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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 22, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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you know what's interesting these days? bitcoin. look for bitwise, my friends. david: thank you, everybody, for watching this special edition of "kudlow." have a very merry christmas. we'll see you back here next week. meanwhile, liz macdonald is here to take you through the next hour. liz, merry christmas to you, my dear. elizabeth: and to you and your loved ones, david. hope you get a lot of coal in your stocking.
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just kidding. no, that's me. i meant me. that'll be me. good to see you, david. david: much more coming out about the supreme court if decision. let's get right to america first legal vice president. gene hamilton and also former federal prosecutor francey hakes. gene, we were looking at this decision. liberal supreme court justices joined in to unanimously reject special counsel jack smith's demand that the supreme court and if fast track that decision on whether president trump has presidential immunity from being prosecuted in 20 cases. jeep, is -- gene is, is this a rebuke to special counsel jack smith because it was an extraordinarily perfunctory one-line position. is this a rebuke to jack smith? >> it absolutely is. this is the supreme court unanimously saying with no recorded dissents it's too early to consider the issues in this case. we need to work through the
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normal appellate process. so jack smith to try to jump-start this entire thing goes straight to the supreme court, thought he could secure some kind of victory and then give the bays -- get the case remanded and run trump through all of the machinations of a trial in the middle of an election year. now it goes back to the d.c. court of appeals where it will be heard many due course. elizabeth: yeah. so, france item y, when you -- francey, jack smith already said in a filing, the case is now on hold, that the supreme court, are we reading it right, they basically said, no, we're not going to do what you want. legal pros have never heard, francey, of an unconfirmed, unelected prosecutor jump ahead and try to kim sum -- circumvent the appeals court process. does this show smith wanted trump convicted before the election? >> well, you know, liz, his arrogance here is breathtaking, that he thought he could a appeal an issue which he had no right to appeal, there was no
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issue, he won at the district court level on all the motions, so he didn't have the right to appeal. it was president trump's right to appeal, which he did, to the court of appeals. so this was the supreme court slapping down jack smith loudly and clearly and saying, hey, buddy, get in line and do what you're supposed to do. we're going to do our job, why don't you do yours better. elizabeth: this feels kind of out of control on the part of special counsel jack smith, that he, you know, rolled the dice and made this gamble at the supreme court level. you know what i mean? it just feels like it was buffaloing and bullying through what the d.c. court of appeals should be doing. now they're going to hear the case january 99th. if the appeals court says trump has presidential immunity, do these federal cases then go away? >> i think so. i mean, depending on which ones we're looking at, of course, the immediate case would likely go away, the one related to the papers at mar-a-lago should go
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away. there are some different facts in law that's applicable there. but at the end of the day, what we have is jack smith, again on this rogue investigation, trying to put donald trump in jail during an election year because that is his end goal. his end goal is not to do justice. elizabeth: so what gene just said. you know, you guys, francey, first to you, reagan, ronald reagan's former attorney attorney general edward meese and constitutional scholars file ifed a brief with the supreme court saying jack smith's office is unconstitutional and illegal, that the supreme court should get prison of -- rid of it because only congress alone has the power to appoint jack smith, but congress never did that. it must be if established by law, his office. congress never passed a law establishing the office of special counsel jack smith, francey. >> you know, liz, this is a really interesting issue. edward: wynn meese wrote this -- edwin meese wrote this brief, and they're saying that the
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department of justice should prosecute president trump, but congress has to appoint ap independent counsel, that there really is no third way. and what the department of justice has done here and as they did with robert mueller before for the president trump special counsel investigation is out of bounds, is what they're saying. now, the supreme court didn't reach that. they certainly didn't weigh in on that. but it'll be interesting to see whether that is an appellate ground that president trump will take up in the inevitable appeals in these cases. elizabeth: you know, what francey just said. people keep saying trump is upending the legal system. we understand what happened on january 6th. it should never happen again. we get the arguments there. the president has been fighting against the narrative on that. he said go protest peacefully, others say he was, you know, he didn't do enough to stop the capitol riots. we get that argument. but it's really when you see closely what's going on, gene, the democrats are really twisting and turning and manipulating the judicial system. you know, ed meese's argument also is that smith's office,
