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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 13, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: just a quick message the republicans, economic growth and process perty win presidential elections. less spending, taxing, regulating. drill, baby drill. just a little friendly reminder. and a remind or to everybody to,
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please, watch liz macdonald. elizabeth: yeah, please do. thank you so much, larry. appreciate you. we're going to stay on what larry's been reporting on. it's happening right now. we're talking history in the making. i mean, the house is in recess, but they're going to move to vote to formal ielz and approve an inpeople. inquiry into president biden -- impeachment inquiry. let's bring in former arkansas governor mike huckabee and former u.s. assistant attorney andrew mccarthy. governor, you know, this political theater all day long with hunter biden's press conference, the media a which democrats avoiding this, governor: if hunter did not do anything wrong, then just go and testify if he did nothing wrong. what do you think, governor? >> well, he thumbed his nose and stuck his middle finger right at the house republicans today. but here's what should happen. we'll find out if there's a two-tiered justice system, because when peter navarro and steve bannon didn't testify before congress and the reason they didn't was not just because they were being ornery, it was
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because they felt like it was executive privilege. well, what did the house do? they turned it over to the justice department. peter navarro was put in handcuffs and leg irons and taken to jail where he spent a day. and it's just absurd. so if this doesn't happen to hunter, then we clearly know. i think the house is doing the right thing by going ahead with the inpoochment -- impeachment inquiry. ive i -- it gives them the tools to look. i think they're probably not going to do an impeachment unless some democrats come onboard, because it wouldn't do any good. it'll fail in the senate. i hope the republicans have the guts to at least start pursuing the facts and let them take them where they leave. elizabeth: the governor's saying democrats are criticizing the impeachment probe, but didn't speaker pelosi and the democrat caucus when with they decided to formalize an impeachment probe into then-president trump,
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wasn't the rationale the same, that they needed more legal tools and subpoenas to get documents? so democrats basically laid the groundwork for everything the republicans are doing right now. >> yeah, that's why kevin mccarthy when he was speaker said that he could authorize the impeachment inquiry even without a vote and even though he opposed what the democrats had done in 2019 in connection with the ukraine impeachment because nancy pelosi had done precisely that. but as governor huckabee just point out, it's important to do the vote if you can do the vote. the democrats ultimately did that in 2019, and the thing is it shores up your ability to investigation because usually when congress investigates, it needs to have a legislative purpose because the ostensible reason for doing oversight is to consider legislation. in an impeachment inquiry, the house acts as kind of a grand
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jury -- elizabeth: yeah. >> because under the constitution they get to investigate treason, bribery and high e crimes and misdemeanors. so it's important to get a full vote of the house for that. president elizabeth yeah. so, you know, what app a drew mccarthy just sas a trump attack machine. he's changing the goalposts saying, or you know, basically the president was not financially involved. that sounds like he was involved and knew what was going on. let's listen to what, to your point, speaker johnson is saying about the impeachment pro probe. watch this. >> it's very, very serious business. the impeachment inquiry is necessary now as, what emmer
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just explained, because we've come to this impasse where following the facts where they lead is hitting a stone wall because the white house is impeding that investigation. they're not allowing witnesses to come forward and thousands of pages of documents. so we have no choice. to fulfill our constitutional responsibility, we have to take the next stench we're not makin. we're not making a political decision. it's not. it's a legal decision. elizabeth: what do you think, governor? >> i think james comer said it best. he said we knead to know what exactly did the biden family members do to get tens of millions of dollars from the communist chinese and from russia and ukrainian oligarchs? i mean, we know the money went. there are bank records for that. s and biggest liar in washington which, by the way, is really saying something, the biggest liar in washington, adam schiff tweeted out today that there is zero evidence. well, there's actually quite a bit of ed. we don't know exactly who's to blame, who's to fault, but there's a lot of evidence. and that's' what -- elizabeth: yeah. bank records -- >> -- the speaker and the house
