amaze me the things that come out of both of those men's mouth. i think governor desantis will make quick work of governor newsom later this month. the visit from president xi was appalling and not a single american flag in sight paraded through the streets of san francisco. where did they take those people and how much did it cost taxpayers to wipe the human fee feces off the street and gets homeless encampments cleaned up and all the other things they had to do. by the way, while xi is talking about pandas as the symbolism of friendship and they're going to send us more pandas, biden was mum, silent, on active genocide that the chinese dictator is
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engaging in his own country. he was silent on the fentanyl that the over 160 factories that china blesses produces the fentanyl and kills over 100,000 americans every single year, and was silent on the covid virus, which killed millions that originated in china and yet still no consequences. it was disgusting. between that and the pro hamas protesters we've had a belly full this week and americans should be outraged. elizabeth: let's get your reaction to the sec take evansville tear of state antony blinken winces as china called out him as a dictator and then the president walks that back. watch this. >> look, he is, he's a dictator in the sense that he's a guy that run as country that is the [inaudible]. >> the cast of socialism with chinese characteristics found under the guidance of scientific
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socialism. our path different but both are the choice by our people and both lead to the realization of common values of humanity. elizabeth: china putting out statements that it's wrong to call him a dictator. congresswoman, get back to what you were talking about. the president listed his concerns but what do climate change, the focus on climate change put on the back burner and human rights abuses and the coverup of the covid pandemic origins and low expectations were met because really the focus on climate change. >> yeah, i mean, that to me was just absolutely unacceptable that that was the best they could do was talk about climate change while again, i remind everyone that china is one of the worst offenders when it comes to carbon emissions, zero
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regard f environmental regulatis or laws and zero behavior on how they should operate. they believe in basically no rules should apply to them, and we see that every single day in their manufacturing practices, in how they regard other nations. they don't play by any international standard. we see that with spectrum 5g policy, we see that with climate initiatives and policy, we see that with human rights. they are on a totally different playing field than the rest of the world, and so i actually am shocked that biden said what he said because he -- wasn't -- and the rest of the world has not essentially agreed to. xi is a dictator and he says people have a choice, no, there are no choices to be had in china. you're dictating what you accept and if you don't comply, we see how they treat people and what they do to their own people. they have an active genocide of
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people that have a divergent opinion in their country. elizabeth: congresswoman kat, thank you for joining us. it's good to have you on. sorry, we're running out of time. we'll have you back on. good to see you. still ahead, congressman carlos gimenez, they want another 2024 challenger against biden on the ticket. they're saying no to biden. an appeals court judge just temporarily lifted the gag order in the new york civil fraud case and news coming in the dc appeals court will take on the gag order in trump in the federal 2020 election interference case. that's next. these stories on "the evening edit". >> going to be a real [bleep]. >> we will rise up together and we will resist this president. that ultimately will bring him
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including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans. learn, compare, even enroll—all in one place. give us a call now. we'll guide you to a plan that fits your needs. at hellomedicare, it all starts with a few simple questions so we can get to know what's important to you. then, we'll match you with plans that fit your needs, from well-known names in medicare. compare benefits. compare costs. it's easy. and when you feel good about a plan... we'll sign you up. done. and. done. the annual enrollment period is here. so, let's do this. give us a call today and speak with one of our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. and say hello to an easier way to do medicare. elizabeth: joining us now, fox news legal analyst greg jerkins, he's the author oturu u brand
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new book patriotic documents. i can't wait to read it. greg, this breaking news that just came in late in the day, a court victory for trump. what do you make of this new york appeals court judge? he just temporarily lift that had gag order on the former president and his legal team in the new york civil fraud case. now, the judge is saying, this was a violation, this gag order, of trump's constitutional free speech rights. what did you think of this? >> oh, it's the correct decision. almost all judicial gag orders on defendants are egregious violations of our constitutional, which is what my book is about, a violation of the first amendment. the trouble is that most decision is the financial wherewithal and challenge to a higher court and trump is different and he did precisely that. you know, it's almost sadist to
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do that and that's what letecia james did and you're going to gag the person on the other side of the bench to responding in defending himself? this is the right decision. elizabeth: you know, former president trump asked the dc court of appeals to lift the partial gag order imposed by federal judge in the 2020 case, but special council jack smith is fighting that. the arguments are set for monday in the dc appeals court. do you think trump is going to win this one too? >> yeah, i think he has a very good chance of winning it and, look, his constitutional right to speak freely to respond to these charges in public is especially acute, liz, because he's the leading candidate for president in the republican party. so his free speech rights are
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vital, and you have jack smith who stood in front of the national television audience in -- once he filed the charges, and as james did, he convicted trump of the court of public opinion. you've got to allow a candidate for president during an election to be able to respond to these charges. elizabeth: gregg, new york state's attorney general james accused former president trump of "trying to cover up lies by seeking a mistrial in the fraud case against him". trump team filed that 30 page notion claiming the judge was biased. before the trial the judge made sames that trump is a bad guy and the ag should go after him but, gregg, this trial has due process. no jury, don't have to prove intent to defraud or have victims? >> yeah, absolutely and in fact, they're using and contorting, in fact mangling this consumer
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protection executive law that completely undermines more than a century of established common law on civil fraud in which you have to be able to prove as the state attorney in this particular case the intent to deceive that someone knowingly made false statements. the judge has thrown this out the window so there are due process concerns here, but it also violates the constitutional protection on commercial speech. it is essentially a threat to take away an entire in a billion dollar business for an defendant in a u.s. supreme court. that's good news for trump but even though the judge is going to rule against him, there's solid ground for appeal. elizabeth: got it, gregg jarrett, thank you for your
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expertise. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: coming up, steve forbes and nancy tangler and trump again leads biden in the new ugov poll and majority of democrats want to see another democrat challenge biden oturu the 2024 ticket. and the irony is rich here. workers at the nation's largest labor union, we're talking teacher's union run by randi wiengarten and they authorized a strike against itself. it's on "the evening edit" next. >> they challenge us, the corporations challenge it, the student loan lenders challenge it. that is not right. that is not fair, and that is what we're fighting as well. changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you.
