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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 26, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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important insights, always be careful with those investments. certainly a lot of folks look at the market right now. we're seeing all green on the screen. they are saying oh, wow, what a great time to get in. definitely earnings and as the fed what not come into play that will be key in your mind. sean, thank you for your time. >> thank you. kelly: close to setting a new all-time high. [closing bell rings] it is not making that right now, only up 165 points. nasdaq and s&p close up for the third straight day. that is it for "the claman countdown." i will be back tomorrow. but "kudlow" starts right now. david: hello folks, welcome to a special edition of "kudlow." i'm david asman in for larry kudlow. the u.s. military striking back. the question will it be enough? president biden ordering the pentagon to hit back against
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iranian back militants. after more than 100 attacks against u.s. personnel in iraq and syria. as hamas terrorists reject eget's proposal to end the war -- egypt. our own trey yingst live in tel aviv with the very latest. >> reporter: david, good afternoon. overnight president biden ordered the u.s. military to strike a series of targets belonging to a iranian-backed iraqi shia militia in iraq. we know according to central command three separate targets were hit and destroyed. likely hezbollah militants killed in the strikes as well. they came in spoons to a drone attack against the erbil airbase that houses u.s. servicemembers. three americans were injured, one critically. this brings the attacks on americans in the middle east to 103 since october. israeli forces remain on high alert after syria strike in
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killed irg head. this is a sign of zion it frustration and weakness in the region which it will certainly pay the price. also more attacks into northern israel today from the lebanese militant group hezbollah as a spokesperson for the israeli government said this. >> the the anti-tank missile attack on the greek orthodox church in tikrit, injured a israeli civilian. for the iranian puppet masters nothing is sacred. there is no going back. either hezbollah retreats as part of an effective diplomatic solution, our preferred option or we will push it back ourselves using military force. >> reporter: we're also following reports today out of the red sea where another commercial vessel was hit by missiles fired by iran-backed houthi rebels in yemen. the owner of that commercial
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vessel said no people on board were injured. david. david: good for that but i think there are 15 boats now have been shot at, some severely. we'll see what happens. trey, as urn, take care of yourself. great to see you, wonderful reporting. for more bring in kt mcfarland former trump national security advisor, board member of the american conservative union and a friend for a long, long time. thank you, kt, for being here, appreciate it. let me first talk about the red sea because this, what is going on there is essentially a blockade of the red sea by iran and it's by iran. we know their involvement in all of this. the houthis may be the one with the guns but people directly ordering, in fact we learned last week there was iranian spy vessel was directly directing the houthis in terms of which ship to go after, how to attack it, et cetera. couldn't we have least at the very least have blown up that
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iranian spy ship? >> yeah. here's the problem. we've had three responses, three attacks in iraq after having had 103 attacks on american interests whether it is in the red sea, whether it is in iraq and syria. what have we done? we have encouraged the iranian proxies to keep going. david: right. >> there is no penalty for what they're doing. the worry is, the biden administration thinks we don't want provoke them because maybe the war expands. that is upside down thinking. what will happen if we don't do something to stop them if we don't do something in kind they will keep escalating. it is a miracle hasn't died so far. once you have americans dying all of sudden we are in war we hadn't throughout through we could have prevented. that is upside down thinking. if you want to stop this, not to expand, don't want to involve it to es kate the involvement of
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united states, do something now to take out missile batteries and airfields where the drones are from operating out of them. get rid of them. everybody should know if you attack the united states, the united states interests you're dead. you don't get to survive that. that is far is not the message. david: almost like dealing with a crime situation, if you have deterrents, deter criminals behavior you will have less criminality. in 1988, we had a major major problem with iran mining areas, some within its territorial border et cetera but international shipping lanes were mined. one of our ships, it was the uss, was the name of that? can't remember the name of the ship but it was hit. other service people were injured. thankfully nobody was killed but some were severely injured. president reagan initiated operation praying man tis. i'm sure you remember it --
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preying man tis. we literally destroyed half of iran's navy. they didn't start something more. they creeped back into their little caves around left us alone. deterrents does work, doesn't it. >> it worked in the aig began administration. we reflagged containers and containers ships. iran realized if they go after the ship ships they would start a a war with the united states. they didn't want that. inn beginning of trump administration we had same situation where syrians were sending aircraft from airfields in syria using chemical weapons against their own people. president trump made the decision take out the airfields. we did it surgically, brilliantly, you didn't hear from the syrians for another three years. david: again we have had 15 ships hit so far by the iranian-backed houthis. we have hundreds of ships having to take the long way around to
