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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. larry: i'll tell you this, if an enemy hits america, america's got to strike back a hundred times harder. minute's got to stand up for this -- somebody's got to stand up for this country on the world stage. not happening now. anyway, please dial up liz macdonald. she's got a lot of great answers. i tell you, liz, i'm losing -- i just think somebody's got to
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stand up for america. elizabeth: agreed. and you herald the houthi leaders today threatening the u.s. not good. larry, thank you so much is. okay, let's get right -- we've got this breaking news coming in right now. the state of maine, maine is now under pressure to follow colorado and remove front-runner trump from maine's state ballot. now we've got 13 states, they're going through the same legal fights. now, the gop 2024 contenders, they're been in an uproar over what's going on. fox news' mark meredith is standing by live9 with the latest news in ames, iowa. mark, ron desantis is saying he's not going to boycott colorado primary like vivek ramaswamy wants all gop candidates to do. what's the latest, mark? if. >> reporter: well, liz, what's amazing is how much these candidates have all been on the same message, that they think this colorado decision was simply going too far. liz, we've heard from all of them here in iowa today who have made it very clear they don't think what happened overnight
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was justified. they're also coming to donald trump's defense. but, of course, what's notable here is the timing. the iowa caucus less than a month away, and these candidates instead of talking about the economy, talking about inflation, they're talking about donald trump. >> make no mistake, i want to win this election, but i want to do it through the front door, that the voters think i'm best positioned the lead our movement to the next level, not by having the competition eliminated from a ballot. >> there was no trial on any of this. today basically said, what, you can't be on the ballot? what's the limiting principle for that. >> but what i will say is this: i do not believe donald trump should be prevented from being president of the united states by any court. i think he should be prevented from being president of the united states by the voters of this country. [applause] >> reporter: trump was in iowa late last night just hours after that decision was handed down, but he chose not to directly weigh in on the colorado challenge during his rally. we don't expect him to hold any
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more campaign events this week with. we are, however, hearing from the republican national committee, and they say they're ready to go to bat for trump on this. we heard from the chairwoman ronna mcdaniel today, and she said, quote, they want to let noncitizens vote while disenfranchising millions of voters. they don't want to save democracy, they want to stop the it from happening, and we will leverage all of our resources to stop them in the courts. what's so notable there is you've not the rnc sticking up for trump, making it clear they are going to fight this battle alongside of him as we also heard from the candidate, but timing matters. you're going to hear whether or not the supreme court's going the take this up soon. colorado is giving the court just a couple of weeks to decide what they're going to do. their primary is in march. as you mentioned, liz, a lot of other statements also looking at a potentially following the same route. either way, this is going to have to get decided soon. elizabeth: what a story. mark never kate, thank you so much. let's bring in brent tolman and
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hans von spakovsky. first, let's get your reaction to president biden's response to what happened in colorado. watch this. >> reporter: is trump an insurrectionist, sir? >> well, i think that's self-is earth. you saw it. now, whether the -- [inaudible] we'll let the court make that decision. but he certainly supported the ins erection are. no question about it. none, zero. and he seems to be doubling down on about everything. elizabeth: okay. again, brent, the president is accused of being wrong here. it's not self-evident. the president's wrong. trump was never charged with insurrection. special counsel jack smith dud not charge trump with that. i think only eight january 6 defendants out of 1200 were charged with she disturbs conspiracy. j-6 was a riot. and jump says he'll take this to the -- and trump says he'll take this to the supreme court. do you think he's going to win? >> i do think he will, liz. thanks for having me on.
