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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 8, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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them. let's go with number 2, 3 million. stuart: what have you got? i will go with 2.5 million. it is the highest number. let me read the blurb. stewart held the event at copacabana beach in rio. the fireworks display at midnight. we are almost out of time. great week. the numbers were terrific. oh great weekend coming up. coast-to-coast will start now. adam: ably 20 iv does not mean brainy. if you are worried about being
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out on your heinie. let the apology tour began. harvard's president, university of pennsylvania's president apologizing for failing to condemn student protesters including some who called for genocide against the jewish people. we say awkward? not good enough for donors who say these iv presidents are a dollar short and a day late and stand to lose lots of dollars because they are so late. neil: but it doesn't end their. i am neil cavuto. let's go to the call for, you guessed it, investigations, how far this anti-semitism has spread. brian: there is mounting pressure for ivy league university presidents to resign. jewish students hired a plane to fly over harvard with a banner reading harvard hates jews with the palestinian flag, the university penciling and trucks drove around with billboards demanding the firing of president liz mcgill who
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faces the most intense pressure to redesign following her congressional testimony. they are calling on her to step down, quote, immediately, writing a letter, quote, the leadership of the university does not share the values of our board nor does it understand the urgency to address the safety of students on campus. mega donor ross stevens says it is a stance to anti-semitism. he's calling on mcgill to resign withdrawing his $100 million donation. harvard university president claudine gaye apologized to the harvard clemson newspaper by saying she is sorry and words matter, calling for the genocide of jews violates school policy, quote, depending on the context but the only rabbi on harvard's anti-semitism task force that was formed in october has
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resigned, calling gay's testimony painfully inadequate. congresswoman elyse stefanik grill the university presidents writing an op-ed in the wall street journal called, quote, harvard bands sexism but shrugs it anti-semitism. in it, she writes this lack of moral clarity is shocking if only it were surprising, the unacceptable consequences for the board is to replace these university leaders to restore moral clarity. the congressional committee on education in the workforce deal is opening up formal investigation into learning environments at harvard and mit and also warned other universities investigate too. neil: this is not going away anytime soon. i want to go to a graduate event, it is long-lasting. 18 days in october, what is
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happening those days, good to see you. from all these presidents, days after appearing on the hill, not one of them apologizing for any of them? >> reporter: this will be remembered for a long time. if this were an aberration they get by with a mealymouthed apology if i offended somebody, that sort of thing. this is building for a long time. i have to tell you, the orthodox jewish community, we have been drifting away from the university for years. the greatest educator you never heard of, bernie lander found that a college 50 years ago called tauro university. it is huge. they have medical, dental school, run by doctor alan kadish. i send my own daughter there and i am a real estate developer. when i higher, got to tell you, you are chanting from the river to the sea and think genocide
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needs to be contextualized, might be for corporate culture. neil: what happens in the case of jewish students, they are rethinking, i am and one of the most elite universities in the world and i don't like what they are practicing but by the same token i don't want to leave. don't want the risk of leaving such an elite institution. these are jewish -- >> be true to your self is the most important thing. if you don't feel comfortable there, you are not getting out of the college experience when you shut up. it extends beyond the fact of value, the idea of can you disagree? we could disagree and disagreed about everything and it was fine. if you want an example, in israel, we don't usually get a lot of good press, go back the very first openly gay person
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elected to the israeli knesset was in 1973. what was so remarkable about it was how unremarkable it was. he's a footnote to history. most people have never heard of this guy. in our country we cannot elect an openly gay man to the senate. the israeli knesset, israel did it in 1973. they didn't care. neil: they didn't know the degree to which anti-semitism existed until these attacks and the aftermath of the attacks. i'm wondering as a student your self at nyu did any of this come too late? did you suspect it? did kids review? >> it was there but in those days i went to nyu in the 1980s. it was thought to be a passing kind of thing, grounded in racism and things like that and
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the fact that much of what you are seeing is cognitive dissonance, the idea that there are a lot of people who have divided the world into two groups, the oppressors and the oppressed and the oppressors -- the oppressed are the people of color. you have a high-profile conflict, israel and the palestinians come and not just against white people but against jews, the minds of many progressives, a group of privileged. one of my professors at nyu referred to jews as a group of privilege, he was jewish himself. they side with people of color. the problem is fact don't even remotely justify it. they fit the narrative. that is what cognitive dissonance is. that is why before the october 7th war in the new york times, it said gaza was under israeli military occupation. it is ridiculous. for 20 years they talked about
