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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  December 9, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EST

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>> from the fox studio in new york city, this is "maria bartiromo wall street". maria: happy weekend to all. welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in
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position to for the week ahead, i am maria bartiromo, thank you for joining us, hunter biden accused of financial crimes that could put him in prison for up to 17 years, nine new tax charges brought by special counsel david weiss include felony, tax evasion, failure to pay taxes from 2016 - 2019, failure to file returns in 2018, accusing hunter biden of invading $1.4 million in taxes over four years, weiss is alleging during that time hunter biden spent his money on drugs, escorts, luxury hotels and cars, everything but his taxes, former acting attorney general matt whitaker says it will not be easy for hunter to evade these charges this time around. >> this to me really seems like david weiss has found religion to some extent and decided to humor him with charges.
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hunter was willing to spend all of his money, not pay anything in taxes and not file a tax return up until 2020 when his friend in california decided that your dad running for president so we better get the taxes cleaned up and you better pay the taxes, the story could not be worse for hunter but the way that he did it cannot be explained away as something to do with his addiction. maria: all of this as house republicans are fighting to bring hunter in for a closed-door deposition this coming wednesday and the house is expected to vote on the impeachment inquiry into president biden, joined to be house oversight committee member texas congressman pat fallon, thank you very much for being here, you and your colleagues have done an incredible job on the oversight committee investigating and exposing some of this, your reaction to these indictments? >> it is about time, when i read it i thought to myself this is a two-tier justice system and i really believe in my heart of
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hearts had it not been for the republican majority in the oversight committee and staff doing the hard work that has been done over the last year this never would've happened in hunter biden would've escaped justice. >> what is the most damning ioc anything about influence peddling, money laundering, bribery, which are the charges that you and your colleagues have been making against the entire biden family. are they not focused on that and just focus on tax evasion here? >> these particular charges are related to the overall scheme but their separate, this is really hunter's doing. it was $872,000 he just spent on fast living like indycar fast living. but it's indicative of the overall corruption, joe biden had one of the most unreliable bagman in history. this would've been so much easier on joe and jim biden had hunter not had these issues and problems. it brings it to life that yes,
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he needed to fund a very vast lifestyle, how to do that, what is convenient that he can sell and peddle influence from his dad. maria: do you believe he will show up for the deposition on wednesday and you know that joe biden continues to say he has no involvement in any of this, do we have bank records that indicate otherwise that joe biden is part of the influence peddling scheme? >> let's take it down, at first joe biden was running for president and he said he had no idea what his son did, when i was exposed he said i have not met with his business partners, when i was exposed he said i didn't benefit personally and then that was exposed starting to show direct payments to his brother and son he said those are loans. if they are loans show was that $200,000 that you loaned to your brother, i don't think you brought it up, he probably wrote
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him a check, they don't produce that because they can dismiss that, why, it doesn't exist. $24 million of foreign money to the biden family they have scores of bank accounts and i'm not just talking about the shell companies they have scores of personal bank accounts, why, that is how money laundering occurs. maria: do we know of any actual policy changes that joe biden made to get paid for? >> quick three examples, i say that we had you laying about arena who is an oligarchy in russia who gave hunter biden. have you dollars and three half months later dinner with his father. and then the guy who worked for burisma, the cfo, he gave hunter three and half million as well he and devon archer, he had dinner with then vice president joe biden and according to the ft 1023 the former fdi from the reliable informant, joe biden
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and hunter were paying $5 million to get the prosecutor in ukraine fired and which by the way they did, the ceo of burisma got off scott free. maria: i been focused a lot on china, i know your investigation has included money from communist china ending up on joe biden's account, are you anywhere near uncovering something like that in terms his business with china? >> what surprised me and shocked me, when he was president-elect he said a strong economic and china's united states best interest, i thought that's what xi jinping would want the president of the united states to say. when we uncovered a 5 million other payment from the chinese company that has direct links to the chinese communist party to hunter biden and hunter biden scott was $400,000 of that. and that same day he wires 40000, 10% to his brother jim who gives the 40002 joe and