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avoid the red sea to get to their destination. look how far out of their way. probably billions of dollars has been spent for that. this blockade of the red say is an act of war, is it not? >> yeah. these are international waters and so yes it is an act of war, not just against the united states but against the world but you know what it does, david? i keep thinking, so what are the alternatives here? the middle east, they're always fighting in the middle east. they're always blockading something, reagan administration, trump administration, obama administration, they're always doing it. the far better solution unleash american energy, oil, natural gas, let us be the new middle east. david: yes. >> let us be the part of the world where we supply the entire world with energy. david: biden doesn't have to hit back militarily if he focused on just that economic element. we have a chart i think we can put up of oil production, iranian oil production. you saw it when trump came into office on the right hand of the
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screen, that huge drop downward is the maximum pressure campaign of the trump administration against the iranians. you see how it really hit them hard. their oil production went down close to zero and then when it goes up again, that's when biden came back into office and stopped applying the sanctions that by the way put in place by congress. it can be argued what he did was unconstitutional but the bottom line is, iran would not have had the money to pay for this war, to pay for the october 7th attack itself if he hadn't, they hadn't released all that oil money to the iranians? >> it is a the same argument with russia and ukraine. the trump administration and, operation that we had, it was the idea, maximum pressures was hit them economically as well as other ways but economically, wars are expensive. if they don't have any extra money they can't fight a war. we saw that hamas and hezbollah
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were complaining to iran when the oil prices went down to $40 a barrel, they were complaining, iran, where is our money. you've been supporting us, where is our money? iran didn't have the money. iran during the trump administration they were in their box they couldn't move. the same thing with russia. oil prices were low. russia didn't have any extra windfall profits to invade ukraine or anybody else. the key to all of this which we learned in winning the cold war the first time around is do it economically. that is to our advantage. we've got the ability to do it. which just don't seem to have the political will in washington. david: and take care of our homeland security. we got news over the weekend from nbc in all places that in fact the administration was planning to keep the spy balloon thing under wraps entirely until the folks in montana looked up in the sky could see the darn thing themselves they couldn't keep it under wraps. their plan was to keep it from the public, keep it from congress. meanwhile our national security
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is imperiled. this administration has done so much to imperil our national security. we have not even begun to talk about the border? >> yeah. again it is upside down thinking. the biden administration thought we'll keep it from the american people, we won't let the american people know our sovereign territory has been compromised with a spy balloon because we don't want to have the chinese be upset, risk alienating them because they might cancel a meeting or something. again upside down thinking. this is where it was really serious, this is a violation of america's territorial integrity and sovereignty to have a spy balloon flying over the united states. the biden administration first response was not how do we protect the american homeland. david: right. >> how do we protect the american people. their first response was a pr move. we want to make sure nobody ceases this, we don't get blamed. their second move was to again appease china. it never works. ultimately they had to shoot it down because as you said, some people in montana looked up in
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the sky, said, what's that? david: of course they didn't shoot it down until it weren't all over the united states t wasn't just by random chance that it happened to fly over some very important military bases. that is what the chinese designed but at the end of it all remember when president biden said, it was an embarassment for the chinese. it was just an embarassment. you didn't buy that for a moment, did you? >> nobody bought that. david: yee. >> no. and again, what's the president's sole, primary responsibility under the constitution? the national security of the nation. david: of course. >> he wasn't doing it. he was trying to pull a fast one on the american people t never works. david: kt mcfarland. great to see you, kt hope you had a good christmas. happy new year to you. >> thank you, david. david: personal income is down, debt is up and mortgage rates are unaffordable but the president says the media should be talking up the economy. so are americans ignorant ungrateful wretches for not
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standing up and cheering on "bidenomics"? we'll ask steve moore about that coming next. ♪. (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ (singing )i'll be home for christmas. you can plan on me. please have snow
