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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 16, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow, we got breaking news on joe
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biden, xi jinping meetings, president biden polls continue to nose dive according to fox polls, he just offered his job to governor newsom i'm not sure about that, why is he pursuing iranian appeasement. here to talk about it the great bret baier. anchor of special report. thank you bret for giving us your time, tapping in you know, politically, wh xi jinping and biden, it not look like much, you tell me. >> we didn't get a lot of specifics, we got military to military con nection, they can pick up the phone, i guess that is a positive because things could happen in south china sea that are
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ugly, you have a deal around edges of a fentanyl deal that china will agree to something as far as how it enforced we have no details, it was more of a meeting it seemed for chinese president to meet with american ceos, china's economy has been hurting as of late. it seems like the u.s. should be in a position to have the upper hand. but, i'm not sure that the deliverables have been laid out be, one thing we saw president biden said it was asked whether he still thinks he is a dictator, he said yes he still is, gets all kinds of push back from the chinese, of course, president biden is right, president xi is. in that environment. larry: like that dictator part, i cannot tell a lie. one thing that puzzled me,
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state department headlines, doubles down to climate cooperation with china. as xi jinping economy -- they will build open 300 coal plants, john kerry was at the meetings no one said anything, what kind of climate cooperation are they talking about? >> it is astonishing what will happen on climate, you had secretary k john kerry two seats down, in 2022 china added 2 coal fire plants every week. and that is a stack that is not going away. i'm not sure they got deliverables from this meeting to stop it. larry: a great piece of sound i want you to hear. here is joe biden on the california governor. >> i want to talk about
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governor newsom. thank him, he has been one hell of a governor, man. he could be the -- he could have the job i'm looking for. >> now -- bret, you are the political expert, not me. i'm the business guy, did he just offer gavin newsom his job. >> you know, he was joking but sometime through the jokes you hear truth. i'm sure he hears footsteps of governor newsom, he has been at southern border, taping something about border crisis and been to china. and one-on-one with president xi and to israel. to support the israelis, that is not your average california governor travel. and i am sure president biden hearing the footsteps. larry: i mean the fox polls come out they are unfavorable for more biden most others are unfavorable.
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is there anything, in your judgment, anything to gavin newsom or other speculation? how did you read it bret baier? >> i hear it all over the place in hear it in democratic circles concerns about the president's age, i don't see larry, the how the shoe drops, how is logistically happens he gets out of the race, does not pass the baton to vice president kamala harris and suddenly gavin newsom is appointed. right now i think it is president biden looks like positions for former president trump. the way that polls are facing things. i think that gavin newsom has aspirations but maybe not this time. larry: last one, from the fox poll, again, 70% say that president biden is too accommodating to iran. that is a big issue. he has tried to shy away from that, iran has been
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hitting our military assets, i think they are up to 60 hits now, we have not really done much more than pin prick responses. where does this lead, highway -- how big a problem will this be for mr. biden or united states and security interests? >> a big deal. there are 56 attacks on u.s. troops in bases in the middle east, at the same time, the administration signed a waive t waiver to free up 10 billion dollars from iraq to pay for electricity this wafer started in -- waiver started in 2018, they have expanded it to transmit it on euros that means that money is fungible and iran will get it one way or the other, critics say, once they get that money, they can spend other money, they spend 100 million a year on hamas, 700
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million a year on hezbollah, and the other iranian proxies that are in turn going after u.s. troops at this moment, the poll you are seeing americans wake up to that. larry: i think so. we like to sell books, you are nice to come on the show. book is, to rescue the constitution, pretty, where do you think george washington's influence was most timely was the inflection point of driving the constitutional process? >> well as the head of constitutional convention he brought all sides together to big issues like state's rights versus federalism, what representation would be in big states and small states, but most purpose, important, he is the first presid
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president no body is telling him what to do, he is yeting it he stepped down after two terms. if we didn't have george washington. we would not be here talking like we are. larry: you know. i have not read the total full book, i have read parts, i think you may know right bret baier. what would we have done without george washington? almost a great book, one click on your favorite bookseller, thank you bret baier. >> thank you. larry: catch bret every night special report, 6 p.m. eastern on fox news, all right moving along on kudlow, joe biden speaking at apec in san francisco. derisking or diversifying or earl earlier, he some patchwork.
