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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  November 26, 2023 11:00am-11:30am EST

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shopping and the, what you see. ben: advance auto parts disruptive about 80 percent this year and it is a massive a stock when he has new management they can really turn things around and i think now is a good time to look at it also see under say avoid a royal caribbean cruise line it is double this year it is a lot of debt nothing love the games the most bench of the company will go to the debtholders not stock holders say we from. jack: personal votes in turkey stamp of our football to come, and check out this week's edition of barron's .com, no forget to follow us on x, that is at barron's on monday that is all for us and see you next week on barron's round table. really good time. last wholesome thing in new york city, it was awesome. joey: have a great sunday. rachel: all right. ♪ ♪ sean: good sunday morning, everyone, and welcome to "sunday morning futures."
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i'm sean duffy in for maria bartiromo. today, hope for more hostages released in israel today, 13 israelis and 4 foreign citizens are back in israel after hamas terrorist es put the deal on hold for over 6 hours. israel has received the third list of hostages to be released, so for now, the deal seems to be back on. national security adviser jake sullivan said this morning he has, quote, reason the believe at least one of those released today will be an american. up to 10 americans are believed to be held by hamas. here's what president biden said friday when asked about the kidnapped and missing americans. >> we don't know when that'll occur, but we're going to be expecting it to occur. we know the numbers hard going to be released, it's my hope andation it'll be soon -- expectation it'll be soon. >> reporter: of the ten american, are they all alive? >> we don't know all their conditions. saw.
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sean: plus, china calls the u.s. a security risk creator. this after a china claims naval destroyer, the uss hop, entered its waters in the south china sea without per if mission yesterday. the navy says it asserted navigational rights and followed international law. meantime, china is running a secret illegal biolab in our country like this one discovered in california with thousands of vials of biological substances including some labeled hiv and ebola. house china chairman mike gallagher joins us to discuss. plus, texas law enforcement officers rescuing migrants trying to cross the rio grande, the public d. of -- the texas d. of public safety christopher oliver las says he blames president biden for incidents like these and says biden's doing nothing to stop them. >> for the last three years, there is a complete dereliction of duty. when you see all these concerns to public safety and national security not only with those
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that have ties to terrorism, chinese nationals, the gotaways, criminals from other countries, cartel members and threats to the more than people, fentanyl is coming across our borders. >> reporter: texas congressman ronny jackson joins us how -- on that. plus, chairman jason smith talks to maria on when there will be hearings in the committee on biden family business deals. and former president trump gets a warm welcome while attending last night's palmetto bowl in south carolina. the 2024 rival nikki haley's home turf. while a mayor jewish group calls on sports leagues to stop supporting the black lives matter organization because its cofounder called for ap end to israel years before this current conflict. we'll talk about it all with outkick in the morning host charlie around know and former sideline reporter michele tafoya. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪
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sean: but we begin with day three of the temporary ceasefire between israel and hamas in gaza as we wait for hamas to release another round of hostages. many of the 3 freed by those terrorists yesterday -- 13 -- were israelis in a kibbutz devastated on october 7th. this includes a 3-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother, but their father is still 234 captivity in gaza. -- their father is still in captivity in gaza. joining me now, wisconsin congressman mike gallagher, former marine serving two tours in iraq are. thanks for joining me. we're waiting for the third round of hostages to be released. there's been some debate, obviously, the families want their family members back as hostages, hostages want to go home, but there's some who said, listen, this is not the right strategy. you're giving hamas space and time to regroup, reorganize, rearm and then reattack.
