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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 29, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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ashley: hopefully you put your thinking. we asked when did the new year's eve ball first drop in times square. i was going to go from 1915. i think it is after 1899. let's look at the answer. the reveal. it was 19 oh 7. i was wrong. the first ball made of iron and wood included one hundred 25 watt light bulbs, weighed 700 pounds. it is a lot bigger these days. we are out of time. coast-to-coast is next. happy new year. everyone.
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edward: travelers on the move to bring in 2024 with the bangor, 100 million travelers expected this weekend and weather is not the on the curve. and that is are protesters in the airport operations. disorder on the border, migrant crossings reaching new records with people released on streets into shelters pushed to the brink. i will talk to a congressman headed to the center of the border mayhem, pete sessions was a big day in iowa 17 days away, nikki haley whose stock has been rising is trying to recover from a gaffe. her opponents see an opportunity at pouncing. edward lawrence in for neil cavuto and you are watching coast-to-coast. markets ending 2023 in the green in a big way.
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how to defeat the odds? let's ask constellation research ceo ray wong, gary, let's start with you. the contrarians won in 2,023. everyone predicted a recession that never came. did the markets get the christmas gift for a soft landing? >> markets got the gift november 1st when yields at 5% topped and crashed where they are on 3.9. there is a direct correlation between the 10 year yield and markets, go from july to october when yields, the market was trounced with the russell 2000, bear market lows and thousand new leo -- yearly lows. we went coast-to-coast because of it and that is why i tell viewers to watch the 10 year yield, if it starts bouncing back up we will get some head went again as we move forward
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but right now the worst thing i can tell you, i think we are primed for a pullback because the bulls have too bigger smile on their face and markets takes miles off their face so i think pullbacks do end warranted but it sets the stage better going forward. edward: we will look at the 10 year so i wanted to be you on the way of honestly but you always do that. tech played a role in boosting the dow and the nasdaq this year. is there more room there? >> there's a lot more room but gary is correct, watch the yield, an important piece but here is why. ai has a long way to go, we've got 24 to 36 months of this ai boom and that saved a check. we are ready trillion dollars of market. the magnificent seven just a couple months ago, if you are seeing again of 12 trillion this is because of the ai boom
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that got kicked off at the beginning of the year and ended towards the end of the year and we see more on the ai front because we are about to see a lot of ipos and movement as companies try to shrug their ai strategies. edward: let's set aside tech for a second. what other sectors in 2024 do you like after this pullback? >> of interest rates stay down financials look good. i don't usually talk cheap but they are cheap as all heck and there is room but it will depend on interest rates as we move forward but also just got to watch economically sensitive stocks. if they start to come in, all the debt in the system starting to hurt the economy and that is the worry going forward, so far so good, tell viewers watch rails and truckers and united rentals.
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if they continue to act well it will tell you the economy remains in decent shape. if they start to gag we will talk more about that. edward: financials have those dividends. we like the rates that work out. you mentioned artificial intelligence. that was the buzzword on all this. companies have been innovating ai, they were leaving growth. do you think there will be a shift in 2024? do companies best using ai? >> that is exactly what is happening. we see the shift where people talk about it, folks that have taken that to the next level and that is where companies like nvidia, companies like oracle and salesforce and adobe are putting that in use that that's just the tech side. companies on the -- putting out
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to use in financial services, you see that insurance and a lot of service-based industries for automation to replace the companies, that is the next boom to hit and we will see a white-collar bust but blue-collar boom and the trades and manufacturing construction and physical jobs are the ones we must pick up. edward: a good decision to end 2,023, good discussion to end this year and you have a very happy new year and i will see you in january. i don't want to see you for the rest of the year, either of you. other top story, donald trump is off to the 2024 ballot in the state of maine. and a roadblock on his path to 270 collect oral votes, grady trimble joins us with the latest. >> reporter: main's secretary of state unilaterally made the decision to remove donald trump from the state's primary
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ballot, in a 34 page decision, she says i have not reached this conclusion lightly. i am mindful that no secretary of state has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on section the 3 of the fourteenth amendment. i am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection. the trump campaign says it will appeal the decision. bello suspended her ruling until they rule on the case. republicans including those running against the former president and the primary are slamming her decision. >> i am concerned that they will not allow this man to get near the starting line of the election let alone the finish line. this is not how we should want to win. >> reporter: that turns on its head every notion of constitutional due process this country has abided by for 200 years. it opens up pandora's box.