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>> let me be clear, we're derisking and diversifying our economic relation with the prc, not decoupling, we will continue our commitment to diplomacy avoid surprises and prevent misunderstandings, stable tw between the world's two largest economy is not good only for the two economies but the world. larry: i don't think that is a foreign policy, i don't understand it, elephant in room that mr. biden will never con front it. united states is free, china is a communist country, not a democracy. it is totalitarian. it is repressive and most certainly not a free nation. joe biden somehow pretends to not notice this that is a big mistake, edthink that
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americans notice it one reasons that mr. biden's foreign policy approval ratings have fallen, he avoids a realistic picture of the world scene, especially china but same biden as he tries to avoid conflict with iran, and cut and run in afghanistan and failure too deter russia in the ukraine. biden policies are about appeasement. ronald reagan a policies were about deterrents not appeasement. he said we win you lose, the biden and xi meetings were notion more than a phone -- nothing more than a phony photo op in my machine, and biden refuses to acknowledge this the sanction breaking imports, will -- they are financing two major wars
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against america. that is the reality. stable relationship preventing misunderstandings to use biden's words wo would not include the out right attacks on america. china is financing will two wars, it is ironic that china is using very fossil fuels to fight america that joe biden and his greeny minions detest so much. china has weapon sized fossil fuels biden surrendered. if donald trump's drill, baby, drill policy continued, u.s. would be 16 millions per day right now, probably on the way to 18 million a day. in a couple of years. at that pace, world oil price would be closer to $40 a barrel not 80, or 100. or even 125. where it was a year 1/2 and
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a half ago, then we wouldn't particularly care whether china was buying oil freshingrage or russia -- oil from iran or russia, it would be a drop in the bucket. this is part of joe biden's sad tale at president. this is biden's socialist green new deal has enormously empowered china, this, this is fundamentally unstable. so by the way, as 350 billion dollar trade deficit, doing large measure, because of china's continued unfair trading practices and then, at this photo op in san francisco, with bret baier, i mentioned. state department announced a new era of climate cooperation with china. wait? don't the biden greenies
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know that china is the biggest polluter in the world and in 2022 china permitted average of two new coal fired power plants every week. they have another 300 plants in the pipeline, now, personally, i don't care. i want to end the war on fossil fuels and the end the green new deal, this dragging the u.s. down all over the world, i am sorry that china is the one that is doing it. and i do blame joe biden for all of that. that is my riff this evening. up next, we'll talk about all of this with missouri senator eric schmitt. stick around. you know, junk the green new deal, let's end the war against fossil fuels, let's be america first for a change. instead of 6 second or
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larry: so another dumb them out of the chinese meetings, administration is appeasing china's fossil fuels, while the bidens the declare war on america's fossil fuel, joining me, senator eric schmitt. senator smith, weird. this is a photo op, china is buying oil from russia and iran, financing war against u.s. but help comes this other announcement john kerry at negotiating table, state department said we'll have a new era of climate
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cooperation and china said we'll build 300 new coaler fired power plants. if that is not appeasing china, then what is. >> it is embarrassing as well and terrible for the united states of america to try to continue to chase china to do something they refuse to do. they have not lived up to any of these starts of agreement, even you if accept the prem eshuman being have outside role of controlling weather, china has not done anything they are building the plants, they have emissions twice that of u.s., we're declaring war on domestic energy production, we should be exports it to our friends and allies. but we're overly reliant on china for the supply chains, including critical minerals
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and other materials you need for the ev hush. push, i grew up in a blue collar town, the middle class has been hollowed out for decades to push a climate alarmist agenda. the biden administration already doing this. they are disengaging, saying from ask china to play along, china will not do this, we have a huge trade deficit with china, they are using that money to build up their military, they are building up islands in south china sea and staling our technology, not just for cheap televisions but for like weapons of mass destruction this is a terrible move by joe biden, it is em embarrassing. larry: and china's purchase of oil imports from the russia. and iran are financing war against the united states, that simple. you then whole fossil fuel thing has been mislaid.
