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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 5, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: this is the easiest question to answer, yes, mazara mcgill. >> if the speech becomes conduct. >> committing the act of genocide? >> i'll give you one more opportunity. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it cops to bullying and harassment? yes or no? >> it can be harassment. >> dr. gay, at harvard, does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment, yes or no? >> it can be depending on the context. elizabeth: i mean, that is ---larry: i mean, that's pathetic. that should be the easiest question they could answer. the ivy league presidents should be thrown out and made to retire, don't, fire them. where are the boards? i'll leave it up to my friend
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lizy macdonald to deal with this and other ways. it infuriates me that they can't answer a simple question about genocide and hatred with respect to jews and anti-semitism. elizabeth: you're so right, larry, and they're tuition gouging american families while doing this and taking in billions of dollars and some say dark money from overseas schools and some of the schools are doing that. what kind of example are they setting for student s? normalizing violence. they all should be fired. larry: they're all in the federal government, dull. i'm sorry, lizy. elizabeth: try to get a job in the real world and private sector and see how far that goes. larry kudlow, you're terrific. love talking to you. larry: me too, have a great show. elizabeth: israel closing in on hamas' last stronghold and told to get out of the way. it's helping fund iran's attack on israel in a very backdoor way
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and we're just talking about it with larry kudlow, overpaid colleges literally have students fearing for their lives. these presidents should be fired and really incompetent performance as lawmakers hammered college presidents for not stopping anti-semitic campus protests. and we have a congressional hearing on the biden white house changing title 9 rules that will harm women student athletes. plus, democrat >> i ya paul widely tries to blame trump for campus rhetoric after down playing rapes by hamas and new time lines on the biden impeachment inquiry and just a moment, please comer takes on attacks against his latest aleses of biden family corruption. and senator ted cruz took on fbi director wray in a big way. can a simple at home blood test
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detect alzheimers, i'm elizabeth macdonald and the evening edit starts now. retired lieutenant colonel daniel davis. colonel davis served for 21 years including deployments to iraq, afghanistan and qatar. with us is retired navy present sadler. captain sadler served in the navy for 26 years and former pentagon official. colonel davis, let's start with you. israel pressing its assault on hamas' latest stronghold in southern gaza, customs and can eunice andbelieved to be whn younis. is this a decisive battle and is it going to take destroying and flooding the tunnels to stop hamas once and for all? >> we'd love it if that was the case but i doubt very seriously whether this is decisive in any way because they're still
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thanksgiving the whole point of the tunnel network to move out when headquarters is taken over and move into another. i think this is just a continuation and i imagine we'll probably see several more months of this. elizabeth: what do you think, captain? >> no, i agree. this is not going to be the end of the war against hamas. but it's a significant turning point in the fight against gaza. once the last stronghold is subdued, hamas' ability to operate eventively does degrade significantly. but there's a longer, larger, more global war against hamas that's probably going to follow in low scale kind of interactions for many months if not years to come. elizabeth: you know, this, colonel, biden white house keeps sending billions of dollars to iran, which is attacking israel and u.s. troops via proxies like hezbollah. colonel, 75 attacks since october 7 terror attack on israel. biden white house is giving iran billions of dollars and fbi director chris wray testified
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"iran tried to assassinate a former u.s. national security adviser on u.s. soil and tried to kidnap and kill a journalist and cyber attack in children's hospital in new england. what is the white house doing with iran, colonel? >> well, i certainly think they need to put any suspension on anything going forward and i think that for the most part they have and bigger issue that you've got to pay attention to is the troops on the ground and so vulnerable in both iraq and syria because i've been really pleading for years, we need to get the guys removed because they serve no valid purpose for us, but they're a point of vulnerability that could put us in a position to respond to iran if any of the troops are ever killed. this is the going to be a lot of pressure for that. i am staunchly for anyone that attacks american troops should be taken out and killed without question. i'm for not putting our troops in unnecessary harm's way.