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i think if you read this opinion, i've never read an opinion written by a supreme court, the state supreme court of colorado, that seemed more embarrassed about a its own rationale in the very language it used. not only did they claim to be taking him off the ballot, but in the very opinion they say, well, reeve him on, leave him on until january 4th. leaf him on if he appeals and then leave him on if the supreme court is going to decide the issue. [laughter] so i think they know they're on really poor heel ground, but they are because -- legal ground, but they are because the famghts -- facts don't support it, and we're in dangerous for territory. elizabeth: foreman a.g. william barr says no due process, no jury, no witnesses. they're kicking trump off the ballot over something he was not charged with, hans. and now a judge in maine is expected to rule on a similar challenge in maine by the end of the day friday. what do you think of that? >> well, from the, the -- in
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fact, the u.s. supreme court should throw all these cases out. look, section 3 of the 14th amendment which is what the colorado supreme court used, it doesn't even apply to president trump. and, in fact, the colorado court has basically thumbed its nose at the u.s. supreme court which in prior decisions had ruled that an officer of the united states -- and that's what you would have to be, that's what trump would have to be for this section to even apply to him -- an officer of the quites in the u.s. supreme court is not an elected official. it's only people who have been appointed to federal office like merrick garland, the attorney general. he's an officer of the united states with. president joe biden isn't, donald trump isn't. and yet what does the colorado court do? they basically say, well, we're just going to ignore that and say he was an officer of the u.s., and so this disqualification applies to him. they're going against court
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precedent and the history of this amendment. elizabeth: you know what hans is saying. you know, brent, the threat to trump's campaign is that this spreads to other states and orr states follow colorado. again, we've seen challenges in more than 13 states. some say 25 states. it's states like wisconsin, oregon, virginia, new mexico, new york. now, courts in michigan, minnesota, florida, new hampshire, brent, they've already thrown out these 14th amendment challenges. and judges who rejected those challenges are also a democrats. they said no to preemptively throwing trump off state ballots based on educations not fully -- allegations not full will hi vetted in a court of law. >> liz, it takes a really potential kind of activist judgf activist judge to go contrary to, you know, the rulings that we've seen already come out that you've highlighted. they were thoughtful and they were analyzing the statute and the 14th amendment appropriately in the case law. this is why they're e doing it,
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because the left doesn't really care about the decisions. what they're doing is trying to throw as much as they can at a donald trump to frustrate and to keep him off of the ballot if they can. whether that's through a prosecution or whether that's through these types of cases. but, you know, again, it's going to backfire. and look what's doing -- it's doing to the polling and the response. they're seeing this as a centered effort against one individual that doesn't seem justified. elizabeth: your points are well taken, gentlemen. rfk jr. is saying, quote, it's up to the people to decide who is the best candidate, not the courts. that this is democracy 101. when any candidate is depriveed of his right to run, the american people are deprived of their choice. of hair right to choose. -- their right to choose. let's watch trump on this, and we're going to see another cnn analyst agree with trump. watch this.
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>> it's no wonder crooked joe biden and the far-left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. they are willing to violate the u.s. constitution at levels never seen before in order to win this election. joe biden is a threat to democracy. a threat. [cheers and applause] they're weaponizing law enforcement for high-level election interference because we're beating them so badly in the polls. >> this isn't as silver bullet of an argument to such a degree that you would basically subvert the election and take him off the yahoo! additional fiat -- via judicial fiat. one question i have and i put it to you as a legal expert, if it's so clear that there was sufficient evidence that he engaged in insurrection, why didn't jack smith pursue that? elizabeth: again, he wasn't charged with insurrection. a.g. garland never charged him with insurrection. special counsel smith never charged him with insurrection.
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the president said at that time peacefully, peacefully protest. yes, people don't agree with what happened, of course, on january 6th, haps, but this is a step too far, what they're doing. and-already impeached for this, by the way, in trying to remove him from state ballots. final word, hans. >> look, he was acquitted of that charge in the impeachment trial in the u.s. senate, yet these four judges saying that they have the ability to override what the u.s. senate did, the u.s. senate which represented the people of all 50 states. that is not something that should happen in this country. elizabeth: got it. brent tolman, hans von spakovsky, thanks for joining us. more news coming in, let's get right to house judiciary congressman, he is jeff van drew. congressman ifing now we have lieutenant governor patrick of texas and florida governor ron desantis say how about keeping president biden off the 2024 ticket because of the border crisis and border collapse.
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>> well, you know, i don't know how many more times we have to talk about this, but we're going to keep doing it because it matters. we have up to 10,000 illegals crossing every week, half of them are single males coming by themselves. we know there are people that are on the terror watch list. not only hundreds that have been caught, but there are many more getting through that we haven't caught in our country. we know the drug cartels are there. we know the drug cartels are establishing businesses in the united states, human trafficking, drug trafficking and every other unspeakable practice you can think of. and to think that this president instantly is not making a discussion along with alejandro my e your cat to stop this is just mind-boggling. there are no words in any language to describe how horrible this is for the country and how deficient they are in their responsibilities. i'm disgusted by it, i'm tired of it. americans are tired of it.