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the draconian blockade of gaza. in 2022, israel supplied gaza with 5.7 billion gallons of water, 60,000 trucks filled with supplies, food, clothing, baby formula. israel supplied gaza with 2 thirds of its electricity. they got to pay for this. 800,000 palestinians had licenses to work in israel. the only war in the history of the world in which one side is supplying the other because of humanitarian grounds. the new york times called this a draconian blockade. every story they did reflects this. it is cognitive dissonance. the white guys have to be the bad guys so you change the facts to fit the narrative. neil: the fact that anti-semitism exists, it is
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there. >> it is different from anti-semitism my grandfather experienced when fleeing the holocaust, it's grounded in this notion of cognitive dissonance, people with deeply held beliefs, and the fact that hamas attack, they are raping women, >> as if the attacks never occurred in the first place. and the better part of 17 years, >> with respect to all the talk about civilian casualties. bernie sanders, 50,000 palestinians have died, hamas
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itself never said 50,000 civilians died. 50,000 palestinians, bernie sanders said 15,000 civilians died. if you break the number out is really say $60,00015,000, they counted the bodies of 1500 in israel from the october 7th attack. israelis have film evidence that 1300 rockets fired by hamas and islamic jihad landed in gaza. one of the humanitarian camps. one of them, thousands of people, we are not done. if we go by previous wars hamas counts people who died of natural causes so you have 2. one million people there. he would inspect 2 to 3,000 died per month. just of old age, cancer, hamas counts that as well. when all the dust schedules, children are all going to be boys age 14 to 17 because they use them as combatants. by the time we are done, all the dust settles, you will find the kill ratio is 1 to 1, one
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civilian per terrorist and there's and if it has mobile fraction of what happened under barack obama who planned cities. neil: i don't know what the numbers are. in the meantime, the big to do, hunter biden, all the money, he knows all about that, the problem will come with it. the latest on that with jonathan hunt in los angeles. >> reporter: behind me is the building where hunter biden will make his first appearance to face nine tax related charges including felonies. the first appearance will come early next week. the bottom line in this case according to special prosecutor david wise is hundred biden, quote, spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying
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his tax bills. where the money was going makes for fascinating reading in the indictment, quote, between 2016, and october 15th, 2020, the defendants spent this money on drugs, exports, girlfriend, luxury hotels, rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature. in short, everything but his taxes. here's one fascinating payment detail, quote, $1500 payment on august 14, 2018, that payment was to an exotic dancer a script club. the defendant described the payment as artwork. the exotic dancer have not sold him any artwork. hunter biden's attorneys dismiss the entire case as much ado about nothing. saying it should have been wrapped up with the previous misdemeanor deal that fell apart and hunter's last name was not biden there would be no case.
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they add, quote, now, after five years of investigating with no new evidence and two years after hunter paid his taxes in full the us attorney has piled on nine new charges when he had agreed just months ago to resolve this matter with a pair of misdemeanors. nowhere in the 56 page indictment is president biden mentioned nor is there any accusation at all of any wrongdoing by the president but clearly as this begins to play out in the court system, it will have implications on the campaign trail. by coincidence, president biden will fly here to la later today. he's do to remain here doing various campaign fundraising events through sunday. it will be interesting to see whether he finds time to meet with his now indicted son who lives here in la. neil: thank you.
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the former director of the office of civil rights in the trump administration, hunter biden's defense attorneys say they will fight these additional charges, they had an agreement in place and that agreement that fell apart in june when the judge was looking through it, what are the odds of that? >> the whole thing is outrageous. it was a sweetheart deal, this was all going to be swept under the rug by doj. the courage of two whistleblowers in the irs brought it to light, look at the corruption that is going on, this is $1.4 million in unpaid taxes. they give a plea deal to make it all go away to protect the reputation of president biden. that is corruption at the highest levels. the whistleblowers have been vindicated. this has to go all the way, this guy deserves jail time. he didn't pay for child support the came out in this case, all
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the money on women and cocaine. where is president biden in this? he was directing the doj some way or another, and got to protect the biden family. the money was going to hunter biden when he was vice president and he was on the board of burisma, and the corrupt a deal where he was getting paid for influence peddling and that was missing from this indictment completely. charles: 20 it is missing because many people say there is no there there in the white house has said there is no connection between the dad and the son. we will find out down the road depending how this goes but the bigger question, if the charges stick and he is found guilty of doing this. the bottom line is he could face decades in prison, but will he? >> he should. again, if you go into a jewelry store, they are going to jail.
