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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 22, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: there is the song that gets everyone on the dance will, we are family, the low cloud hangover midtown manhattan, we are family with thanksgiving tomorrow, people hitting the roads today for sure. good morning, everyone. it is 10:00 eastern. i'm ashley webster in for stuart varney. let's get straight to your money. after finishing lower yesterday on the markets we are now higher, modestly so, the nasdaq, the s&p and the dow anywhere from 1/4 to close to half of one%. the 10 year treasury yield has been on the way down, two month low. it is just turned around a little bit, 4. 4% earlier. it was under that at. 3. let's look at the price of oil, that has also been on the way down. down for quite some time, down another 350, $74.18 per barrel and bitcoin also has been
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slightly lower, down $343 at 36,393. just got the latest read on consumer sentiment. what's the number? lauren: better-than-expected coming in at 60 one. 3. but sentiment is the lowest since march, this is the number for november. the issue is inflation. even though it is coming down, one year inflation expectations went up, 5-year inflation expectations did not improve. consumer confidence about the economy going forward relatively the same so we are more optimistic about current conditions, worried about what is in store for the future. ashley: not a ringing endorsement for bidenomics. now this. ms nbc's joe scarborough issued a scathing warning about donald trump if he wins in 2024. watch this. >> he will imprison, he will
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execute whoever he is allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country, just look at his past. it is not hard to read. the only thing that stood between him and the destruction of american democracy was the federal judiciary. ashley: i don't know where to begin on that. seriously? liz peek will no go from here from here. execute, seriously? liz: to paraphrase yogi berra, déjà vu all over again, these were the warnings we heard in 2016. i wrote a piece a year later saying donald trump didn't cause a stock market crash, he didn't start world war iii,
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didn't deport 11 million people. here's the problem. democrats have absolutely nothing to run on. the only thing they can run on is scare tactics, donald trump is going to destroy democracy, limited all abortions, they keep rolling this out hoping to scare people into thinking president biden is a better choice but what we know is on every issue people prefer donald trump and the republicans. i find this really offensive i must say and joe scarborough's suggestion the federal judiciary has disappeared, it has gotten more conservative, somewhat more attuned to preserving the constitution, that's about it and in my view that is a plus. ashley: what did donald trump bring, an economy that was arriving at a 50 year high, more secure border and respect around the world, peace through
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strength, the list goes on and on but i want to get onto this subject. more than 2 dozen house democrats are accusing x, formally known of twitter of profiting from hamas propaganda and misinformation. it comes just one day after musk launched a lawsuit against media matters for their claims of anti-semitism on the platform. to me it's just democrats trying to take on an pilon elon musk, right? >> absolutely years. after donald trump, elon musk is target number one. they are going after him for so many different issues right now and what has he done the really offends democrats? he opened up twitter, published the twitter files which expose the collusion of social media with the federal government to try and elect president biden, that's what he did and for that, he will never remain enemy number one even though in ukraine right now the
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government would tell you the only thing keeping their war alive is star link which is space x's communications network system owned by elon musk and he has allowed ukraine to use star link from the earliest days of the year. without that they wouldn't have had a war. it is incredible to me they continue to pile on this guy. every social media site has hosted hamas video. they are good at propaganda and iran is good at propaganda and so is china and russia. let's have a conversation about tiktok before we pile onto what twitter posted on hamas. ashley: we are out of time. thank you for jumping in with us the day before thanksgiving. have a great time with the family this week.
