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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 21, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. ♪ changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that's going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to >> we're stepping in and taking away the ability of people to choose their leaders. >> the cartels control every single faucet of our border. they can bring their drugs in, criminal aliens in, bring the aliens from countries that want to do us harm, they can bring
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them in. everything right now is completely controlled by the cartels. >> joe biden thinks he can go into a crowd and give $20 bills to 5% of the population and 95% of the population go, gee, what a generous guy. >> what americans need is a 9-0 ruling to send a clear message on this. anything short of a definitive ruling by the supreme court will leave lots of doubts in people's minds and only further undermine our political system. ♪ ♪ david: all right, you know who that is. it's alvin and the chipmunks. he lost his top spot. i like the santa claus song, but that's a pretty nice one too. it is 11:00 a.m. on the east coast on thursday,
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december 21st. happy solstice. i'm kade asman in for -- david asman in for stuart varney. the big boards and the dow is off the highs and healthily 224 point gain on the dow. s&p up 32 and nasdaq up 110 points. show me big tech in general. they're all in the -- sorry, apple has come down a little bit. apple is the only red on the screen. microsoft, amazon, meta, and alphabet. lauren: hey, aren't they going to $257 a share? david: yeah, $4 trillion market cap eventually, but it's not going to happen today. meanwhile the 10-year treasury trading up a little bit and yield is 2.4 basis points and yield up to 3.875. now this, president biden is refusing to say whether or not he thinks donald trump should be kicked off the ballot in colorado but he will say, there's no question trump is guilty of inciting an
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insurrection. listen. >> what's your reaction to the colorado ruling? >> i'm not going to comment on a court case, that's up to the court. >> is trump an insurrectionist, sir? >> the 14th amendment and i'll let the court make that decision and he certainly supported an insurrection. no question about it. none, zero. he seems to be doubled down on about everything. david: jason ranz is with me and the president pretends he's not guilty interfering in a case and then payments a statement that's totally unproven, what do you think? >> listen to the words that he used. did he support an insur insurren or is he an insurrectionist? at the end of the day, they matter but the former president has not been cha charged with an insurrection and not found guilty of anything having to do with that. this whole idea that president
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biden's going to try to in a round about way convince the supreme court to go with him. i think that's really what the intent was, just shows how scared he is of donald trump. the whole ruling from the supreme court here is just, in colorado, is so absolutely absurd. it was never meant, the 14th amendment and this clause, was never meant to be decided at the state level, state by state. there needs to be federal standards otherwise we have colorado making one decision, alabama makes another decision and in reverse, maybe another state says, well, joe biden decided. we're going to call him an insurrectionist, even though he's not been charged with anything. it's a slippery slope and that's why the supreme court is going to overturn it hopefully 9-0. david: the question is also whether it's boom ranged to so many law fair decisions have boomboom ranged and raised trumd
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wondering if law fair becomes second nature to politicians in the united states and they don't want it. it has boom ranged more than at least the colorado supreme court thought it would, don't you? >> i agree with that and probably even democrats that hold this view. i don't know anyone who is reasonable, logical, and sane that can say, well, we're okay with the courts deciding who's going to run for office merely on the basis of not liking the person. believing someone is guilty of something they've not even been charged with and most people can understand there's a clear let threat going down that path and hope that more and more people speak up about it merely right now we're sort of guessing where democrats are. i do think that they're on the side, but the more i speak to them one-on-one, i need them all to speak up because this is very dangerous. david: particularly as the supreme court decision. we'll see what happens. jason, i want to switch gears quickly to the president of harvard. she's being hit with new plagiarism charges. according to "the wall street journal," the school calls the
