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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  December 28, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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watch. kelly: that is an interesting perspective. i think a lot of folks are looking to where to put their money. they're looking for highs in the stock market. do i get? the money market, dividend picks, specific ones are good. we'll watch mcdonald's exxon and caterpillar. we didn't get time to get to it, you're hot on amazon. it ice ma g7. that is interesting one. next time we have you on we'll get to that thank you for your time today. we appreciate it. >> thank you. kelly: drop the confetti, two straight record closes for the dow. s&p 500 coming short of the record for the year. [closing bell rings] nasdaq snaps a four-day winning streak. the dow closes 60 points up. that is another record. that will do it for "the claman countdown." "kudlow" is next. ♪. david: hello, folks, welcome to a special edition of "kudlow," i'm david asman in for larry
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kudlow. new migrant caravan of nearly 8,000 people from at least 24 different countries is heading for america's southern border creating a bigger dilemma for the biden administration, despite a cpb official sort of downplaying the situation, and i'm quoting them, these reported caravans generally travel very slowly and often splinter before they make progress moving northbound towards the southwest border. all those immigrants usually get their way and coming in. this come ons as record number of illegal migrants flooded into the southern border already. 250,000 encounters just this month alone. grady trimble is standing by in d.c. with more. grady report report david, biden administration officials were in mexico meeting with the country's president and other officials there. we didn't get anything from
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homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas or anti-blinken. the two sides agree to open border crossings that were closed because of number of migrants. interesting fentanyl hardly came up. the two sides agreed to meet again next month. this time it will be here in washington, d.c. critics of the biden administration doubt mayorkas' characterization of the meeting which he called very productive. >> it is a check the box, smoke and mirrors, hey, let's pretend we're doing something, we're talking to individuals but really no solutions. i don't see they will fix anything. >> they we have absolutely no strength. they know it. they went down there for a note owe on but the policies have not changed. >> reporter: mayors of new york, chicago and denver they want president biden to send them more money to deal with the influx of migrants in their cities. they want them to declare a state of emergency. elected officials in other
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cities an counties say they need help too. >> this is the federal government just looking the other way. they can have all the talks with mexico they want but it owes our border, it's our problem and we need to do something about it. >> reporter: with border encounters and crossings at an all-time high and that massive caravan you mentioned on the way, that likely means more migrants heading to sanctuary cities. you heard from the mayors, they're already stretched thin, david. we'll see what they do if even more come across the southern border to move into their cities. david: grady, thank you very much for that. joining me now new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis, member of house border security caucus and member of the house ways and means committee. i was going to start in a slightly different place, i just heard from grady no talk at all in the meeting down in mexico about fentanyl? no talk? the same thing that happens when biden and his people go to
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china, no talk about fentanyl. that is harming americans more than anything else coming from the border right now. 100,000 americans died as a result of the fentanyl crisis and they're not talking about it at all. how do you respond to that? >> it is absolutely outrageous, thousands of people died here alone in new york city because of this open border allowing for the fentanyl to stream over. it is making the drug cartels billions of dollars a year. the fact that our president and this administration, not only refuses to secure the border but even refuses to bring up the issue of fentanyl that we know is coming from china in the form of ingredients to mexico and then over our open border. the president has to do more to be proactive to stop this flow. it is really concerning. you see so many governments unfortunately corrupted by the drug cartels. we've seen convictions of
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multiple countries, of officials in multiple countries in central and south america. the fact our owned a administration won't bring it up really begs the question as to why? why are they continueing to allow the drug cartels to profit off the deaths of american people. david: what is your answer to that? you raised the question, what is -- why are they not talking about fentanyl? why are they not bringing this up at major meetings between mexico and china, et cetera? >> you know, i don't know the answer and that's the problem. the problem is that nobody in this administration will address this issue that we've been sounding the alarm on. we bring in these officials to congressional hearings. they refuse to give us information. everything they say is classified perhaps so they won't disclose the information in public settings but the reality is americans are dying. that's the bottom line and instead of being reactive all the time, let's be proactive and this is a combination of fentanyl killing americans that
