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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 18, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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market but yeah we'll see the year end finish strong. showing forward s&p 500 year from now is usually strong, about 82%. liz: robert, from your mouth to the market's ears. good to have you, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. here we go the dow not quite there. now up 2. this is too close to call. it is a horse race, folks. the race is not over until you hear the bell ring. [closing bell rings] transports lower by 54. we're right back here tomorrow with fran drescher on the screen actors guild strike being over. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. all right two big stories we're covering today. biden's catastrophic, biden's cat if catastrophe at the southn
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border and the senate continues to dither on the border security talks. we go to the middle east. iranian houthis keep up attacks in the red sea. former hall of fame senator tommy tuberville to weigh in on all of this. first up our own hilary vaughn and edward lawrence with some of the details. kids, thank you for coming on as i trip over the intro. i think you know what we're trying to get at. >> reporter: good afternoon, larry, all chuck schumer wants for christmas is a border deal. doesn't seem like he will get that. a vote on something is more likely after the new year even though the white house insists the president is eager to make a deal even if it means compromising, and giving republican as win. >> they're were active discussions over the weekend and we here at the white house are involved in those discussions and as the president has said
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it's important to move this forward and he is willing to negotiate in good faith and he is willing to make compromising both on the policy front and on the border security front. reporter: the sticking points are not really over money but policy. republicans want major changes to parole and asylum policy for illegal immigrants. senator are the working towards a framework agreement this week, no one wants to vote for this until they review the text. most of the details are being kept secret. one of the negotiators, senator krysten sinema telling us last night, when you negotiate the terms of a deal in public that is how you don't get a deal. republicans are not in a rush to cram through a deal before christmas. minority leader says it is not republican asphalt. >> getting the legislation right and producing some text will require some time.
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senate republicans will not make up for others showing up late to the table by waiving our responsibility to carefully negotiate and review any agreement before voting on it. >> reporter: so as negotiations move at a glacial pace here on the hill on the border things are changing rapidly. cpb are shutting down freight train crossing at border bridges and el paso and eagle pass, they need to ship people to the border to process more migrants. larry? larry: hilary, just a quick factoid, kirby said the president is negotiating or something but to my knowledge he has not come to sit down across the stable from mcconnell or johnson or lankford or anybody. so what is this business about biden -- who is biden negotiating with exactly? >> reporter: they have white house aides that attended
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these meetings over the weekend. larry: that's different, that's different. >> reporter: you're right, a lot of lawmakers want face-to-face with the president. if he is willing to compromise get in a room to hash this out. larry: he had to go face-to-face with kevin mccarthy. thank you, hilary vaughn you're terrific. i appreciate it. go to edward lawrence at the white house. edward, what is cooking over there? >> reporter: talking about the houthis. in the middle east we have 10 companies rerouting ships away from the red sea because of that situation there. one of those companies, bp, the oil company, it sent oil prices up on that news there. now we talked with one shipping organization that says at the going around, rerouting ships would be ten days to get around africa into the mediterranean sea. that means more fuel as well as more ships to make sure the delay does not slow down deliveries zoo more costs. pentagon official confirms with fox news a new task force with