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tangler investments, nancy tangler and steve forbes. randi wiengarten and nea voted to go on strike against the treacheries union this. is the union calling for strikes at schools hurting children and they're now strike against themselves? >> i think it's a rich justice for that union and randi wiengarten, and it's too bad that not more are doing it. they did immense harm to the students of this country. really set millions back in their education and unnecessarily closed the schools and so by doing that much harp, they deserve that little strike, and i hope more join it. also underscores by the way what happen when is you have biden inflation, people want to keep up with the cost of living. so she gets rich contract for teachers and shows them not to show up in classrooms and getting a little bit of their own medicine, i hope they get more of it. elizabeth: yeah, more of it.
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what do you think, nancy? >> aidoo grow with steve. -- i agree with steve. it's a shakespeareen way of reap what you sow. i know one thing and low-income families are the ones that pay for this kind of nonsense out of their pocketbook, and i think americans are getting tired of it. i had the great privilege of teaching the great books at college level and you learn one thing from the great books is that's human nature never changes and that's what we're seeing. this has all been done in sector 4 and doesn't help anyone. elizabeth: we hear you, nancy. this is being called major gaslighting by the democrat national committee that not even a democrat can believe what they're saying and they're claiming biden on average created 423,000 jobs every month and that trump lost an average of 56,000 a month? this is kind of the propaganda that voter wills see.
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the dnc is attacking trump for jobs lost during covid shutdowns but then giving biden credit for the economy clawing back those jobs after reopening. >> i think it was mark wayne kuwaiting the israeli prime minister, lies, damn lies and statistics and that's the game they're playing there with mcking the beginning what -- picking the beginning and what we have today. they're digging themselves in a big bad hole politically as the economy gets worse next year. the jobs reports in the next two months and not very good digging in and revised downwards and household survey with a better survey in terms of employment of small businesses, that went down sharply last month and up the month before. you got real head winds coming on the economy, and these guys are boasting about it, calling it bidenomics. that's covidnomics of the great depression and it's not going to help joe biden win the election
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next year. he's not going to be on the ballot for democrats next year. elizabeth: biden cannot take credit for about 70% of the job growth he's taken credit for. nancy, this story. a new yahoo poll majority of democrat pryor natural rights approach voters, 54% say they don't want to see biden on the ticket. they want another democrat on the ticket in 2024. there's fox news where biden is losing key democrat voting basis and trump is leading biden in the poll. what do you think? >> i think even at the corporate level, liz, we have age limits for ceos and members of the board of directors and what people are seeing is severely diminished man who is making policy decisions that are not benefiting them personally so the ft polls show 14% of americans think they are better off financially since president biden took office, and i'm pretty sure that 14% lives
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inside the beltway. they are out of touch with america and i think that both parties should take a fresh look because we really do need young leadership in the country. elizabeth: yeah, what nancy's saying, steve, you know what's showing the way and you've been big on this, 25 states: arizona, new hampshire and on, they've cut individual income taxes over the past three years. >> a bun, iowa, georgia, idaho moving to a flat tax and arkansas and mississippi, they want to wipe out income taxes all together like the likes of florida and texas. this is a big rendition of anthony buick to how they're doing it in dc. >> that's one great thing of the federal system and state cans do things differently, and we see the stark contrast between new york, california, illinois, and the red states that are cuts tax rates and making themselves business friendly. they're getting people, they're getting capital, they're getting growth, they have a better future. i hope one of the republican candidates comes along and advocates something bold like
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the flat tax or big tax cut like ronald reagan did in 1980 and show the country we can get this country moving again in a good, bold, and positive direction. people are hungering for it and they've shown it on the state level. elizabeth: i knew we'd get early christmas talk from steve with the flat tax talk. steve and nancy, you're wonderful. we'll have you back on again soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: who's behind the majority of anti-israel protest across america? fingers are starting to point to a multimillionaire tech mogul and his activist wife. we'll explain. and miranda devine is fired up and ready to go. new developments in the house impeachment inquiry into president biden. that's coming up next on "the evening edit". ♪
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elizabeth: look who's here. new york post columnist, she's the author of the best service connected laptop from hell. miranda devine, good to see you again. okay, we're taking on this news coming in, breaking news.
