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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 11, 2023 9:00am-10:01am EST

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maria: welcome back 30 minutes away from the opening bell take a look at market now industrial flat madame 15, the nasdaq is also moving a factually big week of data, liz peek, cheryl ca casone. >> i think were optimistic about cuts, the good news may be in the market. maria: the ray kutcher talking about. thank you very much great to have you a great conversation will see you tomorrow. "varney & company" picks it up now. >> good morning everyone the president goes to hollywood he wants money, the stars love him into fundraisers bringing $15 million, then he comes back to all full polls, the wall street journal puts in f truck
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four points ahead of them, and cnn puts trump head in michigan and georgia, two key states. in desperation hilary clinton has been invited to join biden's campaign staffers say she's popular with women and minorities. to the market how your monday answer money is doing six-week winning streak. we will get a fed rate decision this week and new inflation numbers. in advance of that not that much price action now industrial down 16, nasdaq and maybe 16. a little change for interest rates, the ten year treasury a fraction about four and a quarter percent, for 26 and the two-year 43 quarters% a fraction about that 476. gas keeps coming down 1 cent to every day. it is $3.15 the regular average across the country. i paid $2.99 in new jersey. the cheapest gas in texas at $2.61 a gallon. diesel down $4.10.
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i'm. bitcoin $41000, now it's quoted just above 42. down from last week's highs. politics ukraine's president fatima zelenskyy visit the white house tomorrow desperate for the aid package but the republicans are holding it up until they get action on open border that is a problem provided he wants aid for ukraine but not serious action on the open border. on the show today the socialist rail against the sandwich monopoly, senator elizabeth warren wants to break up the buyout of subway and believes they could cut competition and raise prices, she was a professor at harvard, dave portnoy on the 700 million-dollar baseball deal baseball needs a headliner star but he is very expensive, then ozempic the wonder drug reports it helps your heart and alcohol abuse to, monday december 11,
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2023. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪. stuart: that he is on i'm not sure about that one but that is sixth avenue, not many people on but 9:00 o'clock on a monday morning. >> nobody wants to come out on the ring. stuart: a deserted new york city. we start this monday morning with the pull from the wall street journal donald trump with a four-point lead over biden and hypothetical when he 24 rematch, cnn has trump's five points ahead in georgia, ten points in michigan, sean duffy with us now. these polls have to be ringing alarm bells in the white house. is it desperation that makes them bring back hilary. >> i think hilary clinton does
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resonate with a certain group of democratic voters in joe biden needs all the help he can get but alarm bells you are absolutely right democrats, the media, the government have thrown everything at donald trump whether campaign ads or the media who will not give him a break it's all the prosecution going back to russia collusion and donald trump is still standing even after they tried to prop up and support and love joe biden, donald trump is up by four points nationally in michigan, donald trump is up by ten points you gotta be kidding me i think democrats and the white house are saying what else can we throw donald trump this is unbelievable and it'll get to this point where they have to consider do they support biden or do they cast him aside and they could do that by supporting investigations on corruption cast him aside and go with gavin newsom candidate. they have to be thinking about that right now. stuart: i'm sure they are. try issued this morning to
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biden. roll tape. >> these are not indictments in the traditional sense these are biden indictments this is again a political opponent. with that he's opened up a pandora's box that may never let our country be the same, they opened up a pandora's box and i only say for joe be very careful what you wish for because what you've done is a terrible thing. stuart: we have dueling scandals it seems, trump in court and biden impeached and associated with hunter, that is difficult, who comes out on top with the duels. >> i would argue a real scandal when you select your country so your family can make money versus concocted indictments against donald trump which we see no one indicted for these things in the past especially political leaders. pandora's box, he's absolutely right we had a history in this
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country even if hilary clinton smashing her servers and bleach fitting and violated the preservation request having confidential information on private servers, republican said and i said to, i don't think it's good for the country to go after the bank wished candidate you don't put her in jail or prosecutor democrats have opened up the box and then have to live by the rules in which they said, i think they get to be fair g game, should a republican administration, or prosecutor's across the country are good look at democrats as a way democrats have looked at republicans. do i think it's bad for the country, hell yes it is bad for america you do not want this banana republic but that's what democrats bring us the only way to get it to stop as if democrats live by the prosecutorial standards that they set for republicans once they do maybe we should have a
