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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  November 17, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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out. here is the secret. most of them make great money whether they are right or wrong. you could be wrong for a decade and make $1 billion. i love the stock market but it's like a mall of sorts. my bullishness is centered on individual companies. it has been a monster week and a lot of these, you heard of these companies. you should not wait for the convergence to give you the all clear signal. they will be late to the party. finally, life is so much better when you are optimistic. i can tell you people always wonder how people come through these, it is optimistic about it. liz claman. liz: it is hard these days. charles: it is hard with everything going in the world but got to be optimistic that it will get better and that is one of the reasons.
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liz: grounds are going to win. all on a minute. thank you very much. what a week to remember as we kick off a final hour of trade, stocks on pace for another weekly game. the past 5 days have been very good. the s&p and nasdaq looked who rise about 2.5% for the nasdaq but look at the russell and transports, skyrocketing earlier they were much higher, both up 7%. 51/3% is not bad for the russell and transports of 3.5%. we are going to get to the markets but breaking news in a fox business alert. another company has pulled all advertising for elon musk's social media platform, apple
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has now pulled its ads, shares are slightly higher, after ibm yanked its advertising from x, ibm adds new -- pro-nazi content. the apple report hit the tape 11 minutes ago that apple is pulling its advertising. an hour ago, lions gate, suspended all advertising on the social media site. the news after ask on owner and has a ceo elon musk retweeted a x user's post which claimed jews, quote, push dialectical hatred against whites. musk attached his own comment to that saying, quote, you have said the actual proof. before musk's a retweet which was monday night, totally he shares had a high of $246. look at this chart.
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since his comment reached 163 million followers and investors tesmer's market was cut by $40 billion. a supporter to date gains disappear for tesla, i reached out to ross gerber, one of the longtime loyal bulls who told me he and his advisors were fielding multiple calls, asking to close their tesla pose edition's. by 2:00 p.m. eastern the financial times reported ibm was suspended global advertising for musk's x platform after mentioning it has 0 tolerance for hate speech. ibm shares hitting a multi-year high and shares touching a 5-year high of $153 and change. at a time when x is desperate to increase advertiser base
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which evaporated in the -- about anti-semitic content, will they continue to exit stock. for now, i will let you say it, you're holding onto your shares, right? >> we are. we are holding onto our shares, watching this for the same reasons gerber is. fielding the same kinds of calls and questions. it comes down, between his brain it is about there is no filter. as a ceo that is concerning. the question, where do you go, how do you take a stand on this personally and what you look for in the company if you can't separate it? liz: let's look at selling pressure on the stock which was very notable. what do we have? tesla's trading volume hitting one hundred 35. 4 million shares eclipsing its
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50 day average volume of one hundred 25 million shares, not of thinly traded move. >> it wasn't. what we don't know and what we look at every day, house that arbitrage. is this major buyers or is it mom and pop cleaning a shop and leaving? we don't know the answer to the question yet but it's not going to take a lot to take the apple off the cart if this accelerates. if there is not an apology, if there is not some sort of remark from musk himself, i too will think seriously about drawing a line in the sand. liz: it is disturbing. twitter x is not publicly traded but elon musk's other company, tesmer, is. that has bled over into the stock and the anecdotal evidence i was getting from gerber, kawasaki, but as a firm, they are holding onto their shares like you but they
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were fielding so many calls from client saying i don't care, i am out but i've been talking to tesla owners who say they are done. so many options right now, bmw, and lesser price point ranges. one of our crews showing the nissan x trail in europe right now, it charges itself as it drives. not that much. the scarcity premium in total for so long is fast evaporating, is it not? >> it is and it isn't. you've got the global charging network, $25 billion annuities, the global standard. we see all kinds of choices at home in japan and in the us but that is exactly the data point i am looking for. what do tesla owners do. it is one thing, if all of a
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sudden tesla starts flooding the used car lots, that's a material problem for not just musk. liz: that's a fair point. keep us posted. what were you hearing from your customer calls? >> same commentary. my commentary and response was you've got to be very careful where you throw stones in glass houses. if you look through history some of the world's biggest names were connected with nazi germany. some connected with sweatshops including apple and nike. liz: i would argue, though. >> how you value that. liz: nike put in a lot of work, not perfect. elon double down.