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and i think -- i've said this before, i really do believe it, and i'm not impeachment crazy. but i think that mayorkas should be impeached. he's not doing his job. he's subverting justice in the united states of america. elizabeth: you know, border officials, voters who live at the border, ranchers at the border warn that they see more and more unvetted individuals coming through, more than 1300 terrorists have been caught coming through. two individuals from afghanistan a went, came through. they're now supposedly being vetted. you know with, they're calling this ellis island of cartel smuggling, but biden's campaign cochair, representative veronica escobar, she's saying that the president and democrats should not get blamed for biden's worse withenning border -- biden's worsening border crisis. what do you think of that? >> i think that's absurd. you know, three years ago we didn't have this problem because we were building the wall,
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because we were immediately expediting people that got through back to the country of origin, because we had the stay in mexico policy, because we let the border patrol do their jobs, because we were increasing the technology to monitor this. all just three years ago. biden becomes president, and now we have as many people that have come across illegally in all of our country. i'm from new jersey, it's about the population of new jersey, about 8 million, 8-9 million that have come through. we don't have each an exact number because we don't know how many snuck through without our knowledge at all. we're creating another state of the union made up of illegals. it's bizarre, it's un-american, it's hurtful. and you know who's paying for all a this? the american taxpayers who are watching and listening to your show right now should know that they're paying for it especially in sanctuary cities and sanctuary states where they don't cooperate9 with the feds, where they're giving them everything from cell phones to
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transportation, to housing and actually in new jersey they're even giving them subsidies to go to colleges and universities where our own kids can't even afford to go. elizabeth: yeah. and, congressman, texas is flying illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities. chicago's mayor's upset about that,s right? you know, the flights took off and landed at chicago's o'hare airport. you know, texas is saying these illegal immigrants all signed voluntary waivers to travel. but we see voters increasingly speaking out against biden's border crisis because if it's hitting their own neighborhoods. you see it speaking out in chicago, los angeles, open california, in new york. let's listen to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. she agrees with you. he thinks -- she thinks that mayorkas and the president should be impeached. watch. >> with the height of the invasion that's happening ever single day to the point where they're actually pulling federal bureau of prison employees, tsa workers, they're pulling
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everybody out of the federal agencies to go down there and help border patrol agents. they're completely overwhelmed by the thousands and thousands of people pouring across the border every single day. larry, or it's to the point we have to impeach joe biden. if we don't impeach joe biden, we have got to start talking about a very serious word, and i'm going to call it treason. finish. elizabeth: whoa, treason. what do you think, congressman? final word. >> final word is what joe biden and alejandro mayorkas are doing terrible, it's un-american, and the real final word is because they want to win every single election. they want these people to vote and to change the social fabric and the entire fabric and structure of the united states of america. elizabeth: got it. congressman van due -- van drew, good to see you. tonight we have chairman jason smith, congresswoman julia let low, radio host mark simone and from climate, marc
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morano. the president again misleads today. plus, why are biden white house insiders leaking to the media that the president is too old to run again, that he should drop out? we have minority parents, they're demanding school choice to get better education for their children. but teachers union chief randy weingarten slammed school choice saying it undermines democracy. and we've got new developments in the house impeachment inquiry into president biden. plus, former pentagon official brett sadler is here. this news coming in, breaking news, why did the white house keep silent on china's xi jinping if warning president biden last month that china will take back taiwan by any means necessary? we're taking it on next on "the evening edit." ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano.
