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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  November 17, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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>> from the fox studios in new york city, this is "maria bartiromo wall street".
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maria: happy weekend to all, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was it helps position you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo. an alarming message from iran a letter sent from the head of the army elite force to hamas military says that they stand united the terrorist group and will do whatever it takes in this historic ttle. this committed day after reports surfaced of iran's supreme leader assuring that tehran would not join the war against israel. president biden urging president xi jinping to leverage his influence and persuade iran to refrain from escalating the war on israel. a recent fox news poll shows that 70% of americans believe that joe biden is to accommodating to iran, georgia b house foreign affairs committee chairman and house homeland security chairman congressman michael mccaul. mr. chairman thank you for joining us this weekend. >> thank you for having me.
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>> it is very disturbing to see the head of a wrong say they get to do whatever it takes the defense force of iran were to do whatever it takes to help hamas. i thought iran was not involved a claim initially. >> that is correct, this is no secret to me, the administration seemed to downplay the iran had anything to do with hamas invasion into israel in a barbaric way killing 1400 israelis and now you see the letter from the irgc saying we are brothers in arms. it was really incredulous to somehow say iran was not involved. the proxies of iran, hamas and hezbollah and iran backed in syria and iraq are in fire because the ayatollah has authorized them to go after israel. this is not news to me but maybe it is to the administration.
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maria: i don't understand the soft approach to iran and all of her adversaries by the way. what is behind this for this administration? >> i think they still hold out the idea that there's going to be a grand bargain on the iran nuclear program remember the special envoy was suspended because his security clearance was revoked. i have a bill on the floor of the week that we get back to freeze the $6 billion in assets that they want to put into iran, what a time to be putting $6 billion into iran as divided up israel right now, right now it's totally irresponsible and very dangerous. maria: what is your take on the meeting between xi jinping and joe biden interfaces go this week. >> they always want to meet i
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don't see a lot of good outcomes coming out of this. one of the outcomes supposedly china will work with us on fentanyl and the bargain was to remove the institute of forensic science which was responsible for the genetic surveillance of the uighur muslims putting them into the forced labor camps in china, remove them from the entities list which they were sanctioned with export controls, now they will be removed from the list as they send the uighur muslims into essentially concentration camps. i thought human rights used to be tempting but under this administration it doesn't really matter. get this the conference is with the asia-pacific countries who were there primarily to talk about how they can bond together against the malign influence of china and what is the president of the united states do he welcomes chairman xi jinping to
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the very about which is a slap in the face of the asia-pacific countries that were trying to work with to counter china's aggression. maria: then he allows china to act as if china and america are on equal footing. i want to get your take there is a ground were underway but there is also a propaganda war, that relates to ukraine, it relates to israel, relates to america the propaganda war that china is behind there was more backlash against tiktok in the videos and sympathize and even promote osama bin laden's infamous letter to america. using his arguments to justify any violent retaliation against america and israel. listen to this woman, what. >> i'm about to say here and act like he's the worst person in the world when america has literally been terrorizing people since the beginning of history. whatever the guys name is that
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discovered america and found the land, he lied, everything is a lie, 3000 people died during 9/11 compared to the millions that americans have pulled killed in palestine. it is happening and we have to be real about the situation. maria: what is she talking about is is coming directly from the ccp, more than 30 jewish celebrities and influence on a call with tiktok executives confronting the platform for not doing enough to address rampant anti-semitism that is put the public figures in digital and physical danger, tiktok claims is going to attempt to take down these videos that violate the policy against terrorism. mr. chairman tell us what this is about, i know there's a lot of propaganda coming out of communist china and is been consistent. another topic that did not get raised during the biden president xi meeting by the way. >> that's correct. my father bombed the nazi's in world war ii and now returning
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to where it's fashionable to kill jews and be anti-somatic. here's a look at what's going on, tiktok is controlled by the prc, china, they control the algorithm. if you type in israel palestinian you will get a lot of propaganda pro hamas propaganda. that's was happening, when you see the protesters they are influence and brainwash quite frankly by tiktok, that is the only social media, that is there news outlet, the probably not watching the show, but they are paying attention to tiktok, they should be supporting the palestinians not hamas but that is what is being spoonfed to them every day and you know what is even more sickening, not only what we just heard from the younger person but the idea that bin laden was a prophet in the hero and predicted that israel is a little satan and we are the great satan, that is what china
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wants them to believe and that's what russia and iran wants them to believe. finally, gases may be thinking about turning to tiktok to run their campaign, the biden administration. that is unbelievable. >> that is unbelievable. we know the propaganda coming out of tiktok and yet the biden administration even with all the governors wanting to ban it in their states are to use it for the campaign. thank you for your leadership we will be watching your work, we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. maria: chairman michael mccaul, the president admitted what most americans are well aware of when it comes to the economy, john next. ♪ let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase.
