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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 7, 2023 5:00am-6:00am EST

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f the united states. - jp morgan didn't invent it, he was a financial engineer. and he would've loved wall street today (laughing) 'cause the financial engineering is very big. - morgan represented money, and (laughing) i think that ultimately was his power. people understood that he was very influential because he controlled the flow of money. and though he was never the wealthiest american, at the height of his career, of his power, he controlled and influenced more money than anybody in the world. larry: hello folks, welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. nobody puts out the economic
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growth message better than donald trump. nobody. last night in his interview with sean hannity he was asked about biden acquisition if elected he would be a de dictator, without batting an eye mr. trump said okay on day one i will dictate we close the border, then we will launch dril drill, baby, drill and unleash america's great oil and gas resources, which will power thetic couthe economy forward, who ill wou. >> listen to it. >> will choice the border, day one. border gets closed and day one and a half we drill, we drill, baby, drill. drill, drill, drill. and probably on day two, we'll get rid of this ridiculous electric
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car-mandate. larry: he said we gave you big tax cuts everyone was happy, and everyone was working. now, this is music to my ears, what mr. trump did was link economic growth with the value of work an that equals happiness that is right. when luke a look at .' today a polls, you see how unhappy people are, there is no confidence, but president trump did it once, to promote it. and having done it once, he says he can do it again, even better. there is no other candidate in either political party who has the gift and the substance of clearly and bluntly communicates a
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growth and confidence and message, that is why he has such a big lead in polls, trump seems to be lengthening his lead over biden, an interesting point, in 2016 he rarely polled ahead of hillary clinton. he won that election anyway, in 2020 he was never ahead in polls again joe biden. what is happening here, a year ahead of the election is interesting. and he is polling well ahead of biden in the swing states, most particularly in many of the industrial states. polls are not votes, they are snap shot of what folks are thinking, mr. trump's polls are something of a phenomenon. and democrats are in denial about this phenomenon, but i think they should take it ea seriously biden's messaging on bidenomics has been a failure and now democrats are erasing that
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word, because prices are still too high, real wages are falling, economy is shaking people are sick of new mandates. there is a point trump made several times in the hannity interview, americans like choices not mandates, the socialist central planners in biden administration, they are trying to till folks how to think. where to live. and what to buy. et and et cetera. mr. trump continues to emphasis peace through strength and correctly concerned that american decline abroad which spawned wars and ukraine and israel following cut and run catastrophe in afghanistan could concei conceivably lead to a nuclear war, i can afest atest to fact in his first term he mentioned his concerns about potential for nuclear war, he knows that
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way to stop the axis of evil dictators is to be tough not appeasing, that is one more reason why trump is ahead in the polls. and that is my riff for the sean hannity interview. now. with great, great, great pleasure joining me is kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, fox news contributor and author of book. welcome kellyanne. just point number one, he is communicating an economic growth and prosperity message, speaking to middle class workers, drill, drill. you know tax cuts, deregulations. he is nonstop about it. i rail believe he is the only one in third party with that message. what do you think..
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did he get it done last night. >> he did, he gets it done every day, president trump long ago pivoted to a general election strategy, taking on joe biden skipping the presidential primary debates, he has the under yard in alabama, i am a big dafan of debates, making sure that people can see the candidates. battling it out, but in case of president trump, he is making sure that people are comparing the policy prescriptions and actual presidential records on the economy, on energy, yes on foreign policy and crime and border, you name it here, is willing to go to to t toe-to-toe with joe biden. lay joseph r. bid joe biden -- joe biden loss of
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trust and his inability to be seen as competent or inspiring can all over the polling there is not a single issue with joe biden's handling of that issue as president is favored more than disfavored. you name the issue, he does not own it, it is important because biden times to' to battle trump on personalty, on maga and style. trump is making it about policy. which i think the american people they same and expect and accept and deserve it, people are living paycheck to paycheck, they can't afford rent or afford to retirement 33% of young people have favor of joe biden, it has a lot to do with their american dream is elusive. >> let me play, a couple sounds quickly. one sound on liquid goal.