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are coming over the border and policies in states like new york that released the drug traffickers and dealers back onto the street without bail. i think they just want to have, in some, many of the left-wing democrats feel that we should be an open drug society. we see new york city council again wanting open drug use to be decriminalized in new york city and that's what the democrats belief. unfortunately and people are dying as a result. david: the other thing decriminalized is illegal immigration itself through sanctuary cities. here are some sanctuary city mayors and what they are saying. they're crying for help because they can't afford it in their cities because they lure the immigrants in but let me play that, get your reaction. roll tape. >> without real significant investment from our federal government it won't just be the city of chicago that won't be able to maintain this mission. it is the entire country now at stake. >> we cannot continue to do the
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federal government's job. we have spoken to fema and other federal officials who have expressed concern about the border surge but not often additional help. we need action and we need it now. david: congressman, i know there are costs. it will cost new york in the next three years $12 billion. the migrants expect the same thing for themselves, that citizens are getting even more so in some cases but the expenses are just enormous. it costs $38,000 to educate a kid in k-12 in new york city right now, $38,000 per kid. you multiply that times tens of thousands but don't a lot of these sanctuary cities have to blame themselves for luring the migrants to their cities? >> that's right. these mayors including mine here in new york city are incentivizing illegal immigration to come to new york city because they're offering all sorts of free services. what i find troubling for with
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the clip that you played, they're not calling for the border to be secured, not calling for the surge to stop, or immigrants pushed into the just sis tim, visas, authorizations given, what they're asking for is money. that is when it comes down to, democrat solution more money. they want to continue this problem. they don't care millions of people come into the country unvetted and drugs are coming in as well. what they care about is getting more resources for the city. i think their approach is wrong. if i were the mayor i would be telling chuck schumer who is the senate leader from new york city needs to do his job, the bill passed in may he has been sitting down. end policies of the current administration and end what president biden is doing by executive order. david: the other thing the democrats mayors and senators are blaming is governor abbott
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from texas sending migrants, busloads of migrants, they add up to hundreds of migrants sent into the cities but that's nothing compared to the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands are coming because of what is happening at the border, that the federal government is responsible for. the mayor of san diego, excuse me, not the mayor, the supervisor of san diego, guy named jim desmond, we saw a sound bite from him in the reporter's hit moments ago, 62,000 migrants have come into san diego in the past three months and here is what he said about they're putting blame, others putting the blame on the texas governor. roll tape. >> i think it is ironic mayors of new york, chicago, denver, blame the state of texas when it is the border itself. here in san diego itself the federal government is dropping people here at a parking lot basically. these people are being helped by our non-profits who are funded
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by county and local taxpayer dollars. david: governor abbott responded himself. i want to read that to you. the sheer hypocrisy of democrat mayors see no bounds. they are going extraordinary lent to fulfill sanctuary cities promises but they remain silent president biden transports migrants all around the country and by cover of night. has governor abbott has it right? >> governor abbott is accounting for 10% of the individuals coming to new york city. the reality is, it is irrational to think that 10 million people in this country will stay in one state. of course they will spread all over the country. that is exactly why every city is becoming a sanctuary city, becoming a border city, right? but our mayor certainly incentivizing this. he has been misinterpreting new york city's right to shelter law which was meant for homeless
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new yorkers, insisting it is the responsibility of the taxpayers of new york city to provide all these free services including free housing at taxpayer expense when the taxpayers are suffering right now. they can hardly afford to keep their own roofs together with their families and they are expected now and seeing all these -- david: a lot of those taxpayers are moving out, particularly the ones that provide the most revenues for the city. wall street is moving to florida and texas rapidly right now. it is causing tremendous problems for the revenue keepers in new york, not only are they spending billions more on migrants but they're getting billions, much more billions less from the taxpayers, particular letter those wall street titans. >> yeah. what's the common thread here, right? migration crisis. you have crime skyrocketing in these democrat-run cities and you have high taxation that is driving out the middle class in particular. david: yes. >> as you mentioned jobs and companies as well to lower taxed