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other companies will help protect ships in the red sea dubbed operation guardian. the defense secretary talking with partners about this, listen. >> these attacks are recless, dangerous and they violate international law. so we're taking action to build an international coalition to address this threat and i would remind you this is not just a u.s. issue. it is a international problem and it deserves an international response. >> reporter: there were a swarm of attacks in the red sea over the weekend. we've seen 101 attacks on u.s. positions in the middle east since october 17th. iranian proxyrefuse to stop on all fronts. former secretary of state mike pompeo believes the president needs to send a strong message to iran to get all the proxies to back off you. >> can't be afraid of your own shadow. you have to be clear about your red lines and you have to
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enforce them this administration routinely, broadly all across the world failed to do that and they certainly made americans less safe. we seen what they have done to israel. we know the gulf arab states are less safe as well. reporter: the biden administration has been reluctant to get more aggressive with proxies, iranian proxies specifically. also the houthis as also iran itself. larry? larry: edward lawrence thank you very, very much. just a couple of words from me. there are 28 days until the iowa caucuses vote on february 15th. 28 days, less than a month. latest poll from cbs news ugov, former president donald trump 58% of likely iowa republican caucus-goers. that puts him 36 points ahead of governor desantis who is at 22 and 45 points ahead of former governor nikki haley who scores 13. interestingly the "realclearpolitics" polling average shows mr. trump plus 32
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in iowa. so that conforms to the "cbs poll." now, as i have said a million times polls are not votes but a good poll is a good snapshot of voter thinking and clearly iowans are thinking trump. as i opined before, one reason mr. trump is doing so well is he campaigning on the issues. lately in campaign rallies in new hampshire an nevada well as iowa, mr. trump is focused on the economy. maintaining his tax cuts, tough on inflation, tough on trade, tough on the border, drill, baby, drill. overall inflation has come down but mr. trump notes food costs up 20%, transportation, air fare up 30%. electricity still up 25%. even christmas trees up 10%. plus he's tough on law and order including the collapse of the
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democratic-run cities. a quick note of mr. trump's vision for cities. in nevada he said, and i will quote, those tents and graffiti will be removed. slum areas will be demolished and rebuilt to the highest level of architectural elegance end quote. this from a former master builder himself and mr. trump has also said how he wants to restore washington, d.c., which has become as bad as i in any of those bad cities across the country. former president wants to restore washington to its former grandeur. i think that's a great vision. now here is a montage of his recent statements. >> not one thing has gotten better under crooked joe biden. under the trump administration you were better off, oh you were better off, your family was better off. i will not let the trump tax cuts, they are the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. i will not let them be taken
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away from you. with your vote in this election we'll cut taxes even further. my first day back in the white house i will terminate every open borders policy of the biden administration. i will end joe biden's war on american energy and we will drill, baby, drill. larry: so excuse my clapping. we will replay this wonderful trump montage message when joe concha and mark simone show up later on the show but frankly i just couldn't hold back. now meanwhile recent "fox news poll" regarding the biden illegal immigration and open border problem, all right? 79% want to increase border agents. 67% want to deport illegal immigrants, and 54% want to build the wall. closing joe biden's open borders will be the last issue of the old year. at this point i don't believe it will be resolved. mr. biden's left-wing will never buy a trump tough border solution that includes the wall,
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remain in mexico, a new title 42 and thousands of new border agents. the republican solution to the problem is catch and deport. the democrats still want catch-and-release. and note, that the "fox poll" shows 67% want to deport illegal immigrants. now that is a policy mr. trump favors. he likens it to the eisenhower plan when president ike had a team of strong generals who then worked to deport illegal immigrants already in the u.s. so i don't know if the iowa poll will turn into iowa votes but i do know that former president trump is on message and in touch with the great majority of americans and that is my riff tonight. joining me now, hall of fame senator from alabama, the great tommy tuberville. senator tuberville, welcome.