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what's your take on the strategy of israel? >> well, you can't help but happy for the families. i'm sure if it were our kids, we would just be focused op wanting our kids back, so i understand that sentiment completely. i think the broader risk is this: well, one, if you just look at the terms of the deal, for every three terrorists that israel is releasing, you gettine innocent civilian released by hamas. israel is releasing suicide bombers, terrorists who were stabbing jews, and hamas is releasing 13-year-old girls, 9-year-old girls, reportedly some toddlers. so that just goes to show there's no moral equivalence here. we've also had past deals like this, notably a 2011 deal whereby the current leader of hamas in gaza was released in return for an israeli soldier that have come back to bite israel. so that is the broader concern. there's no moral equivalence here no matter hashtag free palestine trends on tiktok. there's also the issue that a
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hamas reportedly has violated the terms of the ceasefire already. we were supposed to see the red cross visiting victims, for example, we haven't soon that. and we know that hamas is going the use these periodic releases of prisoners in order to drag out a temporary the ceasefire to potentially a permanent ceasefire which would be damaging to israel's security. so i think we should look at this less as a diplomatic breakthrough and more as an extension of hamas' psychological war fare if designed to continue to increase the international pressure on israel in pursuit of a permanent ceasefire. and that would be a bad outcome. sean: it would be. congressman, i want to move on to china because we've seen the chinese spy balloon, they're buying american farmland, they steal our technology. but i want to talk to you about the secret bio lab run by chinese with ties to the ccp in california. how many of these scent bio labt around the country? >> the honest answer is we don't know. and what worries me doing this
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investigation, my committee conducted the investigation, and we have a bipartisan report that explains the whole thing that americans can read. if the fbi director or the president turned to the fbi direct or and said, hey, we need to figure out how many of these we have in the united states, they wouldn't even know where to begin. here we had a chinese citizen who came to america illegally. he was fleeing a $330 million judgment for intellectual property theft on behalf of the chinese government. he set up this lab, and he was buying dangerous pathogens including ebola, including tuberculosis, including hiv online. and so we have no trip wires in place, no safeguards in place in order to prevent potentially a hostile actor from buying dangerous pathogens in order to damage america. and then when the local officials found this and it was all because a local business and building inspector saw a pipe sticking out of what was supposed to be an abandoned building, they called the fbi. the fbi said we can't investigate because there's no ties to wmd, which is absurd.
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they called the cdc, the cdc hung up on them initially, and it wasn't until the local congressman got on the case that the cdc was forced to send a team to investigate, and that wasn't until many, many months later. so this has revealed a huge, soft underbelly in our domestic national security. it's incredibly troubling. we need to do more to prevent this from happening. we've all seen what can happen to our society when we don't have individual lance against -- vigilance against potential pathogens in a a pandemic, and we know beyond anything else, the one thing the pandemic should have taught the us, that you cannot trust the chinese communist party when it comes to this issue. sean: and the most outrageous part of the story is not just that you have a chinese bio lab in america which, by the way, why would there be one here? they can have as many as they want in china, but it's actually in this country. the fact that the cdc, congressman, juan go, of course, we're going to meetly be on site
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the next day -- immediately be on site the next day to investigate how china can set up these kinds of weapons. instead, they hang up the phone and the fbi refuses to investigate as well? it begs the question, did the cdc or the fbi actually know this lab existed? is that why they didn't come in and investigator? >> well, based on our investigation, they did not know until the local officials discovered it. so the local official, after seeing the pipe, went inside the building and saw a bunch of people in lab coats, most of them chinese citizens, and there were all these vials that were labeled in mandarin eventually discovered to be even labeled ebola or hiv. there was one case where there was a freezer, when the cdc finally did get there, there was a medical grade freeze orer, and inside were these silver ziploc bags, and because the bags themselves were not labeled ebola though the freezerrer was labeled ebola, they refused to even test the samples. so even when they got on site, they refused to actually do their job. again, it's incredibly
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troubling. and the guy who owned the facility claimed that he had a medical testing kit business, but it was fraudulent. he had fake pregnancy tests, fake covid tests, and there's really no business reason for him to be buying pathogens online. and he was getting unexplained wire forevers from china, over -- transfers from china, over $2 million from china. again, incredibly troubling. we have to do a better job of defending our homeland from a potential attack involving daytime pathogens. sean anne i want to move on to this, congressman, because the pentagon has expressed concern about how china has expanded its ground satellites in south america to communicate with their satellites in space, giving them eyes on the united states. this is a problem where the united states has forgotten our hemisphere. china has engaged. they've bought ports, mineral rights, and they're building relationships in our back turf. how concerned are you about the expansion of their presence in our hemisphere?