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states. these are what democrat policies are doing to cities like new york. we need to reverse course. i didn't think somebody would be a worse mayor than bill de blasio. perhaps we're wrong here. even bill de blasio is building shelters for actual homeless new yorkers, not for citizens of other countries. the mayor need to stop incentivizing this mass migration to new york city instead of pointing fingers at everybody else. he should tell the senator of his own state, his own city, chuck schumer to do his jobe. pass our bill which we passed in may or pitch your own bill, senator schumer, but do something. you see what is happening in your city. the mayor says it is bankrupting new york. hiring freeze of police officers and services cut for citizens. we need something to address the crisis. house republicans had a solution and the senate should pass it immediately. david: in the cities it is really a race to the bottom. who will go further towards the bottom? the goalposts keeps moving down further and further. congresswoman we have to leave it at that. happy new year to you and thank
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you for being here appreciate it. >> happy new year. david: coming up, remember this? roll it? >> the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say. david: house republicans are now investigating whether joe biden was involved in his son's plan to defy their subpoena. we have former arkansas governor mike huckabee weighing in on that when "kudlow" continues. ♪. (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing
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david: so was president biden's involved in his son's scheme to defy a house subpoena? listen to this. >> you know the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say and i think what you saw was from the heart, from his son. david: it sure sounds like it. now republicans are opening an investigation, a new investigation to get to the bottom of it to decide whether it is an impeachable offense. joining me to former arkansas governor hike mike huckabee. her merry christmas and happy new year. governor, obstruction of justice is a impeachable offense. is he guilty of obstruction of
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justice? >> it certainly can be and i'm not here to try him in the court of television but i think it is troubling that he in fact discussed with his son he should go and not obey a congressional subpoena and do a news conference and give middle finger to congress, i'm not here to go into the building and not talking to you that is incredibly troubling. jobe is a lawyer. he may not be at the top of his class like he said he was, hunter is a lawyer. they know better. i can't imagine why ever somehow believed it is okay to thumb their nose at a congressional subpoena with matters as serious as these. david: right. it begs the question of two-tiered system of justice because of the two trump aides that were convicted not of obstruction, but defying subpoenas. contempt much congress was the charge. poo h peter navarro, steve
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bannon, both were convicted of contempt of congress. what about hunter? will he get some kind of charge for that? >> i'm pretty sure he won't and he should but if merrick garland doesn't pursue the same thing for hunter biden that he did for peter navarro and steve bannon, then we dough have a two-tiered justice system but we know we do but there is another point about steve bannon and peter navarro. especially the case of peter navarro, he was on the staff of the president, he believed, and i think he was right, the executive privilege that extended to him working for the president meant that the separation of powers argument was such that he was not really able to go and talk to members of congress about what conversations he may have had with the president and that's a very different situation than hunter biden. david: yep. >> who had no executive privilege. he wasn't under the white house protection. didn't work for the white house or for his father in the
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executive branch. there needs to be separation of powers. this has nothing to do with hunter. and hunter should be forced and compelled to give that testimony. david: that's a great point. of course there is another aspect to this two-tiered system of justice, actually many aspects of to it but the classified documents case where you had president biden and lord knows how he got the classified documents that were strewn all over the place from his houses to, to the penn center, penn biden center in philadelphia, all over the place but how did he get them out? president trump, we know how president trump got classified documents because he was president and under the presidential authority act he had the right to take some of those things out. now whether he mistreated them when he had them is another issue but prosecutors are slow-walking an obvious case against joe biden but rapidly pursuing the case against donald trump. >> i don't think it is a slow walk.
