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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  December 16, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EST

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>> from the fox studios in new york city this is "maria
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bartiromo wall street". >> happy weekend all welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo. bombs at our southern border first on fox business u.s. customs and border protection sharing an internal memo with us warning that border patrol agents to be on the lookout for explosive devices after the mexican military seized ten ied that our southern border tied to the cartel turf war person was arrested on the u.s. side armed with a loaded ak-47 to magazines in a handgun as thousands of migrants are set to overwhelm eagle pass texas in the coming days drove the people are hitching rides on freight trains we so migrant encounters top 11000 and the single day this wednesday, 12000 in a single day the week before pressure is mounting for the president to take action fighting is signaling he is open to a new border expulsion law and increase deportation and move
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the congressional hispanic democrats are actually slamming is shameful. >> republicans are continuing to hold funding for america's allies hostage at the expense of migrants. >> the table is to further create chaos on the border. >> title 42 on steroids. maria: meanwhile senator bob menendez accusing the white house of selling out migrants to placate extreme republicans saying that is the gop that is jeopardizing the u.s. national security. now texas editor ted cruz. great to see you, thank you for joining us as we can. >> great to be with you, thank you for having me. can you assess the border, you have been there plenty and were worried about bombs on the southern border which the mexican cartels apparently have. >> is an absolute disaster i spent a lot of time there and
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it's never been remotely as bad especially with the war waging in israel and in gaza and the risk of a terrorist attack today is higher than it has been any time since september 11 and this administration, divided white house and the democrats in congress they do not care, they're looking the other way, i tell you i was on the southern border five weeks ago i went on midnight patrol with the border patrol, the border patrol agents are deeply concerned about hamas and has blood terrorists coming across our southern border with joe biden the democrats it's wide open ended invitation to come and commit acts of terror and we are vulnerable because of this a administration. maria: you have any idea when this a administration of the democrats are okay with a wide-open border and even though we know the national security risks that this involves.
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>> i think it is three things, never one that's happening in the democrat party they are captive to the extreme left the radical left, the squad, donald trump broke the democrat party he shattered their brains and right now it is the bernie sanders, the elizabeth warren, aoc that are driving the agenda and when it comes to the border into radical open borders that believes it is wrong to have a border, some of those nuts believe america should not exist that her existence is fundamentally illegitimate. number one, number two this is an administration that is all politics all the time when it comes to national security they don't care about national security. look at the disastrous withdraw from afghanistan it's an entirely political operator station because they want a press release on september 11 rather than to protect americans overseas rather to protect her servicemen and women. another three there are a lot of
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cynical democrats a look at the 9.6 illegal immigrants who have come across under joe biden nac future democrats. they are willing to look the other way at the dead bodies day after day after day. every day we have dead bodies on texas farms and ranches on migrants who died being trafficked in. every day the democrats are willing to look the other way at the little children who are brutalized i traffickers every day, every day they're willing to look the other way at the women who are vitally ambitiously assaulted. you know what not of them do none of them go see what's happening. when i go down to the border i bring senators with me in republicans with me and we go out on midnight patrol, when i last brought four other senators down we were out there and encountered a group of women and children and you see little children who have been viciously assaulted. you see that every time that you go.
