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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 4, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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stuart: we asked before the break the world's fastest train can travel up to what speed. >> to a 59 miles per hour in the country of japan. stuart: did you look up. >> i'm completely guessing. >> 201 in taiwan, let's see. 374 miles per hour on the l0 in japan the train is not currently available for public use. >> that's a bogus question. >> set to begin in 2027, 307 miles an hour, that would be really worrisome for me, especially in earthquake country, ten seconds to go, "varney & company". i only have five seconds left to finish this. "varney & company" is done for the day "coast to coast" start right now. stuart: if you are looking to
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test the nonstop market, copied a little bit today more and not in a second. it's a story of the week and will be the story of this week, stocks survived the next five days and move up the santa claus rally is not only on, some are telling us on steroids leading aside the employment report due out on friday and the fourth presidential debate in alabama on wednesday in of course the war in israel seems to spiral every day, yet the market week like few others in test like few others. we will take it to the white house with anticipation of good economic news is palpable in later this hour presidential candidate chris christie on why he thinks make it into the university of alabama debate stage looks probable, time is wasted we are not, "coast to coast" is now. cowelcome everybody is going toe
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a busy monday just like a busy week we on top of all the developers at the white house that a to be touting what they think numbers going their way there not touting bidenomics apparently got taboo does not pull test well but they are touting joe biden and how he's handling the economy. here's edward lawrence on how they're doing not. >> a little rebranding, the jobs report comes out on friday is expected to be an appointment rate under 4% 3.9% 185,000 jobs expected to be created the president will likely say these are strong numbers, moving away democrats coming off the term bidenomics in the last few public appearance joe biden has not use the term bidenomics it was displayed in his speeches but this is from supply chain in the treaty room one week ago today, pull numbers like the
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latest gallup poll 32% approve of the handling of the economy, 67 disapprove this is how the president avoids bidenomics. >> we vested in america, were investing in americans. it is working. since i took office i invested in american agenda with a manufacturing boom and subtracted over $600 billion. $600 billion in private investment from private companies around the world. >> he is not said bidenomics in one month. energy prices that you see on your screen out 40%. electricity is up 25% democrats on capitol hill are moving away from the term as well yesterday senior administration official talked about on air force to specifically as a vice president travel back from cop 28 the
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official says she has conversations with her staff about what the word means and she tries to break it down but we may hear less and less of the word bidenomics unless the pull numbers on the economy started to turn around. then we might hear again but as of right now we're hearing loss. neil: think of it i want to go to bob cusack the hill editor in chief and what he makes of this. you don't say bidenomics but you talk about biden in the economy and they think leaving bidenomics aside that works because the trend is different i think that's what they're saying. >> i think that's right when you think about biden himself is not populated and people think the economy is doing well. when you combine them that's not a good combination. they cannot stop talking about the economy. as you mentioned the market is up but most people don't think the economy is doing well and you cannot hypnotize people and the effort is not working up
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until this point. some democrats want to talk about abortions in the economy. neil: that has worked for them in the past. if you look at the statistics the white house does have a point but unfortunately a huge gap between the two statistics and believe them or feel them, that is a trouble i also think it's a problem every time you're telling people that are kind of imagining it. >> that's exactly right reminds me a little bit with the first bush reelection which he lost to bill clinton when he kept try to make the case that things were going to get better. certainly the white house is making a case number c inflation is a little bit, if people don't buy it they don't buy it and you cannot shove it down the throat. neil: i want to switch gears and talk about republicans, we can have chris christie in a little bit were getting word that doug
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burgum has suspended his campaign following the likes of tim scott also ended the campaign, fewer and fewer and growing pressure on those still in, chris christie included. with not a single person has yet to vote. it is weird. it is but we get to see the calls grow certainly whether that is after the next debate or whether it's after iowa and if desantis does not do well and if we pressure and chris christie is not a fan of donald trump and neither is nikki haley but at the same time a lot of republicans want one alternative not desantis, christie or haley, there could be pressure from the anti-trump wing for people to drop out to make it a two-person race. neil: we talked about it recently the idea of the power of endorsements. of course ron desantis has the
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backing of the evencommunity by and large its leadership, certainly in iowa he has the support of the governor of iowa. it's not helping them, pulls in that state he has to win it and you told me there were rumblings and they know they have to win it then you had 70 like nikki haley who gets charles coke fame behind him and that will help with ads in the super pack down the road. it has not moved the map so far, what do you think. >> it hasn't we've been saying that for a long time and that's desantis he is facing a crucial debate this week he is facing a crucial month, this is when people start to pay attention and desantis needs to go on a winning streak he has not had one yet. neil: i want to thank you very much, bob cusack following all of the subelements talking about his plans and whether he has made the debate stage on