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jack smith's office is illegal, he has no authority to represent the u.s. on the level of u.s. attorney because his appointment by a.g. garland violates the constitution's appointments clause. he was not nominated by the president p he was not confirmed by the u.s. senate. but he now has the power of a u.s. attorney. this just feels like, again, the democrats, the biden white house is buffaloing and bullying through. >> it's exactly what it is. and one of the key things that i think is really interesting and the viewers at home should look up on their own time is a.g. holder was recently interviewed about the consequences of what would happen if donald trump was with elected. and if you listen to the things that he describes, the throwing political opponents in jail and all these other issues, it's precisely what they are doing themselves right now. and so this is a targeted, weaponizedded use of the department of justice. it's not if right. it's illegal. and it needs to end. the american people do not
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support this. elizabeth: you know, francey with, you go back to when trump was first elected, right in within five or six months, democrats said they wanted to impeach him without any crimes or gheen -- misdemeanors, right in they did the trump-mueller probe. the mueller probe found no russia collusion with president trump's team to hack nancy or hillary clinton e-mails. it didn't happen. so then you had nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and other democrats like adam a schiff basically step in -- adam schiff basically step in when senators chuck grassley and ron johnson put out a report about hunter biden saying, you know, this guy is exposing himself to criminal extortion overseas, with his overseas deal. they put out a lie that that was russian disinformation. so you see what's going on? when you put it all together, prancey, it's a long -- francey, it's a long timeline of a narrative of what they've been doing behind the scenes to really what trump says is rig the season.
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let's watch fulton county d.a. a fani willis here on her case against trump. watch this. >> when when i get asked that i'm can covering the story, many people say will the former president see prison time? what do you think? >> i think everyone in society is the same, and i don't know why that's such a difficult concept for people. you can look at the charges, and based on those charges we'll be recommending appropriate sentences. no one gets a special break because of their status. elizabeth: you know or, they're acting -- the media -- [laughter] they're acting like, you know, their statements, you know, what hair thoughts are, what they want done is about the tantamount to a conviction, francey, for trump. >> you know, liz, this is a corrupt and dangerous series of events that really started before president trump even took office. if you remember, there was talk about what would happen if he wasn't inaugust rated, could they -- inaugurated, could they somehow put hillary clinton in office. the democrats have been after him since the day he was elected, and i don't think we'rp
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until the american public makes them. elizabeth: thank you so much. good to see you. let's well only to the show hugo girden, you're such a smart columnist, we love what you put out. we're not going either way, we're just watching 30,000-foot perspective, trying to see what's going on, what is happening to the former president. now you have this new biden campaign push that they're going to revive attacks op trump as a danger to democracy. show this new times -- new york times story. last year "the new york times" reported they believe president trump is a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, and since then 911 charges, multi-- 91 charges, multiple indictments of trump. what do you think, hugo? >> yeah, look, it's absolutely the case that these -- there are so many charges that have been brought against him, some are more obviously politically motivated than others.
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but the fact of there's sort of an avenue ranch of charges is -- avalanche of charges is making people at least think that they are politically motivated, it has actually helped trump in the primary. now, one of the extraordinary things, there seem to be two -- [audio difficulty] by the democrats. they both want to -- they like the idea of -- awed a awed. [audio difficulty] -- [audio difficulty] , but they also want to -- [inaudible] so so it's a pretty strange sort of situation where the other candidates -- i think, are very -- [audio difficulty] ever since being dragged through the courts. he's now -- [audio difficulty] and nikki haley is a approaching him pretty closely. and it's -- [inaudible] if she were to -- that would
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really -- elizabeth: you know, we have a new gallup survey found that president biden's year-end approval if rating is the worst of modern day presidents seeking re-election. at this point in the election cycle. i mean, you know, biden under his term, the typical family has to spend $11,400 more a year. and now you've got this news, more news, the cook political report shifted and moved michigan and nevada toward the gop a amid biden's weak polling. i mean, biden won a majority of -- he won those that states, i think, back in 2020. but, you know, president biden is not performing any better either in job approval or in the head-to-head matchups with trump. his polls are going toward the basement. we've never seep them the escalate so -- seen them escalate so rapidly to the downside for a u.s. president in modern history. >> yeah, he has -- biden -- absolutely appalling numbers.
