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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 18, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. larry: two quick things, republicans gotta stay trump tough on closing the border, trump tough. second of all, i know it won't happen, but biden should stop picking on elon musk who's helping the country by helping spreadbroadband to rural areas, and we're all going to spread if broadband to liz macdonald. elizabeth: her christmas. okay, this story coming in, we've got the news on that washington post expose revealing biden family influence peddling cash for access.
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it's worse than realized. and why the house impeachment probe is now zooming in on president biden's brother, james biden. and more on former president obama worried biden could lose. plus reports that the president is angry with his team, but vote sheer polls say look -- voter polls say look in the mirror. and security pros warning the biden white house is again going weak on houthi terrorists attacking commercial shipping, shutting that town in the red sea. but this is happening after the president delisted the houthis from the u.s. terror watch list. and reports coming in china is secretly backing and funding u.s. climate activist groups that pushed the u.s. to go all electric, and the president just made a big move against u.s. energy. i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: we are excited to have back on the show constitutional lawyer, former attorney for former president trump, he's alan dershowitz. it's good to have you back on. happy hanukkah, happy holidays, merry christmas to you, alan. okay, this story is coming in, the house impeachment probe subpoenaed joe biden's brother james biden. what do you make of this new washington post expose that the fbi secretly recorded james biden talking about influence peddling on tape and saying there's nothing wrong being opportunist to get these types of cash for access deals? he also used a sip anymore for -- synonym for prostituting once. what do you make of this, sir? >> well, nobody is surprised that people have tried to use biden family members to get to biden. there's no doubt about the fact that hunter biden was paid e nor
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if mouse amounts of money -- [audio difficulty] deserved by with his background and education, and the only reason he got the money was because his name was biden and people anticipated that that could be used to get to the president. now, did it get to the president in that's the missing link that i haven't seen evidence of, and maybe they'll come out in this new investigation by the house judiciary committee. maybe at some point there'll be a special counsel appointed to look into the relationship between hunter biden and joe biden. i think there are still some holes in the or fairtive -- narrative that points to the kind of criminal behavior on the part of president biden. elizabeth: and now they're zooming in on james biden. "the washington post" quotes a mississippi if trial attorney who had paid james and sarah biden's consulting company 100 grand to lobby then-senator biden to push through legislation that would grease the wheels so that nearly $370
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billion tobacco settlement from the tobacco industry. this was in the late '90s. now, you know, alan, neither james or joe were implicated in any wrongdoing, but the post says, quote, i probably would not have hired james biden if he was not senator joe biden's brother, james convinced joe to help out in the senate to help with that tobacco payout. but the thing is, when you look further and further into this, it looks like the house impeachment probe is going to go after james biden's bank records for influence peddling. >> first of all, impeachment only applies to actions -- [audio difficulty] while he's sitting president. it probably doesn't apply to actions he took when e he was vice president or when he was -- [inaudible] that's an issue that hasn't yet been decided by the supreme court or by the house or by the senate. so it's a novel issue, and i don't know where that will go. that goes back a long, long time. we know that tobacco lawyers
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were paying lots of money to lobbyists to try to get settlements and to try to get legislation that faired settlements -- favored settlements, trial lawyers and the tobacco business were big, big business involving, you know, billions of dollars in legal fees and lots of money was spread if around. we know that. elizabeth: you know, alan, "the washington post" also reports when joe biden ran for the senate in 1972, james biden pleaded for money from a top union official, a union member, official who agreed to give five grand on the condition that he could meet joe biden. we had irs whistleblowers saying that the a biden family was charging $10 million a year to their partners in china for, i guess, quote, for, quote, introductions. it appears to d.c. power brokers. so what would satisfy you as the so-called missing link here? >> well, i think you need to
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find evidence that something corrupt happened beyond the usual paying for access. we know that people make campaign contributions not out of the goodness of their heart, but because they want to be able to pick up the phone and say, hey, remember who helped you get elected? take my call, take the meeting. act on legislation this way. we need much more beyond that. and for impeachment, it has to have happened in the last three years. elizabeth: okay. in the last three years, got it. so, you know, if there's any indication that the president had any money coming in over the last three years from any of these deals, would that suffice? >> well, money coming in from the deals, yes, that would suffice. but we need to know that it grew with out of the deals. i know that at least one check that came in was marked loan repayment. the burden of proof's always on those trying to prove criminality especially in our
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day when we see the criminal justice system weaponized by both sides to try to target people on the other side of the political spectrum. so we have to stand by the presumption of innocence, proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the burden of proof haley on those -- heavily on those alleging that the line was crossed from politics -- [inaudible] elizabeth: i want you to listen. take a listen to this. you're going to hear jen psaki saying hunter biden needs to stop talking. let's listen to jen psaki on msnbc here. watch. >> jen psaki, you had this surprise press conference by hunter biden -- >> yeah. >> did it help or did it hurt? >> look, i think you're, like, please, hunter biden, we know your dad loves you. please stop talking in public. elizabeth: okay. but he's still talking, right? what do you make of that out of jen psaki? >> he has an excellent lawyer, abbe lowell, and lowell knew he was going to lose in the court of law.