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"the wal"the wall street journas reporting special council ro rot hur is giving president biden a slap on the wrist for mishandling documents. he was dating back to the time when he was senator, possibly even reportedly dating back to the '70s. this smacks of a double standard. >> oh, yes. it's also the least surprising news of the week, i don't think anyone really expected that robert hurricane, who's entire ingiorgini reigns leading -- robert herr's entire inquiry was lacking and robert herr did the right thing by keeping it all quiet, but you can tell just from the financial filings that i think jack smith's outfit was spending something like three times more than robert herr and
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a smaller inquiry and also there were documents that joe biden had secreted a way, classified documents in all sorts of places whether in his garage, or his home in delaware or office in delaware or office at university of pennsylvania. there were a lot of documents in a lot of different place and unlike with the trump situation, we haven't been treated to, you know, images of documents on the ground or classified folders put there by fbi agents and make it look as if there was shoppiness on the trump part. sloppiness on the trump part. we haven't had any of that. what we do know is the time line that joe biden -- his lawyers initially gave to investigators was not correct. they said that they don't only discovered these documents a couple of days before the 2022
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midterm in 2022. the time line that james comer discovered gins recently that -- much recently than that. elizabeth: yeah, james comer, chair of house oversight saying to robert hurricane, we want to know mar -- robert hur, we want to know more about what you find and what the first family was doing, then vice president biden and oversees deals with the u.s. adversary. miranda, speaker johnson says it does have his full and un-waiverring support and he says, "it's already shown the crops condition duct of the president's family and the president and white house officials repeatedly lied about the president's knowledge and involvement in the family business deals. speaker johnson is saying, they've got to question key witnesses under oath, under the penalty of perjury to fill the gaps in the record. what do you see happening here?
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>> well that's good because they're -- excuse me. there'd been behind the scenes leaks, i don't know why, saying that mike johnson the speaker was luke warm about this impeachment inquiry, and i'm glad he's clear that had up. with a full throated support of it because you see that james comer and l jim jordan and the others stepped up their pace of inquiries and subpoenas and the aggression that they're using, and they need to gauze there's really not a lot of time left and the american people deserve at the very least, they deserve the truth and the full truth about joe biden and the deception he's employed particularly before the last election when his cronies including antony blinken from his campaign leaned on the
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various cia officials to write this dis-honedder letter saying the story about the hunter biden laptop was disinformation and a lot of shenanigans went onto censor the story. elizabeth: there was a lot of censorship with that story and at least 20 off balance l.l.c.,s and fake shell companies and 20,000 pages of president biden using fake e-mail addresses and seemingly clever efforts to disgraces the efforts of their money and newt gingrich said president biden meeting with xi jinping helped enrich the biden family and should worry americans. let's listen to this, watch. >> we want to see china rise. rising china is an incredibly positive development. elizabeth: this is around the time of making deal withs china, final word. >> look, he's saying we don't want to decouple from china and
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he's compromised by the millions his family got frank siller china. he's never answer that had and this is very, very worrying. elizabeth: miranda devine, thanks for joining us. see you. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: texas is taking matters into its own hands, texas is moving to enact the toughest expansion of its state border security ever. they're going to make it a state crime to cross the border illegally and they're going to start deporting people. mexico's mad about this, but we're going to take on that story and why what texas is doing is good for texas. also this news, former president trump is going to the texas border this weekend. plus, we have ben domenech on solving this mystery. who is driving the anti-israel protest nationwide? blame is getting put on that couple. we're going to explain who they are but first, let's check in with our buddy sean duffy, he's in nashville for tonight's patriot awards.
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good to see you, sean. what's coming up next hour? sean: yeah, thank you, emac. we're here and so much energy and people wanting to celebrate america and patriotism and on the show tonight, we're going to talk about the protest in dc last night at dnc protesters asking for a cease-fire turned violent. we have david webb and charlie hurt on that as well. tomi lahren unpacking that as well as dave mckormick. senate candidate ultimately in pennsylvania all coming up at the top of the hour, stay with us. ♪ explore endless design possibilities. to find your personal style. endless hardie® siding colors. textures and styles.