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[no audio] just 34% approval, approval/disapproval. [audio difficulty] what were thought to be finish states into, you know, possible -- [audio difficulty] so back in the 2020 election, biden won 7 million more and -- [inaudible] elizabeth: yeah, got it. >> [audio difficulty] >> elizabeth: okay. got it. hugo, thank you so much. we appreciate you. come back soon. we're so sorry for the technical difficulties there. we'll have better sound coming up. tonight, congressman darrell issa, lieutenant colonel bob ma guinea and laugher tengler
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investment ceo nancy tengler. senator rand paul's new report details a shocking $900 billion in government waste. that's bigger than the gdp of poland. and another top democrat strategist, he's joining in with david axlerod saying, yeah, america is in a lot of pape under president biden. and -- pain if under president biden. and we've got the latest in the house impeachment inquiry, biden's secret e-mails. and former president trump hammers president biden on iran. and we have former acting i.c.e. director tom homan. news coming in on fbi probes into new u.s. terror threats. expect white house press secretary claims biden's border crisis is, quote, not unusual. all of this next on "the evening edit." >> and we're at a time of the year where we're seeing more at the border. and it's not unusual. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: okay, we've got more news coming in. "the hill" is reporting gop senators are now criticizing the biden white house for purposely slow-walking and then tanking border security talks. republican senators, "the hill" says, suspect the white house did not want president biden to agree to a deal. fox news' rich edson standing by
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live from the white house with the latest. good to see you. >> reporter: hey, good evening, liz. some republicans are now urging president biden to negotiate directly with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell on border issue. the two have cut deals on other issues before. senator john cornyn, republican out of texas, says negotiations with dhs sec al hand sow mayorkas are counterproductive and any border will not -- deal will not be with mayorkas. only potus, the president, can commit to any border deal. anything else is a waste of time. the white house says president biden is dispatching mayorkas and secretary of state antony blinken to be meet soon with mexican president lopez on rah door to address this massoff surge. the press secretary maintains the president's done everything he can on his e own to handle the surge is. house speaker mike if johnson's office say, quote, the white house's insistence that the president has done everything he can on his e own to secure the border is an insult to the
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american people. in fact, it's been this administration's policies that president biden can reverse that have led to the historic crisis we are seeing on a daily basis. johnson wrote the president to urge his administration to stop mass parolees into the country, expedite removals, reinstate the policy where migrants need to await asylum claims in mexico and new border wall construction. democrats and republicans in congress are negotiating a deal that would also provide funding for ukraine and israel. if his? if. elizabeth: rich edison, thank you so much. always great journalism. merry cast to -- christmas to you. let's bring in former i.c.e. director tom homan. breaking news, cbs is now reporting former president trump is asking his allies about the possibility of nikki haley as his running mate, as his vice president. nikki haley, she's been strong about border security. what do you think? i mean, there's more than 101 million illegal aliens crossing under biden -- 10 million --
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that's the size of michigan. what do you think of nikki haley as trump's vice president? >> look, you know, nikki haley's strong on the border, absolutely. most of what she says out there in the field is repeating what the trump administration did, so she's strong on the border. no one's stronger than the president trump, and he proved that during his administration. he has unprecedented success, so nikki haley as vice president, i wouldn't shy away from that, no. elizabeth: tom, this story's coming in too, a abc is reporting the fbi is now running down more than 1800 reports of terror threats inside the u.s. the fbi has now more than 100 investigate investigations. house speaker mike johnson says the president can takingstive action with the -- executive action with the stroke of his pen to fix it. he ended trump's policies like remain in mexico and the border wall. >> you know, i don't get it because it is -- for two years i've been saying this is the biggest national security
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failure i've seep since 9/11. liz, we've got #. 8 million known gotaways who chose to pay more to get away, 1.8 million. who are they? where do they come from? what did they come to this country for? if why did they not pay less to turn themselves in, get released, get flown to the city of their choice on the taxpayer dime, get work authorization while they pled if their case? who would not take advantage of that giveaway program at a cheaper rate? 1.8 million paid more to get away. many of these are from countries with sponsored terror. if they've rested that many, how many of the 11.8 came -- 1.8 came from one of those countries? elizabeth: you know, it's interesting, the critics are saying the president negotiating with iran, negotiates with venezuela but won't negotiate with senators about border
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security? listen the chicago voter, chicago minority voters who are really upset e other biden's border crisis. watch this. >> -- immigrant, illegal. send 'em all back. across the rio grande and don't obey our immigration and naturalization laws. to see another group come over here, it's disgraceful. it is un-american. and these rules that you have, the rule -- who made these rules? what about the black children in the ghettos? we've got to make a future for them. [inaudible] i'm strictly advocating for back people. call i.c.e. on them. trump, come in here. clean this mess up. the most corrupt city in the united states is the city of chicago. elizabeth: whoa. what do you think, tom?
