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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 13, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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around adhd, most people are not aware of the positives. can't sit still, disorganized... (montage of voices echoing in the distance.) it's a super-skillset.
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larry: hello folks, welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. well, our headline story tonight hunter biden defies congress by not appearing for his scheduled deposition in front of the oversight committee, makes a public statement and then gets out of dodge. but, we have late-breaking story. that is the dow is up 500 points at the close. we have the great charles payne to give us tips and advice. so, first, hunter biden saga, let's turn to grady trimble live at the white house. today was a lot of fun. reporter: the fun is not over, house could slo vote on impeachment inquiry who president biden as early as 5:00 this evening that is expected to pass. and house republicans say, that if it does, it will give them more authority to
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enforce subpoenas as they investigate president biden and his son hunter biden's business dealings. they say, the white house is stonewalling their investigation, here is what the white house says. >> they have gotten 100,000 pages of documents and interviews witnesses for 40 hours, the documents and witnesses have actually refuted their false allegations over and over and over again. instead of doing work of american people, they are doing political stunts. reporter: hunter biden defied a congressional subpoena today. he was on capitol hill, but he never went inside for the closed-door deposition he was requested at, he held a big pris conference where he defended his dad, the president. >> my father are not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a
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board member of burisma, not in my partnership with the chinese private businessman. not in my investment at home or abroad. certainly not an artist. reporter: in 2021, president biden said that justice department should prosecute team who defy congressional congressional subpoena. larry: all right, grady trimble, thank you. we're talking to congressman byron donalds a member of oversight committee about this. but, i just' to add, i can't say i'm surprised at hunter biden' defying g.o.p. house, it was all signaled ahead of time, pop biden knew about this ahead of time if you declare hunter biden in contempt of
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congress, might well want to go the extra yard. and declare joe biden in contism of congress -- tccontempt of congress. and goal posts moved again, pop biden said he had no knowledge of his son business, then he was never involved in his son business. now the party line is, he was never financially involved. in hunter biden's business. not even the nfl refs would throw so many penalty flags, i can't say but i can ask about family llc's. what took chinese money on one hand and f filtered what looks like a laundering scheme. what happened with those cafe meals or phone calls and sitting with hunter biden while shaking down a
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chinese investor. or burisma bribery charges where no one is still find the former ceo of burisma to this day, and what hunter was selling that people were actually buying. family business still looks like influence peddling, hunter has been busted in delaware for guns and busted in california for taxes but we don't know much about invading foreign registration act. and now if you say all circumstantial, i is suppose you might have a points, jamie comer has a lot of suspicious looking bank depo deposit records, you suspect it should come to something, stress party karine jean-pierre -- tr.
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if he loses in november election to donald trump. i'm for the house g.o.p. following through on their investigation. all of the money -- follow the money. but, somehow my political antenna tells me that impeachment investigation is a better strategy than actual impeachment. and meanwhile republicans should not forget about the election importance of a strong economic growth and prosperity message, drill, baby, drill. cut taxes, minimize regulations, curb federal spending, maintain a reliable king dollar bidenomics has failed and we have the wide open border crisis and dangers of joe biden foreign policy failures. republicans will retake the white house next november, with peace and prosperity
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opt metabolism that is my take. -- com optimism, that is my take, joining us florida congressman byron donalds, you have been avoiding me. >> never avoiding you. thank you for having me back. larry: how do you read? with respect to hunter biden, a c contempt message or vote regarding hunter biden's no show today? >> i think that we'll go ahead and vote for in favor of impeachment inquiry, what i saw today from hunter biden and house democrats on the floor, fear mongering, trying to blame this on donald trump. ignoring corruption, pay for play scheme and violations of fara, and tax evasion, money laundering, they are ignoring that because they are trying to scare a handful of my colleagues
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into looking at this politically, and voting against impeachment inquiry, i believe that house republicans will do the job necessary, we have so much evidence here and all we need to have final interviews to go to final roster of people who need to be deposed to finish our investigation. we're close to this. house democrats realize that they are in a terrible place, because joe biden and his family have been on the take for years. and now joe biden who by the way is doing a terrible job as president of united states, in my view is compromised because of the money that he has allowed his family to take using his name. larry: congressman, will the impeachment inquiry the formal inquiry, pass today. i think that vote is 5 or 6 p.m. after the show. you taking over on that? >> it will pass. that is my vie, there has been a lot of deliberation
