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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 18, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EST

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combos? >> steak and shelley sounds weird. i've never heard of that before. when i order from overeat, i love when i get cookies from combo, one of my favorites. they are only like half cooked so gooey, perfect. >> i get the french fry think about the rest sounds wacko to me but if you order french fries and they come in they are so soggy -- i look. those would not be my top ten. >> they have to be good french fries. it's been wonderful to be with you this morning. mark temper, liz peek, thank you. same time, same place tomorrow morning. varney & co. picks it up, david asman in this morning. >> of money emmer i am david asman informed stuart varney this morning. senate negotiators failed to reach a deal on a framework for border security within the spending plan for israel and ukraine.
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further diminishing changes of any boat book for christmas. new fox news poll showing overwhelming number of voters think restoring border security is critical. the same goals show former president donald trump increasing his lead within the republican field. gop primary is now biden 69%. a new report and "wall street journal" claimant former president barack obama is now preserved president biden went very well losing 2024. to the markets in the green, futurist look to extend the rally for the dow and s&p and nasdaq we can see doubt is up before the market opens 67 points, s&p 16 and nasdaq 33. 20.2% gain for the nasdaq. the tenure is trading up to about the yield is up 2.7 basis points. just under 4%. the yield on the two-year is 4.4
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right now, that's trading down a little bit, 1.3 basis points and also down is for corn, don about $860, 41324. we are one week away from christmas and millions of people in the northeast are a threat from a monster storm making his way up the east coast, who will get the latest from the fox news weather subject and transportation department line $140 million last year's holiday travel debacle. in a moment we will be joined by transportation secretary pete will judge. varney & co. is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> the clearest voice ever, frank sinatra singing jingle bells. i'm at a table with three out of the four of italian descent. transportation department line southwest airlines $140 million for last year's holiday travel debacle. transportation to type pete buttigieg joins me for the latest. thank you for joining me. what violations the southwest guilty of that they have to pay the price for? >> thanks for having me on. a year ago southwest left hundreds of thousands of passengers stranded about 2 million passengers overall affected by the modem after a winter storm and for the last year we've been looking over there shoulder to see if they are properly compensating passengers and issuing refunds they need and investigating
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violations that took place along the way so some of the violations we found included failure to have adequate customer service. you can get somebody on the phone sometimes for hours and this is after you've been stranded to countless passengers were in the situation the couldn't find out when the next flight was. there were violations related to their own flight not getting notified flight was canceled even if was canceled before he left home and went to the airport which obviously quite safe a lot of trouble and expense so as part of this penalty, $140 million requiring southwest pay 35 billion-dollar fine without that was important to send a single. another thing is most of the value of the penalty going to the treasury, it's going to passengers and that includes a former element. >> let me suck you stop you if i
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can. according to $35 million payment goes directly to the government mama i'm wondering what will it be used for x. >> anytime there is a fine goes right to the treasury. we also thought, it is important that cash penalty because that is something that can be powerful shaving. reporter: behavior but the majority will go to passengers so for the next three years if there is a major delay is controlled by the airline not only the things we've already enforced like pick up the cost of meals or hotel or rebooking also provide $75 credit up to $90 million over the next three years. david: i'm sure a lot of companies are watching, i want to switch gears up again to your ev goals, electric vehicles, it
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seems more and more like car dealerships can't sell them, we have a friend who just tried to have dealers sell them, truck for $10000 because he wanted to clear a lot and carmakers are losing $36000 a vehicle, how do you convince the customers to buy them and carmakers to continue to turn them out when they lose money on everyone they sell books. >> if you know somebody selling a new ford f1 50 $10000, give me their number. david: i will. jeff ceco, i will tell you. >> please do. there's about $1 million -- or, 1 million ev cell and shared is about trouble so your tear fluctuations, your ago the couldn't stop them fast enough and not the ups and downs. david: fast because gas is going
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way down and people are less interested in electric when gas goes down, right? >> but again the share of ev's dramatically increases every single year end that's continuing our goal by the end of the decade is to be about half-and-half. i can and will happen but what isn't guaranteed is first of a all, is that going to continue to be made in america? during the trump administration is a major advantage on but from the industrial midwest, sees how the auto industry creates a way of livelihoods, and much more excited about the jobs created on u.s. soil, that doesn't just happen. we got to make sure the u.s. leads the way as to technology changes. i note a lot of people who think americans in 2050 are still going to drive the old technology, combustion
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technology. david: americans like it. >> you won't meet a lot of people who will go back from they've got electric and that tells you something. it shows you the lower maintenance, the fact that costs less to maintain. david: i'm so sorry -- >> and the cost by not having to buy gaspar why he almost never meet somebody who has an ev. david: i'm so sorry but we have literally run out of time but thank you and as always, thank you for your military service, we appreciate what you did, appreciate you being here. now this, "wall street journal" reporting former president ob obama's word president biden could lose to donald trump in 2024. todd puro is with me right now -- forgive me, i always make that mistake. as it time to push biden aside?