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those troops can be re-deployed elsewhere where they're more use to us and less available for the iran-backed groups for the attack. elizabeth: captain, what do you think what the colonel said and hamas getting extensive international resources and hundreds of millions of dollars and iran is backing hamas. the only way to destroy hamas as the colonel has been talking about is doing what he said and protecting our troops. you have to get rid of hamas' tunnel systems. hamas will last as long as tunnels do. that's really going to be the decisive battle. what do you think, captain? final word. >> well, i think the overwhelming majority of the fighting and the direct connect fight asking limited to gaza and going after hamas like a network, it's like a criminal cartel that has presents throughout the -- presence throughout the world and influence campaigns and you mentioned early in the segment some of that already. that's what israel has to fight for quite a long time and they did this with the plo before and
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so it's really a two types of warfare that's going to have to be waged for awhile. going to be conventional from what we have right now. elizabeth: got it, colonel and captain, thank you for your service to america. good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: this story coming up, gop lawmakers pulled no punches questioning the presidents of harvard, upen and mit today. it was a dismal performance from the college presidents and they did not do enough to stop anti-israel, anti-semitic protest on their campuses. physically harassing, intimidating jewish students into fearing for their lives. now upenn students sued upenn over this and could seek monetary damages in the suit and nyu and uc berkeley already face lawsuits. hillary vaughn is recovering the story. she's live on capitol hill with the latest. hillary, what happened today? >> good evening, liz. all three college presidents of harvard, mit, and upenn had a
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brief moment of clarity when asked if israel has a right to exist in this hearing today. all three of them said yes, israel does have a right to exist, but they didn't say that face-to-face to students that have been protesting on their campuses saying the exact opposite that israel should be wiped off the map. but when also asked if calling for the genocide of jewish people violated their college's code of -- college's code of conduct, the answer was not so simple for them. >> this is the easiest question to answer yes, ms. mcgill. >> if the speech becomes conduct. >> the act of committing act ovgenocide? one more opportunity. does calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it comes to bully and harassment? yes or no? >> it can be harassment. >> dr. gay, at harvard, does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment, yes or
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no? >> it can be depending on the context. >> reap lawmakers say students that -- republican lawmakers say that students that call for jewish genocide should be expelled and people that join in and enable this rhetoric should be fired. >> why did penn let the profestivus sore off the hook that led hundreds of students in chanting there's only one solution, antifada revolution. synergy home does that professor still have a job at your university? the worst atrocities on october 7? >> i'm very troubled by what you're describing, congressman, that kind of -- >> bower speaking out of both sides of your mouth. you're defending it. you allow these professors to teach at your college. reporter: lawmakers are looking at a number of ways to hold the colleges accountable either taxing billion endowments or
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withholding federal funds. liz. elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you for your reporting. appreciate you. joining us from house education content aaron bream. congressman, it's -- aaron beam. what did you make of the responses from the university presidents? >> liz, it's great to be with you. very good afternoon. listen, liz, what you saw was congressional dodge ball. congressional dodge ball where easy questions were thrown at these universities and they ducked, dodged, dipped, and dodged almost every one of them. you saw that and stefanik was on fire and maybe because she went to harvard, but she went hard on harvard, which the profestivus -- professor couldn't answer the simplest of questions. elizabeth: is it taxing their endowments because the college endowments are the size of wall street hedge funds. i mean, these colleges exist tax free. they don't pay income taxes or
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property taxes. now there's anti-semitism. it's taking the form of excusing rape against israelly women as if they don't matter. we see that from the squad and they're not doing enough to denounce it. they're staying silent on this and this isn't time to stand up for the common humanity and set aside your cultural differences, we're human beings. look at -- if all those college presidents sat down and actually looked at the graphic content in the 10/7 terror attacks, would they be singing a different tune today? >> i think they would. i think they would. sign me up to end all subsidies at all mate factories, that's what they've become is hate factories and i'm cosponsoring or lead sponsoring a bill with marco rubio that would end all federal fundings to these hate factories if they're not going to do anything against this hatred that's risen up in their campuses, then we need to end it. let me tell you that they had the chance. they had the chance. i gave them that chance to say come clean because what they're saying is, oh, this hasn't