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the power goes out, and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book. who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up. plus, now through december 31st, eligible xfinity rewards members can get 25% off a storm ready wifi device. elizabeth: there are mounting concerns among national security experts and former top military officials that china, russia and iran are testing president biden. critics are warning that he is weak on the world stage. iran is getting increasingly aggressive anytime -- in the middle east. foreign policy correspondent gillian turner is live from the state department with the latest. what's going on now? >> reporter: so, liz, iran already has one of the highest
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death penalty rates in the entire world. they are now ratcheting up their e killing sprees month on month. just a couple hours ago we he wered that this morning they hanged a young woman believed to be in her 20 thes who had been forced to become a child bride, had suffered severe sexual abuse for a couple of decades. here's matt miller on the iranian threat. >> say that we have seen iran take a number of steps to crack down on its public. we have raised questions about iran's judicial system a number of times. i don't know that i would characterize anything as different. the iranian regime has taken a number of steps with respect to its population not just with over the past few months, but over the past few years, andst that's why we continue to both call those out publicly and to take actions to hold them accountable. >> the u.n.'s human rights office now is condemning the regime's killing spree in which at least 117 civilians have been executed by the government including 2 political prisoners. they say this: we deplore the
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executions by iranian authorities of a 17-year-old child and of a 232-year-old -- 22-year-old man on 24, november. state department officials and the white house now face mounting pressure to counter tehran after its proxy groups have carried out over a hundred attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east the past two months. a regime spokesman says criticism from the west is hypocritical as western leaders have, quote, a heavy record of gross human rights violations against other nations and are openly engaged in violating the rights of their own citizens. experts here in the u.s., military strategists and iran experts say this is all just evidence that the iranian regime is growing embolden. ed by a clear lack of u.s. military response in the region to the attacks on u.s. forces and base withs in iraq and syria. they're also, liz, calling for the biden administration to reinstate the financial sanctions on iran immediately. liz? elizabeth: gillian turner, great journalism, as always. thank you so much. joining us now, former pentagon
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official who served 25 years in the navy, brent sadler. brent, first to this breaking news, the news is coming out that china's xi jinping reportedly told president biden last month that china will take back taiwan by any means necessary, but president biden had said that this summit was one of the most constructive and productive talks ever with china. how come we didn't hear about this a month ago, that china made this threat? >> yeah, it's a reiteration of china's longstanding position on taiwan that they reserve the right to use force to take taiwan. but what's most remarkable is the biden administration, the extents to which they went to insure, first, that xi jinping would show up for the summit in san francisco, then actually having a summit meeting with president biden. there was a lot of engagement leading up to that, a lot of gives on the u.s. side. and to have him reiterate this
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position and a manner in which we're finding out how he delivered that message, kind of bluntly, kind of wonder "juice was worth the squeeze on that summit meeting. that being said, the chinese are only getting. maria: confident as it seems that the u.s. under the biden administration continues to underrespond or to take serious threats to its people and to its national interests as we're seeing right now in the red sea. elizabeth: brent, this would be the seventh geopolitical crisis to break out under this biden white house. now you've got the houthis threatening the u.s. today saying they will target u.s. battleships and u.s. interests for attacks if the u.s. retaliates against houthi rocket attacks against the global shipping industry. you know, this is what's happening in the red sea. you know, brent, they're effectively shutting down the red sea and global trade there. that could last weeks. that could result in higher prices for americans.
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the federal reserve is going to cut rates next year, thinking they have inflation under control. now you've bottom the houthis shutting down cargo ships and oil transiting through the red sea. >> no, absolutely. i mean, it seems like just when it seems that our economy's about to the take a turn for the better, something totally avoidable occurs overseas to kind of bring it back to a very bad situation. and again, i come back to these are avoidable, these were predictable. even the attack from hamas into israel was actually are predictable, and intelligence had it e been listened to probably would have been able to insure a better response before all this started to spin out of control. elizabeth: you know, brent, iran is arming the houthis. iran backs hamas. iran, again, is funding the houthis. but biden removed the houthis from the u.s. terror watch list when it's backed by the world's biggest state sponsor of terror. the pressure if is growing on
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the president to put the houthis back on the u.s. terror watch list. the president removed the houthis from that list in february 2021. one of the first things he did when he took office. let's listen to john kirby here. >> -- thought about redesignating the houthis as a terrorist outer? >> yeah, we're actually conducting a review right now, we've talked about that. no decision's made right now. elizabeth: oh, or gee, or really? we're reviewing? no decisions? it's two years after the fact, right, brent? pushing into three years that they have not put the houthis back on the u.s. terror watch list. the president made a mistake here. why don't they fix it? final word. >>, no i think they continue to hold out hope of having some grand, new relationship with the mullahs in tehran and, unfortunately, that's a false hope. they need, basically, to get back in touch with reality, start dealing with iran's proxies much more aggressively
