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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 4, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> welcome back time for the big buzz of the morning spruce up your christmas tree by giving to the back, the viral video shows a woman cleaning or artificial tree with pine-sol marketing internet debate whether it's worth it to clean your fake tree. >> i love the fact that she's using pine-sol, that is perfect. i think this is nuts, i don't know what you do with artificial trees, put them in your bathtub, no speed when you have to clean the tablet you can take a bath again. >> seriously. >> the heaters need to back off a little bit unfortunately she's not the brightest bulb on the tree. >> were 30 minutes away from the opening bell, market that is essentially to the downside, dow industrials at the low 146, we are waiting on factory orders added ten, let's send it over to "varney & company", great to see you both. stuart: good morning, everyone. america has launched a drone attack on iranian proxy forces,
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five killed this is a response to attacks on the u.s. navy ships and commercial vessels in the red sea overnight, is suggest the war is expanding, separately israel steps up the groundwork and gaza, the idf claims to have killed two senior hamas commanders to help plan october 7 massacre, let's get to the money on this monday morning, we start with that quite, bitcoin has broken above the 40000-dollar mark, maybe in ultimate investment and sound at the store of value right now 41700 it is like gold another high heading toward $2100 an ounce right now it is 2075 down a bit this morning stocks had a great november the first full trading week of december the dow died 140, nasdaq at 170 points. plenty of red ink on this monday morning. interest rates are starting to move up this morning the yield
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on the tenure of love for the quarter% four-point to six, same with the two-year that is also moving up, price down yield up for 63 on the two-year as we speak. gas, no change, $3 it would present, 11 states below $3 a gallon. diesel down 1 cent overnight at $4.19. let's get the politics division at the un climate conference, he got into an argument with actavis over phasing out fossil fuels. he angrily said there is no science to suggest phasing out fossil fuels would halt global warming. the activists are not happy to them the sciences then. john kerry is doubling down he committed america to get rid of coal-fired power plants he things it can be replaced by wind and solar, on the show today another display of
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weakness from the biden team, venezuela has reneged on its deal to return to democracy, the exporting oil and bringing in the money and sending to america while we pay for them but he will not restore democracy. it is monday december 4, 2023 "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: were going to start with the news out of the middle east are warships along with several commercial vessels they came under attack in the red sea, tell us what happened. >> the worship uss carney shut down three drones yesterday. the u.s. central command says houthi rebels in yemen fully enabled by iran with the attacks targeting commercial shipping and perhaps the carney itself. the u.s. ship was not hit. did you see the cover of the new york post, red alert, here you go calling the latest attack a
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frightening development suggesting the israel hamas war could spread in the mid east, i want to point out that president biden took the houthis responsible for this and many other attacks in the red sea off the foreign terrorist list, they thought how it would reduce hostilities. >> exact opposite. stuart: the white house seems to be downplaying the attacks on the military. charlie hurt with me, we have attacked iranian proxy forces killing five is that a strong enough response in your opinion. >> i think it's hard to say at this point but it's very clear as lauren points out this appeasement is leading to a widening conflict and i don't have a lot of faith that the biden administration is prepared to do it. largely that a lot of their appeasement efforts have gotten us into the situation. stuart: the israelis have renewed their fighting and gaza in precise at that moment the houthi rebels and iranian proxy
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forces and intensify their attacks on us. should we be really going after them big time? >> specifically and they are necessarily fine israeli flags and could gentle ties to the israeli ownership. it is clearly a reaction to all of that speed would you think the appeasement of the iranians is creating extra tax upon us. >> without a doubt, this is not just the biden administration, before that we had the obama administration invading crimea, invading ukraine, the attack on israel, all of these things happen because of this appeasement and as lauren pointed out the biden administration, before that the obama administration their belief you could be really, really nice to iran and give iran a free hand in the area and peace and prosperity would break
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out, that's not who these people are, that's not what happened you give them a free hand and they will get you with it. stuart: donald trump says president biden is a threat democracy, watch this. >> it is been weaponize in government against his political opponent like a third world communist tirade. biden is as radical left allies to pose as defenders of democracy, joe biden is not the defender of american democracy, and the destroyer of american democracy and tim and his people though the records of the american dream instead in office. stuart: are you wrecking america and you destabilize the american dream, is that destroying democracy. >> what i was going to say. joe biden is weaponize a d.o.j. and that's the important thing. the biggest attacker democracy
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is the attack on energy independence. if you do go after meghan prosperity, you are going to lose the greatest force for freedom and democracy on the planet. that's what this administration has done by making america economically weak and this is not just the attack on america energy independence but also things like the border, anything that you do to weaken america, weakens democracy around the world, i think that is an extension of what we see in the middle east as an extension of that. stuart: sean hannity is hosting a town hall with the donald trump tomorrow night. >> data be exciting. on fox, thank you so much. you are staying,. >> if you will have me. stuart: governor ron desantis wants to know why trump is running, what is he saying exactly. >> desantis is suggesting trump is in the race to satisfy a personal vendetta.
