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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 15, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: that the christmas music i want. hark the herald angels sing, christian music for christmas. is there something wrong with that? what a voice. gentle, soft and rhythmic. we approve of this. good morning, 10:00 eastern to the money please. i'm afraid the dow has turned negative down 82 points, positives on the nasdaq, mixed market this morning, 10 year treasury yield is down compared to where was a couple weeks ago and down where it was yesterday, $3.91 on the treasury's 10 year. that's why the nasdaq is on the upside. the price of oil above $70 a barrel. bitcoin 41 and change, 42-one
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as we speak. the markets on friday morning, now this. another bad week for president biden, another good week for donald trump. we been saying this every friday for weeks the contest has shifted. this week went from bad to worse, hunter thumbed his nose at congress. biden said the charges surrounding his son relies, the president was hit with an impeachment inquiry. he says there's no facts to back it up but there are shall companies, business contacts, tens of millions of unexplained dollars, looks like an influence peddling scheme covered up by the media so it didn't come out in the 2020 election. he lost a chunk of his party's support on ukraine, israel and the border. when your approval rating sinks to a low of 37% that a bad week. this is what a good week looks like for donald trump. tuesday polls showed him 30 points for the iowa caucuses
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and 25 points ahead of his nearest rival in new hampshire primary. if those numbers hold he's a shoe in for the nomination by the republicans. this came in last night. and 7 swing states donald trump beat biden in a head to head match up, and work on a, georgia, wisconsin, amazon, pennsylvania, trump leads in them all. if he wins those states next year he is the president. what we are talking about his momentum, trump has got it, biden doesn't. trump is rising, biden's thinking, trump could lose support if convicted of a crime. biden could sink further if damaging material emerges from the impeachment angry but hard to see the biden down trump uptrend completely reversed. i don't think the president has the energy to rebound. who believes he can be president for another 5 years? second hour of varney just getting started.
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all right, pure research found republican voters like donald trump because he won't compromise. do you think trump loses support, what degree of support with elusive convicted of a crime? >> i don't think any. that is artie baked in. you think they haven't are ready convicted him in the media, in the courts? so that's baked in. we see that with the market a great deal. there is anticipation baked in early knowing what may be coming up. they see this as part of the issue when it comes to why they support donald trump. so arguably we are seeing a lot of things like we are being pushed, americans are being pushed to support trump even more. my argument on that is not and the pole you mentioned about the issue of compromise. we compromised in 2020. that was the compromise. congress is split, both houses so close, biden was getting
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back to normal. all those things and the country is on fire. of course what are we going to compromise on, how quickly we try to put out the fire, we put out the fire less then we would normally, this was the compromise and the nation and the world is unsteady has a compromise how quickly -- do we do it faster or slower than faster? americans have had it. our lives have changed dramatically, we know these things cannot be reversed, his poll numbers reflect that. stuart: don't know how many people say to me it wasn't like this 3 or 4 years ago, wouldn't have been like this if trump was still president, this wouldn't have gone wrong. i keep hearing. >> of not compromising doesn't mean being mean and stuff, it means getting the job done in the job is different than what the democrats want. this is a problem, compromise, we see the republicans not pushing or embracing a real
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conservative agenda. that doesn't mean wild and crazy things. it means national security, it means an attitude and a presence that keeps the world back and keeps the world's monsters back, it means an economy where people make their own decisions, things that make us understand the future we can trust, that conservatism. stuart: you are a trump person. not way back when but changed a year and 1/2 ago. he won me over. the difference is why did he win people like me over, we saw the system come out, saw the curtain pool back and what's happening to him now is still that system. we don't like it. we are not pons in this game, we are the boss and trump respects that.