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♪. david: well, president biden is once again criticizing the media for its coverage ever the economy even as economic data
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shows inflation is above the fed's target and up double digits since he took office. our own grady trimble is live from d.c. with that story. grady? >> reporter: hey, david. the economy is in good shape right now or so the president says and president biden is also making a prediction for 2024. >> about the economy, sir, what's your outlook on the economy next year? president biden: all good. take a look. start reporting it the right way. >> reporter: so the president says the reporting on the economy is the problem. he ace still trying to sell voters on "bidenomics." he is visiting the swing state of wisconsin last week to make the case for it. those voters are are the no hapy with the current state of economy other president biden's handling of it. 78% say the economy is in bad shape according to our latest "fox news poll." only 14% of voters say president
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biden's economic policies have helped them. republicans say the problem with the economy is note the way reporters are covering it but instead the president's policies. >> i think that every single american as we've gone out this holiday season, we went out for christmas and bought our turkey and gas, we know the economy is not better. we know the price of gas is extremely high than it was in the previous administration. >> reporter: the white house is pointing out lately that wages are higher than inflation, while that is true right now that hasn't been the case for most of bide's presidency. david, real wages are down quite a bit since president biden took office. david: yeah, don't people know it, grady, thank you very much. for more on this, bring in steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity and host of "moore money" on wabc radio. good to see you. merry christmas to you. i understand the market is up.
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that is great news. we're a business channel. it is good for the economy and everybody with a 401(k) when the market is up and yes we're better off now than we were a year ago when inflation was 9% or whatever, however, real personal income is still down from when biden took office. personal debt is as most people know if they look at their credit card receipts recently. mortgage payments. you spend a fortune. almost twice as what you were spending when trump left office, right? >> well, that's right. it is almost laughable, david, that the president is saying he is not getting good press treatment. when i was working for trump do you think we got the kind of fawning press treatment they give biden? david: right. >> so that is a laughable claim. first of all, the facts are the economy is better today than it was a year ago. remember, felt like we were going to fall off a cliff a year ago. now we're seeing, we are seeing improvement for sure in the
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issue of the inflation. and the job market is pretty good too. i think you put your finger on the big problem. people are just feeling poorer because they are poorer. david: yes. >> you can't spin that. david: yes. >> by my estimation the average family lost $2,000 in purchasing power when you take into account the inflation and one other quick point, david, this is so important the president keeps misstating this, he keeps saying prices are down. no, just the rate of increases is down but we're still paying 20% more than when trump left office. david: even your dog was howling, steve. even the dog knows what is going on with the world. >> he knows the truth! david: the point is, it is not just republicans saying it, not just conservative economists saying that, democrats are saying, we put together a poll, a list of what people's various political representations are, of course you expect 93% of americans thinking the economy is bad, but independents, 85% of
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independents. look at this, even democrats, 61% of democrats think the economy is in bad condition. so it is just not going to do any good for the president to keep trying to shoot the messenger. >> well you just mentioned something a few minutes ago that is an important part of this equation, that is consumer debt. as you know i heard you report on this previously, we have $1.1 trillion, not billion, $1.1 trillion consumer debt. let's not forget we're running $33.5 trillion national debt. biden has added $6 trillion in three years. there is no improvement. i blame both parties on that. i will not just blame biden for the out of control spending in washington. you know what is really frustrating to people i talk to them, what's the plan? how will we ever get to a balanced budget. biden says he will not go for any spending cut in any programs despite hundreds and hundreds of billion of dollars in waste.
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david: we'll not get to balanced budget spending trillions on green energy in programs with impossible goals. i had. pete, we'll go 50/50 electric gas vehicles in 10 years. there is no way. look at dealerships, they cannot give the lex trick cars away. it is an impossible situation. not only do consumers not want to buy them but carmakers increasingly can't afford to make them. they lose money on every car. >> we're pretty much at the end of the year. we have three or four more days in the year 2023 i just wrote my end of the year column, the biggest loser industry in 2023 was green energy which is ironic biden passed a bill where they passed out $300 billion to the green energy but you're right, the ev industry is not making improvement. many of those companies are going bankrupt. solar and wind have not made much advances at all.
