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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  November 22, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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to possibly approve a deal to exchange hostages. israeli ground forces push deeper into gaza carrying out operations against terrorist targets mike tobin with the latest. reporter: to quote u.s. president, nothing is done until it done, you have all parties, hamas and israel includes expressing optimism a deal for a su substantial release of hostages is becoming more of a reality. we know it is a 3 for 1 deal, 50 hostages, women and children will be released, for 150 palestinian prisoners, women and teenagers released from israeli deals, with as much as five-day pause in fighting and prime minister netanyahu said it will also involve red cross officials seeing the remaining
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hostages. >> doe everything do everything to bring them home, we're reaching a great deal of goals we will continue to do so, until we reach the goal. which is among other things. reporter: until the deal goes into affect fighting continues to rage in north of gaza strip, israel said that jabalia is surrounded by israeli forces, and they have pushed deeper into a tunnel discovery at shifa hospital, israel took control of shifa hospital but has been under pressure to come up with proof of claim that hamas had substantial commanding and control infrastructure you were that hospital, hamas is not only group holding hostages islamic jihad made a statement that hostage died in their captive tie. david: mike tobin thank you, for more general jack keane.
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fox news senior strategic analyst. general, thank you for being here. when you have to think back, you can never let october 7 out of your mind. you think bac back to the killers that we're dealing with how do you deal with people like that. >> it is thi challenging, we have the same issue with isis, di diabolical killers. they have no moral compass, israelis knew this day would come, what made this attack so different from the hamas attacks from the past, is the focus on civilians. the civilians in the 22 communities they attacked
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there were a number of military bases, smaller in the area, but the focus was on the civilians and thing the taking of large group of hostages something they had never done before, israelis knew what was purpose of the hostages at some point, to trade hostages to buy time. to delay israel's operation against hamas, slow it down, and also to impede it to a point where it cannot succeed. i don't think that they knew for a minute, hamas, that, is that israel military aim here by the national leadership was to dismantle hamas completely that was never a military aim in the past, i think we will see other tranches slowing down the offensive, i believe they will hold on to hostages to retek the regime it -- protect the regime. david: that would be horrible. this ceasefire, could have
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negative consequences for the israelis as well, i understand one of the conditions might be to stop drones from looking at what the -- hamas might know doing in terms of regrouping. or setting u sniper position against idf soldiers there are a lot of risks in stopping this fighting right now. >> yes. well certainly, you started out by talking about hamas, and how bankrupt they are. morally. so, they will do everything they can to cheat on this, so-called no-fly zone they want for 6 hours is the obvious, they want to reposition and do other things in terms of rearming. and reorganizing, israelis have comp heptioni comprehensive intelligence so do we in terms of satellites and other things we can put at higher
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altitude. david: if i could stop for a second there -- the point is that we are capable of sharing our intel me might have to replace that which they might miss in terms of the drones? >> yes, no doubt. we have been sharing, first, there two country in world where we share intel the most s u.k. and second is israel. and from day one, of this conflict, we have been giving them everything that will help them intel wise, i. certain we have increased our collect coverage to assist them, yes. that will be there to mitigate the loss of coverage by drones which is valuable coverage, but also hases had limit. david: let's switch to iran, at the very least, were paymasters of hamas if not
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designers of october 7 itself, the -- as horrible as murders were, they were planned to be that. that was what the hamas terrorists were trained to do, i am suspending that iran had a hand in, that they are attacking our troops we have 66 attacks against our troops our counter attacks are not dissuading them. when will they change -- when will this administration change the tactics. it is not working? >> well, there is not agreement inside the administration on this at least reported in the open press. not grim agreement in white house or pentagon. there is people who like myself, would advocate for stronger response. based on reality that the iran does not care about its
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proxies that much, or if it loses rockets or missiles or people. they will have more proxies to help, it has been a successful strategy for 43 years. that is using proxies in foreign countries to drive the united states military present out of the region, and that weaken and destroy the state of israel, 43 years they have been at this it has never resulted in a direct conflict with the iranians, two presidents, have done something more than destroy proxies, they one after iran -- they went after iran, the presidents came to the clo conclusion in doing so iran would not expand to a war status they would lose their regime. and use of the proxies for 43 years argues that is their mainstay they don't want to be involved, yes, i think we can step up the
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attacks, attack something that iran values, reagan hit royal platforms and i-- oil platforms and irgc bases. and trump hit the leader of the irgc. soleimani. because he was directing the attacks, much as the irgc today, i favor going after the training center. and the headquarters or the bases, there are other targets in iran that they become up with. i don't believe that the history teaches us that would involve a war with iran, that is what those who want to minimal are fearing, i don't think that is supported by history. david: what is happening is our appease ament is getting them to step up, they have the attacks and piracy, houthis took over that ship, which offic was not an israeli ship it was a