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it is four more years, probably four years, the republican issue is who will be the vice president and how do we keep this momentum going in the ta -- 8 years after the second trump presidency? stuart: the fire in this holiday season. thanks. top conservative lawmakers will join ron desantis in iowa. you are we talking about? lauren: tom massey, chip roy and kevin stick. one month until iowa. desantis was in all 99 countries, making his final push to narrow the gap with donald trump. to santos did well initially in the polls because he made the argument i can win, trump can't, biden would beat trump but that's not the case anymore. i think desantis is coming down
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as the bolshevik and beat biden. desantis is struggling because of those reasons. stuart: thank you very much. back to the market. heather, welcome back, good to see you again. reassure us. this rally for real? will continue into next year? >> i think the rally will continue to the end of this year, not necessarily 2024 but everybody yesterday saying fed chair powell saying we are done with hiking rates. i don't think that signals a cut but interest rates aren't headed higher anymore so the stock market is hitting new all-time highs yesterday. you have positive retail sales data. inflation data this week that was not too hot, not too cold,
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the goldilocks scenario for investors. stuart: does it continue? i am thinking a lot of stock market investors have done pretty well in 2,023 but we are looking at 2024 and wondering can we keep those gains. is there any danger of a major league selloff in the near future? what's going to happen in 24? >> we will see a selloff or a pullback in the big mega tech sector, the same magnificent 7 names, microsoft, google, facebook, amazon, we are seeing a rotation from a retail client perspective out of those mega tech names into undervalued sectors, you can look at consumer staples, regional banks which are going to do very well if rates stay the same or if we do get a rate cut. i don't think we will get a rate cut as inflation is above their target but utilities and
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healthcare still negative on the year so if you didn't participate in this upside when looking at your year end statement and you are a retail investor getting quarterly statements from your financial advisor you will say i missed out. i want a piece of that so you will see a shift to other sectors that haven't done as well. that's where the rally continues. blue on the trouble is people who bought the magnificent 7 this year have done incredibly well. 40% 50%, you get used to that kind of gain. are a first-time investor or investor in the market and think i want again like that and a regional bank or retailer are not going to give me 40% or 50% gain next year. that's my problem. last word to you? >> i know you probably still have your microsoft stock and can't blame you for holding onto it. it has been doing very well but if you are a first time investor you cannot expect
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those type of returns every year, 7% to 10% historically is where you want to be, this is not las vegas. it's not supposed to be a gambling casino which is what covid turned some of the stock market into with the trading but we see that extremely volatile. that is not where you want to see. you want an etf that tracks the market and not individual stocks. stuart: settle this all down, come back soon it have a good weekend, thank you very much indeed. stocks which are moving this morning start with boeing. lauren: stock is up 20% over the past month, ubs says boeing at 260 one going to 315 on record demand for aircraft. stuart: moderna constantly in the news this week. lauren: it was up 4% on a it wasn't 1%, now is up just 1/4.
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there's a phase 3 study that's rsv vaccine, 84% effective, that's good news post covid. stuart: darden restaurants, olive garden and a bunch of them. lauren: they increase revenue by almost 10% just shy of analyst estimates so we don't need those targets. stuart: you are trying to avoid the expression missed expectations. lauren: they did by a hair. stuart: next one. san francisco judge just ruled elon musk must testify in the sec investigation into twitter stock. what is he saying? lauren: he is being harassed. i think it is fair to say the sec and elon musk -- they are enemies. that's not too strong word and the sec wants to know more about this, the timing of elon musk's twitter share purchases last year leading up to him buying the company.
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when did you start increasing your state, when did you tell us about it. they've sent him 32 subpoenas and three requests to testify. he's been interviewed two times. he does not want to be interviewed again. he is saying no. a judge is saying we will do that. stuart: thanks. our rabbi at harvard says the university is forcing the jewish student to hide their menorah at night because they are worried it will get vandalized. we got the story. is 73-year-old worker pulled a gun in a gang of would-be robbers, sent them running. we have the video and an explanation. more women are buying guns as a way to protect themselves. there's been a steadily increased since the pandemic. my next guest is a firearms instructor who talked about the growing trend of women owning guns. she joins me next. ♪
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stuart: friday morning on the market is mixed, down 79 in and out, up 62 on the nasdaq, now this. harvard is worried the menorah it uses each night on campus during hanukkah could be vandalized. don't tell me. i'm sure they are going to hide it and take it away. that's what's going to happen? stuart: you are absolutely right. harvard forcing the jewish student group to hide its menorah every night fearing vandalism won't look good for the ivy league school the college rabbi says it sends the completely wrong message.