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remies are doing. weather elizabeth bank records, e-mails, texts and more. andrew mccarthy, final word on this. >> yeah, a lot of evidence that the governor is talking about. the business is joe biden. i think they would tee it up better if they stopped talking about hunter's business because the person that made this business go and who could have stopped it in five minutes if he wanted to was joe biden. yet it went on for decades. elizabeth: that's an important point. by all of you. governor huckabee and andrew mccarthy, thank you so much. merry christmas to you. okay. president biden, he was not the only biden under pressure today. hunter biden, we know, he's defying the congressional a subpoena to testify. and now there's a threat, a big one, from house oversight chair james comer, judiciary chair jordan to hold hunter biden in contempt. let's get to hillary vaughn live on capitol hill with the latest. >> reporter: today house lawmakers got stood the up. hunter biden did not attend his closed door interview that
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lawmakers requested, but he did show up here on capitol hill and talk to the press. he declared his innocence and insisted that his dad, president joe biden, was not financially involved in his business. but even though the reason why he defied the spoon that is because he didn't want to take questions behind closed door ands and in secret, he would not take our questions out in the open, on camera either ooh. mr. biden, was it worth it trying to sell the family name? do you want president biden to pardon you, sir? was it worth it selling the family name? >> [inaudible] >> have you asked your father for a pardon? >> reporter: how did you get into so much trouble? the stage was set for hunter biden complete with a name card and mic, but since he was a no she, the oversight committee announcing they are going to start the process to hold him in contempt saying, quote: hunter biden defied a lawful subpoena today, and we will now initiate
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contempt of congress proceedings. there will be no special treatment because his last name is biden. house democrats rallied around hunter biden's decision to skip the deposition. >> hunter biden is here today the central the witness in this entire investigation ready to give evidence to the republicans, and they've refused to accept it. >> reporter, and liz, if hunter biden was found in contempt of congress and he was prosecuted for that, he could face up to a year in jail. liz? if. elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. good to see you. joinings now, former justice department attorney hans von spakovsky and reporter jon levine. hans, i don't know what danny goldman if is talking about, that hunter biden is ready the give evidence. he didn't. he didn't do anything. he didn't sit for his deposition. he didn't testify. so to you, hans. if hunter did not do anything wrong, then go testify. give a deposition. so that's the common sense
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rebuttal to hunter not stepping up and testifying. if you did nothing wrong, go sit down and testify, right, hans? what would you say? >> well,ing no, that's absolutely right. but, look, he can't answer question. he can't testify because his lawyers are telling him you have to assert the fifth amendment so you avoid incriminating yourself. if he had actually shown up for a hearing, he would have been under oath. and then he could be prosecuted not only in the case that's already been filed against him for tax evasion, but for lying to congress. so he would have been assert ising his fifth amendment right. and what's more embarrassing for the white house, the son claiming fifth amendment rights and not incriminating himself or holding a show at a press conference saying, oh, we didn't do anything wrong? elizabeth: i mean, it was really incompetent, what we saw happening in d.c. can today, jon. what hasn't was just talking about too.
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i mean, hunter biden again played the victim, used his drug addiction as an excuse for making millions of dollars in foreign bids deals selling the biden family brand name as a his business partner, devon archer, had already testified. watch this. >> they continue to insist that my father's support of ukraine against russia is the result of a nonexistent bribe. in the depths of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. for six years maga republicans, including members of the house committees when want a -- who are in a closed door session right now, have impugned my character, invaded my privacy, attacked my quite a few -- my wife, my children, my family and my friends. my father was not financially involved in my business. elizabeth elizabeth not -- wait a minute. wait, jon, not financially involved? is he saying, yes,sing his
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father was involved, in fact, some other way? is this is this the new version of how bill clinton speaks, i did not have financial relations with that a father? >> it always goes back to, oh, my addiction. you know who wasn't addicted to drugs? joe biden. when he met with business part -- partners in the white house, op on the golf course or café milano if in d.c. or calls in to business meetings, no one's on drugs then. the fact of the matter is he cannot not comply with a lawful subpoena, and it's encouple .upon the justice department to execute procedures that they're going to do, and let's see if the doj protects hunter biden yet again. the house oversight committee could have hunter biden arrested right now. it's within their power to do so. it's happened in the past. you are not allowed to not comply with a lawful mean. that. elizabeth: so what jon because -- was just saying. hunter biden, he says he's a are