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>> well, look, i've actually had three different pastors from chicago contact me and say that they feel the black community's been put in the backseat because we're giving free lodging, free food, free medical to the aliens, but they feel they've been left out in the cold, and they have. so three separate pastors contacted me and asked me to contact the trump campaign and see if president trump will go to chicago and have a rally with those folks. they promise they'll bring thousands from the black community out to protest what's going on and, look, i think it's a great idea. i think they're exactly right. the residents of chicago have been left in the dark. and, look, we've got homeless vets in chicago. they don't have a free hotel room, they don't get three squares a day. so exactly right. under this administration, it's america last. elizabeth: yeah. and also this, tom, i want your reaction to former president bill clinton and barack obama on illegal immigration. they were tough about it. they were saying follow the law. they were standing up, these
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democrat presidents, for border security. this, when you hear what they say, you're going to see how far to the left and off the rails this biden white house has gone. watch this. >> all americans not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. the jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. the public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. that's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more. >> but today our immigration system is broken. and everybody knows it. families who enter our country the right way and play by the rules watch others flout the rules. business owners who offer their workers good wages and benefits see the competition exploit undocumented immigrants by paying them far less. awe all of us take offense to
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anyone if who reaps the rewards of living in america without taking on the responsibilities of living in america. elizabeth: did you hear that? but they would be, you know, labeled by the far left as a extremists. this biden white house has gone off the rails. this is not normal. we're living in abnormal times under this biden white house. >> you know, this upsets me the most, i say this all the time, i worked for six presidents starting with ronald reagan. i worked for presidents obama and clinton as a career special agent. every president i worked for understood you can't have national security without border security. you need to know who and what's coming in. no one did more than president trump, what he did was up precedented. but joe biden is the first president in the history of this nation who came in office and unsecured the border. if he unsecured the border. what commander in chief does that? so, yeah, we are way off to the left. we fell off the a table. i knew they'd move to the left, but i never thought they'd do
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what they're doing and just ignoring the crisis on the southern border. again, i don't care what people 's opinions on immigration, we have a big national security failure right now, and it scares the hell out of me. elizabeth: but why is it happening? biden in 2006 voted for the secure fence act for more border security. what happened? is he appeasing one wing of his party, one part of his base in order to secure their votes when he's the president not of just that one base, he's president of the u.s.? >> i think, i think he sold out to become president. i think he wanted their votes to win the election. there are several theories, and at love democrats think these are -- a lot of democrats think these are future democratic voters. sanctuary cities are going to be counted in the next census which is going to result in more seats in the house for the dems. i think they see some future political benefit in this
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country, absolutely. elizabeth: tom homan, merry christmas to you. thanks for joining us. >> merry christmas. elizabeth: the republican national congressional committee is going after the biden white house with new ads that say, quote, bidenomics ruined christmas. they're doing that in basically districts where democrats are vulnerable. if if we have democrat separate jest paul -- joining david axelrod saying, yeah, bide mom you can es is not working. and former president trump hammers president biden for, quote, making iran flush with cash by taking away trump's sanctions. we've got the new trump view on this on request "the evening edit" next. ♪
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elizabeth: okay, let's welcome back to the show retired lieutenant colonel bob ma guinea, colt knoll -- ma guinness. merry christmas to you. the u.s. response to houthi attacks on commercial ships in
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the red sea, it's not working. the white house put u.s. aircraft carrier groups in the mediterranean, but the world's biggest shipping companies say they don't know what they're going to do, what's the protection for us. they're now saying the red sea is not safe for commercial shipping, and now, colonel, freight rates are doubling and quadrupling in a matter of days. that's going to lead to rocketing higher u.s. consumer inflation. what do you think about all this? finish. >> yeah, it's a quagmire that's growing. you know, keep in mind that the houthis are, of course, aligned with iran. and and on the 7th of october when the attack by hamas in israel took place, the houthis basically went to war along with hezbollah and hamas and the irgc, the cuds force. and so this is just -- the quds force. this is just part and parcel of the iranian strategy to disrupt the entire middle east and to get its way. and to the a certain degree, it's already manipulated the