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he couldn't prevent the senate, the house in this case, from interrogating him first in private, then in public. that's a losing argument legal arely. but i think they thought it was a winning argument in the court of public relations, and they may be right about that. the american public wonders why not allow him to testify in public. let us all a hear what he has to say. so is i suspect he's going to continue to talk in order to try to win the case for himself in the court of pluck opinion. now, obviously -- public opinion. now, obviously, if daddy call as and says, no, stop that, he will probably stop it. but at this point in time, i think president biden's trying to stay out of the case involving his son. especially since, you know, his son may very well be prosecuted for failing to comply with the subpoena the way some republican operatives have been prosecuted for failing to comply with a subpoena. you have to have one law for all. you can't have preferential treatment for a democrat over a
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republican. elizabeth: yeah, that's contempt of congress. getting back to this, this irs whistleblower, joseph ziegler, testified that the bidens charged $10 million a year for, quote, introductions, charging cash for access to power brokers in d.c., that they wanted a $30 million payout with china on that. we had a bank official sending an internal bank e-mail warning there were no services rendered in hunter's deals with chai -- china, also knowing china purposefully targets children of politicians for influence peddling. this is all after, coming out after a veteran fbi informant claimed, again without evidence, that joe and hunter biden were involved in a $10 billion bribery scheme with ukraine. we understand what you're saying about the house impeachment inquirely, or we get it. but this is unseemly stuff that we haven't seen out of a a politician in a long time. >> well, we've seen it over the years. i mean, we've had presidents who
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have been involved through their relatives in plans like this. but remember legally there's no such thing as the bidens. legally, you have to point the finger at a particular biden. we know for sure that china and ukraine and other companies pay for influence. we know that hunter biden took money from people who wanted him to influence his father. what we don't have evidence of at the moment is that that influence actually occurred. so, you know, you might argue that hunter biden engaged in deceptive activities, taking money on the promise that he would give access and he hasn't given the access. so there's enough here to investigate. there is smoke, but we don't know whether it's a smoking gun or a smoking cigarette butt. elizabeth: yeah. you know, it's interesting, we've talked to house impeachment managers. when they read what the constitution says about impeachment, they said -- they
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are arguing it may not have to be circumscribe ised around the time when, under president biden's term. it could be when he was vice president. , and alan, there's also this fight, speaker nancy pelosi and house democrats said they needed to do an impeachment inquiry to investigate and probe then-president trump, but the media is attacking the house gop for doing the exact same thing. you're going to watch that market, you're going to -- argument, and you're going to hear from jason smith and lindsey graham here. let's listen. >> -- about this impeachment inquiry, you sortover make it -- sort of make it sound like no harm, no foul. this is a shameful use. >> there's money from all different entities, from ukraine, romania, china, all of it. we've also seen numerous examples where it appears that joe biden was using air force two as a corporate jet traveling all over the country and meeting with hunter biden's business
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associate ises. that's unacceptable. >> they have to prove that president biden somehow financially benefited from the business sewer enterprises -- enterprises of hunter biden, we'll see. >> have they done it yet, in your mind. >> if there were a smoking gun, i think be talking about it. the narrative that hunter biden presented is falling apart -- elizabeth: alan, here's the thing, the house lawmakers -- and we've talked to them -- they say repeatedly this white house has stonewalled and obstructed them. they say repeatedly that other federal agencies including the national archives have stonewalled and on strubilitied them. for ruth marcus to say it's shameful that they're watching the -- launching the impeachment inquiry in this way when house democrats did the exact same thing is a bit rich, wouldn't you agree? >> i agree completely, and i predicted it after the first impeachment. i predicted there's going to be tit for tat, the first democrat elected next time is going to be subject to an impeach9.