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wednesday at the university of alabama, there is data and pull numbers that show the seem to be the case, we will ask him to get a gauge on it. in the meantime jennifer griffin the pentagon you heard about the u.s. strike after iranian proxies in iraq this is in response to houthi rebels attacking some of our ships and the red sea, what can you tell us jennifer? >> they were for attacks against three separate commercial vessels operating in the international waters in the southern red sea near yemen. according to u.s. central command the three shipping vessels are connected to 14 separate nations, once again the uss carney a class destroyer responded to the distress calls, during the attacks by the iranian back who these the carney detected a ballistic missile being fired at a bahamian flag british owned and operated cargo ship, three hours later the same ship the mv unity to explore detected another ballistic missile fired from who
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they controlled area, this video shows who theiss testing a ballistic missile 90 minutes later a panamanian the sophie to operating in the same area was struck by another missile. about the same time the uss carney shot down a drone as it was trying to render assistance. they blamed iran saying we also have every reason to believe that these attacks were launched by houthi in yemen were fully launched by iran, there has been 75 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria by iranian proxies sent october 17, not including the houthi attacks. at the reagan national defense four of this weekend prior to sunday's attack defense secretary lloyd austin promised the u.s. will not sit idly by. neil: we will not tolerate attacks on american personnel. >> these attacks must stop, until they do we will do what we
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need to do to protect the tr troops. and to impose costs on those who attack them. >> former obama cia director defense secretary leon pannetta said this weekend that u.s. early response should've been more aggressive. >> it is been a little bit too selective, we hit some ammo dumps and other targets. i want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops. and make sure that they understand when they fire a missile they are going to die. >> u.s. forces carried out an airstrike in northern iraq sunday killing several ironic proxy fighters who they say were preparing to launch a drone or a rocket to the u.s. base in northern iraq. neil: by going into northern iraq to take these guys out is a little different than going to syria and hitting post in the
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syrian desert, obviously there was an element of risk there, have you ever heard or talk to the pentagon and would say that includes iran going to iran itself is a possibility or is that not at all in the cards and could explain why iran keeps financing the various groups to do what they do, they didn't fear that the u.s. going into iran. >> i think what you are seeing and you pointed out, going into iraq and firing iranian backed forces and killing five of them this weekend that is an escalation on the escalation ladder. obviously hitting iran or targets inside of iran, that is a big step forward and certainly being considered because iran and the proxy forces are not getting the message. i do not foresee any air force personnel flying over iran but you can see missiles fired at targets in iran. what we also need to look at is down in yemen, there has been no
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response to the houthi attacks there's been defensive responses shooting down route toward the ship and protecting the ship. in terms of offenses capability, you can very easily locate where the ballistic missiles are being fired from by the houthi's and clearly that decision has not been taken, it is being seen by the pentagon officials as an escalatory step but there is tension between those who are now under fire in the middle east on the u.s. ships in the pentagon and white house and believing that is coming to a time were targets in yemen are going to have to be struck. neil: thank you very much, jennifer at the pentagon i want to go to the former navy seal commander and hostage working group coordinator, great to have you, maybe you can help me make sense of the latest counter attack, this time well into i iraq. it is unusual in the prior
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responses that come largely in syria but we're still seeing who do you rebel attack sponsored by iran running at ten times art counterattack ratio, what do you make of that? >> again as it was laid out iran is directing all of this, it's a proxy war there using the houthi's in the missile launches from syria and iraq and other places and we are not responded in kind, there have been 75 attacks since this conflict in gaza kicked off, to strike the day against the u.s. personnel in the region. so far we've done small attacks and we finally struck where it was being launched, every time one of the missiles launches we should be sending a strike on the very spot and we should be targeting those and as the former secretary said, he has it right why did william pannetta never served a day in his life and know what needs to be done as an aggressive response versus the current sect death he was a
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retired four-star general, common sense is there we are just not doing it. neil: were obviously afraid of world war iii, common sense would tell you if these are coming from iran you go right for iran i understand the risk believe me and you know them as a decorated military yourself but i don't know if that changes if our posture does not change, and other words iran and the various arrogance continue to do this and fully recognizing that we do not want to go there. >> we have two aircraft carriers in a nuclear sub in the region standing off the coast of iran and israel but they're there to keep iran out of this fight. i understand we do not want to escalate nor my arguing of strikes inside of iran but every missile launch from yemen to syria or inside of iraq on u.s. personnel should be responded in kind we have two aircraft
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carriers that carried a big stick but no one believes we will use it and therefore we are considered a paper tiger because were tiptoeing around this conflict and those strikes have not ceased they've only continued. neil: again ten times the rate of our responses, thank you for that, following all of that, to add insult to injury, you heard about the opec plus countries like russia and others that are not formal exclusive opec members they agreed to cut production and believable oil prices high, oil prices are falling again today, the gold is often ties with over $2100 an ounce, you know what is still standing strong bitcoin, that is what is weird. it is getting weirder all explain after this.