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victim of his drug addiction, right in we're sympathetic. he's a victim when he faces 9 federal criminal charge for evading income taxes. those charms come after, after he recovered from his drug addiction. he was in recovery. he's a victim after making money flying on air for the two with joe biden -- air a force two to do multi-billion dollar business deals in china? he's making millions selling joe biden as the family brand around the world? he's the victim? he sent his business partners in china texts saying, pay up, i'm sitting next to my father, joe biden he holds grudges. and he's denied he was the father of his young daughter and fought hard in court to cut support and denied her the right to use the family name, but he's the victim. he spent nearly $900,000 on prostitutes, sex and drug, haps, but he's the victim. >> look, we know that's not true. look, just the indictment last week on tax evasion shows that
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he set out to deliberately and intentionally e evade paying taxes on the literally millions of dollars he received from foreign entities. and will be, they set up a series -- he set up a series of shell corporations to hide the money coming in. that doesn't make him a victim, that makes him a criminal because, look, that's the kind of laundering operation that mob organizations set up to hide their income. so that's just another excuse trying to get out of responsibility for what he did. elizabeth: so, or jon, what a we're watching now in the house as they move toward formalizing an impeachment vote for an inquiry into the president, if that goes through, i mean, i guess technically hunter biden could say, well, there's no house impeachment inquiry, so i can defy the congressional subpoena. now if they pass it, looks like the votes are coming in as we're watching it in realtime, that they will get the votes to do
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the impeachment inquiry. then they can resented the congressional subpoena to get -- resented the congressional subpoena to receive. -- to testify. >> this is just to compel hunter and other recalls trant witnesses to come testify. this is a good thing. sunshine is the best disinfebruary about the. an innocent man has nothing to hide. i think president biden should welcome this inquiry so he can clear his name. but fact of the matter is they don't welcome it because it is becoming very, very clear that there is a "there" there, and we've known for years on the hard drive. the weiss indictment doesn't even skim the surface of all the possible crimes. you've got violating the mann act by prostitutes across state line, the fara act. this is all stuff the i'm hoping the oversight committee can get to. elizabeth: got it. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. elizabeth: full -- still ahead, ken o'leary, and former federal prosecutor katie cher cow sky. the supreme court took on a new
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case, could it overturn hundreds of cases from the capitol riot? could it affect if trump's federal 2020 case? and the biden-netanyahu-israel split, that rift is widening. the president criticized israel amid more polls showing biden's approval is plummeting to a new record low, into the 30s. and the president finally mulls and considers tougher u.s. border security but only to get funding for ukraine, israel possibly taking on china and taiwan. and biden is calling the gop's a border security push extreme. he didn't call extreme obama's $ 2.5 million deportations when he was obama's vice president. plus, we're keeping watch and tabs on your money. former treasury official michael faulkender here, what the fed is doing with fed rate can cuts, and polls show voters don't like bidenomics. so what is the media and democrats doing instead?
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ramping up hysteria over a possible trump victory. it's coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice.
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elizabeth: okay. this is an important story today on how much more money you're going to have to pay. now, the federal reserve decided to sit tight and again did not
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raise interest rates today as it basically has been battling inflation if under this biden white house. we are still talking historic inflation. this president hyperregulated, overspent, approved spending even going around congress that even the san francisco fed and the cleveland fed has said, yes, did help fuel inflation. this is the third straight meeting the fed did not raise rates. they're talking three rate cuts next year. markets expecting five. edward lawrence is at the federal reserve with more on this important story for you. edward. >> reporter: liz, what we saw was a pivot now from a more concerned federal reserve chairman, jay powell, to a more jovial federal reserve chairman, jay powell. the fed left rates up changed. they are actually -- unchanged. they are actually proif directing three rate cuts next year. the fed chairman laid out the case for rate cuts coming in the next year signaling no more rate hikes. >> while we believe that our policy rate is likely at or near its peak a for this tightening
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cycle, the economy has a surprised forecasters in many ways since the pandemic. and ongoing progress -- sorry, ongoing progress toward our 2% inflation objective is not assured. we are prepared to tighten policy further if appropriate. >> reporter: he still says there's a ways to go before declaring victory over inflation. the fed forecasts it will be 2026 before it hits the 22 target. his view though, the economy is coming back into balance. if the fed cuts rates as the dot plot is showing about 75 basis points, does that signal that there's a belief of weakness next year in the economy? >> it wouldn't finish if that were -- first of all, let me just say that isn't a plan, that's just cumulating what people wrote down. i wouldn't need to be a sign is, it could just be a sign that the economy's normalizing and doesn't need the tight policy. it depends on -- the economy can evolve in many different ways. >> reporter: also acknowledging the disconnect what people are seeing, prices