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happened. we value all safety of students but what we saw today in a press conference earlier in the day, jewish students on their campuses say that they're anything but safe. they are scared to death to leave their room. 100%. we saw the videos, liz, you're showing the videos, the american people are seeing the videos of this hatred and the college presidents act like nothing's happened. elizabeth: let's watch democrat congresswoman louis frankel refuse to denounce congresswoman >> i ya paul's comments and anti-semitic rhetoric and blaming it on trump. watch this. jot distinction between what we
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can say and should say. there's an explosion of the previous president in part that shattered the norms of what's acceptable to say and we're dealing with some of the effects of that. elizabeth: no, congresswoman jayapal, you're shattering the norms because people like you not having the moral clarity to stand up. the issue is why is there no pressure campaign from the left telling hamas you are isis level terrorists. you have to leave. palestine and gaza would be liberated if you're gone. there's no pressure campaign on that. isn't that the most humanitarian response from the left to say, hamas, you're isis. you're al-qaida, you got to go. you brutalized human beings, you don't care about human life, and you tortured and brutalized innocent israeli citizens. isn't it time for the left and the world to say, hamas, you have to go. where is that pressure campaign? >> we saw it on the floor, liz. when a simple question of condemning hamas. can we condemn hamas.
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you'd think that would be unanimous and united states congress would come together unanimously and do that yet 100 democrats couldn't come and say we think hamas is bad. elizabeth: got it. congressman, you're terrific. come back soon. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: okay, still ahead, house oversight chair james comer, congressman tim burchett, dr. marty makary and joe concha. government watchdogs are warning the government is wasting your money in the covid response and the biden white house is making it even easier for states to set up their own $100 billion sludge funds with leftover tax money to buy votes. edward lawrence has that story. and the new time line on the house impeachment inquiry into president biden and christopherr wray on capitol hill criticized for tipping off hunter biden before a search of his property in the doj criminal probe into hunter biden. that's next on "the evening
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edit". >> the mainstream media, they may refuse to report this but whether it's checks, $240,000 made out to joe biden from his family that benefited from adversaries like communist china, russia, or the monthly payroll, bank records do not lie. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business.
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elizabeth: democrats are attacking you saying hunter biden is making payments to joe biden out of oturu same business account taking in money from china, but now democrats say this was hunter biden reimbursing his father for car payments for ford f-150 raptor or whatever. what do you make of the criticisms, sir? >> well, i mean, we showed money going from these shady accountses fully funded by the chinese and going to joe bind. they play the loan card the last five or six transactions we've shown going to joe biden is money from china and we're all on loan repayments and no evidence of paying out loans. if i loan you money, at the end
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of the day, if they were loans or not, doesn't matter. if joe biden loaned him money, that's great. his son paid it back through influence peddling. joe biden used the only place his son was getting money, say he had bad credit and couldn't afford his third vehicle. already had a porsche, liz, at this time. he had a porsche and another, this was his third car and he's apparently on drugs, i mean, should he be driving to begin with? this is his third vehicle and the money hunter paid joe back was from china. came from an account being investigated by the department of justice from money laundering and other financial crimes. elizabeth: it's a lot of money sloshing around in the form of loans. the question is did voters really ask for the biden family
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to go and make money off the president's government job or vice presidential job? do our soldiers overseas want to fight for that kind of behavior and normalizing what we've been covering for -- since 2020. also the obstruction that's going on in the justice department into the hunter biden criminal probe. watch fbi director christopher wray tipping out of hunter biden in the doj criminal probe. watch this. >> let me ask you also, the whistle employeer testified that investigators wanted to execute a search warrant on the search warrant by hunter biden and instead they tipped off hunter
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biden's lawyer before the search warrant was carried out. is it typical fbi practice to tip off the subject of a search warrant before a search warrant to remove any evidence that's incriminating? >> what is typical is when you're dealing with a individual who has a protective detail, it is typical for agents to be in contact -- >> director wray, we've gone round and round and it's on an going investigation. it's not ongoing and you've got whistle blowers pointing out you're not doing the work and hiding behind the skirts of the attorney general. elizabeth: let me get this straight. i get secret service detail if i'm a family member of somebody in office .x i have a doj probe against me.