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watch. >> why are you running if he is running for personal retribution that is not going to lead to what we need is a country, you have to be running for the american people and their issues, not about your own personal issues, that is the distinction between us, i am focused on the folks, i focused on what they want to see done with this country in a positive direction i am the vessel but ultimately it's not about me. >> he says he can get to terms which is true, why is ron desantis in this race? i listen to the whole interview and i would say his attacks" because he does outright attack him i say they feel a little bit small, nikki haley is taking second place in many polls, she is down by a country mile to donald trump but she is getting the antitrust vote, what bowe is ron desantis getting, iowa is six weeks away, is a do or die for desantis? is it better for him at his political future to drop out earlier then see losses in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina. stuart: trump is running away with it.
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>> he is, the same question could be asked of ron desantis, why are you running if you're ready to be trump without trump, trump was in the race, why are you running. >> is running up against the fact that getting reelected is a lot easier than getting elected, he's gotta get elected not to do very good job of it. stuart: is a six weeks to the iowa caucuses. >> anyway 15th. stuart: it's getting close and exciting. we better get to the markets, i want to lead the market coverage, stocks will be down at the opening bell, i want to talk about bitcoin show me bitcoin at $41604 per coin, just seek out with us this morning. are you invested epic why not all. >> i been invested in bitcoin since 2019 it's been quite a ride. stuart: have you made money? >> so far i solid peak at 69 and come all the way back down, i look at bitcoin as freddy krueger of investments, no
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matter how hard they tried to kill it keeps coming back for more and now there is a potential the exchange traded funds are to be approved and that will give more people access to bitcoin and give it more momentum possibly more momentum. stuart: do you see as a store of value icy cold as a stored value, what about bitcoin. >> i see bitcoin is what it is, it is a speculation, you should not own it unless you're prepared to lose that money, gold on the other hand to me is the ultimate safe haven, they call a lot of times they call bitcoin as a form of gold of world currency i don't believe it is. i think gold is the true alternative currency. stuart: would you buy gold and buried them in your backyard? or the gold miners.
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>> i would not tell you where i have them. >> but there buried. >> i think gold is going to level off, it's going to level off and pull back but when you see gold at the top of its range, minors are at the bottom of its range and if you look statistically at buying the minors when they're at the bottom of the range within six months so far 100% of the time they have rallied. stuart: have to have one minute for this, you produced a new movie recently, it stars john lithgow. my question is you as a producer did you use a.i. and anyway? what did you do with it? >> we use a.i. for more of the rudimentary functions of the film in terms of scheduling the film, here's a plug premieres on
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march 8, the film itself is mostly non- a.i. oriented, what i will say is the risk with a.i. is the film industry as ridley scott just told "rolling stone" is when a.i. crosses the creativity bridge. when they use a.i. to achieve some level to manifest some level of creativity, that's when it becomes problematic. stuart: you would not touch that with a 10-foot poll. joint chief chair charles brown junior responded to claims that were unprepared to respond to a military threat from china, roll tape. >> the first thing i tell them you want to be very proud of the military if were ready for whatever comes our way. is this peace through strength, our strength that we demonstrate as a military will help bring a piece.