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let's start with the border story. president biden, i don't know, his spokesman say this, that and other, he is not appearing. he is not at the table. he is not doing anything. >> for the first time, larry in three years we're in a caucus meeting and finally he sent some of his gophers to meet with republicans and democrats and they're conferring back and forth. they don't want to do anything at the border, if they wanted to do it joe biden would have done it a year ago. we let millions come across. i met with some high-ranking officials come weeks ago from mexico. they said that they have put 38,000 new people on line to the influx coming up from the south through mexico. and they told me, coach, we can stop about half of them. next year is going to be records broken every day. we cannot stop them. they're coming. joe biden has invited them and so they're going to come. our border patrol agent are
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overwhelmed. we better put somebody down there, i again there is no border right now but they're inviting people to come and they're going to continue to come as long as that happens but he is not involved, you're exactly right. larry: well that's the thing. i've been in that game as you are now, unless and until the president gets involved in an issue like this it ain't going to be solved. i don't believe it will ever be solved because the democratic position is open borders. the republican position is catch and deport. i want to ask you, we had senator jim lankford on twice. he has done a good job. he has been a good communicator. he said no text, no nothing. that is fair enough. i want to say to you, sir i think this has to be a trump tough bill. in other words we need the wall, we need remain in mexico. we need to reconfigure title 42 because there is a big public health problem still exists after covid. we need hundreds of millions of dollars for more border agents
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to police the border. to me that is a solution. i don't want the gop to take anything less. >> no. larry: i don't want them to take anything less. >> the house will not take anything less than hr.2. you know that. larry: right, right. >> people need to know that. i'm now a politician with an educational background but one thing i understand is, if you're not going to go by the laws on the books now, what is going to make you go by laws we'll put in front of the president? he could care less. he doesn't go by the laws we have on the books now. so we do all this negotiating, negotiations for a new supplemental, they want money for all these wars that they have started but at the end of the day if we were to sign something and give them the money, he will not go by the rule of law. his main job as president is to protect the american citizen. he has failed at it unmercifully, it has been terrible for the american people. larry: you know our friend
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mark levin talked about this last night on his tv show. i heard it driving down from connecticut on the radio, but, mark believes that is an impeachable offense. there are cheap laws on the books to protect the sovereignty of the united states which mr. biden has broken willy-nilly, willy-nilly, will continue to break undoubtedly until he is pushed out of office. i don't want to press the point but it is a impeachable offense? it is a high crime and misdemeanor. >> you're getting people killed every day. as you heard christopher wray say the other day at a hearing we're in trouble. we'll have some bad things happen in this country. it goes back to the decisions that the white house made. they could care less. we're losing 100,000 people a year to drugs. direct correlation to the, to the border. it is just, it makes you sick to your stomach to see what's
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happened to these young people that sometimes they just take a pill thinking it is something else and they die from it. a lot of people are just, i don't know, this president's way out of line and as mark levin said, it should be an impeachable offense. larry: he is breaking the law. i don't want to carry that too far but it is a important constitutional point that needs to be raised. just one other thing, other side, other parts of this bill, foreign aid, national security funding bill. i love him to death but lindsey graham keeps making this argument, democrats make this argument, this is joe biden's argument, chuck schumer's argument, i hear lindsey making the argument, i love lindsey, i don't always agree request him, that if we don't give him $60 million, i'm sorry, $60 billion, russia will invade poland, this, that, nato, we'll have a world war. first of all i don't think 60 billion-dollars matters
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because it looks like a stalemate. you may disagree, it looks like -- i don't know what the extra money will do exactly and second of all the threat that russia will come down and invade all the nato countries that threat never need materialize if we had a strong tough president in the first place. >> this would never happen with president trump. i was with zelenskyy in kyiv three months before it happened. we could have stopped it, had we given them arms, at the border, don't come in. joe biden said it would be a small incursion. small incursion, half a million people have been killed. the problem with me, heard the same thing a lot of people, will keep going through europe. he can't take eastern ukraine, russia can't. what gives everybody the thought he will continue through poland, baltics all the way through europe. larry: it is a phony argument. >> you can't sell that to me. larry: $60 billion to ukraine, mr. schumer, who by the way i
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deal in principles and policies not personalities, i have known chuck schumer very long time. just saying he keeps saying if you give him $60 billion they will win the war and if you don't give ukraine $640 billion we'll lose the war. that is fall der roy. >> he thinks $60 billion will give him a stalemate. we've gone from winning the war to a stalemate. here is what concerns me, larry. we'll end up with some false flag. he doesn't have the people to win the war. who do you think will be next up? our kid. our men and women will go there and fight. we have people all over the borders. that is what scares me. we need to make a decision how much land should be taken by ukraine and russia. do some diplomacy. larry: diplomatic exit strategy has to be part of all this. i don't want to leave them high and dry either.