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>> we've proven that and that's a terrible answer. ted cruz is a great american and he's contactually right. the doj is covered for the biden family for over a decade. everyone knew the biden were being accused of money laundering by the banks and they were influence peddling with enemies around the world is and not paying taxes on it and knew it was a national security risk and every instance, they turned a behind eye because it was joe biden. elizabeth: yeah, they purposely target the children of politicians. here's the other issue. what's the time line on impeachment? we're hearing there could be a vote to formalize the impeachment inquiry next week and hearing the time line possible articles brought in the first half of next year, is that the time line? >> we have the votes and i believe that member haves seen
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the overwhelming amount of evidence we've brought forward and concerns like overwhelming majority of americans and want answers to questions and is our president compromised with the millions families are taken around the world. elizabeth: that's the issue, americans deserve answers, chairman comer, thank you for joining us. good to see you. new outrage two biological male cyclists won first and second place at a major women's competition. some people calling their victories "an assault on the rights of biological female riders. riley ga gains testified about s today. we're exposing a top spin and gaslighting for the biden white house and battle to hold onto power. john kerry is saying he's a militant climate activist and claiming there's no ideology and zero politics inside the biden white house, really? and a new harris poll, trump, nikki haley, ron desantis all
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lead biden in head-to-head matchups taking that on on the evening edit next. to help get you ready, your aspen dental denture team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic anniversary savings event. don't miss enjoying a moment with fast repairs in our onsite labs and 20% off your custom dentures. plus, we have a denture money back guarantee so you can smile with confidence. aspen dental. book today.
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elizabeth: now from house oversight congressman tim burchett. good to see you again. the relentless top spin in gaslighting from the biden white house and the economy. gas prices are up 35% under biden, inflation is up nearly 19% all in, real wages are down after inflation about 3%, and then you have this, john kerry, he now says he's a "climate militant" but he claims no ideology and zero politics on the biden white house? watch this. >> this is insane to be thinking that we're asking people to give up -- and i can tell you honestly there's zero politics or ideology in any decision that president biden has made or the administration has made. elizabeth: really?
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what do you think? >> i think he's lying. obviously. a guy that flies around in a jet airplane and unaccountable to anyone and unelected bureaucrat and negotiating treaties with other countries that are enemies of ours and tieing our hands who felt the heck is this guy working for? not for the good people of the second district of tennessee, i can tell you that. he continues to do this. the left, the marxist left tout him as conquering here row every time he comes to town. it's pathetic and shows you how far extreme this white house is and how much they're -- obviously it's close -- you're rolling up on an election and got to secure their far left marxist base and this is the guy that will do it. elizabeth: he wants to shut down all coal plants. that is shutting down 20% of america's electricity supply, including for the marxist left. that comes from coal. this is up side down and backwards. joe biden erased sanctions on venezuela and his administration
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is enacting new taxes and admission rules on u.s. energy production. china continues to buy up u.s. oil and gas assets and china investing in venezuela's refineries and u.s. refineries are closing. that's an issue. biden continues to throttle american workers of families. that's what's going on. >> absolutely. remember during the trump administration, we were exporting energy and some of our enemies feared us. that's done a complete 180. whereas now the regulations and white house will tell you tongue and cheek, we've opened more wells. well, the problem is they've regulated more pipelines so they're not telling us the full truth. it's a continuation of policies to run internal combustion out of system that are more dependent on the government and not helping the environment and the electric cars are not magical and not enough solar panels and windmills in the world to anywhere near power them.