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>> i'm incredibly concerned. it appears to me that after, you know, a couple decades of neglect we've allowed the ccp to turn the monoeau doctrine into the mao -- monroe doctrine into the mao doctrine. and we've had multiple reports. in terms of the smart cranes that they own, they have something like 90% of the global market share, a lot of that concentrated in our own ports as well as ports in south and central mesh. we had the report last year of a massive potential spy base to be located in cuba and then reports like the one you just referenced. and, of course, this phenomenon of sort of pink or leftist-red governments popping up all over our southern hemisphere. it's time that we pay attention to our own backyard. for a while we just got complacent, right? we're lucky to have non-hostile neighbors, we felt like we had this sense of security. the ccp is now exploiting that come play seven city in order to encroach on our territory, in my
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view is, as part of an effort to undermine america and displace us as the global leader. sean: no doubt about that. i want to come back closer to home, go to your home district, because the national railroad museum of wisconsin in your with hometown of green bay, for the seasonal christmas tree display they've allowed the satanic temple tree to be shown for the christmas display. what's happening in green bay, wisconsin, and what's the community's response to a satanic christmas tree in your community? if. >> well, thus far the railroads museum's response has been insufficient. when parents and concerned citizens have contacted the railroad museum, they say, well, this is an educational opportunity for kids, which is completely ridiculous, right? if i think it's impossible to overstate how offensive this is to christians. it would be, you know, quite in the literal sense the same thing as waving hamas flag inside of a
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synagogue. i mean, it's absolutely crazy that we would allow this to happen. and the real shame of it is, sean, is every year the national railroad museum does something interesting and cool and fun for kids which is they do a big screening of polar express, and you're surrounded by all the trains, and it's a cool, fun thing to take your kids too -- to, but now i don't want my kids to be surrounded by satanic trees. the local reporting has been insufficient. is the whole thing is absurd, and i would say one final thing. conservatives are often accused of launching a culture war or focusing or fixating on cultural issues. but here is a perfect example of how that's not what's happening. what's happening is we're just trying to defend basic traditions or defend our children in the midst of these basic traditions from the encroachment of woke ideology or offensive, upside down cultural propaganda. and so the whole thing is a shame. i thought that northeast if wisconsin was at least immune to something that you might see in
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new york or california, but we need to be vigilant as parents. sean: well, who would have thought that a museum would say this is an educational opportunity for children to see a satanic tree. it is outrageous. hopefully, more attention will be brought to this and more parents express outrage. congressman mike gallagher, always a pleasure. thank you for joining me, appreciate it. >> thank you. sean: all right. coming up, during rescues captured on camera along the southern border. [inaudible conversations] sean: texas law enforcement officers recently rescuing migrants trying to cross the rio grande. it's a daily operation that shows homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas' dereliction of duties in the continuing wide open southern border. texas congressman ronnie if jackson, he joins us coming up next. ♪ ♪
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>> our country's in severe danger of having a terrorist attack right on our homeland as americans are killed daily by the cartels flooding our country with illegal aliens. but americans called and called, they flooded those congressmen's office with phone calls demanding impeachment of mayorkas and, maria, i will bring my articles of impeachment back to the floor after we get
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back from the thanksgiving break. and this time the republicans in congress better deliver different results. mayorkas must be impeached, and the invasion must if stop. sean: the house is back in session on tuesday, and congresswoman marjorie taylor green tells maria she'll waste no time reintroducing her motion to impeach alejandro mayorkas after it failed earlier this month. authorities at the southern border spending the past week apprehending several large groups, some numbering more than 100 migrants. and as we approach the end of november, the second month in cbp's new dissal -- fiscal year, officials believe they're on track to once again have a near record number of encounters. remember, close to 241,000 were recorded for the month of october, one of the highest octobers in history. joining me now is texas republican congressman dr. ronny jackson who sits on both the house armed services committee and house foreign affairs committee.
