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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪
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stuart: elvis especially for lauren. we will play again tomorrow if she comes back. look at 6th ave. new york. that is deserted. it is tuesday morning, back to work, first day of the new year, hardly anybody there. good morning. 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. moderated loss on the dow, down 1009 points, the nasdaq continues, 214 points, 10 year treasury yield going up, 5 basis points now, 392, quite a move, not good for the nasdaq composite. price of oil has been moving up but not that much, $0.07,
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that's it, 70 one dollars a barrel. bitcoin, the star of the morning, $45,300. 3. the markets on tuesday, now this. if you are not watching fox over the holidays you wouldn't know our country is being invaded. that's a very strong word but i think it is justified by the numbers. 302,000 came across the southern border just in decent number. that is a record. of those who came in on october and november looking at 785,000 in the last three months of the year. at this rate there will be another 3 million coming in 2,024. these numbers were spelling out on fox over the holidays when the president was on vacation. the migrants are being flown around the country, overwhelming schools and social services. the elites don't feel that. the poor people bear the brunt
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of this and middle america has to pay for it. the president returns from his vacation holiday holiday vacation tonight. it is time for him and his handlers to take some responsibility and tell us what they are doing about this border collapse. so far we are stuck with the lame excuse that it is the republicans fault or congress's failure to agree on immigration reform. kamala harris blames climate change, the mayor of chicago buzzing migrants out to his city, chicago, the mayor of new york clamped down on migrant buses so they are being dropped off in neighboring new jersey which is a sanctuary state. my point is the border has arrived in every state of the union and if you don't watch fox you don't know we are in crisis, the white house has to be held accountable for what has become the most damaging and expensive domestic policy failure. second hour of varney just getting started.
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jason chaffetz with me now. wears aoc? she represents new york city or as part of it. they are being flooded with migrants, where is she on this? where are the rest of the democrats on this? >> dead silent. there is 85,000 plus miners that are unaccounted for and you would think there would be some tears like she had when trump was president and she would get after this. i loved what you said, you are spot on and the stresses that happen in our economy are very real, this was a choice by president biden and kamala harris, they changed the policy of the united states starting on day one, this is their choice to not enforce current law. if we enforced current law we could solve this problem. that's what border patrol is telling us but for 5 or 6 million people into the
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marketplace, they have to have housing and food and shelter and the medical services and so when you are looking at all rentals and the stress on the housing market, this adds to it, exacerbates the problem for the lower-class people who are trying to to get by, make the checks and get a place to rent and it is happening all across the country as you said. stuart: i have a feeling the border is as important an election issue as the economy. that's saying a lot because the economy is traditionally the big issue. you think it it is possible the border becomes as important as the economy? >> i think it does. i think it absolutely does. i see it going hand in glove. these big cities are yelling and screaming now. mayor adams, the mayor of chicago saying this is going to cost us billions and billions of dollars and unlike the federal government they can't
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just print that money so it will put stress on all of the other services so when you live in one of those big cities, you don't have the police, social services, don't have those other things, you can blame biden in paris because they are the ones that made this decision and those mayors like mayor adams on the screen right now they have not denounced the sanctuary city policies and sanctuary state, that's why these migrants continue to flood into these places. >> donald trump's legal team could file charges against colorado and maine who disqualified him from the ballot. two weeks from the iowa caucuses is this going to help or hurt trump's campaign? >> i think donald trump is shown he is somewhat immune to all these different suits, he has created sympathy, sucked oxygen out of the room so people like ron desantis and nikki haley can't get the oxygen they need to make the case to their vote voters. their stories are always out there.