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world sympathy for the palestinian cause against israel. and, of course, they're going to continue to do what they can to disrupt the commercial part of the world by forcing, you know, companies trying to use, you know, the red sea to transport, you know, goods back and forth from asia to europe and so forth. now, this is costing them, as you well know, liz, a couple of weeks' time if they have to go around the horn of africa, plus a million dollars per ship in terms of fuel. but this is far more complicated, i would argue, because it's really, you know, driving a wedge between a host of the world that was in support of what israel's attack was against the palestinians, and now it's, i think, you know, trying to sour the world against this war and force israel to come to some sort of agreement before they destroy hamas which they long ago should have done
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anyway. elizabeth: and the other thing is too, colonel, the news came in today that iran does have a spy ship that is helping the houthis to target and attack commercial ships. you know, we've got israeli officials saying their port traffic down 80, 85%. watch former president trump saying president biden botched this too. watch this. >> under me anybody that did any business whatsoever including especially the buying of oil, and if i told president xi and i told everybody, anybody buys oil, india, france, anybody buys oil, we don't do business with 'em. they were down to just selling literally drops of oil. and they were bust. they had almost no money, they were in big trouble. and then biden came in and he made 'em rich. he took all the sanctions off. you know, everybody talks about the trade that we made for hostages a few weeks ago where they got $6 billion for that, and then they got another $10
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billion because they sold only electricity to rack -- to iraq, which we gave them $1010 billion. think of that. biden gave it to them over a 3-year period by taking away my sanctions, and now you can't talk to them the because they're rich as hell, and they won't talk to -- elizabeth: yeah. so the former president's talking about iran here. kohl network iran is now pumpinw pumping more than 3.4 million barrels a day. it's at a 5-year high. it was on the ropes under trump. real change could have happened to get rid of those brutal religious dictators, but biden helped bring them back. >> he certainly did, liz. most of that oil's going to china, so i can understand president xi not listening to president biden back on 16, november, when they met in san francisco. but at the same time, we need to recognize -- and i agree with president trump that, you know, this is a debacle much like what he did in afghanistan and if arguably if they had done the right sort of things back, you
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know, prior to the ukrainian war, the russians never would have con in. so one -- gone in. one disaster after another. it reminds me of secretary the gates who said biden hadn't gotten anything right in the last 40 years. well, clearly, we continue to suffer directly as a result of his poor decisions. elizabeth: you know, british members of parliament at the time of the botched afghanistan a exit said, quote, what the president -- president biden -- did was imby sillic e. now the british press is saying that the biden white house is, quote, afraid of iran here, that it's wary of directly attacking the houthis because iran could ramp up a potentially ruinous broader conflict in the middle east with more proxy attacks on the u.s., u.s. troops in israel. so it's sort of, like, running around in circles here, colonel. what do you think of what the british press has been saying? >> i agree with what you read there, liz. the reality is that from the time that we killed soleimani this in baghdad international
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with a drone or with a warhead under president trump, they understood well in tehran that we weren't going to mess with them. we were going to use kinetic action against them x. they understood that clearly. mr. biden has done nothing but, you know, apologize and encourage, quite frankly, through jcpoa the renegotiation for the nuclear deal and the giving of $6 billion in exchange for hostages and, of course, we turned a blind eye to the arming of hezbollah and hamas and so north. -- forth. and this administration has got it so terribly wrong, much like they have destroyed the southern border, they're destroying america's international reach and influence in a way that is really making us much more weaker than we ever were before. elizabeth: lieutenant colonel ma guinea -- ma guinness, thank you so much, we appreciate you and,
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it's good to see you. the u.s. media a are baffled that a americans are not cheering on bidenomics as voters say to the media, your in a bubble, get out of the bubble. and this is your taxpayer money at work. senator rand paul's new annual report exposes a shocking $900 billion in government waste? that's about the size of switzerland. so we're going to take that on, we want to hear first from dagen and sean, what's coming up next hour on "the bottom line". sean: e e-mac, it is going to be hot today, kind of christmas maasy as well. not for joe biden, because his poll numbers are the lowest in recent memory at this time in an lek tomorrow season. we have ben ferguson, as well as blinken and mayorkas on their a way to mexico. andy biggs, congressman from arizona. here to discuss. dagen: yep. and i'm stepping on sean.