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-- liquid gold. >> we were doing energy taking our liquid gold out of the ground at a rate never seen, we have more liquid gold, we have a thing in alaska called anwar, i got it approved, they end ited in the first week they said we'll get it back, we have more than anyone we have more wealth than anyone but we don't use it. larry: another one, one more kellyanne on taxes and deregulation. >> we got rid of regulations, no president got rid of more recession layinlaying and -- regulations and we had tax cuts inch was happy, grouped said we have never seen
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anything like it. larry: kellyanne, i know peace and prosperity run general elections, i think that bidenomics is a failure. and democrats are trying to erase that term now it has failed. here is trump across the bored not missing a bite. anwar. liquid gold a tax cuts. deregulations for small businesses, you know. here is -- i did it once, i'm going to do it again, if he stays on message, he is just got to be the odds on favorite. >> he is. to be next president. and i will say two things one is republicans as a party had the same advantage going to 2022 mid terms. they were seen as the party that was better on the economy, they came up short in senate, and won a handful in house. why? because you have to finish your sentences and yo you
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can't just say biden is old and frail, he have to tell people, make complete the sale, why is the republican prescription better than the democratic prescription on the economy. i think with trump as a messenger it will be easier to do, head t head-to-head against biden but when trump is talking with people, he -- people say he is talking to the base, she on fox news this is not a base election he will get so many more voters of color more kow young people anymore f females than last night it goes back to mainly the economy, if he could keep talking as he did in white house about deregulation, people understand, they end up benefiting from fewer regulations on individuals and employers, he has a good message, but republicans cannot just say we have an advantage on the economy and ignore the other issues, we have to inspire people to
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come out and vote, where, and when and how to vote. we own the philosophy and policy, i think that better messenger, that is it. if it is the presidential records comparing without third parties gumming up the works i think that joe biden a one term president. larry: well said, kellyanne. i am just very happy with where the former president, you know we're not always very happy. but right now, he is on message, that makes everyone concerned happy, kellyanne conway the best of the best, appreciate you coming on the show. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up now, on kudlow, senator katie britt will tell us why he is endorsing don fo donald trump for president. mr. trump is not perfect,
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but on hannity last night he got his message out, i bet a lot of people saw it, growth and confidence and national security. good for him, someone has to say it he is doing the job, i'm kudlow we'll be right back with senator kati (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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larry: welcome back more on trump discussion and special treat, joining us is alabama senator katie britt. author of god calls us to do hard things. >> senator britt thank you. we have been talking about trump and sean hannity interview. and various. i got one for you listen to this one. >> we have people really destroying our country, they are destroying our country at the border, they will allow in my opinion, you don't hear the real numbers 15 million people into the country by the time biden gets out. which hopefully will be soon. larry: there you have it. senator britt, i read your editorial in local newspaper, mr. trump put part of it out on make america great mailing list, tell us what you think what
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me said is that a key reason you are announcing your support for president trump for president. >> absolutely, in is one candidate we know that will secure the border on day one. and that is president trump. if you look at what is happening right now, here we are on a day where yesterday there were over 12 thousand encounters at the border. you saw the crowds reaction to president trump when he said on day one, i will secures border andy wi we will drill, people were responding on that, they want those policies back in place. they know when donald trump is back in the white house that is what will happen. larry: was there any particular trigger for you, to pick now don't dors him? -- to endorse him, we're thrilled to have you to and time, was there a special trigger? or maybe just that this
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border problem is now boiled over, it is gone too far. and you know, people like yourself, with strong principles and backbone have to stand up and be counted. >> absolutely. we do. and i'll tell you president trump has an insurmountable lead for riepts y reasons you said, we look at chaos there, we know it is not only a humanitarian case, i have been to the border three times, i heard about victims raped and which we which were recycle -- children recycled. they are living an american nightmare, we know that biden administration has no idea who is coming over the border, you saw senator lindsey graham ask the question, where are the terrorists in this nation, they could not answer that question, we know donald trump will secure border, putting back the remain in
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mexico policy, and build up the wall and technological barriers to keep our country safe, a time we have more fentanyl deaths an ever. i for one am sick of sitting across the moms and dads who lost their loved ones to fentanyl poisoning. larry: day one. senator, what is going on on this subject in the senate? i hear biden today blowing smoke at us, i hate to say it, i don't mean to be personal. really majority of leader chuck schumer whom i have known forever still blowing smoke. you have to have a border piece, mitch mcconnell is standing up. he is spanning up and saying there has to be a change in border policy, you can't just hand out money for more baby sitters and paper pushers, what will happen in your judgment?
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>> that is right, that is what the biden administration is asking for. they are asking for more money to facilitate mass migration. that is what they want, that is their goal, not to secure the border, we believe that americans deserve more. americans deserve better, they deserve safety and security of a border, and we have to fight for that. and it is really unconscionable we'ring had to fight for that, the fact that you see chuck schumer say he is unwilling to secure our own border and put our important people and our children at risk, is a disgrace. larry: is in vote tonight? a closer vote. >> there it, about it take it we will be standing unified as a republican conference, voting that down, standing for american people, they deserve better. larry: thank you so senator britt. thank you very much for all that you do. >> thank you. larry: terrific stuff. coming on kudlow.
