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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 4, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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the united states next high grade strategic copper gold underground mine will be located in the leading copper producing state in the country, arizona. arizona metals, unearthing world class projects that fuel our advancing economy. >> the biggest attack on democracy is the attack on
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energy independence so if you go after american prosperity, you'll lose the biggest for freedom and democracy on the planet. >> i don't want people on the debate stage looking for media contracts or book deals or cabinet deals but we're heading to iowa, and it says a lot about the process and how it works. >> massive restrictions on natural gas, on methane and causing blackouts and brownouts across the country and they're as serious as a heart attack. they're trying to get americans that disagree with radical transformation of america to this progressive ideology that we've never known in the country. stuart: i really like this rhythm of this song. it's got a nice swing to it, know what i mean? it's from the 1960s. i think 1967. all you need is love is 1967.
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wonderful song. great years, wonderful decade, long since passed. on the wall street this morning, would you look at this, the dow is down 170 and nasdaq down 207. lots of selling on this monday, november 4. december 4. apple down 1.7% and amazon 2.3% microsoft 2.6, meta 2.7, alphabet, 2.8. significant losses in all the big tech power houses this morning. yield on so year treasury going up just a little. seven basis points and i don't think all thattings for the big loss in the nasdaq but the yield is up 428. now this, an angry exchange at the un climate conference shows the fracture within cop 28. the uae's sultan aljaber is hosting the whole event and in the a panel discussion he said
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"there's no science indicating fossil fuels must be fazed out to restrict global warming". how many times have we been told science is in argument. mary robinson responded angrily. "we're in absolute crisis because we've not committed facing out fissile fuels".x the sultan responded stop pointing fingers, stop it. angry exchange at the heart of the entity. what you've got is a fundamental disagreement about climate policy and it's spilling out at cop28. current policy is not working and emissions are rising and so are global temperatures. but john kerry doubles down committing america to closing all coal fired power plants and president biden thinks coal can be replaced by wind and solar all across america. dream on, mr. president. it's not happening. states along the eastern sea board are not going to get the electricity they need from the giant offshore wind farms, many of which have been canceled or suspended. biden is pushing us into electric vehicles but we're not
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buying them. promises plenty of clean jobs, where are they? the sultan made the point total elimination of fossil fuels will "take the world back into caves". in other words it's time to rethink goals and strategy. john kerry and president biden should be listening, but they're not. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: steve forbes joining us this monday morning. my opinion, biden's green push is a failure, do you ever see him giving it up? >> the answer is no. they're not going to give it up but it's a failure. the voters will force him and it's happening at dealers across the country and thousands are saying it's not working and people are not buying these things. look at germany and electricities costs two to three times here and same thing in
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britain and they want to ban meat, get rid of cows and have us eat insects. people are saying to this cult and that's what it is, enough. we want sanity back. sultan was absolutely right. stuart: but it's voters that have to do the job here. >> yes. stuart: let me point out new zealand. i'm familiar with new zealand, they changed government because the government was trying to clamp down on farming. same in the netherlands. government tried to clamp down on farming for climate reasons, change the government. it's possible here, isn't it? >> absolutely. especially in holland, which has gone overboard on this environmental stuff. they were going to buy out farmers, force them to sell out and get jobs elsewhere saying cows are a threat to the environment, chickens are a threat to the environment. you know -- stuart: bizarre. >> it is bizarre and the voters had a real beef with that, you might say, and put in politicians as next prime minister everyone thought was totally on the outside. voters are speaking. i think if the republicans make this an issue next year, you can't have a gas stove, can't
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have a ceiling fan, you can't have dis-washers that actually wash dishes. i mean, clothe -- dishwashers that work and it's amazing and voters have had enough. but a state like new york continues to do this nonsense. stuart: they do. and getting worse all the time. separate subject, democrat seem to be ditching bidenomics messaging. why am i not surprised? >> well, you've been ahead of the curve saying joe biden will not be the democratic nominee next year. this is an example of it. the idea they could take a weak economy, what bidenomics did was insult the voters. that's why the democrats are dropping it. people are saying things are good when prices are still going up, maybe not as much as before. we still feel we're behind the 8 ball and people don't feel they have -- people feel they have no real future with this chips act. they don't feel the country's going in the right direction. stuart: but how do you get joe biden out before the election? how do you do that?