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new complaints meritless but even the mainstream media is questioning harvard's standards. roll tape. >> the big question i think in the future is how will harvard be able to punish any students found guilty of the same offense without inviting a lawsuit. because if she gets away with something that students can't get away with, that could be messy legally for the school. david: jason, that's cnn talking and the harvard corporation really painted themselves in a corner here with this situation. how do they get themselves out of it? >> i'm guessing they hope it just kind of goes away. i don't think it should do away but point out in the cnn report, it was framed around conservative activists that were mad with harvard and their end goal is to try and get the people kicked out of elite
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institutions. new york times yesterday had a similar story on the issue and qualitying a law professor at harvard basically saying, yeah, this wasn't put forward by these right wing activists and i would probably take it a bit more seriously but i'm not going to because of who's putting out there. unless the impetus for the conversations come from the left, harvard thinks they're going to get away with it. david: wait till they're sued by a student for plage rich pointing to the president saying if she can get away can it, so can i. happy holidays, jason. check the markets and we have lieu basenese with us for the entire hour. the stocks have gone up too far too fast. what do you think, lou? >> i don't want to ruin the holiday good tiding ands cheer and stocks set up to rally in 2024 and i want to point to data
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that supports that and look at numbers and finance and the emotions and sentiment survey and people are too greedy. the latest board sentiment shows a 2.5 year high with stocks heading into the new year and look at american association of individual investors and bullish reading top 52% that's usually a contributing indicator and the stocks correct and consolidate and see bullishness extreme low on the ai sentiment and just a reliable indicator going along. david: it's wa warren buffet. >> yeah, be greedy when people are fearful and fearful when people are greedy. in the market, uno reverse card and stocks rebounded from yesterday and probably going to get a bit of that heading into the new year. david: day-by-day, everything can change and i see a pullback and dow was over 300 and novice torrs clearly want, they believe in the rally and want it to continue. are they going on their belief and not on the stats from the corporation s? >> i think so and i think,
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listen, this is not a market we've seen even the riskier ends of the market and bio-techs and small caps rebound 20-30% off the october lows. it's not a market you buy hand over fist and chasing stock price and need to be more constructive and know the names row like and the prices you want to own more at and put it that way. david: what do you think of apple? they had the pulling of watches from the shelves. is that a stunt? >> it's a sales stunt and great one to get the sales but indicative of what big tech does. our bank focuses on young innovative companies and we see it time and time again. apple, samsungs of the world rip off innovations and in this case with mossimo with 530 pat tent families representing over 3,000 patents on the blood oxygen sensor and apple poached away some of their technology and doesn't pass the sniff test. i say this as long time apple shareholder and apple bull, i believe apple goes to
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$4 trillion eventually and first one. but maybe right now it smells bad. it's not a good look for them. david: lou, glad you're here. thank you for that. lauren, watching micron. lauren: stock at a new high, up 5%. they're get ago lift from cloud service providers needing memory chips to support ai system so they're taking all the other chip makers with them in this advance. david: 6.5 right now. lauren: sorry, yes, $5. i had read the dollar as a percent. david: carvana. lauren: carmax. carmax came out and reported higher profit, not sales, profit. up they go and carvana is up with carmax by about 5% right now. i looked at carvana stocks, we forget this, it's up almost 110% this year. the -- 1100% this year and annual low is $3.62. where were we when it happened and now trading at $58. >> it's vending machines for cars.
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i don't believe the model and other companies in this space, it doesn't work well. carvana coming off and have another lifeline and seen used car prices come down and long term, i don't know it's a sustainable business. lauren: to echo that, it was $370 at the share for the pandemic high. david: coin base quickly. lauren: report that it was approved to operate in paris. french president macron is seeking to make tr france a hubr technologies like ai and crypto. david: coming up, new york mayor eric adams often criticized president biden for handling of the migrant crisis but still supports him for 2024 and we'll ask a new york city council woman to respond short term orientation that. leaders of hamas thanking governments of australia and canada and knew s new zealand fr backing calls for a ceasefire. morgan ortegas takes that one on next.
