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tv   Barrons Roundtable  FOX Business  November 24, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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like these will get shoppers to open their wallets online. 71.1 million americans expected to partake in the cyber shopping extravaganza, is almost minis projected to get $12 billion on monday alone would be a 6 percent increase from the record numbers in 2022, and overall online sales in the u.s. expected to talk to her $21 billion that is a 2 billion-dollar increase from previous year, will be following all of this on mornings with maria, six - 9:00 p.m. eastern on foxbusiness week is a hope you will join us is targeted with us and this will do it for us now here in foxbusiness, i'm sending you my best wishes from all of us here for happy thanksgiving weekend, and that you're headed thank you for being with us and i'll see you again next time.
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>> welcome to a special edition barron's round table check in 2023 is been an up-and-down year for investors inflation is been following but still about the feds 2 percent target and the fed hike rates four times but it may be done in the bond market is been volatile the sox and had a very good year as we come of it will look at affected investors this year, and have best position for 2024 verse we are tackling the most remarkable trends of 2023, and whether they will continue into nature and then the retellings were dana tells it will give her a look for the holiday shopping season plus the top stock she is looking out pretty we will have some gear and tips on optimizing your portfolio and finally, each of our palaces offering up one investment idea, to consider someone to flat out avoid barron's roundtable, and carlin andrew barry is a winter, very good year for the s&p 500, then you appear under the hood, and
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it doesn't almost been entirely covered by the so called seven sox on trading now at 40 times earnings almost chase the momentum of the vendors or do i look at the other 493 stocks that have not done most this year. >> i think would be give us good through couple right now. andrew: microsoft is an organ high level and around 30 times the earnings, and tesla came from about 70 times forward earnings with the ev market starting a slowdown and another hot stock, becoming nai and frankly, this may sound like heresy and i think that is a i think may be overblown in the sure college student looking to cheat on the term player sure the real benefit of a.i. is not getting nicer and i'm sure how to do it. jack: you left out to put his socks been platforms and about both of them look decent to me pretty frustrating and pretty reasonable evaluations around maybe cheaper think actually look pretty good.
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>> will i agree with you. andrew: i agree with you are deaf about a google but i disagree on meta- think that has issues and facebook is getting older having problems of tiktok social issues and political problems and things like that i think that could slow them down. jack: i think a.i. will have a lot of the countries we've not yet figured out yet bill of the show said capitol one francis will benefit stuff to handicap that. carlson, let's talk about loki is him about light to texas banning some financial managers approach to investing played out but we have more than 2024. carilton: i think we absolutely have more of it in 2024, maybe not to the same level of noise as we had in 2023, but when you're thinking about yesterday, is easy to talk about use of fossil fuels and in a time when geopolitical world is not complicated and well, 2022, and
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2023, has made this geopolitical world cup get it into jury in an injury security is looking a bit more important than i think, green energy now so i think it would definitely going to continue to see them because the other than you think about is pursuing these pension funds that are talking about yesterday, yes cheaper hunters will say, that this is good for the long-term any of these sound investment decisions to make but prevention funds people will retire soon any that pretty soon the need that to play out now. andrew: i think the woke backlash is coming up including electric vehicles becoming victim of a culture wars down using republican candidate socially campaigning against ev saying is basically people been forced by the climate activists and the biden decision so i think it will be a problem for ev going forward c1 okay will will see an event let's talk about the inflation and the yields everybody's favorite and least favorite subject and inflation is come way down and from 9 percent to about
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3 percent smile can sometimes be tough one and obviously the feds are trying to figure it on what is your view wherever they go in 2024. ben: like we for three years, i've just chaos with bond investors massive loss you look at something like the long term bond fund etf them is lost 50 percent year for three years that is unheard of so what i'm predicting for the bond investors nice years the yields are basically staying where they are the does this sound exciting, bond investments have had enough excitement the tenure probably finish next year 4.5 percent, that would mean that the fed is probably not going to do much next year the federal state where he news and inflation may come down a little bit more the growth pulled up and then you can just see a fairly normal here. andrew: also percentage point cut in about five and quarter down to fort a quarter next year and i think that they could play out heavy drum held the fed are going to have a hard time coming keeping rates above 5 percent in
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the economy such as sewing and facial inflation continues to creep lower. ben: some people think it will be great because i think i take side with goldman sachs didn't see right because until 2024 reasons december will be resilient economy is a price people. carleton: vargas danley using rate cuts in the middle of the year i think that just makes sense with the economic data we are getting i think that the fed will feel pressure to do a cut them up when we demo because there is too much kind of attention in the economy right now. jack: that's interesting and thank you guys americans pull back on spending the holiday season retail expert dana kelsey gives her outlook next.