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>> two things may happen. one is despite all the handlers around them, he may have a stumble they can't explain away or gibbering stuff they can't explain away or else in the spring, they're going to vascularized to go to him and either schumer or somebody else and say you've been the most progressive president since franklin roosevelt, time to ride off in the horizon because things are heating up on your family enterprise. that's not going to be good for you. let's get out and hope there's pardons for everyone and put this all behind us. stuart: see how it works out. steve, great stuff. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. stuart: this is just coming into us now, north dakota governor doug burgum officially suspended his presidential campaign. -seen as a long shot and he's now suspended ands penned that campaign. doug burgum, north dakota governor. back to the marketers. mike lee is here and do you see this rally, it's not a rally today. we had a nice rally in november.
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can it pick up again and run till the end of the year? >> yeah, state court, i think there's a -- stuart, there's a lot of portfolio managers and money managers that need to play catchup, you're also seeing some signs -- very bullish signs in bitcoin and ethereum rallying and that's been a huge positive for risk assets and gold reversed course from the highs as it hit. all that has to do with the dollar weakening and anticipated rate cuts coming next year. factory orders over an hour ago solidified this chips act is slowing and we'll get rate cuts and at some point, stock market and economy meet but that's not before the end of the year. stuart: okay, you say this will be a concentrated rally. okay, which sector is the rally concentrated in? >> well, listen, this is our magnificent seven, they've given back some of their magnificent gains over the last couple days,
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but i think that's -- where you're going to continue to see the money flows over the next year in that these companies have the best balance sheets, most recession proof business models and i don't know if they're completely recession proof but recession resistant and highest level to artificial intelligence and you're not going to stop searching google no matter how much the economy goes up or down. you're in a pretty solidified stance right there and then once the economy starts turning from a trough, you know, you start seeing moving into -- i see that spreading out but i don't know if that's any time in the next 6 to 12 months. stuart: comment on bitcoin, $41,000 per coin as of right now. did you see this coming and can you tell us where it's going? >> absolutely, stuart. so the sec opened up for public
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comments for efts on friday afternoon late in the day. the approval of etfs from blackrock and the like are open for a matter of time and open up the availability and makes it easier to purchase and if you don't have a bitcoin wallet somewhere, you can't figure out how to buy it on a thumb drive and people with the most money are those in 50s, 60s, 70s and a lot are smart like yourself, stuart, this is a bit truckie and buy etf and brokerage account make it is easier and you have more coming next year and the u.s. government's intent on printing unbelievable amount of money day after day. stuart: it's a rally, 41, 3 on bit kinnick stadium right now. thank you for joining us, mike lee. see you again soon. you got it. lauren is looking at movers and that will be including alpha get
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down 3%. lauren: they're delaying the launch of chatgpt competitor called chat bot gemini to january. issues with the performance and ability to understand non-english questions. stuart: oh, dear. lauren: big tech is down and google down 3%. stuart: l lu lululemon lauren: they're up. stuart: shake shack. lauren: improvements are going and you happen ceo is saying potato inflation is "crazy". the french fries and -- are they crinkle? no, french tries at shake shack? are they crinkle cut? they are. nonexistence. they're good but apparently not coming down in price any time soon. stuart: they're up 1.5%. they're all good fries. thanks, lauren. china accusing our navy of
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illegally inintruding in the south china sea. bring you our response from our navy. iranian-backed houthi rebels attack a u.s. warship in the red sea. we'll ask morgan ortegas if this means the war is spreading. israeli forces pushing deeper into gaza and eliminated 200 hamas targeted overnight. trey yingst has the latest from the middle east after this. the middle east after this. ♪ dear moms and dads,
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latest from there please, trey. reporter: hey, stuart, good morning. it's day 59 of the war between israel and hamas. israelis say they took out more than 200 targets overnight bringing the total number of strikes against gaza since the war began to more than 10,000. the heavy air campaign spiking the death toll inside the strip. authorities at hamas-controlled health ministry say more than 700 people were killed in a 24 hour period over the weekend. we know the israelis are going after hamas leadership killing the commander of the baaal indian over the weekend and -- baaal indian and killed the -- battalion and the commander of the other battalion and he was responsible for the death of the 2017 war and participated in the planning of the october 7 massacre and israel expanding ground operations starting to target positions near the southern city of hon ewe-
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khan younis and you can hear the artillery in the distance of the southern border between israel and gaza and uss kearney airporting in the red sea, in october, that similar destroyer shot a savoy of missiles down headed towards israel. the north and lebanese militant group hezbollah continues to target israeli territory. stuart. stuart: trey, thank you very much indeed. brin in morgan ortegas on this developing story. morgan, is the war spreading and now in the red sea for heaven's sake. >> well, i would argue it's been spreading for three years not just since october 7. if you look at backdrop of what happened and not just in the weekend multiple ships targeted and flags from many countries around the world and united states navy responded to distress signal and intercepted antiship ballistic miss and will this is something we all need to
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not gloss over and really take to heart the houthis, which are a terrorist group operating out of yemen similar to hamas, they're funded, trained, equipped by the iranian regime and and ballistic missiles and this is not a drone and unsophisticated weapon and u.s. navy ship had to intercept and it's only getting worse and more provocative and you not only see iranian proxies going after hardened u.s. military facilities are troops are based and going after u.s. navy ships and we know cyber groups are hacking into u.s. military as well. this is all out offense on the united states of america by the islamic republic of iran and its proxies with the goal, stu, of trying to get us to leave the region and not have influence there.