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that is stealing and he deserves serious jail time. there's a hearing coming up, and the irs agents fought to keep the case alive. that is corruption plain and simple. diane: people interpret it differently. in the meantime, you might have heard vladimir putin wants to run for leader of russia again. i know you will find this a shocker, he is the front runner. ♪ ♪
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neil: big fundraiser for the president in california. the backdrop of his son facing more charges, $1.5 million of taxes. the fundraising story, the big backdrop.
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>> reporter: president biden is heading to hollywood to haul in the campaign cash. a fundraising event is expected to bring millions of dollars. the invite list is a who's who of tinseltown, steven spielberg hosting with his wife as well as barbra streisand, lenny kravitz is expected to perform. it costs a the penny to attend. the minimum ticket price was $1000, but there are more expensive tears than that. the entertainment industry has always been a source of cash for democratic campaigns. the industry donated $163.6 million, 88% went to democrats. biden is begging for cash, the impact of his policies is following him into malibu of all places. this is a group of illegal migrants who shut up in a boat in malibu. another showed up this week.
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they haven't been able to find these individuals. malibu is home to many hollywood elite i just mentioned. the average home price, $3.4 million. i spoke to the coast guard in san diego, they shared maritime apprehensions, 800% since 2017, 30% for all the folks coming by cr apprehended. they don't just come by boat, but you have a jet ski you drop offs. it is dramatically increased under president biden's administer a should. barbra streisand has a lovely mansion in malibu. i wonder if this comes up at the fundraising event in casual dinner conversation. neil: in the meantime you might have heard this news, vladimir putin wants to run for president of russia for one more term taking him through 2030. that would mean more than a quarter-century with vladimir ruling the country. you would be shocked to say
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advance polls show he leads by attend to one margin. gordon chang, author of china is going to war, by extension russia is going to stay, what do you think? >> this is a repeat of the stall and mouse arrow with putin and xi jinping, descending into dictatorship. both political systems which idealize domination will push the world to conflict and turbulence. that is the consequence for us with these horrible political systems in russia and china. neil: putin is popular at home. we rely on what we get, but they are dead or disappeared so there is that uncanny parallel but i assume he gets in and is still in there. i assume he stays a dominant
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force as he has since bill clinton. what can we expect? >> >> we can ask but the unexpected, like we had last -- when prigozhin launched a rebellion against moscow. no one expected that. putin as you say is the front runner and he will make sure because they've got a ballot system that almost encourages cheating. what is going on here will be the trajectory of the ukraine war because that could seriously dent putin's popularity. i don't expected to stop him from getting his third term but it would be a real indication to the world about his place in russia. neil: russia and the ukrainian war, russians are getting a different take of what is going on than the outside world. young people in russia are
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getting through that noise, on social media finding out what's going on but we know the frustration of a lot of russian mothers who worry about sons who aren't coming home and whose activities aren't being shared so that has got to be building. >> the other thing, work consciousness, ukraine is engaging in activities like launching missiles all over the place around moscow, that tunnel in siberia between russia and china. i think the russian people are starting to get a better appreciation that the war is coming home to them. that could increase support for putin but i doubt it because the russian people are skeptical about news reports they get from putin and the lack of progress is not going to be good. this is a point where putin needs the help of the united
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states and nato to not support ukraine. if we don't support ukraine, russian forces would advance and that would increase putin's popularity but if ukraine stands strong which it probably will, putin is in for some trouble in his fifth term. stuart: we will watch it closely. china, russia, threats to the world, he was worried about this when a lot of people say don't worry. this is a develop and, everyone thought they were in the sink and united and emerged. i'm not much of a golf expert but that is not the case. an outstanding golfer in his own right is leading the pga tour. what is happening not only with that proposed merger, all these golfers who might do the same. we take a swing and you decide after this. ♪
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>> as you can see now, it is official. this is me saying after the rumors, some of them were true, i have officially joined liv golf. >> why make that decision and what is behind it for you? >> it is not an easy decision because i've had a really successful career and i have been very happy, but there's a lot of things liv golf has to offer that were very enticing. neil: things like half $1 million. excuse my ignorance. i thought that the live pga was a done deal, they were merging or whatever they are doing so these deals would go away, they would not be people running from the pga tour, apparently that's not the case. nothing personal, the former
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miami marlins president. >> it is pretty simple, let's go back to a few months ago when they announce this merger was going to happen. it was more of a sponsorship deal. when it was announced, it wasn't a done deal at all. you think when you announce a big deal like that there will be a lot of momentum that they carry over the finish line but it backfired because the commissioner of pga never told his constituents. the players didn't even know. he is a player who said i'm loyal to pga. until there was half $1 billion in that -- that loyalty drift away. stuart: lauren: 1 happens now? to other players say i am bolting too, we start this all over again? >> imagine being a free agent where another network offer you 10 times what you're making guaranteed, don't have to be good at your job. no one had to watch you on your show. you would be guaranteed.