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i want to pick up on elon musk. what is he doing to fix these claims of anti-semitism? lauren: x will donate add to and subscribe and revenue to the red cross in gaza and hospitals in israel. it is an unspecified some but an olive branch. i'm okay calling it that, to musk's critics after some from problem anti-semitic and media matters left watchdog slamming the company for putting companies advertisements next to cringe and neo-nazi commentary so he is donating this money to civilians in gaza. ashley: i'm sure they will ignore that but you are looking at the movers today. let's begin with united airlines. what's going on? lauren: it is literally their christmas, holiday travel, you also have oil prices down which helps, the airlines are getting
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ready to fly 4. 7 million people this thanksgiving weekend alone so jet fuel cheaper, planes more packed. unfortunately virgin galactic shares are down again. morgan stanley says they don't like that they are pausing their spaceflights to save money. the pause that might not be refreshing right now, stock is down 6%. gas, the retail are cutting therefore your forecast, seeing lower customer traffic in the store and online, stock is down one% essentially. ashley: very good. thank you very much. amazon and the nfl teaming up for the first black friday football game this year. what is all this about? >> when you go to watch the dolphins play the jets, you might see a qr code at the bottom of the screen, and you scan it, those will be amazon black friday deals, like right there during the game on black friday, before the game all
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throughout the day, the eyeballs that are going to be on this. amazon pays the nfl billion dollars a year so they want to get more bang for their investments not to mention taylor swift, travis kelsey, nfl viewership is up 26%. they have more eyeballs watching and now you just, bottom of your phone if you can get a great black friday deal for amazon and you don't need to be a prime member. that's the catch. do you know anybody who's not a prime member? ashley: know to be honest with you. thank you very much. let's get back to these markets, they are moving higher. let's bring in kyle wall who joins us this morning. we've been talking about ai stocks surging, what are some of the are -- ai plays you might not think about?
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>> were going to have a renaissance in traditional computer makers, you've already seen a pretty good move into a and lenovo, they are up 66% on a 1-year number but there's other computer stocks that are really going to benefit the but have not made a move yet that are probably position just as well as dell. if you look at a stock like hp which is down 6% at the same time, but also if you look at the traditional chip companies that will benefit from this buildout and rollout of the ai stocks like intel, amd, micron, we could go on and on. there's a lot of names that could benefit from this renaissance. ashley: we've been talking a lot about nvidia today after the blowout earnings they reported after the bell yesterday. nvidia down today, around $477. i've asked people if they think that stretched but this has a lot of room to run. would you agree? >> last time i was on the show
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with you a few months back it was when nvidia came out with numbers and stock was at $400 at 500 so it is hard to get in front of nvidia. it continues to go higher and if you look at the earnings especially net earnings up 13 x year over year it is pretty impressive what they are doing. ashley: i've looked at your notes, you talked about the fear of missing out, still an awful lot of cash in the sidelines. can that rally keep the momentum going? >> i think so. if you head wents are subsiding, the fed is a lot less hawkish than they were a few months ago, the 10 year coming down, the mortgage rates coming down, you do have people think they are missing out so you may have the rally turn into a santa claus rally and take us into the new year. stuart: ashley: i want to ask about the ipo market. where do you see that heading. we will not see it live in a
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little bit? >> i believe so, you are seeing some grass shoots right now and green shoots. if you continue to have this exuberance in ai and the old tech market, there's a few big names that space x could go public or spin out star link which as we times recently added to cash flow even and names in the ai space, i'm sure the large investment banks like goldman sachs and morgan stanley would be happy to take it to market. ashley: they are looking there chops for sure. thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. open ai bringing back sam altman, he's back as ceo. a wild turn of events. the supreme court rejected president biden's student loan forgiveness program but that's not stopping the administration
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from having taxpayers pick up the tab. in portland, oregon, blocking a major bridge in the city as the strike continues. students haven't been to class for the entire month as a result of this. school choice advocate erica donald's will join us next. ♪ ♪
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hello is friendly... hello is welcoming... it's everything we want to be when helping people find a medicare plan during the annual enrollment period. so, say hello to hellomedicare... a one-stop shop for medicare plans... including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans. learn, compare, even enroll—all in one place. give us a call now. we'll guide you to a plan that fits your needs. at hellomedicare, it all starts with a few simple questions so we can get to know what's important to you. then, we'll match you with plans that fit your needs, from well-known names in medicare. compare benefits. compare costs. it's easy. and when you feel good about a plan...