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stuart: john kirby is defending our approach to israel. watch this, please. >> we are having these discussion withs our israeli counter parts every day about being careful, precise, and delivered in their targeting and trying to minimize civilian casualties to the maximum extent possible. we don't want to see a single more innocent life taken here so we're going to continue to work with israel about this, but the approach we've been taking has delivered results, including more than a 100 hoes tans getting out. wawall street journal said 2000 bunkinger bombers getting to the tunnels and pushing and extending troops that are providing bombs and is that a contradiction? >> yeah, if i were kirby and i like kirby, we're friends. i don't know they would lead with bragging about getting 100 hostages out when you didn't get americans out and during that
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week of hostage exchanges, we did thank god get one little did i recall, one american out but there's still at least seven or eight americans that remain in captivity in the terrorist group. we're in day 58 of the war. americans are still left behind in afghanistan and we have to put pressure on this administration not to leave americans behind in gaza as well. in terms of military hardware front pushing vieding and there's a lot of people in washington that think that they know how to conduct this war for israel better than the generals on the ground. that's not just possible. israel should be dib rat and targeted in their approach to take out hamas, many they're doing and it's incredibly difficult to go after a has and they're using their own people as human shields and they remember the loss of any innocent pal tin january life is due to -- palestinian life is
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due to mas and they want throut tear own people to die and want to blame israel and the west and their goal is not to have a new pal tin january authority, a new palestinian government structure that will be over the west bank in gaza. if you think that's what their goal is, it's laughable. they don't want a two-state solution. the administration thinks hamas did this to get a two-state solution. hamas did this to kill jews and wipe israel often the face of the map from the river to the sea. stuart: can i express a opinion and see if you agree with it? i think the israelis are not -- >> sure. stuart: i think the isr israelie going to do the job and crush hamas no matter what joe biden says and the arab streets say. they're engaged and they're going to see it threw. nothing will stop them. what do you tay 124 >> i totally agree with you .x we did the same when it came to the treat from al-qaida ask isis. we destroyed in the trump
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administration the physical caliphate of isis and went after al-qaida for 20 years and done everything we could to protect the american people and israeli government should do everything they can do protect israelis. stuart: i'm with you. morgan ortegas, great stuff as always. we'll see you soon. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. stuart: china accuses a u.s. ship of "illegally intruding into the south china sea". how has our navy responded in lauren: the u.s. says that ship was conducting ruca teen operations in international waters but the shy cheese say they violating their security and international relations and china called the u.s. the biggest threat to peace in the south china sea. what happened to american power. two super powers now u.s. and china saying opposite th th thid have as there's a draft of new defense adopt report circulating
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and the u.s. defense industry cannot satisfy with speed and scale the full range of products that our military needs. whereas the prc, people's republic of china has spent billions building up their modern military and now flexing their muscles in one area being the south china sea. and other areas too. stuart: thanks indeed, lauren. check the markets and you've got a ton of red ink and nasdaq down 220 points and big tech way down all sectors of big team down. coming up, democrats backing away from using the term bidenomics. we'll have a report on how democrats plan to switch course. over 800,000 people got an e-mail from the white houssaying their student loans are being -- white house saying their student loans are being forgiven. the price you paid to bet rid of someone else's debt. that's next. ♪
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(adventurous music) ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia.