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>> that's my point. musk has an opportunity to fix this. if smart he will do that. if he doesn't, i will take seriously where we draw the line in the sand. i had a huge problem the way he framed that. liz: i heard from so many people, what are you doing? charlie gasparino is coming up in a few minutes tackling the board aspect of this. where's the board of directors for tesla? we are looking at markets, very good quarter to date. nasdaq and s&p, what is the driver at this point? >> the expectation is a shift in psychology. there is going to be some fed pause or cut coming up in q1224, nonetheless, the psychology issues, the trend that led to the market, everyone has to get on the gasket.
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>> when we look at rates, treasury rates, the 10 year earlier was falling and the high is up. we have another pause by the federal reserve in the december meeting and start to see some cuts by need midyear or next year, do you see that happening? >> i've been in this hotseat. i believe we are still going to have one rate hike before it gets taken there. >> her next guest is known for building out los angeles high end malta including the grove. the waterside at marina del rey. rick caruso is about to open
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the shopping met for us to see if they are scaling back of his luxury tenants or, to see if they are over blown. the parent company of fine watches and goods. that stock is moving 2.6% higher. ralph lauren and tapestry today. "the claman countdown" is coming right back on friday. looking across the board at greenland. (vo) while you may not be running an architectural firm, tending hives of honeybees, and mentoring a teenager — your life is just as unique. your raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions,
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and the way you help others. so you can live your life. that's life well planned. - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange. here, i can search more than 2,000 companies, to see if they care more about divisive social issues than about running a sound business. isn't it time we got back to the business of business? learn the risk to your company or family at liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ is it possible to fall in love with your home... ...before you even step inside?
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a one-stop shop for medicare plans... including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans. learn, compare, even enroll—all in one place. give us a call now. we'll guide you to a plan that fits your needs. at hellomedicare, it all starts with a few simple questions so we can get to know what's important to you. then, we'll match you with plans that fit your needs, from well-known names in medicare. compare benefits. compare costs. it's easy. and when you feel good about a plan... we'll sign you up. done. and. done. the annual enrollment period is here. so, let's do this. give us a call today and speak with one of our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. and say hello to an easier way to do medicare. neil: let's look at the retail
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sectors, a mixed bag come major names filed for chapter 11. rite aid, tuesday morning among them. according to the retail dive, 11 companies at risk, including petco. i love me some vince. the container store at the runway. retailers taking a hit, not so much for a guy who owns the most popular luxury malls in los angeles. the exception or what's looking more like the rule. joining me in a fox business exclusive, corrosive founder and executive chairman rick caruso. all your malls, how often are you on these malls and tell us what you are seeing right now.
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>> our main office, i walked to the properties along with my team every couple of days, on the palisades after this so we all traffic from the technology standpoint. we work and get real-time data on how many people are on the property. we also track sales per square foot. pretty scientific about it but seeing how many people are carrying bags. our traffic is up double digits. we are up on average in our portfolio, 20%. our properties run one hundred% unoccupied. one of the good challenges we have is meeting demand for retailers. clearly, like every sector, there is winners and losers and some retailers. liz: the foot traffic is up.