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you ohm -- impeachment. you open the tour and don't expect different treatment. i think both sides have overused the impeachment provisions of the constitution for partisan political benefits which al a sander e hamilton said was the most dangerous possible thing. both sides, i think, have endangered the constitution by misusing impeachment. elizabeth: we'll see. alan dershowitz, thank you so much, sir. it's good to see you. >> my pleasure, thanks. elizabeth: still ahead, congresswoman monica de la cruz, former u.s. energy secretary rick perry, deputy national security advise arer victoria coates, plus bill mcgurn, wall street e pro came roth -- pro if carol report, and former president trump again moving further ahead in the polls less than a month if before the iowa caucuses and former president barack obama thinks joe biden could lose next year. is that why obama snubbed his own vice president at obama's 15th anniversary celebration of
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his 2008 victory? we're going to debate it next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning.
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elizabeth: look who's here, the foreman chief speech writer for george w. bush, "wall street journal" columnist bill mcgurn, we have wall street pro and author carol roth.
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okay, first to you, bill. "the wall street journal" reports former president obama is worried that biden will lose and will not be automobile to stop donald trump. washington post reports the president is angry and blaming his team but, bill, he just hit another new lower of 34% in a new monoif mouth poll. voters seem to be saying, you know who's to blame? joe biden, look in the mirror. >> yeah. i think joe biden should say to his predecessor or say to president obama, come on, man, you're reading the wrong polls. it seems that everyone in the democratic party is reading the wrong polls instead of whatever mythical polls that joe biden believes are showing him way out in front. elizabeth: yeah. carol a, to what bill is saying, that's been the president's narrative. i mean, the post reports, carol, that behind the scenes biden is complaining that his economic message is not stopping his plunging poll numbers. jill biden and joe biden are
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telling aides and friends they're frustrated. democrat pollster stanley greenberg, carol, says he's losing ground every month, but out in the public the president keeps blaming the polls. what do you think? >> i think that his presidency is the sequel to the good, the bad and the ugly but with very little good and lots of bad and ugly. look, no matter what he wants to think, people know the reality of the situation. certainly, the economy if is at the forefront, but we have the immigration invasion and the issue that's going on at the border, we have weakness on the international stage, we have broken promises, we have all of the circus that's going on with his family. so it doesn't matter if what his policies are, he has done nothing to fix them for the american people, and people look and say was my life better four years ago than it is today? and absent the abnormal if city that we saw with covid, i think that most people think that under the trump presidency they
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had a better overall quality of life than they do with president biden. elizabeth: so, bill, coming back to you given what carol just said, you're twowpg to see the president, as you pointed out, he's going to blame reporters, blame the polls. let's watch former president trump in action. watch this. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> they're the wrong polls. >> he is a laughingstock all over the world. if crooked joe is a low iq individual. the next economic boom will begin the instant the world knows that crooked joe biden is gone and and donald j. trump has won four more years as president of the united states. [cheers and applause] this will be a historic victory by christmas of next year, the economy will be roaring back. energy prices will be plummetin- [cheers and applause] the hordes of people charging across our border will have
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ended, the invasion of our country will have stopped. elizabeth: okay. that's the former president tick tocking the issues. bill, the president keeps saying you've got the wrong polls. what polls is he talking about? because we see the polls out of pew, out of gallup, out of monmouth, out of emerson college, out of the associated press, out of nbc, cbs, out of ap that the president is hitting record lows month after month. i mean, how much further can he go? bill, it used to be if you were in the 40s, that's the danger zone for the incumbent. he's now moving toward the 20s. >> yeah, i agree with what carol said about his policies. but i go further. i think implicit in the white house message is that if you don't believe bidenomics has made your life great or the border's in control, you're just not smart enough to appreciate all the good things joe biden is doing. they have this condescending tone, and other democrats