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i think it is a no walk. they're not going to do anything to him and here's the big question, why did he have documents from when he was a senator? as a senator he was not allowed to ever poe test those documents. they had to stay in the scif, that private room in the capitol where they could see documents but were not allowed to take them. the president could take documents. he had the ability to keep them at his home, the white house. he could declassify them. he is the only person, not a vice president, not a senator, none of them can declassify documents but only the president can declassify documents and say, these are no longer classified. so the question is, did donald trump do that? he says he did. some of the people in the archives say he didn't but let's face it, even sandy berger for bill clinton stuffed classified papers down his pants, down his pants, david, and nothing happened to him. this is insane. i think americans are supporting trump in large measure because
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they watch this and they say, hey, this is not the same treatment being given to donald trump that is being given to democrats especially joe biden and hunter biden, and the whole bunch of them. david: governor, finally we have the move to get trump removed from the colorado ballot and the gop has taken it to court. they're trying to get a quick verdict by the supreme court whether this is constitutional or not. the secretary of state for colorado, who supported the, their supreme court's decision said the following, donald trump engaged in insurrection and was disqualified under the constitution from the colorado ballot. the cole supreme court got it right. i urge the u.s. supreme court to act quickly given the upcoming presidential primary election. i hope they act quickly too, but is a guilty verdict by decree, what this is essentially is? there has been no charge, no
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conviction? they're just decreeing he was guilty of insurrection, is that due process in america? >> david, let me put it gently, that guy is an complete idiot. david: the woman, the woman. >> obviously the secretary of state, other she, if she really believes as secretary of state she can deem someone guilty of insurrection because she thinks so, he has even been charged with insurrection, he certainly hasn't been convicted of it. how does she get to decide she is an insurrectionist? this is absurd on its face and i hope the supreme court gets it and i hope it is a 9-0 decision because the 14th amendment in no way was ever intended to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot and responsible constitutional scholars understand that and say it and one other thing about it, if this were to happen, then they will rue the day because inn other states, if this will be the new way of doing things, then let's take joe biden off the ballot in texas and in state
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of florida and in states where they're run by republicans. david: if you can rule somebody is guilty by decree, no matter whether you're the president or ex-president or joe schmo due process is dead in america. it is that simple. that is the essence of due process where you cannot be ruled guilty by decree. you have to go through the due process. governor, leave it at that great to see you, happy new year to you and ault your family. appreciate you being here. >> thanks, david. david: coming up experts warn the houthis red sea attacks are part of iran's axis of resistance plot to defeat the united states of america. so why exactly are the bidens just sitting by watching it all happen? we'll be talking about it with florida congressman cory mills. also just 18 days until the iowa caucuses and trump is still way ahead in the polls. does anyone else stand a chance? we'll be asking hogan gidley and
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♪. david: well global oil prices are falling as major shipping disruptions in the red sea continue to ease a bit of a a series of houthi attacks. joining me now to discuss, phil flynn price futures group senior analyst and fox business contributor and a good friend. merry christmas to you, phil, thanks for being here. how much longer will these lower oil prices last? >> it depends what happens over the weekend. merry christmas and happy new year. david: thank you. >> right now 50% of all the ships that were not going through the red sea and are now going through the red sea and 50% are not and it is really going to come down how effective the united states and this international coalition is going to be at stopping the houthi rebels. if we see one attack, dave, you know, from these houthi rebels if they attack a ship, especially an oil tanker, i
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think this calm we've seen in the market could go away very quickly. david: but you say, i read your note this morning, you say iran thinks they have already won because they have succeeded in blockading a major sea route with no consequences essentially. maybe a little bit of consequences here and there, but they are showing their power. that's what this whole h exercise has been about and from their perspective they have really won? >> i think they have. world economy held hostage day 54. iran has run amok right now. it has been the lack of response to the outrages that we've seen. i mean right now, dave, we're allowing iran to hit another record on oil production. they're taking that money. they're using it to support the houthi rebels about, the hamas terrorists, hezbollah and while we stand by, while it impacts the global economy iran's feeling like they can do whatever they want and they can