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we'll sign you up. done. and. done. the annual enrollment period is here. so, let's do this. give us a call today and speak with one of our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. and say hello to an easier way to do medicare. lauren: let's check of the
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markets. a decent rally on the holiday shortened week day, the dow was up 12:45%, did over the s&p 500 and the nasdaq after those declines. the number of younger students reported absent from school lose surging post pandemic, things are supposed to be better but are not exactly. 14. 7 million kids or 30% of students are chronically absent meaning they are missing school 18 days a year and the issue is they fall further and further behind making it nearly impossible for some of them to catch up. chronic absenteeism is more prevalent in schools that have higher poverty rates. if you look at high poverty schools, chronic absenteeism is at 69% in the last school year am a before covid it was 25%. that's a huge jump that is moving in the wrong direction. now this, students in portland, oregon have not attended class
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at all this entire month as teachers continue to strike, those teachers temporarily blocking a major bridge in the city as they market continue their marches. erica, good to see you again. as the teachers do this but kids once again are the victims. >> they are, the students suffer the most when it comes to these strikes, you just talked about chronic absenteeism, we've seen huge learning losses in the pandemic and goes to show you teachers are willing to be out of the classroom for about a month, by the time students get back to the classroom is an back to their routines they have lost more than that when it comes to learning and student achievement, teachers unions exist to serve the needs of adults, not the needs of students and there is no excuse for doing this to our kids. lauren: a new law prohibits students from using preferred
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pronouns or names that don't match their assigned gender at birth, the students need written permission from a parent to use such a pronoun, do you agree with this law? >> absolutely do. grammar is important. the foundation of the. language is important for good communication. we are talking about how students are not performing well academically and confusing them by telling them they can choose how to use the english language according to their feelings. that's not the case. teachers have said they are confused over the new laws but what a mess we are in when it is confusing not to use the proper grammar and language in an academic institution. we have to get back to what the english language means, we have to get back to the truth which is what our teachers should be teaching in these academic environments. these laws are a start at that and making sure parents are the ones driving these decisions.
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. almost like some of the adults are making things more complicated than the first place, confusing the kids and everybody else in the process, last question, 38% of fourth graders in the state of new jersey where i live and where my kids go to public school were proficient in english last year. that is it. i thought the schools in jersey were good. now some schools are putting emphasis on phonics to help students get back on track. phonics in the fourth grade seems a little late. supposed to be kindergarten and first grade. >> absolutely right and when we opened our schools and a new community we often bring in sixth-graders and have to teach them phonics because they do not know how to read. they don't have the basics of the english language when it comes to phonics, when it comes to grammar and parts of speech. we have to get back to this as a country. i applaud the state of new jersey for changing their standards and improving them back to explicit phonics which
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is what we've known has worked all along. what we are finding is teachers are unprepared to teach this way, we have to revamp what's going on in our teacher colleges to make sure teachers are prepared with knowledge and ability to teach phonics in these classrooms which we got to start from scratch including in new jersey, new york and other states that are waking up to what needs to be done. lauren: when you speak to older teachers they are so frustrated, saying the state and district keep changing rules about how we teach and what we teach, these new models aren't always working. i've been teaching for 25 years and this is how you teach a child to read and they want us to do it this way and it is not working. it is almost like why aren't the people that are supposed to be listening listening? >> reporter: one of my sons when in the classroom with a veteran teacher like you just described who was sneaking phonics books into her classroom so she could teach children how to read the way she knew they needed to be taught and what a tragedy that
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is but that is the point of school choice. it allows pockets of innovation where teachers can go and teach in different ways and show the districts and government schools what works and what doesn't. perhaps that is what happened here in the state of new jersey and we would like to see more of it because we want the science of reading, xmas it phonics and grammar to come back to classrooms across the country so we can compete globally like we must do. lauren: and we don't want to the masks, as the weather is getting colder and holidays are upon us, some of these districts will say for the timing everyone has to mask up again? >> parents, like they rose up across the country during covid against masks and school closures, they have to just say no and not allow school districts and school boards to inhibit the learning in this way and to violate students rights and parents rights to make those health decisions for themselves. >> happy thanksgiving, thank you.