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no matter how much money we pour into these alternative green energies, they're not catching on? fact in 2023, the united states and rest of world used more fossil fuels than ever before. it is a big kinard somehow this green energy revolution, call it a green energy transition, it is not happening, david. people don't want the evs, right. they made a big play about it. of course the media tries to push it along whenever we can. nissan confirmed commitment to evs. nissan is owned by renault, a joint ownership. the majority of the voting majority for renault is the french government. so that's a government push. meanwhile england has been walking down, walking back its mandates, right, its ev mandates because they realize there i am possible goals, people don't want it. >> you know the big question i have is why aren't the american car companies, auto industry, why aren't they listening to the consumers?
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why are they listening to politicians. david: right. >> american families buy the cars. they're businesses they're not buying trucks, they're not buying the e-investments. as you said, the showrooms and lots, car industry, they can't sell the cars because people don't want them. david: yeah. very quickly, last question, the fed, a lot of questions about whether the fed is putting its finger on the scale by telegraphing all the rate cuts they will be having in 2024, maybe trying to help biden get reelected. there was an article in "wall street journal" saying no that is nonsense. only done once in 1972 by arthur burns to get richard nixon reelected, it will not be happening this time. do you have any opinion about that? >> you mean the fed being political? gee, that would never happen. political decisions are made and you've got, you know, you covered the fed, there are 300 keynesian economists over there
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with phds but look, i do think that the good news story inflation has come down. the last report showed very little inflation over the month but it is still bad at 3.5% for the year. david: yes. >> you know, david, the target is 2%. we're still above where we want to be as a country. david: the good news really is the that the american economy is the best in the world. it can survive at love shocks and a lot of shocks and lot of bad policies there is a limit though. maybe we'll go over the edge of policies that are disasterous. it is great to live in america where weigh have such a resilient economy even can survive a biden mistake here or there. good to see you, steve. appreciate it. have a great new year. coming up more on the "bidenomics" blame game with texas congresswoman beth van duyne. pro-palestinian protesters bringing chaos to manhattan over
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the weekend resulting in several arrests and one police officer injured. jason chaffetz and betsyd i mccaughey as "kudlow" continues. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ -hey there. -hey. -hi. hey there. how are you? i'm with disabled american veterans. i was wondering if you had a quick minute to thank america's veterans for their service and sacrifices -of course, why not? -oh, sure. -absolutely. -sure. all right. well, come on in here. i'm just going to hit record on this.
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i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. i can't even think of the words to say of how grateful i am. i want to tell you guys how much, how much we appreciate. but most importantly, i want to thank you for your courage and bravery. wow. thank you. someone here who'd like to say something to you? oh god, you guys are awesome! someone has something they want to say to you. oh my goodness! how's it going? awe! so i will let you know how much appreciate it. how much we appreciate it! just feel honored, for everything you've done. thank you for myself, thank you for everybody. i get to live every day, you know, in peace because of you. a lot of people thank us, but we want to take the time to thank you, honestly, for giving back. and when you gave to dav, you are supporting veterans like dave and myself. so thank you so much.
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♪. david: so we know president biden is blaming the media for the failure of "bidenomics" but what do voters have to say? let's bring in texas congresswoman beth van duyne. congresswoman, you're back home talk towing voters. what are they telling but the economy? >> they're telling me the economy stinks. telling me whenever they go shopping, go get gas, go out to eat. you have people trying to buy a home right now. people who may have missed a payment on their credit card, they're talking about 17% inflation that has happened since biden has taken office. they hear him complaining about it, the media is not giving him a fair share, a fair shake. well the fact is is that finally you know, these news outlets that have been ignoring him,
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giving him a pass, giving him excuses blaming trump has to start reporting on it. what i hear they're sick of policies seeing it everywhere and it has to stop and prioritize it and the person they're blaming is biden and his administration, directly as a result of their policies. they're facing crushing inflation. david: your district is north of dallas. dallas as we know from television is a big oil city. i wonder what they think of biden's trillion dollar war on fossil fuels? >> my district inconcludes not only areas of dallas but fort worth which is another area that has a tremendous amount of energy. the entire state has a tremendous amount invested in the energy industry for obvious reasons. when you talk to businesses here, that is one thing they're telling you that the policies of the biden administration has begun from day one, shutting down on pipelines, decreasing number of permits, increasing number of regulations, crushing our domestic energy production