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i'm not in that school of thought but there has to be a exit strategy. this idea, money they can win, i don't know why, look, chuck schumer is many things. he is a big liberal, i'm a conservative, he knows that that 60 billion will not win the war in ukraine. he knows that. that. >> selling that to the american people. secretary of state, secretary of defense came to visit us. they keep asking your questions. we've got to do this, they will keep going through europe. it is all a marketing ploy. why do you think zelenskyy came last week for. he doesn't need the money. where it was, went to the house. i don't need it now. i need it in march. wait a minute that is not what we heard in the senate. we have to have it now it will be over with. there are some different things floating around out there. they can't get their stories straight. larry: would be nice if somebody had the story straight. diplomatic story, money story,
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any story. are we, i don't want to say we, is mr. biden and mr. blink ken who you mentioned, sullivan, the national security advisor looks to me like these guys are micromanaging and interfering with israel and the idf and i think that's a real bad idea. >> i don't think there is any doubt. what i saw with my own eyes with the videos that came, they let us see these, it was bad, larry, really bad, worse than what you can ever imagine. you hate to see innocent people killed but this is war. they started a war. they didn't attack military bases, the hamas didn't, they went after civilians. you mean you don't know where this is going but you can see president biden by giving money to iran, basically giving them money -- larry: did he give the 10 billion, the last -- >> six billion. larry: six billion. >> yeah. larry: i thought that was frozen. then i thought there is another 10 billion for electricity, not
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humanitarian but i thought that was frozen but you know we were looking it up today on the air i couldn't find anything definitive. tell me that money is not really going to iran, please senator, tell me they're not financing our enemy, are we? >> they had four billion in their covers when president trump went out of office with everything he had done to them, iran was really struggling. now they have a 100 billion. where did they get the money from? we allowed them to have it. whether we gave it to them or relaxed the sanctions it was because of this administration. so we caused this. now, you got yemen, you know the houthis are shooting rockets at all the ships and the tanker. who is backing the houthis? iran. who is backing iran? we are. we're funding the terrorists, yes we are, less than a minute, yelling in my ear. they don't love you as much as i do. they just worry about time, producers, god bless them. fiduciary rule, i remember this was kicking around four or five
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years ago. the labor department now wants to heap all this paperwork and red tape on stockbrokers and financial planners, can't be good, can't be good. >> they are going after everybody where they can possibly get every dime they can, you know that. regulation after regulation, make it tough on people to work, make it tough on people to make money. that is their game plan. larry: can you stop it? >> i think we can but i don't think we can stop it for another year after this. we'll have to have some help from the electorate. we have to get somebody in presidential office in the white house that understands business. that wants to help people. larry: help is on the way, senator. help is on the way. >> thank god. larry: happy, holy, merry christmas, season greetings, you've been great, as a senator and been great to this show and me. >> thank you. larry: appreciate it very much. all right, kids, coming up, china's communist is faltering, let me read it, few nickles,
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china china's communist economy is faulting and u.s. is importing deflation. it is deflationary problem. we have the great kevin hassett, former chair of the council of economic advisors in the trump admin strange weigh in on china inflation coming over to the u.s., what that means. i am kudlow, and we're all grateful to senator tuberville. ♪. bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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♪. larry: all right an interesting sidebar to the economic discussion. the u.s. is importing china's deflation. communist china, the whole system, command-and-control is falling apart. the economy is terrible. prices are falling. we still import a lot of chinese goods. looks like it is knocking prices down here at home i think. mere toe tell us about it the great kevin hassett, former chair of council of economic advisors of the trump administration and author of the most important book of the century, "the drift, stopping america's slide to socialism" like china. kevin, how important we import their falling goods prices if that is true? we have a chart. such is life. >> there it is. larry: there it is. how important is that? >> it is pretty important and in
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the holiday season, let's say something positive about joe biden, okay? he kept the trump china policies. so president trump basically said, no we're going to shut down all of that dumping china is doing into the u.s. and they're still trade with china of course but the chinese economy is on the ropes. so china is falling apart and they're cutting prices like heck of the goods they ship here. now the goods going down in price now, they're are a lot from china, they're declining in price and they make up billion 20% of the consumer price index. so the problem is, the other 80% is still super inflationary. so core services, for example, is above 5% and so the overall number i don't think it shows that inflation is under control the way the fed says but the goods inflation is actually a positive development. the last thing i want to say it is not just china. that japan's economy shrunk in the last quarter, almost 3%. the european economy is shrinking. basically all of this monetary tightening has made the global
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economy head into recession. that is putting downward pressure on prices into the u.s. larry: for sure, absolutely. just as another sidebar, i mean, china, xi xinping has moved china really way back towards the socialist command-and-control economy. a lot of the free market stuff by has been erased. >> i believe the person really responsible for that is like mark zuckerberg because what happened was, president xi saw how the big tech companies canceled donald trump and all the power that they had against conservatives here in the u.s. he thought, we'll i've got all the tech companies booming in china, i better get control of them they will start coming after me the way they went after trump. he went in. shut the companies down. put his own lackeys in charge. put the ceos in jail. they're recovering from a massive takeover of the private sector he did. that is socialism. that is what socialism is.