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elizabeth: we are very happy and excited to have back on the show, he's the editor in chief of the and he's ben domenech. ben, good to see you again. okay, ben, sit tight. we want to get your reaction to israeli actress noah t ishby giving a passionate speech to congress demanding they investigate who is funding these anti-israel protests nationwide. >> it's grooming american college students, grooming your children to hate israel, to hate america, and to hate jews. for years, universities stood by and watched this brainwashing
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take place and did nothing. with the amount of evidence linking sjp and amp members with support and financing of terrorist groups including hamas, these organizations and networks should be investigated by state police and the fbi. we need to kick these groups, it's hate groups, off of campus. there's a direct line betweenbrain washed extremists that rip down posters of kidnapped jewish children and those that rip down the american flag ahead of veteran's day. elizabeth: what do you think, ben? what's your reaction? >> look, i think that what we've learned really during this incredible, you know, past couple of weeks in seeing the kind of hate that we've seen expressed on so many college campuses is that the level to which we have a real problem in america, inflection point in which so many different groups have been able to essentially
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brainwash young college students including a number of people who frankly are within the halls of some of the most esteemed ivy league institutions in america, you know, designed to fuel -- to fuel them into all different -- all sorts of different, you know, leadership roles within society with this anti-jewish hate is really astounding, and what i think we've learned is that a lot of the funding for these groups comes from entities that we really ought to be looking at, including foreign entities across the globe that are very much mindful of their anti-israel stance and want to foment that within the leadership class opportunistic america. loop, we should treat this the same way we treat the confucius institutes and others that have been the tools of the chinese communist party on these different campuses. we should view them as foreign
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adversaries trying to foment this type of hate within our ranks in america. elizabeth: there's news coming in that apparently something like $14 billion is coming out of the mideast into universities. ben, your reaction to this story: blame for the anti-israel protest is reportedly being put on multimillionaire that's the cofounder of it consulting firm thoughtworks and his wife jodie evans as well, she's the cofounder of left wing group "pink. they're the group of the people's forum driving these protests. the couple reportedly donated over $20.4 million to the people's forum from 2017 to 2022. so there's a lot of finger pointing at them. what do you think? >> this money is being used to try to foment this kind of hatred within, you know, a section of our population of america, i think it's been very effective. i think it's essentially driven
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a lot of young americans into this horrible direction. i think we have to push back against it, we have to investigate t and we have to push out this kind of foreign influence within the halls of so many great institutions here in america that we should have pride in. elizabeth: got it. ben domenech, thank you so much. it's good to see you. okay, this story coming up, texas is now moving on its own new powerful border security law. it's going to make it a state crime to cross the border illegally. president trump, former president trump is heading to texas and the border this weekend. we're going to talk about it next on "the evening edit". ♪ with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache!
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elizabeth: joining us now, congressman carlos gimenez. congressman, good to see you again. this story, former president trump, he's heading to the texas border this weekend, he's going join texas governor greg abbott to serve meals to state troopers and members of the texas national guard stationed at the border. what do you think of this? >> i think it's a good idea. i think it brings a spotlight to what's happening at the border, not that the spotlight what's hn put on it already, but what's going on at the southern board service connected a disgrace. it's a national embarrassment and lays at the feet of president biden and secretary mayorkas, and the federal government for not doing the job they're supposed to do, which is protect the american people in
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general and people of texas in particular. the texas border illegally and gives law enforcement the power to arrest and deport illegal immigrants and it rejects the new texas law? >> when the federal government fails to protect america in general and texas in particular, when president biden does not abide by our immigration laws and does whatever they want, mayorkas does whatever he pes and you have this open border policy, that's not part of the immigration law, texas is doing what it has to do and the governor is doing what he has to do in order to protect his constituents, which are the
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citizens and the residents of texas. it's been forced on him in action and on purpose inaction of the federal government and his state is being overrun and he said enough and he'll take matters into his own hand, and i applaud him for it. elizabeth: congressman, yes, you've got to wonder who's watching the story in dc. fbi director wray testified he doesn't know where the terrorists are that crossed the border. we don't know who was in the 800,000 to 900,000 got aways. >> the got aways are much more, close to 2 million. so for mayorkas or anybody else saying don't worry about the got aways, we don't think there's terrorists in there. it took only 20 terrorists to pull off 9/11.
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so we got 2 million people and don't have the faintest idea of who they are and don't know why they here or nationality or nothing about them. they got away. probably cells that came through and got away and coming through and right now and we're encountering and coming all over and coming from africa and the middle east and china. in there, there's a number of terrterrorists and we are at muh greater risk today than before biden took office. elizabeth: congressman gimenez, thank you for joining us. good to see ewe. >> my pleasure. elizabeth: tomorrow we have monica dela cruz, again bernards healthcberetand much, much more. over to dagen and sean


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