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>> on our campus we in the jewish community are instructed, we will let you have the menorah, you made your point, pack it up, don't leave it out overnight. because there will be criminal activity we fear. you know when change is going to happen on this campus, when we don't have to pack up the menorah. ashley: meantime gop lawmakers in the house and senate are proposing legislation that would rescind education funding for colleges and universities that allow violent anti-semitism. elyse stefanik wants to pull money from those who don't do enough to combat anti-semitism saying we must defund the rot in america's higher education. stuart: police are on the hunt for a man accused of creepy
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behavior, what is the university doing to keep students safe? >> police are going to surveillance video to get a sketch of the suspect. the hispanic male wanted for groping one female student and trying to abduct two others. the first attack happened last thursday, two blacks on campus than another coed says one followed her and sunday a third student grabbed around the waist, she screamed and got away. the man drivers and early 2000 toyota camry or choral love, faded paint, dented front bumper, dented windows. police hope this description and security cameras will produce a partial number, there are 6 license plate readers so should police get a hit they can saturate the area quickly to make an arrest. >> our personnel have spoken to some witnesses and we are using
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that information. i don't want to give too many details. we identified witnesses in the areas. >> reporter: police are working with them to develop a sketch of the suspect and also asked residents and businesses to join the police open camera registry. that lets police know if you install the superior camera it can make it easier for detectives to know where to go to get a lead. students are urged not to walk alone off campus. yesterday was the last day of class but not everyone goes home from break. stuart: thank you. i want to bring in our senior training counselor of the concealed carry association. do you want women to carry in public and intervene in disputes when they think it is necessary? >> that is a fantastic question and thank you for having me on the show.
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i can say each woman needs to decide for herself and each woman needs to be supportive of the options that she has and that is the most important message i can give through the training that i offer and the various women i interact with, that this is something you have every right to. it is your god-given right to self-defense. we've seen it happening across the nation. stuart: what does the law say whether it is a man or woman carrying in public and drying? what does the law say when you can do that? >> we want to follow the use of force continuum when it comes to the use of lethal force in any situation male or female. we, and i personally, believe a firearm is the last resort and it is only an option, not a solution to problems. and considered disparity of force. with women we are the former victimized gender and often are smaller, weaker, and don't have
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as much of the testosterone or aggression a male could potentially have. under those circumstances we would be at our tent not have an equalizer if we didn't have a firearm. stuart: i do take your point seriously. but what worries me is if you draw whether you are man or woman in do that in public and you point it, you are the one who gets sued. >> that absolutely can happen. that's the significance of training. we have to have responsible gun owners, we have to understand that it is a last resort, not something you would just remove from its point of access just because you felt uncomfortable. this is serious bodily harm or threat or without any option for escape or without any option for self-defense. stuart: how many states or municipalities have concealed carry where it is allowed? >> i'm unfamiliar with those
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stats but we support national reciprocity and constitutional carry in 27 states which i think is fantastic to support any law-abiding citizen to have the right to carry the tool for self-defense. stuart: thanks for joining us. very interesting subject. we appreciate it. see you soon. we have a 73-year-old employee in the bay area of california who sent gang of would-be robbers scrabbling after he pulled a gun on them. take us through it please. ashley: indeed, a group of young men storming into a bay area consignment store armed with a sledgehammer, they ran towards the glass cases filled jewelry, rings and watches, that is when store employee 73-year-old albert markyou pulled out his gun and stopped them in their tracks. listen to him. >> i showed my gun, told them to stop it, i have a gun.
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because they saw my gun. they panicked and ran out. i didn't want to shoot anybody, all right? but i had to make a statement, too many bad things happened, stores get robbed left and right. ashley: he certainly made a statement, the would-be robbers ran out of the store into a getaway car. he says he now carries a gun because of the previous robberies in the area. police still looking for those suspects. stuart: i hope he's got the right permits because if he doesn't, he is the one who is in trouble, you know what i mean? ashley: especially in california. stuart: now this. the owner of the washington wizards and washington capitals has reached an agreement to move the teams from dc to northern virginia. ben domenech is fired up about that. if you commit an armed carjacking in dc you could get almost scot-free.
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controversial law allows lighter sentences to younger criminals. lucas tomlinson reports on that next. ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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stuart: a split decision, dow is down 50. lauren has the movers. please start with microsoft. lauren: another 1.4% gain. microsoft topped the list of the best managed companies of the year. it is number one for the fourth year in a row. followed by apple and nvidia. we once or is up. lauren: big time. 3 and two thirds%. a catalyst for the solar sector heading into the new year, you have a dovish fed and more clarity on incentives for inflation reduction act. they are initiating with a buy rating and stocks are up 30%. stuart: i know the chewy is taking a big hit this year, down 40%.