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marks it as a loan repayment. remember he was accused of hunter's laptop, 10% to the big guy. he gives 10% to his dad, that is precisely 10%. maria: that is incredible, all the while the border crisis is out of control the number of illegal border crises under crossings at a record 12000 migrants crossing in one day this week that was the highest ever reported in the nation's history, 12000 republicans admitted action for president biden but instead he's slamming the republicans over what he calls political blackmail after the senate gop refused to support a national security bill that would assert more buddy to ukraine but no limits on immigration. so let me get your take, what are you going to do in terms of the wide-open border, are you going to dig in and not send money to ukraine until you get policy changes at the border? >> we had a private meeting with speaker johnson and we are
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holding firm, we need border security not moving forward if joe biden was to shut down the government over not being willing to secure the border, that is on him the border has never been this wide-open we never had a month of over 200,000 illegal border encounters we had 17 under joe biden and as you mentioned 12000 in one day is the worst ever. maria: thank you for joining us this weekend. >> thank you, god bless. maria: we will see you soon, pat fallon joining us, a better-than-expected jobs report for november, ho
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maria: welcome back here's where markets ended the first full week of december, we got a jobs report that showed the economy added 199,000 jobs, many more than expected, the unemployment rate felt thi 3.7% what does ths
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mean for your money in the federal rate decision next week, joining me the former president and ceo of the dallas federal reserve bank robert kaplan back with me. great to see you, thank you for joining us this weekend. >> great to see you. we have the fed meeting i know you're not expecting the federal reserve to raise interest rates next week, does this report change anything in terms of where the fed goes next and the health of the economy today? >> it does not change anything as far as the fed goes they were not going to act week and they won't. as we head into 24 they are looking for realized evidence that inflation is continuing to soften and i think they will want to see two or three monthly reports that suggest sustaining improvement and inflation and if they get that i do think the next move may be to think about cutting rates, the x factor that you and i talked about before
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that complicates this, while monetary policy is historically restrictive, fiscal policy is historically accommodative, yet the unspent arpa money, american rescue act money, inflation reduction act projects, infrastructure projects and the spending continues which increases demand for good services but particularly labor, i think people may be surprised in a softening economy, you will still have resiliency so the fed is going to have to watch how this unfolds speak what i want to go through the numbers of the jobs report on friday, the truth is it looks really good at 199,000 jobs created but when you peel back the onion there are serious worry signs first of all a lot of the job creation that we saw in november were government jobs, not necessarily the private sector there was also a lot of healthcare i know
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there are a lot of jobs in healthcare and demand but who pays healthcare, government jobs then you also have retail trade, this is right before the christmas holiday, retail was down so there are areas of this report that i am questioning in terms of the robustness, we are expected to slow down and you talked about a slowdown in 2024 but even though we see the data that the consumer is strong and holding up resiliently, you said there was plenty of sectors that have already been impacted and showing serious slowdown as a result of higher interest rates and this potential slowdown/potential recession on the horizon in 24, walk us through that. >> there is a number of sectors as you mentioned when i talk to ceos, business is softer and you hear this from retailers in the credit card companies and we know real estate is challenged in manufacturing sector is softer but to me, if we did not
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have this fiscal accommodation, fiscal spending, i would guess we would be much slower and you might see unemployment going up and lower interest rates by the way then what we have and i think with the government spending does is when you bed or start an infrastructure project in a city or a state or an inflation reduction act funded project, it is like dropping a little bolder in the local workforce upon and what it means, people leave their service sector jobs and other jobs to go to the government jobs and while certain sectors don't get the benefit are weak, the service sector is positively impacted that's what you see travel is very strong and i think a lot of it is in direct benefit of some of the fiscal stimulus. maria: we will leave it there, it's a pleasure to see you, we appreciate your time, thank you. >> good to talk to you.