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do, you know, call out the u.s. david: why shouldn't they feel that way? it has been appeasement right from the very beginning. we have to leave it at there, phil. we have a busy schedule. thank you so much. happy new year to you, phil. thanks a lot. staying on the middle east, since mid-october there have been at least 106 attacks on u.s. bases and they're not letting up so why is biden letting iran push us around? joining me now is florida congressman cory mills, a member of house armed services and foreign affairs committees. congressman, what we're doing with iran is beyond appeasement this is humiliation of the united states by a crew of rich tyrant in iran? >> well that is exactly right and if you look back just what was said by the correspondent, phil, this is all being funded through the allocation of oil exports something that increased year after year under the biden administration. taking that a step further the biden administration is also ones who actually delisted the
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houthis from being a terrorist designation. and so that is also kind of ingratiated them. weakness embolds this aggression. we have to understand china, russia, iran, north korea, has this geopolitical alignment where they want to go after not just the u.s. from economic perspective where you're seeing disruption of commerce through the irgc, this is internationally recommended transit corridor and w.h.o. and opec which would go against the u.s. petrodollar. they're trying to supplement that while utilizing marriages of convenience to try to block off tariffs, trades block off access to our own panama canal. we have to understand this, whether general hassan in lebanon, whether it is hamas or huthly rebels this is war against iran. israel is fighting against iran and iran is taking their
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aggression out on the americans and also on the west. david: we're the big fish. >> with attacks in iraq. david: they have said this time and again but we're not listening to them. we are the big fish. israel is essentially little fish to them. they can use the various surrogates that they have to attack israel but we are their ultimate target and what kills me right after the beginning, right on october 7th, we began hering. >> hearing that iran had nothing to do with it. they're was john kirby press conference at end of october, we can put up some of very bait timms of it, said nobody is looking for a conflict with iran. it is not up to us to say that iran already looked for a conflict with us. so we're in a conflict whether we like it or not, aren't we? >> let's use your analysis of big fish refer towing america. our big fish is china.
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china is the one who is largest importer of iranian oil. china is the one trying to get u.s. involved in a quagmire multiyear warfare because they pulled out of afghanistan even though a failed botched withdrawal from biden administration they want us to focus in on the interventionist mind set. they are utilizing russia and ukraine as a proxy. utilizing, north korea as a act of aggression. they're trying to drain us down economically and also our munitions capabilities. sew when they do go after taiwan, when they do continue to look after their economic warfare around go forward with their propaganda misinformation, america has no response other economic capability to defend it. david: you know what this is? this is the same leading from behind stuff we heard from the obama administration which biden was a part of. >> that is exactly right. david: there is another example of that hot off the wires. >> secretary of defense gates said, secretary of defense gates said biden has been 100% wrong
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every single time when it comes to foreign policy. david: i remember. there is something came out of mexico apparently our team there, mayorkas and blinken are in mexico trying to figure out some way to deal with mexico with regard to our southern border and they have now spoken to the mexicans about amnesty talks with, i mean, it is not up to them to talk about amnesty. it is up to the president to talk to the congress and the senate about amnesty. but we're really talking to the mexicans about amnesty? speaker johnson has listed this as unconscionable. he already put out a statement, i won't read it through but what do you make of this, that we are actually in mexico talking to the mexicans about amnesty for the millions of illegal immigrants that are now in our country? >> well again, it is complete weakness by this administration. we continue to get rolled. we continue to be not respected on the world stage. we need to get back to president
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trump's america first agenda where we had things like remain in mexico. where we were actually threatening tariff and trade violations on mexico to try to insure they actually bring their military to the border to stop this. the idea that they're actually looking at amnesty, they already allowed millions of people to come across, thousands of lives to be poisoned. this is not fecklessness or inendtude. this is treason. i hope we continue to move forward under speaker johnson not only impeach mayorkas, impeach joe biden and look at the fact kamala harris who is the border czar that has done nothing. our border is the number one issue in the america. it is a human rights, it is a national security and it is a health crisis that we must address and the senate has refused to take up hr.2 to secure the border. we need to look enforcing laws on the books and allowing i.c.e. and cpb to do their job but again whether it's china, whether it's iran, whether it's mexico, about it's southern borders, all you see weakness invites aggression and this
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administration does not have the boldness to go do what is needed. david: congressman cory mills. we appreciate you being here, happy new year. joining us with more on this, hogan gidley, former white house deputy press secretary and afp vice-chair for the center of election integrity. we'll need that coming up, and deroy murdock, american spectator, contributor for "the daily caller" and fox news contributor. gentlemen, i want to ask you first, i'm just switching gears about this commune cay that came out from mexico, blinken and mayorkas were down there and what the communique says from mexico, hogan i go to you first, according to the communique, i'm reading a quote, it discussed the benefit of regularizing the situation of long-term undocumented hispanic migrants and daca recipient who are vital part of the u.s. economy and society. that's from their communique and speaker johnson already labeled that as unconscionable. what do you think of it. >> it is unbelievable. i'm sew glad you're hitting on