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>> common knowledge has been yes, they should have done over the last year but do i think they will? no. i said when i think this article is about is a gentle nudge to the current president by the obama administration. you saw david axelrod saying things like i would be worried if i was a democrat right now and i you have his boss, barack obama say this week, it could be a problem. i think it could be strategically placed article to get current commander-in-chief to do something different. david: fox news poll show the republican side trump increasing his lead radically over his rivals. >> absolutely and this is something that bears paying attention to, until people coalesce around a second or third place, this is going to continue to have an and donald trump we will go little by little and some time you could be 60-point ahead. the only way is let's say desantis drops out, i'm not breaking news but if that
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happens, maybe the votes would go to nikki haley, chip away but until then, donald trump is far and away. >> jump maintain we in the po polls, democrats switching to the democrat side, panicking. you see people like david axelrod and others say this is something that has to be dealt with. >> should have been panicking a while ago but the fact is right now if you are joe biden, you have a problem and everybody knows it. was going to change? it's incumbent upon him to say i'm out, i have a health reason which is why i need to leave for the dnc forces his hand. >> let's talk about the good news, markets. we had a great week for the markets, a great month. i'm sorry we had to condense a lot into one because of pete
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buttigieg from i hope you don't mind me mentioning you as the source of the information, your son went through a lot to pick up the car, wasn't interested in electric but the dealer tried to sell it for ten grand. >> i can't wait for pete buttigieg to call me, that will be one of the most shocking calls i've ever gotten but we went through a lot and they were acres of electric cars and the dealer said if you want to take one, i'll give it you for like ten grand and that is where the dealers are. >> they can't give them away, they are losing massive amounts of money, the companies are forcing them to take them and sitting on the lot taking up space rotting away, nobody wants them. >> so much more to talk about but with got to go on because we had each good judge. nbc says americans are wrong for thinking the rates are rising.
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they are claiming the press. democrat arizona governor katie hobbs deploy the national guard to the border, she slammed the biden administration for refusing to take action on crisis, who got the latest from arizona right after this.