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realize it. you know, or i'll give you a counterexample. when i was in the white house during the lows, it was very clear why. we were losing in iraq, and people were getting killed to no purpose. what did president bush do? he didn't whine to us privately the polls are mean to me, they're unfair, you staffers are are the problem. he changed his policy to a winning strategy in iraq. that's when things got -- he tied it to substance. finish and joe biden is unwilling to do that, and on top of everything you add that he looks old, he mumbles, and people don't think he's up to the job of standing up to putin, xi jinping or whoever. elizabeth: yeah. carol, what what do you think of what bill just said? he just put it together so well, and you've been doing a great job here too. you know, you see the seam teamsters, the unions including the international firefighters' association, the unions are not
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really stepping up for biden either, carol. final word. >> yeah, i think bill said it perfectly. it's bad enough that we have to deal with the fallout from all these policies. the only thing that makes it worse is the gaslighting. it is insulting. instead of owning up to the issues and coming up with a plan to change them, to say that it's not happening, people don't want to put. with that anymore. they're frustrated. they want to hear something new and that there's a new direction, and doubling down and saying you're the problem, that's e not a winning message. elizabeth: got it. bill, carol, you two are terrific. good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: okay. israel up covered the biggest hamas terror tunnel ever in gaza. the it was, it's designed to carry carloads of terrorists to the border with israel. we've got the details on that and the white house's split wees reel intensify being. and also texas congresswoman monica de la cruz is here. senate republicans are battling it out with the white house to get more border security after biden put this u.s. border into
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an utter state of collapse. all of that on "the evening edit" next. ♪ >> chaotics -- chaotic, up controlled, open, free-for-all. dangerous. >> the worst it's ever been. the border is wide open. it's the worst it's ever been. >> i think it's chaos. i think it's intentional on the democrats' play in the long run. that's what we need to do as a republicans, play the long run. >> it's a wreck, a train where can. ♪ - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange. here, i can search more than 2,000 companies,
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elizabeth: okay, the senate delays its holiday recess to hammer out a deal on border security after the president collapsed the border. record numbers continue to pour across. it's approaching 10 million illegal immigrants under this white house. more than 1400 terrorists thought to be, have crossing -- have been crossing since the president took office. hillary vaughn live on capitol
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hill with the latest on what's going on in the senate. good to see you. >> reporter: good evening, liz. well, the three senators that are negotiating this deal, they stayed and worked over the weekend. something like that is such a big deal around here that even leader chuck schumer had to acknowledge their work ethic on the senate floor today. >> i can imagine that they're tired the after working virtually nonstop all weekend mornings, evenings -- can mornings, afternoon, evenings and coming into the -- i said it here. i can't imagine -- [laughter] i can imagine they're tired after working nonstop, coming into the office early in the morning and working furiously in the evenings. >> reporter: but all that work with no deal to show for it yet. the white house insists the president is eager to make a deal even if it means compromising and giving republicans a win on major changes to immigration policy. but republicans are not in a rush to cram through a deal before christmas. minority leader mitch mcconnell says it's not republicans' fault that the
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white house just started to take this issue seriously. >> getting this agreement right and producing legislative text is going to require some time. senate republicans will not make up for others showing up late to the table byawaying -- waiving our responsibility to carefully negotiate and review any agreement before voting on it. >> reporter: so, liz, even though the leader chuck schumer, the white house, a lot of democrats would like to get a deal before christmas, it doesn't seem likely that that's going to happen. it seems like this is something that is more likely to happen next year after the new year. liz? if. elizabeth: hillary vaughn, good to see you. let's welcome back to the show texas congresswoman monica de la cruz, congresswoman, thank you so much. you are from the house border or security caucus. what is going on with democrats here? because we have, it looks like now close to 52,000 criminal
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illegal aliens crossing the border. people are coming in unvetted. the democrats are okay with this? >> look, the numbers are staggering. it's not hundreds of thousands, it's millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed through our borders. and we're seeing states like new york, we're seeing chicago, other places saying this is a crisis. look, the senate democrat leaders would like to say that it's republicans' fault. but remember, house republicans passed h.r. 2 over six months ago. we made a strong the stance on what border security looks like. we stood together, we passed a package. and it is senate democrats that have sat on their hands and done absolutely nothing, insulting the american people, insulting border communities like mine. elizabeth: okay.