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this point because the american people denerve to know when is going on at the southern border. they deserve to hear the truth. they're not getting it from the biden pad administration. flooding of millions of people into this country illegally to come into communities car, put strain own health system, education system, our first responder system, all that not to mention the hundred thousand fentanyl deaths and cartels own the southern border, to have the biden administration down there in mexico to talk about amnesty, they shouldn't talking to them, not by congress. this is not by accident. this did by design. they will flood the people once they think on the government dole will vote for them in perpetuity. it is offensive, egregious, dangerous for the future of this country. david: deroy most offensive to people like you and people like who have family members trying
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to get in here legally for years. i have a sister-in-law, i can tell you stories for more than a dozen years now we've been trying to do it legally, not getting it done, to suddenly see people coming in illegally leapfrog over those who have done it the right way is insulting, is it not? >> it is deeply insulting. a total outrage. i know people waiting for green cards. i know people on the visa wait list and didn't get their h1b visas and got kicked out country. they are english peopling people, holding jobs in silicon valley, didn't come across the border yet eight million people are coming across the border the response isn't turn around go home. the response is have amnesty to once you get in here this is not accidental. this is deliberate. biden and company see these as fdas i call them, future democrats for america. get them am necessarity as soon as they can, get them voting democrat as soon as possible.
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this is the first step and outrage. this is abomination, same people we love democracy, democracy is great are basically trying to import their future margin of victory across the border, not legally but illegally. this is outrageous, this is totally, utterlily an impeachable offense. david: hogan you hear about charges of dictatorship related to donald trump, that is their line. what is dictatorship except avoiding due process of government, the way government is supposed to work in the united states where you consult with the senate, you consult with the congress, you come up with a plan. you don't talk directly to the mexicans about an amnesty. it's the same deal that they have going with iranians where apparently there were subterranean talks that go back to the obama administration showing their fruition now in the way we're not reacting to their aggression towards us? >> democrats always accuse republicans of things they are guilty of actually doing. david: that's a good point. >> in this instance there are
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some laws on the books to prevent all of this. for the administration to ignore those laws. you may not like them, you may want to open all the borders but you don't have unilateral authority to do it. you're in violation of your oath of office to uphold the constitution and to abide by the laws and execute them of course from the president's seat. they don't do any of that. i mean, think about what it is doing not just to our country of course but the left i thought was the party of humane action toward women and children. david: right. >> my goodness, 80% of the women coming up are being raped. we had to give pregnancy tests in the trump administration to children nine years old because what happened to them coming across the southern border. the children are dying. they're being used by drug cartels and the administration has karine jean-pierre pro the podium say you people on the right who want a secure border you're just inhumane. no, no, what is inhumane what you're allowing to occur but --
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david: so true. the good thing, deroy the curtain is being pulled back more and more. people are realizing what are behind their charges against conservatives and such. now you see, the rating of biden at in point in his presidency is much lower than it was for jimmy carter at this point in his presidency when jimmy carter was running for re-election. of course he lost but i think we can put up the numbers. carter had a 54% approval rating at this point in his presidency going up to re-election. biden's is now 39% and there is another thing, beyond the figureheads, all of the wokeness that americans are now reacting to saying we don't like it, we saw more of it by the way, more of the wokeness from the mayor of chicago talking about the reparation issues. let me roll that tape, get your reaction. roll it. >> what i've built within these last seven month in order for us to have a better, stronger, safer chicago really requires
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the full force of government. i added half a million dollars for restoration and reparations to address again the cycle of violence. david: chicago is paying hundreds of millions of dollars for illegal immigrants but he wants to put out a new reparations thing which will cost more hundreds of millions of dollars. chicago wants will not fall for that, are they? >> no, what people of chicago will work on is getting their mayor to focus on solving their crime problem which sup 1% in 2023 rather than worrying about slavery in 1863 that ended 100 years ago. people are being killed on the street the of chicago today, not 1863. focus on that. at least jimmy carter had excuse of president, that was his first time in washington, d.c., brand new to the federal government. joe biden had 44 years of experience in washington, d.c. before he walked into the oval office. based on his experience he should be a spectacular president. he is a total disaster.