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maria: robert kaplan joining us, communities are changing course on the hanukkah celebration this weekend amid the threat of anti-israel protest, jewish student sending a message to harvard's president after she failed to defend them after into somatic stress on campus rabbi abraham cooper of th liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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(engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) maria: we are already hearing stories about towns that are canceling the hanukkah celebration, we know about many jews that are trying to hide any jewish identity symbols and hanukkah is all about going out and lighting for everyone to see. >> they came back and said we
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would not be ready for proposal if we had a cease-fire finger under the minority, really taking the political side. maria: deep divides over the war in israel pushing some cities across the country to cancel or change the holiday events, that includes an arts festival in williamsburg virginia that said a menorah lighting would be inappropriate claiming it did not want to look like it was taken aside despite setting a private message to the rabbi that we just heard from urging that they include a cease-fire banner. joining us simon wiesenthal center global action rabbi abraham cooper. thank you very much for joining us this weekend, assess what we see in this weekend as jews across the country celebrate hanukkah beginning thursday night for eight days were talking about a very different moment in time today that we've seen in a long time. >> actually, for american jews
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we won't listen to the advice about pulling back from the public, everything about hanukkah is publicizing our values, our faith, our continuity, our history, our destiny and we've learned the hard way over the centuries is that every time that we step back from the public square and we try to hide who we are we further embolden the anti-semites to come after us. so my message first and foremost to our own community in l.a. and beyond, we need to do things with dignity, we need to involve our neighbors and bring them on board and we need to send a message clearly that the jewish people are here to stay and that america is based on freedom of religion that happens to also include american jews. maria: is incredibly disturbing to see what's going on on
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college campuses and of course she will testify this upcoming week in washingt in front of the for the first to talk about what's taking place in europe as well. can you assess the situation for jewish people across the world and what's going on right now. >> in europe we really have a situation for example in germany where the holocaust was planned and executed, quarter of a million jews. i was in berlin and i'm going back after the hearings to berlin and you have a bid to be the everywhere it turns yet the neo-nazis and academics and i have a million migrants from the mob grab in africa and unfortunately anti-semitism everywhere that they turn they feel they are under assault and siege and whether each germany, france, uk, leaders are asking whether or not there is a future
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for them and their kids in the institutions, the numbers are skyrocketing. here in the states it is not exactly where were at, i think most jews including kids on campus will go around with the beautiful star of data under david around her necklace but the pressure and intimidation, the bullying that goes on right up to the top as we saw the president of the top elite schools hunting were leaving the bar open for more calls of genocide against jews. maria: we were shocked at the hearing this past week, elise stefanik, the representative from new york made the right point asking them to really attack the incredible disturbing notions that were hearing on college campuses, they were
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unable to do it, jewish students at harvard hired a plane to fly over the campus with the palestinian flag that says harvard hates jews, what do you want to say about the college presidents and what needs to be done at this point today in america on college campuses. >> there needs to be a credibility which means they have to look for a new job, they can no longer leave when you create a situation on campus where every minority including ones that most of us have never heard of half protected spaces, the universities want to make sure that they feel safe and jewish kids have to hide in their dorm rooms, no way, i applaud all of the people who pulled out their contribution to the elite schools and i hope it'll spread beyond jews to the leading corporations in america who by the way have been largely silent since the horrors of october 7. maria: thank god for the donors
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who are actually saying this is unacceptable i'm not giving you a dime more in donations until this changes but rabbi, how did we get here, we all watched what took place in the holocaust with horror. how is it possible that were talking about this today in 2023. >> i think one of the key points going forward which i think congress has to look at very carefully, we take a look at qatar, they have invested billions with the be over the years in order to insinuate i would say anti-semitic and anti-israel views into the elites campuses, they do so in a clever way but the money trails exist and they have to be exposed, one last point i would have to give high grades to the anti-semites because they also co-opted the language, they taken the language of the
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holocaust and taken language of human rights and slipped it, those who are perpetrating it are presented as victims and those who are fighting it are projected as a 21st century nazis. we have a lot of work to do in the future but remember the light of hanukkah appears as the darkness. maria: god bless you, thank you very much this could not be more disturbing and were watching your leadership, we appreciate your time. thank you, sir. >> thank you, happy hanukkah t the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? stay healthy enough to enjoy it. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement.
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(sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ maria: welcome back, one thing you need to know ahead of next week, taylor swift may never go out style her era tours is releasing on apple tv, amazon prime, and youtube and many other streaming platforms on wednesday, the same day as her
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birthday. the soon-to-be 34-year-old is closing on a massive year, she became a billionaire in time magazine person of the year on top of that the megastar of spotify top artist of 2023 her song sitting over 26.1 billion streams sent january 1, we're following it on "mornings with maria", weekday 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business, we hope you will join us i will see you on the fox news channel for "sunday morning futures", live and exclusive interviews with sedative rand paul, roger marshall, byron donaldson has intelligence committee chairman devin nunes join me sunday 10:0, that will do it on fox news, have a great rest of the week and, to get to much i send you a happy hanukkah to all of the celebrating this weekend. i will see you again next time. >> variance roundtable sponsored by global x et


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