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government takes over the private sector and they're suffering for it but i think xi is more secure because he doesn't have to worry about his media doing to him what american media has done to donald trump. larry: so stay with this for a second. american companies not really wanting to go to china anymore. i mean this was certainly the advanced technology companies. this is what the trump administration wanted but are we going to do a lot less business with china in the next 10, 20 years? >> well certainly and especially if donald trump is elected president because we know how serious he is about this but larry, when you and i were in the white house we did an estimate once how much was being stolen, intellectual property was being stolen from u.s. firms that went to china. larry: by china. >> china said, hey, come, give you access to our market. as soon as you're in there steal your ip and create a company doing the same thing you are, and competing with you.
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it happens over and over. violates international laws but people get away with it. god bless jobe joan, in the holiday spirit he kept most of trump's china policies. larry: he schmoozes them, trump ringing the bell on china has lasted. >> it lasted. larry: we have to do more but we'll see. it is an interesting sidebar. real quick before we lose you, overall american inflation, jay powell says it's over and market says there will be seven rate cuts but then austan goolsbee, and other fed heads are wait you misread him n a minute tell us straight on inflation? >> inflation is not under control but what is under control is the federal reserve and it is under control by the democrats, you have to understand that. so what will happen they will juice the economy in an election year by giving us rate cuts for joe biden and they played their hand and they played it early. larry: oh.
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>> they're really nervous about it. they ever rolling it back. inflation is not under control and will cut interest rates anyway. i bet you 20 bucks. larry: you know what? that is a good point. they're gear up to do it. they're declaring victory before they got to victory and you're right, wow, democrats running the fed. you are you're exactly right. all appointed by the fed. so smart, kevin hassett. put the book up on the screen so we can sell it. the most important book of the 21st century. coming up we here on "kudlow" we have a report from israel where idf exposed a gigantic hamas tunnel. "breitbart"'s editor alex marlow, why hunter biden is on a crash and burn mission. former president trump completely on message with less than a month before the iowa caucuses where he has a big lead. we have mark simone and joe concha. we'll run the trump montage
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♪. larry: let's talk about the biden crime family with "breitbart"'s alex marlow writing that, quote, hunter's troll satic press conference was a major strategic blunder, end quote. we welcome back to the show, alex marlow, editor-in-chief of "breitbart news," coauthor of the "breitbart business digest" with our pal john carney. alex, hang on a second. i want to put your book up, author of, "breaking biden." thank you for delivering john carney like i always do but, "breaking biden" is a good read. here is the sound from jonathan turley, george washington university professor, listen what he said yesterday. >> there has been an enormous amount of evidence put together
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by house committees, millions of dollars, that have gonely a labyrinth of different accounts and shell companies to biden family members. larry: nobody is off the hook here. hunter probably did more harm than good. i thought turley was very interesting. turley was saying that you don't have to have every t crossed and i dotted to make a case. have you considered that point of view? >> oh absolutely. i'm looking at this purely from a political perspective. i'm not an attorney. jonathan turley is a terrific attorney. he can give you the come men terri on that but we're so close to an election, very clear from the polling, the more the public understands the depth of the biden family corruption less likely they will vote for biden. that is where i'm interested right now. when you see hunter evading testimony, see revelations spending nearly a million dollars on sex clubs and hook erstwhile evading paying his taxes and child support, this is the type of stuff that drives
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the american public crazy and they know joe's in on it. larry: i don't think he did himself anything good with the press conference, was in front of the senate, not the house where he was supposed to show up to be deposed. as you did in your column, hunter came out with new standard, new goalpost, not only the father didn't know about the business, not only father was not engaged in the bits, father was not engaged in any financing measures of the business. we that he is be true. that will be a big problem. financing is the name of the game here. >> yeah. what the key moment of the whole press conference saying my family was not financially involved or my father was not financially involved in my businesses. it is code, it means joe was involved. he just maybe didn't get a direct check on certain things but we all know hunter's business model involves joe. that explains the whole burisma where joe is firing the prosecutor while hunter is bagging a million bucks.