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>> 's he went sales slowed october working first acquainted seven months, consumer spending drop down to 0.1 percent from september, but that partly reflects lower gas races and it was a 2 percent annually down for months was 4.1 percent gain. the national retail federation is expecting holiday spinning to reach record levels this year predicting up to 4 percent increase compared to 2022, jointly now is kelsey advisory group, ceo dana tells he was on there is less of the most influential women in finance pretty thank you for coming back into cs suite you think you for having me. jack: a star big picture in the consumers entering stamina can the consumer just keep on sprinting to christmas time i went. dana: we were the things have seen the consumer people reflected in terms of what they're purchasing. on the essentials and a focus on price, that's what we see there are two things which i've been for they will spin on some definitely innovation, companies have new items whether anything
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from ralph lauren who has seen an average retail selling price increase or even coach kate spade, and everything okay running is where this increases focuses on value and is more discerning consumer out there. jack: so when you say patient and i am thinking waterproof suit or iphone distract my son from his homework, but you know point of our. dana: far, the places where they do not have in the closet already. i look what is been happening for example even the groceries, they moderated their spent more discerning in terms of what they will choose to purchase. jack: some more discerning and valuing promotions and i am thinking, looking at target and walmart in t.j. maxx, this was a source suite you ever anything i think when you're thinking about value, look at what you had today, from t.j. maxx, better-than-expected sales and you get the greater cells from existing customers or new customers. but also, you see some of the other companies there's a slow
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report for slow that will have reported over the next few weeks but will we see out there is more greater expectation on the margin side, given the lower supply chain cost is more uncertainty in the sales. jack: for student supply chains are getting freed up a bit. dana: yes good their supply chains forgetting predict good news that inventory levels are cleaner, the companies need to promote more in order to get the consumer to open up the wallet. generally more cautious than they work year ago. jack: let's talk about your stock picks, you mention ralph lauren like the company overall. dana: i do, i think there's a lot of opportunity overseas particular in asia and gives opportunity is of the categories they still have low penetration weather is outerwear home and lemons, i think there's more opportunity there think braided has the ability to control their own destiny c1 is a smoothly kind of older dignities beginning of our. dana: it is getting younger because the marketing they been doing the marketing budget certainly had a wider appeal
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lately. there is marketing this anymore younger consumer. jack: i sometimes feel like i'm the only guy without a focus eager doctors once a company like decker. dana: i doing part of the reason why, think of of the i don't focus and surround 2013, is only the past two years, the focus is taken off going to reach nearly $2 billion business, and at the same time to count out, because of his reinvent itself and they broke from two brands which is exciting see what i just sort of thought they jumped on the scene a few years ago that horse stuntman sports and athletic your living does have light. dana: it does so i've been a like some of the many different competitors in the athletic wear and leisure business, but all of them have a different aspiration and one of the things that you see from lulu, drives functionality capturing that with both menswear and with
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womenswear so i think there's continued opportunity both online and in stores and check out the newly remodeled store that they just reopened on something that for your new york see what i want to ask you, veteran that you are, you notice the calendar christmas on monday, procrastinators loading up on saturday and sunday sweet if yes we have christmas which is always want because the other thing that consumers feel that the longer that you wake of better good under bigger the deal answered only this year, that could come into play c1 even with low inventories. dana: they will be okay the reason why thinking of the pfizer's c1 dana kelsey think you so much. coming up a catalyst give tips on portfolio lives to make before the year is over, stay right there pr. liberty mutual customized my car insurance