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detente and go back to the way it used to be. they won't get there until they live by the rules that they suffer donald trump. stuart: we will be watching on the bottom line 6:00 p.m. eastern on fox business, we'll see you again soon. kevin mccarthy resigning from congress at the end of the year. we got that izzy done with politics. >> it doesn't look like it he said he would be happy to serve in the donald trump cabinet and the right position. he also officially endorsed donald trump. >> candy count on your support. >> yes. >> that's an endorsement. >> i will support president trump. >> would you be willing to serve in the trump cabinet. >> in the right position. if i'm the best person for the job, yes. i worked with president trump on a lot of policies. we work together to win the majority but we also have a relationship where were very honest with one another. >> he's always been honest but as speaker he did not outright endorsed donald trump, trump endorsed him first because of
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the house. he made other predictions in the interview, mccarthy said if it's trump versus biden on the ticket, trump would win and republicans would expand and retake the senate. stuart: okay, last one for you, check the markets stocks on a six-week winning streak, what are investors watching. >> not only six-week winning streak but the good open at the highs of the year. his optimism that the fed can engineer a soft landing after friday jobs report adding fuel to the fire that their testing again this week, tomorrow consumer prices for november are expected to ease month over month to 3.1% they will remain a 4% on the annual basis, the following day wednesday final meeting of the year for the federal reserve jay powell will speak i think he'll hit the snooze button on rate talk until there is overwhelming evidence
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that inflation has been locked in lower. we have little signs but nobody is convinced thursday retail sales all-important holiday shopping season but expected to decline by a tenth of 1%. stuart: the market is watching for the economic indicators and not much price move before they come out, look at the left-hand side, down 20 on the dow. >> a six-week runoff highs of the year for all three major averages. stuart: to get a change of subject let's go to entertainment mode, jeff sica is with us a well-known film producer and his other talents. i want to talk hollywood name the big winner from hollywood this year in the big loser, start with the winner. >> i would say this is the year that the world fell in love with taylor swift, she broke all kinds of records. she is the big winner not only in 2023 but historically she did what few people have been able to do, 4.5 billion so far on her
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tour. she is the number one downloaded on spotify. she is a film that exceeded 250 million already, she is the belle of the ball dominating. if it wasn't for taylor swift we would have nothing but miserable things to talk about out of hollywood last year. stuart: very true. she's a great artist i like the way that she celebrates good things. >> she's inspirational we all need to be inspired and that's what she's done. stuart: who is the big loser i know exactly who you're going to say. >> this guy last year bob iger last year at this time i was a big supporter of him coming on board as ceo. what i saw with disney as a disney shareholder this year was so unbelievably discouraging they have taken the most iconic
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deep film catalog and annihilated it. there's so much more concerned about woken us and politically correct in whatever they're trying to do, just to give you an example 2019 the hud seven films that did over a billion dollars, this year, not only did they not have a film that did a billion they did not have a film that came anywhere close, disney has got to get their act together, i hate to say it but their days as being a prominent leader in media entertainment will be over. stuart: do you think it's the woken us creeping in and that's what's turning people off. >> i lay in bed looking at my ceiling fan as an activist and saying why are they doing this, why are they taking a successful formula that they invented, they
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want to cater to the small percentage of woke progressives that seem to have a lot of influence on them but it is bizarre what they're doing. there you have it, taylor swift and bob iger, thank you very much, good stuff. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said hamas terrorists are surrendering in droves and he says at the beginning of the end, his words for the work, i'll ask kt mcfarland if israelis are winning the groundwork, the crisis at her border has reached a breaking point, lawmakers worn it's only a matter of time before the terror attack happens here. the full story for you next. ♪ ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine.