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i think one of your favorites, a clip from energy secretary jennifer grandholm. >> i think china has done -- been sensitive. and has actually invested a lot in their solutions of to achieve their goals, we're hopeful that you know we could learn from what china is doing. larry: maybe, you know senator eric schmitt, maybe she is going to go build coal plants like china, the green new deal is finally over, there is another article today, the daily caller, the idea of damages and monetary losses from climate change is bogus, completely phony, does not factor in population and wealth increases. it has been disproven, another one of those bidenomic green new deal things that is not the
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case. >> that is right, i had secretary in the committee, the people that suffer, are americans. we pay higher prices for everyone, we're overly reliant on china. they are not interested in doing any of these things we're in a real world competition, when they write history books of 20 century. who pro -- 21st century, who prevails? china or of united states, not like a rival we had before. we have all of that with china, they come in, they are playing joe biden for a fool. acting like they will do manage on climate, whatever definitions you have. our government right now in another hearing, in commerce committee asked secretary there we need to deploy broadband. but the burden some
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regulations you have to fill out the application to be able to lay t broadband of what you will do to address climate injustice, how about just lay the broadband, lay the wire, and figure it out, but these are hurdles this obsession they have with this agenda. larry: on that point. you know, you may not know, when i was in the trump administration i had the accounts for high-speed broadband. they are promulgating regulations, are unbelieve an. able. they want to return to internetioles control so internet providers cannot make money, the incredible diversity equity inclusion. regulations, they will stamp out the whole industry.
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>> larry. larry: 5g or 7 g will never materialize. >> that is part of our national security, we have to have economic security, biden administration has recent you know ivy league graduates who majors in gender studies are writing these. this is incredibly divisive, it is dividing our workforce, the race essentialism, and has something to do with what you are seeing on streets this is connected. in that biench biden administration it part of the movement, they are sort of rejects from the obama administration, w we're dealing with great powers competition with china, and talking about dei adminstraightors and environmental justice grant
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applications, china is hell bent to world domination and joe biden is fiddling while it is burning. larry: he will not acknowledge it you are dead right, the elephant in the living room, americans know, they are very smart, time for a change. but, let's spread 5g. 5g, just get it don. stop all these regulatory be obstacles senator eric schmitt. >> coming on kudlow, checking out latest on the hostage deal and whether there is a ceasefire, i don't know. do you believe hamas, i'm not inclined to. we'll have former israeli counterterrorism operative aaron cohen. >> and here is a question, why aren't republicans really slamming president
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biden's foreign policy politics of appeasement. usually it is domestic economics that decides elections this year foreign poll seal play a big royal -- policy will play a big role, the question is will the gop figure it out, we have joe concha and mark simone and more kudlow when we come back. unts on their suv.. as they travel for their small business. so when they got a chip in their windshield... they brought it to safelite... for a same-day in-shop repair. we repaired the chip right away. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech vo: plus, to protect their glass, we installed new wipers too. that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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where you're heading without fingersticks. dexcom g7. so easy to use, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. larry: welcome back update israely war story, we have jeff paul, live in southern israel with latest. jeff, thank you for this. what reque can you tell us. reporter: we're just learning that the israeli forces discovered body of one of the people who was abducted by hamas on october 7, idf confirming the 65-year-old was discovered in a structure near the
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al-shifa hospital that is where israeli forces have been searching around there. israeli commanders are entering each of the hospital buildings, floor to floor, we have seen images of guns and other military equipment, they say were found in the hospital. the idf saying they found a tunnel near the hospital. israeli forces say that alone is every that hamas was operating within the hospital come blix, but hamas calls it -- complex, hamas calls it a weak story that is not true. they say every minute the forces put hospital under occupation of chances of more patients being increases, they remain focused on rooting out hamas in a precise manner. >> the more we dip in this operation, increase pressure on hamas and erode more headquarters damage more tunnels and bring down
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moreheads of organizations, the greater the chance of returning our hostages, because the enemy only understands power, we explained to him very well what power is. reporter: according to officials in gaza, telephone and internet services are down, there is also a lack of food, clean water and fuel, u.n. said that is deepening the current humanitarian crisis unfolding in gaza. larry: all right jeff paul thank you. >> be safe. for more on war we we bring in aaron cohen. , just to start with this, i don't know whether there is a ceasefire, i don't know whether there is a hostage swap. if you know, for heaven's sakes tell us, but my thought, aaron, if there is one, and if the hamas will give up hostages it is
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because it is because the idf is really damaging them, putting pressure on. and intensifying it, seems this is a sign of weakness from hamas but you tell me. >> i, degree with you 100%. the tactic of this campaign you twill be out the in military colleges in the world, this is a pressure cooker. so whether or not there is a hostage that will be released, i don't believe that hamas negotiates in good faith, they have let a couple hostages out today the beginning of this campaign, feeling pressure, but the fact is that hamas has zero credibility in terms of honesty, everything that the united nations and in media outlets put out they don't even acknowledge that is hamas putting the
