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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 20, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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these movies. neil: as it elf number one? david: i don't know but i am going to be betting on the polar express. of all those i thought that was the best movie but i don't know. the answer, neither one of us got it. it is home alone. that was a fun movie. lauren: we have shown it a lot this week, clips of it. david: this christmas movie was made over $285 million, released in 1990. lauren: there are some bad words. started repeating. david: checking the markets doing pretty well, it was negative, now the dow is up, nasdaq, all up. all a. that's it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast begins as stuart would say, 2, one.
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neil: run to mountain slide, the move to take donald trump off the 24 presidential ballot. other states could look to do the same. guess which candidate is playing this to the hilt. 's initials rd jt. he raised a lot of money off of obstacles in the past in court cases, indictments, pile ons and controversies and as others in his party doing his own bidding, threading a political needle where they oppose him but oppose the court shutting him off the ballot more. does that ring a bell? history is repeating itself. we go to grady trimble, the latest catalyst. i suspect not the last. >> reporter: we will see if it's the last, to disqualify,
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the presidential candidate. colorado's highest court ruled donald trump is, incited violence during the capital ride on january 6th. they don't reach these conclusions lightly. here is the colorado secretary of state on the unprecedented ruling. >> section 3 of the fourteenth amendment does apply to the presidency. honestly, i think section three of the 14th amendment has to apply to the presidency. if not it is a get out of jail free card. >> reporter: at a rally in iowa the former president did not bring up the ruling but his campaign put out a statement calling the decision completely flawed and promising to appeal to the united states supreme court. the candidates running against the former president and the gop primary are also coming to his defense. ron desantis saying the ruling
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and other pending cases against donald trump are just what democrats want. >> they are doing all this stuff to basically solidify support in the primary for him, get him into the general, and the whole general election will be all this legal stuff. >> would be easier for me to get elected if trump wasn't in this race. it is not about me or another candidate. this is wrong. >> we don't need to have judges making these decisions but voters. >> reporter: the court put the ruling on hold until january 4th to allow time for appeals. colorado official says this have to be settled because that is when the state certifies and prints its ballots. neil: grady trimble on that. house this reverberating out of the campaign trail, the first of this, aaron murphy is the bureau chief for the gazette. is a fallout on this colorado move.
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>> i don't know who will be an earth shattering moment for the republican caucus participants. i talked to a few people there. in the sense i got from them, this isn't something that will factor into their decision and this is people considering governor desantis, not necessarily considering donald trump. they have other issues, the ones we often hear about in immigration, public safety, law enforcement, the economy and those types of things. i don't see this. it is very early yet but i don't see this as something that starts moving the needle in a meaningful way in these final weeks. neil: mentioned the needle, these polls could be wrong but they have the needle strongly and donald trump's favor, he leads by a country mile right now.
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no way to tell of this colorado move rallies his opponent as it has in the past to say nothing of party voters to donald trump. at least supporting, that he is getting gouged here but i'm wondering if this does that. it doesn't look like it will but we are 12 for weeks out. >> it is always important to remember the polls are very clear and consistent so there' s no reason to not believe them. but i away is famous for having latebreaking movements. as close as we are to the caucuses, there is time for governor desantis, nikki haley to have a surge and finish in a stronger position. that could still happen. when we talk about issues like this with the colorado supreme court ruling, the thing we have to remember is former president trump's support is largely baked in. they went down this road with a
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number of issues, or any other reason, doesn't matter to them. they are in his camp and these kinds of things don't change them but the people swayed by this are the people looking for that. neil: great catching up with you. the cofounder, very much the historian as well. that part of that, it's unusual for state intervene like this and say this guy can't be on the ballot. what do you think the historical implications of that are and where this goes? >> the supreme court will have a final decision on this which i cannot believe the supreme court would not intervene and take this case up because it is so important to the country. it is up to the colorado supreme court.
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neil: the betting is the court would not allow someone to be shoved off a ballot in these circumstances but i'm not a lawyer, i have no idea. is it your sense that is where this will go? >> i'm a lawyer but if i was a good lawyer i would still be practicing law. my views may not be that accurate. the supreme court likes to make decisions on relatively narrow basis without making precedent-setting decisions. they might be able to find a way to overturn this decision without making a precedent for everything else but we have to wait. the supreme court will make its decision soon whether it takes up the case. i suspect we will hear in the next few days or so. neil: let me ask you where you see the economy right now. that could decide this election, you said a recession is not in the offing in the next few quarters. the markets seem to be of that mind. may be the federal reserve
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found the sweet spot, to talk to the people at the white house they are overview this is the wind at their back and this is going to be a big factor in their favor 11 months from now. what do you think? >> any people predicted a recession and it hasn't happened. not only does it not look like it's going to happen but the conference board had a survey that said american consumers feel that is not likely to be a recession in next year or so. that's the big change from 6 months ago when consumers thought there might be in the middle of this year but next year and i don't think there's a feeling we will likely have a recession. not only is the economic data reasonably good but the consumer feeling is pretty good as well. neil: that usually a good 1-2 punch for the guy in the oval office.
