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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  December 4, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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get it in the space, investors are taking note and they don't what to be left behind. charles: i saw current model there's all kinds of models but one model suggesting the value could be as high as 200,000 and the question would be how far out can something like that potentially be. >> the price of bitcoin today is around $41000 its all-time high was $69000 it hit that roughly two years ago, bitcoin is up but according to the models it's undervalued if you run a trend line analysis on historical price of bitcoin today that models over 86% accurate and it has a price of bitcoin at 110% of fair market value today and stock to flow priced in dollars $100,000 and if you price in gold $210,000. charles: let's leave it there, here is liz claman. charles: it just hit 42000.
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we can bring it back. thank you very much, we will start with equities after five weeks of wins for the s&p 500 investor should been ready for some profit and you see the on the screen and you could call it a 31-point retreat in the broader index a milder selloff the blue chips are lower by 60 points and what we see here with s&p 500 is you're looking at 4563 a pullback of two thirds of 8% but one look at the laggards overall, you start to get the story of the final hour of trade i'm talking about the dow laggards, you go to the bottom into cpac, tech, tech sales force down 4% followed by intel, microsoft, verizon, apple and so on. as we continue, the list goes there as well, intel is toggling between the second and the worst point on the nasdaq and also for
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the dow jones industrial, the nasdaq the biggest percentage on the session the tech heavy index on 155 points were wonderful percent because it's not big tech day, if you went through these and i mentioned intel on the intel chips the dow and the nasdaq after climbing 19% this quarter alone, intel down 3.7% this after the u.s. appeals court overturned the $2 billion patent verdict against the chipmaker, the bear is taken a bite out of the apple, apple shares are down 1% on the reuters report, two of the iphone manufacturing partners in southern india have been forced to halt production due to a powerful cyclone pelting the region with heavy rain, just to give you a sense of the text selloff let's add three at least not today but the magnificent seven to the screen we have nvidia, alphabet and meta all in the red from 2% from meta and nvidia down three and a quarter
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percent, it's not just tech, commodities are getting dinged as well in gold is an interesting story a record high earlier today gold is losing luster down $40 or under 2% but look at what the yellow metal has done over the past two months october 5 gold futures retreating at $1834 a trillion outs, today they touched a new record of 2152, right now just below that of 2049, no record for oil that is for sure, oil struggled and continued to flail down 18% quarter to date but not everything in energy land is dropping, this is unusual we don't get to see this usually but we have a power surge in nuclear energy, big announcement out of the top 28 climate summit in dubai, governments, investors and businesses have committed $57 billion, by the way 30 billion from the united emirates alone for a climate
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impact fund in 22 countries involved pledged to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050, centrist energy up 5%, then you have uranium energy up to a quarter percent, that is a 52 week high, nexgen is up 3.6%, light bridge is a very small cap we wanted to show anyway, up 5% and energy fuels inc. up 2%, bitcoin breaking out all of the decryptor breaking woody 2000 for the first time since ap april 2022 at 41911 and we have a merger monday, hawaiian airlines acquired by alaska air by $2 billion including debt perhaps the 15% selloff in alaska air reflex worry that the grinch regulators might stymie the deal, we don't know but they
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don't like airline deals, to the market, your portfolio and the floor show, pacific capital peter schiff in creative planning ceo peter mallik, i'm going to call you by your last name, the s&p with the stocks often investors about the stocks in 2023, gains of 19%, as we wind out the year, when you make the point you started out two years essentially where you started, do you expect this could be the case in 2024? >> i'm very bullish it's very excited to be the month of november with the quarter or the year but if you look back two years as a whole lotta nothing for the s&p 500 and big tech has done a little bit better than that and as we see as rates go up in a reasonably soft landing in the future looks bright borrowing something unexpected happening on the table.