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stuart: the markets still a lot of selling. down 13 on the dow and 200 on the nasdaq. big tech, all of them sharply lower including microsoft, which
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is down $8 now. amazon down $3, apple down $3, meta down 9 points. 10 year treasury yield going up and 8 basis points now. doesn't help the nasdaq at 429 as yield on 10-year treasury. now this. deputies are indeed backing away from using the term bidenomics. why are they giving up on now reporter: stuart, they were tone deaf to the reality they're facing and also envector-borned the name of the president not polling great in polls on the competition and democrat sources telling axios and the term has been scrubbed from the president's speeches but not just bidenomics that's been scrscrubbed and primary opponent from the ballot. dean phillips iced out of florida primary ballot and told fox it's offensive to democracy
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and democratic voters. >> some people decided there was be no primary in florida and allocate all the delegates to a single person, president biden, and dis-enfranchise literally millions of florideans and gave the finger to americans. it's an affront to democracy and everybody in our country right now knows there's something terribly, deer hunting blizzard. reporter: many voters feel taking a victory lap over the economy is terribly, terribly wrong and palpable distaste for the state of the economy, even in president biden's hometown. >> how could he be seeing it through our eyes if it's just gotten tougher i feel like for everybody. >> this economy sucks. i mean, everything is going up except paychecks. >> i'm a registered democrat but i'm not happy.
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and so, stuart, a registered democrat that's not happy is not what president biden wants to hear. stuart. stuart: hillary, thanks very much. now this. over 800,000 people received an e-mail from the white houssaying their student loan haves been forgiven. based politics cofounder brad palumbo is with me now. brad, how much does the latest student loan bailout cost me, the taxpayer? >> well, if you're a federal taxpayer, it's going to come out to about $1800 a person for your share of biden's latest student loan bailout, which is offensive frankly because americans with care by afford groceries thanks to inflation we've had under president biden, which despite all the talk about bidenomics has not in fact gotten -- gone away or reversed. it's an insult to taxpayers and americans that they're going to have to pay for other people's degrees. susan, i'm sorry, that your degree in gender studies isn't working out for you, but that's not my responsibility and biden should make it be mine. stuart: i thought the supreme
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court stopped these payments but they're still going forward? >> yeah, the supreme court slapped down president bide obanya's first attempt to -- president biden's first astem for student debt cancellation without congress but what do you do when you can't get around the constitution? try and try again apparently because biden is struggling with young voters and frankly he's desperate to bribe them to support him again because the polls show he's down with young voters, which is a bl block he really needs to win back the white house and he's going about it another way, a different path. this time through the income-based repayment plan making is super generous. it's still effectively going to forgive $470 billion in taxpayer money to student loans. it's julie swetnick another way of doing what the supreme court said he couldn't. i've heard democrats talk over the last few years a lot about the importance of democracy and rule of law and they're right those are important values, but where is all the outrage in all the alarm raising about that now? stuart: the forgiveness, isn't
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the forgiveness going mostly to people who are going to have pretty good jobs down the road or have pretty good jobs now almost as the elites; right? >> >> well, it only helps people that went to college and seems like everybody goes to college these days but two in three adults over age 25 don't have a bachelor's degree and the ones who do earn more on average and have better jobs and had faired better during the pandemic yet everybody including working class taxpayers or people like me that scrimped and saved to avoid student loan debt and we're all on the hook to pay off other people's student loans. it's a disgrace. stuart: does it actually buy votes? i mean, is it a successful policy? i can see a lot of people that still got student loans and they're not gordon chang given, they're gone -- forgiven, they're going to be pretty angry about this. >> yeah, i think so, but i actually think it could work out for president biden. even if this plan does eventually get smacked down in the courts, that probably won't happen before november, and if
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you're one of the 800,000 people getting an e-mail saying i'm president biden and i just reduced your student loans to zero. of course, it's not actually generous. he's spending our money, not his money, but it could buy him votes i guess. maybe from a pure civics perspective, it's smart but not right or moral or fair. stuart: aagree on all accounts. brad palumbo, thank you very much for that. fans of home alone, they're re-cassioppiing to a -- reacting to a viral video of what kevin mcallister's super market trip could do if it's 2023. lauren: yes, 33 years later costs $44 more. remember this scene from home alone? >> you're not pleasing your constituents at all -- stuart: that was the wrong sound
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byte. lauren: that was not home alone. stuart: put the right one up from home alone. any day now. it's going to come. lauren: kevin mcallister. the tide, tropicana, mac and cheese, costs $19.83 back in 1990. that same basket today costs you 250% more or $63 and change, add in tax and the plastic bag fees, we're talking nearly $70. so what a $20 bill covered in 1990, $100 covers today. stuart: that's very interesting. that's a very good measure of inflation, but that of course is over 33 years. lauren: yeah. right, 1990. stuart: 33 years. didn't think there was supposed to be math on the program today but there is. 33 years from 1983 to nearly $70 for a christmas shopping trip.