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there's a huge disconnect between the numbers that look on paper pretty good and the president's poll numbers and how he is doing that look the opposite. what do you think of that? >> george herbert walker bush was thought to be in a recession when it turns out it wasn't a recession, he lost reelection. sometimes the numbers may be deceiving and in the election in november the economy could be different, we don't know. the economy is poised, markets are poised for a rate cut, one or 2 times before the election and that is likely to happen but we don't know when the rate cuts will occur. my own view is it will make rate cuts before the third quarter because you get into the election period and the fed does not want to look like it is helping one candidate or hurting another candidate. neil: referring to 1992, george
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herbert walker bush lost to bill clinton in the economy he says was coming out of this recession americans were feeling it, became too little too late. there's enough time in this particular economy for it to help. doesn't seem to be right now but that is what you are thinking could happen. >> it happened, george herbert walker bush, the feeling we are in a recession, we were not in a recession, we were getting out of it. might have been helpful to him. right now there is a perception we are not likely to go into recession but these things change from time to time. everybody is looking at the data and we will have to see. my impression is the economy is in good shape or better shape than the european economy and chinese economy and leading the world right now in terms of economic growth. neil: when you talk to investors, there's a growing
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consensus this bull market continues into the new year. valuations are stretched, but that's okay, they are not overly stretched. >> great investors are saying markets are going up, people are very a yuli and but great investors say where is the soft spot? there is too much enthusiasm in certain sectors. the great investors see where there might be some weakness and put their money there but generally investors are feeling good about where the economy is going relative to six months ago or a year ago. neil: do you have a horse in this political race? >> i stay out of politics. i worked for president carter in 1977-81 and my experience with him didn't help them get reelected. in a wants my advice, nobody wants my money so i don't give money, i don't give advice but as an american citizen i hope we have our fair election and one that many people vote in. the most important thing is getting americans to vote.
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that's the key to our democracy was we had 355 million people vote last time. hope we can exceed that by a lot this time. neil: talking about the fact you are a billionaire and that gives you great cash with politicians of all stripes including this one who use your beautiful nantucket home, $40 million home quite often so what is the story about that? >> with what? lauren: 1 lending him -- >> i have lent my home to many people, republicans and democrats, over the years, george herbert walker bush spent time there, others from both parties have spent time there. i don't use it that much anymore. if you want to use it, i will make it available to you. neil: it is beautiful. >> just call me. neil: given your wealth, you talked in the beginning, you have done very well for your self to the point there are
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rumors around that you have enough dough to be among the buyers of the baltimore orioles. are you interested unequivocally in buying the baltimore orioles? >> i don't know if they are for sale. they've not announced they are for sale. i will announce i've got all my baseball trading cards from when i was in high school, looking at them, maybe that is all i will get to do, look at my baseball cards but i don't know. they haven't said they are for sale. neil: you are more savvy than that, at least kicked the tires and show there's a price. >> they have not announced for sale, they are not for sale. if they are for sale. if they were for sale i will call you first and say would you like to join a buying group? would you like to participate? that would be great.
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neil: let me step back and get your view of america. you have been worried about the crises we face in this country, losing sense of history in this country, you treasure that history. you on a lot of precious historical documents for people to see, in a shelf, in a bedroom. i wanted to use this as an opportunity to get your thoughts on america now. i know we are divided. that happened in many cycles residential and otherwise. each event is the most crucial election ever. we get through these things. a lot of people are worried in this environment, all the protests we have seen since the israel hamas war, disproportionate number of protests in favor of palestinians, some say by definition hamas, that things are out of control. are they out of control?