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>> border states are at a breaking point even arizona democrat governor is slamming biden for an action griff jenkins at eagle pass texas, what are you seeing there? >> good morning, the border is at a breaking point moments ago my cbp sources told me across entire southwest border from friday into sunday the weekend recap, 20000 starting here in eagle pass, let me show you video we just shot in the last hour, there are two groups of 100 or more in different locations, that's a monday morning is starting here, let's go a thousand miles to my west to lucasville arizona we have a live camera where they have been the epicenter were then 6500 and just the sector alone we have
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migrants from senegal, bangladesh, egypt, china getting absolutely hammered, that is why arizona democrat governor katie hobbs had to go to the border and see the breach of the wall and she had criticism for the biden administration, listen here. >> arizona cannot do this alone nor should we have to were asking the federal government to reimburse us for the cost to arizonans, for far too long arizona has worn the breath of federal inaction on our southern border and i'm tired of it now is not the time for partisan politics it's time for action. look here we have stunning information from a colleague bill melugin says cbp officials briefing arizona lawmakers, 5000 migrants a day being released every single day from the border, 30 individual since october 1 when the fiscal year began hit the database in the ratio of migrants to agents in the tucson sector, 200 migrants to one agent, stunning one last
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picture is strikes the humanitarian crisis that we have here in del rio sector, look at this agents apprehending a toddler whose face is blurred on his shirt were explored name, picture and contact of who they want him to be delivered to traveling alone, unthinkable the parents and adults would send the child like that into a situation like this. finally i'll leave you with the number that the agents track the most that is the known got a ways, were learning last year more than 673,000 known got a ways. stuart: what a situation, griff jenkins, thank you very much indeed. the white house is stepping up its push for a deal on ukraine aid, president zelenskyy is meeting tomorrow with biden at the white house. he will also meet with speaker johnson, texas congressman pat fallon joins us now, biden is
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bringing in zelenskyy to put pressure on you to pass the ukraine aid package, will you cave on the board? >> no absolutely not, you just saw it's never been worse in our history, we had 12000 migrants across the board or a legally just a few days ago, to put that into context, thousand a day is a lot in the border patrol agents tell us that they cannot physically handle more than 5000 because they have to process them and there's a way in which they have to do things, they have a system. stuart: you have some leverage here but what is your key aim in the border negotiations. >> presumably, we talked to leadership and i think around the same page we would like to have the protocols better than the way in mexico reinstituted we have to raise the threshold for asylum claims, quite friendly 99% of the people crossing the border our economic migrants are not political asylum sinkers, the ngos tell them to say certain things the biden administration is looking the other way and i find it comical that the arizona
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democratic governor is now saying federal inaction may have to do something, no kidding. if you compare very quickly what is happened between the prior administration under the obama administration the first 34 months they had 1.5 million illegal border crossers, trump had 1.6, biden had 8 million and alejandro mayorkas tells us nothing has changed, that is ridiculous. stuart: hunter biden as you know was hit with nine new charges last week concerning his taxes, you're on the house oversight committee are there any direct links to the president? >> let me be very specific, hunter biden has been acting as the bagman so there's supposed to be layers to protect the principal but they got sloppy because in 20,702,018 they did not think rather than 2016, the joe biden would ever run for office, hilary clinton was supposed to win and serve eight years in joe biden would be 942 years old so he would never run again. there were links, for instance
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his brother jim got into a thousand dollar wire from accompanying distress, the very same day he cut a check to his brother for a loan repayment. but joe biden has failed to show the original $200,000 that he gave his brother, why wouldn't he do that, never happened same thing with a $40000 check that went to his brother and him his son was paying him for a check repayment when his son was making $7 million over a span to 3 - 4 years why would he need money from his dad there are direct links considering quid pro quo with china and ukraine as well. it could be an impeachment vote, procedure will vote and the vote on impeachment this week. >> as far as having an official impeachment inquiry, i believe so. pat fallon, thank you for joining us we always
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appreciated. >> the border entry point in luke felt arizona was forced to shut down last week there is a surge of the particular border crossing, what was behind the particular search. stuart: the drug smugglers were leaving the migrants to the remote area of the border that included lukeville, the population is maybe dirty five a small town, the migrants were steered by the mexican cartel. as we noted in grist report, the arizona governor democrat katie hobbs went there on saturday, she is mad that the border point has been closed to legal traffic for one week if you want to cross legally you have to go two hours out of your way in either direction and she want the federal government to do something about it. check the features please, we have about seven minutes to go before we open the market, down just a little, the opening bell is next.
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stuart: tiny price movements and events of the opening bell, we have the fed coming up this week in the cpi coming out this week, the markets are holding off.