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but now it is up 6%. lauren: chewy is launching a service for your pets. you can single routine appointment or go to urgent care so this is their pivot. stuart: the market likes it. up 6%. if you are under 25 years of age in dc and commit an armed carjacking you might get off nearly scot-free. lucas tomlinson has the story. if you make things more lenient for younger criminals you get more younger criminals. where my going wrong? >> seems to be happening. to on this which carjackings in the nation's capital have doubled over the last year under the controversial dc law, a judge had the option to grant lighter sentences to those 24 years of age or younger effectively killing the mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in jail. ten teens were charged with operating a carjacking ring in the dc area, a biden appointed
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us attorney blames that law refueling youth crime. >> i have been sounding the alarm the coronal justice system does not meet the moment we are in. the mayor said the law has swung too far the last 7 years. >> reporter: there have been 932 carjackings, 18% of suspects were arrested. half of them were juveniles. one facility meant to house juvenile offenders ran overcapacity last month, some were down when recently added. >> a challenging environment to operate, not only population is high, there are challenges.
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>> and holding a gun to someone's head, some money and property. >> 40% of ninth graders have 20 or more unexcused absences. the washington wizards and capitals heading across the river to the commonwealth of virginia. stuart: that is where we are going now. owners of the washington wizards and the capitals reached an agreement. been domenech, why do they lose the sports teams and why don't you like it? >> everyone in this area would like to see downtown and they are on the progressives and
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city council and muriel bowser, the mayor taking her eye off the ball, and for those criminal statistics. it only continued in other cities, it has dissipated post pandemic, it got under control after a while. and net police since 2020, officers aren't easily replaced and a whole area downtown, once it was a thriving place where they go to games and feel safe, before or after but people don't want to go there because they feel very unsafe. one of the main figures back in the day, they made the decision to go to a business from the environment across the river and glenn youngerken and local
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democrats welcoming it with open arms. stuart: we will turn to what the white house is saying about the impeachment inquiry. >> what we are seeing is wasted time, a baseless political stunt, 0 evidence. you can ask about engagement and what the president and his family and conversation, no evidence the president has done anything wrong, absolutely none. they are wasting their time instead of doing the work on behalf of the american people. they go after the president's family. that's a waste of time. stuart: a waste of time at no evidence for impeachment. hunter's news presser. what do you say,
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>> jonathan turley and a great piece about this. and the president, there's been conversations, to defend hunter's actions in an act of contempt of congress. this opens the avenue of destruction and it had been a latent thing as part of this inquiry we saw, hunter being ticked off that they investigate the tax inquiry, and this is a further step when it comes to white house deploying taxpayer-funded resources to prevent the investigation congress is able to do. instead of showing up and
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taking the fifth, he engaged in the stunt and it is completely irresponsible and something that could have legal blowback, and impeachment inquiry. stuart: the democrats may use impeachment as an excuse to push biden out. they want him out anyway. >> you are completely right. stuart: it has been a bad week for biden and a good week for trump if you look at the momentum, trump has got it, biden doesn't. >> you are completely right, something they can use as a justification to say a few are not someone who can go down the road, even pardoning your son even though the white house says it won't do it, they don't want to be part of that. democrats are sending that message to the white house. stuart: thank you very much. have a great weekend. ashley, come back in again please.
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what is hunter biden saying about a possible trump win in 2024. i guess he is worried. ashley: yes he is. he told friends he might have to flee the country if donald trump is reelected, politico says hunter told family and friends he expects to come under intense scrutiny during the election campaign and is considering leaving the united states if his father loses to donald trump. politico reporting president biden is desperately worried about his son slipping back into addiction under all the pressure. biden is in touch with hunter on a daily basis and built a support network to help. hunter is a regular visitor to camp david, the family home in delaware and the white house as his father tries to keep him close by but he's out of here if mr. trump wins the election. stuart: so he says. thank you very much. now this.
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it's not too late to send us your friday feedback, comments, criticisms, even critiques, americans not happy with us airlines. 26,000 formal complaints were filed in the first five months of the year. number one great, delays. kevin o'grady will tell us how the airlines are trying to avoid more flightmayors. ♪ (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right?