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stuart: with china would we win? kt mcfarland will respond. there is this the florida democrat presidential primary was over before a single vote was cast, joe biden was only candidate allowed on the ballot, dean phillips and other contenders were left off, they're probably not happy, the full story after this. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. i'm on a journey to discover
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guessed this. stuart: were playing music from clean bandit. >> demi lovato. stuart: and looks great 73 degrees why is nobody on the beach, florida democrat submitted only president biden's names i candidate for the nomination for 24, congressman dean phillips and marion williamson off the ballot, peter doocy at the white house water president biden challenges saying about this, they cannot be happy. >> they are not happy, democrats or have a primary in name only and there is no debates, almost no campaign events outside of the closed-door fundraisers at least for president biden and some of these states are printing ballots were preparing to prepare. ballots without every candidates name on them, that has a democratic challenger dean phillips really steamed. >> some people supply decided that there will be no primary in florida this is the kind of stuff that happens in tehran, it should not happen in talla
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tallahassee. is it embarrassing, darn right, that's not the important part the important part we have to do something by exposing the truth and believe me i will do that and whole lot more. >> for the second cycle marianne williamson is running as a democrat and believe she should be getting the same kind of ink as whether the republicans trying to make up ground against the republican front runner. >> nikki haley is considered a search, if they tell you she cannot run i suggest you say when it comes to the journal that he can. >> poll after poll are pretty brutal, for president biden at least with a look ahead to hypothetical general election matchups, were at a stage in the cycle where officials included the president when i asked him about the bad polls are just
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pointing to other surveys that they think that they got time to make up ground overall. not sure about that, peter doocy, thank you very much indeed. the republican field for 24 is now only seven presidential candidates remain, chris christie is telling voters to ignore the polls, roll tape. >> first off i don't think you know exactly what's going to happen at all until people vote, if we listen to all the polling, hilary clinton will be in the second term, i don't believe polling is reliable as it used to be and i don't believe people tell the truth the posters at the end of the day everybody's trying to make these decisions now are just wrong. >> may be sabado little be hard for chris christie to catch up. ronna mcdaniel is the chair of the rnc joining us this morning. as it stands christie hasn't qualified for wednesday's debate only three people have so far, does it matter? trump so far ahead.
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>> we are going through the process and delegates need to be awarded in bylaws, that's going to go through and voters will decide and if all the polls are saying similar things the polls are probably accurate. stuart: you want the field to narrow. >> the field has narrowed. >> the voters will narrow it i don't think it's our job to put the thumb on the scale although the criteria #the field and i did say this early on, i don't want people on the debate stage looking for media contractor book deals or cabinet positions and the fact that were heading into five heading into iowa does the process and how long it's worked. stuart: you would offer any comment who are not offering anybody any process. >> let's look at the primary calendar they completely walked away from iowa and new hampshire they're doing everything to protect joe biden and bubble wrapping him again, this is what they will do i'm very surprised if he debates our nominee this
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is the president hidden from the american people it's worked for him and this is their strategy going forward. stuart: i don't think he will debate him. >> i don't think so either he is bubblewrap by did i love that he says is destroying democracy and turning on him i think that's exactly right. stuart: you been under fire and criticism. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> we covered the story occasionally you, under fire and vivek ramaswamy is one of the candidates and calling for your resignation, would you like to respond. >> all these people are the same ones that said we should had fox do the debate it's too liberal, the rnc i stand by what we've done 72 losses, people don't realize in new hampshire we just won a lawsuit to keep voter id and that were recruiting election day workers and poll workers with staff on the ground in 15 states were preparing the battlefield for 2024 in the rnc is only one doing that, nobody else is in 72 losses protecting the election like we are. stuart: your to be in the eye of
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the storm for some time to come. thank you very much for being here this morning, we appreciate it. staying on 24, nikki haley is facing an onslaught from the gop competitors, how is she responding? >> trump calls her bird bearing in a globalist and desantis is hitting her record when she was governor of south carolina and she said it's because she surging in the polls. >> all these guys know that were surging to the polls so they're starting to hit, the reality the nickname he's losing is not a fun nickname i don't think it was that great you can look at where we were second in the polls in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina and working to keep working hard and stay focused and get this done at the end of the day. >> it seems like doctor lane the anti-trump vote and pulling and big money because of it. >> is that her lane? >> i think it is at the top flame even if ron desantis were to get out tomorrow, a lot of
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his supporters would end up going to trump, i don't think even at this moment donald trump is not any kind of ceiling within the republican party that is what she's going for and we will see a little bit at the beginning of this i was thinking this was lame that might work out for somebody but i don't see any evidence that it is. stuart: let's check features really fast were heading towards the opening bell six and a half minutes away, plenty of red ink dow down close to 200, not back down to a 50-point, will take you to wall street right after this. ♪