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bob menendez is and that the border none of the democrats are at the border, joe biden is not done at the border, the hearers is not done at the border, they don't want to see it they could not see it in more important leaders strategy is based on the corporate media ignoring it. i have a brand-new book that just came out called on woke how to defeat cultural marxism in america it is the best seller and they break down how the radical left took over every major institution in america if you look at journalism why did the democrats have open border policy because they are counting on cnn, msnbc, cbs to utterly ignore the border, nothing to see there. that's why joe biden does not go down. if he came down the tv cameras would come with them and it's because of our corrupted lying media that the democrats have been driven to the radical policy positions. maria: i'm glad you mentioned the media and right so eloquently about the media in your new book, this is important this is why they can get away
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with completely ignoring the dereliction of duty. from the dereliction of duty to the amplitude on policy to potential corruption. this is what's behind the impeachment inquiry. we saw the inquiry into president biden formalized this week. republicans appear to be holding hunter biden contempt for skipping out on his deposition. here is chuck schumer and how he responded to all of this. watch. >> house republicans are wasting time on a clown impeachment inquiry will get nowhere. the house republican impeachment inquiry is a definition of unserious. >> do you agree with that is this going nowhere? >> i will admit chuck schumer is an expert on clown cars and he knows a lot about them and he led 200 impeachment into donald trump but know this is the democrats that want to cover up evidence and simply lie about
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it, but they keep screaming is no evidence, no evidence. they will not acknowledge any of the evidence. it's valuable to move forward. remember here, this inquiry is not about hunter biden it is about joe biden, the evidence that joe biden is corrupt, he solicited and received bribes from foreign oligarchs, from ukraine, russia and communist china and the democrats do not care they want to cover it up and as i said before as with the border it's all politics for them, whether or not the president of the united states is guilty of soliciting millions of dollars in bribes there is not one democrat the entire senate who cares and stand with him because his party over country for today's democrat party. >> this is incredibly studying and we appreciate your leadership on all of it. thank you very much, congrats on the latest book, texas senator ted cruz member of senate judiciary and foreign relations. thank you, sir we will catch up
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soon. meanwhile stocks soaring to new heights, momentum soaring on wall street for a rate cut and cooling inflation. american are feeling the pinch in a home depot executive said his workers are being threatened right now with knives, guns and other physical attacks. bob nardelli is here sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions. want to see? (♪) like saving for the ultimate tailgate setup. with sofi checking and savings, i pay no account fees, and earn a competitive apy. sofi can help you fund all your ambitions, no matter how big... or small. ready break! like investing in the athletes of tomorrow. (♪) ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪
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maria: welcome back holiday cheer for investors is a dow industrial hit new record highs stocks rally and after the federal reserve paused rate hikes again and signal there will be three rate cuts next year. new data showing consumer producer prices cooling even jay powell acknowledged despite these numbers come americans are still feeling the sting of higher prices, here is a list of some of the items that are still on double-digit since biden took office, eggs, milk, housing
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among others, joining us former home depot and chrysler chairman and ceo bob nardelli. it's always a pleasure to see you, welcome. >> think it's great to be with you. maria: we see the headline numbers on inflation the cpi in the ppi but when you actually live it you don't actually see the break that the numbers suggest. how would you assess the inflation story. >> i would tell you from a personal and professional standpoint. we have seen a step function in inflation that is not going to retreat in our lifetimes. unfortunately it is a frenzy yet we still get a c a tale of inflation there is a frenzy for price increase where both suppliers and consumers are issuing the price increases. for example supplier gives me a price increase and i tried to pass it on to the end customer and he rejects it, the only chance that i have two continue to be profitable on some of
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these companies is to start looking at labor and other expenses to maintain profitability. that is point number one. your point that you made on inflation, we see for example home insurance, mine went up 9% and they talk about household supplies, building materials. it didn't go up 9% but there fixed at a 9% increase, california, if you look at housing and you look at property tax. again proposition 13 was supposed to put a cap on it, here's a game that they play a 1% on appraised value, 2% cap on inflation, the fair market value in some cases is up twice three times as much is how they make up for deficit. what are the biggest businessmen out there was told we are short on cash under cash were going right to left, we're going to increase the fair market value and you're going to have to pay even though we have the proposition 13. wherever you look we are seeing
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the price increases that we will have to live with and it'll be a new standard of cost-of-living for all of us. of course we see this other policy on ev from the white house. another major major misstep that playing tons of people off across the enterprise. maria: the auto sector is trying to reverse it right now cutting jobs. everybody knows the impact of the push on ev's that are not designating and people are not buying them i want to get your take about the year ahead, there is a debate on how long a string of 11 rate hikes to take impact. if we talk about 18 months, the next six months will be rocky, what do you think. >> i agree totally, i know chairman powell talked about three cuts in 24. he may have overstepped a little bit there and my opinion. i think we will definitely see the impact. we still seem price increases
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and inflation not only in price but theft increases that are having to be offset at the retail level. we see price increase in a most everything. i know that they back out auto and fuel in some of these numbers but were seen big increases and i experience it myself, i don't think that we will see the tide rollout certainly in the next six months. we will live with the new standard of inflation for some period of time. maria: another big story a home depot executive says employees are being threatened with knives, guns and other physical attacks by shoplifters the growing increasingly aggressive. they're urging congress to take action of organized retail crime groups, home depot has been forced to lockup products they are employing off-duty police officers, security guards and police cars at the front of the stores but the problem is