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from members who were not all the way clued in on the scope of our investigation, we have made the case to the members, to understand all of the facts and aspects of what we're talking about we believe that votes of there that will pass in about an hour. larry: just play some sound from hunter biden's speech in front of will capital today. as he failed to show up for the deposition. you probably heard this. >> james comer, jame jordan jason smith. and their colleagues, have distorted the facts. by cherry picking lines from a bank statement, manipulating texts i sense, editing testimony of my friends and former be partners and mistating personal information that was stolen from me. larry: that is nasty stuff. personal attacks on the committee chairs. who have been diligent in their work, what do you make
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of that? you want joe biden was -- saw this speech before this speech. he was very much a part of this. byron, who do you make of this, how nasty will it get? >> well first thing, that statement he read was written for him by his attorney, more than likely abby lowell. and he -- let's talk about what happened today. he shows up on senate side of the capitol to do this press conference, because he knew that house republicans were in oversight hearing room ready to do a deposition, he had no intention of complying with that congressional subpoena, you have two doj officials blocked by administration from complying with congressional subpoena, former white house counsel blocked by the administration, at-this-point the house's only position is to pass the
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impeachment inquiry because you are dealing with a lawless administration that is acustom to the -- for him to show on capitol hill, give a pressure, he read a statement took no questions from press, got back in the car and left, demonstrates how arrogant he is about the seriousness of what is happening. and to be clear, any american out there who defies a congressional subpoena, they will be held in contempt of congress and prosecuted by department of justice. hunter biden is not above the law, last 51, donald trump jr. was deposed by house democrats 5 times there was no impeachment inquiry vote and donald trump jr. sat for those dem depositions.
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>> merrick garland justice department is still trying to throw steve bannon, in jail. for not showing up for dep deposition, why should it be fair is fair with same application of justice. >> i will say with respect to steve bannon and peter navarro, there were white house officials there is a clear argument they were protected by executive privilege under the trump administration. hunter biden is not a part of any administration, there is no executive privilege that protects him from coming to congress and sitting for a deposition. but larry at end of day, reason that hunter is running and white house is obfuscating and house democrats are pounding the table because they don't have facts biden family has been complicit in a foreign corruption scheme, joe biden knew about it and took money
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from it, i believe joe biden is a coconspiracy in violation of foreign violations act that has thrown other officials in jail, paul manafort for a less violation than what hunter biden is accused of. larry: quickly, congressman, i think there is another vote today. that resolution calling for resignation of harvard president claudia gay and criticism of her. and the other college presidents, do you think that will pass? >> i do believe it will pass. claudine gay what she did in education committee that was absolutely a travesty. you have to acknowledge anti-semitism, when you see it, and it should be held accountable on our college campuses. her code of conduct at hor harvard, does not -- she
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want to be radical, harvard has a responsibility to get rid of her, if they won't do it, it will be to detriment of harvard. >> congressman byron donalds thank you, sir, good to see you. >> thank you. >> coming up, next, riddle me this. donald trump already tried and acquitted in january 6 case. okay? so why won't supremes regard it as double jeopardy. larry: >> we have trump attorney alina weighing in on that, and stock market roaring. a big day on the dow, we have charles payne we will roar with it that and more when kudlow returns. oney manage) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them.
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larry: why does fn 't trprosecutor jack smith understand double jeopardy, joining us now, trump attorney alina habba thank you. number one, he is trying to
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avoid the federal diff district court and go to supreme court with his case. your take on that. >> so, what you have to argue there is that there is some sort of real sent of urgency. there is an urgency we have to bypass appellate division can not go through normal course of process to the supreme court. only urgency i see is that there is an election in november of 2024, they can't beat him. for jack smith to be putting his play-by-play on display in a clear, manner, everyone can see what it is, election interference. they can't beat him in ballot they have to either lie, cheat, sp steal or law fair, put him in jail, and tie him up, he has to be there every day.