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edward: a dozen states seeking to bar trump from the ballot. the former president is back on the ballot in colorado. state gop is appealing the colorado supreme court's decision to the us supreme court. >> it is hypocrisy but an act of desperation. they are afraid donald trump is going to win against president biden so by hook or by crook they are doing what they can to stop him. >> reporter: so many states are dealing with these lawsuits, their decisions are often at odds with one another. it will likely come down to supreme court to settle it. edward: here is washington examiner sarah bedford. brian, we are talking legal stuff. is this one democratic secretary of state making a decision on a crime that was never charged by a very aggressive prosecutor, what do you think of that?
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>> this is more of a loud bark about little bite. it is more of a symbolic gesture. if you analyze what happens next, donald trump filed an appeal meaning there's got to be a court hearing by january 17th in a ruling. let's assume there is an appeal to the supreme court. the primary is march 5th in maine and that means donald trump has to stay on the ballot while this is under appeal. there is very little teeth in what she has done and it is more a symbolic gesture. ron desantis is right, due process like you just said, donald trump was never charged with a federal insurrection crime so how can it keep him from being on a ballot for a crime he was never charged with a?
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edward: when they go after the former president, with government funds or government use it seems he gets more popular among his base. will that happen here? >> no reason to think it wouldn't, it has happened every time he faced an indictment or otherwise been seemingly targeted by democrats and the biden administration. it pushes voters on the fence about him or on the margins into his camp. centrist voters or independents who thought donald trump was crying wolf about being the victim of witchhunts, they have to concede he is seemingly being targeted by apparatuses of the democratic machine at it is hard to argue against the idea that he is being politically persecuted when you have these elected officials, the biden doj using novel interpretations of the law that have never been tried before in what seems a desperate attempt to keep him off the ballot.
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edward: the supreme court has to get involved in this. how fast will they make a decision and what message do you believe justices need to send? >> great question. the primaries are march 5th in maine and colorado. they have to send ballots by the end of january. so i would think the us supreme court needs to jump in and make a ruling before ballots are sent out by late january. i can't imagine the supreme court waiting any longer than that and certainly before the march 5th primary. i think the message the supreme court is going to send, 6-3, conservative supreme court, three of the justices appointed by donald trump, the message they have to send is the supremacy clause, the federal courts, federal regulations applies, supersedes any rulings
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by state courts, states can't engage in politics to try to promote a political agenda and that is what they have to talk about in their ruling. edward: president biden talked about saving democracy. you talked about the government approach going after his opponent who is leading in the polls on the other side of the primary. this is democratic controlled areas going after him. is this a threat to our democracy? >> any observer could say keeping someone off the ballot and denying voters a choice in the name of democracy is a self-defeating situation and you don't hear president biden and the democrats talking as much about democracy anymore, they are focusing on describing donald trump has a threat himself, how he engaged in insurrection. you don't hear a lot of rhetoric from democrats about voting rights or the integrity of democracy and protecting it
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because that rhetoric would be at odds with what we are seeing so we are seeing more fear mongering about the threat donald trump poses and interesting that the democracy rhetoric that was so present in midterms and earlier, we are not hearing that from the democrats. edward: the main secretary of state decision, what legal grounds did she use and what do you think of that line of thinking? >> i am a trial attorney. last time i checked, before anybody issues a ruling, there is evidence heard in a courtroom, usually a jerry, she claims she had an administrative hearing on this, donald trump's people weren't there. evidence wasn't presented on his behalf to refute these allegations. what she said is donald trump made some incendiary comments
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that led to people charging the capital building on january 6th. he lit a fire to cause this. the doj investigated this, they did not enough evidence to charge donald trump with what she is saying he did wrong. it flies in the face of reality and it flies in the face of having a fair judicial process. edward: we will have to see when the supreme court weighs in. everybody believes they will at some point. have a great year. >> happy new year. breaking news, the white house says president biden is closely following reports of a missile temporarily entering polish airspace. jake sullivan spoke today with the polish secretary of state and expressed the united states solidarity with poland. we are waiting more details to bring them to you as we get them.
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12:17 pm
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with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. edward: a powerful storm is hitting the west coast, busy days of travel. let's get the read from the new year's eve forecast from fox weather's rick reichmuth.