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president biden is making it easier for student loan borrowers to declare bankruptcy as a way to get rid of ongoing debt. doesn't that sound popular. how exactly is this going to work? >> wasn't supposed to be easy but it's going to be. despite that ruling about the supreme court, president biden has wiped out one hundred $27 billion in loans. is not done. most of that debt is not owed to a bank but to you taxpayer. when he had been a strange and forgives a loan it doesn't disappear. it comes out of your pocket. how much is at risk, $1.6 trillion. if you allow students to walk away to bankruptcy the administration issued new guidelines, to claim undue hardship simply by filing a document with expenses that exceed income, they show a good
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faith effort to pay, feds can cancel the loan, critics say it shouldn't be that easy. >> there should be high bar when it comes to federal student loans because basically you are talking about not repaying innocent people, taxpayers the money that they gave to borrowers for something they thought would be highly profitable. >> reporter: he is resetting balances for underwater loans, forgiving loans for borrowers who paid for the last 20 years, reducing payments based on income and low-paying jobs, can selling debts for people with service and students who attend predatory colleges. >> count was conversations with borrowers who had their lives turned upside down but continues to burden them because of the historic failures of the student loan
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system and abuses of predatory schools. >> bottom line is the battle is not over, republicans call it free college and it is not free so if you want to start a debate at the dinner table tomorrow just bring this up. i'm sure there will be multiples. >> i will say what my dad said, you're going to the best college that we can afford period. thank you, happy holidays to you. people love to escape the winter cold by traveling to a warmer destination but it doesn't always go as planned. role it. >> your flight is not going out. let's get you a suite at the radisson. do you hear that? that is terrific. would be possible to take us out to cessna, mcdonald's is a desert? now that i know this kind of red carpet services available. >> was the best to get away? the point guy brian kelly will tell us what we need to know
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before the game. today unfortunately is expected to be a gridlock alert day. one of the busiest travel days ever and a storm system is set to disrupt thanksgiving travel across 30 states. grady trumbull has the latest update on the flight delays and flight cancellations and so much more. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills
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ashley: all right. this wednesday session the day before thanksgiving on the upside, the dow, s&p and nasdaq are higher anywhere from 1/3 to half of one person. you are looking at other movers this morning, let's begin with marathon digital. lauren: is down. block chain is down, coin base just turned higher but related stocks are lower as bitcoin prices are lower, the reason is the ceo pleaded guilty to not preventing money laundering charges. nvidia another blowout quarter for a stock that is up 240% this year.
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but because restrictions on ships to china, china is 1/5 of their revenue, there's a little bit of caution going forward because they are warning china sales for the fourth quarter. other than that, 18. one billion dollars in sales is but a good, nvidia down 3.3%, the average price target on the stock is $655. maybe you can buy it on the cheap, we will see. amc teaming up with hidden valley ranch for zesty ranch popcorn, think about that as you pop some popcorn for a movie this weekend. ashley: good for you, you are just not having that popcorn. it is time for planes, trains and automobiles. more than 46 flights have been
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canceled this morning, more than a thousand dollar delay, not good as millions are trying to make it home for thanksgiving, grady trumbull is at dollars international airport this morning. all right. how's it? >> reporter: good. those issues you mentioned are not happening here. my crew and diane the passengers we've talked to remarked they are surprised halcomb it is here this morning and maybe that's because when you look at the departures board, i see 2 or 3 delays right now. almost every flight on time. the tsa says 2.6 million people went through airport checkpoints across the country yesterday, right on the money with what they were projecting. they expect to screen another 2.7 million people today. there were concerns about the storm moving across the south that the midatlantic. it did cause 5000 delays yesterday.