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can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income... are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-763-2763. that's 1-800-763-2763. stuart: futures suggest a lot of selling, the dow down to a point, look at bitcoin the valley rolls on, right now bitcoin at $41595, a big weekend for bitcoin, keith fitz is with us. bitcoin is clearly rallying, are you in? >> i'm not all tell you why wall
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street wants in on the action after suddenly figuring out there is a pile of money to be made i don't want to be grist for the mill. >> is an ultimate investment going places a store of value you would not touch it with a 1? >> no, not even 100-foot poll, here's why digital currency is definitely going to be there, if you look at investing serious choices are not good to take my choices and something i cannot define the house nor google value but i will place my bets on the devices that people are looking to check the bitcoin value like the iphone or google search engines. stuart: is there room to buy-in on any of the magnificent seven stocks they've all been beaten down in the getting beaten down this morning, is there one that is beginning to look cheap, any of them. >> i think that's a relative term, there's apple and microsoft at the very top of the list, i had a hunch this might
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come up and over the last five years or talking to to 55%, three to 64% between michael and albert, 66% which is great but still far less, tech is in the infancy is one trend that is not going to go away that i expect for the rest of my lifetime. stuart: i follow microsoft obviously and i hear people say $400 a share, 450, 500, didn't you say 500 and microsoft recently? >> i did i was one of the first in the water and people lost their mojo because of it but here we are a lot of people coming along. stuart: right now 370 something, did you by summer? >> that the plan this week if i get a pullback, you're on it will hear more about it, thank you so much. keep fit. the belt three seconds to go, shall be the nasdaq, press the button, the market is open and
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sharply lower for the dow industrial minus 200 points, i see one winner out of the dow 30 i have one winner, that is united health. >> and johnson & johnson moved up. everything else is down or unchanged, mostly down, looking the s&p 500, that is down about three quarters of 1%, 35 points, 4500 injured level the nasdaq composite down 1%. 141 is the number there, will show you big tech they are all down across the board, apple below 190, amazon 145, alphabet 129, microsoft below 370 embedded platforms is at 316 down eight. i want to start with meta here's my question what is met as artificial intelligence what is he saying that so special about a.i. super intelligence.
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>> jan the clune is his name and the super intelligence a.i. that can surpass humans is not coming anytime soon. we are decades away from common sense but isn't it interesting the ceo nvidia says a.i. in humans will be fairly competitive in five years, meta says he's just talking. stuart: the danger is a.i. super intelligence, more intelligent than human beings, they take over that's a danger that's what everybody's worried about and this guy says it's not going to happen. stuart: i think it is going to happen in five years time. stuart: that is your opinion. what we got alaska airlines buying hawaiian airlines for 1.9 billion what does that mean for customer. >> more service to more destination 138 destinations in all, for instance if you're on the west coast you get greater international conductivity, the brands will stay separate even though alaska is buying the pacific rival hawaii for 270% premium it comes out to be $18 a
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share in right now why it is trading up 1350 a share. stuart: why on earth would they offer a huge premium, why would they do that. stuart: southwest is flying to hawaii that is what are the reasons why there is more competition and there is worries that antitrust regulators won't approve this, a lot of folks say out of 14000 different flights only 12, there in really different businesses. stuart: spotify i know they're laying off 17% of the workers, how many thousand people. >> 1500, 2300, this is the third round of job cuts, they need to save money and prioritize profitability overgrowth they cancel the podcast of meghan markle they're doing things differently, slashing the ac access, the ceo did access is look interest rate or ability to borrow were to do more with l
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less, we got that one. next case is uber i own a thin sliver. have%. >> the reason to go to join s&p 500 index prior to the opening on december 18 in a few weeks from now inclusion typically draws buying that track the benchmark, the record closing high for uber is 6318 that was february of 2021. your 59 and change now. stuart: almost a record high, i will take that sense i got into it. i'm interested in this one, beyoncé is the latest start to hit the theaters with a movie, the latest one is called renaissance. >> that was her to her now her concert film, over the weekend $21 million. >> taylor swift $92 million in the opening weekend, the difference i have not seen beyoncé's concert film yet but
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she wrote it in directed and produced it and you get behind-the-scenes footage which i would appreciate taylor swift did not do any of that and she drew a huge audience for typically the weekend after thanksgiving is typically very slow at the movie theater as she pales in comparison to taylor swift she drew a big audience nonetheless. stuart: it's a terrific idea, not just a live concert but you put it on as a movie in the theaters and keep the revenue flowing. >> amc you got both of the concert, beyoncé and taylor swift elbowed out the middleman for hollywood and went to amc. stuart: these fingers know what thing or two, do they not. >> smart business been a we should go into the singing business. stuart: i don't think so. aging geriatric start i don't think so. let's get out of this show may carve anna. >> he just called you old. stuart: i referred to myself, get real.