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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. so when my doctor told mest. i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. golo's helped me transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works. golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's showing 75% of voters keep it or is a major problem. dan crenshaw joined us now. thank you for being here, 79% of americans think it's a major problem at least but no
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resolution on the border spending plan over the weekend what is holding it up? >> 80% of americans want a border security, that doesn't surprise me at all. what is holding it up? democrat senators don't have a way to fix the border. most of these people in negotiations are from luke states, they will get elected, you need to have negotiators going straight to the white house making a deal. between the house and white house and why does it work? biden does have more of an incentive to make a deal because his reelection is not guaranteed and he knows very well when 80% of the public wants a secure border's policies are doing the opposite, he's got a political problem so they have incentive and they have said this a lot, they have the incentive to gi given, compromise with border
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security policy so i do not what we are doing, why we are not going straight to the white house, it could be a group of house members but we are the ones in the majority of the house, we have the leverage. senators are doing the best they can, caps off to senator langford, he's pushing the right policies, holding the hard lines but has a chance because senate democrats will not give, they have no incentive to do so, i've been screaming about this for probably three months back. david: the man at the table dhs secretary mayorkas has said there's no problem at the bar, the border is secure. he didn't say there's no problem but he did say support is secure but clearly it is not. how could a person like that be part of this process? >> you wonder why we want to impeach him. [laughter] the main issues are, it's not
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cbt, you can't put more border patrol agents on the border to fix this, you can't just add more money to the problem is say it will be fixed. biden requested 14 billion for the border, that's great but will not fix anything. you need to change policy so what senator langford and we have proposed is you have to change certain laws, the asylum laws and make them more rigid, make expulsion authority these are, similar to title 42 but that related to health related incidents, you have to make it more likely than not crossing the border illegally, they will get deported or detained, not released to the united states. david: or at least stay in mexico while awaiting for asylum claims, that was key. there are phony asylum claims, a lot of democrats including congresswoman debbie dingell on tv over the weekend continued to say this is always a problem and
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there's not that much difference with what's happening now, take a listen. >> the border has been broken, it was broken under donald trump as well. we have needed comprehensive immigration reform for decades. >> to say it's sort of the same as it always has been is not true, we know the numbers are extraordinarily more, historic. how can democrats continue to say that? >> because talking points difficult habits to break. debbie is a friend and she's sweet, we served on the energy and commerce committee together but democrats do not. when they say comprehensive immigration reform, it's code for i don't want to talk about this anymore, let's move on, that's what the phrase is code for and always has been but also usually what it means in detail
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as they want amnesty ten, 20 million people already here illegally and improved immigration pathways which isn't that crazy so you have to fix the border itself and info and then people can calm down and talk about what do you do? >> merit-based immigration system, a suggestion by donald trump which was a decent suggestion even some democrats, before the segment ends, i want to thank you for your service. as during the holidays people in the service do the most, thank you for what you did for all those christmases you want at home because you are doing your duty, thank you, sir. >> thanks. david: or patrol trying to counter recent surge at the southern border. what are they doing? >> putting a halt at railway crossings because smugglers continue to use rate trays to
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move migrants to mexico, cbp agents in el paso will be redirected to take migrants into custody, i hear that, faster processing. days after thousands of migrants were seen on this video wind up on railroad tracks. border patrol has been overwhelmed as a deal of unprecedented numbers of migrants. last tuesday top 10000. did the show and the answer is i don't know, it forced the loss of the border and then you don't need to dog trains. david: let's go to the border, governor katie hobbs deploy the national guard to the border inside the biden administration for refusing to take action of the crisis bill melugin joins me now live from louisville to arizona. did she say. >> she said the federal government is flat refusing to do his job to secure the southern border and that's why she sent the garden. who got seen national guard
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soldiers in lukeville yet. what we have seen are more massive illegal crossings. more walk breaches, not illegal crossings, hundreds of predominantly legal adults crossing illegally and continue all over the world, people yesterday included congo, others from colombia and ecuador in the last three weeks alone in the tucson sector or patrol report 54000 illegal crossings and that does not include known getaways and everything out your control by the mexican drug cartel, look at this video, other side of the wall in mexico, a cartel scout on the hill with binoculars scanning the area looking for weak points in the border wall. wrapped up, live fox news drone in eagle pass, i want to show you this, another nasty illegal crossing, we don't have to drown.