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so the president when he took office did about 300 executive actions through january 2022, many of them weakening the border turning back trump's border rules. border authorities just had to suspend operations at international railroad crossings in two texas border cities because they needed to free up agents to deal with the flood of illegal immigration. so they're the shutting down international commerce to deal with biden's border crisis. let's watch former president trump on this. watch. >> i will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement including parts of the d everything a, atf -- dea, atf, fbi and dhs. [cheers and applause] and i will make clear that we must use any and all resources needed to stop the invasion of our country including moving thousands of troops currently stationed overseas in countries that don't like us, they laugh
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at our current president, they think he's a fool. under biden you have the highest number of illegal border crossings in the history of our country, by far the huest number of illegal -- the highest number of illegal sees -- visa overstays. i will also use title 42 to end child trafficking crisis -- [cheers and applause] by returning all trafficked children to their families and in their home countries immediately. elizabeth: did you hear the former president? there's child trafficking at the border under this chaotic border, under this white house. there's an immense amount of drug trafficking and um human trafficking going on -- and human trafficking. eight out of ten voters warn the border is a serious ooh problem, each an emergency. >> that is exactly right. look, as the mother of two teenage children myself, i worry every today about the up
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precedented amount of -- unprecedented amount of drugs that are crossing this border. we're coming up on christmas within a week, and there will be families sitting at the dinner table without loved ones, empty chairs. can you imagine how heartbreaking this is for mothers, fathers sitting during these holidays without their loved ones because of joe biden's open border policies that's allowed countless amounts of fentanyl to cross our border? now, we just saw right now about border patrol and how president, president trump would send in other law enforcement to help. the border patrol and custom agents have been crippled under joe biden's weak border policy, and it is communities like mine, border communities like mine where law enforcement has had to ten up and and help out -- elizabeth: okay, we've got news. we've got news. the governor of your state,
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texas, texas governor just signed a bill that basically would enable state officials to do border arrests and the state to do deportations. it makes illegal border crossings a state crime. so that news is just coming in, breaking news right now. you know, the border -- the democrat party is clearly divided. border polls show they simply want democrats to secure the border. watch this. >> they're very optimistic, they're moving in a very positive way. they understand that the border is broken, and we've got to stop this dangerous immigration that we have coming to our country from all over the world, jake. things that we've never seen, numbers that we have never seen like this. the whole world is in flux, and they're taking advantage of the system that truly e is broken. and this is the not immigration reform. they're basically working diligently on just securing the border. it must be done. it must be hut down. >> bad questions we get from the left if he does agree to these
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changes. >> there's going to be a lot. we have to put together a coalition that is the same coalition that we delivered in 2020 for him to win the white house, for us to win the senate and for us to take back the house. elizabeth: okay. here's the the issue, the president is not the president of the far left or the progressive wing of his party. he's not just the president of the hispanic caucus, he's the president of all of america. governor ron desantis said he would declare an emergency at the border on day one if he wins. you now have the governor of your state make it a state crime in texas to cross the border illegally. what dow -- do you make of this breaking news? >> what i would say is democrats outside of washington, d.c., democrat politicians all agree the border is a crisis. we just heard from arizona sending their national guard to the border. we've heard from states like new york saying this is a crisis is. a crisis. but washington democrat politicians continue to put
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their blinders on. they're not listening to their communities, they're not listening to americans. governor abbott stands for border security. and that that's why he's enacted rules that help secure our border because our president refuses to stand up for national security and protect the americans. elizabeth: congresswoman de la cruz, thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up, deputy national security adviser under former president trump, vic victoria coates. big, major companies and oil giant bp if just pausing, stopping for now all hipments -- shipments moving through the red sea strait, it's a vital shipping route, because -- why are they stopping this? because of houthi terror attacks. again, why did president biden remove the houthis from the u.s. terror watch list? first, we want to check in with our friends dagen and sean, what is coming up on their show, "the bottom line, "next hour? i want to hear it.