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>> reporter: it's not that bad. look at the radar picture, the storm that brought all that snow to the planes tapering off across parts of the central kind of midwest and moisture in the pacific northwest, the storm that is coming to the west coast is going to be a bit of an issue but not a major storm. overall no significant delays anywhere. a lot of people at the airport, 2900, 2,600,000 people yesterday going through the airport, that's almost half a million people up from last year lot of people traveling. this is the end of the storm we have been dealing with. a few flurries this morning across alabama, minnesota, mississippi and alabama and georgia, we will watch the storm taper off and get a little reinforcing batch of this across parts of the western great lakes and
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eventually the ohio valley and the northeast so a little more moisture, talking a lot of areas here, and inch or so, not a blockbuster storm by any means so once we get to saturday, some of that energy, some delays from charleston towards pittsburgh. sunday from chicago to detroit to buffalo, columbus seeing some delays, it will be quite mild. this is new year's eve, moisture across interior sections but the big cities are going to be dry. those big events happening there, the rest of the country looking pretty good. central california getting a little moisture for new year's eve, nothing that will cause problems in the central part of the country. looking great. a great travel time, great weekend, no weather problems at all.
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edward: if weather doesn't cause delays for the holiday weekend there are other factors. the volume of people, the busiest they have ever been, or a holiday weekend, surpassing 2019 levels, so the fact the record will be beat, how do we handle that? >> the challenge is the weather you can see, might be impacted by weather, what you don't see is the staffing issues, the result of policies during covid, letting people know because of the vaccine mandates, pushing people off early retirement under slingshot, if a flight does get delayed, there's only so many
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hours a crew can fly, that crew is out the door, you could be stuck. the other thing to think about is 20% to 25% every flight you take will be delayed so that has to be your mindset going in and people don't realize 20% of the average airline's flights are delayed. that's terrible. >> you have a tip to relieve stress as they go from one place to another? >> the problem is timing. you have to get in a car accident, you don't go back and call a travel agent when you try to do it yourself. three to four months ago is when you should have been thinking about how to lower my stress, the travel agent is the person you're going to call. if you get canceled they will scramble for you so you are not scrambling, standing in lines
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trying to get rebooked. that's one of the key things, you can have all the apps in the world, all the insights but when you are out there and stuck, family members got in 5 hours late yesterday fly in, the other thing there was a 6 hour delay from north carolina driving. it is everywhere. edward: the frustration of getting to the airport or public transportation, pro-palestinian demonstrators are blocking access to some airports like this past weekend. in new york and los angeles, they expected to happen again this weekend. is there a way to account for that kind of delay? >> don't see how you account for that other than making sure governors and mayors. i can't say what i'm thinking but they need to protect the people that are here, that are citizens that are not disrupting travel. when you disrupt the airline industry are disrupting the economy in the us, the global economy.
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it is a big deal. what they are doing as they are not helping their cause, they are turning people who are trying to see family and friends away. that the problem. edward: as they wait in line and wait for bathrooms at the airport, how do you recommend people pass the time? is there a trick? >> the trick is having some entertainment with you. bring your podcasts, load up on your movies, make sure you've got something for the kids to distract them. bring water on the plane. and at can be a meltdown, if you do that you can while the hours away and keep yourself busy and distract yourself because that's all you can do under those circumstances. >> good advice and we will see
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you again in 2,024. happy new year. still to come. december has been historically busy month at the border. we could end the year seeing the massive caravan surging across. the biden administration just gave people another reason to make that trip. ♪
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>> we need to shut the border or shut down the government. if we can't protect the american people we should try to save them some money if congress isn't going to do their job. edward: the border battling congress will intensify in the new year with the threat of a government shutdown. customs and border patrol says december will set an all-time monthly record for migrant crossing does.
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william has more details on this hectic month at the border. >> this is a big problem. i break it into four problems, why people leave, what happens in transit at the border and after really speaking each of those phases there are ways to reduce illegal immigration if there is a will. the money, and political consensus to stop it. putting december encounters in perspective, 276,000, that's almost the size of pittsburgh apprehended every month. >> neither the us nor mexico really has the capability to manage that flow of people particularly when it is 10,000 people appearing at the border every day. >> texas is trying to do what it can. yesterday the administration said it would sue the state, jail, prosecute and deport immigrants who enter illegally.
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president biden did take mexico's help agreeing to keep the us border crossings open in exchange to harden the southern border. they made no attempt to stop this group. moon new mexico wants the us to invest in central america, the so-called root cause solution critics say us taxpayers are getting shortchanged. >> an honest conversation about making sure our investments are tied to some stipulations. we are writing blank checks. our financial aid has to come with strings attached. >> the pipeline remains full, the latest caravan filled with migrants from 24 countries including turkey, iran, and cameroon, most would just begin allowing smugglers to bus migrants north to avoid dangers.