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jack: is a little over a month before we say goodbye to 2023, expert panel present tubes were lowering your tax bill missing returns for the year ends printed cement we talk a lot about tax loss harvesting but is just understand that we are talking about stocks pointed out some of the recent bond market is given some pretty big opportunities for tax loss harvesting like we've never seen before is very very painful but on the other and mr. market punishes you, then take the gives the irs gives you. ben: yes texas, they just do we have a lot of are harder new market when we had to sell things and there's a lot of stuff to sell this year, as andrew printed up 200 percent this year more than that, is a good time to take profits and promise you will have big checks will put you can offset that by selling some of your losers this year, treasury bonds particularly long bonds have a
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loser so you can sell some of those planned offset some of those gains really limit your tax bill is right, it is a gift from the irs. so is something everybody should take advantage of the bonds but also, there's a lot of losing stocks this year, so many gains is under vision, were driven by the big tech stock so if you have other stocks there also, you, so as as well and just remember, there is a wash rule that you have to wait to buy back what you want and so you have to be careful especially if you think the bonds will be going up again, you need to be looking someplace else to buy your bonds. andrew: i wouldn't worry too much by similar the upper fund and you probably won't get nailed so i would think carefully about sin selling individual bonds and then by the back because the seem to be pretty wide in march you can get nailed for culinary market where there's a lot of this with
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individual bonds pretty good with those under $100,000 sue and benefited his offender safe and one thing people don't understand is. ben: selling something down, that does not mean that you are an idiot and you lost pretty whatever. taking advantage of the tax rules but if you still princes on delta airlines all the airlines got hammered in covid-19, so delta is down, still delta and by the jet etf which has similar links and trucks imperfectly over time and a 30 monday syllabi delta back if you're still has just got a tax break. jack: interest talk about another issue involving investing in taxes on this one is actually tougher to get around mutual funds, the cell holdings again emma you with a tax bill issue. andrew: this is the season from mutual fund distributions when they are basically paying out the gaze of the basically taken during the course of the year we could be pretty painful, for the investors pretty going is often doing very well pretty will is been a problem with traditional open-ended mutual funds, singing
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outflows and i just prompted sales by them and of been taking big tech sets all over the well-known mutual fund i paid an enormous amount of money in taxes over the last ten or 20 years to maintain my holdings because these to the descriptions of it every year drivers for the movers and etf's in these accounts which are much more taxing. jack: is so this, and a tax advantage account coming it is not a problem and it's only for people who hold these things in text counselor etf's are much smarter. andrew: exactly if you want a whole be sure mutual fund is better to do it in a tax-free account because basically you don't have this issue so what is a vicious circle because people are selling mutual funds because of his because the forced to sell the holdings which means that dedrick is hips with the sexes. andrew: on absolute but not tax advantage that helps for a lot of tax efficient mutual funds and strategies was separately managed accounts at estimate really taking a big advantage of
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now in the really very popular suet of the funds that are managed such that you do not get hit with a big tax bill bill and investors take a lot of time in trying to pick the perfect stock right now 5 percent tax prequel not that risk-free peanut were to look. carleton: caches really part of an allocation which for the longest time interest rates were low but i parted like a decade and a half. 1 percent cash to cover there when you getting 5 percent pretty much risk-free either in money market funds or ultra short treasuries notes part of the thing where you like will do i want to be the market right now were not talking earlier about the rachel going to be going i still think that cash is spot to be in. and certainly we do have are also looking at a time or maybe the market will be a little but less volatile 2023, depending on when this happened were so much argument these rapid increases i mean sorry 2024.