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maria: a look away rock attended the week after we saw consumer and wholesale inflation coming cooler than expected, retail sales fell for the first time since march, new fox news poll
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shows 67% of voters are not seeing signs of the economy is starting to turn a quarter for the better, president biden is conceding that there is in fact a disconnect between economic data and what americans are actually experiencing, joining me now the lonski group founder president john lonski. thank you very much for being here. is there a disconnect or is the president looking at this retail data and economic data with rose-colored glasses, what you seen out there. >> the president is looking at the data with rose-colored glasses, he is confusing the average for the median the average reflex was hopping over on the economy in terms of jobs growth, income growth in the third quarter and spending growth if we look more closely in the median and what the consumer in the middle is doing and happening to them real median family income was down last year it is barely growing this year and from this the take
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away is the latest recent level with consumer spending in the third quarter is patently unsustainable, it has to slow and perhaps slow dramatically. maria: we have not seen the slowdown take effect yet. i never seen the slowing economy but people were predicting recession, economic hurricane, et cetera et cetera. >> it is a surprise of the u.s. consumer has proven to be so resilient and you can only go ahead and increase spending at a rate that is faster then your income growth for middle income americans, lower income americans for so long. eventually it catches up to you. eventually you realize you have too much credit card debt and your savings are badly depleted and as a result you rein in spending.
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maria: i want to get your take were about to speak with the former ceo of toys "r" us coming up. i would ask him about retail sales, the date of this week on retail sales was mixed and then with a lot of people are going to places like walmart, the trading down and they want cheaper stocks, walmart is actually gaining market share, is any take away from the retail data that we got this week that you could point to in your terms of expectations of the slowing economy. >> here's what jumped at me, we only have strength or retail sales in several categories, one would be e-commerce of non- store sales. the other category are drugstores and restaurant sales. outside of that we have weakness and in fact if i take a gasoline station sales letter down because of lower prices, the rest of retail sales were up by less than one half of 8% year over year end the month of october. that is a sign of a slowdown, no strength with tangible goods,
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flat infini growth whatsoever when we look at apparel, when we look at general merchandise stores as well as building material stores. there is pronounced weakness when you focus on retail sales letter housing related. furniture stores, appliance stores as well as building material stores. that's what a spike in mortgage rates will do to you, real quick on this, what the heck is going on with these markets, the markets are up year to date we had an incredible november the stocks are up between five and 8% for the averages in the month of november. what happened in november that caused investors to buy in did they change their assessment of the economy or there's something else going on. >> what they're focusing on is in response to lower-than-expected inflation we had a surprising drop by interest rates, whatever happened to hire for longer, you
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don't hear about any longer, what you are looking at is a big jump in equity prices in response to lower interest rates, however, what the market may be overlooking is why interest rates have declined. interest rates are lower because the economy is slowing and i see nothing over the near-term that might bring a halt to the unfolding deceleration by business sales and that's where you may get into trouble during early 2024. maria: great to see you, thank you so much, john lonski. happy thanksgiving to you, it is not even thanksgiving, thieves are making off with holiday packages, the impact of all of the delivery truck robberies on the prices that you are paying. take a look at this, boycotts over merchandise cost target billions of market value the summer, the retailer is out with the new lineup pride products
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just in time for christmas, target vice chairman gerald storch is here next. ♪ las vegas grand prix choose t-mobile for business for 5g solutions. because t-mobile is helping power operations and experiences for hundreds of thousands of fans with reliable 5g connectivity. now's the time to accelerate your business. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches
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>> i see the amazon truck and i see 20 police cars and i'm like when the world is going on and i'm thinking it has to be sonar. >> welcome back forget porch pirates, looters are selling packages straight from the source right out of the delivery trucks all this week in washington, d.c., man carjacked an amazon man at gunpoint leaving police on a chase through the city before he was arrested. in memphis, tennessee, several cars blocked off the fedex truck so dozens of people could steal
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100,000 of dollars of the merchandise on it. and then in maryland the ups driver was threatened with a gun and broad daylight as a group of thieves took off with the truck, ups it is aware of the incident cooperating with the investigation, prince george county police department said is investigating that the vehicle was located in the victim not injured but there have been no arrests so far, joining us now the former ceo of toys "r" us and target vice chairman gerald storch, great to see you, thank you for being here. i know in your industry they call it shrink. >> that is certainly a big part, it also includes employee theft in all the books, the biggest part these days is simple theft. maria: what does that mean for the retailers in addition to having the whole community scared and watching their backs, what has this member retailer the theft.