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that says it all, doesn't if? lauren: 33 years and about 45 more. stuart: then again, what were we earning in 1990? substantially less than now. lauren: yes. i didn't know we'd be requiring this much math in this show. i don't know what we were earning back in 1990. stuart: i can't remember either and i choose not to remember. lauren: i wasn't working in 1980. stuart: you weren't? lauren: no, i was not working in 1990. i was in grade school in 1990. stuart: must be great. lauren: i was babysitting. i was working. stuart: my size id, that's a clothing company. they're using ai to help clothing retailers cut back on returns. the ceo will be here and tell exactly how that works. the supreme court has begun hearing arguments about how purdue pharma fueled the opioid epidemic and we'll bring you all the details on how this case
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could play out.
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hi, i'm tali, and i lost 85 pounds on golo. all my life i struggled with my weight. i tried every diet, and i even had weight loss surgery. but, after complication, i had gained everything back extremely fast. i was unhealthy, miserable and depressed. following golo, and taking release, i was able to lose weight gradually and keep it off. i wish i'd started sooner. don't wait, go straight to
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stuart: on the market this is morning, the story is selling for stocks, dow is down 160, nasdaq down nearly 200 points in the paints. i should tell you that -- points and i should tell you bitcoin on a strong rally over $41,000 per coin. then there's this. purdue farmer, makers of oxycontin and bankruptciy says in front of the supreme court this morning. gerri willis is with me. what's the main issue here? >> can the sack herreras avoid e payouts and the maker of oxycontin and members of the sackler family that owned purdue pharma offered $6 billion to settle thousands of lawsuits alleging the pills fueled an opioid epidemic.
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paying out over billions over 18 years. that's an important point. this gets paid out over nearly two decades. now the case is dividing families of opioid victims, some of whom are eager to move on and others say the sacklers should continue to pay. allen isaacs who's son died of opioid overdose opposes the settlement. her attorney michael quinn wrote in a supreme court brief saying, a court should not bar victims from enforcing rights while allowing perpetrators to profit from i don't think doings and christie nelson's son died of opioid overdose and here's what she had to say earlier today on fox news, listen. >> my feeling is that richard sackler and his family pretty much murdered my son and they have no right to get immunity from being sued. >> tensions running high here and purdue started marketing oxycontin in 1996 as safe,
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nonaddictive pain reliever and the products as well as similar ones from other manufacturers sparked an epidemic in which 645,000 people died. that according to the cdc. the case being heard by the supreme court and ruling expected in june and of course, you know, billions of dollars at stake here. stuart: 645,000 people died as direct result of oxycontin and similar medications? >> yes. stuart: they became addicted to it? >> they became addicted and took too much. stuart: same thing as overdose s? >> these were overdoses and deaths. they women all too common. lauren: but the doctors were incentivized to prescribe higher doses. you were addicted and then you kept getting a higher dose over and over again till you couldn't handle it anymore. stuart: what a story. extraordinary story .x the supreme court is dealing with it right now. >> yeah and this hearing will go on till about noon. another 15 or so minutes. we're not expecting a ton today, but this could influence other
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company as well if they're trying to shield themselves from lawsuits over time over their products. stuart: got it, gerri, thank you very much indeed. a new study w -- we're going frm something very important to something ridiculous. a new study shows renting ages you faster than smoking and obesity. lauren, admit t that's utter nonsense and you know it. lauren: the report comes out of universities of adelaide and essex and it's not american and renting ads two weeks a year to biological clock because you're in a constant state of un-noun because you renew your lease in australia every 6-12 months you renew. never know what comes next and that could age yous. here's dr. siegle. >> i think it's utter nonsense. who's the realtor. if they're very nice and make it easy and it's a lug in play situation, you're going to be happy and not going to get stressed. stuart: okay. lauren: i can't defend this
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study. stuart: rory harmon trying to. you're trying to. lauren: when you smoke or eat it calms you perhaps. not healthy but lessens your anxiety whereas renting increases your anxiety. stuart: what about the tension involved in buying a house. lauren: paying for all the fixes and a lot of older people are renting and they can call a landlord and not deal with it themselves. stuart: we've killed this particular study. show me the dow 30. i want to get as we always say, a sense of the market. here you go. down 160 on the dow, down 200 on the nasdaq and my sense on the market is there's red ink and selling this morning. on a monday, not great. excuse me. do you remember night rider? it was the ai powered car that could drive itself. remember this? watch this. >> ready to move? >> yes, michael.