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and helping foreign national, other foreign nations to be able to make up for that and us having to buy energy for a time from countries like russia -- [inaudible] david: if biden is not busy beating up on media being too hard about "bidenomics" he says we're at record numbers, 13 million-barrels per day, record production, we're not depleting our oil. we're not hutting our pipelines down anymore, of course that is one of the first things he did was shut down the pipeline. >> keystone pipeline. day one. keystone pipeline day one. he prevented other projects beginning because of permitting and regulatory war against domestics producers. this powered others hostile foreign nations for that matter russia. it made our allies in your roop dependent on those foreign nations where we could be
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increasing our economy if we were exporting and decreasing costs at home. republicans in the house recognized this. we passed and energy bill. this is one of the first bills we passed hr.1 to help with that. it has languished over in the senate being completely ignored because we recognize, republicans recognize in the house how much better if we have domestic production and decreases in the pump. that affects all areas of the economy. anybody who get as delivery made. we got through christmas, the christmas season. we saw increases in the spikes in prices, as a direct result. david: you're not right on the border but because you're in texas you're affected by the border. in new york, even chicago, new york, places thousands of miles away are affected by an open border that we have. these numbers coming out over the past couple months are staggering. just the four-day christmas weekend there were more than 35,000 migrant encounters. we had since december first,
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250,000. we're on pace to have 3 to 4 million this year alone. how much more of that can we take? >> well, the answer is known. we can't take anymore. you pointed out that up in north texas, sure, but tarrant county, within the district has experienced 1000 increase in drug seizures. we're seeing 1000% more deaths as a result of fentanyl this is coming from the mexican cartels being supplied by china. we know where it is coming, why it is coming. cartels are making money hand over fist with the mexican government. president obrador is in know hurry to help us. while they go over the motions, they don't have a strong president demanding action, demanding policies like remain in mexico continue. there were policies on the books during the trump administration. the first thing biden did was take them off the table. they were warned by folks from customs and border protection, immigration, customs enforcement before they took the policies
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away if they did you would see the result. as you mentioned we have a over a quarter of a million people enter our country illegally just in december alone which will top the record in september. this is ridiculous when you see what is happening. david: the head of homeland security claims the border is scurried includesly. he is in mexico trying to negotiate something with the president of mexico. frankly his credibility is shot. what do you think he is trying to get from the president of mexico very quickly? >> i think he is trying to get a photo-op. the fact if he was serious about it you would have biden behind him doing the same thing trump did when mike pompeo down there if you don't help us there will be consequences there are no consequences this is a photo-op for the administration. they have know intention to put through the types of policies we need, simply have the laws already on the box enforced. we are throughing the house and hr.2 and other measures force the administration to have policies that would secured
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border. they're not doing it. david: congressman, despite all that, have a wonderful new year. we hope 2024 bodes better than the past one did. congressman van duyne. thanks for being here. switching gears, anti-israeli protesters running through manhattan, shouting christmas is canceled as they carry ad blood red plate activity scene through the town. alexis mcadams is hire. port. >> reporter: they unfortunately tried to cancel christmas and fortunately that did not happen. the nypd tried their best to stop it from getting out of hand. watch this. [shouting] >> reporter: you can see the crowd there clashing with police. the protesters were arrested on a variety of charges including disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and criminal mischief. one police officer was injured. new york city mayor eric adams says there have been hundreds of protests since the october 7
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attack by hamas. the mayor commenting on the chaos today. watch? >> but all you need is a small pocket of people like you saw yesterday that can disrupt a peaceful protest. they are there, go for one reason at all, to disrupt. >> reporter: as organizers called can sell christmas they tried hard to get that done. they were targeting the busiest areas of new york city. in midtown protesters carrying that blood red mocked nativity scene splattered with fake blood, it is coming down near rockefeller center that was quite the sight to see for people in town visiting calling for uprising, stopping traffic as tourists were in town for the holiday. >> no celebration. >> no celebration. >> until liberation. >> until liberation. >> reporter: it wasn't just in new york city, right? it was in washington, d.c. where protests popped up at the home of white house national security advisor jake sullivan and in virginia at the home of defense secretary lloyd austin.