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that is what happened. out of the blue, these guys say my ship has come in. >> john romm is the third ranked player, he's outstanding. stuart: is he has big as he has gotten? >> very much so in terms of ranking. phil mickelson is a bigger name but in terms of performance, it means pga and the live are at loggerheads. they work together to figure out what to do. they are trying to get financing from outside parties like fenway sports group, trying to stave off competition. neil: they spend money like it's going out of style. >> imagine, there's no bottom line thought. it is all spending and anything other than that. lauren: 1 is the end game for saudi arabia? >> it is pretty simple, right now it is normalized. when phil mickelson went, sponsors were running away from
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him. he said my sponsors are coming with me. neil: the wrap was you are joining up with a guy who murders journalist and no one seems to care. >> only a few months past that. that success when you think of what saudi arabia was trying to do, they were trying to get us to talk about this and not mention beheaded journalists but mention them as a possible competitor to pga. lauren: 1 aerials will they build that empire? one of the things i was trying to get from you is it is more than golf, it is entertainment of all sorts. they have money to burn and they are burning it. >> we saw the world cup in qatar, they are becoming a major force in the sports business world. in the sports business world, no longer in a world where there are human rights abuses but they are just doing
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commerce and how do we compete with the that when they are offering players way over market. any free-agent would choose to do that. neil: the if you are one of the golfers in the pga tour who have not considered leaving. you are the expert here but offers are being made left and right. >> if you haven't had an offer yet you are saying i won't go and when the offer comes you do what john did, i really had to think about it and it didn't take long. i don't blame him. neil: half a billion we talked about, what commitments come with it. >> it's like he's a major league baseball player, not like a football contract where he gets hurt or doesn't perform, he could get released, this is guaranteed money anywhere from $300-$500 million. that is triple his career earnings, one of the best golfers on the tour. this is a no brain decision.
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lauren: 1 most iconic events down the road. and gives an exemption to the majors, one thing pga was trying to do, if you go to live you won't be able to be famous and go down with the legacy of pga tour's for winning major championships. they backed off of that. rob: show is on fire. which is more fun? the marlins are doing this? >> i loved winning the world series but sitting with you is on the podium. neil: you are the best, wild stuff. other wild stuff, don't let people for you when they talk about full una talk about inflation is going away. john tapper tries to fix up and shake up hours, he rescued more than a few, now he's trying to rescue them from bad inflation
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>> as a professional i'm ashamed of both of you. anytime proteins like that are over 40 °, bacteria grows. i made them for away all their protein. hundreds of dollars. they deserve it. neil: is actually a meek and mild guy. when you get him upset, serving food that might be out of date and he gets a little angry, the bottom line is john tapper is a 1-man cottage industry and that is why. he speaks his mind and lets
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these guys know what they have to do. it is tough luck if you don't follow it. great to see you. merry christmas. >> always good to see you. neil: we are all told these guys john is trying to help, their ship has come in, those high prices they were dealing with have come way down. they are off to the races, you say not so fast. >> labor cost is up 4. one% according to the last labor testatrix, food costs are up 8% to 12%. when we build a restaurant materials are higher, labor is higher, bank interest is higher. what we are all focused upon is creating conversion units. we are finding cost-effective ways to put in smaller units built for more efficient economics. the switch from gas to electric affect economics. you are a state guy.