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not coming down and the rate of inflation coming down which is good for the federal reserve. elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. let's bring in former treasury official michael faulkender. possibly rate cuts down to 4% next year. i don't know, is that the new inflation target? inflation hasn't gone away. it's more than 17% under biden compounded. fed chair powell said nothing about whether financial conditions are easing up, michael. i mean, the stock market loves this. the stock market is not the economy. >> that's right. if you look at what the federal reserve market committee members fore californiaed, they're saying that in-- forecasts, they're saying inflation is not going to get down to the target until 2016 which means next year's an election year, and it's more important to get interest rates down and get people thinking that the economy is is moving in the right direction rather than demonstrating fortitude when it comes to getting prices, price increases back down to that target. so they have abandoned their price stability guidance. remember, liz, back in 2020 they
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changed monetary policy to go to average inflation targeting which means that that they're actually supposed to get inflation below 2% for a while considering that we want an average of 2%. they abandoned that today -- elizabeth: they abandoned it. got it. michael, the associated press put out a news story citing democrat pollsters like solinda lake, they don't understand why the public is not happy with bidenomics. so that's what's going on. they're baffled. they're in a bubble. they don't get what the real world, what focus out there are dealing with. you and i have talked about a lot. now, watch the media warn if trump's reelected, every bad thing can happen. anything, everything bad is going to happen that you can imagine. as a bidenomics is falling flat from voters -- with voters, this is the new narrative. watch this. >> a vote for donald trump may mean the last election that you ever get to it vote in. >> and if he is voted in to
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office, then a lot of these people that are talking about literal or fig rah ative or whatever the hell they're saying, you're going to look like id idiots. because he will do, he will get away with, he will imprison, he will execute whoever he's allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. elizabeth: doubling down. what is he talking about, executing and driving from the country? that's how crazy it's gotten over there at msnbc. michael cohen claims we're not going to be able to go to qanta because, you know, that's going to be a problem. i mean, trump's e going to an new york stock exchange canada, i guess. -- annex canada. we're going to see violence the likes of which we've never seen, that trump's going to rewrite the constitution. why have they all lost their minds? >> because, liz, they're frightened of the american people remembering what the economy was like under donald
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trump. we had a great economy prior to the pandemic. we had lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, lowest poverty rate, increases in household income, and that meant returning power back to the people instead of here in washington, and that's what democrats are afraid of, is losing power. elizabeth: thank you, michael. good to see you. coming up, former federal prosecutor katie cherkasky, this is a case of game-changer. now, the supreme court today, they took on a new case that could possibly upend and overturn special counsel jack smith's 2020 case against former president trump? we're going to explain what's going of course, what people -- going on, what people are talking about on "the each aing edit" coming up. ♪ (adventurous music)
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the vote to formal aize and approve the house impeachment inquiry into president biden. let's bring in former federal prosecutor katie cherkasky who's going the stay on this breaking news. katie, can you explain this case, what happened today? the supreme court today agreed to take the on an appeal that could have have a major impact on the criminal prosecution of former president bush. can you tell us what happened? >> yeah. this was actually a very big development especially for donald trump's pending case in d.c. but particularly for many of the people charged in the january 6th riots in the capitol. essentially what the supreme court is going to be analyzing is whether the statute that many of those so-called rye e yachters were charged with, which was an obstruction statute, was actually appropriate under the circumstances and was actually applicable to their actions because the law actually required that they be shown to have interfered with an official
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proceeding. instead, many of these people that were charged said that there was no evidence presented of that particular part of the statute, so the supreme court has now taken up the issue. and it's particularly significant because donald trump is charged with this very statute in the january 6th case in washington d.c. elizabeth: so here's the story, the justices are going to hear a case brought by joseph fisher, he's seeking to get tossed out that felony obstruction charge accusing him of obstructing congress in president biden's election victory. prosecutors in that same law against trump as well as 300 other cases, trump could use the supreme court's involvement as an opportunity to delay his election interfear trial, right? that's scheduled to start in march. >> i think that this case and the other pending issues with the supreme court that deal with the january 6th case could very well they that trial date. the trial judge has, at this