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japanese ship. they took that over. and you also have a question, general about their nuclear research in iran, because they have theti extra money, billions, because biden was not enforcing the sanctions against them, they were spending a lot on nuclear enrichment program, they are stepping it up be, we understand they have a enough weapon, enough uranium to 60% purity, they are not far from 90% rate which you need to make a bomb, right? >> yeah, let's posture for a second, what it would be like if iran were permitted to get a bomb, initial nuclear strategy would do, once the sun clause ran out they could have as many, let's assume they have nuclear weapons you can imagine how strong their
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proxies would be at that point, knowing full well, that they will preserve their regime because they will threaten the use of a nuclear weapon if you attack iran. and we're not having the leveraging we have now. because they don't have a nuclear weapon. that is why they want that. because it empowers them in the region to use conventional means. and not -- people not to escalate dpeangs th against that means for fear, of nuclear escalation. >> what should we do if they get a nuke? or if we get information they are very close to it. they are just a week or two away, should we actually go in there ourselves and bomb their facilities? >> well we should work very closely with israelis, they will conduct massive espionage on the ground, and attacks and rift. and if they need our assistance, in conducting a strike, it no the destroying
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the nuclear enterprise but it will delay it we should do that we should give them every means potential to succeed in that, we cannot let this regime have nuclear weapon. david: general jack keane thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. david: coming up iranian attacks on u.s. assets reach 66 since dat october 17. we talk with wisconsin senator ron johnson 'it coming up.
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u.s. bases in middle east, when snuff, enough, joining us now. wisconsin senator ron johnson, we had scwhre general jack keane on, what about pressure that was successful by the trump administration to cut off their funding that brought them to their knees, they could not fund hamas or hezbollah when we denied them oil revenue that biden lifted. >> probably never start. we're dealing with joe biden. obama's secretary of defense, robert gates said that joe biden has think about wrbeen wrong on every major foreign policy decision, biden administration is picking up where obama administration left off, the nuclear agreement that fun em funneled to largest state sponsor of terror and
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relaxing sanctions, biden administration has done the same thing. i don't know where they are coddling iran, they are trying to change their behavior, they made iran more aggressive, they changed it for the worst, i can't explain this administration, if you were asking to develop a strategy to destroy this country, you could not come up with a better plan than what biden is doing to america right now. david: they did employee some people that seemed to be -- if not on side of iran or working at agents for iran add least sympathetic to some iranian causes, one of them rob malley is out a job, they are looking to whether he might have shared intel with iran. i want to switch to other side of ledger, we're funding israel and democrats now seem to put the conditions on israeli aid. in order to appeal to the left side of their political
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ledger. the bernie sanders, and aoc 's, how much longer will they be able to stall aid that israel needs now? >> unimpeachly radica rad -- unfortunately ready call left supports palestinians, by and large not critical of hamas, that is what you see on the dozens of college campuses, you see young students who have been indoctrinated protesting in favor of ham at hamas the brutal murderers, but not surprises when you realize radical left took over the university systems, they have controlled them for decades. david: including congress of united states at least in part. i just want to ask about the bill that speaker johnson, your name sake in the house, has put forward suggests we
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may for the israeli aid by taking money away from super sizing the irs. is there any chance that you could get enough democrats senators in the senate to agree on that? >> i hope so, it will take public pressure. and right now, because of mai mainstream media by in large in back pocket of bidens and democrats we won't get that. look at the border biden's open border policy is a clear and present danger to america, last i checked it was president's responsibility to address clear and present dangers not cause them. he caused this. and democrats are backing him up, they won't vote to construct the fence or they are screaming when we say, we'll do any funds for ukraine have to secure the border,. david: not all democrats, i will push back a little bit,
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those close to or right on the border like congressman cuellar is there senators to democrat excite who are worried about that? >> a handful in congress. i pi put forward 3 amendments to complete building the wall that we bought and paid for, costs us more to not complete it, every democrat but joe manchin voted again that. they are not serious about the border, they want those people beholden to biden administration, letting them in for their vote, this sick. david: some might -- particularly those in states that are affected by border may lose their job, switch to biden financial scandals that continue, remember
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back, a year ago, even less, there was no evidence there this is a wild goose chase, you are trying to make things up to make the president look ill, we came uout with the checks, and, they were -- the checks written by joe biden, joe biden's brother or his sister-in-law. had on bottom of it, it was a loan repayment, have you seen any evidence of a loan made, if there was not he has tac tax problems as well. >> i have not seen it problem we have is congress. you stonewall the investigation, federal government they don't turnover the evidence that would have been so easy for fbi to track this down for people like weiss to investigate it, senator
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grassley and i in our report in 2020, it was obvious to meow corrume how corrupt the biden family s millions of dollars from adversary countries to a and hunter biden selling family name, it was obviously corrupt. i don't think you will have enough evidence for media to declare them corrupt, but i hope american public will make that verdict. david: chairman comer did get those checks. he does have the ability to use this subpoena pow target specific evidence that could prove a case. no? >> yes, but, all his subpoena, they fight over them, not like fbi going to a bike a bank and say turnover the records and they do, can this takes time, this is frustrating.