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>> is keeping hunter's business associates off his sanctioning list. that is growing. joe helping broker a deal with the bank of china, while hunter is cutting a deal with a equity company that is controlled by the bank of china t all has to do with joe. it is a matter of time before hunter incriminates him. larry: do you think there is any chance, i mean, congress will put him in contempt, the house will put him in contempt because he didn't show up for his deposition which would have been private and under oath, you don't think there is any chance that the justice department will execute that, do you? >> i don't know. i think hunter will keep evading as long as he can. the house it behooves them to do that. if you look at it, joe will pardon hunter for everything. larry: yes. >> this is something that is really fascinating. hunter has a green light to commit all the crimes between now and november. joe will pardon him after the election. larry: i keep saying that. i've done a couple riffs on that.
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i don't care who wins the election, if joe biden wins loses the election, he is president november, december january. he will pardon a million people. he will pardon all of hunter's friends and partners. will pardon guys in burisma even though he is not a u.s. citizen. that is joke. i think you're right, there will be pardons left and right. give you last word. >> that is exactly right. why hunter thinks it is a good legal strategy he can get away with it. it is a horrific impeachment strategy in terms of the politics of it. now any republican on the friends about the impeachment proceedings, anyone who feels like it is not worth the effort, they see that in your face troll move by hunter, they have to be thinking, i have to get off the sidelines to get involved here because this guy is sticking it right in our face. larry: alex marlow, editor of "breitbart," the great -- "breitbart" is such a good newsgathering operation. thank you, alex. good luck on the book.
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happy holidays. >> thank you, larry. merry christmas. larry: merry christmas. folks let's switch gears a little bit. let's have some fun, talk about the 2024 election primaries. joining us mark simone, wor radio show host. just rated the second most listened to in the entire country, not just in new york. number one in new york. >> hemisphere. >> galaxy. larry: joe concha, media politics columnist at "the messenger," fox news contributor. i have to play this trump montage. it is a holiday message to all of us. please take a listen. >> not one thing has gotten better under crooked joe biden under the trump administration you were better off, oh, you were better off, your family was better off. i will not let the trump tax cuts and they are the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country, i will never let them be taken away from you and with your vote in this election we will cut your taxes even
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further. that my first day back in the white house i will terminate every open borders policy of the biden administration. i will end joe biden's war on american energy and we will drill, baby, drill. larry: i'm just saying you know, not only is he on message, he communicates it better than anyone else. all right? he is a great communicator, straightforward. so, mark, i will start with you, he is up, got 60% almost in iowa. he is way ahead of nikki haley, way ahead of desantis. incidentally the "realclearpolitics" shows him way up too but polls aren't votes. >> no. it was pathetic watching the sunday shows trying to prop up nikki haley. trump calls them milk. 3%. the other guy 2%. she may pass ron desantis but still almost 50 points behind. it's a landslide. >> not in new hampshire. i want to ask you about new hampshire. the latest poll, haley is 15
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down to trump in new hampshire. it has narrowed. i don't know what that means. if trump won big in iowa maybe that but talk to me -- >> okay, so "cbs poll" out, trump 44, haley 29. we never seen a second place contender to trump that high or close, it is still a 15 point lead mind you. the only scenario nikki haley winning nomination this is a long shot, i throw it out, would crier chris christie and sanity after iowa drops out. most of support goes to haley they will go into the margin of error. they will not get out before new hampshire. ron desantis is burning far too many calories to drop out after one state. that is a scenario but unlikely one. >> bottom half of new hampshire where all the population. larry: boston. boston. >> all boston media.