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and actually start aapplying more costs to iran more specifically. elizabeth: got it. brent sadler, thank you so much for joining us. good to see you diswhroocht okay, let's pivot to this: hunter biden, he will soon be heading to court to face criminal charges over tax evasion. how will this roil the 2024 race? will biden family insider s and associates be called in to testify many that? and we have house gop lawmakers say ed is overwhelming -- evidence is overwhelming that president biden did profit from his family's business schemes. and house ways and means chair jason smith, we've got him, he's going to take the it all on, he's going to give us the latest next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ (adventurous music) ♪
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- [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) elizabeth: joining us now, the chairman of house ways and means, congressman jason smith. congressman, it's good to have you back on the show it's good to see you again. okay, the impeachment inquiry into president biden, what new evidence is it uncovering? because you guys are getting a
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lot of pushback on this. >> the reason why, liz, we moved towards an official vote last week for an impeachment inquiry is because every witness that we were calling in we had the administration blocking them from testifying on numerous occasions, numerous documents that we have requested from the administration. they have not provided was they felt -- because they felt like we weren't in a true the impeachment inquiry, and we needed an official vote. that's, in fact, what we did. we had an official vote last week, 2321 republicans -- 221 republicans. every republican voted for it, now, hopefully, this administration will be responsive because there's numerous individuals that we need to have come before congress and answer, answer questions that we have before to be presented. and also there's numerous documents including tax records that we need to be looking at. elizabeth: okay. talk to us about the tax records
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because, you know, house oversight chair james comer or tweeted the evidence is overwhelming, joe biden benefited from his family's business schemes. what tax records are you seeing here? >> well, what we need to look at, you know, the president publicly released tax records. however, he didn't release all of them. that may surprise some of the viewers, but he did not release all of them. yet chairman comer has released several checks, in fact, that went from james biden to joe biden. in fact, one was $200,000 that said it was for a loan repayment. another was $40,000, said it was for a loan repayment. but guess what? on the public tax records that joe biden's publicly released, there's no indication that he received any interest income on any loans that he provided someone. so we need the documentation of whether those are valid and true loans or if actually that was just funneling money to president biden. there's the numerous things we're going to be looking into, but that is an example within the tax records that we need to
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get down to the details on. elizabeth: i mean, we've got, you know, irs whistleblowers saying they didn't see any loan documents, right? in testimony, they said that. gop if critics pointing out the president demands, quote, everyone pay their fair share in taxes, but he, his son and daughter avoided taxes. the president had set up an llc to avoid payroll taxes and med if care taxes on his speech and book income. so when you see what the biden family has been doing, it's not just with, you know, the president making these moves, hunter biden evading taxes, it goes down the list through multiple family members. when you see what is happening, when you hear the media saying there's no smoking gun that the house impeachment inquiry has uncovered that the president personally profited from these biden family overseas business deals, what's your reaction to that? because people are saying, okay, show us. show us what you got. >> liz, if it wasn't for the two brave irs whistleblowers that came before the house ways and
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means committee back in may and we publicly released their 15 hours of depositions, they highlighted numerous examples of where there's a two-tiered justice system. in fact, you're treated one way if you're a regular citizen and you're treated another way if your last name happens to end in biden. and they highlighted numerous examples of where biden's justice department basically stalled the investigation into hunter biden. and you know what happened just a couple weeks ago, liz, whenever the california indictment, the nine different indictments on hunter biden? that confirmed everything that those irs whistleblowers suggested that hunter biden should have been charmed with years earlier. charged with years earlier where. elizabeth: but how did the president personally profit? if are you guys going to look into white house visitor logs to see if there's a quid pro quo whering you know, there were payments going into hunter
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biden's shell companies or james biden's llcs and then payments went to the president and then he met with vumgs who wanted access to the white house? if are you looking at white house visitor e logs here? >> we're looking at everything end colluding visitor or or logs, list -- including visitor or logs, liz. what we do know is according to the irs whistleblowers is that hunter biden and janes biden were selling the family brand all over the world to foreign entities, and, in fact, the family brand was access to joe biden. and you saw more than $24 million that have came into 20 plus different llcs that has shifted from one family member to another. we're looking at ever details and and, hopefully, this administration will be cooperative now since we have an official impeachment inquiry. elizabeth: so, you know, for example, china's cefc, it's a big oil conglomerate that's now defunct. it was wiring money into james
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biden's llc reportedly. and do you guyses see money going out of these shells toward the president? >> we've, um -- for example, if you remember the whatsing app message that the irs whistleblowers highlights that was from hunter biden to a chinese official and it said i'm sits right -- sitting right next to my father, we're waiting for your response? it just so happens millions of dollars went into one of those llcs right after that, in just a couple weeks, and it funneled through multiple llcs which ultimately led to james biden. and james biden happened to write a $40,000 to joe biden and said it was for a loan payment. elizabeth: so you guys are getting the bank records for the 20 shell companies too, is that it? >> yes. james comer has been in charge of -- at the oversight committee in regards to the banking records, and they have been pulling them. with as many shell corporations or shell llcs and companies that they could, they could find information on. elizabeth: okay. chairman smith, thanks for