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>> america is a place you have protests from time to time. that is what america is about. we are nowhere near where we were in the civil war where we killed 3% of our own population. we have disputes. the political system is not working as well as i would like it to be. protests are part of our country. i think the protests are good when done in a peaceful manner and people are acting in a civil way but sometimes things get out of control but as a rule of thumb, the countries in reasonable shape. i wish we could get more bipartisanship. i host a dinner for members of congress once a month trying to get them both sides to come together and haven't some impact. i don't know. generally bipartisanship is something we grew up with and hope we can get more of that. . 20 do you think the iconic political figures from the past, jack kennedy whose assassination we remember 60 years ago last month, or even ronald reagan, both presidents
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famous for working across the aisle, john candy working on tax cuts, ronald reagan working with democrats, tip o'neill posted his initiatives. could either cut it today in an environment like to date, they chop your hand often. >> it's not considered a way to get ahead if you are a democrat spending time with republicans or vice versa but president biden did get bipartisan support for the chip act or the infrastructure legislation. there was some progress. i hope he can do more bipartisanship where republicans and democrats are talking to each other and work out a common way to get together because money is raised from the far left and the far right many members of congress are pulled to the far left and the far right. i hope we can find ways to bring them together. lauren: 1 you will see what happens. good seeing you. thank you very much. >> see you in nantucket. .
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what he david rubenstein talking to the best and the mightiest. they have a different view of the world but an interesting perspective, where the country is going, he certainly loves his country. a lot of documents to make sure we can see them and feel them and touch them and understand them. trying to understand what is happening in the red sea where so many companies, tankers are saying we want nothing to do with that. we through this map together showing the route some are taking going to the red sea, that has a million dollars to a single taker's costs, just one tanker, shipping a variety of goods. you do the math after this. ♪ ♪
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange. here, i can search more than 2,000 companies, to see if they care more about divisive social issues than about running a sound business. isn't it time we got back to the business of business?
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adam: you are looking at the dow, why are you showing me that? oil prices and the concern that
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that pressures oil prices, avoiding the area, lifting up the fear that there's hell to pay. it isn't helping that fedex and its double-digit decline in sales and momentum is weighing on that average, a component of that average is a big contributor, some look at the transport as a signal about how it goes and eventually the markets but under a little selling pressure, not spreading to the dow, racing along just fine, oil still well under $80 a barrel around 7447 so we are monitoring that. and they are worsening that. >> operation prosperity guardian is going to work, 14
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shipping companies having their vessels rerouted around africa. senior administration official telling the operation prosperity guardian is working in the red sea. nine other countries joined the coalition with the red sea responding to threats, and uranian back to these. any long-term rerouting of ships could have significant impact on inflation. >> it shows a couple things, one is fragility and the other is complexity. large globally diverse integrated supply chains present a significant amount of risk with things like geopolitical disruptions. >> increased costs come because there's no way to back inventory effort ship is still traveling the distance around africa should companies have added insurance premiums on cargo containers and the cost of fuel and time with crews
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working more days. john kirby says the coalition will work. >> bottom line, these attacks have to stop. they are unacceptable. our allies and partners do what we have to do to counter these threatened attack these ships. >> a senior houthi official is telling al jazeera that they will confront any coalition in the red sea. neil: they don't seem remotely intimated. great job as always. what do you make of this? if this is supposed to be a threat to us we have a funny way of reacting to it, even the task force protecting commercial ships from all over the world, we are up to 14 shipping companies, we want to know part of these, they are saying task force or no.