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stuart: carve anna is up 9%, somebody likes them. they sell old cars. j.p. morgan likes them they upgraded them to neutral there on the sidelines the prices going up to $40 that implies a 40% upside to friday. i'm a little bit confused, i bogotused car was coming down it that bad for carvana? stuart: i think the stock was so low, it was so beaten-down in the single digits bound for arise. >> it's down sevenfold if you happen to get in the single digit. stuart: sevenfold? my goodness. let's check the big board we've come back from the heavy selling we were down 200 at the opening bell now are down 99 after five minutes worth of business, shall be the dow winners, there are some presumably, home depot is up, 3m, merck, ibm, johnson & johnson, s&p 500, the index is down, the index i don't know that one, inside corporation,
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solar, they make shoes. >> north face. in face, energy, paypal, no real big names on the active list, none that i can see, here's why the yield on the ten year treasury going up this morning, six basis points doesn't sound like much but in the bond market that's a lot for point to 7% is a ten year yield, gold backing away from the recent all-time high, down $24, 1% 2065 an ou ounce, bitcoin, that rally continues, 41490. the price of oil down even though there's trouble in the mideast, 73 bucks per barrel, that is down almost 1%, nat gas i don't follow it much, what is the bitcoin, moveon the average price for a gallon of regular gas, $3 each what he presents, not much change since last week, for dollars and 19 cents that edge is lower.
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"saturday night live" bashed elon musk for his answer to a question about anti-semitism. roll that tape. >> elon musk met with benjamin netanyahu and agreed that israel must destroy hamas and i think musk could destroy hamas almost instantly by becoming the ceo. >> asked if he was anti-somatic and said that he was in fact philo somatic. another answer would be no. stuart: media guide joe concha will respond to all of this. health experts in china blame western media outlets for disregarding both common sense and fax after the rescan spike in respiratory illnesses. are we hyping the story, doctor siegel' sorted out. if john kerry gets his way nobody will get coal for christmas, the administration is committed to shutting down coal plants and the green agenda push, full story after this.
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stuart: john kerry announced the biden administration's plans to phase out coal, edward lawrence at the white house, what is the administration doing. >> kids everywhere don't have to worry about christmas, apparently the biden administration had its way, not even santa would have called to give out and the stockings, the climate is our john kerry at kopp 28 said the first step is to stop making the problem worse by stop building new unabated coal plant in the next breath the u.s. pledged $3 billion for the global energy fund to push the transition off of coal and other fossil fuels, listening. >> we don't need that to tell us
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we are to be transitioning out of coal, there should be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world, that's how you can do something for health, the reality is were not doing it. >> china is bringing on one coal plant a month to cheaply handle its energy needs, india also bringing online more coal power to avoid energy shortages this year in addition india plans a record amount of coal power in both refused to sign onto the anti-coal pledge, former president donald trump says president biden killed the u.s. economy by declaring war on u.s. energy. >> inflation was basically and we are gasoline down to a dollar and 87 cents a gallon. the american dream was alive and well like never before in our country, people were thrilled
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they wanted to get jobs they had the best job market nobody's ever seated economy like we had. he believes the boost to his presidency in the economy during the first two years of when he was in office is because of energy cost, he says the issues with the biden administration over the first two years is energy cost. stuart: thank you edward we want to discuss the implications of this, stephen moore is the perfect guy to do that and he joins us now, what you make of the move to phase out coal, what happens to energy prices and energy supply. >> is a great point, first of all let me say that this country was built on coal, coal made america great and we have 500 years worth of coal more coal than anywhere in the world, to not use the major form of energy, it's pretty sinister, we get a quarter of our electricity from coal. the idea of not using is incredibly irresponsible, yes the energy prices will be
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higher, incidentally another point, we have the cleanest coal the best environmental safeguards of any country in the world, if i sound frustrated i am. the main point is really critical china is not stopping building coal plants the building via my as to bit 2 - 3 a month so we shut down our coal plants, china builds new ones, how does that save the climate change problem. stuart: china is also building nuclear power plants, a lot more than we are, i think it's 20 scheduled to go online soon, why are we doing that? >> we should build nuclear plants, nuclear power with no carbon emissions in the atmosphere no greenhouse gas emissions, you have to ask environmental against nuclear power is a great way to get electricity. i want to tell you something else that's really important