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jason rajts on one article that a says republicans are weaponizing -- jason rantz -- anti-semitism to do away with dei. yeah, can you imagine? and lisa boothe is here. chicagoans are begging president trump to help them alleviate the migrant crisis. love everybody. merry christmas. top of the the hour. ♪ students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪
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oh my goodness! how's it going? awe! so i will let you know how much appreciate it. how much we appreciate it! just feel honored, for everything you've done. thank you for myself, thank you for everybody. i get to live every day, you know, in peace because of you. a lot of people thank us, but we want to take the time to thank you, honestly, for giving back. and when you gave to dav, you are supporting veterans like dave and myself. so thank you so much. thank you, you guys are amazing. thank you. thank you. you can say thank you to our nation's heroes, by calling the number on your screen right now, and giving your monthly support of only $19. say thank you by going to right now, and give just $19 a month. when you do, we will send you this dav blanket as a thank you and a reminder
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mis. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: look who's back, laffer-technologiler investments' ceo nancy tengler. you like to do reality checks on what d.c.'s doing. the reality check clearly has bounced in d.c. you know how president biden keeps saying you've got to pay your fair share? senator rand paul put out his annual report and found a shocking $900 billion in taxpayer waste. what's your reaction to that big $900 billion figure? that's a lot of money. >> yeah. it's so good to be with you, liz. listen, if i ran my business like the federal government, i'd be in jail. my personal favorite was the $2.7 million for russian cats walking on a tread mill. but there was a shocking $236 billion that was just labeled
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improper payments. this is what the american people are paying attention to. they don't have -- they have less money, and the government continues not only to spend, but to waste. historic amounts of money. elizabeth: you know, rand paul also found thieves, robbers used photos of actual barbie dolls as id to steal covid relief funds. the government didn't catch that. 6 million went towards tourism in egypt. why? if and the small business administration, i think you're putting up that, out gave over $200 million to celebrities like post malone lil' wayne. why? >> well, apparently, hay needed it. but the american people, you know, there's a ton of already appropriated funds from all of the covid and post-covid spending of this administration that has yet to be spent. why don't we return that to the american tax pair payer? if. elizabeth: yeah, give a tabs cut. we've got, like, 25 states moving to a platte tax or or tax
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cuts, but this government under this white house won't do it. they're wrong. and, you know, nancy pelosi's saying, oh, this is just schmooze. she's wrong too. the american people have had it. let's watch top democrat strategist saying, or you know with, he's giving advice to governor ron desantis. it looks like he just revealed americans are suffering under this biden white house. watch this. >> i used to track a lot of money. talk about the voters' lives, not your life. not mr. trump's leaf. talk about their lives. alice is exactly right, these people -- there's a lot of pain, there's a lot of strain. they're looking for a leader who can help them. elizabeth: a lot of pain, americans are feeling, a lot of strain. democrat adviser just threw the biden white house under the bus. >> yeah. well, it's easy to do, it wasn't a heavy lift are. but i think, you know, if you look at interest costs per the
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cbo's own projections, over the next 10 years we'll be paying $10 trillion just in interest. and if you look at the debt, in three years, 50% of the debt will mature, and the cost of that debt has gone from 1.8% in may to 3% in november. these numbers are staggering, and we will soon be in a position where we're spending more on interest payments than we will on defense spending. the trajectory is just dramatic, liz -- elizabeth: it is dramatic. >> so, yeah. elizabeth: nancy, sit tight, we want to bring in joe concha. we love your christmas jacket there, joe. it's good to see you. you know, you see the polls again and again, the votersers say the economy and then the border are their top worries, you know, but why is the media baffled americans are not cheering on bide when people are working multiple jobs to make ends meet? you know, we did get that good, you know, pce number that came