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keith fitz is with us this morning. i want to talk to you about macy's, the stock premarket is soaring 15% there is a possible $5.8 billion bid from investor group they want to take it private. i thought the $5.8 billion was rather low, what do you say. >> that is an interesting question i had not thought about it whether it's low or high the interesting thing whether this will be another sears are they after the real estate, will consumers buy from a department store chain will somebody mount an online competitor, i'm good be watching this closely. they came out of left field. stuart: into the minds of a great department store chain. it's the demise of the department store in the world of 2024, is in. >> that thought crossed my mind the moment i read the headlines what is going on i cannot see any reason in the world wide the department store would hang on there's a few places around the world in japan there still great
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department stores but not the rest of the world. stuart: here's where it gets interesting, did you raise your price target for microsoft? >> i tell you what i don't think i've been aggressive enough, i'm sitting at $500 a share and i'm thinking i might be too low i might have to do 600 or 705 years from now. stuart: wait a second that is five years from now what about next year by the end of next year what is it going to be, 368 now, microsoft and of next year, where. >> i think the 475, 500 range by the end of next year. stuart: what is so good about microsoft with again next year? >> i think were standing at an inflection point of unparalleled proportions this is bigger than the internet and penicillin and how it's going to affect things, a.i. for every 50 or $75 you get 100 or more dollars to follow on spending i think we will see
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microsoft with the best position company after. >> is it the best in a.i.? >> i would submit that it is not far from the top if it's not the best but it depends on how you defy the best. stuart: let's f-uppercase-letter, microsoft goes to 475 - 500 by the end of next year and six or $700 in five years, you are on tape saying that. >> yes, sir i'm happy to do so. i'm glad to hear it, you are alright will see you again real soon. they're about to press the button and get started were looking for a small gain for the dow at the opening bell, three seconds to go, press the button, get on with it and away we go, it's 9:30 a.m., look at that a 20-point gain, not much but it's on the upside, 23 points and if you look at the dow 30, the vast majority are in the green there
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is broad-based buying this morning to get the new week going. the s&p 500, that was down and premarket in the market is only down a tiny fraction, .1%, the nasdaq composite, that is down half a percentage point, 14333, big tech is not going to show clear-cut gains far from it it's clear-cut losses, look at microsoft and 2%, meta is down 1.3% selling across the board for big tech, and we have this, cigna has called off plans to acquire humana, why, there up $40. why are they not getting together and what are they going to do instead. >> planing a $10 billion share buyback and the reason why the merger was called off, they reportedly cannot agree on the right price. cigna had offered cash and stock
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and if you put these insurers together yet one that can rival cvs or unitedhealth at $140 billion but deals are hard to come by by these days, minus the oil patch we will get to that later we have high interest rates and a lot of anti-regulatory scrutiny, this would apparently not happening. stuart: a $10 billion stock buyback. >> it works every time. tesla is trying to figure out what could be a record quarter, what are they doing to make it a record quarter. >> major incentives as we close out the year this is not just price cuts is throwing in extra perks like six months of free supercharging that could be worth $900, all in kelley blue book says these incentives amount to 8% of the overall transaction price, the average industrywide is 5%. elon musk has a goal 1.8 million cars and 2023 which means he is about 500,000 remaining. he has a ways to go.
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i see this as a positive, it's an incentive it is not a price cut entirely suggesting that the margins may have bottomed for tesla which means profits are going up from here. >> i'm reading elon musk book by walter isaacs, tells the story of how musk got tesla going. an extraordinarily performance he slept on the factory floor all the time. it's extraordinary. >> is a genius, crazy genius. oracle "after the bell", there into a.i., were expected a nice result. >> at the deal with microsoft early last month to boost their a.i. offerings into be a daily conversation surges, profit and revenue expected to rise and what investors want to know, can they continue to take the corporate excitement on artificial intelligence and use it to grow their cloud services there up 40% on the year but it's been a tough quarter since
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the last earnings because they're bringing in the a.i. bookings but can they see them through, that's what investors want to know. >> show me the money the extra revenue, show it to me. somebody must be bullish on best buy that stock is nicely higher. jeffrey says by it, the stock is going up $20 from the last price target to 89. there is a natural hardware replacement cycle, they need a new tv in the computer because it broke so they go when that is business for best buy and they say it's a positive number at that time. >> up 2.5%, i want to go to macy's the stock is soaring $5.8 billion. do you have any more on this. >> the two firms that have a large position of macy's want to take a private, they think it's worth more than $520 billion and they contribute around macy's does the thanksgiving day parade is ingrained in the american psyche in a way but they only
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have a billion profits a year, they are struggling as our department stores in general they wanted to suffer $21 a share that the 32% premium you can see the other retailers are all up, nordstrom, kohl's five and 6% i had two free hours to myself if i want a few days ago i went to a major mall and to department stores and i walked around and i walked around and i could not buy a gift if i tried i came out with gift card for my mother-in-law in a pocketbook for my mother, that is it i tried so hard, show me something to buy you need to give somebody a reason to go into a store i wanted to see a table with suggested gifts and salespeople had boxes that they could hand me after i bought the handbag so i didn't have to go back to get up back to rapid. i'm just saying you wanted with the probably the department stores, there's one of them. >> that turned into a rant, it was easier to buy online.