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>> and puts more pressure on sales and profit during a challenging time for retailers, someone's gotta pay for this, prices need to go up, meanwhile to mitigate some of this you see retailers putting more products behind lock cases and things like that we called the asset protection department a responsible for managing the sin stores, we call them the sales prevention department because once you lock stuff up, the sales go down because it's harder for consumers to get the item. the pain in the neck for everyone and overall we have to remember the retail theft whether the store or the amazon truck you were talking about or last year people were robbing the railways in los angeles all of this is a violent crime for employees and customers. maria: disturbing staff, i want to get your take on what we saw this week we had lot of retail numbers from walmart and target and all the rest reporting the quarterly earnings in the overall october resale sales numbers, what is your take away.
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>> i think what we see is a consumer remains quite stressed, the very challenge by rising compounding two years of high inflation rates and if you see it coming down. they're facing that they do have the government stimulus anymore, the credit card debts are rising, delinquency is rising, tough time for consumers and you see in the numbers, a very challenging holiday, the october retail sales are barely up there down month over month of the way we look at it year-over-year the only up 1.6%, that is a sad performance year-over-year and that would be one of the worst holidays in a very long time, many of the retailers had negative same-store sales, that's a number would measure as a retailer to see the businesses healthy, target was down five, macy's was down seven, these are horrible numbers, clearly there's something going on with the consumer and is not good.
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>> you think this is good to be one of the worst holiday seasons market skating cheap share, people want cheap stuff, also healthcare was a big recipient of money. is not like the going outspending stuff and spending money on services like healthcare. >> people say the consumer is healthy and strong because consumer spending and aggregate is up, as you point out so much of that is in the services category not the category of christmas presents or things that you want but don't need, where is the money going the biggest categories healthcare and rent, housing cost those countless consumer services there seeing a huge amount of inflation and customers have to start their first they have to have a place to live they have to have food to eat, you seafood is done pretty well and then they need to take care of their health, that's where the money is going and hardly a robust consumer, spending money where they have to, not where they
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want to that's why the consumer doesn't feel the economy is in great shape. maria: is a great point that you make, you are the former vice chairman of target and we get the news this week that the retailer is selling pride merchandise they have pride santos, nutcrackers, ornaments and wrapping paper. this is been tried before, the company has seen a $22 billion decline in market value since the backlash from the summer pride month collection, what is your take on trying this out again, pride merchandise. >> they really messed up in may they didn't have proper control on what they were selling, retailers have been selling pride merchandise for a very, very long time for many years we've seen them with different products. by the way is not just target all retailers have pride merchandise, walmart, kohl's, macy's, they're not alone, back in a they cross the line is like they didn't have any control on what they were doing in terms of
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making sure wasn't something offensive to consumers or look like anyway that they were trying to change people instead of showing support. the idea of a certain amount of pride merchandise to show support is something that's been around a long time and nobody will be talking about this christmas ornaments that your mentioning if that hadn't been for the big mess back in this. these in itself are not unusual in any way in the current products that they have out there right now, they're getting a lot of attention to because of what happened before, whether under whether fats can hurt them or not i on them given what happened earlier in the year. maria: is a great point, good to see you, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. gerald storch joining aside whag important thing ahead ofo next week, stay with us. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions.
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ahead of this turkey day, consumers will see a slight decrease in the price of thanksgiving foods from last year cost are still up 15% from 2021 the price per feast made to under differ with where you live, northeast projected for the most expensive meals in the midwest with the least costly for thanksgiving i will have more on "mornings with maria" every weekday 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business. i hope you will join us, i will see you on sunday on the fox news channel 10:00 a.m. eastern on the fox news channel for "sunday morning futures". have exclusive interviews with arkansas senator tom cotton, congresswoman margie taylor greene, texas dps lieutenant christopher olivarez and former house speaker kevin mccarthy live sunday 10:00 a.m. eastern on fox news. that will do it for us on fox business, have a great rest of the weekend, we are sending the best regard for healthy and happy thanksgiving holiday. i will see you next time. >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global x etf'


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