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they're going to cut the coal supply and something we don't depend on overseas for. once again, they're tieing our hands and freeing up our enemies and you've got to ask yourself, who is -- who, what and where is the biden administration working for? elizabeth: let's watch a cnn pendant react asking if they should consider another candidate beside president biden. watch this. >> incumbents are not popular but do you think maybe we should have a new candidate? >> no. a new candidate would not have the bully pulpit of the white house. elizabeth: wait, i thought john kerry said there's no ideology in zero politics in the white house? now they're saying a bully pulpit to mislead and gaslight on things like the economy. show the viewer what is going on and what they're facing at the grocery store and more. you'll see the dollar amounts are really going up for the 12 days of christmas. those costs have gone up and see
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inflation is going up on all sorts of prices throughout the economy so what do you think, kongman burchett? what are you foreseeing for 2024? >> you can't spend or regulate yourself into prosperity but that's what the left wants to do. more dependency on government and they want us out of our own homes and want us controlled every fuel supply we have and it's a disaster and hope the election can't get here soon enough. elizabeth: got it, congressman burchett, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, liz. merry christmas. elizabeth: you too. potential new hope, a bio-tech company says they've got a new simple blood test that could detect alzheimers. we'll break it down. also wall street pro january nancytengler is here and biden e house making it unsafe for female student athletes. this as more and more u.s. companies say no, we don't need a college degree and we don't need a college degree to get a job with them. that will overturn the rot in
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the college business model. it's next on "the evening edit". ♪ (adventurous music) ♪ ♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older.
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♪ elizabeth: swimming championra house hearing to protect women's sports. the biden white house proposes changes to title nine to let more biological men compete against women student athletes and more and more of the athletes say, no, don't do that this sun fair and unsafe. fox muse mikes emmanuel live in dc with the story. mike. >> liz, several witnesses warning a proposed rewrite of title nine would harm the women it was designed to protect.
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the hearing on capitol hill titled the importance of protecting female athletes in title nine and the high profile this, caa star athlete calling on lawmakers to protect women's sports. >> new rule mandates that every school in the country must demonstrate the unfairness of male participation on each women's team and develop rules that minimize harms to identify trans athletes but what about at harm to us? >> it was cast in 1972 to eliminate obstacles women were facing in higher education. it paved the way for women to have equal access and opportunity with respect to sports regarding scholarships, comparable facilities and resources and now the biden administration is trying to redefine sex discrimination on the basis of gender identity. lawmakers heard from a coach who was pushed out for being vocal about transgender athletes in female sports. >> the biden administration is trying to effectively change the meaning and language of title nine. if allowed, this will endanger
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women in sports and private spaces, take away opportunities from women in sports and academia. >> on the other side, an advocate suggested those concerns are unfair. >> today is really about attacking and de-humanizing transgender people and especially trans women and girls. >> among the concerns for female athletes and some of their coaches, young girls being forced to change in locker rooms with biological males. liz. elizabeth: mike emmanuel, thank you so much. joining us now, laffer tengler cio, nancy tengler. you're in the private sector and a wall street pro. when you see stuff like this going on in dc, what's your reaction? >> liz, this one actually makes me really angry. i was a beneficiary of title nine when it was passed in 1972. suddenly we had sports for women. we were treated with respect and equality.