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why are the bidens trying to handful israel and ar appease iran? that is a bad combination we ask robert o'brien, we have tommy tuberville. i think there are tuberville of the right on the principle at a lot of people agree with that. senator tuberville. coming national security adviser robert o'brien, i am just sitting around hanging out, i love economic growth, growth win i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all.
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larry: all right welcome back, president biden says extreme republicans are holding ukraine aid hostage over border security. our own edward lawrence is live at the white house with the latest. reporter: good evening,
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larry that is a hot buzz topic here and the supplemental budget to get that passed and the ability of israel to root out hamas out of gaza, starting with the budget request. more money to help process migrants, president biden adding a speech, pleading with republican senator to pass the supplementary fundings for ukraine. >> this has to be a negotiation. republicans think they can get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise. that is not the answer. that not the answer. now they are willing to knee cap ukraine on the battlefield, and damage our national security in the process. reporter: the white house followed that with spokesperson spokesperson
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john kerr kirby who wants them all passed together. >> what is level of concern of president about who is walking across our southern border. >> president is always concerned about the threats to safety and security of american people, whether they come from the southern border area or from elsewhere. >> in specifically the southern border why not stop that flow. >> we -- as the president said, h he is all about border security. and that is why he added money in the supplemental to increase border security. reporter: republicans' this broken out, they want to make sure that phon for border actually goes to secure the border and money for israel actually goes to the israelis. >> listening to biden, they
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want -- he wants money on the border to process migrants. the republicans do not want processing they want strong measures to stop the flow, really? processing -- >> you nailed it. they will add judges and processors, there is a little bit of money for security, it is mainly to get that flow into the united states faster. larry: it will never wash, we had senator katie britt on. g.o.p. in senate, mitch mcconnell! all right, not a far right conservative. he is putting his foot down, this battle i think will go on, edward lawrence thank you. >> we turn to the ground in israel. as idf forces are moving into gaza second largest city khan younis. nate with the latest for us. nate thank you, so much for helping us.
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reporter: you said it idf forces in heart of hah khan younis. they have taken out thirty tunnel shafts today, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said idf forces are closing in around home of senior hamas commander, yahya sinwar. >> last night i said that our forces can reach anywhere in the gaza strip. now they are up sish illeg eecircling e sinwar's house. >> a idf supreme court spoke -- spokesperson said that sinwar is in the tunnels not above ground, idf will not comment on reports this
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plans to flood them with sea water, that could force hamas fighters and hostages to come above ground, the flooding would take weeks. this is something that egypt has been in the past tin years, with smuggling tunnels coming in from gaza. here on northern front, idf took out another hezbollah command center, the most active this conflict has been since second lebanon war in 2006, for about what is next in gaza u.s. state department said it would reject any buffer zone in gaza and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that gaza will need to be demilitarized when the war is over. >> nate foyt terrific thank you. >> continuing this conversation. where i-- why is biden administration drying to hanhanhandcuff israel, and
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still appeasing iran. bringing in robert o'brien. thank you for your time, you heard what nate foyt said -- nate foy said, hamas they hide behind schools and hospitals as illegal under international rules of law as you know better than i am and yet. i don't hear that kind of criticism from the biden administration, or the qataris or egyptians they would rather about after israel. which in my opinion has done a great job of upholding the law, why do they find palm with israel? >> you know it is amazing, that you listed off a series of war crimes. they are war crimes. they are committed by hamas,
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anyone who killed as a result thank that responsibility goes to hamas. and yet, we hear vice president harris and president, we hear kirby and we hear lloyd austin lecturing the israelis on they have to follow the law of war. international humanitarian law, if i were an israeli wowould be annoyed ad at a minimum and insulted after 9/11, we took on isis, the israelis did not lecture us. they knew we are a democracy we have the rule of law like israel for us to be lecturing i israel and turning a blin blind eye to rule of law violations by hamas is ridiculous and
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annoying. >> another thing that troubles here, israel with momentum, they stopped for whatever 5 or seven days, now they back at it going great guns in southern gaza. it quite remarkable. they will catch that top commander of hamas. and so forth. and yet, i hear the voices, coming from the same people, u.s. -- qatar and egypt, andet, let's have a ceasefire or a permanent truce, why not let's have letting idf do its job, it could happen faster than people think. >> there was a pause, and that pause could have continued if hamas released hostages, hamas is getting the better part of the deal,
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there is no equivalence on hostages, it is innocent israeli and americans traded for terrorists. and hamas that was not enough. they are the one that ended that ceasefire, and shot rockets at israel. i don't think that people who are criticizing israel understand how the israelis are feeling, i talk with a lot of israeli and gov leaders, they say, israel is a different place, biden administration does not understand them. and anyone that thinks after the rapes and murders and beheadings and the infants killed and pregnant women with their stomachs ripped open, they believe that will be for get kno -- forgotten by the israeli that is never happening that is every israeli, the country is unified. they will not put up with that. we need too get onboard and support our ally, and stop makes excuse for
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palestinians. larry: i agree. robert o'brien. >> we have care more about our border than the ukraine border as well, i'm for helping ukraine but i'm afraid that watching your earlier segment where people come over and military agent males coming off without the kids, we're have an -- october 7 hire in ameri hire ihere in mark because our bhorder is -- in america because your bored is wide open. >> president biden seems to want money to process illegal migrants, how about money to stop illegal migrant. >> that is absurd how about rebuilding the wall. larry: and remain in mexico, trump is right. give him credit, he has been right. that is why he is -- i think he is leading in polls. anyway. robert o'brien.