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estate that cooked on a play, a very different one. what i think about, the electric, the lamination of gas, what about a company like burger king whose mantra is flame broiled, what happens to that? this is a far-reaching regulatory issues so labor costs, instruction costs, interest rates, we are getting hit from all sides. the solution the industry is after, and we focus on this very heavily, conversion units, taking existing footprints from tired brands and tired concepts, rejuvenating them in a cost-effective way and comply with regulatory restrictions that are impacting us so much financially. neil: are not a steak guy because my cardiologist is watching. i just learned to spell arugula
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but also the push on the gas stove thing. a lot of progressives are saying we don't want to ban them. apparently there's enough going on in new york, a lot of restaurants are taking them out because they think that's the goal. what's the risk? >> chef don't like cooking on electric, gas is a more efficient means for us as we have a restaurant in boston that is an electric restaurant, utility costs are three times what they are at our restaurant in georgia so electric costs seem to be fluctuating more, increasing more, seem to be more volatile, it is scary as an industry. take a steakhouse, what do they do when the entire product characterization changes, we saw this coming four or five years ago, we built fully electric kitchens, fully electric concepts and smaller
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conversion models to work around these things but many have not taken those steps and are struggling. neil: i talked to one restaurant owner and said there's a great way to make an electric stove and you wouldn't notice the difference. >> absolutely. think about charbroil are. in this world, char broilers are gone, they don't exist anymore. that's a massive impact to every kitchen across the country. neil: thank you very much, always good seeing you, you help a lot. he helps a lot of people and get no credit but he doesn't want the credit but he's got the fame. >> magic word is conversion. neil: thank you, bar rescue
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friends. maybe technology rescue friend for apple, beyond china. susan: it will be a big ramp from here. this story is not about india replacing china. it is more about augmenting. 20% of all iphones in the future will be made in india in the next 2 or 3 years according to the journal so that is roughly 50 to 60 million iphones, capacity to increase by tens of millions each year. india makes 7% of this iphone 15 upgrade cycle. it was kind of a test to see if india could handle the technical assembly and expertise. in my conversations with apple ceo tim cook, he said he's excited about the opportunity. the first two apple stores this year. when you have access to
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$1.4 billion, one. 4 billion consumers moving up the income curve, that is a big deal but there is also reason why apple makes most of their iphones in china where it gets 20% of their global sales, third-largest market for apple because china has technical expertise, india is still playing catch up. most apple suppliers already have plants in china so it is logistically faster, easier to assemble, part of the apple supply-chain where you have no inventory. also china has more relaxed labor laws that allowed 12 hour shift so apple can ramp up quickly when they launch those new iphones but china also and achilles' heel. or member these covid lockdown protests that resulted in apple losing 6 million iphone production and that hurt earnings, for apple to shift
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some of its production elsewhere just in case. there were reports it's not just india. apple is looking to move ipad production to vietnam. tim cook visited china twice this year and has been sincere they are not leaving china. is making sure if anything happens they have a backup plan. . with the it is very difficult balance. >> deal like beef charbroiled? i haven't -- i'm not very good with ketchup. neil: thank you very much. there's a reason she stays thin and fit and the reason why i do as well. brian brenberg coming up in 12 minutes. brian: one of the ivys might make a symbolic move to appease wealthy donors, united nations is happy to put american
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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neil: to say that gambling is big across the country is an understatement but it is how they are doing it, getting around policies that made it in some parts of the state, that's changing in florida, launching new table games and personal sports betting. jim allen, behind hard rock international chairman, good to have you. >> thank you for having us. neil: tell me what changed here. i assume, seminal reservations and the like, it is more than that. may be you could explain. >> when we signed our previous compact it did not include the scope of craps and roulette. sorry for my voice. i've had a busy couple days.
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in addition, sports betting has become legal. we pursued a new deal with the state of florida & a 30 year term to offer sports betting in person, mobilize sports betting through the state of florida. in addition to that the games of crap central that, we did that two years ago, then challenged legally, the supreme court of the united states and all the way the florida supreme court and last 30 days they denied the plaintiffs the ability to stop us from launching, the dc circuit court deemed it lack valid and legal. yesterday and today we launched these amazing games in the scope exclusively in the state of florida. neil: when i look at the money and figures attached to gaming they blow me away, that is likely in florida alone.
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then i begin to understand why the mets owner wants to partner with you guys in a multibillion-dollar complex next to city field, can you update us on that? >> i was with steve last night and he came to the show, we also -- it was an exciting play. the project in new york is a metropolitan park, it is an $8 billion project. we are part of our process of working with is the state of new york and competing for one of the licenses. neil: have you ever mentioned whether he has got him or not? >> it did not come up but i was joking, which i'm not allowed
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to do. that we were going to put a bet on the bets to win the world series. neil: we will see. always good seeing you. the hard rock international chairman and gaming ceo. the dow, 62 points. the employment report, more after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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