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get into that with peter tuckman at the new york stock exchange this is a big test for the market you have the employment report on friday and another big debate i don't if the market moves on that for republicans and the president touting bidenomics but the market has to digest all of this how you think it sorts out? >> as you talk your way into my interview all you talked about was severe escalation of what's going on with palestine and israel and obviously have is overflowing into the whole region and there's a lot of pieces of the puzzle that are implicated in the situation. the stock market itself is acting seasonably we are on the end of the year we have four weeks left, usually at the end of the year orchids mark themselves.
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neil: you're doing just fine, can you hear me. >> i heard something else, anyway the last four weeks are very important either profit-taking for the year or they'll do windowdressing in the wall street lingo and it feels that santa claus is coming to town. i think it's very significant from a safe haven asset the movement that we seen in gold which is not underperforming till the last couple of months is quite spectacular, we talked about yesterday at 2100, 2150 obviously today's selloff is a little spike in treasuries and whatnot it was due for a pullback but i think the situation going on in the middle east is a significant reason for people going toward safe haven as well as crypto. bitcoin is not quite arise since mid-october, crypto has not been
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historically something that people go to as a hedge against the stock market itself. i think we see it follows suit with what's going on in gold and people feel under invested in bitcoin they've never been sure but it seems it's getting exploding as gold has water acted in the strong way toward the safe haven i think gold is establishes is a great hedge in a place where geopolitical controversy is at its peak which is what's going on now. neil: what about presidential election year typically it does well, what do you think. >> are so many moving parts, the selection the world post-covid is not the same world we've ever lived in before. post trumps the world politically and how would affect our market has never acted the same way. we've never seen a playing field like we have on the republican
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side as well as the democratic side yes historically markets to respond well in election years and i think we have that going for us, this year has been a good year 2022 was significantly down double digits, this year it's been superstrong and double rally across-the-board in the dow and s&p 500 even in the eyes of all the doomsayers and the talk about recession and whatnot in the landscape environment of high raising interest rates the market has done incredibly well small percentages off record highs and obviously the nasdaq and the tech sector in a beautiful rally in gold due to
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the conflict in the middle east and crypto is on the rise 41000 also mid-october price of 26000 is significant. neil: absolutely you should stick to the market you seem pretty good at it. >> 137 years of experience. >> we are the better for it, great seeing you. the new york stock exchange. by the way you heard john kerry talking about whole plans and they shouldn't be allowed, put them on fire, you would think that a lot of the clean energy stocks will be soaring in an environment like that it is not quite happening, why? ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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>> we don't need that to tell us we are to be transitioning out of coal, there shouldn't be any more coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world, that is how you can do something. the reality is we are not doing
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it. neil: put john kerry down as a maybe i would imagine, a lot of them are behind the ones that are charging up the electric vehicles, jason isaac is american energy ceo, very good to have you, he made that abundantly clear, it is exactly a fox alert but it is very clear how the message was received in the markets, they don't believe it or think that day is going to come, what do you think. >> it is right using a global increase in the use of coal around the globe, 9% last year, most of that is coming from india and china, china is increasing the refining capacity of the jet fuel that john kerry is using to fly around the world and preach this, the only thing that john kerry policy result is higher cost we see this play out in germany and the united kingdom, every country that is decreasing the use of coal is