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are they spending as much? >> they are. it is surprising to me. i was expecting to see a downturn in consumer spending. the data has shown nationality there has been a downturn. we are not seeing it on our properties. i can't believe increased interest rates for consumers are not going to have an impact on spending but maybe first quarter. everyone is expecting a solid holiday season and we start to see that on our properties. the consumer has been resilient. >> i'm not sure the confidence in names like target and tjx which warned about the holiday season, their confidence is not resilient at all. but they just put out a survey am i want to let you know what it found, 70% of luxury consumers plan to spend the
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same or more, is it luxury spenders versus basic middle-of-the-road spenders where you see the griff? >> i certainly think it is obvious that higher levels of income, less impacted by what is happening in the economy, increased credit card rates. it is impacting moderate shoppers, going to moderate stores but i also think there will be an impact across the board. we are living in a complicated world, there's a lot going on in the middle east, a lot going on in eastern europe. we have an election year coming and people don't like uncertainty. we are planning 24 is going to be a year we are more conservative and going to keep
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an eye on the consumer and probably spending less on our own properties in terms of until we have a clearer picture what's going on. liz: but where is this disaster we keep hearing about in the commercial real estate sector? we've seen a lot of buildings worth pennies of what they bought for and i get that. we see a lot of companies going to the bank and saying redo my loan, what are you seeing or hearing about that? we haven't seen something that takes down the entire economy? >> the sector this getting hurt is the office sector. if you look at downtown los angeles, a lot of buildings are in foreclosure and will go back to the banks and that is not good for anybody. not just new work orders.
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what's happening in la, san francisco, parts of new york, seattle, you've got crime problems that haven't been dealt by leadership in those facilities and homeless encampments on the street so office users are moving to different areas, century city and los angeles is having a boom time because it's safer and doesn't have a homeless problem but you are seeing the office sector impact. a lot of those are in the banks and banks don't want them. what do you do? they are not easily converting to residential for sure. liz: burberry is a luxury name. it is in the malls in california. do you expect this to translate the michael coors stores of the world are tiffany's depending on that atmosphere because a
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lot of this is hinging on mortgage rates and what people have to pay to get a mortgage, 30 year fixed is ticking down from its plus 8% highs. i am wondering how closely tied you see interest rates, mortgage rates and whether people are spending. >> i agree with all of that but also the money in the economy from covid is evaporating now so it can take a look at the luxury providers, luxury stores and really dissected it, the sales drop most likely will be in the lower cost items in those stores. the higher cost items in those stores are what we are seeing as staying strong. but those consumers relying on covid payments, since they are
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winding down, running out of those dollars, that is impacting luxury stores. the luxury stores will stay strong at the high end. there will be an impact. i do believe we will get through 24 pretty strong. i'm not in the business of predicting recessions nor am i good at it but my gut feeling is based on the data i have seen, we will have a soft landing and consumers will keep spending slower and probably more conservatively. liz: thank you. i guess you are walking out the door to go to palisade mall so be on your way. he is on the ground looking and seeing, can i see what's in your shopping bag? thanks so much. good to see you. thank you. alexa, you're fired. details on job cuts at amazon's digital assistant division. that's next. the online retailer cuts jobs
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in that specific area, the spider s&p retailer is the top sector, call the xrt up 2.7% right now. we are coming right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia. (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough?
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an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. i'm andrea, founder of a boutique handbag brand - andi - and this is why i switched to shopify. it's the challenges that we don't expect, like a site going down or the checkout wouldn't work. what's nice about shopify is when i'm with my family, when i'm taking time off, knowing that i have a site up and running and our business is
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moving forward because we have a platform that we can rely on. that is gold to us. start your free trial at shopify today. liz: we are looking at green but also the entire week this friday. dow jones industrials checking up 36 points, the nasdaq is up
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32. look at stock names, down 35%. third-quarter revenue missed analyst expectations. this is actually according to the company about delivery delays, impacted deliveries to customers including the government and car dealers. stock had a tough time this year losing 70% year to date. flip it to amazon, amazon says it is laying off several hundred people in its alexa division. stock is up one and one third%. the company one and one/3%. the company said they are shifting their efforts to better align with business priorities including maximizing resources and efforts focused on generative ai, digital assistant like alexa have faced competition from chat bots like open ai's chat bot, chat gpt, the company has been in
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cost-cutting mode since last year when it laid off 27,000 employees but amazon says it will hire hundreds of thousands for the holidays. details lower after missing analyst estimates for third-quarter sales, stock is hit down 4.5%. the warehouse club lowered its full-year forecast as the company deals with lower consumer demand, discretionary products. we've been telling you this is a big week for the retailers but i'm not sure anybody predicted it would be this big. we see more dramatic upside moves and retail stocks at this hour. the gap, shares are up 30%, that is a record percentage increase for the gap amid strong sales of old navy and gap stores. little-known secret, i worked at the gap in college. right across from gap trading at 1.5 year highs.