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liz: peter you usually have an outlook on that, gold which is one of your favorite investments since you were four years old is really perking up and has done very well what is perplexing to a lot of people is that usually gold moves inversely to when we see treasury yields and right now treasury yields or backup after the tenure hit a six-month low last week we are seeing it come back, the two-year same thing, actually the tenure the head at three months of the two-year six-month low, what are the longer story for gold. >> first of all i haven't been bullish since three, i sold it when i moved to california and i use my profits to buy the sports cars my senior year so i did well back then and i got my shift gold, my gold tie on this is gold day this could have many
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more, a new all-time record high overnight 2135 and over $100 lower already because we got profit-taking of the big spike up last night but i think 2000 is the support for gold it could trade slightly below it, this is not the end of the bow market, it is the beginning there is no ceiling on the price of gold, there is no floor to devalue the dollar and they will lose a lot more and you will need a lot more dollars to buy an ounce of gold. liz: give me your insight because gold has no yield i'm sure peter has an idea why it does, gold does not pay out at yield, treasuries do at least certainly on the shorter end, the two-year, the six-month the three-month people have been parking there money there because they get an instant five or 4% return, do you see that changing is that shifting beneath her feet right now? >> the way i look at gold they don't have the backdrop that i
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agree with peter on the u.s. government is constantly debasing the currency and the value of a dollar is diminishing and it will take more dollars to buy an ounce of gold if you look at gold over ten years, 20 years, 100 years were thousand years it is basically kept up with inflation is underperformed bonds in every major stock index in the world and underperformed real estate, you basically have money if you told me i had to put money into something and wake up 2000 years from not be able to use it i would choose gold but that's not the world i live in i'm going to have to spend money in retirement 20 years from now or 30 years from now and i would rather have something taxed at a better rate, has a yield and has growing earnings, that's why i'm a much bigger believer in stocks paying offer investors over five, ten, 20 years. liz: what about the fed playing into this. >> we have a meeting and it will be a positive next up as a cut.
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>> i think they can have a hard time cutting rates, the probably going to try at some point and go back to qed which is creating inflation i want to make a point on the stock market for the long run it's better to unproductive assets especially if you could buy them cheap, the problem right now u.s. stocks are extremely expensive and historically it's very dangerous to overpay for stocks on the flipside gold is very cheap historically and if you look back at prior periods were inflation was a problem like the 1970s, the price of gold in one decade where the guy went down the price went from $35 an ounce to 850. think about that percentage gain and by 1980 the dow jones and cold were trading at roughly the same price, right now you have the dow jones at 35000 and gold around 2000. imagine a world where both of those are the same price, that
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is the world where were headed and investors have to prepare for. liz: how are you preparing when it comes to defensive equity classes, if you are, you say you're bullish i'm thinking not. >> i'm not defensive at all, i think the fed accomplish getting to decelerated inflation is not where they wanted it to be but it's getting close and lots of different areas of real estate in impacting and small-cap stocks i don't over-the-top that were near the top in terms of raising rates and they have to bring them down or we can have a real estate problem at a national debt problem that is worse than it is, they're not looking to raise them more than they absolutely need to i don't over-the-top is but were close to it and because of that much more bullish, small-cap, mid-cap i think there's been a b big, bg big gap between large-cap and small and mid and if you see softening you will see a rally.
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liz: if the russell is only index that has been in the green and still in the green. great to have you both, was at a red car i recall. >> it was salmon in high school and i painted it white when i brought it up to berkeley. liz: you are stalking me. >> before i came on i was listening to charles payne talk about bitcoin in your late buddy charlie munger is rolling over in his grave with all this type coming out about bitcoin. gold is real. >> 41907 climbing, great to have you both. >> for now. everything is for now. the hunger for more anti-obesity drugs just got way intense as a 3 billion farm ideal takes form but would demand high a product shortage, telehealth pioneer
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hands in hers is to get a different tact in the weight loss wars, we have the ceo next on how he says his company pound shutting path could lead to gains in his stock. it was really only a matter look under matter of time the etf seeks to gain from the high around weight loss drugs top holding cardiovascular metabolic ticker symbol h rts include ozempic and will go be novo nordisk, the countdown is coming right back.