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in eagle pass the team is telling us massive illegal crossing, hundreds waiting for crossing. david: bill, thank you so much. let's check futures and they are in right now, the opening bell is coming next, stay tuned. ♪
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in we are starting the week the
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green again, a motion after the green we seen the past month, the dog 26% -- 5656%, 56-point in premarket activity, nasdaq up as well. keith, you say there could be seven to $10 trillion on the sidelines. i look at the market think the money is going to want to be back in the market, right? >> it will want to come flooding back but the interesting thing is it's not going to come in all of one's, to stages. we seen some already since
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october the, january, february in effect is out of the way, he was the naysayers and end of march you will see all of the hesitancy, industrials going in the towel and i will be great for everybody. >> i'm looking at the s&p, 4780, you think by the end of next year 5100? >> interestingly, i was looking at this having my coffee this morning, that may be too low, i might be 5200 or so. david: drilled out, i know costco is a favorite of yours, think that has room to move? >> that has not only room to move up but it's getting expensive enough got to believe management is not only thinking about where but splitting the stock and i will bring more money as they have more consumers coming in but i see this as a case in the bed and psychology can affect gets out of the way, psychology was shipped and retail investors will realize they listened to
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doom and gloom narrative and made a huge mistake and will come running in, it's great for everybody who stayed in it to went. david: do you think retail will be stronger than it was in 2023? >> not generally speaking, i think certain retailers will be strong, costco, walmart for example, the top of the list, i think other retailers if you look at the abercrombie and fitch, cap mark the things that used to be small related book struggle of mistaken get something on my be on it sounds like it will be a great year, what a pleasure to start this week with you. as you can hear the opening bell is ringing on wall street if we can look at the board, it takes a little while to kick in but we expect to see, so far it is in the green. we see some on the screen, i would say recorder screen so it looks like we are doing well on
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the dow, the s&p is in the plus side as well, percentagewise it is up a little more, ten points, about ten points, 4729 on the nasdaq, 14814, it's up less than one, a fraction, we are showing the tech if we could develop and we seek mostly rain, meta, amazon and alphabet but microsoft apple down a bit. let's go down a little more, u.s. steel found buyer, who is it? >> 26%, it is from japan, they made $13.9 billion offer for u.s. deal, $55 a share, 40% premium and how do they justify the price tag? reason one, steel prices are expected to rise as automakers about production after labor strikes in recent two, along interest u.s. steel including
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event and if they have a high price tag maybe they would get it and it looks like they did. david: 26.7% rise in u.s. steel. the firm, by now, pay later company, they got downgraded. >> shares up to 50 points this year and morgan stanley thinks the rally is overdone, they cut price target to 20 so that is half where shares are trading right now, they don't not like the company, their distinct evaluation is hard to justify. david: linda is up this morning planning to sell its business. >> they sell row unit from a they faced over two years of antitrust headaches about this on both sides of the atlantic so illumina does genetics influencing, tumors and cancer cells and if it owns well, it could match patients with treatment tests giving itself
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business at the expense of other competitors regulators were fighting back and so as an activist carl icahn so they are held simply but all the funds illumina gave it can keep. david: three and a third% increase right now. roku, they got downgraded and we can see their not too bad put down about 2%. >> increase competition and digital video advertising according to security so they cut to stop and the price target by $20 to 75 but roku doubled more than doubled in price this year, friday a tough day down six and change and down one and two thirds today. >> let's talk about uber, they are now in the s&p. >> easy to get into work with the rain. david: i was a prize from a the rain wasn't as torrential as i thought and they did a good job.