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larry: they don't want him campaigning. they want to keep him holed up in a courtroom. >> he is getting a lot of voters he normally would not get, they are seeing this, he is the victim, they have made him a victim of it. larry: supreme court ask you or trump legal team for a response i was surprised. >> you can read it both ways, either as they want a quick response, it is a nonissue and they won't take it up or it needs to be shut down there are so many other cases. i don't know what is going in their minds but i have faith in the supreme court. i think t the justices take their office seriously we have seen that with them. larry: you know, constitution makes it clear, you cannot have double jeopardy, the president was tried once, and was not
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convicted. he was acquitted. now they want to go through the whole process again. do people understand that double jeopardy argument that most people think is very clear. in the constitution. >> right, no two bites of the apple. that is what it is, you can't go after someone once, lose and try again and modify it, these terms they modify it, saying we could not get you on facts but now whole call it be on obstruction of justice, it same. they modify the court in front of a district judge. she had people on jsix cases still sitting there kateing for trial, and hardest line with decisions. and this is all by design. i will sound like a broken record, this is by design they don't care about due processor the election or the constitution, this is the problem we're having,
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and they real need to put their robes and law in front of their politics. larry: other thing, the supremes will take up the january 6 issue with respect to what sometimes referred to as enron decision, you can't bust someone unless it is very clear that they were fiddling with documents or otherwise stopping pursuit of justice, this would favor mr. trump or could favor mr. trump, but it just happened. >> i think this supreme court, i don't want to speak about too many pending things, but the fact they are taking up these issues and recognizing they need to be addressed in a world of chaos in our judicial system that is the best way i can describe it i believe someone called to supreme court to do this thing, we need the supreme court to step in and stop this. this has become mayhem. and if they don't start looking at these decisions and as highest court in the
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country arbiter of law, of the constitution of people that enforce our b bedrock if they don't start doing it, thank goodness they are, we'll have some law and order soon. larry: people should understand the constitution. even if jack smith and merrick garland don't. i am not a lawyer, you are a lawyer. free speech is not against the the law. >> they are stopping free speech downtown in new york they did their best, is that case that real estate valuation case everyone that has mocked for months now, you are free of those shackles. >> i am not free of gag order shackles, my first amendment rights are not still taken in some regard, and 6 amendment right, to fair trial and litigation and able to go and make objections in the courtroom i could not do it today was our last day out site of making closing arguments, letitia james' case has of
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concoconclude, and deutsch bank said that president and his company did nothing wrong and exper witnesses saying there was nothing wrong. and unfortunately we were dead on arrival we found fraud before we walked into the door, american people need to remember that, we spent 3 months taxpayer dollars for what i don't know, i show so letitia james could get outside and do press conferences every day, very expensive show. larry: alina habba thank you so much. >> thank you. larry: switching gears. great charles payne will come back on. and i'll vamp for 20 seconds kelse and kela take care of this, a very clever stuff, a huge day for stock market, dow jones 512. look at here is charles. we want to sell some of his
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book. very important. the author of new book, unbreakic inveable investors on shelves now, we have a coffee cup. >> i always bring swag. >> welcome. talk about stock market boom, k kudlow trust doing well. >> you will be at all-time high soon. this is -- first market defying all of the odds, all of the experts. and you know the thing, the whole time, j. powell touched on it, the models, economic models and assumptions based on past were out the window, they never dealt with trillions of dollars cascades into the economy, a lot of things that would happen have taken longer. it is taken longer for
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people to spend the checks -- it goes to someone else, they have to spend it. over next 5 years, irony, that all that money will end up with top 1%. all of it. the in the course that things happen inflation will come down, recession will happen, but timeline has been stretched out. larry: middle class owns stock. >> they do but not as much as they should. larry: 125 million some odd people who own one way or another tax advantage retirement counts 401(k) and stuff you talk about. i know lion's share is owned by the super rich, but, but, in last 25 or 35 or since reagan d dem oc tra size the stock market.