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i used my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. [laughing] get a little slack on pump three! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you.
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liz: swiss pharmaceutical company and outdated uptake of a privately held drug developer for $3.1 billion, rosh is up 3%,
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usually the acquirer goes down the acquisition driven by one drug in the portfolio and maybe this'll make you understand why, a once a week weight loss injection called ct 388 it includes glp oneness the same active agreement and weight loss injections wegovy and ozempic, huge demand for this kind of stuff. then the good old fashion of losing weight with a modern twist telehealth company hymns and hers has introduced the weight loss management using no needles, will it work as well and quickly as the formal logical solutions cofounder and ceo of hymns and hers joins me now to exclusively break the news on fox business. andrew i want to hear about the subprogram title is weight loss by him and hers make your case to so many people scrambling on wait list to get their hands on the other option ozempic and
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wegovy. >> thank you for having me, weight loss you are talking about every household in this country 100 million people and what really matters is sustained weight loss. affordable treatments that work but also treatments he could take consistently in a way you can rely upon. the problem with the gop despite the fact that they have incredible efficacy is they are hard to get and unreliable on what is going to cost. if you can't tell a patient you're guaranteed to get that treatments would cost xy and z that's a really hard sell to the patient weight loss by hymns and hers we partner with the best clinics in the country and the best specialist in bringing to market generic treatment that treat the underlying dynamics and why you might be putting on weight, this can be insolence resistance, metabolic disorder, overeating, depressive binge eating, these are the proven to be incredibly effective but also mass-market priced affordable and in the comfort of your home
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we think this will be a really big opportunity and we think what you're talking 100 million people building something for the mass market is really critical. liz: we know obesity is an absolute epidemic in the united states, cdc says 42% of all adults are in the obesity realm of the spectrum there and clearly each person is an individual and that's what i think if i hear you correctly you are focusing upon if you look at customizing and what they have seen with ozempic and wegovy and whether their friends are television it is fast and people lose 30 pounds really quickly, how are you going to convince people to go your way versus trying to get on board the self injection type of drug. >> is a great question. i think the important thing that patients can pay attention to is whether or not the weight loss
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class. what we have seen is the majority of patients that are started glp-1 one year later are no longer taking the medication and a lot of situations if not most situations the weight gain is coming right back. like i said this could be because the medication is no longer available or the price is not there but what were offering is proven in most have had no access to when you look out in hollywood or los angeles times or new york times the people who had access to great high quality clinical care in these medicines have been used with precision and personalization to treat the underlying dynamics of the weight gain. there is never a simple fix in life. liz: i want to talk about some of the medications i hear people say what you talking about because you do do medication management, the generic form of well-being turn which is an antidepressant used for smoking sensation, i'm thinking when you
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have a vice or you overeat or over smoke then act as it, you're also including a class of naltrexone which is a class of drugs for opioid antagonism, i get it and see all of that, there is medication about. >> there is absolutely medi to get a personalized evaluation with the provider and accustom formulation made for them, to your point this could include things like metformin which is been proven with insulin or metabolic disorders to shed some of the extra weight were products like well be a trend compounded into a single personalized pill for people that might have it oppressive eating habit, under the hood of obesity is often three or four different things that are unique to each place it under patient that we see, since going live it announcing today we've seen