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(fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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stuart: the key number on the market is the yield on the 10 year treasury and it is going down today, back to 390, down 10 basis points. check out the stock market and you will see the downside move in the treasury yield is
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helping the nasdaq composite up 70 one points. mild loss for the dow. airline complaints skyrocketed in 2023, record high just in time for the holidays. chicago's o'hare international airport, what's the main complaint? >> reporter: these are things like delays and cancellations, last baggage and late refunds. us travelers filed 26,000 complaints over the course of the first five months of 2023 alone, more than double the time period last year. who leads the pack? frontier airlines and spirit and the public interest research group, watchdog, says this report only scratches the surface. >> reporter: a lot of us might get cranky about a lot of things but not take the next step to file a complaint so we know that these numbers are
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fraction of the travelers who had a bad experience for one reason or another. >> reporter: these numbers as bob jordan vows this holiday season will be different from last year. 17,000 flights were canceled, even travelers stranded for several days. the company blamed this on the winter storm, as outdated technology, the cost to southwest, $1.2 billion. stuart: thank you very much. there is a new toy, ai toy that can carry on endless conversations with children. some parented experts question whether these ai driven conversations are safe for kid friendly. interior designer jill marleau gave two military families a holiday home makeover. she will give us a preview in the vaccination christmas special home for the holidays.
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stuart: market mixed, dow down 30, nasdaq up 67. checking big tech. apple is down a fraction, 197. apple, microsoft, meta are up. moments ago, former first lady milania trump spoke to some newly minted american citizens, 25 people from 25 countries sworn in at a naturalization ceremony. milania is a naturalized citizen just like me. fox nation has a new christmas special called homefront for the holidays. imperial designer jewel marleau teamed up with homefront revival to give two families a holiday makeover. here's a preview. >> is he going to be home
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later? >> he's on a deployment right now. we are not sure when he's coming home so obviously hoping, fingers crossed he is home before christmas. i am excited to give these home makeovers to these young families. they may not have the time or budget to do it. stuart: jewel joins us now. you've got an air force family and navy family. tell me more. >> we were able to travel with my team and have some sponsored products, 15 to 20,000 four christmas decorations. the most important thing to take away is yes, we are doing their house but it's the story of young families. we are able to understand what
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they are going through -- stuart: these two families both received $15-$20,000 of product. how did you them? >> we looked for someone who had gone through a lot of trials in their lives. we found two young couples who have given so much to the service, they have been apart during the holidays and moved doubletime and one is a newlywed. they love their country and this is the way to get back. stuart: i think people on active military duty, what is going on in their lives, you will be very popular. i don't see this stuff on other
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networks. >> a really great way to highlight what servicemembers are doing and how much they sacrifice. stuart: you are doing a great job, tell everybody where you can see your special. check out homefront for the holidays on fox nation, just as important, it will also air on the fox news channels a simple 23rd at 11:00 pm. appreciate it. there is an ai toy that can carry on conversations with children. you've got the story. tell me. lauren: it is called grok, elon musk's chat bought. and uses the voice of grimes,
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musk's x. >> can you tell me how they make rocket ships? >> after the. rockets are make with strong materials designed by highly trained rocket engineers. i will raise you to the next train station. get ready. get set. go. lauren: it is a toy programmed to speak with children. it is programmed on one mode. stuart: do you see a danger here? lauren: we don't know what the dangers can be. . is saying we are putting guardrails on it to make sure they are only getting fun and plenty and lighthearted responses. they are testing it out. stuart: what is the use of ai but with children? testing it as guinea pigs. we want to develop new products.
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lauren: kids are the guinea pigs. stuart: this is progress, putting new technology into the toy arena. an initial attempt. you say it is testing on kids. lauren: the parents can hook it up to their phones. there are no cameras. stuart: just another, should we be afraid of this? constantly ask that question. lauren: you're not afraid? stuart: i'm not. i would buy one for my grandchildren without a shadow of a doubt. very young grandchildren. i will personally buy it. lauren: $99. there's three versions. it might not come for christmas by the way. stuart: i've got a lot of grandchildren. can we move on? we are moving on. check the markets. this is our fallback position in conversation has adjusted itself.
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lauren: i didn't think you would be so positive. stuart: it is not that i am positive, you are so negative. lauren: a chat bought in front of the kid. lauren: respiratory illnesses, more of them in europe, should we be scared, the first question we always ask is the wrong question. stuart: four on the dow, 82 on the nasdaq. okay. still ahead. border guy tom homan on improvised explosive devices found on the border. jimmy phaila defendant cancel culture. and biden's providing electricity to millions to protect salary. that is steve's story. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
10:57 am
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10:58 am
10:59 am
every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food.
11:00 am
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