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he says i don't know who to call, i don't know what to do. this guy should know how to go run the white house and executive branch to make us proud. instead it is a shame and fiasco. this man is total empty suit. need toes go back to wilmington, delaware, crawl into the bunker with his grandkids and enjoy elderly years and not messing with us. david: look at the stats, over the way, in chicago motor vehicle theft is up 178%. robbery up 48%. crime over all, this is over the past two years is up 64%. it is just, americans know that these policies are note working, no matter where they're applied. gentlemen, great to see you. have a very happy new year, hogan gidley, deroy murdock, thank you very much. following a bumpy 2023 for electric vehicle industry, but appears 2024 will have its share of potholes. we have the details coming next.
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americans say their personal finances have h have worsened under president joe biden so why do investors remain confident? michael faulkender weighs in on that when "kudlow" returns. we all know that words have power.
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looks like a bumpy road ahead in 2024. fox business's jeff flock live in deplane, illinois, with more on this. jeff, what's the problem? >> reporter: several problems, david. one of them has not been really terrible sales. we're at an ev-go fast charging station in the chicago suburbs. i think that is a chevy bolt right there getting juiced up. it has not been a terrible year for sales. we're over a million in sales for suvs. that is the first time, evs i should say, that is the first time that ever happened, all-time record but some issues with the vehicles. one of them that people aren't buying them as fast as everybody thought. one of the problems has been depreciation. they're not holding their value. take a look at something that "consumer reports" did studying multiple vehicles, found that over a five-year period evs lost about 50% of their value compared to about 38% for conventional vehicles. some of the worst performing
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models, tesla model s, the chevy bolt and the nissan leaf, some are the most inexpensive of the evs. why is that? we talked to carl brower of ic he has a couple of ideas. >> if there is a 7500-dollar incentive on a vehicle and its msrp is $50,000, it is really a 42,500-dollar vehicle before you even purchased it. the current market conditions though have added on top of because we have hit this kind of inflection point where people are not as interested in buying these cars, at least not at the level they're available. >> reporter: also an issue, david of reliability. according to a "consumer reports" study, there are 79% more problems with evs than conventional vehicles, kind of a surprise, really. you would think there were more problems with ice engines. we know how to do those.
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tesla is under fire from senators blumenthal and markey who say there have been reports that tesla knew and concealed problems, safety issue problems and should have conducted a recall. they're calling on tesla to do that right now. so, yeah, some potholes i guess in the road you might say. i think the automakers may have gotten a little out over their skis, perhaps over their bumpers. david: i would say so. jeff flock, happy new year. >> people care about jobs, not about unemployment rates and so when you look at total jobs it's way down. we have a very low employment rate even though the unemployment rate is low, people have just left the labor force so jobs are way down which is what people feel. second thing that's really important is people worry about prices, not about inflation. now inflation is related to prices over long periods of time but right now prices are up. i think it is 17.7% since biden took office. even though the inflation rate
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is down quite substantially the prices are not down at all and it's prices that are killing people. david: the great art laffer, joining me now is michael falkander, former assistant treasury secretary mick policy. michael, we have a little bit of time, but does art have it right? is that what is behind the disconnect between wall street and main street? >> very much so. the american people care about how much their job provides for them, than what they can go purchase with it. even though the american people have jobs right now they have not been getting the wage increases that will sustain their lifestyle given the biden inflation that we've seen. we have to get wage growth back at the core of the economic policy in this country. david: the way to do that is by growing the economy with incentives, right? >> that is absolutely. extend pro-growth tax reform, spending under control, deregulation, unleash energy. america first economic policy will unleash this economy once again.
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david: mike, my new year's resolution to have you back, give you more time.wh thanks so much forkingen here. we'll be right back. then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange. here, i can search more than 2,000 companies, to see if they care more about divisive social issues than about running a sound business. isn't it time we got back to the business of business? learn the risk to your company or family at
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4:58 pm
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5:00 pm
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