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i apologize. >> we have news on the big oil deal, who was it and how much. >> petroleum is buying crown rock for $12 billion, deals are happening in the permian basin that's where crown rock does its business, $12 billion according to my sources is a huge number there are acquisitions because the oil majors know that they need to grow but their investment banks don't want to give them the money because are not drilling, they're buying instead of putting the prophets in the ground and drilling more than just buying smaller companies that drill, one major private company left in the premium it's endeavor that deal could be more than double at 12 billion or $30 billion. stuart: the permian basin isn't just an underground lake is an underground sea of oil. >> a million barrels we solid this year, exxon mobil planar
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natural resources and chevron with us. >> that was suggested to move the prompter up. let's move the prompter, checked the big board, swing the camera over, there you have it up 67 points, 36358, dow winners, nike, walgreen, amgen, s&p 500, the list, cigna, best buy, broad, the nasdaq winners, a top by, global boundaries inc., broad, kla, micron, old dominion, those exciting on the nasdaq, no big tech. coming up "saturday night live" any backlash for the focusing on republican congresswoman elise stefanik and the testimony of the college present. there is a brief clip, watch this. >> i'm going to start screaming question that these women like i'm billy eichinger.
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yay or nay. >> that is so wrong media guy joe concha reacts to it the weight loss drug ozempic could help people control their drinking, doctor siegel is here on that. the white house refuses to take responsibility for inflation. instead accusing companies a price gouging economist stephen moore on that next. ♪ (adventurous music) ♪
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♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia.
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stuart: 12 minutes worth of business and we turn the market around the top 27, fractional gain for the s&p, the nasdaq 1025, the federal government hiring a near record number of workers. can we afford this? >> that's a really good question
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it does mean paying for more pension and salaries for years to come it was evident in the last jobs report 49000 jobs were hired by the government sector in november that ranked as the second largest sector for hiring in the november jobs report, over the past three months the government averaged hiring 59000 people per month, that is a lot of government jobs being added. the labor secretary tells me she is not concerned. >> if you look across the economy and across the numbers since president biden came into office we've seen broad-based recovery and broad-based growth across multiple industries. government employment reached 23 million workers that's near an all-time high for some economist having government as one of the leading permanent job creators only signals more taxes to pay for more workers. >> if you look over the last
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year if you look at three sectors of the economy, government, healthcare and education those have counted for basically half of the jobs in the united states. we don't want the government when it's running a $2 trillion deficit to be growing, we want to see that number shrinking and is in. >> you remember what president reagan said the nine most terrifying in the english language i'm hear from the government here to help the government is hiring more helpers. >> i remember dragon saying that. thank you very much indeed. we have 76% saying our income does not keep up with inflation. steve moore with us, president biden blames corporations for this he says they are price gouging, what do you say to t that. >> it is interesting, when trump left office we had wanted half% inflation rate and then it zoomed up to nine-point to percent. you remember when we hit the 9% inflation mark. it seemed like the biden administration was blaming everyone but themselves, first it was covid then it was the
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invasion of ukraine and then, now it is price gouging they refuse to connect the dots between the $6 trillion spending spree that happened in the first 20 months of the biden administration and the big increase in prices, maybe they should look in the mirror when they talk about the inflation problem in this country. stuart: you have a new op-ed saying president biden pledged to shut down 60% of america's electric power generation. you call it virtue signaling this is about coal, right? >> it is not just about coal, coal as part of the equation. last week the biden administration made two new executive orders, the first one dealt with coal and they basically said were not going to build any new coal plants ever in the united states and they also said they could shutdown our existing coal plants. why is that important, we get
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20% of our electric power from coal plants. you also need coal plants even if you want to switch to wind and solar new canadian coal plants to backup the energy plants when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. but a few days later the administration said they're going to have massive new tight regulations on methane. it's natural gas, we get 40% of our electric power from natural gas, they want to shut down the natural gas plants as well. if you add that up over the next five to ten years take it away over half of america's electric energy supply and at the same time they want to put the entire transportation system and all the cars on the electric grid system as well it's a recipe for disaster serious as a heart attack if they go forward we're going to roll energy shortages in this country. >> energy shortages apply to me,