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this sets women back as far back as i can think of. my son went to the naval academy, the female midshipmen, they had different requirements physically because they're made differently. my daughter played baseball as a young girl, not softball, baseball. she made the boy's all star team and one of the people on the team was a tight end in the nfl. they developed very differently biologically and there's no way she could hit a fat pitch from him today. so i think this is outrageous and it is the very purpose of the law to provide equality for women and men in sports and education. elizabeth: what's really interesting, nancy, this new development and u.s. companies and corporations and businesses are saying we no longer need to have a college degree, a college degree from a student -- excuse me, a job applicant. in 2023, the number of jobs on
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the list requirement and dropped upward mobility out of seven jobs and one out of five and in 2022, nearly half of the companies surveyed said they have done away and have abolished college degree requirements and colleges are making it unsafe for jewish students and unsafe for women student athletes for the biden white house. >> yeah, i together college for about seven years, liz. and there are a lot of people that do not need to go to college and some of our greatest entrepreneurs bill gates and larry ellison and these individuals didn't go to college. this will allow add tenured poem from the faculties and i don't require it in position at our firm and we like designations
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but we want to hire the person, whole person, smart, right person with a passion for the business. i'm passionate about both subjects and wrote a subject on investing for women and they make better investors than men and we're not being encouraged to surveillance view investing and have not grown much in my industry for many decades. elizabeth: got it, nancy tengler, you're terrific. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: bev got more on former president trump. he's set to do a fox news town hall tonight. this is happening before the next republican debate. former president again leads biden in a new harris poll so does nikki haley and ron december and dr. marty makary and new hope with a new blood test that can detect alzheimer. will it hit the market next year? first, let's talk to dagen and sean for next hour. >> we have a great show coming up. we have the head of the education committee bringing in the leaders of the ivy league
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schools talking about anti-semitism on campus and the chair of the committee, virginia foxx will be here as well as activist nuns take ago stake in smith and wes ton suing them on the ar-15. >> and on when shoplifting treated as a victimless crime, well it winds up with a victim. many victims. one dead. at a macys on monday and matt polumbo on left wing democrat. liz cheney thinking about running as third party candidate. who told her to do that? top of the hour.
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elizabeth: there's lots offish and anxiety. lots of anxiety about computerized artificial intelligence changing he can be, but there's good news and it is revolutionizing the world of medicine to make your life better. lauren simonetti at north well west chester hospital in new york with the story. lauren. reporter: good evening, liz. doctors are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence to augustment the care they providy provide and being used in the icu. finding a seizure and detecting in someone that doesn't look
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like they're seizing is common in the icu. being able to find the patients and treat those patients and it's important. >> they've embraced sayre bell and detect in minutes. once once the headband is applied and electrodes are activated and ready the computer. >> not having the ai-driven technology, very likely i would have had to put the patient on a breathing machine and transfer them to a higher level of care. reporter: all that takes time and money and doctors here are embracing ai as a way to diagnose disease founderser and offer more precision treatment. liz, back to you. elizabeth: possibly diagnosing cancers and tumors early on too with ai. thank you, lauren simonetti. joining us now is dr. marty makary. is it true, a simple blood test, a blood test you can maybe do at home could detect alzheimer years before symptoms appear? that's from residents. that's a utah bio-tech company
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and say say it's got that test. is it possible? >> yes, it looks really promising and this is new data now out of byu and they've looked at people, six people with early cognitive decline and six people who did not have it and they ran this new blood test in each of those people and found that it did predict that early cognitive decline. whether or not it predicting the development of alzheimer down the road, we'll have to find out. but it is they are retrocochlearically possible you can -- theoretically possible to measure some of the changes in the body and circulation with the free dna and that's what the researchers use elizabeth: the new test achieved 100% accuracy and patient withs alzheimer and individuals with mild cognitive impairment and developed alzheimer in five years and that's amazing and 100% accuracy. is that true? >> well, it is. there's no test to diagnose
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alzheimer with 100% accuracy if they have it already. what's the predictive value in people with early cognitive decline. that's where the data are promising what we have yet to see the long term consequence and hopefully we'll have better information in the next couple years because this is propsing. elizabeth: we have quest diagnostics doing their own test that you can take on your own to check your -- it's called amyloid beta proteins and a signature characteristic of alzheimer and the number of people, seven million older adults have alzheimer and expected to double in a few decades so the issue too is is this possible that you can go sit at your home, order the test online, take a blood test and see whether you can develop alzheimer down the road then what do you do? >> i think we're there. we're almost there and pretty soon you'll be able to do that . the problem is right a now is te actionability what you referred