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a lot of people have a piece of this. and relation to their income it's not nothing. >> it is not, but i -- >> i rejoice in that. >> i do too but it could be better, one of those i came in third, you become in first place. stock market is greatest moneymaking money. that areatother than selling something illegal. give charles schwab credit too. >> v vanguard and charles schwab. >> it is still intimidating not enough people own stocks, people come to me, i love you charles, i watch your show, i'm not in the market, they are wearing about 20 things that are publicly traded. you are in the market, you are making someone else rich, we live in a trickle up economy. we when get money we can't
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wait to give it to wealthy people. that creates velocity of money. a. >> do you give advice in your new book. do you say to nonrich people, do you middle -- to you middle and lower income people to buy stocks? >> absolutely. larry: tell me about that. >> un unstoppable prosperity, this is the companion book, talking about federal reserve. i have a chapter on warren buffet, calling him original og . and i start the book, with od ode on my grand parents, they had 50 acres of land in alabama, in 1952,
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they were a black family taking on additional risk, before that, they sol sold sold all of their assets. they elevated themselves enough so the next generation had a better shot, that is what t the book is about. the stock market, not a get rich quick but if we do it right, we elevate ourselves so next generation has a better shot of more prosperity and contributing so so tease. society. >> i give strategies beyond indexes, if you don't want to do the work buy s&p put it away hold, to if you am to do some work, people spend so much time on fantasy football, this is better. larry: right. thank you. or any of the silly stupid
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ass games, i am sorry, or you don't have to have the best nike speakers. >> that is how you get seed money. >> put that money into the market. >> people tell me, i could have cut our -- i'm looking at in half, you could have bought it discount and other half, one week before first iphone came out, i told every relative on economic stscale, down buy i iphone. buy the phone on the economic scale put the rest of the money in the stock only two i did it. >> unstoppable -- unbreakable is where you get the book free. larry: look at this book, charl on the book. j. powell, yeah. nice fellow, i d i don't
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know, t i prefer your stock market message. >> thank you, larry. larry: charles payne, weekdays two p.m. eastern here on fox business. pick up a copy of his new book. i have more on kudlow next up, stick around we'll be right back. sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions. want to see? (♪) like saving for the ultimate tailgate setup. with sofi checking and savings, i pay no account fees, and earn a competitive apy. sofi can help you fund all your ambitions, no matter how big... or small. ready break! like investing in the athletes of tomorrow. (♪)
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>> president zelenskyy's message was direct, ukraine will win the war against russia is more aid is approved. but his message on contrary was also true, if no more aid is approved, putin will win, it's that simple. larry: pardon me, i don't think it is that simple that is one hell of a statement he made. let's ask kentucky senator rand paul what he makes of this.
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this is worse than selling of president, we give 60 billion to ukraine and they will win the war but if we don't they won't win the war, is there anyone that believes that stuff? senator paul, i find this incredible with a trait face mr. schumer could say that. >> i would say not that simple. it is simplistic to say that commander in chief of armed services for ukraine said about two weeks ago that he thinks it has come to a stalemate or a stand still. we have given them more than their entire gdp, we're funding subsidies to their small businesses, and paying their government salaries, and their government bention -- pensions if we give less or none, what does that mean to europe, europe is giving if we give? do they not have any resources of their own. and so, there is a real question. where do we get the money? we have to borrow it i am not for sending any more,
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i'm tired of , he has time to go to argentina, he was celebrating argentina the my election, i don't care whether you are for or against the new person, but what does the president of a war torn country with no election in his country, doing in argentina? so, you know. don't get me started on zelenskyy but i believe there will be a healthy dose of skepticism. larry: didn't president zelenskyy cancel presidential elections in ukraine. >> he banished opposition parties and canceled election and certain religious leaders have been banned from convening their services, this is not a democracy here, is ruling without evidence of a next election, next year's presidential election has been canceled. you think maybe one condition for aid should be there are elections.
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so -- >> i'm not for cutting them off all together, i think they have to be stipulations and an exit strategy. when schumer makes a statement like that, i think it undermines all of the credibility, and the other issue, what about our border? what about this southern border which gets worse by the day, we have reporters great fox reporters on this show, 10, 12 thousand coming across per day of illegal immigrants how about that for a security issue? >> my oath of office to america and our borders, anyone else's borders and war is secondary to our country, right now our country is not secure, it is crazy that we think oh, we'll push the russian back to their international border when we can't even control our own border, to control our own border it is important if they put up a fake reform and pass ukraine
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money, conservatives need to know to reject, that only way any reform works to go have to go back to mexico, you can't send home to new york, they have to do mexico remain in mexico policy that president trump negotiated, realize i don't think that biden administration will do that again. and there is a new president in mexico, the old president only did it under duress from donald trump. without donald trump forcing his hands there would be no remain in mexico, but people keep coming they will go a traffic ticket and a court case in 4 years. they will keep coming by tins of thousands. >> where does this leave the negotiations and that leave this national security funding bill. we're not getting it before christmas. >> i don't think anything is coming before christmas, important for conservatives to know they have leverage, to speak of of house, johnson he separated out israel aid and paid for it,