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they are not getting the truth, that is covered up by mainstream media and biden administration. david: well they are getting enough evidence, the charge that there is no evidence cannot be cred ebbly made credibly made. senator johnson. thank you so much for being here appreciate it. >> thank you. david: coming up special counsel jack smith trying to gag former president trump while on campaign trail. is that not election interfere edge answer, we talk about that is liz peek and bi betsy mccoy. (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪
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david: okay, let's get it try the, prosecutor jack smith wanted to interfere
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with candidate donald trump free speech in an election examine because it might -- campaign because it might interfere with smith's interference case against donald trump. does that make sense, joining us now liz peek, and betsy mccoy. you can't make this stuff up. >> you can't, but aclu is backing trump. there is a reason, judge chutkan said first amendment has to be cast aside a bit in difference to orderly add machine stration administration of justice, not in america. judge. david: too protect speech and those listening to it he a presidential candidate, trump, voters have right to hear what he has to say. >> yeah, this is reinforcing everyone's view there is a
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partisan series of indictments that donald trump has now under. because this is not only gag order. the judge in this case is partisan, she is a former obama donor, was appointed by obama, hates donald trump. i think at some point in dc where 92% of voters went for democrats how could anyone imagine he would have fair trial in that district and this judge who set trial date on march 4, i think that is two days before super tuesday. so, the whole thing is socal colgated to throw off his campaign -- calculated to flow off his campaign, and tie him in knots during the campaign, and she is throa threatening, smith wants change in conditions of his release.
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in this gag order, if hes is a something inappropriate he could be locked up. >> the fact is regardless of what the appellate court judges determine, when it guess on appeal from them to full bank there is no question that donald trump will win, history on his side, in 1987, congressman harold ford sr. was on trial, and a gag order imposed, he appealed it, that order was lifort lifted. he has a right in 1990, in louisiana, the insurance come mi commissioner running for reelection, accused of a crime on trial, high had a gag order. david: jack smith does not have a great history of prosecution. >> no. >> even if donald trump were not a candidate. if we were just an ordinary individual, the bill of rights was written to protect the defendant not protect the government.
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david: if it goes to supreme court i am sure they would emphasize that. >> swish to pure politics and joe biden dealing with in terms of his age, not his age as much as his competency. >> thank you for saying. david: competence ise the question, we have people that we know that work into their 90s that are capable of dealing with stuff, but he has problems. >> they are not getting better, i think that is the problem. >> they are making a joke about it white house. >> generally, according to politico, refusing to deal with the idea this is an issue, the think one thing right now that must be terrifying democrats is young voter seepage, they are just losing interest in joe biden. david: he got more than -- a 20% advantage with young voters in 2020. now he is under water with
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them. it is within range of error, he lost that 20%. david: >> which was the margin of error or victory in 2020. was young voters, and they are not just historically more liberal, they are unreliable voters, big surprise in 20 they showed up, this time, issue for joe biden is it looks like they will not show up, they think that this is their grandfather, they would not entrust their future to their grandfather, they would not entrust the country to joe biden but also now israel and palestine issue. >> we don't have much time, as former lieutenant governor of great state of new york, we all live in. it this is affecting all blue cities. this city is falling apart, we are running out of money we have a new 12 billion
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dollar bill because of migrants we're a sanctuary city and a governor still right now she is coming up with new liberal laws that give advantages to criminals. what do we do? >> well, doesn't have to be this way. i want new yorkers to know, it does not have to be this way. the fact is that there are 4 things that need to be done, stop attracting migrants. stop handing them four-star hotel rooms, 3 miles a day. and -- meals a day, healthcare and legal services and transportation,.. >> we neat sanctuary citying on end. >> lower taxes, we lost 160 financial institutions in new york. tax base, people who work here, that is a tragedy. and this is real important, protect the jewish community in new york the largest jewish city in the world. and jews are afraid now.