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what do you make of it? >> the biden administration looked at a few options and chose the ones they thought would result in the least chance of escalating in the red sea. we could have taken a more forceful response, we are not targeting the launch site, terrorist networks in yemen that are launching these attacks, we are rerouting shipping vessels at great cost to the global economy. in this scenario, the houthis, the terrorist who these, no longer designated as such, are following the orders of their masters into ron and they are succeeding, impacting the united states economy and the global economy writ large. neil: if we went after where these rebels are concentrated in yemen and start taking out positions in yemen. we've got to northern air act to take out one such group but
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that would be a game changer to go to the belly of that beast. you are one step from going to the belly of their beast, iran. >> we used to call it the belly of the beast, moscow, russia, but calling yemen the belly of the beast, i've been all over the middle east and that an apt description but i think we were very fortunate none of those ballistic missiles, soldiers and sailors or merchant ships in the area, british petroleum, i would prefer we take a more forceful -- we are not detouring the houthis, there is a spillover because hezbollah in lebanon is emboldened as our iran's proxy militants who have targeted and caused traumatic
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brain injuries to us soldiers so when deterrence fails of this is the result and we are not reestablishing deterrence but taking a way out that will cost us a lot economically, if the houthis decide to escalate, they may continue to target us. julie: have been prescient on a lot of this. good seeing you again. neil: latest on what colorado did could other states follow, what if battleground states took the same position, enough controversy there and questions about january 6th and all that to take on trump off one state ballot. why not. after this. ♪
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>> is trump and insurrectionist? >> it is self evident. you saw it. let the court make the decision but he supported an insurrection, no question about it. none, 0. neil: that is pretty unequivocal from president biden on the colorado decision to take donald trump off of the presidential ballot next year. that could possibly and likely will go all the way to the supreme court. where it goes from there. what do you think, if you were a betting man and he got to the supreme court? >> i would bet they reversed the colorado supreme court. that's my strong hunch. the united states supreme court will jump in you quickly here,
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they will reverse the colorado supreme court and it wouldn't surprise me if the more liberal justices on the court agreed that the colorado court went too far in this case. we 20 if they were to uphold that decision. i have no way of knowing, seems to be consensusbuilding, you could imagine what other states would do. all battleground states in which the former president leads could one by one do the same thing and then what? >> absolutely, if the supreme court were to uphold the colorado supreme court, you could see a situation where other states needless to say blue states in all likelihood would move to knock donald trump off the ballot. i think it is unlikely we get to that point. this question has been decided by many other state supreme courts other than colorado. it's the first to go against the tide and say he could be
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disqualified. other state courts said this is not how the 18th amendment operates and refused to strike him from the ballot. neil: is a dumb question but you are polite when i asked him. what if, in any of these cases including potentially the january 6th case he is convicted in this interim, we wait to see what the supreme court has to say, then you do have something to hang your hat on, not a case of justices in a state of that went too far, now they have a conviction behind them. >> that could change the calculus. one problem with the supreme court approach is they decided without trial or due process protections that donald trump assisted in this insurrection so i think if he were convicted, they would have a stronger argument. i would also say what he gets convicted for, it doesn't automatically make him and
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insurrectionist. in that case it becomes more complicated. i'm not sure it makes with the colorado supreme court did right. neil: people decide whether they like or don't like it. >> that is it and one of the ironies of what is going on. the colorado supreme court acted to uphold and vindicate our democracy. the outcome they reached was antidemocratic to the extent it will prevent colorado citizens from voting for the candidate of their choice. for most people they say many people have different views of the president's actions january 6th but those debates get resolved in a ballot box. neil: thank you very much. meanwhile taking a look, in
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case you are counting, the straight record, the s&p is in record territory, in record territory it is up. the nasdaq up 7% away from those january 21st his. interest rates are stable, 10 year note under 90% and getting that soft landing and everything is wonderful. after this. ♪
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>> great investors say the market is going up, the great investors say what is the soft spot? there is too much enthusiasm in certain sectors, there might be some weakness. at the moment generally investors are feeling good about where the economy is going. neil: from the car while group, the cofounder, multibillionaire, best-selling author, if they ever put themselves for sale but i digress. one of the things he mentioned is how investors are rallying around the moment, some were successfully enough, to look at how far that is. let's explore that part of the interview with larry glaser, brilliant market, what he's talking about is savvy investors looking at potential issues the general crowd might
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not be right now, among them, he mentioned in the past, the effect of inflation. what do you think? >> if you look at the headlines we watch the economic data and things are moving and trending but we have a short-term memory. we have to keep in mind the issues that are still in our markets and economies that pickets head back in again. geopolitical issues continue, and we get wrapped into those easily, and it has got to come back. it has got to come back quickly, we know it is not going to happen quickly or it might react negatively.
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and these factors, and they lagged behind. comparing that to the nasdaq and s&p it is way behind the. small-cap held up their end of the bargain, we might see lifting their. technology has led. we see softness in technology, that will pull the market down lower and everything will come with that but short-term memory. keep in mind where we were six months or a year ago, if we get a small pool back, on a bigger scale, we are further than we were before. neil: and we are up significantly from where we were, doesn't mean where we are is exceedingly nose bleeding if i could use a wacky term like that, valuations are stretched
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but not beyond craziness but what do you think. >> holidays are the time for believing, optimism and sheer. investors believing and optimistic and cheering on the federal reserve chairman jay powell, that he will pivot to lower rates, cutting rates three times at least, steering us to a soft landing and goldilocks economy and everything is going to be great. listening to other fed officials, don't share that same exuberance. they are putting in a dose of reality and trying to walk that back. they are the into jay powell's yang. they are saying not so fast, no sense of urgency. a little more cautious. the exuberance wall street wants to believe. to be leave. sometimes the fed get it right and we should applaud that and so many issues that are beyond the runaway spending in washington, events that could spike energy prices, shipping
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costs, away beyond fed control right now. people are optimistic. we should appreciate that but the dose of reality should be noticed. neil: you have to be aware of good news or bad news. neil: thank you both. i want to go to milwaukee, wisconsin, the president, and garrett tenney has more on that. >> reporter: the president just arrived in milwaukee and was asked about the colorado supreme court after willing to keep donald trump off the ballot and president biden said he wasn't going to comment on it and followed it up saying it is clear the former president supported and insurrection. listen to that. >> president biden: it is self evident.