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joining us tonight. it's good to see you. finish. >> it's good to see you, liz. elizabeth: this is a big washington debate firing up, why are biden white house insider s leaking to the media that president biden is too old to run again? that he should not do that? white house insiders, anonymous ones, are saying this. now, the white house talks up the president's, quote, rigorous schedule. critics say he spends nearly half his time at his delaware beach homes. we're going to break that down next on "the evening edit." but let's check in with dagen and sean. what's coming up next hours, guys? sean: colorado, right, the political court that's kicked donald trump off the ballot. we have the great victor davis hanson this to unpack all all that as well as 40% of americans, they're defaulting on their student loans and without penalty. what? steve forbes is going to chat with us on that topic. dagen: congressman andy biggs on the broken border, on how joe biden opened it and broke it on
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purpose to create mass if amnesty. in this country. and then doug collins, former congressman, no gift giving this year, period, says one mom. how she might be on to something, i say. what's the reason for the season, duffy? top of the hour. ♪ i'm with disabled american veterans i was wondering if you had a quick minute to thank america's veterans for their service and sacrifices. sure. all right. well, come on in here. i'm just going to hit record on this. i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. the men and women who serve this country. we appreciate you. i hope you know that. i appreciate you, one love. i've had a lot of people thank me for my service,
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elizabeth: let's welcome to the show from the climate, he's the publisher, marc morano, and we're happy to have on as well wor radio host mark simone. the two marks tonight. mark moreno, first to you. governor watchdogs, gop if lawmakers really slamming these multibillion dollar slush funds in the president's climate change spending. no strings attached. now he's talking $600 million in new environmental justice slush funds. this is major or waste, fraud and abuse, mark to moran know. now we've got sun power, it got more than $8 # 8 million from the biden white house? it's on the brunck of bankruptcy potentially. -- brink of bankruptcy. >> this is the biden administration taking a page from the obama administration and getting the $80 billion oh 09 -- '09 stimulus, and let's
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make it into the hundreds of millions and eventually the trillions of dollars here because what they've done is doubled town on the failure. if you remember in 2009, obama -- biden, vice president, was labeled sheriff joe because he was going to oversee this obama green energy stimulus fund. and he oversaw it to things like solyndra and the total collapse and all the democratic donors disproportionately getting a lot of this money, also a big source of al gore's massive increase in wealth from all of these stimulus bills. what they're doing now is the same mistakes over and over. i'm sorry, doe mid-level bureaucrats cannot pick winners or and losers in an energy economy. all you're going to end up with is massive failure, massive debt and massive inflation, which is what we actually have. elizabeth: you know, mark, where is congress on this in the president keeps going around congress, even the supreme court doing student loan bailouts. he's been doing this spending on his own, and now despite all that spending, mark simone, biden insiders are leaking to the media that biden's age is a
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problem. this axios story, mark, the timing of the story, it quotes current aides saying that biden is too old to run again. what do you think, mark simone? >> well, let's be honest, this is a serious question. would you let joe biden drive you in a car? i don't think. this is -- he's bumping into walls, he can't find the exit, he can't find the door. this is in his open house where he lives. he is too old, and the fact that this is being leaked out, they're setting the stage for jalapeno or february -- in january or february where like lyndon johnson, he'll announce that he's not seeking reelection. david axlerod, he's an obama insider, you've got to believe obama gave him the okay to start saying that. elizabeth: i want you both to listen to former president trump and listen to steve forbes here, or watch this. >> not one thing the has gotten better under crooked joe biden. under the trump administration,
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you were better off, your families were better off, your neighbors were better off and our country was better off, and you're also much safer-you -- when you had me behind the desk of the value office. [applause] you were better off five years ago. think of it, just ask yourself, were you better off five years ago? were you better off today with the inflation, with bacon that costs you four times higher than you would have had to pay a while ago? >> the fact is the economy got worse when he took office. it was growing at a good pace when he took office, first quarter of 2021, we know what happened to that. even today they can barely get it above 2% which is miserable, european-style growth rates. the growth that we've seen in jobs recently have come mostly from government and health care, not a broad-based recovery in jobs. millions of people are still not on the work force, and the cost of living is much higher today than when he took office. elizabeth: marc morano, you heard what steve forbes said
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about where the jobs are coming from. not broad-based. >> no, they're not. all the executive orders and every cabinet agent a city shutting down -- when you make number rationing and you make energy more expensive, you're going to have higher prices, less economic growth. that's one of the fundamentals. the other thing he's done is massive spending, massive debt which leads to massive inflation. and there's no sign that they're stopping. they're just doubling down. and the more they fail, the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan. elizabeth: mark simone, you know, 538 and also the real clear arch politics -- average politics poll of the president, he's polling as the worst in modern u.s. history, the worst since i think truman. have you ever seen anything like this, mark simoneing? >> no. and no president has ever been reelected with these sort of numbers, and the democrats know that. and you see it on the other side. the response that trump is getting, he's leading in iowa by the biggest margin in the history of polls.