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david: last note from liz, you marid into a family, involved in banking industry, a lot of wall street moving that is not stopping that is increasing. because of the crime, because of the tax and regulations. about stupid things like your gas range and heating. people -- and so, with that revenue, we're paying more, money for migrants and gets less money in tac in tax revenue. >> problem is city officials and government of new york, they have one playbook when they get in tough situations they raise taxes, i believe that hochul understands that is a death nel for new york, everyone that i know is moving to florida, this is great migration, and this is just continuing. >> doesn't have to be this way. >> does not. david: one thing that gives us hope, we saw it before when guliani came in. >> prioritize. >> but david, you need the will to do it, there is no
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body here in this administration with that will. >> cuts cops is not tweet go. >> grade to see you. >> liz and betsy. >> drama with cofounder of open a.i. getting fired then hired with microsoft continues with nearly all open a.i. employees threatening to quick, following altman to microsoft. joining us now shirvin peshivar. >> great to see. >> what is the very latest on this story. we're now hearing that microsoft or microsoft? that open a.i. is trying to bring him back in, they realized they made a mistake. what is the latest? >> it is been soap opera over the weekend. and the latest news seems to
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be saying that sam might be joining a interim board of directors at open a tha a.i. that would replace existing board that fired him. it has been a lot of back and forth. i think at the end of the day i am long on microsoft. he hired sam altman to lead. at microsoft there is rumors that sam might come back, again. to open a.i. through the new board that caused that mess. that might stel step down. i think one example. corporate governance in silicon valley has been weak. bored structures and board members, and we have seen this behavior --
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>> we saw it with sillio silicon valley bank, a ro a lot of examples where boards make terrible mistakes. >> steve jobs was fire pie by the app erd boa apple board years ago, i have known sam for a long time. he is great person, and he is one of the jeepious geniuses of america that could lead a ma manhattan project. david: so why did they fire him. >> tha that is cloudy, board has refused to say reasons there is a mess. and i think at the end of the day, we'll find out more
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but the board is not saying anything about specific reasons. so it is pretty unprecedented when we're seeing. david: i'll say. >> this is like a.i. is the most powerful technology invefninvented in human history, we're in a race with china, one thing, china is not firing their sam altmans, they are goingful speed ahead and 12 to 24 months we had as leeds with open a.i., might be lost. what i'm lobbying for is america needs to take this more seriously this is as important as the manhattan project was to get the nuclear bomb and win world war ii, we need quantum and
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a.i. supremacy important to take leadership and invest in a.i. david: there are military applications for this, they talked with chinese, i'm not sure they did the right talking with the chinese about this the biden administration, but -- switching to another subject, elon musk, you know about elon musk. he first, he has a lawsuit against media matters a left wing site that was trying to use xagainst itself to prove that elon musk is an anti-semite based on false tweets do i have that right. >> what i have seen and looked at lawsuit two x filed against media matters, saying they engaged in fraud. really manipulating data. at the same time, you know
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elon musk and x have to work hard to make sure that there is no anti-semitism that is being promoted in their platform, and elon said strongly that he is committed to that. he is a personal friend. i -- >> you don't think he is anti-semitic, you never heard him? >> we -- built and collaborate on many ideas. i think he is one of our great entrepreneurs as well. i think media matters isin organization that you know is more on the kind of woke, left, side that is trying to really stop someone like elon musk. david: forgive me, we're running out of time, budget libottom line that i want to get rid of elon musk, x had fewer anti-semitic comments on it and items on it than either tiktok or facebook. tiktok in particular. just horrible. and yes elon musk had
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problems with antidefamation league. it has nothing to do with anti-semitism it is just political cor orientation is where it do got messed up. >> absolutely thank you. david: coming up, if democrats are urging president biden to revamp his economic messaging, why is he telling americans that bidenomics is working, we have steer moor -- stiec steve moor he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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. >> despite democrats underring president to rebrand historic economy messages, president touting success of bidenomics, voters are not buying it hillary vaughn at the white house with more. reporter: well white house is taking credit for americans gobbling up some savings on their thanksgiving feast. saying that americans have a lot to be grateful for. because the thanksgiving dinner they are putting on their table is cheaper this year. >> as we start preparing our thanksgiving meals, grocery inflation is at its lowest level in over two years,