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point, refused, it's currently scheduled for march, but with these issues directly pending with the supreme court, inevitably i believe the case will be delayed. maine elizabeth so that's interesting. let's back up. the supreme court involvement could give trump new grounds for arguing to push back his march 4th federal court trial in washington until after the 2024 election. but could a ruling from the supreme court favoring joseph fisher, could that overturn i think two of the four counts that trump is facing in the 2020 case? >> well, they're not -- there's not clarity about whether they would absolutely overturn those charges, but what this would do if the supreme court sided with the petitioner there, would severely limit the evidence that the prosecution can present against trump on those charms. they may still be able to proceed with trump on the charges if the facts of his case meet the requirement of the statute. but the evidence that they can present expect ties that they
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can make to the so-called rioters will be severely limited if not completely cut off. elizabeth: interesting. >> [inaudible] elizabeth: katie, so interesting. so here's the thing too. we know that special counsel jack smith, as we reported yesterday, accelerated, he moved in to the supreme court, you know, a push to try to get the supreme court to rule on then-president trump's immunity claim. he's immune from prosecution, you know, because he was president. you know, what the special counsel is doing is bypassing the appeals court, setting the appeals court aside and going right to the supreme court on that. he wants to get this trial going before the 2024 election, i guess to knock out trump. what do you think of all this? >> well, i know that the prosecution wants to go as quickly as a possible, but realistically speaking the defense needs time to prepare. and with regard to the immunity issue, that is an overarching issue that needs to be resolved for any of these criminal cases
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on the federal side to proceed because it's the big question here, can the president be prosecuted for so of -- so-called criminal acts while in office. that is something that the supreme court was always going to have to weigh in on. the timing in which they do so is currently pending. they could decide to take it up early as the special prosecutor asked or go through the other appellate process at the lower court -- elizabeth: that's it, katie, what you just said. it's a timing issue. i mean, the supreme court could take months to hear oral arguments on two of these issues and issue an a ruling sometime during the nine-month term that ends in june. we may not hear about this until next year, and the trump case could get delayed on the 2020 # case. what do you think? final word. >> i think there's a are good possibility the case will be delayed. there's huge issues that are case dispositive that have to be resolved. blithe blithe katie, your brilliance is always impressive. good to see you. all right, let's turn to this story, it is a story we brought to you yesterday. it's a deep concern awe cross
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the nation and on capitol hill. in washington lawmakers are growing really worried over china's increased cyber threat. they're threatening to hack into the u.s. power grid and u.s. infrastructure to push back on any biden white house moves in the pacific. experts are warning we are not prepared to handle a major attack. this is farc sparking -- sparking major national security concerns. kelly o'grady, she's been on this story in los angeles. she's got more. >> reporter: it's great to see you, liz. that's right, there's a lot of concern as the frequency of these signer attacks continues to finish cyber attacks continue to rise here in the united states. sources are telling "the washington post" that hackers affiliated with the chinese military have hit more than two dozen high value targets within the last year including everything from utilities and transportation systems to each our own power grids. and while we are working to protect those vulnerabilities, some experts say we simply aren't done enough. -- haven't done enough. >> we've done something to protect the infrastructure, but only against a low tech threat,
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shall we say. not against the major number two economic power in the world, the chinese. so they've got the drop on us here, and we're going to have to do a lot more to understand what they're up to. >> reporter: experts tell us chinese military hackers have already built the means to inflict serious damage by creating back doors in key targets. the nsa tells fox business, quote, the prc works to gain unauthorized access to systems and wait for the best time to exploit these networks. this threat is pervasive. the simple fact that they're on critical infrastructure is unacceptable bl. finish back doors have become disastrous in the event that china invades taiwan. the prc would potentially be able to wipe out the texas power grid or slow supplies reaching asia. the president met with his infrastructure council today to discuss cyber concerns. he celebrated the work being done to defend against attacks, but many experts say china still has the 'em.