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much higher prices, bid price increases especially for electricity, big price increases coming. people think i'm scaremongering, all you have to do is look at what's happening in california over the last couple of years because it leading the way for green energy and they had all sorts of lockout and brownout problems. if biden is successful for shutting down coal and gas plants we will have the same problem all over the country. that's not just an economic issue, it is a security issue in the health and safety issue. we cannot have blackouts in our hospitals in our schools in our factories and construction projects, the economy cannot function without a reliable energy supply. stuart: voters will react, good stuff. see you again soon. i want to know what are households doing to keep up with rising prices. >> is happening with the 401ks, there is a difference between a 401k loan and a hardship
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withdrawal i'm talking about the loan right now, it's a double way me because more people are taking out these loans in their borrowing more money every time. fidelity is the nation's largest 401k administrator and this is what they find in the last quarter 640,000 people took loans out from the 401k borrowed against themselves, 2.8% of savers, 2.4% a year ago. obviously positive and negative with all of this. you do have to pay the loan take it to get your 401k back with interest but you're paying the interest to yourself at a lower rate. stuart: that is one way of expanding the size of your 401k without actually putting more money and because you're paying back the loan and interest back to yourself, that's the way it works but it's a bad move financially. that is your retirement money. if you take it out you have a problem. there's penalties if you don't pay in time, you don't want to touch if you don't have to but if you check out all the your other resources to pay the bills. thank you, cumming appears what
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we have the start of another bad week abiding cost he came back to the white house to a polling shock and he has to negotiate a deal on the border that is something he really doesn't want to do, that is my take on the top of the hour. trump will no longer take the stand today in the civil fraud trial, what happened wave report after this. ♪ in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination
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by billions, the judge has found trump in the trump organization liable for fraud, you know trump's defense team says billions of dollars in values that provided for its prop properties, they were accurate, some defense witnesses have denied that trump the trump organization committed fraud but one did say not proper or reasonable. deutsche bank cut the evaluations in half and still provided loans to him with the former president posted this on truth social saying world renowned expert saying insurance executives, real estate professionals as well as others honest and credible have stated clearly and unequivocally that i successful company did nothing wrong. but you know new york state attorney general letitia james is seeking to enter $50 million in damages from trump and she wants to ban mr. trump and the trump organization from doing any business in the state.
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trump's experts backfired and helped her case. >> donald trump can distract from reality, he can continue to call me names but as the judge said today it is truth. and the truth is on our side. >> the trial is in the 11th week, court is set to resume tomorrow there is no jury in the case, the judge will eventually rule on it even damages and already found him liable, he has to decide the damage in this case that's what it's really about the $2,050,000,000 that letitia james wants to stop the trump organization. that will get checked out on appeal. my prediction knowing nothing about the law. check the markets, the dow is up 15, the nasdaq is down 30 points, not much movement. still ahead kevin mccarthy says trump's campaign should not be about revenge it should be about
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rebuilding america, this charles hurt think that's good advice, i will ask him, exercise a not be the key to living longer it may be aging you, doc siegel explains, does general jack keane retired, does he want full support for ukraine, i'll ask him, he's on the show and dave portnoy reacts to show hayao tanis $7 million deal, the 10:0. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved,
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10:00 am
♪ ♪ stuart: not sure of the significance of the music. hold on, i'm coming and looking at statue of liberty. lauren: where are you going? >> i think it's people arriving. stuart: ellis island is not on there. good morning, 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. mixed market with not much price movement. we've got cpi coming out
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tomorrow, fed star


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