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what a precedent. he needs to hold to his guns and should not cave and. that is what the big government republicans want to do, combine and don't pay, i'm for border security, but i'm for paying for stuff not just printing money or borrowing from china, all strength and p power is with the conservatives, longer we wait the greater our leverage grows, this is opposite of a government shut down, forces that want to spend money can do what they want during a shut down. but the government is not closing this is money they want in addition to what they are spending all power of purse should be with conservatives if we stand firm. larry: all right. thank you senator paul, we appreciate it very much. >> v very much, very sincible. >> happy holidays. >> folks we'll switch
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gears. more about biden's foreign policy with steve moore. and will host of moore money we have monica crowley. and host of monica crowley podcast and steve forbes. editor in chief, monica, actually, our president at the moment has better relations with ukraine than israel that troubles me a lot, a lot, i want your take and steve forbe's take. he keeps saying. i'll shut up but he says they have to change their government. it is a coalition government. it has l labor and likud. a war cabinet, he does not understand what a coalition government is, why is he taking pot shots the israel. >> this is a see change for
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joe biden throughout his career, he has been pro israel, his problem at home, because activism and energy in his party is on the left. it is terrorist sympathizers in streets of all cities, he is feeling the political pull from them. to step up and criticize israel, i will say, he and his boss barack obama in the obama administration were anti-bibi netanyahu you see personal i ha i have i i ha vitalli i have the -- i have >> to me, i risk world war in the middle east. maybe -- i don't think there is a winner in the ukraine and russia battle, i think
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that is is a stalemate. but, i think that with respect to israel, and iran in the middle east, you have a serious problem. and biden is stepping right into this thing withoutn 'ti understanding it. >> he is encouraging forces of everybodyville. russians now think they will win in ukraine biden does not know how to make the case for it. in middle east middle east, israel is fighting for its very existence he is looking like he is reading hamas talking points, saying you are indiscriminately killing civilians, of israeli after october 7 they put their soldiers in jeopardy to minimize civilian casualties, in many ways hamas is worse than nazis, netanyahu has to see it through, he does have a coalition government after the war, he will have to
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resign. everyone knows that. larry: why -- >> during the war he got to stick together and. larry: why doesed by ven to biden have to grod broadcast that point. >> they have been anti-israel since obama administration, they are pro, iran, they believe that israel is a nuisance. if you want to state it has to be demilitarized. they don't understand the middle east middle east, they are back to where they were in 1960s, they don't understand iran is. a revolutionary government and hamas wants to to
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annihilate israel and kill all of the jewish people in the world, if we were a real leader he would go before the american people and make the case. larry: he did first couple of days. >> you have to have your officials doing it all of the time. >> they are on their wrong side. >> steve moore, a little bit of a disconnect. part of the problem. is we stop drill, baby, drill. and your point today in hot line or yesterday. nobody's a ford pickup truck electric vehicle. is that true? >> they have been around for a year or 2 and they cut their production in half, they didn't less end to the customers or car buyers, how many times do they have -- i am not against the electric vehicles but you have 90% of people saying we don't really want them, shame on ford and general motors and
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american car companies for basically buying in to this electric vehicle green agenda, i think t they will bankrupt themselves and go to american taxpayer and say give us a bailout. larry: i always liked ford because they didn't take that bailout. >> the others are accustomed to it, monica do you own electric vehicle truck. >> i am a combustion engine girl. as a woman driving alone, i don't want to have to go searching for the infrastructure which country still does not have for electric vehicles. and on top. it still electricity, which is derived from fossil fuels. coal that makes no sent, but as a political act
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ajagenda point. >> we need more time, 500 dow, hunter biden just did not want to show up today. >> woody ap alejandro . >> you are nice. >> what does high have to hide? >> nothing. >> all an open book. >> coming up, brand-new evidence harvard covered up their misbegotten president's plaigirrism, matthew continetti will be here to talk about that. you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy—
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larry: sad tale of harvard president claudine gay, we bring in matthew continetti. thank you. you will be our reporter. she flunked anti-semitism and free speech at harvard, and plagiarized and now "new york times" reports that harvard engaged in a huge cover-up. >> ch chris rufo ev
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uncovered it. and when the "new york post" contacted harvard to talk about this harvard organized groups went harvard acknowledged he was addressing this plagiarism, "new york post" was hit with a threatening letter from a defamation attorney. the bottom line, harvard is getting the president it deserves, they want it clear, a left wing politically correct. >> this is what harvard wants it is about p political correct agenda. larry: how the mighty have f fallen. we will you have back to cover the story, we appreciate it.
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>> thank you, matthew. >> thank you. larry: i'm kudlow i'll know i'll be back with our last word. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. i ran my own hvac business and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back
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8:00 pm
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. - [narrator] in 1950, 24-year-old george getty


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