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david: well, ha nassau county just rejected temporary ceasefire and release of 40 hostages in gaza and trey yingst joining me now from tel aviv. trey, why did hamas reject this deal? >> yeah, david, good morning. hamas is publicly rejecting a ceasefire discussed by israel and saying that no loss tesla and metas released till the war is officially over. one thing publicly and another
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privately just yesterday israeli forces tay they're close to completing the high intensity in northern gaza and much of the focus in the neighborhood where the israelis say troops from the 551st brigade evacuated a group of civilians still in a building there. with more difficult ground fighting taking place in southern gaza, the death toll is rising among israeli troops with a total of 137 killed since the ground operation began. former israeli ambassador said this about the possibility of a ceasefire. >> that is why we cannot agree to a ceasefire now. you see the voices coming from the un, pressure on the u.s. and a ceasefire now will keep hamas alive. will allow themselves to reconstruct their abilities and they would become heros and that should be a symbol when you come against a democracy and you try to terrorize it, that is your
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last mistake and that should happen to hamas in gaza. reporter: battles inside gaza cop as activity increases in israel's northern front and new attacks by the lebanese militant group hezbollah and the attacks in the region and american forces are targeted by iran-backed groups in the middle east and rocket attack against the al asad air base and brought attacks to 204 since mid october and a real concern on the ground what's happening in gaza and southern lebanon could expand to other parts of the middle east. david. david: trey, thank you very much. in relation to everything that trey was talking about with the breaking news, secretary of state anthony blinken said there cannot be any ceasefire for hamas. roll tape. >> i hear no one demanding of ha nassau county that it stop hide -- hamas that it stop
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hiding behind civilians and lay down the arms and surrender. this is other tomorrow if hamas does that. this would have been over a month ago, six weeks ago if hamas had done that. how could it be that there are no demands made of the aggressor and only demands made of the victim. david: former state department spokesperson morgan ortegas joining me now. it makes sense what he said but there's a very questionable notive of what kind of policy the administration wants in israel. it's like a good cop bad cop but more disorganized than anything else. >> let me go with the good and bad. first of all the statements that secretary blinken made right there are fantastic. that's what i've saying and if you want a ceasefire and innocence on both sides, hamas can surrender and stop hiding
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behind babies and mothers, behind grandmothers. they can stop hiding behind their own civilians and this number needs updated but as of last week in the humanitarian zones that israel set up, hamas fired at least 116 rockets out of the zones that are supposed to be for their civilians and if you're a fighter or man and willing to hide behind a child so the child gets killed and not you, you're a disgusting piece of trash. yourself worse -- i don't like calling hamas animals because i like animals. they're not worthy of being call that had. david: it's a matter of consistency from the administration. >> two weeks ago, the administration vetoes atouted nations and they abstained and about 67% of the un security resolutions and 14% of them this year against one country, guess which one? the state of israel and it's a country with less than 1% of the world's population and the security council is obsessively
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focused with targeting the only jewish state. good on administration for vetoing the un security council resolution but what about putting one forward that calls on hamas to surrender and stop hiding behind civilians and the administration should go on a diplomatic campaign and getting countries around the world calling on hamas to surrender. israel is the victim and hamas is the terrorist group. why are they treated differently than the world treated al-qaida or isis? david: hamas leader just releasing a video you that thanked can darks australia, and jusnew zealand for backing calls for a ceasefire. if a terrorist is thanking you, aren't you doing something wrong? >> i love if you watch the video, which don't give it air time but if you did watch the video, you'd see he has a picture, you know, he's in qatar so he has a picture pretending
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like he's in the palestinian territories. david: it's a fake. even that is a fake. >> i chuckled like you're not withy fighters, buddy. pretty sure you're get ago massage every tuesday where you're sitting and made billions of dollars. somehow; right, the poor palestinian people aid never gets to them but leaders have become billionaires. it's amazing. david: shows you what canada is doing. they're playing into hamas' play book. >> don't forget hamas is a designated terrorist group in canada and canada had at least eight of air citizens killed on october 7. i agree with you entirely. if the terrorist group is praising you, you're probably not doing the right thing. but canada and australia and allies need to do what you and i were talking about and should be calling for hamas to surrender. they should be calling for them to step down and by the way, a west bank post this conflict and will eventually l end and cannot
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be with hamas and the military arm no mas, no hamas. no military arm and no political arm and have to sees as an organization in gaza and unfortunately they're always also in the west bank again. david: morgan, thank you for being here. >> thank you. david: kremlin speaking out about the ten point plan for peace. what are they saying? lauren: peace plan? no way, it's absurd. president zelensky wants all russian troops out of ukraine and wants to reestablish the ukraine boarders. putin says that's not gonna happen. u.s.-led coalition wants to tighten enforcement of the price cap that we have on russian oil at $60 but putin having tankers and shippers bypass that and cap is at 60 but brunt at 79 right now. >> thank you very much, lauren. david: coming up, s shohei made
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record headlines and knowhows rookie card is up for -- now his rookie card up for auction and how much you'll have to shell out for this card. then there's been over 200,000 migrant encounters at the southern border since the beginning of the month. an average of more than 10,000 migrants coming in every day but some lawmakers in new york refuse to admit we have a crisis. we'll take that on, next. ♪ sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions. want to see? (♪) like saving for the ultimate tailgate setup.