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back to you. elizabeth: what a story. it's good to see you. coming up, kevin to o'leary. kevin o'leary went to the climate change -- climate change summit in dubai. he's going to tell us what happened. also this, it's the first time in nearly three decades that annual u.n. climate summit that the world agreed to, basically the world -- 1 is 90 nations said yes to language that would curtail future use of fossil fuels. we're going to bring you what the heck is going on with this story. but first, let's check in with dagen and brian brenberg to see what's coming up next hour on "the bottom line." brianpoint hey, liz. senator ron johnson here. all the latest on hunter biden and the ukraine funding fight. and david webb is here to talk about what's going on with companies getting off x but staying on tiktok? dagen: that's right. jack brewer, i'm looking at the sports player and high school in florida, well, trans-girl can't
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play against biolong call girls. we dig into that. and then rich lowry will be on, so much to cover. particularly this vote on the backlash against these college presidents because they can't stand up for, well, jewish-americans. top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: okay, we've got news coming in to the studio, let's bring in kevin o'leary, also known as mr. wonderful. kevin, it's food to see you, my friend. okay, or you just got back from the u.n. climate conference in dubai. you said you're a human optimist, but we've got more than 190 governments at this conference signing off on agreement to transition away from fossil fuels? didn't the guy running this conference say that will put everybody back into caves, back into the stone age? what's going on? >> yes, he did say that. but the truth is there's a -- what i liked about the conference and what everybody should read between the lines on these statementsing because these things are negotiated in the last four hours of the conference to put out a statement. you're trying to balance people that really want to eliminate fossil fuels completely tomorrow which is up realistic and those that are saying there has to be a transition period and those talking about new technologies like nuclear power which looks
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very optimistic. you saw that language in there too. so here's the bottom line on this thing. most countries, including england and most of europe have come to the conclusion getting out of fossil fuels tomorrow is impossible. even england announced they're continuing to drill offshore. they just can't take the risk with ukraine. domestically, we need to get to 18 million barrels a day, not 12. and so we're going to have to solve for that too. we're going to have to continue to drill for energy if security and economy, and that'll be an election issue. but the rest of the world is saying, okay, what's the middle ground on this? and so what happened at this conference? it was quite spectacular to see the debate going on as realism truck in. reality struck and people said, okay, just kidding about fossil fuel. yes, we have to transition out of it, but not during the lifetime of anybody sitting there. it's not going to happen. it's going the take 50 years. elizabeth: i mean, are they giving china a free pass on
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pollution and climate change? senator john barrasso says, yeah, they're giving china a freeway pass. china's been pumping out so much pollution that a it's overtaken the cuts that the u.s. and the west have done. >> absolutely. so this is another form of the stick, as i call it. we have to negotiate with china. it's impossible to burden our economy with the costs of totally cleaning up every emission and noting having them doing the same thing. so it's just another negotiation. elizabeth: all right. we've got breaking news coming in. the vote has started, kevin, on formalizing the impeachment inquiry into vice -- excuse me, president biden. votes are coming in. reflips are now coming in at 177, yes. it looks like they've got 11 is democrat no. there it is, 185. it's happening now. kevin, i know this is not your wheelhouse, but this is history in the making. we're in historic thetic times right now, kevin. historic times. if there is a formalized impeachment inquiry, what does
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that do to the biden agenda including things like green energy? what do you think? does it stop it cold or just put a wrench in the process? >> no, it puts a wrench in the process. i mean, impeaching is now normal law warfare. how many -- i can't -- i don't know how many indictments trump has, how many times he's been impeached. it means nothing to the election, it seems. same thing is just going to happen to biden. this is just noise. i hate to say that. each side throws sticks, and they're doing it again. we're 11 months away from an election and what really matters now to the american people and taxpayers is give me some policy. stop the suing everybody and give me some policy. that's what i want. and that's what we're going to decide on. i think the voter is going to say who's better for the economy. elizabeth: who's better for the economy. the thing is what the polls are showing about d.c., the voters or do not want to see corruption at any level normal i'ded. they don't want finish normalized. they don't want to see anybody cashing in on their government
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job. we're talking about a democrat structure in d.c. that has been there for years where they have been pushing policies that voters don't want, kevin. you've talked about it too. to come out of a pandemic lockdown, to come out of. pandemic shutdowns with the economy reeling, 22 million job losses and then just put a blanket new policy of we're going to electrify the entire u.s. economy, force everybody to go electric, force electric cars on people when they just were suffering from pandemic shutdowns that destroyed small businesses and their e own businesses. i mean, this is why people are saying why are you surprised that bidenomics is not working and not resonating with the american voter e. >> you just listed the perfect list for policy decision on election day. you don't like those policies? vote accordingly. and most people are getting hip to the fact that a lot of these agenda items aren't good for the kitchen table in champagne-urbana. that's what this is going to be about. i'm glad we're having this narrative.