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increasing its cost and that's hurting people the least among us, that's why last year in the united states had 5 million people that had their utilities disconnected because koster increasing astronomically. neil: if we got rid of all coal-fired plants. , a lot of those electric vehicles would be in a world of hurt looking for a place to charge, wouldn't they? >> absolutely, you talk about massive refining manufacturing electric vehicles, those are coal powered utilities, coal powered electric vehicles you would not be able to charge electric vehicles without coal i had the opportunity to testify in front of congress and i told them of the technology that the chinese steal from us it would be nice if they would utilize a pollution control technology, we continue to use coal and we need to use a lot more of it and we reduce pollution nearly 80% over the last five decades, we become world leaders in environmental protection and were number one
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when it comes to access to clean and safe drinking water something that billions of people around the planet would love to be able to have clean and safe water with affordable energy. neil: i know they were disappointed with the president to go to the summit in the middle east, the hearer stated maintained a commitment to clean energy but were pain most of the bills to get there and there is anger at china that makes promises but doesn't really deliver the goods and the soonest to participate is 2030, i could be dead by then, i hope not, what do you think of that. >> you will be if you don't have access to affordable or reliable energy, more people die from freezing deaths than they do from warmer temperatures, summer up to 40 - 140 people will die of freezing temperatures, deaths, cold related illnesses as opposed to heat related illnesses this is the fact of the matter, portable or reliable energy is key to human flourishing and we need more of it when you look at the
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cleantech stocks added opportunity to testify in front of stocks last month, they are down minus point to percent this year when the s&p 500 and nasdaq are of 19 to 20% respectively at least when i testified they are performing so much better than the cleantech stocks because the cleantech stocks are dependent on having energy to produce the goods whether they are wind or solar panels they need energy powered by coal. neil: i remember the term of exxon mobil saying why did we go all in on all of these, there is an option, always great catching up with you, jason isaac. neil: news on the presidential candidate front, another one bites the dust unit of doug burgum, he has suspended his campaign, he joins tim scott who did so couple weeks ago, what is chris christie make of all of this and whether he'll make the debate stage on wednesday in alabama, we will ask him. the new jersey former governor is here.
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take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. neil: welcome back everybody and that the candidate dropped out of the presidential race north dakota governor doug burgum the votes weren't there and the support wasn't there suspending his campaign, he did so couple of weeks ago, chris christie is not even considering that he is a former new jersey governor and very much to 2024 presidential candidate, good to see you governor, first off the burgum news, what did you think of it. >> i like doug and we served together during my time in at the beginning of his first term he's a really talented guy and i thought he brought a lot to the discussion. in the first couple debates
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especially on energy issue and where he's really expert, i have great admiration for him and his wife and she does things about that i care about on drug addiction and she's been way out in front and doing great things i hope to continue to stay involved. i was there eight years ago we have to make a decision to drop out and it's always hard. and i said to both of them called doug later on and wishing my best he's a good friend and a good guy. >> we are going to pitch for. neil: that's how it goes when these guys drop out, who are the survivors the pick up the support. >> i think the other thing yet to make sure those people don't decide to stay home, this is really important we gotta be joe biden and we need to keep everybody who was interested in the primary by supporting one candidate or another, keep them in the tent keep them working for our cause, the cause
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ultimately is to be joe biden in the white house back, you don't want people to fade away and going to actively go after those supporters and let them know that they have a home with us for the governor the performer conservative policies, got things done and will know how to get things done in washington. will: much has said people benefited from challenging trump, you are the strongest nikki haley a little less so, ron desantis has been more coy when it comes to that, is there an opening or a light at the end of the tunnel for candidates at risk taking off that. neil: i think absolutely is, it is the truth are not saying these things about donald trump to be mean or angry or anything else. neil: may be a little bit. >> no, no more than my usual new jersey style, the fact is i'm saying it because it's the truth