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>> not all wizards are good. some of them go bad. a few years ago, there was one wizards that went as bad as you can go, and his name was -- his name was -- >> maybe if you wrote it down. >> no, i can't spell it. david: couldn't even say it. you may remember that scene from harry potter. the villain is so evil, they contested even say his name. now c conan o'brian comparing hm
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to donald trump. >> we can let ukraine go and it's not in our interest and i don't understand it. >> the other guy says we can work with putin, he's smart. >> other guy, i like that he's the other guy. he's like voldemort now, his name shall not be mentioned. >> good point. david: made the comments on conan's podcast. not the toughest interview with the president. checking the markets and nasdaq up 128 and s&p up almost 36 and lou basenese is with us still. lou, you've got stock picks for us starting with anavex? it's a life sciences >> it's a life sciences and it's bio-tech's time to shine and it's about a billion dollar market cap company with a
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excelling -- compelling drug that can treat alzheimer and it's in a phase 2b trial right now and will apply for approval in europe at the beginning of the year. no disclosures and it's almost doubled in the last two, three months. david: what do you go in? >> when bio-techs move, they move quickly and a deal earlier this week and that stock jumped 240% in a single session. david: heart beat, the name tells what it does. >> heart beat and plays into the apple wearable patent suit and big tech cannot infringe on ip rights and heart beat is a company i don't own or my family, we own as a firm and bank them. they have a portable device that allows you to detect heart attacks and that i believe in the digital health world will be the next big metric that everyone wants to detect. we don't care about necessarily blood alcohol levels and heart -- blood oxygen levels but we want to know about heart levels and key thing from saving
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someone from a heart attack ask knowing it happened and gets you to the hospital within three hours. they have ip portfolio and over 55 patents that apply to wearables and the credit card size device that can be port to believe give you that functionality. david: good stuff, lou. thank you. we're on track for a record breaking month on the southern border. lauren, how many migrants entered the country in the last 24 hours? lauren: griff jenkins reporting 11,600 and afternooning 0 10:a day and you asked if that was the new normal? i'd answer yes. 686,000 at least encountered this fiscal year, that began in october. just a couple monthing as and now democrats are saying a, it's a crisis and crisis that's become so bad they cannot ignore it. senator mark warner a democrat from virginia says this, what's happening on the board service connected a crisis. yesterday we had over 12,000 people, he was talking alaska the day before, the highest number ever.
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we can say that ukraine is a crisis, israel is a crisis and board service connected a crisis and not do our job meaning not pass legislation or enforce laws on the bobs and put new rules on the books. you have to do something and even have a democrat saying you can't ignore it right now. david: yeah, of course it's happening in so many cities around the country. mostly blue cities where they just are -- they don't have any answer at all to what's going on. lauren, thank you very much. take a look at opinion piece in the new york post-and ultra left city council pretends there's no migrant crisis and unlimited money, which there isn't. new york city council member vicki paladino wrote that and joins me now. council woman, first of all, congratulations for standing up as you do for some common sense in a very nonsensical city council and what do you do with people that won't open their eyes to the crisis in front of them 124 >> push them the way they push and puck back harder.
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our voices now are more important than ever. we're minority in the city council, and i am considered one of the loudest in the city council on my side of the aisle. david: what do you do when they try to shut you up? >> what do i do? i say oh, no, no. never, ever, ever again because they did shut me down once concerning the budget and regarding this piece that i put out the next day. because they didn't want to hear the common sense of what's going on. you actually expected us to take in what we have on record as 150,000 migrants right now in new york and we have warned and the mayor warn that had $4 billion a year over three years, $12 billion, and now you're slashing our budget, which you had to do and we told you was going to happen but no, no, no, no. in their minds i, composting is
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very important. david: they put composting over the migrant crisis? >> yes. when i got the opportunity at the budget hearing, i thought i'd have the opportunity to speak and bring these things to light. what they -- they cut me right off. bam, right at my knees so yesterday when he had our last stated meeting for the year and we were talking about the 586 bill, which holds or police back and 54 and the doing away with restrictive housing, i had more to say to explain my vote so when i went to explain my vote, everybody started booing. i said oh, no, no, no. you shut me down last week and not again. david: you've got that new york fight and you're up against a tough situation and the council was like a new mayor could fix things in new york city and it's not that way anymore. it's happening all over the country from seattle to chicago
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and councils are getting more powerful than the mayor. that's the problem and the council is harder to fight against, isn't it? >> that's a very scary point and it's very true. for example, the mayor's been screaming about the migrants, but let's circle back to 586 about our cops because the mayor said i'm going to veto 586 but the truth of the matter is the speaker says we're going for the super majority. with 36 names on a bill, guess what, they can overrule it. david: bottom line is the mayor wanted to do something sensible for crime and the city council knicksed it. >> right. exactly correct. yes. it's a very frustrating situation. and i told them so yesterday. david: eventually they're going to run out of money. that's the bottom line. we're all going to run out of money and you won't be able to pay for services that are absolutely needed like garbage collection and et cetera. that's happening in chicago, la, all over the place. quickly. >> look at our police, we've got