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not talking about these rapid rate hikes coming up. so you might to start the dollar cost averaging away the market again and to completely get rid of the cast cash position because 5 percent is pretty enticing and probably will be here for a little while to put some back into the market c1 andrew where to put the cash. andrew: i think money market funds are obviously a good idea for some of the most tax efficient ways to play its right as rebels basically every daily equitable like last year we had others as well come about 5 percent now the nice thing about them is the address is exempt from state and local taxes and so, 85 percent plus and so cash is not about asset even if you see that in short-term rates in the coming years to have you guys have a quick lightning round we been talking about inflation less. you are crystal balls wearable inflation inflation be at the 2024 andrew. andrew: 4 percent. jack: ouch. carleton: i think below three many about 2.8 or 2.9 percent.
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ben: oc three and half percent house with the difference see will be below by coming or two-point i will go 2.7 just want to cut. carleton: one of those prices right. [laughter] jack: think you guys they super panelist have investment i dismiss your plus a few stocks to stay far away from, we will tell you what they are next. but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. if your child has diabetes, you'll want the most accurate cgm, dexcom g7. it's on. and, he's off. you can see his glucose numbers right on your phone, so you can always be there for him with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪
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a licensed humana sales agent. if you're eligible, they can even help enroll you over the phone in a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. so, call now. humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> carlton i am sad to see is been a little bit of an year for think socks another curfew we have confidence that were maybe we can see the bottom, maybe were turning around. carleton: look at lisa gives me a lot to write about but when he comes to banks, yes and pretty much black sheep of the 2023 come i do think will see a turnaround especially as we more
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civility and rates going to look at the ones that are especially undervalued, take a look at something like citigroup, selling for about half of the tangible book value and long rumored reorganization that everybody has been waiting for for about two decades, finally seems to be taking hold under the new cd of relatively new jane frazier, getting momentum and i think i can weather the economic come back and i like youth. also generally like bank stocks and a lot of them are treading just under tangible book in the room to run their. >> and thundering herd and i suspect they want to move on wealth management will see evidence and okay that's what you like this would you do not like c5 ones that i don't like, or jody go near there again this people and about some of these pandemic placed stocks like zoom videos of the palatines are all about, and looking at tracking them and looking to get back in but hopefully applicable he will never see it 2020 and 2021, i think stay away people bought pellets on and i do not hear
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them talking about the palatines is much as they used to a zoom, really low barriers to entry productiveness so i think, just think where it is. jack: and andrew, for here's emerging stocks have been cheap and i'm guilty of think that's a good place to go the chief just a cheaper think that we have seen a turning point here. andrew: thank you bottom of basically flat last ten years and the s&p is up by more than doubled memo evaluations and run ten earnings that it is a play on revival in china as well. so i would look to emerging-market this year i will be cautious tesla cummins a high valuation a 65 times earnings or so when i think the cyber truck maybe a disaster for them there's a lot of good news is rcv adoptions pretty think problematic when what about the viewers are likely emerging-market thesis we don't want to china. andrew: you can do a number of market funds, don't invest and try to edison etf though, china's about 25 percent of the emerging-market industry is so we went avoid china, you're able
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to do that event are you shopping and the, what you see. ben: advance auto parts disruptive about 80 percent this year and it is a massive a stock when he has new management they can really turn things around and i think now is a good time to look at it also see under say avoid a royal caribbean cruise line it is double this year it is a lot of debt nothing love the games the most bench of the company will go to the debtholders not stock holders say we from. jack: personal votes in turkey stamp of our football to come, and check out this week's edition of barron's .com, no forget to follow us on x, that is at barron's on monday that is all for us and see you next week on barron's round table. (wind blowing) (stark orchestral music) - [narrator] news is the first draft of history. it is immediate and takes place in real time. legends take longer to develop
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and are sometimes based on m


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