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thousands of patients come out of the woodwork and what is important with the glp-1, it d stigmatizes the fact that obesity is a disease and like all diseases they can be treated with medication. with hymns and hers it will include a personalized prescription regiment but treating some of the underlying dynamics that we think will be much more sustainable and much more affordable for people in the long-term. liz: before we go do you foresee eventually may be prescribing glp-1's at some point and number two what is the cost of the new program. >> absolutely with regard to glp-1. in the coming years there is going to be next generation glp-1 right now between 15 and 20 drugs that are in evaluation of clinical studies that proved to be more effective and easier to take you talking about pills instead of injections so the weight loss category for hymns and hers that were launching today is the beginning but we
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see this being transformative over the next 2 - 5 years and targeting every household that is struggling with obesity, this is really critical but what we launch today is very affordable this is a $70 per month package and that includes expert evaluation with the provider that is often very difficult to get as your custom regiment of medication delivered to your door and ongoing nutrition and behavior help to make that sustainable. liz: the stock is beating the s&p year-over-year and i think that's pretty interesting, people like what you're offering so far, keep us posted on the numbers i want to know your subscriber ship and how much it changes in the wake of the new offering which you exclusively unveiled publicly, thank you so much. >> the business is really taking off. in the last quarter we've seen record growth, 50% revenue, 50% subscriber growth and now
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announcing net income profitability in the next quarter, this is the very beginning, patients ultimately love personalized products in healthcare and being able to democratize that en masse at affordable prices, we think this is the next generation of healthcare that everybody is truly going to love. liz: you gotta make it assessable in affordable, good to see you. liz: weight loss regimen to workout gear, lululemon getting squeezed on a downgrade what is behind that move find out next, lululemon on the global x, bf it which is showing very fit gains over the past month apart of 9%, we are coming right back, the dow, s&p and nasdaq in the red russell up by 15 points over 1%. ♪ ♪
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get 50% off your first box at liz: fox business alert this is hitting the take moments ago warner bros. discovery has finally announced. >> subscribers will be able to screen the life and plastic flick barbie from the mojo dojo casa house on december 15, barbie finally streaming the stock is only up half 8% but this is good news for max that will gain subs thanks to warner bros. discovery's highest grossing film ever and 2023 with $1.4 billion at the global box
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office, you can see from the picture at the bottom w db has been up and down but right now in the green as that story finally hits, max could also gain subs from the bundle package of netflix@verizon the telecom company is offering a streaming package of both netflix and max for $10 for wireless subscribers on unlimited plans. there is a lot of caveats. the bundle is a 40% discount on the services which are $17 a month separately, netflix and verizon are moving down we have netflix down 3%, verizon down one and a third%, lululemon frain after wells fargo downgraded the stock from overweight to equal weight, the investment banks as the factors that led to the overweight rating have now pretty much played out including strong china growth and improved inventory, wells fargo remove the yoga wherefrom the topics
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and replaced it with nike. lululemon down 1.6%, virgin galactic richard branson rolling out any further investment in his space tourism company in an interview with the financial times, branson said his business empire has less cash following the coronavirus pandemic but virgin galactic has a billion dollars on the book to survive on its own, virgin positive spaceflight on the unity aircraft to focus on building the new delta ships which will apparently have more passenger seats. they expect test flights of aircraft in 2025, the stock is grounded down 18% and stands at a dollar 93. carvana zooming higher after j.p. upgraded from upgrade to neutral, everything from $25 to $40, it's right there, $40.14.