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2800 of them already put in for early -- resigning by the end of this year, december 31, and now more cops resigning. wouldn't you resign? so now they're basically dismantling our police. they're getting what they've wanted to do, which was defund so now we'll have less cops on street tied up with more paperwork and a migrant crisis we don't seen and to and costing all of us money and middle class is leaving. david: i'm going to do what council was trying and tell you we've run out of time but not shutting you up. you've got a backbone. >> i'll come back. david: you do great work. thank you for being here. >> it was a pleasure. david: we told you about migrant families facing eviction in new york city. come on in, lauren. now the families are fighting back. lauren: yeah, my heart goes out to them. it's cold and the christmas season; right, but now just to point out, there's over 67,000 in the shelter system and
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they're asking mayor adams to end the 60 day shelter limit for migrant families. he put that in place to reign in the enormous cost of the sheltering of migrants and now the new york post is reporting that mayor adams demanding all landlords of the migrant shelters cut costs or risk losing their lease for their proposals. that's due next week so how do you do this for less? the numbers 214 shelters throughout the five boroughs for over 67,000 migrants but 150 are here. 67 in the shelters. david: they're displace ago lot of new york citizens that would be using those shelters and happening in chicago and all over. we've got to leave it at that. vicki, i know you want to get it in. we'll have you back. thank you very much. coming up, norad tracking santa's flight for 67 years and how they're following the jolly flight this year. tom brady known for incredible
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career on the football field and what if he was a baseball star instead? watch this. >> know why tom brady won seven rings not because of the game calling order. >> because of his hitting. >> 679 home runs, what a power hitter. david: you may not have known this, brady was a 1995 draft pick for the montreal expos and now you can own what would have been brady's rookie card. look at that. for a price of course. we'll tell you what that price is, next. ♪ ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere.
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david: as we all know, tom play i did is known as one of the greatest football players of all time but what if he had been a baseball star instead? watch this. >> no question, brady is the
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greatest. 23 seasons, seven championships, the greatest comeback of all time against atlanta. david: and the greatest auction near of all time ken goldin is here with us now. ken, look at what you have in your hand. can we get a shot of that? there it is. there's the card that, that's the tom brady baseball card. by the way, he was a catcher; right? not even a pitcher. >> he was heft landed catcher drafted in 1995 by the expos and decided to go to college and pay football instead so they never made a card of him. tops went back in time and created a tom brady rookie card and different levels and some
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autographs and something called a super fracture and one in a million card like the most valuable of all and only one made. so there's a million packs, one card this. is the one in a million. this is the actual tom brady. david: one in a million. how much? >> there have been prior to going to auction, there were offers that the guy got of over $500,000 for this card. david: wow. >> it's truly remarkable. it's a one of one and any brady collector is going to need to own it. david: let's go to -- stick with baseball for awhile but shohei ohtani. >> yes, this is the guy that just signed a $700 million contract. david: biggest of all time. >> this is his rookie card. he's of course the pitcher and hitter. now with the dodgers so this is his pitching rookie card out of the same series, bowing chrome, and this one honestly to me i think his cards are undervalued based on him being really like a babe ruth but probably $40,
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$50,000 range. david: unbelievable. that's within reach. lou could buy that. switch quickly because if one is not enough, get a whole bunch of cards. >> for those that saw king of collectibles, my show on netflix, i opened up a box of this with drake. the drake, and this is a 1986 factory sealed box of 36 packs and inside are rookie cards of michael jordan when i was opening with drake, we pulled six michael jordan rookies out of one box. all these items are live right now at g as part of e december elite auction. this is a change of pace. david: switch to u.s. history. george washington signature. explain what this is. >> sure. this is -- i guess there were laundromats in the 1780s. david: i don't know if you call them laundromats but people that did laundry. >> this is a receipt where whers
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signed the receipt for his ---david: which is his? the top one? >> g. washington, the top one right there. that's probably a nine on scale of 1-10. david: that was july 14, 1787. >> he was president of the united states and this was signed two months before the signing of the constitution. david: extra ordinary. >> it's a fascinating item. we're in football season and i know. david: and you work with a guy. peyton manning. >> yeah, in terms of tv shows, this is my boss, this is peyton manning game used jersey, and this is photo matched. payton, i would not go on tv showing a bad game so peyton passed for three touchdowns in this game and available at right now. game used items are really, really popular. david: i have to ask the item. game worn, was it washed?