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>> congratulations to uber for getting you here on time and they are officially in the s&p. since this was announced they would be added to the s&p, the stock is up 10% since december the fourth beyond inclusion, j.p. morgan and william blair need uber a topic for 2024, they are bullish on the demand for mobility and delivery and uber's ability to expand margins. david: adobe had a merger but what happened there? >> called off the 20 billion-dollar deal and stock goes up, over regulatory hurdles in europe, eu and uk so w makes photoshop from sigma makes design tools and as a result of calling off the merger, adobe will pay the termination fee, billion dollars so the deal was announced over a year ago and adobe thought the antitrust
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regulators, one product relevant to your antitrust concerned, just one but they believe it is in their best interest to move forward independently and it behind them. david: to pay, we are moving on. let's check the big board and receipt again if we can switch to the big board, fractional game, 25-point up. a huge rally defendant long-term all the stocks, investors are really helping we will see cuts in interest rates in 2024. the dog just hit another all-time high despite the fact that there's a fractional increase, let's look at the dog winners if we put them up on the board, merck, chevron, verizon, walmart and procter & gamble are the big winners. s&p winners, do we seek uber? no but this is the first day on
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the big board. baker hughes company, marathon oil up, as he is up and what is that? eot. >> eqt neck non sequiturs if we can switch to those, we have baker hughes, also nasdaq. netflix is up, we heard the talk about that earlier. diamond energy, adobe systems and illumina which we spoke about and the ten year if we can see that, except for basis points, still trading yield is below 4% at 3.95. check old, now $2000 -- $2036 for an ounce of gold. but crime is down but they been on a roll so they can take it, down about $588, down to 41000. oil up significantly, $2.40 to
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$73. gas is up a fraction as well. coming up, jason smith called out the two-tiered justice system when it comes to the hunter biden investigation roll tape. >> if you or i or any other american would do that, we would be prosecuted, it's clearly two-tiered justice system, the fact that he is the president's son doing that is creating a very severe constitutional crisis. >> document democrats are calling him out, who will tell you who and with christmas less than a week away, time is running out to ship last-minute gifts. but after this. ♪
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hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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checking the markets once again, record territory even though less of a gigantic gain in those we saw last week and the week before check apple, they just halted the apple series nine alter to sales after patent between apple and medical tech company all about apples blood oxygen sensory technology, a lot of confusion about that. christmas is a week away time is running out to ship your gifts. madison are worth joining me from the shipping facility in new jersey. how much time do people have left if they look together gives delivered? >> people and shift the presence of until december 22 so
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shockingly you still have time but it is going to cost you because no matter what service you use, you probably will pay for priority mail so taking a look at that x, if you go with fedex you pay for two day shipping to get your package on time. you can ship up until december 22 but you will have to pay for same day shipping. if you want to send your mail via postal service, today is last day you can send via priority mail service. any later, you will need to pay for priority mail express service. many packages will patrick dhl facilities like the one i'm in right now and what is new this year's robotic arm helping sort packages, this is her first christmas working, she's helping her human counterparts deal with the packages passed through and they have their work cut out for them. all to bring in the general manager, taking a look at the robotic arm, how many packages can sort?
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>> 1500. >> a sound like a lot but how many can a human sort in our? >> 1875. >> getting doctor the robot is still not replacing human, not quite as smart yet but helping out because you deal with a lot of packages, how many do you deal with from black friday for christmas? >> 10.3 billion packages. >> that's a lot, thank you so much so there you go, you still have time to get packages out, we are coming down to the wire but technology like this is helping make this christmas a present filled one. david: glad humans are a little bit better although that will change soon. thank you very much. look at this op-ed, it's time for the bed ditch the most lame. an economic, stephen moore wrote that, you and i know about this, we've been arguing about it, is probably over simplified but
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that essentially says the only way you can kill inflation is kill growth and you say that's not true, you can have higher growth and lower inflation, right? >> that's right and for example every month to do the jobs report and every time there is good news, inflation is coming. [laughter] the way the economy works. you and i are old enough to remember late 1970s when we had hyperinflation and high unemployment at the same time. david: armor the reversed when reagan came in when he was lowering about what the fed, he lowered inflation while growth was expanding enormous levels, right? >> that's exactly right. in the 80s combination of paul, hitting the fan at the time if ronald reagan did the regulation and the tax cuts which increased the supply of goods and services.