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dr. jackson was also the white house physician for both president trump and president obama. ronny jackson, welcome to the show. so let's go to, first, what marjorie taylor green was talking about, the impeachment of mayorkas. we tried once in the house, she's going to try again. will the house impeach mayorkas for his dereliction of duty on the southern border? >> well, i hope so, sean, i really do, because people in this country, they want accountability at this particular point. that's what people are really sick of, and that's why people are disgusted with congress. it seems like we don't get anything done sometimes, and people want accountability. we control a very slim majority in the house of representatives, we don't control the senate or the white house, but we should be doing everything we can to hold this man accountable, to hold the biden administration accountable. he has been completely derelict in his duty. this is a national security issue for us now. it's not just an issue with the fentanyl and poisoning our youth, not an issue with just the overwhelming number of people coming other here, the
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crime, the sex trafficking, drug trafficking, all of the violence that follows that, it's an issue now of national security. we have known terrorists crossing our borders now in record numbers, so we have to do something about what's been going on. this man has been given every opportunity to do something about this. he has continued to bury his head in the sand and act a like there's not a problem. he's a puppet of the biden administrations, he does not think independently, he is not acting in this country's best interests, and something needs to be done about it. and i certainly hope we can get together as a party and the republicans in the house, and we can start impeachment process on this man. sean: mayorkas has willfully opened the southern border, but it's interesting, joe biden is actually going to run on the southern border saying donald trump will make the border worse. joe biden's campaign said donald trump will institute mass deportations, end birthright citizenship and start shooting people at will, was what the white house said. [laughter] of course,man, you're going to see mass deportations for people denied legal status in this
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country. they don't belong here, they're going to be deported especially when you've allowed millions of people under joe biden to come into the up country. >> well, president trump is not going to shoot anybody. [laughter] this fear-mongering is ridiculous, right? sean: of course. outrageous. >> but he will held people accountable, send people back and remove all of the incentives that the biden administration's put in place to bring these people here. that's a big part of what's going op here. the biden administration not only opened the border up, but they got rid of some of the great policies we had like remain in mexico that president trump put in place. he got rid of those on day one of his administration, and he's created an unbelievable incentive for these people to make this treacherous, dangerous journey. this is in the in their best interests at all. we have women and children being raped on the way up here, people drowning in the river, dying trying to get through the concertina wire and over the wall withs. it's a horrible situation that they're being put in, and it's all because joe biden has created an incentive for these people to do this. it that has to stop. sean: you know, or we talk about the human suffering,
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congressman, and doctors without borders has talked about what they're seeing in the darien gap, i believe in panama, where everyone is funneling in, and the thugs or radicals, the drug dealers, they're grabbing young girls, and they're raping young women in what they call rape tents. and doctors without borders doesn't come into contact with everybody who's abused, but they're helped 400 young girls who have been raped, and joe biden still says keep the border open, keep the flow coming and keep the abuse happening. as they go through these rogue regions of central and south america. >> absolutely. people that care about these issues in the united states, and most of us do, should be outraged at what's going on there, sean. and you're right, i heard reports when i first started going down to the border at the beginning of the biden administration about a rape tree where they took the upside wear of these women and threw them um up in a tree to show how many
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women had been raped. they're being brutalized, raped, beaten, being left there to be raped a second, third or fourth time. you talked about the numbers that they've been helping, this is upside reported. there's opportunities of them that this is happening to that they're not recording this because they don't want to slow down their journey. they're being told this is the price they have to pay for passage, and once that's over, they're hoping that they can continue on and make it to the u.s. border. so they're not reporting this stuff. so this is horrible. this is just unbelievable, that the biden administration would allow this to happen. he could stop this, he could stop this overnight if he wanted to. he could get tough with the mexican president and with the mention mexican government. he could put those trump policies back in place that would stop these people from making this dangerous journey, but he refuses to do it. he absolutely refuses to do anything. he's just like mayorkas, he is absolutely ignoring the southern border and acting like it doesn't exist. and where's kamala harris? she's supposed to be the border czar.