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>> we sacrificed a lot and taken a lot of risks. we have no food, no place to sleep, no money, and nations solving it for us. >> texas says biden's, quote, deliver it in action left it no choice, and it will go to the supreme court to enforce border security in texas. edward: i want to bring in pete sessions who plans to visit the border with the house speaker. welcome, happy new year. the house speaker will call for the president to take executive action. what action do you think the president needs to take? >> the action that needs to be taken is follow the law. when you get away from rule of law and going to chaos, this is where this country is heading, the president of the united states is very open about not following legal precedent nor
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the law. what i believe we do need to do is get it to the supreme court. i believe the supreme court can effectively rule on the laws of this country, notwithstanding presidential directives, there are extensive laws talking about staying in place in mexico, remaining in mexico and following an orderly process. the laws are there to avoid what is happening today and that is not just rule of law but the lives of this country and national security are at risk. edward: there's a meeting with secretary of state antony blinken and homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas. mexico announced the closed train crossings would open again and the fentanyl issue did not come up at those meetings and the 8000 strong caravan. what did the us?
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>> the us get open borders by the democratic party. what is occurring here today. and and this is an unparalleled breaking down of the law. not just rule of law but actually democracy. edward: both sides discussed the benefits of regular rising the situation of long-term undocumented hispanic migrants and d's of aca recipient who are vital part of society, this could be a nod to making citizens skip the line. what do you think of that?
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>> we have thought about it for three years now, president of the united states began this. as soon as he took his oath of office to defend not only this country but to make sure he well and faithfully executed the laws of this country, he went to the white house and ordered this among other things. this is -- edward: are they looking at amnesty? >> of course they are. they want to overrun this country. that is what this is about. it is really to attack capitalism, rule of law and democracy and this is what they choose to do and what they want to do. edward: a possible government shutdown. we talk to representative cory mills who says or shut down on the border or the government, where do you stand on this issue? >> that is where we are.
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two -- there would be, complete agreement the border would be included in any deal. his language that would be necessary about remaining in mexico and following the law and the speaker chose not to do that. edward: when house members get back to dc they have two weeks to ever to government shutdown. how likely do you think the government is to shut down? >> we are taking care of the united states military which is the right thing to do. the next effort should be to secure federal law enforcement, this is about the whole ball of wax here and the texans, to a person, will not vote to extend funding the government unless we read solve on matter related
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to the texas border and i am on record and the speaker knows this, we must not allow this to continue. because of national security we've got to change. edward: last night russia launched its largest assault since the war began using drones and missiles, some of those missiles hypersonic in capabilities. in a statement the president says we can't let allies and partners down, we cannot let ukraine down in history will judge harshly those who fail to answer freedom's call. let me get your reaction to all of that. >> you are speaking to a member that does support funding ukraine and taking care of this russian problem. if not russia, overwhelmed the rest of your. we must not allow this to happen. last night was the biggest barrage they have had since the
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war started on ukraine and the ukrainians while they shot down many of the drones and missiles, there was extensive damage across ukraine and i'm sure it is in direct relationship to the ukrainians attacking the port city and this is a long-term effort, the united states has been on the side of not letting russia overwhelm the rest of europe. edward: i appreciate your help ending this in 2020, have a great new year. >> thank you and god bless you. >> staying healthy, respiratory illness is on the rise, we get the diagnosis. ♪
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edward: doctors watching increase in respiratory illnesses, the cdc reports 23 states are seeing higher or very high levels of respiratory illness activity. family and emergency medicine doctor, jeanette nash what -- doctor janette west walk - doctor -- doctor jeanette nash watt, everyone seems to be sick. >> it is that time of year when we see these respiratory viruses flourish. that is normal. it happens. i am seeing a lot of rsv, influenza a and b and some covid, tons of rhinovirus which causes common cold symptoms
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like runny nose, congestion, sometimes a sore throat, fever and cough or that sort of thing but it's that time of year and we see lots of people gathering together for the holidays, and new years so you are indoors in close proximity with others so it's normal to see this spread from one person to another. we see it every year. we are seeing it more this year, we have an immunity gap which means we didn't get normal exposure like we do every year like covid markdowns and everybody masking, it's normal to see what we are seeing right now. edward: this is not billable to me, but what should people do to prevent getting sick? >> great question. it's not too like to get your influenza vaccine. i'm diagnosing a lot of fluid
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and flu be, even though the vaccines can't stop you from picking up the virus but it can help minimize your symptoms. that's the first thing, if you're eligible get your flu shot. some people are eligible to get their rsv vaccine. talk to your doctor about whether or not unita covid vaccine as well. if you just had covid you have natural immunity, you may not need to get it right away but if you're hirers, diabetic or cancer patient or have heart disease, you might need certain vaccines. there are other vaccines like pneumonia vaccines. i'm diagnosing a lot of pneumonia in the younger population so talk to your doctor about what's best for you in regard to the vaccine and also common hygiene precautions. make sure you are not rubbing your eyes or touching your face, if you are sick, cover your cough, stay home if you are unwell and we've got the tests and tools to treat and diagnose you, you get one swab
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and swab you for all the viruses and we have treatment for it if you need antiviral treatments. edward: hopefully you don't get sick. space x launching its massive falcon heavy rocket carrying a mystery military spacecraft referred to as kennedy space center. there are many questions surrounding this message. daniel mcnichols joins us the launch. >> the military's unmanned crew space plane is x 37 b and it is a real mystery for space enthusiasts because they don't know where to ship is going and how long it will be in orbit but yesterday it successfully launched on its third attempt on the falcon heavy, space x's most powerful rocket which means it is going deeper into space and staying longer than it has on any previous mystery mission.