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looking at the flight or misery matt, there's more green than red. so that's good news and the flyers we've talked to hear, even those who have had travel troubles, they seem to be in pretty good moods. >> looks great, looks like an easy day to travel, just checked my apps and everything looks to beyond time. >> real easy, very smooth, no lines but it is still early. >> you seem in good spirits having had a flight canceled. >> we are going to catch whatever hopefully and get back. >> reporter: all those people going somewhere before thanksgiving, they have to get back. that's why the tsa expects the sunday after thanksgiving to be the busiest of this holiday period. they expect 2.9 million passengers on sunday alone if that projection holds, that would be the busiest single
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travel day in tsa history. ashley: looks remarkably calm behind you. let's hope it stays that way. brian kelly is founder of the point guy. he joins us this morning. where is the best winter destination to plan if you are looking at travel last minute? >> i booked a trip to puerto rico next week, 84 ° and sunny every day of the week. sky scanner named it one of the cheapest tropical destination. airfares are super cheap. you can get hotels for under $100 a night next week. it is a budget destination and you don't need a passport which is a major bonus. ashley: or what kind of airfare price are we talking? >> $250 or less depending on
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the day you fly. sunday, monday of this week are expensive but if you are flexible like a lot of people are with likable work arrangements, it can be cheaper to fly to puerto rico then going to florida or even georgia. we are telling people to look into it because you will get a little flavor. it is like you are traveling abroad, you will get kosher, so much to do in puerto rico but you don't have to worry about passports, once you land it is like landing in the united states. out of the airport it is super easy. ashley: when is the best time to book. you said sunday, monday am a this coming will be very busy but when is the best time? >> it depends. go to that is what most experts used to sniff out the lowest airfare and be flexible. you can look at a calendar map,
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you can put in your home airport and put sj you for puerto rico for example and calendar view and sniff out the cheapest but generally for domestic travel, ideally 6 to 8 weeks before departure is ideal. that doesn't mean there aren't last minute deals. there will be black friday deals so be on the lookout for airfare. >> reporter: i love the term sniff them out. is there anyway you wouldn't go? >> there are certain places. i love israel. i've been there many times. it is closed off to most americans. there are a bunch of hot spots around the world. so check out the state department website to see what the threat level is in the country are going to. that's why a lot of americans are staying close to home this year and why puerto rico is a great destination and very safe. ashley: one of the biggest
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issues with airlines is they cut back on capacity. they are overbooking, this is not enough lights. ticket prices go up. is that started to ease a little bit? >> it really has. likely the bearer of good news today. flights are operating pretty smoothly. airlines the last year and 1/2, we saw so many out downs, even on busy travel days we've seen them. it doesn't have to be a melt down. airfare is coming down. the thing we need to watch as oil prices especially with what's going on in middle east, we could see pressure that could push airfare up but the last two years we saw airfare skyrocket. it is now coming down so there are really good deals out there. don't assume because a year ago you were booking a trip that was so expensive, there are good deals out there. ashley: that is a happy place to leave it right there. brian kelly the point guy. some really valuable information. we appreciate it. let's bring back in lahren.
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which airlines tend to have the most delays during the holiday season? i guarantee i will pick it. the most delays. lauren: the best is hawaiian, good luck with that. the worst is frontier. southwest doesn't do much better. 31. 8, 31.9% of their flights are delayed. going back 10 years, this is the average between december 14th, and january 5th. it covers the winter holidays. now you know the next time you go to book a flight you might want to avoid jetblue, 30 one% of their flights are delayed. the best is hawaiian airlines, 15% of flights delayed. delta second-best. my airline is american. stuart: i will take hawaii in. thank you very much. i've never been able to go. don't forget to send your friday feedback.
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we want to hear it all, do that before friday. i know you're eating get tomorrow but we are here friday. remember the irs wanted to report any payments over $600 received on apps like paypal, they delayed those plans again. will the irs get rid of it all together? a lot of people hope so. that report next. ♪ ♪
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ashley: the irs just delayed its plans to impose a new rule would force people to report
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income over $600 in payment apps like paypal. gerri willis has been on the story, joins me now. do we know why it has been delayed again? ashley: it is impossible to enforce, the difficulty around this is just amazing. the irs doesn't even have people do it and you could say that this is an early christmas present for gig workers and small businesses, the irs announcing for the second year in a row it will delay implementation of american transactions of $600 or more to be reported for tax purposes. the delay comes a week after the gao announced the law would result in at least 30 million new 1099 forms arriving in americans mailboxes come january and that is just 10 months before the election so now it is delayed. the new rule was part of the american rescue plan passed in 2,020 one, you probably remember that and while the rule is a reporting requirement
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for people on paypal its effect is to create tax obligations for individuals and small businesses using those services but the devil is in the details. listen. >> the people who are really going to have a challenges the paypal -- all of a sudden now they've got to try to come up with some methodology that says that is a payment for good or service or that is just a payment for my body's dinner. >> for 2,023 reporting requirements will remain the same, reporting threshold will remain at 20,000, no changes for your april of 2,024 tax filings, that doesn't mean taxpayers are off the hook. for 2024 the irs plans to institute a threshold of $500,000. so the first possible tax year it could be put in place would
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be 2,025, the filing deadline of 2026. confusing but a long way off. democrats said the high income households are the folks that need to pay more in taxes but this threshold will ensnare millions of not so wealthy americans some of whom are collecting wedding gifts or selling old sofa. we will see if they can pull this one off. ashley: hopefully they will ditch the whole idea. thank you very much. now this. ticket prices for sporting events are surging. is this the latest effect of what they call fun inflation? lauren: it makes sense. anytime i buy a ticket to any event it costs more. sporting event ticket prices are up 20.1% from last year. in one year you pay 25% more.