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prices are down for turkey, stuffing, bhippi whipping cream. reporter: cost of this year's feast is giving americans wallets some relief, the price is way above where it was when biden took office 25 percent more according to farm bureau and $3 cheaper that year than last, singles out cost of a turkey about a dollar and 50 cents cheaper than the year before, the dollar drop for the big bird when cost of a turkey went up by a buck two years ago, the white house downplayed it. >> i don't know if you have cooked a turkey before but a 20 pound during turkey is big, they are about $1 more there turkeys available, a huge bird. reporter: and new nbc poll found 38% of voters approve
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the biden's handling of economy, cnn reports we'll see a lot of white house officials tv touting this tiny drop in a few dollars that americans are saving for this thanksgiving as way to promote president's reelection efforts. >> americans are not seeing it, prices are not down much. they are not going up as fast, hillary thank you. >> joining us now with more, steve moore of committee to unleash prosperity. host of moore money. on wabc radio, we'll talk about inflation but first jobs. he is at it again, he did it again. president came out with an x or a tweet, claiming that he is responsible -- in headline of it said jobs created by president, 13 million jobs, we know we told him time and again, he
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is not listening. that 9.4 million of those 13 million, he said he created were jobs that came back after the covid lockdown. >> of course that is true, and we have talked about this, you know so many times this is about fourth time that president tried this. we are on to it, but i think that american are on. they understand that 80% of those jobs were just the jobs that had been created you were trump. but we lost something like 25 million jobs when we shut down the economy, study uply. stupidly, if you compare month by month, not jobs come back jobs from covid biden created 130 thousand jobs a month, trump created about 180 thousand a month, trump's job record is superior to bidens. david: even if you include jobs lost because of covid
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lockdowns that is incredible, no matter how you pearce is trump did -- parse it trump did better in his one term. >> that is -- right, that is because, people forget, the last 6 months of trump administration were boom period, with a huge recovery point biden slowed that down, i just down think he will get away with the line that somehow pick h bidenomics is a success with about 20% of americans is a that economy is good or great, like, you know being a dentist and holding a drill, saying it is not going to hurt very much. david: it did hurt. to inflation. we're another refrain that we're hearing from white house, we have licked inflation, that the biden administration has killed inflation, and i -- 89 percent of american by the way fox poll say they are still very concerned about inflation, 89%.
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but there is also another indicator that i find strange, that gold is up to $2 020 an ounce -- 22 -- again. >> and why do people buy gold, as a hedge against higher inflation, people are very nervous about it. and you know have to say for biden to say look how cheap thanksgiving dinner s he should go to grocery store. and you know. the fact is that might be slightly lower, i don't even believe the numbers but compare to before the hum huge inflation rate. this is no bargain. >> i cook turkeys but i ba buy them, i know what i have earning maybe particular to my region, i hear a lot of comments from people around the country saying that
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inflation is not gone, what about fossil fuels. we're hearing from biden administration is that despite their war on fossil fuel we have record oil productions? >> well, we just did a study at committee, that shows we're about 2 1/2 million barrels a day below where we would be if we just stuck with the trump baseline policies, we're were in midst of a huge shale oil and gas revolution. that is a lot of money we're losing because of biden's war on energy, we estimate about 80 dollars a barrel, 200 million a day. that we're losing and guess where it -- yo you know that money going to china, russia and iran. >> talk about playing to hand ofs of our enemy. >> steve moore, great to see you. stay with us, more kudlow ahead. fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund
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6:00 am
david: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching folks. >> good wednesday morning thank you for joining us i am maria bartiromo, it is wednesday november 22. breaking news 6:00 a.m. on t


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