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store stopping the s&p 500 up about 7. 5% after posting a top and bottom line read. others, kohl's, macy's, dillards, nice moves for everybody. the lucky seven day, gains of 7 person. sticking with retail, there's blood in the water as shark ninja circles the haircare technology sector and they have success in taking on dyson. the sharpening just ceo to tell us how he's using social media influences to take a bite out of dyson's dominance.
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liz: a big headline that is breaking a, open iri, sam altman, the genius behind the
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company that is entrenched in artificial intelligence will depart as ceo and leave the board of directors. this is the name behind chat gpt, the chat bot that millions and millions are using and the search process is underway to identify a permanent successor. the chief technology officer would serve as interim ceo effective immediately but we are also seeing brockman will be stepping down as chairman of the board to. . will remain in his role at the company according to the ceo. don't know what else he was but this is all happening as we speak. open ai and chat gpt have been at the forefront, microsoft made an early investment into it. microsoft has turned negative. earlier the high of the session was $374. if we could look at intraday of
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microsoft it has dropped at $369 and change. a fast-moving story. this is hitting, open ai says we believe new leadership is necessary. no word on whether this was sam wall on's decision. there we go. that's the intraday picture. you see it in the far right side of the screen, down 1.8%. companies try and predict artificial intelligence or whatever else is out there how much consumers will spend this holiday season, shoppers are comfortable spending less on quality product. shark manger taking on dyson in the hairdryer course. the dyson hair wrap starts at $599.99, features four heat
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settings, four speed settings and five attachments. the speed dial on the other hand starts at $199.99, you like the 9s. it features the same heat and speed settings, only thing you're missing out on his tensions. the company recently ipos and expanding its presence in sections like grilling. joining us in a fox business exclusive, mark maracas. i can remember when dyson came out with $600 and some were more than that. who is going to purchase that? it was so good, you have managed to get a lot of people to switch over. what have you done and why enter this market? >> thanks for having us. shark ninja is in 31 different categories. outdoor grilling, a recent
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category we just entered into. we feel like consumers had a great experience with a shark or ninja product, it was a natural progression to enter into. there are problems get to be solved. we feel shark ninja delivers accessible innovation to the consumer and as you said, there are high-priced alternatives but the combination of performance and quality and extraordinary value is something that has helped propel our growth for the last 15 years. liz: tell me where you came up with the idea for this shark speed stock? >> shark has a line of beauty products, $99 or speed style, $199. flex style at $299. a hallmark of shark and ninja products is functionality. giving the ability to do multiple things with the same product. in the case of the speed style
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we felt high performance styling at the same time was something the consumer was looking for but to do that at an accessible price. liz: you talk about prices and markets. costs a lot to ramp up a new product, plus your products, whether the coffee makers or handbags, a lot of heavy material, tell me about the pricing you have seen. inflation was on many manufacturers like your self. has it gotten better as prices come down? >> it has. 2,020 one-22 enormous pressure not just in metals but components, having to pay extra for those components. freight costs. in 2,020 city, we've seen that start to normalize and the head winds have become tailwinds.