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terrorist eterrific stuff. >> thank you. >> lay mo moving on suck -- moving on talking to senator tommy tuberville of alabama, you relented on holding up military promotions, i want to read you something. this was in "wall street journal" editorial, pentagon was a gres o aggressor and wrong on merits of public finances for abortion, insaner times biden administration would have dropped this travel policy under writing trips for an abortion, but biden crowd is bloobloody minded enough. that is saying, "wall street journal" editorial page powerful. they are saying senator tuberville,ur you were right. you maybe had to cave in but
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on principle you were correct. >> executive overreach changes something from white house, tax payers against the law for them to have pay for going to do with abortion, they knew that, chuck schumer knew it they held these promotions hostage, all i wanted to do was to negotiate they would not sit down and negotiate. in my last line of defense, was military budget, that will come out this week, but, we had in there, chuck schumer had a shame going and whether we got conference he pulled it out himself instead of us votes for it he could not allow it to happen it was just a sham. i hate it for the people that needed promotions but chuck schumer is the one that held promotions, i'm 110% military, they do not like the u unborn, i'm
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talking about democrats or the military, when they are doing to our military is a shame like at the border. larry: public financing of abortions is a langua a long held view we oppose this, you could henry hyde, former congressman from chicago or illinois, this country does not use public finances for abortion, with respect to military side that is what they want to do. >> 40 years ago joe biden voted in the senate for this policy in military. rape, insist and health of mom for abortion only that was it, it has worked for 40 years, when roe v. wade went down, they want all federal. to have an dup an opportunity for abortion, to say for it all, they started with v.a., i lost that
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vote. and this time, i could not even get them to vote on floor this was a bad vote for democrats coming up to election year, that is how this all ends, all about votes, all about power. control and power, we have to get trump back in the office where we is change this next year. larry: you're colleague sip tosenator britt just endorsed president trump today, you have a thought, what outlook on border debate as part of ukraine, israel, taiwan money. i am reading a briefing yesterday, people are yelling at each other. what is going to happen, will you get something done, that stops illegal immigrants. >> most dangerous thing in our lifetime is happening right now, worse than all catastrophes we had tornadoes and hurricanes,
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these people coming across yesterday 12 thousand came across in one day. we have to have some of these republicans on our side stand up, and fight for the march people, we have the power now block any money to go to ukraine or israel. we have to stand up. and i am concerned about this, we have too many that could go the other way. but if we don't, it will cost us in the election coming up, we need to stand up for american people, that is a disaster. that people are coming across, two days ago dick durbin said let's put the people coming across in military. the immigrants that we don't know, give him a gun and put them in the military. because our military is not strong as it was rear we're losing recruits, this craziest thing i have seen. larry: we don't even know
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who these people are, they could be terrorists, they come here to do harm and damage. fbi direct or wray said the same thing. i don't want to debate fbi another segment. even he said there was a big problem with that in everyone knows. something has to -- g.o.p. has to stand tough. last word. >> we have to stand tough, only chant we have to do anything right at the border, we're overwhelmed it will get worse, i talked with people down in mexico saying it double next year because of election they know this is their only chance to get back in. when trump getting in he will stop it and send people back, their chance to get across the border, it will double next we're and be a catastrophe because of the democrats.