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>> engine for power and lift off. >> this is the seventh for light made by the us space force's experiment orbital test vehicle known as x 37 b. officials say this mission will help the us military carry out cutting-edge research. the nasa experiment on board will expose plant seeds to the harsh radiation environment of a long spaceflight. knowing how to grow food in this environment could help sustain astronauts on future deep space missions. >> this is essentially three falcon 9 rocket strap together which means it can carry much larger payloads not only to earth orbit but to the moon and mars as well. >> this exploded and expanded video diagram shows a breakdown of the spacecraft, you can see all the individual compounds of a rocket, side boosters, one of the many parts that fell off after lift off, return to earth
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and already touched down, previous mission of the x 37, in space for 900 days and in terms of this mission we will just have to wait and see. >> thank you. i want to know what is on it. i want to know what is on it. they won't tell us. appreciate it. republican presidential candidate nikki haley coming under fire for her civil war comments. how this is impacting her on the campaign trail. ♪ more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver,
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones
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>> the cause of the civil war was basically how government was going to run. >> you answer that question without mentioning slavery. >> you want every person to have the freedom of speech, religion, to live their life anyway without anyone doing anything to hamper is that. that's what this is about. if it requires clarification, the civil war was about slavery, i'm happy to do that. edward: nikki haley clarifying comments she made on the civil war after they were met with back lash. \blooge sarah, how does this
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impact her chances for 2,024? >> her chances were pretty low to begin with already. she is pulling 30 points behind the former president, the only viable non-trump contender in the gop primary and yet has only managed to consolidate less then a fifth of the vote. unit of donald trump wasn't in the race she would struggle to cleanse the nomination because she doesn't represent the america first agenda. i'm not sure she had chances. >> you don't want to play defense, to correct what you are saying or clarify what you are saying. >> bad time to have her first major gaffe when we are only a few weeks away from the iowa caucuses but this would be a scandal in 2,012, kind of quaint to think of this as a big deal given everything we see with donald trump
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indictments and president biden's agent capability questions. not a great answer to the question, to be the dominant story of the primary. edward: what does nikki haley have to do to break through? >> something that would help her would be for chris christie to drop out. he's the only candidate who made a bet on new hampshire which is what she's done, she's not invested as much into iowa and the only candidate left in the race that represent an anti-trump option or someone who's not going to support donald trump no matter what chris christie is splitting the vote with her. it would help if he dropped out but someone like desantis, those voters are not going to go to nikki haley if donald trump were knocked out of the race. edward: i'm talking to ron desantis later today, what does he have to do to stop the nikki haley train? what does he have to do to stop
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the train as it is going forward? >> what this exposed about nikki haley as she is inexperienced on the national stage, the chrysostom is maybe he's not ready for prime time. ron desantis has made that argument. he could use this moment to show that i am ready to become president. i don't make these careless mistakes because ron desantis has avoided them and that is how we could use this moment to his advantage but with donald trump in the race and desantis representing largely the same thing, he has a lower ceiling than nikki haley does. edward: say donald trump wins, new hampshire say donald trump wins, is it over after those two? >> if donald trump were to lose even narrowly in the iowa caucuses that would open up the race. it would shake the dynamics. is dominated by the perception that he's the runaway front runner and nothing can be done to change that.
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a loss in one of the early states would change that perception and have voters question if he is that formidable front runner. if he wins by decisive margins i think he will largely be over. edward: do you have a resolution? >> i believe healthy, fewer cheeseburgers, it is hard for me. edward: i wish i could do the same. finality, much more coast-to-coast after this. ♪
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i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time.
1:00 pm
gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. >> let's look at the corner of wall and broadway down a little bit, 8534, nasdaq now at 99. dow jones up 13.5%. s&p and nasdaq finishing the year up. take us to the next hour. >> we been saying happy new year all wee


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