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liz: producer prices this week, more than expected, that squares with it. you just raised for your guidance, you had a pretty good earnings report, you expect adjusted net sales growth from 12. 5, thirteen. 5%, up from the previous range of 10% to 12%. what is the biggest factor? >> 80% growth on international business in the last quarter. liz: which countries are spending months? >> it is across europe growing tremendously, germany, france. mexico is a strong market. products like beauty products but even in north america, we see strong demand for sharp imaging products. liz: how you meet keep all of
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that under control. where do you see the biggest difficulties? how about labor? do you have enough, there was a labor shortage the first half of this year. >> business is growing double digits. there are a lot of open positions we are looking to hire not just in north america but around the world. there's challenges. we feel our challenges are good challenges. we are growing into new product categories. existing categories we are in. the combination is bringing positive challenges. liz: in some markets the pious much smaller. there are competitors that enter the height of the lockdown. we can put some of them on the screen and brewing companies,
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the ones that rotate, the meets and love some of them, it goes on and on. why enter the market that was slowing down? >> we spent a lot of time focused on consumer insights, what the consumer is looking for. in the grilling space, grills are electric power grills, and boats and campers and tailgateing and product combines not just grilling but grilling barbecue smoking and air frying, ovens are able to have multi-functionality, there's an underserved space, someone might own a large grill outside, second or third product outside that gives the functionality the ninja bill does. liz: have you done a foot massage?
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>> not yet but 31 product categories today. we continue to keep expanding and finding additional white spaces where we feel there are consumer problems yet to be solved. liz: you sound like a silicon valley entrepreneur, what problems do people not know they have? it is great to see you. thank you very much, please come back. shark ninja. here we go. crude oil in a bear market as israel pushes deep under gaza and turmoil intensifies. what everybody is doing now. better ask about the state of crude, the top commodities research man at goldman sachs is next. this week's podcast guest, benjamin hall, the most dangerous conflicts, libya to
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iraq and the russian invasion of ukraine. pushing back russian military come fall and his crew were hit by a green russian bombs. he barely survived. the photographer was killed. benjamin lost an eye, a leg, but he's alive. this was us a couple days ago in the fox news room. how did he survive and thrive and what message does he have now about fighting against all odds no matter the situation? he shares his struggles and how he coped during his recovery process in my latest episode of everyone talks to lose podcast, download it wherever you get your podcast, apple, google, spotify, amazon, we are coming right back. you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence.
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that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. (vo) while you may not be running an architectural firm, tending hives of honeybees, and mentoring a teenager — your life is just as unique. your raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you help others. so you can live your life. that's life well planned. i don't want you to move.
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liz: less than an hour since the report came out, apple will pool its odds from x amid anti-semitic tweets from elon musk. joins lions gate and yesterday ibm in doing the same thing. charlie gasparino has more, you
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asked an important question, where's the board? are they still filing? silent? charles: yes they are. no comment. they are saying there's another side to this story. i'm not condoning it. i will just tell you essentially what they told me. his tweet in question, a retweet when someone said something about jews being for the white replacement theory. liz: it was saying that they hate whites. last i checked a lot of jewish people are white. charles: it was about the white replacement theory and hinted at that. what he meant was, according to his supporters, wasn't every jewish person. it was mainly the antidefamation league and here is why. you have to go back in time to
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look at this. the antidefamation league has been a supporter of the black lives matter movement. they put out positive things about the black lives matter movement. there's a strain of that type of radical interpretation, the great replacement theory and stuff the black lives matter people profess. i'm not saying i condone anything elon says but that's the rationale, director at the adl and its past support of black lives matter. whether this should matter or not is another story. this is a ceo with a gazillion followers, he runs a public company, he's literally getting involved in one of the most controversial subjects in the world. if you are on the board of this thing, thinking of the fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders you got to be telling them to stop tweeting. liz: tesla, the other company