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the truth is, i look at the evidence of the last 50 years. if anything, the relationship between unemployment and inflation is positive, they tend to move in the same direction so where did the superstition food economics come from that we have to put people out of work to reduce inflation? dumb idea, it's not held up yet here's the problem, the fed still believes in this, you had many back governors including jerome powell say have below trend growth, a dumb idea. let's put that behind us. our friend likes to say the economy produces more apples, the price of apples goes down, it doesn't go up. david: the problem is less the fed in this regard the the administration that believes in the phillips curve and thinks you need -- what they do in terms of taxes and thank god they have it changed the trump
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tax code as of yet but relations they increase enormously and that is suppressing growth, is it not? >> it is. two things biden has done, number one increased burdens on business you are talking about, both in terms of taxes and regulations in the other thing has been this massive increase in government funding accommodated by printing money. but i would like to see chairman powell do when he talks about inflation is remember, they would use the purge of federal reserve chairmanship to congress to cut spending and cut debt. i haven't heard jerome powell talk about that. >> another question quickly about whether or not the fed is going to do what it did in 1972 just help the president get reelected. in those days it was richard
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nixon, head of the fed at that time lose the economy a little bit lowering rates so nixon could get reelected, do you think that might happen again next year? >> it's a great question, there is some evidence, not conclusive the fed tends to ease up election years so maybe we'll see extra cuts next year but let's hope. i don't want to see one of those robots take my job. [laughter] david: i think you are safe although who knows with ai. some tik tok is saying the american dream is changing so what does the new american dream look like? like you have to take every tik tok are at their word because they are the gospel but there is an increase #x5, leaving the usa this past year end they are documenting dream life on social media.
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>> i think new american dream is to leave america. it used to be to stay here and have a job, retire when you're 60, have a house, have a family and now we are not able to live here. living is being able to work a few hours a day, shut that down and go to the beach, relax into yoga and what have you. in the u.s. we live to work in the rest of the world, they worked to live. david: sweet music in the background. >> to an extent she is right, we do like to work here in the united states but i think it's unrealistic for anybody to say they want to retire at 60. i'm not going to date you hear brother but -- >> i've got 60 by a few years. >> you love doing what you do, my runway is past 60 because i enjoy it, i know a lot of people and early and they are missing something in their lives. david: i love how you put that,
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my runway is past 60. >> good to see you. coming up, our country facing a homeless problem that hit its highest level, who will dive into the numbers next. and there is this, flooding high winds and severe weather could disrupt early part of travel along the eastern seaboard. we got that report next. ♪
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helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning.
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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change.
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golo's helped me transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works. golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's the east coast is getting slammed with intent monster storm as we call it causing flooding and brian get us joining me from laguardia airport, what does it mean for folks for the holidays? >> it means it could be more headaches but it doesn't seemed like it's like that so far at terminal a look at this line, primarily serving spirit airlines, a fairly normal line for this terminal. you will see the wait time for
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tsa pre-check is five minutes and regular is less than 20 and if you look at the port here, nor cancellations which is surprising even 50-mile an hour gusts here and floodwaters in the city until this afternoon. you see some delays but we spoke to passengers including one who said she had the scariest fight of her life when she tried to man judah storm here this morning. >> just lost turbulence that we had to circle around. >> one of the worst experience as you pat? >> definitely the worst. >> travel was fine, like to f find, no delays, traffic wasn't terrible as i thought it would be, everything is great so far. >> 7.5 million people are expected to travel this holiday
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season over a ten day stretch, that's a record. this past year the top four busiest days out of the top five tsa's history has been this year in 2023 so people are revving up to travel, all eyes on these airlines like southwest airlines it with the record $140 million fine for ruining everybody holiday strength to million people so there will be attention on airlines to see how they handle this. >> i'm amazed they have a wait time monitor, i have not seen that, that is extraordinary. thank you for that. thank you for being here for the our. wonderful to have you. glad, charlie hurt, joe concha, the 10:00 a.m. hour of varney a company is next. ♪
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