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that is still new york you're seeing now. the group accused those two biden administration officials complicit in the genocide against the palestinian people. you can see all the action in d.c. doesn't matter what city you're in, david, protests are popping up. we expect to see more protests in the coming days not just in new york but across the country. david: all over the country. alexis, thank you very much, appreciate it. propal stein protest get violent on christmas so how will democrats deal with all of this in 2024 and when the dnc comes to chicago with its far left mayor and soft on crime prosecutors, what will happen then? will this be a redux of 1968? joining me jason chaffetz, former congressman and fox news contributor. betsy mccaughey, "new york post" columnist, and former new york lieutenant governor. great to see you both. good to see you you. betsy the protesters in new york
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were cheering on the iranian brock aid of the red sea. it was extraordinary. we have sound from that. roll tape. >> yemen, yemen, make us proud. >> yemen, yemen make us proud. david: they're saying yemen, yemen make us proud, turn another ship around. they're talking about plotting, applauding terrorists blockading the red sea. they're stopping traffic. they're stopping commuters in grand central station. is the mayor doing anything to stop it? >> know and the silence from the democrats including president biden, the silence is deafening. this is a huge attack on just not christians on christmas, on our whole judeo-christian culture. anti-semitism is up 400% since the attack in israel and everyone should be united, christians and jews standing together to demand an end to
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this because if they had done that in germany we wouldn't have the holocaust. we're all jews, we're all christians right now but i hear nothing from biden. adams said yesterday, mayor adams of new york said yesterday there were just a few bad apples. no there were 500 people making it impossible for tures and native new yorkers with their families to look at the christmas lights or enjoy the christmas tree. it was very intimidating and frankly scary. david: they were all cheering on hamas and then cheering on also the iranian blockade, the terrorists that are blockading the red sea. >> i have like to know seven out of 10 jewish voters currently support the democratic party. they have to rethink this because the democratic party is not standing up against anti-semitism. david: well, jason we're coming up to a democratic convention in chicago. i'm old enough to remember the last time that happened in 1968. there were huge left-wing radicals that caused protests, that turned into riots.
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it was a mess. of course you had a conservative mayor, he was democrat but he was a conservative mayor of chicago coming down hard on the demonstrators and the rioters but be that as it may, the american voting public is going to see chaos in chicago, i'm forecasting, what do you think? >> it's likely so i feel so bad for those police officers who leave their loved ones to protect the city and protect the people. they shouldn't have to deal with this it is the american way to protest. you have a constitutional right as a citizen of this country to peacefully protest but mayor adams is right, these people are there for disruption. they're not there for persuasion. they're there to disrupt this way of life. they don't like america. they will try to tear it down. they don't want america to be a freedom-loving people. they take advantage of it to do these kind of stunts but until law enforcement local prosecutors prosecute people when they step over the line and
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they actually do violence and cause crime, those types of things, this will continue -- david: not just violence. >> they want the disruption. david: you saw shutting down of -- you can't allow the shutting down of grand central, one of our major transportation hubs in america and they have done it three times. >> there is plenty of violence already. plenty of violence on college campuses right here in new york and throughout the nation against jewish students. parents ought to be very concerned about that. david: and jason, that gets us to the issue of crime itself. isn't that issue, don't democrat s own it? with all the defund the police stuff, know bail laws all of those measures that have been passed by very radical city councils, and democrat mayors, there, it is those policies that created this uptick in crime, no? >> i think the major theme of in 2024 election will be about safety.
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safety in the streets, safety around the world, safety on our border, safety in your wallets. if you can't walk out of the street, if you can't go to a major united states city to feel safe i think they will demand a change. i think democrats are really behind on this one. they have advocated for policies and people in these policies that are very soft on crime. david: yeah. >> this is a choice election and there is definitely a choice between the republican candidates and the democratic candidates who have been much softer on crime than republicans. >> democrats are going to lose. david: there is a voting, voting with peoples feet. >> yes. david: you look at the stats of the blue state exodus. i think we can put numbers up on the screen. california, new york, illinois, new jersey, massachusetts, maryland. california has lost 338,000, new york 216,000, illinois 83,000 and you go down the list, they're all blue states. they're losing not only people but tax revenue.