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>> senator tommy tuberville. on merits of the issue, public financing, for abortion is wrong and you are right, sir. >> anyway. coming up on. president biden says, 50 other democrats could beat trump in 2024, i say rail? rail? name -- really, name one weaker co-hosts of bottom line, dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. and remember, kudlow is available as podcast, episodes every weeks day after the show. on spotify, apple, and fox business podcast. we're just a podcast. you can hear us. podcast me, go ahead, try it.
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larry: all right, my friend, kevin mccarthy, former speaker announced today he will resign from congressional end of the year, fox business hillary vaughn live on capitol hill. run it down, i'm sorry he is doing it but not unexpected. reporter: former speaker kevin mccarthy hinted this might be coming said there would be a decision made in
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december. we would have to decide whether he would run for reelection, today in a "wall street journal" op-ed, he made is official he is leaving washington and not running for reelection, following his ouster where a few republicans, joined with democrats fire kevin mccarthy from his job as speaker, kev sc kevin mccarthy is not live leaving the fight, he is leaves republicans with a slimmer majority, now republicans can lose 3 republican vote target any of their ajoina passed on the floor. a predicament that could mean republicans who fired mccarthy as speaker, now may have made working with democrats mandatory to get anything passed on the house floor, things got a lot trickier are in republicans in the new year. larry: how ironic. hillary vaughn thank you. >> we appreciate it.
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>> okay, we have special here, first up abid -- biden claims that 50 democrat could bite presidebeat trump. >> do you a think there are any democrats that could beat donald trump rather than. >> probably 50 of them. >> you have to have words written below like a -- no one can understand him. joining me dagen mcdowell and sean duffy co-hosts of bottom line. right here on fox business. every night 6 p.m. eastern. watch the show, and dagen, 50 democrats could beat trump? do you think that biden coulincluded himself. >> we know where he got to knabe number, his ass. no one can beat president
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trump, all liberal policies are the same. regardless who the spokes -- is, he is the mouth piece or mumble piece for this left wing ideology. whether it is the huc huxter with a hair cut in california are all the same grift to take choice from us and bankrupt the united states economy. larry: you know. you are on the right track. i don't like to get personal, i am so tired of kirby, john kirby of day. blowing smoke at us and spewing forth the political arguments of the biden administration. not facts, he is not supposed to do that as national security council, some former national security people call him
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baghdad bob. our troops were in baghdad and then baghdad bob who supported hussein would say how great things are, i am tired of kirby. >> this is the standard of the biden administration. karine jean-pierre does the same thing, they have to lie about all different events it is so bad, if you tell the truth that is a horrible press conference if you are on biden team, joe biden thinks he is the main guy who can beat donald trump, that is why he said he is running, he is the worst to run, with a failed economy, failing borders and policy and mind. if you brought in governor of california, probably a far better chance of beating trump than joe biden. running on these policies, at least you get a fresh look. >> dagen, one thing, trump
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has a big lead in polls, back, in 2016. trump was seldom ahead of hillary clinton in polls, and. in 2020, he was always behind in polls. this year, he is way ahead in polls, and that includes biden from 2 to 5 points, some have trump up 7, what do you make of that? this is a phenomenon that we have not seen before, democrats stuff at it. -- scoff at it. >> it all comes down to the trump economics policies, that people have already experienced as my friends say, i love you, when trump is in there we're all making money, by it is beyond that, it boils down to drill, baby, drill. where our -- we know this, our energy policy is our foreign policy, our energy security is our national
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security if nothing changed with joe biden took office, iran would not have been enriched, russia would not have been enriched. russia would never have invaded ukraine without "the riches" of the oil revenue that i is it of getting. >> you that we're not producing enough. >> the same with iran. larry: we should be at 18 million barrels. >> this -- hopeful, this is optimistic a shiny city on the hill, he is laying on a vision to take country in a different direct, he talks about where we are right now and where we requestk go -- we with can go. larry: i have to jump out, growth and optimist, you know heartbreaks, you are right, growth and optimism, dagen mcdowell and sean duffy you must watch them bottom lining weekda
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latauriis (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate
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high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. (door bell) yo camping buddy. boom. you guys ready? dude, i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving. oh, i never said i was driving. i-i definitely can't drive. ok. narrator: if you're high just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different.
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(sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) ♪ (music) ♪ sarah, you got this. ok. ♪ you can be amazing ♪ ♪ you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug ♪ ♪ you can be the outcast ♪ ♪ or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love ♪ ♪ but i wonder what would happen if you ♪ ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ with what you want to say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪ but they lost ♪ just wanna see you ♪ not really. ♪ just wanna see you ♪ not where it counts. ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ i just wanna see you ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪
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♪ be brave ♪ [music] hotline counselor: boys town national hotline. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. maria: got thursday morning


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