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overall inflation is at 3.2% so it is running 8% hotter than prices overall. a big reason for this is the ticket platforms they use dynamic pricing so they determine price based on demand and the reality, lionel messi playing in florida, the grand prix formula one in vegas so there is hot players and cool events and people are spending money to see it. ashley: demand, price goes up to get ticketless levels, taylor swift tickets, thank you very much. now this. china has about to crack down on fentanyl but it turns out even the president is skeptical. listen to this. >> president biden: china has taken steps the shutdown companies dealing in illicit trade. we are not just going to trust them. we will verify. ashley: we are going to speak
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to the ceo of a fentanyl solution and whether it were, that is next. ♪ and less about well, business? some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange. here, i can search more than 2,000 companies, to see if they care more about divisive social issues than about running a sound business. isn't it time we got back to the business of business? learn the risk to your company or family at
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hello is friendly... hello is welcoming... it's everything we want to be when helping people find a medicare plan during the annual enrollment period. so, say hello to hellomedicare... a one-stop shop for medicare plans... including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans. learn, compare, even enroll—all in one place. give us a call now. we'll guide you to a plan that fits your needs. at hellomedicare, it all starts with a few simple questions so we can get to know what's important to you. then, we'll match you with plans that fit your needs, from well-known names in medicare. compare benefits. compare costs.
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it's easy. and when you feel good about a plan... we'll sign you up. done. and. done. the annual enrollment period is here. so, let's do this. give us a call today and speak with one of our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. and say hello to an easier way to do medicare.
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stuart: ashley: now this was border patrol agents made another major drug bust at the southern border. come back, lauren. what did they find? ashley: drug sniffing dogs other to a mexican woman age 31 driving a dodge ram pickup trying to cross from mexico to new mexico when her vehicle was checked and this is what they found, 354 pounds of meth under the truck after bed lining so they seized it, took custody of her and now she faces charges associated with a failed drug smuggling attempt. ashley: president biden highlighted his administration's efforts to try to stop the flow of fentanyl into the us with the help of china. watch this. >> president biden: the united states will work together with china on the fentanyl components. as a result of recent
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diplomacy, china has taken steps to shut down the companies dealing in illicit trade. now we are not just going to trust that this is happening. we have to verify. that is to save lives. ashley: the ceo of fentanyl solution, will they curb the flow of fentanyl into the united states via mexico? >> the first step is to act. can we trust china to do what they say they are going to do? they haven't been a big ally lately. verifying it is absolutely is necessary and be able to tell by the number of deaths in the united states that are reduced if they stay, say what they are going to do and do it, we will tell by that because we are losing one person every 5
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minutes, that is a step, but the question is will they do what they say they are going to do, we have to ask india, talk to mexico and i know biden has been talking to mexico but can they be trusted to help us out with this crisis? that's the question. ashley: it is one that people are skeptical about to be honest with you. federal investigators busted a massive fentanyl ring in washington dc. they found 250,000 fentanyl pills. what does this mean? how do you get them off the streets? are people taking fentanyl pills by themselves? are they mixed with other drugs a? how is this getting into america? >> we are finding the majority of fentanyl deaths are due to pills that feel like regular
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pharmaceuticals like a perfect set, xanax, mixing get these pills to look like pharmaceuticals putting fentanyl and filler in these pills, and bagging and mixing things in their home. they don't know, it is not someone who's drug of choice is fentanyl. they overdose more often than not and that is a small percentage. that is what we are facing and the crisis we are facing in the united states. ashley: it is crippling. it is devastating. thank you for your efforts to get a handle on it. thanks for joining us today. appreciate it. molly hemingway will be here on growing support among voters to security southern border. john levine on a woke museum
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