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i'm glad we're doing it, because you have to make some solid decisions. do you want energy if security? yes. do you want low inflation? yes. do you want a buoyant economy and wage inflation? yes. that's all policy-driven. i want less regulation on small business which is 60% of our economy, and i want it now. that's what matters. and that's what a people understand. so at the end of the day, you got to pick policy, not politics. that's to how you make money. elizabeth: but you know what's really interesting, kevin, what you're saying, you know, you look at what's going on at ford, at the car makers. they were pushed to do electric vehicles top down. mandates. do it, get it done. now ford reportedly is cutting back on its f-150 electric trucks. you see, you know, basically the car industry is realing -- reeling from these mandates coming out of the biden white house to go protect trick v -- electric. >> well, look, i'm a shareholder in ford. we're use losing $23-29,000 per
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lightning truck. here's my message. stop. figure out how to make money downing that, and let the market be the market. and if people want electric trucks, they will buy them. let the market decide how many electric trucks to make and stop making them unprofit by. and i don't want the government to pay for the tell that. i can't, to as a taxpayer, fund losses everywhere. everybody has to understand this transition to electric cars has to happen market driven. elizabeth: yes. >> i'll say this until the cows come home, let the market disease. elizabeth: the solar panels, sun energy, wind energy, that will not power biden's vision, biden's treatment of an all a-electric economy. you've got to two nuclear. that's the issue too. final word to you, kevin o'leary. wrap it up. >> look, at the end of the day, i'm happy with this climate change narrative because everybody obama woke up and said, i hoe -- uh-oh, this isn't working. at the end of the day, if you really want green power, everybody wants it, well, let's find solutions using technology.
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we're really good at that in america. and you don't need the government making decisions for tech. elizabeth: got it. >> i'll invest in it and so will millions of other investors. let the market be the market. elizabeth: we've got breaking news coming in. it appears the house does have the votes to formalize and launch the biden inpeoplement inquiry. -- impeachment inquiry. kevin o'leary, we appreciate you. it's good to see you. >> always a pleasure. elizabeth: same here. the heritage foundation's john venable, an esteemed american patriot, coming up. we're taking this on: the president, israel not seeing eye to eye. there's a split, a division about what's going on with the war in gaza is. again, the house is formal ally launch. ing the biden impeachment probe. we are living in history. we're todaying on the breaking news on "the evening edit." ♪ >> we're going to continue to, again, urge the israelis to be as a careful and as deliberate as possible in their targeting. they are trying to make an a effort or to be more precise,
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elizabeth: news coming in house voted to approve the impeachment inquiry into president biden. formalized right now, party line vote. 221 to 212, this is about
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corruption, allegations at the highest levels of government, joining us now, 25 year air force veteran. he is retired colonel john "jv" venable. you have served america. we appreciate your service. there is this what is happening with house impeachment probe. now we have a rift, between president biden and israel's netanyahu, that is getting wider, they are fighting over who will control gaza after the war, israel said no to the palestinian authority, president saying that israel is engaged in indiscriminate bombing and israel says no they're not. >> great to be with you, this is a confusing time to be in washington d.c., this is most confused, be befuddled policymaking administration in the united states in my lifetime, how it is handling this issue
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with israel is a head scratcher and in is just a cosm. you have president saying that israelis are conducting indiscriminate bombing and kirby saying they are being careful and deliberate in their targeting. in history of warfare, israel is conducts the most sterile campaign ever there concern with collateral damage is epic there has been no warring faction in history that i believe of man, that has been more concerned or de deliberate in their process, they are telling hamas, and telling the palestinian people, what targets they are going to attack before they attack them to give people time to clear the area. it is a confusing time to be in these -- elizabeth: colonel, you have
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the house impeachment probe launching into the president. how is this going to attack policy on israel? >> i'm not sure it will. this is a separate thing. at least in my mind. you have mike johnson who is very deliberate in the process, this p passage is an inquiry, you saw impeachment inquire that's will allow it to get documents that white house has been stonewalling for a while. 1 they have the -- once they have the documents i believe that mike johnson will do a great assessment was is before them before they go into start impeachment pro proceeding. i don't think it will block any part of the -- elizabeth: thank you so much colonel john "jv" venable. tomorrow we have congressmanly lee zeldin,


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