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the online used car dealer is making progress on productivity cost and company culture, it is up 13.9%, gm we should look at that it's moving higher to end a quarter% after hsbc both raise the rating from neutral to buy, mizuho raising the price target from $38 to $42 on the belief that the wage increase for uaw workers will be offset by the company's other cost-cutting plans which include pausing investment in the cruise self dragon business, gm at the moment is at $33.9. cruise is a big story while it ran into speed bumps, artificial intelligence has been making a major inroad into the automotive business. all this week on fox business we are covering anything and everything artificial intelligence, one year end five days ago to this day openai astonish the world with the generative a.i. chat gpt, look
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where we are today, we're looking at how a.i. has altered the automotive sector, ashley webster is on the road where artificial intelligence and trucking are colliding if you will created by a company on "the claman countdown". hey there, don't say the word colliding or collision. i'm in a cab in 18 wheeler and this is outfitted with the remarkable a.i. software we had cameras that show inside of the cabin as well as straightforward down this very crowded road we have a black box a diagnostics all of this information is being said through the a.i. software to the home of the operation the trucking headquarters we are with good greek shipping and storage and they have been very nice to allow us to ride along and generated by the truck and evaluate and they could do that
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for every truck on the road across the country. it's about safety. and contest the drivers in the driver's behavior and uses facial recognition and it can recognize the speed of the truck for the condition and much gas is in the taking of much air is in the tires it takes care of everything but it saves a copy money, listen to this. >> we have less incidents of claims whether that be trucks damage, accidents and so forth were workers compensation claims we have seen a decrease in the insurance cost and worker comp rebates as a result of using the a.i. software. in other words he dirty paying for itself. if my driver luis who would never do this but if luis decided to look at his phone as he was going on the road there is a system alert, listen to
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this. >> put down phone. >> put down the phone did you see that, put down the phone and it can also measure all sorts of things that can adjust the conditions and scans the environment and reads the traffic lights in streetlights and construction sites. it does an awful lot. but what it does not do is drive the truck that is louise's job in the best possible outcome is for louise to have a safe trip in each trip is recorded and if there is any problems they have that recording and to the point that was made earlier, fraudulent claims are a big problem especially here in florida, this really does help trucking companies keep a lid on things like that, do drivers worry about big brother privacy, no when they sign on they agree to this and for the most part they say veteran drivers who
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fill out the old logs with pen and paper may not be on board but drivers like this and it gives them a reason and accountability and they want to prove safe drivers and for us the driving public on the roads with the big trucks is good news as well, it's not actually driving the trucks yet, louise gave me a dirty look, they're not doing that yet but we could be headed in that direction. liz: it'll take you a while, there is a lot of traffic there. florida. going nowhere fast. the statistics are interesting when you look at the self driving trucks in the plans and the testing that they have done pretty much only accidents have been with actual drivers hit the trucks and made the mistakes. it appears that is helping the safety aspect of it people need to wrap their minds around it, we shall see, thank you. my pleasure.
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liz: the war with hamas is taking a toll on the israel entrepreneur economy israel's paper says 50/50 7000 israeli businesses will be forced to close this year in the wake of the terror attack and subsequent battle for the nation to protect itself, what do american business leaders think about the situation, ceo erwin seidman decided to go straight to israel to find out, he is back and is here to give us an exclusive personal take on the state of startup nation struggling to overcome the worst attack in its history. ♪ meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity,
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and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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others are taking on an extra job. but what if there's another way to get extra cash. - [narrator] if you're 62 or older and own your home, find out how a reverse mortgage could eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. - i'm sitting on this money that i could get that was tax free. - aag can show you how a reverse mortgage loan uses your built up home equity to give you tax free cash for almost anything you need. - [narrator] here's how. on average, seniors pay $1,300 each month on their mortgage. a reverse mortgage eliminates your monthly mortgage payment and puts up to $1,300 back in your pocket. that's a cashflow increase of up to $15,000 each year, or $150,000 in 10 years. - it just enables us to maintain what we were doing prior to retirement and not have to cut back. - [narrator] if your home's paid off, a reverse mortgage loan can still improve your cashflow.