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so he's soaring, biden is crumbling. they know they've got to make a switch, and i think they'll do it in the next couple months. elizabeth: wild stuff. gentlemen, thanks for joining us. you guys make a good pair on tv. terrific stuff. now we are so excited to welcome to the show from house education congresswoman julian let lo are. -- julia letlow. we'd like to get your reaction to this, the head of america's second biggest teachers union, randi weingarten, she's drawing criticism for recently-resurfaced comments where she claimed that school choice, school vouchers are, quote, undermining democracy. watch this. >> they had not one thing that they offer as a solution other than privatizing or voucherrizing schools. which is about undermining democracy and undermining civil discourse and undermining pluralism, because 90% of our kids go to public schools still. they just divide can. divide, divide, divide, divide
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can. elizabeth: congresswoman, how is school choice undermining democrat? if -- democracy? we see minority participants, black, his pan irk -- hispanic, asian parents, they want school choice. they don't want their underprivileged families to go without school choice. they want school vouchers. what do you think of what randi weingarten is saying here, congresswoman? >> thank you so much for having me on, liz. point-blank, she's wrong with. i mean, parents are -- they want their children to be able to go to a high performing school. and, you know, as a parent myself if my child is in an f school, then i should have the freedom to be able to take my child to a high performing school. and we've seen the benefits of charter schools in louisiana are. they have the amazing graduation rates, they're high performing. and you know what's great about a charter school, is that if they're not performing well, then we shut them down. there's no accountability for
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public schools. so i would say that she has lost all credibility with her statements. she also lost all credibility when she kept our students out of going pack to school during covid. we have some of the most abysmal rates right now, and our students are still trying to make up for what she's doing to them -- she's done to them. so i wouldn't take anything she has to say to heart. elizabeth: parents in chicago are really angry, they're outraged, the chicago board of education adopted a -- they took on a resolution saying you've got to phase out chicago's network of charter or schools and magnet schools, and, or you know, this powell of letting all parents -- this policy of letting all parents the right to choose where their child goes to school is going by the wayside in chicago. does public school choice in your expertise when parents can choose, does that lead to better educational outcomes for students? >> absolutely. we've seen it to be true time and time again. and we know that when we give parents back the power to make
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those choices, then that's what's best for their family and student outcomes. i mean, the met trick -- metrics support it. parents across this country know it overwhelmingly. they want to have a say in where their child e goes to school. it should not be tick tated to them. elizabeth: randi weingarten emphasized that people who advocate things like school choice are about dividing america. back in september she likened rhetoric for parental rights and school choice add a advocates to, quote, segregationists. what do you think of kind of this rhetoric that many people are saying that's misleading america about what's really going on in schools? >> again, it's completely divisive. we all need to come together and do what's best for our kids across this country, and i think i if we had more of a uniting message about what is going to lead to the best outcome that will send our kids off to be productive students in our communities. so her rhetoric is incredibly divisive, yeah.
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so i -- she needs to stop. elizabeth: the other thing too is she, randi weingartening emphasized that 9 # out of 10 american students still attend public schools. we got a recent survey from the national center of education statistics that found that public school leaders nationwide estimate that 44% of their students did not begin the school year on grade level. they're not at grade level in at least one subject. final word on this, congresswoman. >> yeah. i think that rests solely in her hands, you know? we are still reeling from the decisions that she made during or covid. and so, yeah, we're going to be feeling those repercussions for years to come. but i'm hopeful that if we all start working together, we can get there. elizabeth: congresswoman, thanks for joining us. we've got much more on "the evening edit." stay right there. ♪ ♪
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learn more at elizabeth: we have a jam-packed show tomorrow night. former deputy assistance attorney general tom dupree, i am elizabeth macdonald, now time for the bottom line. dagen: thank you, e-mac. elizabeth: sur


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