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to. what do you do with the information? it's amazing how much money we will spend on billion dollar alzheimer drugs and yet pennys on what actually causes alzheimer. there's some early ideas, for example people think that certain foods are more likely to cause alzheimers. there was a study that the mediterranean diet was associated with lower rates of alzheimer. chronic poor sleep has been suggested to cause alzheimer and remember, women who take hormone replacement therapy close to the time of menopause and stay on it have a 35% lower rate of alzheimer development so there are some things out there that we need to look at in terms of the causes, not just the treatments to make it an actionable test once you can test yourself. elizabeth: it is always so interesting and fascinating with the one and only dr. marty makary. doctor, thanks for joining us. good to see you. next up, we love joe concha and with the messenger and he's here and giving us husband take on
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the town hall in iowa and gop 2024 front runner president trump and all this ahead of the gop2024 debate and that's next on "the evening edit".e ta ♪ ce? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds
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liz, is not so much how bad the country is right now in terms of the shape that it's in under the current president and administration if as it pertains to energy ininnocence -- independence, violent crime, open border that's a national security crisis at this point. obviously, the world is seemingly on fire. we know all those things. what i want to hear from donald trump is how specifically are you going to address all of those these issues? spending didn't go down during the trump administration, so how's that going to change if you're president again? will a second trump administration if reinstate remain in mexico, finish the wall? if education, we have test scores at a 30-year low, so what's your plan in terms of getting america to be competitive with china as far as our education system is concerned, and are we going to continue to send billions of dollars to ukraine without accountability? given the job sean hannity did last week with that debate between desantis and newsom if where he asked policy-based questions, i hope that's what we get with donald trump and not
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just an airing of grievances around all the trials he's got coming up. i want to hear more about policy and solutions -- elizabeth: interesting. i mean, liz cheney is considering a third run, and you've ott got people going crazy over at msnbc saying the u.s. is going to descend into a fascist dictatorship when they don't even know what they're talking about. that's what you hear on the other networks. you're talking policy. and then there's this, nikki haley, she's now saying, you know, i want to are reform social security. maybe even medicare. she's called for changes to the nation's safety net programs including in's creasing the age at -- increasing the age at which you can be eligible for social security. that's a risky bet. >> it is. i mean, look, social security won't be able to pay retirees' full benefits in 10 years. no major social security legislation has been passed at all since the early '80s, so politicians never want to touch this because it's like a third rail, and democrats always use it against republicans when you
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have a nikki haley here talking about what is fixing obviously a broken system. i don't know what -- if you saw what ken langone, the founder of home depot had to say, but he seed a -- said we need a reevaluation of our entitlement practice. what the hell is a guy like me getting money from the government? he's worth more than $7 billion. why can't we just talk about this? but again, fear-mongering will be on the menu when it comes the trying to broach this. let's elizabeth let's watch governor ron desantis here. >> donald trump wants to blame america you know, he also said that -- he also took disney's side against us when we stood up for the kids. he also a said cuomo in new york did covid better than we did and attacked me for being pro-life are. maybe that's the reason will be we should have a debate on your show, laura. he's had a lot to say about me over the last year, say it to my face. i'm game. elizabeth: what do you think, should trump debate him in. >> i think trump hasn't debated
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to this point. i think with the lead he has over desantis and haley, he sees it as punching down, so don't expect him to be on the stage debating. perhaps even when the general election comes, because jeff biden will use the -- joe biden will use an excuse, that's beneath me. it's like a foreign concept especially when it comes the donald trump these days. elizabeth: i think you got it right, americans want to see policy. they want it fixed. joe concha, you're terrific. thank you so much. it's good to have you on. tomorrow, congressman pat fallon, former acting dhs secretary chad wolf, former labor secretary the nominee andy puzder. i'm elizabeth macdonald. thank you so much for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we're going to keep rocking and rolling on the headlines for you. now it's it's time for "the bottom line," we're going to send it over to dagen and sean, good to see you guys. dagen: thank you, e-mac. elizabeth: sure. ♪ ♪


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