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she never even mentions the border, much less goes to the border and actually tries to figure out what's going op here. so this is a horrible situation that i'm afraid will not be rectified until we get donald trump back as our president. sean: you know, we talk about the human suffering that happens at the southern border. we know that there's a lot of illegal substances, drugs that come into the country, human trafficking. but in biden's economy, bidenomics, it doesn't work for the american people. more people are falling on hard times. more people are in need, and they look to their government to help them out. you can debate that whether you want or not, but there is need that's offered to american citizens, but the limited resources that a we have in this country isn't going to americans in need, it's actually going to the illegals who come into this country because of joe biden's open border policy. and so here in new york city, people go out who are in need, who are homeless to get a thanksgiving dinner. but this thanksgiving they put the illegals in line before the american citizens who were going to get a thanksgiving dinner,
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and by the time the illegals went through and the americans in need were going to get their thanksgiving dinner, all the food was gone. so you have time and time again policies that help people who are not citizens of this country, all the while leaving american citizens out in the cold. >> absolutely, sean. some of those citizens, those are homeless veterans that are being kicked out of the places they live to make room for migrants and that are being denied, you know, food at a these opportunities because they're preferencing, they're prioritizing the migrants over our own homeless veterans and other people in this country who are legal citizens here who we intend for those benefits to go to. it's all -- it goes well beyond that too. i've talked to people down on the texas border all the time, a lot of these people can't even go to the emergency department and get medical care anymore because the hospitals are overwhelmed with people who aren't even citizensover this country. we only have a certain number of limited resources out there for education, for our hospitals, you know, for all these different things that we provide to citizens, to american
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citizens, and those resources are limited. and we're starting to see now that the people that are actually citizens of this country can no long. er access those resources because joe biden has allowed hundreds and hundreds of thousands, millions actually, you know, 250,000 a month, right? 2-3 million a year that we know about, and that doesn't count the massive number of gotaways that we don't even know where they're at or what they're doing. those people are consuming all of these resources now, and it's just an absolute shame. it will be the end of this country if we don't fix it because this country cannot continue to do that and still be the country that you and i grew up in. sean: you know the gotaways? if they turn themselves into border patrol, they get a free flight, free phone, free transportation around the country of they're not turning themselves in because whether they're trafficking drugs, humans, they're terrorists, there's a reason why they don't turn themselves in. 45,000 in the first month and a half of this fiscal year. it's unbelievable. you were the white house doctor
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for barack obama and donald trump. joe biden just turned 81 years old. many people will notice that joe biden is not the same joe biden today as he was, you know, two years, four years, six years ago. there's a mental decline. i know you haven't done an analysis, haven't examined him, but if you look at the decline of joe biden and what america could have in store if he's elected for four more years, how fast does this decline happen based on your experience in the medical field? >> it's happening quickly. i was also there during the bush administration, so i know firsthand what it takes to be the commander in chief and the head of state. it's a grueling job both mentally and physically. this man can't do the job. he's proven every single day that he can't do the job. but this is going to get worse. i've been saying this since he was candidate joe biden. and like you said, i wasn't making a diagnosis, but i said this man's got cognitive issues related to his age. i did this other day, i went back and looked at stuff from two or three years ago, over
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three years ago when he was running for office and compared it to right now, and it's unbelievable how much he's degenerated just during his time in office. we cannot afford to have this man in office for the remainder of this term and another four years after that. he's already put us at a great risk. look at what's happened to our economy, our southern border, overseas, the wars we're getting drawn into, things that wouldn't happen if donald trump were there because our enemies don't fear us anymore. they don't respect us anymore, and our adversaries don't trust us anymore, and it's because we don't have the leadership in the white house that we need, and this man, even if he wanted to, he cannot provide that leadership, he is not physically and cognitively fit for office anymore, and somebody in his inner sickle needs to step up to the plate and make him aware of this, and he needs to move on for the safety and security of this country. sean: you know, and the american people deserve to know who's running the country, and joe biden can't and isn't making the decisions, who is? we have a right to know that and we don't, and i agree with you,
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it's scary to think what happens in four more years of a joe biden presidency. republican congressman dr. ronnie jackson, thanks for joining me. >> thanks, sean. sean: coming up, jewish groups calling for the nfl, nb a&m lb to cut ties with the black lives matter foundation. charlie around know and michele tafoya will join us with their analysis coming up next. the chase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. genius! like 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality! chase for business. make more of what's yours.


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