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sean: yeah, republicans and democrats negotiating aid for israel and for ukraine in exchange for securing the border, but will democrats cave and secure the border? we're going to talk to senator markwayne mullin on all that. dagen: it's shameful, what they're done. tom phillipson is done, former ab acting chair of the white house council of economic advisors on biden, the message if his calamitous administration on the american economy. oh, just shut up and wait. it'll eventually get better. when? maybe when trump is reelected? and then jimmy failla is here. biden is mad about his own polling numbers. it's everybody else's fault. [laughter] and jill wants a return to decency. okay. it's not happening. not under them. top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: okay, oil and natural gas were moving in in seesaw trading action a today. there's more news that that we brought you friday, more coming in, big shipping firms and more majors including oil major bp, they stopped shipping through the red resea after attacks by houthis out of yemen. the houthis are backed by iran. they've been doing drone and rocket strikes. the white house is criticized for weakness on this.
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edward lawrence has more from the white house. edward. >> reporter: early this morning we saw the 11th attack by the houthis on a ship in the red sea. so far the u.s. has not struck in yemen itself against the houthis, instead shooting down the missills and drones. however, some are getting through. now, because of that, ten companies decided to are reroute ships to avoid the red sea. the problem at the bottom of this map there, that chokepoint. you see that is where yemen is. the defense secretary, lloyd austin, is having conversations with partners op how to respond even though this has been going on for more than 70 days. >> these attacks are reckless, dangerous, and they violate international law. and so we're taking action to build an international coalition to address this threat. and i would remind you that this is not just a u.s. issue, this is an international problem, and it deserves an international response. >> reporter: a pentagon official tells fox news that he
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will announce tomorrow a new task force to protect shipping in the red sea dubbed operation prosperity guardian. we will have to see if any of the ten companies diverting ships change course. others though are thinking about it. each year $1.5 trillion worth of goods floats through the red sea because going around to europe adds about ten days to the journey. >> obviously, there's a long way around a the cape of good hope, so it doesn't stop the supply chain, but it does look really disruptive and, colorly, it's not ideal for -- clearly, it's not ideal. but we must keep everyone safe. >> reporter: the fear is if the attacks keep happening, it could put inflation pressure on prices because the cost of everything to ship would be greater. back to you, liz are. elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. joining us now, former deputy national security adviser to former president trump, victoria coates. victoria, does anybody have a spine in d.c.? do they all have mack ropeny
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noodles for -- macaroni fields for spines? now the red sea is largely closed to traffic. that's nearly 9 million barrels a day of daily oil transit, nearly 400 million tons of daily cargo transit, but the white house wants an international task force on this, on the houthis after biden removed and delisted the houthi terrorists from the u.s. terror watch list in february 2021? what are they doing in d.c.? who's at the wheel? >> well, clearly, no one's at the wheel, liz. i think that original delisting of the houthi after the trump administration had gone through what was quite an exhaustive legal process to designate the houthi as a terrorist group, it's not something the president can do with the stroke of a pen. it's something you actually have to work through and establish your case. after we had done that, for them to take them off the list and then the houthi had engaged on these attacks, yes, we've had a number in the last 70 days, but
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they've been doing this for the last two and a half years just indiscriminately targeting commercial shipping -- elizabeth: what is the biden white house, are they waiting for a boat to be blown up? i mean, what are they waiting for? i mean, you look at what's going on, let's turn to israel because you've been comment on this. israel just uncovered one of -- probably the biggest hamas terror tunnel network near the gaza border. it's huge. it was designed to carry carloads from gaza right up to the border with israel. but now we've got this new report, there's a rift between netanyahu and biden and that's intensifying? what is going on here in what do you think? the u.s. is saying deescalate the fight, do a two-state solution. how do you do a two-tate solution with with hamas terrorists whose own charter says annihilate israel? what are they doing? >> well, and if you look at the u.n.'s twitter feed over the weekend, they actually complained about the fact that the israelis might flood these terror tunnels because according to the united nations to which
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we are the single largest donor, these serve a humanitarian purpose. what is that humanitarian purpose, to kill jews? is that what theup wants? and the -- the u.n. wants? and the biden administration is trying to rein in the israelis who are just trying to get rid of this existential threat to their security. it makes absolutely no sense. none of these benchmarks or transitions are put on -- restrictions are put on ukraine in any way, yet the administration is determined to to oppose them on the israelis. elizabeth: gaza has gotten international hate -- aid in the hundreds of millions of dollars. there are five billionaires in the hamas network. they stole a lot of money. and throughout the time that they had, have been ruling gaza since 2006, 2007, what has hamas been doing? they've been building terror tunnel network, they've been assembling rockets to annihilate israel. they have a beautiful beachside port, a beautiful resort area.