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persisting, your thoughts. >> it is totally out of control we talked about the lawless society nothings been done but it's condone. we used to have shrink at home depot breakage and so forth but we never had a policy and it's okay to steal up to a thousand dollars in walkout and they're doing a marvelous job of leading home depot to the turbulent time but again his hands are tied relative to theft in my experience if you lock it up you cannot sell it consumers want to touch it, feel it and grab it now they have to get it associate to unlock it and try to buy something in the person next to them walking out with a cart full of goods up to a thousand dollars with no application. basically we are condoning a lawless society and retail is suffering not only in home depot but any retail store that you go to were hearing the same issue and nothing is being done about that, same as nothing being done about the border as you talked
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about earlier. it's out of control. i don't how to get back. >> unfortunately all this goes back to bad policy. it's great to see a merry christmas to you and your family and we appreciate your time. >> same to you, god bless and have a wonderful christmas. >> thank you so much. up next the gift of virtual travel how you or your loved ones can fly live in real time over the world study locations all from the comfort of your couch, the executive chairman of nature i only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> welcome back fly over your dream destination in real time
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without having to leave your couch, advances in drone technology making it possible to give the gift of virtual travel this holiday season nature i is calling this a frontier for tourism allowing you to experience wildlife and scenery live and up close across the globe joining us nature eyes executive chairman and cofounder matthew rabinowitz. thank you for joining us. some of those pictures we were looking at are gorgeous, how does the technology work. >> 's technology that's enabled in the last two years you could not of done this a couple of years ago, you need the high-speed connection that is brought to you by starving you need beautiful video quality and the ability to have low delays so you can control the drone from halfway around the world and the drone has been able with available technology like high zoom cameras, a.i. for image recognition and obstacle avoidance so you can give people a wonderful experience.
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>> it is all live, all real-ti real-time. >> that is incredible. i love the fact with each flight booked up to 50% of the revenue you share with the local sites, the habitats, a large part of the mission is conservation so some of the money is going directly to the conservation. a lot of the money is going to the local communities as well and many of the sites of the local community serving as your guides and also maintaining the conservancy you're giving them a really good reason to maintain the natural habitat as well. >> you launched in october with really fantastic places tell us where the drones are and what kind of opportunities are there for me to travel virtually to. >> we launched in five continents. so you have drones all over the
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place. you can to her and south america and peru and the united states i'm looking at your map you can tour the territory in washington and iceland you can tour the volcanoes right by the cave that is famous from the "game of thrones" that people like to see in one of the volcanoes is the one that is about to wrapped. that should be dramatic. and in africa you can tour a bunch of places seeing endangered animals, two new hills in kenya that is the scene of the original lion king. maria: tell me about the user interface, the description of the company says is intuitive for gamers what about non- gamers. the best non- gamer is my mother and she takes five minutes to learn this. i love that guy in a wheelchair
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he just took a flight so liberating for him to explore the world which is wonderful to see. it takes about five minutes to learn the controls and i'll give the example of my mom, there's also a big health and wellness component for people who cannot travel and my mom unfortunately is not well so we set up a flag for her in south africa and she wrote to the team thinking everyone is set for the first time in a while she was able to sleep and she bathed in this beautiful uplifting natural energy and she dropped of stroking a chunky rino with delicate fee is the way the she put it. there's so much that we can offer people and parents that want to do fun things with their kids and people recovering in the hospital and the school markets in the corporate events market is a very big market when you have to distribute if teams. we will see how that plays out.
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maria: how much will it cost the user. >> if you do group fly is about $60 if you do an individual flight like a parent wants to do something fun and uplifting and educational with their kids it is about $95 with a guide. and if you do a large group of flights them are still figuring out with education market what it would be weird wonderful reception from schools but we haven't launched the education market yet so were still figuring out the price of that. maria: exciting stuff, great to have you. matthew rabinowitz. natureeye. i have one important thing ahead of next week. that i
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hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more. maria: welcome back one thing you need to know ahead of next week don't make the post man
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wait much longer shipping deadlines are here for your holiday guest arrived by christmas without paying an arm and a leg get your packages out using the post office ground and first class option you have until the beginning of next week for priority mail and ups three day delivery we will follow all of the deadlines on "mornings with maria" weekday 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business. we hope you will join me every weekday. i see you this weekend on sunday 10:00 a.m. eastern on the fox news channel for "sunday morning futures". exclusive interviews with house ways and means jason smith, house homeland security mark green, doctor ben carson and former department chief of staff kash patel, all exclusive live sunday on fox news channel. i hope you will join us, that will do it for us on fox business. thank you so much for watching have a great rest of your weekend and i will see you nex time. ♪ >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global x etf's ♪


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