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my wife would make me ask. lauren: i just said that. >> no, they're more valuable if they're not washed because people want to see the grass stains. lauren: i see them. david: it's the smell i was wondering about. >> no, no, yeah. hopefully, hopefully it doesn't smell too bad. david: ken, we've run out of time. ken goldin, great stuff as always. thank you so much. >> all the items on and happy holidays, everyone. david: happy holidays, ken. the dow 30 stocks and sense of the markets and mostly positive and only four in the negative and dow up 222 points. santa claus is coming to town in just now days, norad tracking santa's flight for 68 years and making sure he has a safe flight coming around the world. coming up, we'll tell you exactly how they track santa. that's coming next. ♪
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♪ david: we're getting close to the point where you count by
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hours and minutes the time to christmas. the count down is on and just three more days, santa claus is going to be loading up a sleigh making annual trip around the world and you can track his flight live from your own home and joining me now is somebody going the tracking, the colonel elizabeth methias from norad. colonel, thank you for being here. how do you track santa anyway? >> thank you so much, david, it's such an exciting time here at norad. we use the same technologies to track santa as we use every day to keep north america safe. radar in the northern part of alaska and canada and satellite sensors around the entire globe and norad aircraft are f15s, f16s, f35s and canadian cf18 fighter jets that meet santa when he shows up here in north america on december 24th. david: wow, age-old question for you, what happens if i'm not asleep and i want to catch santa
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in the act? is he going to pass by my house or what? do you know? >> david, that's one of the most important questions we get every december 24th. so based on norad's more than 65 years, 68 years of tracking santa, we understand that santa normally arrives at houses between about 9:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., but if you're not asleep, he's going to keep on flying and hopefully circle back so it's better to be in bet just to be safe. david: there's a lot of houses santa has to cover and millions and probably billions and billions of houses. how long does it take him to do the whole trip? >> well, so norad has seen santa make this journey for 68 years and takes him all of december 24th and what's amaze asking santa's technology is really advanced and we understand that he's traveling a little bit faster than starlight and how he's able to reach all the houses and norad tracks him from the minute he leaves the north pole till he has ends his journey at the end of the day and call center open from about
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6:00 a.m. eastern to 2:00 a.m. on december 25th and any of your viewers can call us during that day at 1877-hi-norad to find out where santa is. david: give us that number one more time. >> definitely, 1-877-hi-norad. that's 18774466723 and i mentioned the hot line because that's really how this tradition started in 1955. we've continued that since then. david: stay with us since then. lou is here. what would your young one want to ask the colonel? >> if she's on the naughty or nice list? david: any advanced warning of who's on the naughty or nice list? >> that's the other frequent question we get. santa keeps that list close hold and he's checking it more than p twice before he's starting to fly on the 24th so we know it's classified but san that hasn't shared with norad.
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david: lauren. lauren: colonel, some items back ordered and difficult for santa to get. supply chain issues in the north pole perhaps? >> you know, i can't speak for what santa may or may not be able to deliver, but i know that the supply chain is a real thing we all care about. in the military as well as in the commercial sector. here's hoping if they don't get it on the day, maybe in a timely fashion right after. >> i hope you have the patents on the norad santa tracker so apple doesn't try to steal it. david: watch out. there's a lot of intellectual property thieves around. we'll watch out for that. colonel, thank you so much for doing your work. we appreciate you. we've got to jump. elizabeth mathias, colonel, appreciate it and have a wonderful christmas. time for the thursday trivia question. how many spirits visit ebenezer scroodge in a christmas carol. i think i have it. one, two, three, or four? the answer when we come back. ♪
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david: past, present and future, lou and i think 3. what the answer? four. i would like to know who they are. >> i don't know what all. i said it was just my lucky number. jacob marley. david: jacob marley. i forgot about jacob. he was the first person but of course which he was a spirit. i forgot about that. that is the answer. there were four. jacob marley. he saw first on the doorknob when he came into the house on christmas eve. unbelievable. thank you very much, everybody. great to see you. appreciate it. i will see you tomorrow. markets are continuing to do well but they lost steam, dow is at 165. that is it for "varney and company". coast-to-coast starting two seconds. thanks for coming.


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