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they could have been a formidablist destination. they ruined it. and colleges and universities, they are so lame. let's watch bill maher here. the anti-semitism on campuses is lame. watch this. >> the palestinian people should know your leaders and the useful idiots on college campuses who are or their allies are not doing you any favors by keeping alive the river to the sea myth. i mean, where do you think israel is going? spoiler alert, nowhere. elizabeth: what do you think, victoria coates? >> i would say the greatest suffer ors coming out of this are the palestinian people who have being fed this lie. bill is 100% correct. and the best thing the biden administration could do would be to make that perfectly career to any -- clear to any palestinian who's willing to listen, that israel's not going to cease to exist, because the united states won't let it. elizabeth: thank you, victoria coates. let's welcome back to the show former e above of texas, rick perry. this story -- it's good to see
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you, governor. what do you make of this news that china is paying millions of dollars to fund u.s. climate activist groups and nonprofits to push the u.s. to go totally electric and to electrify the entire u.s. transportation industry? what do you think of this? >> doesn't surprise me at all. it's been going on for actually decades, difference countries. literally in the '30s, you had an ap reporter over in moscow that was doing the bidding of the old soviet union in those days. his name was walter durant. there's a great movie out there called mr. jones that talks about that duplicity, and we're seeing it today with the chinese. and those environmental groups that are taking that money, i think congress ought to take a look at that. and if you've got environmental groups -- even if they're trying to funnel if it through different ngos and what have you, but just identify 'em so we know who our friends are and we know who our enemies are. elizabeth: right. you know, you have three major
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chinese electric car companies. they're moving to build factories in mexico. china wants to move into the u.s. electric car market right in our backyard. let's watch former president trump on the fallout of biden's green energy agenda for america. let's get your reaction to this, watch. >> so you add a it all a up and it's terrible. you can't get rid of the blades, they only last ten years. the energy is the most expensive energy you can do, they kill all our birds. if you want to see a bird if cemetery, go under a windmill sometime. [laughter] if you love birds, you'll start to weep. it's just the craze iest things. they ruin our plains and fields, they're killing our whales. it's a terrible thing they're doing to our country. elizabeth: what do you think? >> i think the president is spot on. i think he gets it about this total relicense upon renewables whether it's solar or wind, you've got to have a base load, and you can only get it through two ways. that's american fossil fuels or american nuclear.
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and listen, you look at this administering, they're stopping or at least slow-walking these lng permits for us to be able to sell liquified natural gas to the european. that's doing nothing but strengthening the russians, the iranians. so this is the pretty clear, what's going on. the idea that you've got china, russia, iran all in a cabal, if you will, to push forward this idea that america's environmental community opinion is somehow the savior of the world when the fact of the matter is we ought to be with the american fossil fuel industry and the american -- elizabeth: yeah, but the biden white house just finalized the most restrict i cuts to offshore u.s. oil drilling in u.s. history. it's going to cut the number of offshore oil and gas leases over the next five years to just three out of the gulf. >> this is a war on fossil fuels. hopefully this next election cycle we can get this behind us, get back to making america
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energy independent again as we were back during the trump years. elizabeth: got it. rick perry, governor, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate your insight. we hope to have you back on very soon and merry christmas to you. we've got more on "the evening edit" coming up next. stay right there. ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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elizabeth: we wanted to show that promo for our journalist reporters at fox business, they are terrific. i'm liz macdonald, thanks for watching "the evening edit." now it is time for my buddies, dagen and sean. good to see you guys. dagen: thank you, e-mac. elizabeth: sure. ♪ ♪ dagen: good evening, i'm dagen mcdowell. sean: and i'm sean duffy. welcome to "the bottom line.


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