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larry: a lot of rinos down there. >> also an open primariry. anyone can vote in it. that helps haley. larry: trump romped in new hampshire in 2016. he lost by a whisper in iowa. >> to cruz. larry: to cruz. had a huge win in new hampshire. that ended it next week or two in south carolina. just saying i don't know about these polls in new hampshire. i think trump hadn't been there enough. now he is rectifying that by going to it. >> nikki haley she is the republican hillary clinton. he beat hilary. he will beatnikky. larry: it is holiday season, joe. i'm a little more ecumenical. >> magnanimous. larry: magnanimous. thank you, wordsmith. i'm not speaking non-magnanimous, why is harvard giving claudine gay plagiarism
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provision editorial in the "boston herald." "the boston globe" is on her case. the "harvard crimson" is on her case. how can harvard, she will not survive. i will predict she won't survive. >> we save the tape around here. think she will -- larry: i probably wrong. >> you have a very good case. logically she should not survive because she said she did nothing wrong yet making all corrections on these papers. larry: they have the rules. "boston globe" of all places a liberal paper for heaven's sake, they done side by side. here are the harvard rules, here is what she did. i think the crimson did the same thing. i didn't read the article. >> they did. larry: how can she stand. this is the worst kind of left-wing social policy to promote someone broke the law, broke the principles, frankly was not qualified to be president. >> only because harvard is so wealthy. they have 50 billion in the endowment which throws off 3, 4,
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billion a year, whole budget of harvard is only a billion a year. they can finance themselves forever. they have can with stand anything, donors leaving anything. >> even if you get rid of claudine gay, the crimson, school newspaper, did a poll of professors, what ideology you confirm to. 97% somewhat, very liberal. less than 2% of the president. get rid of president you have a cancer in terms of non-diversity ideas. larry: at least they can clean up this plagiarism thing. the battle to stop anti-semitism at harvard. harvard has not won that battle. >> depends on the context. larry: depends on the context. mark simone, congratulations on your new ratings. >> i'm filling him for him tomorrow. that is a lot of pressure. larry: that is very ghoul. coming up here on "kudlow" when is biden's federal communications commission going to stop attacking elon musk, the
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smartest guy own the planet? we have brandon carr, will tell us why, or try to, when "kudlow" returns. happy holidays. ♪. (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we.
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♪. larry: when are the biden regulators, in this case the fcc, federal communications
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commission, when are they going to stop attacking, stop at attacking elon musk for no good reason? joining us now brendan carr, fcc commissioner. brendan, they're taking $885 million away from musk because his starlink system is not in place two years ahead of time? this is a satellite, broadband, goes into the rural areas, it is everything they wanted and they're still killing the guy, why is this, brendan? >> yeah, thanks, larry. it is obvious to everyone what's happening here. last year president biden stood at the white house behind the podium with the official seal of the president said elon musk is worth looking into. reporter said how, president biden looked down there are lot of ways. doj, fcc, fish and wildlife service, n. lrb and the ftc going after elon musk what "the wall street journal" going after elon musk what can be described as regulatory
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harrassment. this decision to rake back $800 million, did, china is standing up competitor to starlink called star net because they steal everything over there. this gives them an advantage. we need to stand behind american innovators like elon musk, elon musk is helping the defense department with his spacex. new technology and applications of a.i. and so forth. i don't know if the bidens know that, because he is mr. free speech, brendan, does that make sense? because he what he did with twitter and x, he is mr. spree speech and biden regulators don't like that. >> that is exactly right this decision makes no sense. as you noted the biden administration relies on the technology where it matters to them politically. larry: brendan carr, we don't have anymore time. merry christmas to you, my friend
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5:00 pm
you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. larry: two quick things, republicans gotta stay trump tough on closing the border, trump tough. second of all, i know it won't happen, but biden should stop picking on elon musk who's helping the country by helping spreadbroadband to rural areas, and we're all going to spread if broadband to liz macdonald. elizabeth: her christmas. okay, this story coming in, we've got the news on that washington post expose revealing biden family influence peddling cash for access.


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