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stuart: i'm not sure i get that. nudges one company is testing -- nonetheless one company testing how ai could help truck drivers and a look at how a truck has an ai coach installed and ashley has that story and ashley is next. ♪ (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients
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come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. tin is in our home, our office, our cars, and even our phones. eloro resources game changing discovery at the world class silver-tin property could be one of the largest operations in the world. eloro resources.
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dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas.
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tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. cosentyx. still workin' for me. ♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. ashley: ark i week here at fox and ashley webster is here with more. ashley, how is that truck using ai? ashley: it's remarkable, stu, we're on i-4 west and ai software in this struck, i want tow yo look. there's a camera setup that shoots video inside the the
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bottom line is safety. the drivers today know they're certainly on camera at any dinnebier time and a about privacy and your own space and apparently the younger drivers perfectly fine with it but the older drivers, take a listen to this. >> as you get into some of the older range of drivers that were just used to pen and paper, no technology, they're the ones having issues with the safety features. ashley: back at the operation center, a huge map with each individual dot represent ago truck can be follows across the country, we're with good greek moving and storage and allowing
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us to ride along and that operate sent service connected remarkable and pick up pictures of the driver as we say. bottom line is safety as i said before. what if the driver, what if a driver was looking at their phone? take a look at this. it gives you an letter that says actually a voice inside the cab says put phone down and tigger ifs you get to close to the car in front there's an alert and saves money and gives the company more control over all the trucking companies and fraud. if someone fraudulently tries to hit the truck to win a settlement, they're regarded from beginning to end and they can be disputed if they're the target of fraud. bottom line is a, is changing things and we've reported
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before, stu, they could drive the truck themselves or artificial intelligence and louis gave me a dirty look but for now drivers and ai are providing remarkable technology that keeps everyone safe including us, the public on the highway. stuart: always a camera on you, ashley. you know that. ashley: always. stuart: see you soon. chief executive at my side id is how does ai limit the number of returns? tell me. >> that's right, stuart, we've been working from 2014 with developed our technologies and@ gather rhythm base that learns the habits and the measurement of the consumer and today we're working with over 100 retailers
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>> how old on a second, using ai and you can tell what the consumer what their size is, what they should be ordering, and can you then interfere with the order if you think it's going to be a return? >> that's right. so we actually recommend the consumer, what size they really need in that particular item. so if you select large for example, and we think you need a medium, we alert you that you need a medium. if you consistently still order the large, we understand the return is because of size related and then we recommend you again next time and alert you from the habits of the consumers and could be that you prefer to wear a large to have
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oversized items and that's something that our alga retired and will that's the ai learns your habits and then we can next time understand that you like to wear large items so we update your preferences on that particular item. that's how@ gather rhythm works and recommendation industry and thank you for joining me. fine why'd. >> back to the markets and we need to cover what's going on with the selling here. dow's down, nasdaq is down and more. lauren: five weeks after gains and s&p closing at five week high on friday. stuart: legitimate selloff you say. lauren: we've come a long way. stuart: this is the monday trivia question. lauren: oh boy. stuart: what's the world's fastest train and which speed can the word's fastest train travel? 210, 269, 301, 374 miles per
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hour? lauren: where is it? stuart: where is it? japan, taiwan, italy? who knows. the answer when we come back. we're not guessing here. the real answer coming up. ♪ if you have this... and you get this... you could end up with this...
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12:00 pm
stuart: we asked before the break the world's fastest train can travel up to what speed. >> to a 59 miles per hour in the country of japan. stuart: did you look up. >> i'm completely guessing. >> 201 in taiwan, let's see. 374 miles per hour on the l0 in japan the train is not currently available for public use. >> that's a bogus question. >> set to begin in 2027, 307 miles an hour, that would be really worrisome for me, especially in earthquake country, ten seconds to go, "varney & company". i only have five seconds left to finish this. "varney & company" is done for the day "coast to coast" start right now. stuart: if you are


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