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>> and political power. david: there is nobody there to pay them. >> that's right. they're also losing political power. they will have fewer seats in the house of representatives. i will give you a stunning statistic. new york city had a big election in november for all members of the city council. the number of people who turned out for that election was fewer than the number of people who voted with their feet and just left new york over the last three years. fewer people turned up at the polls and threw in the towel and left. david: i do remember, jason a republican mayor getting elected in new york city. he was reelected. by that time he was independent, but bloomberg was former republican t happens when blue states gets so fed up and city services end because there is no revenue to pay the people to pick up the garbage and put out the fires where people change things. do you think that might happen even in blue states? >> i hope so.
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look, they the elected mayor adams in new york in part because he was a police officer but one of the first things i did was advocating people here illegally toe have the right to vote. he since switched that position. but, he turned that around but this is where he started. that is a far cry from somebody like a rudy ghoul who -- rudy joule enforced the law. david: this mayor talks a lot, not much action at all. jason, betsy, thank you for very much. happy new year. >> happy new year. david: jason is own tonight hosting hannity. somewhere between nine and 10 you will somewhere to talk to me and ask me questions. >> that's right. i get the last word. i get to ask you the last question. david: you do. you get to say that to me. thank you very much. i appreciate it guys.
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democrats trying desperately to use law fair to stop donald trump running in 2024. did friday big loss for a prosecutor telegraph more losses for that strategy? fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett on that coming up.
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♪. david: the supreme court decision friday to mack down prosecutor jack smith's petition to speed up the trump case was issued in one curt sentence, essentially it said petition denied. has this prosecutor with a very checkered past lost all credibility? joining me is gregg jarrett fox news legal analyst and author of this book, the constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents. it is such a wonderful collection of what makes america great. thanks so much for putting this together but the scotus smack- down of smackdown of jack smith, more than two words but it was one sentence. did you read anything into that? was that done for purpose by the supremes? >> well it could have been but actually it is not uncommon to reject a case that is premature.
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i suspect the supreme court will step in to halt the other effort to kick trump off the ballot. the colorado ruling was laughable. the justices twisting facts, contorting the law, they absolutely mangled the constitution's 14th amendment. at the same time they violated the amendment by depriving trump of due process rights. the same is true of jack smith's federal indictments in the classified documents case. he is criminalizing what essentially is civil violation. the j 6 case smacks of political persecution under the guys of political prosecution. there are many americans not buying charges against trump. it is elevating his poll numbers. voters see him as a victim of urn scrupulous prosecutors who are weaponizing the law for partisan means. david: more than that irony of
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the jack smith's case about election interference on trump's part, but what is he doing, that became clear by the smackdown by the supreme court. that he wants an opinion, he wants an opinion quickly to get, to prevent trump from being able to run in the election which is election interference almost by definition? >> yes, what was conspicuously missing from his petition to the supreme court was the real reason. he sort of skirted around it. why? because he couldn't really say, you know, i'm trying to stop trump from winning in november. and americans, you're right, david, think this is election interference. it is the equivalent of ballot-rigging, robbing them the right to choose to be president. whether trump can sustain that belief and continue to capitalize it as the trials draw near, we don't know. this is untested waters. david: greg we only have about 30 seconds but this appeal by
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ed meese, former attorney general under ronald reagan, it is a brief he wrote to the court about jack smith being an illegitimate special counselor, therefore shouldn't be allowed to bring cases to the supreme court, or cases at all, does that have any merit at all? >> you know i think it does have some merit. it is a interesting, novel argument. at the bottom of it is why are we allowing a single individual, a private citizen, to determine essentially whether the leading candidate for president. david: right. >> should be prevented from even running? david: that's a good question. >> doesn't this require, says, meese an act of congress? we'll wait and see where that goes. goes. david: one more prop to your book, there it is. get the great gregg jarrett's book students in a new kind of classroom. ♪
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♪ ♪ be ready for any market with a liquid etf. get in and out with dia. larry: think you for watchingths returning and tomorrow we are monica probably congressman sofi, all here meanwhile, right is in for elizabeth mcdonald on the evening edit and will take you through the next hour brian. >> leave and thank you very much and take care and write the u.s., strikes back against around back militants in iraq after a drone attack the three american servicemen loaded with one in critical condition and, donald trump surges further had the polls are despite multiple court cases and legal battles and can the former


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