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and i think there's a market for the truth that our party. >> in florida you did something that i really see initially they were booing you nonstop you do not leave the stage you kept talking in the booing stopped i can say that, what you learn from the. >> keep going, be patient and persistent, donald trump has dominated the republican party political world since june of 2015, that is a long time were talking about eight and half years where he's been the main figure interparty and he's disappointed a lot of people in our party with the things that he's done and how he conducted himself personally. >> not many people say that out loud. >> they whisper and i told about a woman in new hampshire saying please keep it up, go after trump and i said i will but why are you whispering and she said a lot of my friends don't like to hear me say that. neil: when you mentioned nikki haley when you're unwilling to
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stand up and talk about who the guy is the front runner in the race by 30 points depending on what poll you look at your not going to win you're trying to come in second. >> you cannot beat the man without beating the man, that is that you're not going to do it by hoping for something to happen. i was in the recent 2016, none of us, me, jeb bush, marco rubio, ten crews, john say sick, none of us spoke to trap seriously, simply held drop out or he'll fadeaway and we all waited, hope is not a strategy, if you were to beat somebody have to tell people why he is not right for the job and why you are, our whole campaign has been about that. >> that's the line the others are dancing, you cannot be running talking about nikki haley against donald trump and say he was right president for the right time, i understand what you meant were using the
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same back in 2016? >> we all were. neil: back then he was the right president. >> i turned out to be wrong, i'm not saying i wanted hilary clinton to be president but i had great hopes for donald trump's presidency, but we did not repeal and replace obamacae we did not build the wall on the southern border we did not balance the budget we had $8 trillion in new debt to our country to our children and grandchildren. the trump administration did not come anywhere near the expectation in the hopes that we had for, you cannot look back now and say he was right at the right time, no. by the way he lied about the election being stolen and he tried to inhibit our constitution by making sure he was not kicked out of office yet in fact joe biden was one kicked out of office you gotta be for something if you get a run for public office, let me tell you what i am first and foremost,
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constitutionalist i believe in the constitution over many wo women. neil: the constitution says nothing about a convicted felon if it comes to that because he is 97 some odd chances to dodge that one might stick then what he is a constitutionalist and it doesn't say anything about it. >> adams and jefferson were relying upon the smartness of the immigrant people. >> your coverage was really, really good especially the 1800 race you called it. >> what you make of it that is a possibility. >> about the seas were to go on trial the day before super tuesday i believe is good to be convicted of the deanery six trial in washington, d.c. predominantly because mark meadows as you know signed an agreement. the former chief of staff and the founders of the freedom caucus is going to testify against him. he's good to be convicted, imagine this he is our nominee and will not be able to vote for himself. >> but he could be president and
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this is when i talked to politico there not steeped in the battle like you are, they say if he hasn't been doing by all of the indictments a conviction is not going to make a difference. >> i think a conviction is different for two reasons, it will not be a liberal prosecutor talking about it'll be his former chief of staff saying he and mark meadows committed crimes because you would need immunity if you had committed crimes and that donald trump committed crimes on his watch, that is very different for conservative voters to hear that from mark meadows and to hear from jack smith. secondly is the jury of your peers convicted you, not again the two-tiered system of justice that people are concerned about i think it'll be different, the question will be is or could be 70 willing to stand up until that moment it is not decided that's why i said i'm through this in the convention.