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he runs lost $40 billion from its market. charles: that's mainly what i mean. a lot of this is on twitter and advertising but it comes down to the board of chesler. this spills over to his fiduciary response ability for shareholders. at least that is a real problem for him. people can pull out of twitter but if people stop buying tesla, if people stop buying the stock and selling the stock the board has to say something but just so you know, i hate being a cancel culture person. as a journalist, you got to step back, getting his head a little bit. is not answering questions, figure out what he means, do that by talking to people that know him. they pointed out the stuff involving the adl and black lives matter as meeting at the core of what he meant. he was not making a blanket
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statement. liz: never mentioned that. let me tell you. the man he retweeted said pro-nazi things in the past. that guy has 4600 followers. with elon's 164 million he amplifies it. you are exactly correct. charles: but i bet -- i know a lot of people. i don't know elon musk. anti-semitism is not -- other crazy stuff might come up but not that. it doesn't seem like it is in his dna. did he know who he was re-tweeting? sometimes people are completely completely, they just hit the button. liz: what he said at a time, remember how much advertising he lost after the kanye west disaster where he said
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anti-semitic things and tweeted names that were very anti-jewish. in the end, not asking questions, lions gate, apple pooling their ads and this goes in the opposite direction of what elon is trying to do. liz: elon is very impulsive. i spoke with someone who simonetti xi dinner. he was -- didn't go to the dinner but to the reception. a lot of ceos and he was out of it. don't know what's going on with this guy. he was aloof, uncommunicative, didn't seem like himself, in retrospect what he did, trying to figure out in his head about that. this is very strange. not condoning it.
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it becomes a ceo board issue, not supposed to be tweeting that much, the settlement on the other crazy tweet he put out when he said twitter was getting crushed? that's one thing. do you want to ceo involved in this stuff? to sell a product. liz: charlie gasparino, downturned slightly negative. that is the start of thanksgiving travel, aaa predicting 49000000 americans will drive to their destinations. bad news, they will be paying a lot less to get there. according to gas buddy average gasoline prices are projected to drop to $3.20 a gallon, what happens at the pump start in the oil pits.
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surrounded by bears, crude oil settling up 3% today at $75.99 a barrel. oil is in a bear market, down four weeks in a row at a time when you think so much turmoil the price would go up. goldman sachs, it is great to have you. it was going to go south in price, and hot time in the middle east. >> great to be on this. and pricing large draws, the biggest reason oil prices have come down. supply growth has been stronger. the selloff has been amplified over the last two
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so reduction in system of articulation geopolitical and second, renewed concerns about demand following softer u.s. economic data including jobless claims and technical factors such as selling by computers, that tends to be more powerful in november. liz: when the israel hamas war broke out, what did you think looking at your computer screens? did you in your mind predict that the price might go higher and then it didn't? let's keep in mind, israel isn't a big player in the oil production world. it's saudi arabia, iran, russia. a lot of middle eastern countries. what is surprising people people beyond the fact we have record output, record production here in the united states? >> so, when the news about the middle east broke out earlier this month, we did not change our baseline outlook for oil prices -- liz: which was? >> we looked for $92 for brands,
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$87 for average but the conflict in the middle east poses upside risk to prices for instance if the iran supply dropped, which is a possibility, why has oil supply went to the upside this year. u.s. production continues to beat expectations and easing supply constraints are really boosting u.s. supply and then upside surprises in other countries. brazil for instance and what's interesting is we're seeing surprises for the places like venezuela, iran and more. system of articulation liz: how powerful is opec? they have a meeting later this month and people hang on every word like they used to and? >> they're playing a important role in the market and oil price in $80 to $100 a barrel range and opec will be responsive woe think. if you drop below 80, opec keeps
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it lower for longer and if necessary we'll cut production to putted it back in the range. liz: we have a couple seconds. do you like refinfiners and integrated oil names and which part can hold on here? >> i focus on the macro-commodity prices but equity research colleagues do think that refiners should benefit from structurally higher margins because the refinery sector globally is quite tight and international services company should benefit from ongoing growth outside of the u.s.. liz: daan struyven head of goldman sachs oil reservice connected and have closing out a strong week for the markets. thank you for joining us. have a peaceful weekend. kudlow's next. larry: hello, everyone, and welcome to a special edition of kudlow. i'm david asman in


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