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no question about it. he is doubling down. >> reporter: president biden is working on his reelection on a trip to wisconsin to convince voters, specifically black voters that he has done good for thing since taking office at his policies namely bidenomics is working on making our lives better. the argument hasn't done much to sway voters, two thirds of voters said they disapprove of president biden's handling of the economy of nearly half that his economic policies hurt them, 14% said they have been helped by those policies. the president isn't doing much better, half of voters in the badger state had an unfavorable view of biden in the paul last month at marquette law school and on the economy.
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a majority said they prefer donald trump. neil: we are going to take you for look at stock markets around the world but what if i told you the israeli stock market has come a long way since those dark days in october after the attacks. it doesn't apply right now. the latest after this. [ "i'll be seeing you" by the five satins ] the mercedes-benz holiday love celebration is here. come in now
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for the exceptional offers you're bound to love, now, through january 2nd. they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything,
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adam: the war is still dragging on between israel and hamas and shows no sign of ending anytime soon but the market has come back alarmingly people have given up hope for it when was trashing, looks like our markets were crashing after 9/11. is real is coming back. the head of trading at the tel aviv stock exchange. good to have you. thank you. you look at your market on the what is going on and some people read into that that the market is seeing the daylight after -- something else going on. it had been given up for lost in a multi-year bear market as
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a result of those attacks. doesn't seem to be the case. >> i agree with you. they are very optimistic, the future of this country, and difficult moments. after the war the situation in gaza will be better and they hope the situation, worse than now. we think after the crisis, we will see stronger growth. another reason interest rates supposed to go down and improve the situation of the market. local market is cheap, cheaper than the us market. we 20 looking at israeli stocks in general. there's a lot about your country post this war.
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we are not sure what things will look like. gaza and who controls that region for the months and years afterwards anyone's guess. the markets without overanalyzing, and better conditions will prevail. >> the end of the war, the war will end in the first quarter of 2024. market price price to this, it will cost, the war will cost us something like 200 billion or something like $50 billion, the situation is very very good.
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something like 60% before they started, 75%, 100 day, so we think the situation will be better after the war and the process is very comfortable, the stock exchange, equity, 11 to 12, the us, 18, in the israeli stocks. neil: not just israeli investors. thank you very much.
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the market coming back, trading roughly half, the s&p throwing it out there. it is what it is. we will have more after this including a rally in wall street, looking at a potential sixth straight after this. ut w? some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange. here, i can search more than 2,000 companies, to see if they care more about divisive social issues than about running a sound business. isn't it time we got back to the business of business? learn the risk to your company or family at i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums]
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life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones ..
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neil: have you ever thought, wonderful run with a wonderful franchise, ready to cash out?
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>> my family, the new england patriots, the most important thing in my life. neil: if someone told me, a new documentary, got to be my wonderful stuff. >> i thought at 50 years old i could set myself free by touting my truth. neil: are you nervous? >> i stepped back, look at how reality works. my job doesn't allow me to be nervous. lauren: 20 every time we do better in this country, the federal reserve raises rates assuming we go to hell in a hand basket. >> monetary policy balancing inflation. inflation is a horrible head window. neil: a lot of kowtowing going on right now with china and there's a concern among a lot
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of us businesses and titans that jamie' s i'm, elon musk, bill gates say to amanda that it would be risky to the degree that it hurts us just as much. you don't agree with that. >> i disagree with that. i think they are making it out to be harder than it needs to be because it serves their self-interest to say so. this is where i depart from trump a little bit. >> not saying these things about donald trump to be mean or angry or anything else. just, no more than my usual new jersey styles, adams and jefferson were relying on the smartness of the american people. i remember your coverage in the 1800 race, you called it. neil: only people at their core are good and interesting people, like professional wrestling. some of us. "the big money show" now


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