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statements out there is a lot of dishonest we that disinformation, i believe that the pressure cooker is has systemically forced hamas into a position where they need to do what is called, an egress, getting their butts out of gaza to algeria or whatever country will take them. but the fact is that, the idf is committed to destroying hamas at-this-point. 1300 plus -- 1400 dead israelis, 223 29 39 hostages. israel is close of finding the whereabouts of the hostages, they have a ton of experience and they have the tunnel system mapped out. the angels of the tunnels are the elite k-9 unit, a great unit, they have cameras and gps on those
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dogs they race them in the tunnels, they can stop the moment they smell hamas, literally, the clothing, cologne, the smell -- >> i get it. >> you are right. i think the pressure has forced hamas into the corner of gaza, they are infiltrating into south. israel is back in the leaf let game in 20 thousand calls a day game. and they have nowhere to go, that is how we do it. larry: here is -- just trying to get some sense of what is happening on the ground. regarding the hospital. is there any doubt that there are tunnels and some kind of command and control center under the hospital? >> no there no doubt, information has been released, idf is getting better at the public relations game, it is a shame they have to play it they found a 18 by 52
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general purpose tent. -- that are fed to on our amman intelligence unit, ffootage has been put up and a tunnel ep trans at the hospital -- entrance at hospital that dives deeply. israel has proved it, they don't need to sell it any more. larry: i got it. >> completely proven to be a terror network infrastructure command and control. larry: aaron cohen god bless. >> appreciate. >> we'll move the ball, talk about joe biden's foreign policy. failures. my sets of polls, fox poll bad a lot of other polls, it is interesting, dise enchantment on the economy yes, we have known that prices way up over last 3
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years but now it is infiltrating on foreign policy, mr. biden is being hill held accountable, we bring in joe c concha and mark simone. most of these elections are economic-driven. but we have so many foreign policy issues here, and i'm looking, joe with you, i am looking at joe biden's numbers, they are tanking. they are targeting on iran -- tanking on iran, and tanking on russia. and ukraine. but people are getting a sent he does not stand up to anyone. that is one thing that came out in -- he is too accommodative. what does this mean, where does it lead. >> we saw that in san francisco, he was very accommodating to president xi jinping, saying he took him at his word.
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do you think he challenged him on covid, i think we should note take president xi jinping on covid that killed more than a million people from a virus tra probably escaped from a lab in wuhan. he was bent on getting a climate deal. larry: if they ept want to do clean cold, but not give us the pune. >> i have been saying that. this china meeting is a photo op, and the more biden goes out there, i don't want to rock the boat, i want stability. china is financing two wars again us by importing oil from russia and irk
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iran and the trade deficit, they started covid, when is g.o.p. waking up? >> better than abortion by guess. >> compare trump's meeting with xi jinping to biden, trump's first meeting, xi jinping spoke for an hour, and trump asked him insightful questions, for what he said. and he was impressed, he then sent biden and xi spoke for two hours biden mumbled something about climate change, the lease pressing thing, i don't know what his foreign policy it i can't attack it i don't know what it is. larry: he keeps telling us that china is someone with whom we can manage competition. okay. like europe for example. or maybe france or canada. but that is not the case. in ' want a f a
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finer point. china is adversary. all over the world. that is the part and i think that public knows it bi don't see d g.o.p. capitalize on it. >> you manage with sanctions and terrorists if you have to. larry: interesting you may not agree with this, robert lighthizer, a terrific traded visor, but his solution to this stalemate with china, deficit still 350 billion. unfair trade practice is a part, i understand. but, i am saying, we should take an action, instead of smoothing it over and making believe that china is not
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an on american interests,. >> if we does not, intellectual property will continue to be stolen. and russia will still be financed in their war against ukraine. by china. and all you will have is a stalemate, we spent over 100 billion there, without accountability of where that phone is going, until you force china to act in some way, or or acquiesce. then they will just talk a good game like they did in san francisco, the cleanest city in country. until tomorrow, i guess. then everyone comes back. that is where we are, foreign policy, a quick point, joe biden is getting hit by the left. on foreign policy. he is only polling half of democrats approve of what he is doing in terms of israel and hamas, that say low number. intraparty, when you see pro palestinian r rioters attract the democratic
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national committee that attack on joe biden administration as a whole remember -- that is where he is getting hit at,. larry: mark, i would make an -- by the way a great point, done additional point on g.o.p. strategy or lack there of. i don't want to republicans to dessert ukraine -- dessert ukraine but i would like them to get off that center and go after iran, you have a situation that 10 -- 14 billion for israel, did not did through. and the state department wants to unfreeze 10 billion worth of assets electricity and all and oil and gas to go to iran any china is bailing out iran and their proxies in war by buying their oil. if ukraine -- give ukraine a rift, why not go after iran. and by the way, iran, even different from israel. i know it is all linked. but i think they should go head on iran.