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let's say your home is worth $390,000, around the average american home. a reverse mortgage can get you access to a line of credit over $100,000 that grows over time. - get the extra cash to live the life you deserve. give aag a call today. - [narrator] call aag, the country's number one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. the united states next high grade strategic copper gold underground mine will be located in the leading copper producing state in the country, arizona. arizona metals, unearthing world class projects that fuel our advancing economy. liz: breaking news live pictures of a pro-palestinian protest right now in brooklyn, new york,
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this is a few blocks away from the williamsburg bridge you see signs that say cease-fire now and earlier we were watching as the protesters were screaming at nypd who were simply standing there waiting. making sure everybody involves stays safe this comes as israeli warplanes bombed the area around gaza second biggest city today the israeli military ordering evacuations as it expands its ground offensive in southern gaza, israel demanding more from 130 civilian hostages snatched by the terrorists on october 7 and still held in hamas tunnels be read before the bombing stopped, the word taking a toll not just on the people in the region but on israel's very vibrant economy, u.s. business leaders in droves are headed either to show their support
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tesla ceo elon musk and galaxy michael nova gratz and both visited israel in the wake of october 7 attacks, joining us in a fox business exclusive tilray ceo erwin seidman who returned from the region and from israel, thank you for being here to explain what you saw and why you went. >> thank you and thank you for having me on to talk about, normally were talking about numbers and stuff like that but this is a different discussion and i've got to tell you i've said this to numerous people and this will be one of the most memorable trips in my lifetime and a been to israel many, many times and this'll be a trip i'll never forget and i told people i was going to israel and the first question why are you going there you have security what you
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doing, why and is your family letting you go and absolutely my family 100% ended in agreement with this year, i was in germany before i went to israel and i was visiting the german parliament a lot of discussion in regards to cannabis from a medical standpoint and the use of cannabis and when i met with numerous numbers of parliament in the german parliament each one was wearing an israeli flag with ukraine flag and i played certain things for them and again, germany has been a real good friend to israel which is something that is important. upon leaving berlin going to israel which is not something that you do every day that was flying there i landed in tel aviv and i had my voice there,
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i've been there numerous times and we do business in israel and we do a lot of business in israel, the airport coming into the ben gurion airport and see the airport empty was so discouraging in walking down the corridor and seen pictures of all of the kidnapped victims as you entered made me feel like what is happening here, we got to tel aviv on a thursday in multiple meetings with other ceos and lots of businesses set up their, i stayed in tel aviv but going out for dinners and even though we are and more and we gotta remember i've never been somewhere where there is war going on, i am now in israel and there is a war going on in
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your thinking about these kidnapped victims how far they are away from you and you're out to dinner in tel aviv but israelis are resilient in their out there coming together as a community and coming together as individuals and i got to tell you, the feeling with the israeli community and as i'm out to dinner your meeting other tables and they're hearing you from america and coming over to hug you, israel depends big time on tourism and i'll talk about on saturday, on friday with my group and this was not an arranged group i drove to and half hours without security and went through quite a few checkpoints which we had permission to do and visited with soldiers these are young
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boys and girls that are the same age as my kids going into gaza and going into war and going into protect the land of israel and to see them and hug them in the most important thing that i saw was all the other israeli citizens driving up to them giving them food, water, cigarettes and a hug in the united nation. on friday i went to the kibbutz which were over 100 people that were kidnapped or killed and i went into this beautiful community that grew vegetables, raised cattle in a major cannabis facility and these people that lived there lived there the whole lives and have their grandchildren there and on a normal saturday morning which
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was a jewish holiday what changed in their lives. to walk through these homes that were burnt, set on fire in safe rooms where people were shot at and blood still there and what i'll never forget in my lifetime the smell of death and destruction into see what happened there. it could've been anywhere, when i'm asked why i went i went to meet with other ceos of consumer package companies. i went to meet with our partners there that we do business with that show support and soli solidarity. i went there to see with my own eyes what really happened because watching on fox and watching on cnn is one thing but it had to be there. the other thing is this i took plenty of videos which are not
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permitted to show you which i would love to show everybody to come back and bring the message back today on what happened there and i saw with my own eyes. i have to say you are a witness in the business leader and i don't think you ever know how important it was to the israeli people and the victims of the terror attack that you went, please come back we have run out of time i am grateful to you for articulating so beautifully what you saw and why you went, erwin sieben. >> thank you i'll tell you what everybody should go to israel that can because there are certain wonders in the world and this is a wonder that you'll never forget in a lifetime. liz: my appreciation, thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. . ..