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>> his supporters if they lose him for that very reason are not to go flocking to you, they don't like you. >> it would be hard to imagine but they like joe biden less than they like me and they don't want joe biden. >> if he were the nominee you would not support it you would leave it like. >> what i've said and what i refuse to raise my hand for on the stage of the first debate of someone is a convicted felon, if someone has convicted felonies i think we have to hire the standard in our country. the fact that he is susceptible to that should make all of us say thank you for your service mr. president we need to move on, that's why i'm in this race, i don't want joe biden, the here's spewing christy, a great campaign and bow out to give nikki a chance a disinterested chance. >> why shouldn't the santas bow out when he was in the mid-30s in the polls and whatever he wants to be sleeved to he was in
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the mid-30s back in the spring and now the single digits why should he be the one to drop out i was at 9m and 14 we seem to be going in opposite directions. >> you look like you have a very good shot at the debate on wednesday. >> i will be there on wednesday. >> they don't tell anybody until after 8:00 o'clock, their rules they do this with the debates no one gets told who's invited until 8:00 p.m. two days before so tonight at 8:00 p.m. the invitations will be extended and i'm confident i'll be getting as they would say in american idol, the golden ticket to head to tuscaloosa alabama. and remember this about the polls, if the polls were correct hilary clinton would be at her second term. i was on the exit polling polls in 2016 because i was chairman of the trump transition and they said hilary clinton could get three under 60 electoral votes and democrats will when the house in the senate by midnight i was sitting at donald trump
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apartment helping him write an acceptance speech to be elected president i think everybody needs to take a breath, i was watching video over the weekend. at this time in 2011 newt gingrich said look at the polls i'm definitely going to win. at this time in 2015, ben carson was 17 points ahead of ted cruz in iowa. neil: you're right history proves a lot of times, this is my personal governor and no disrespect, when i hear another candidate blast a personal attack like you with the overweight thing. when i hear donald trump say don't call him a fat pig, he's not a fat pig, please don't call him a fat pig and says in response to a christy question, that is off balance, don't call him a fat pig because it's extremely disrespectful, i actually went to the trouble of
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counting up the number of times that he is done this, it's in the dozens. as someone who i would say clerk lee challenge, how would you deal with that because he extended this to nikki haley calling her a bird ring. >> as far as i can speak but let me say this nikki haley is not a birdbrain she's an intelligent woman in a really good two-term governor of south carolina and i like her personally, she's a good person she shouldn't be subjected to that. >> what did your family say about the. >> they hate it. >> especially because we've been printed donald trump for over 20 years my children have socialized with them, he's known me since i became the u.s. attorney in 2002, we have been to his home a number of times so this stuff shows you he's lost it, the fact of the matter is he
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is so angry and so bitter and so self consumed. >> every time your name comes up that's what he does. it's all fair game and you do that back-and-forth, but you've never gone back at him, i've had comedians say why doesn't christy go after the hear, you don't do that i'm wondering you feel you miss a chance or do you see what marco rubio and some of the others in 2016 and realize it's a waste of time, don't go on that level. neil: i cannot guarantee what i'll do if i face the face with him. you know this guys from new jersey have been used to dealing not just guys from new york for a long time if we were one-on-one i don't know exactly what would happen but what i wanted to do was spend my time telling people that you know what a person like this in the white house, what young parent right now could point to that kind of stuff from donald trump and say to the kids you want to be like the president, he is a
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role model, he's not his liberal model for what not to be. >> he is leading on one-on-one polls against the president. you are quite right that changes and i get that. but the same guy has been personally insulting you with these insults to nikki haley, it's a one-way leader for the nomination. >> it motivates me. i know if i get out there a little bit more and push a little bit more and talk of a bit more and argue a little bit more on the merits and i do believe the omega people don't like the stuff, i really do and i think they think that's fair and at the end of the day for him, i have said this in return who is he, hercules, we've seen the pictures on the golf course i'm not quite to call them the same things but were not talking about overhearing donald trump. neil: you're thinking of? >> no i don't think those horrible things.
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i know you and i have agreed on this. it is the one disc of a nation and the snowflake world that we live in, somehow you could talk about somebody's weight and that somehow is fair game but anything else is unfair and not fair game. the fact of the matter it is he's an old-time guy in an old-time world treating somebody who is very good to him indifferent to him, very unfairly and i would not say that stuff about him even though i've seen the same pictures you've seen and what i do i let people draw their own conclusions on that. i don't think it's relevant when i was at hurricane sandy i was never happier in my life than i was at hurricane sandy. i am right now 90 pounds less than i was during hurricane sandy. i will tell you something i
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never did a better job for the people my state that i did for the period of time. the whole thing is irrelevant to whether your good candidate or a bad candidate. neil: had a feeling you would say that but good luck coming out of your shell. >> if i show personality. >> thank you very much. >> the bluest of blue states, my home state, we have a lot more coming up the markets sinking we will explain after this. you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions. want to see?
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neil: tell me if you've heard this before the acquiring of a big deal alaska airlines willing to fork over $1.9 billion to scoop up hawaiian holdings the apparent of hawaiian air, 14.5%, the acquiree if it ever comes to pass herein lines the rub is not such a short deal, hawaiian holdings is up 186%, on optimism that it does go through and that will be all the better, i see this time and time again but a regulatory process to go through, brian brenberg with the latest of "the big money show" now. brian: thank you very much, hello i am brian brenberg. jackie: i


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