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and they are not. >> that requires courage, you have to sanction tariffs and as you say stop a ship, they have largest training terrorist camp in iran, you have to bomb that. >> general jack keane said that many times bomb that. >> between biden and blinken there is not an ounce of o "courour courage. larry: we know where trump s where is junior varsity, or who will take the mantel of republican leadership on foreign policy. who in the house, whose name. >> you hope comer and johnson, velvet on the surface, steel underneath. >> i think comer called someone in congress a smurf this week, that means he is tough. he got fights breaking out
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in congress at that point there appears to be a lot fighter. larry: are you ready for republican national committee to seek new leadership. >> she is a very nice woman, ronna mcdaniel, now had 4 losing seasons, giants had wound full. >> do you know who was head of national republican come the i during ronald reagan victory in 1980 senator bill brock from tennessee, a grown up, a businessman, before that, years before, haley barber was important. bill brock, a real heavy weight, someone with hands on election e experience. >> donald trump endorsed her, he may have to deendorse her. >> he is the w king make,
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in in case queen maker. >> mark simone i, expected -- >> we'll leave iran. we'll talk about the economics soft landing. front page of "wall street journal, huge story, a solve the -- soft landing we'll into a mr. wonderful kevin o'leary coming us from las vegas. stick with kudlow.
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larry: front page of "wall street journal," economic soft landing. all right. i don't know that could mean we don't have one or maybe we will, we will go kevin o'leary. author of cold hard truth. coming -- speaking of soft landings from las vegas. kevin, you probably saw the article. sometime they spell opposite. do you think we have a soft landing meaning no recession? >> larry, probability of that is 50/50 right now, the same as it was 6 months ago
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with a few cracks. when the articles come out from "wall street journal." in particular, i am sure we have a lot of respect for, it is so heavily indexed to s&p 500, people feel good about fact that market has been hanging this inn there with all problems, i want people to think about why that is happening. there are two giant puts on the market right now, called inflation reduction act and the chips and science act. two trillion of free money not spent. all of it to s&p 500. and in itself that is supporting the market, idea that it is there fifths freight com come -- great come ford to sharehold ires, however. as i say on the other hand, you here is what you should be worried about i believe december 6 we'll have emergency small business hearings on the hill, if invited i will testify under oce oath and tell the
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good members this, regional banks, loan books are shutting down quickly as rates skyrockets at 5.5%. and number two, 2 trillion dollars, they wrote the book on that, not a indictment not a die is going to small business, we should care about 60% of the economy that is american economy. family businesses that are getting nothing, and at hearings we'll discuss. an act we talked about, the employee retention credit, that irs has put a moratorium on, no cash for small business, not all wonderful, i'm holding up the canaryy in the coal mine. if this bird dies we're in trouble. larry: i want to add one point, i don't believe in
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the article. the dog that didn't bark, you have a very bad mideast war. israel versus the hamas iranian terrorists and so on. but kevin, unlike prior wars and unlike 50 years ago, there has been no oil blow up. and no oil embargo, we don't know that there is a opec plus meeting coming up they may extent production cuts but despite the cuts, wholesale prices have come down for oil, and retail gasoline prices have come down for oil, i think those two factors, have held the economy up. i will give you the last word as i always do. >> larry next time i fly to the uae, next week, i want you to beside me, i'll tell you why there is no cut off in oil. larry: no,. >> up in of them want a war, none of them. larry: i agree.
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