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(car engine revs) visit a store today! (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) ♪. liz: is there another path to the white house for former ambassador to the u.n. for nikki haley besides the top of the gop ticket. charlie gasparino is hearing all kinds of -- >> more than that my sources are wall street executives, a lot of wall street executives are cozying up to the no labels
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group. that is the independent, they say non-partisan group of republicans and democrats who want to field a candidate in 2024, if the two major parties elect donald trump and joe biden. they don't see any path if those two are not the nominees. but if they are the nominees given both high negatives i guess you could say for both of them for different reasons they will mount a candidate. the names we heard so far, larry hogan, former maryland governor, glenn youngkin is bandied about, the senator or governor from virginia. joe manchin, short from west virginia i don't that is the one you hear the most. >> hear of him the most. joe lieberman, former senator of connecticut. i ion hear crissa knew knew i believe the governor new hampshire. the name from inside know labels leadership is talking about right now is nikki haley. just so we, back this out a little bit, i don't think they have approached her yet. this is from senior people
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inside no labels talking about approaching her. they may have approached her, i just don't flow that i'm not in the boardroom so to speak. but she checks a lot of boxes for them and, by the way the other thing we don't know if she would accept. she is a republican. does she want to -- if she got in there, say she was presidential candidate, probably have a democrat for vice president, that is how they do it. that would take votes away from trump where she plays the game where she might elect joe biden. they're clearly talking about this. this is the year they have a shot given high negatives of both major candidates. they think she checks a lot of boxes. she is moderate on foreign policy she is trying to thread the need dell on abortion. abortion is very divisive. might be palatable for independents. she can raise a ton of money, particularly from wall street.
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liz: i bet. >> keep an ionicky haley. i'm not saying she is in, from the highest levels of no labels they are talking about her. liz: thank you very much, charlie gasparino. for people who said i want to be in treasurys because there is good return others want to buy stocks so they want to buy them save live. so they buy dividend aristocrats. a dividend aristocrat is a s&p 500 stock that increased its dividend every single yearly for at least 25 years, our countydown closer says three of them are absolute favorites for your portfolio. we have eric bailey. let's get to these names. the whole notion of aristocrats, this very staid, focused and reliable dividend payer theory. >> absolutely. these companies have historically continued to raise their dividends, provide great cash flow to their investors and
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long-term that is what you want, you want proven companies. even though they're out of favor because everyone wants the a.i. and technology play, long term these are great american companies. liz: there are so many of them but they are still very, very unique because not every company, especially if you can survive without cutting your dividend during the pandemic or during the financial crisis you are a dividend aristocrat. you like three of them, mcdonald's, chubb and caterpillar. we're talking about dividend yields here of two 1/3% for mcdonald's, 1 1/2%, an all dividend yields for chubb, 2% for caterpillar. there are others with higher dividends are there not? >> absolutely. liz: why these? >> because they're in industries i like a lot. mcdonald's in the consumer space, the food space, incredible company, their growth and they have increased their dividend pretty aggressively, so if you look long term mcdonald's is one of the names in the aristocrats that
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outperformed the s&p. chubb as well and caterpillar. there are recently concerns of a slowdown economically has dropped but in my view that is when you want to enter these names. liz: you're just going for the gold or the highest dividend, you're looking very long term as these companies have, at a business that has legs? >> 100%. you want to outperform the markets. these companies provide that dividend growth. i highly recommend investors to buy these, reinvest the dividend because that will compound over time, and increase the rate of returning. liz: hold on to them, he says, mcdonald's, chubb, caterpillar. eric bailey, thank you so much. >> thank you. [closing bell rings] liz: here we go home depot cofounder and business genus, ken langone will be here to talk about the economic outlook, the state of the world and yes, the political landscape. we'll see you tomorrow. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.


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