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while they're talking about shutting down the coal plants, there is also a new regulation that the biden administration just announced a few weeks ago, kamala harris announced this they're going to put massive new restrictions on natural gas on nothing. think about this we get about 35% of our electric power from gas and we get about 25% of our electric power from coal they want to do away with that, that is over half of our electric power sources, this is going to cause blackouts abroad at the across the country, these people are serious as a heart attack and they don't want to build nuclear power plants, how are we going to get electric power, the lights are good to go up in your studio at fox business news if we get this. stuart: don't say that, quickly on this, i'm out of time, i'll get back to later on this. heartbreak coming up, thank you stephen moore. good stuff. country at the top 28 country
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summit seem to embrace artificial intelligence, apparently there is one big problem. >> is a double-edged sword, and i do great things like track if a country is reducing their fossil fuels or send alerts to people in the event of extreme weather but it consumes a lot of energy, there is one study an amount of electricity power a.i. systems worldwide in the year 2027 in the same amount of energy that argentina or the netherlands or sweden consumes in an entire year. the answer would be 100 terawatts hours a year. stuart: is like the energy required to produce that claim. >> same with artificial intelligence is technology. it consumes electricity a double-edged sword. >> these people are stupid or dishonest, either way i don't want anything to do with them to correct the world economy and started with a market economy. stuart: coming out for another
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example biden's weakness encouraging and emboldening our enemies, this time venezuela, that is my take top of the hour it's going to cost a lot more to deck the halls, christmas tree prices climbing were like a christmas tree farm next. ♪ there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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stuart: the american christmas tree association is sounding the alarm on rising prices it's going to cost you 10% more this year. kelly severe is that the christmas farm in illinois, i can buy on the street corner in new york city at 7-foot tree for $150. in new jersey a 7-foot tree is $90. how much is the average christmas tree at the farm where you are now? >> no matter what size you want here at this farm it'll be $90, that is up from last year, i'm here at richardson's tree farm outside of chicago with one of the owners robert richardson to
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talk about what the increase has been like in the demand. robert tell me what was it like last year and how have we gotten teresa prices, what is been the cost of ghana for your business? >> like any business the good part is the labor, it takes a lot of folks to run this and take care of it throughout the year. the things we are to buy the petroleum and fertilizer and herbicides, everything is going to enter prices have to go up also. >> how much was increase from last year. >> we raised it $10, we don't charge by the foot we charge by the tree we have a flat rate of $90 per tree that is up $10. >> what is demand been like this year. >> demand has been just fine, we cannot keep up with demand, that continues to grow were trying to
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plant more and more trees to come up with it, we had the bison precut trees and bring in from northern wisconsin and we brought a few from north carolina to meet the demand, alive tree is a lot more special than a plastic one. >> of course, tell me how many do you think you've sold so far. >> been in the neighborhood of around 6000 so far, the first weekend is the big weekend, black friday is the big day so we sold about 4000 on the first weekend so last weekend that we just finished now, i haven't gotten the full numbers yet but it'll be pretty close to about six. >> thank you robert, as robert was telling me if you are in the market for a very small tree you might not want to come here, you can get a very large one for the same flat rate. stuart: got it, thank you very much, i noticed the little trees are the same price as the big
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trees, you gotta get there ea early. >> i'm a big fan of cutting your own trees down. it's interesting we go with the virginia red cedars because they smell a lot better and a lot of people don't like them because they're prickly every now and then you get a barman. red cedar. stuart: thank you for being with me the entire hour. we'll do it again soon. still ahead sean duffy response to james carville saying it's like speaker johnson or a bigger threat than al-qaeda, why, research finds that renting ages are faster than smoking and obesity, i don't believe that, doctor marc siegel is going to set us straight, he is on the show, more bad news for biden ditching the bidenomics messaging, steve forbes takes it on, is the war spreading, all asked morgan ortega the 10:00 o'clock hour of "varney & company" is next. ♪
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