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in i think a little over 3%. inflation is trending to the downside, but it's still high. you look at grossly prices are up double digits, so is gas prices. >> because we have a media, liz, that is completely out of touch with the american people. think about where political media nationally is located, washington and new york. right? and it's an elitist community who don't know what the american people are feeling x they keep writing these stories, these columns, these reports saying, no, things are much better than what you're feeling as far as what you're paying for gas prices which are still much higher than they were when donald trump left office. inflation's still 250% higher than it was when donald trump left office. credit card debt has eclipsed $1 is trillion in this country, so while we hear these reports that,s yes, more people are spending, they're spending money they don't have, and then they're drowning in the interest. so if the economy and the border, liz, end up being the two biggest topics that we see in 2024 as far as this
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presidential election, joe biden, that 33, 34% is in serious, soars trouble because donald trump is seen as the man who can handle those two topics much more effectively than he has -- elizabeth: is the media behind the 8-ball? have they been reporting on what americans have been saying and feeling? what do you think, joe? real wages after inflation, average wages, they're down under this biden white house. >> they report on polls that show that 65, 770, 7 # 5 --. 70, 75% of people think that the economy's going in the wrong direction, but that's where we're at this point. they're not driving the point home if a republican president had these sort of numbers. elizabeth: nancy tengler, joe concha, merry christmas, happy holidays. stray right there, we've got a hot segment with congressman darrell issa coming up. stay right there. ♪
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house as vice president e-mailed hunter biden business associate eric swinging 54 times but what's going on president biden to the white house as he has no connection to the business. >> it is a moving target, rigidly no connection, little by little is turned into i have no financial benefits. the last thing left to prove if you're going to look at the systematic line the last one left to prove, where did the money go, where do you know the money went to his address and we know that it went to his brother and his son. ultimately one of the concerns that i have is the proof of bribery for an impeachment is not about whether or not you directly got the money is whether or not there was benefit to you or your family and clearly the president took action that benefited his son, his brother and others and that the benefit in the news is
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beginning to tighten. >> the noose is beginning to tighten, then vice president biden was e-mailing hunter's business associate eric schwing ran around the time president biden was traveling to ukraine and twitty 14 and around hunter biden gas company burisma it was under corruption investigation at that time were talkative dozens and dozens of e-mails from vice president biden to eric swearing. >> the worst part on air force to the president reversed his position from supporting the attorney general to demanding more from he leave that they were to get the money that america was providing him ultimately that ended burisma's investigation inventive fitted hunter biden. that is not a debatable item there were people on the aircraft, it was well documented one policy we got on the plane and another one got off the
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plane. >> we never seen a corruption candle had a u.s. president people talk about the teapot dome scandal this is nothing like that. the biden white house expect that they will say that eric was doing joe's tax taxes but if he had no harm to other tax preparers in d.c. in delaware the timing of the e-mails, hunter biden was selling joe biden brand around the world. >> there is no question i think one of the important items, hunter and his partners made it clear they were selling influence to the vice president and the vice president may or may not have said you were buying influence when you pay my son but it's pretty clear his actions made that claim a reality this is one of the challenges, as the president all of the actions were the vice
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president, the sad truth as president what he is doing at the border and what he's doing to our country represent another area of our investigation. the question really being is his foreign policy still tainted by the money and the influence that were already peddled into his vice presidency. i'm not sure we'll get all of that because quite frankly were getting to point where the committee has to take action. >> congressman darrell i said, thank you to you. we appreciate you, good to see you, be sure to tune in next week we will have carlos gimenez and claudia tenney and deputy independent saul weisselberg, the entire evening at it wants to wish you a very merry christmas and happy new year end happy hanukkah and holidays. have a safe healthy holiday with the above ones. i'm liz mcdonald it is time for dagen and sean


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