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donald trump is on a trajectory that we haven't seen before but that lawsuit needs to get in place sooner rather than later so the court can consider it and put it on its ballot, we don't have much time to waste. it should have happened last week. stuart: two weeks to the iowa caucuses and here we go again, the presidential campaign. good stuff. thanks for joining us. happy new year to you, see you again soon. one former cia analyst, a politicization of the intelligence community could be a problem in 2024. watch this. >> i suspect there will be a reemergence of some of the farmers will be talking publicly, the former -- people we know, mike hayden and so on have generated more credibility problems and have a hard time
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being credible in 2024. my guess is the proverbial deep state in the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably presumably a republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies many intelligence people like. stuart: that gentlemen said the major problem is the interruption of dei policies claiming it shifted attention away from day today operations to a more woke political agenda. backed of the markets. we narrowed the loss on the dow to a mere 9 points, the loss of the nasdaq is expanding, 215 points, 1.5%. it looks like this new recession on the horizon,
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holiday spending is strong, inflation is moderated. a pretty good outlook for the market. >> it is. i am cautiously constructive. we sat here last year to the day, every pundit strategist, what were they saying? a continuation of the abysmal 2,022 and at best a good latter part of last year. the exact opposite happened. that all being said, you have to take what professionals say with a grain of salt. the latter part of last year, that rally, call it a wall street save your job rally. these investment professionals underperform their benchmarks, forced to play catch up. i am constructive to the extent that it is an election year. inflation dropped precipitously. i think it is the broadening of the market, index driven nasdaq s&p, call it a day rally.
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stuart: you are very cautious. >> cautious and constructive. stuart: what do you say about pundits? saving their own job? is that what you came up to? >> i've been walking the walk. people need to justify their assets under management. especially their hedge fund predicated on performance. stuart: i want to talk to you about bitcoin, $45,000 per coin, highest level since april of last year or 2022, 45 grand, why? >> we've seen bitcoin go parabolic, last year, one hundred 50%, it is a very simple reason. i heard mike lead talking about this on your show. there will be a litany of etfs. we take large firms, morgan stanley, we haven't been able
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to participate in the crypto constituency of investments and we tell investors we will be able to participate. you have a huge cohort of investors going viral many of which are small to saturday. am i bullish on bitcoin? i don't see the use case. when they are utilities for it, when you can easily transact, perhaps i will be on board. in the meantime i see competition from the central banks around the world and part of the reason gold and bitcoin got rallied, i do think bitcoin is ahead of its skis and the path of least resistance to the upside because of etfs but i will be cautious now. stuart: thanks, always appreciate it. let's get back to the plane that burst into flames at tokyo international airport after colliding with the japanese
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coast guard aircraft, that is the collision, a ball of fire, when the plane collided with the coast guard. 5 people on the coast guard plane have been confirmed dead. look at that video. a giant plane on fire and miraculously all 367 passengers and 12 crewmembers on the passenger jet acclimated. that is extraordinary. what you are looking at is a live shot, firefighters put the fire out, we will keep you updated on this as we get the relevance, that's will horrible -- holiday miracle. iran to the red sea, after may be destroyed three who the boats. we will speak to national defense expert rebecca heinrich on rising tensions. is really know terry says it will join thousands of troops from the gaza strip temporarily, it will be the most significant reduction since the war with hamas began.
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trey yingst on the ground in tel aviv with the full story after this. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term
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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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>> reporter: day 88 of the war between israel and hamas. israel will clawback some of the reserve forces that are currently fighting in northern gaza. we understand the military says reserve forces from two brigades will be a part of the drawdown to keep israel prepared for a prolonged war. israel hoping the next phase in fighting will allow thousands of displaced residents along the border to return home. israel's home front command, from gaza can now come back, much of this area was previously considered close to the military zone. 's relapse defense minister commented on the situation. >> i returned from the gaza strip where i met our troops, as we face our enemy at is relapse 7 community. we know their mission and their performance is excellent so that here in our southern communities, life will return
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to normal. >> reporter: the announcement comes as israeli soldiers fight for territory inside gaza with battles focused around gaza's second largest city. further west the palestinians continue to shelter in tents and housing, displaced by the israeli campaign, their future remains uncertain. >> there is no safety. we are scared, i swear. my children are squared, i tell them may god help us. >> department do come i made rocket fire from southern lebanon into northern israel. sirens sounding on the northern border. hezbollah remains active in this fight. stuart: and irani warship has entered the red sea, that comes just after the us sank three boats. that were attacking merchant ships in the area. rebecca heinrich joins me. rebecca, is there a confrontation coming between
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iran and the u.s. navy? >> reporter: i don't think so. the reason that iran uses proxies is because it doesn't want to take on the united states directly so what the united states has recently done, it has taken out these houthi attackers and that is an improvement over the united states navy playing defense with our allies who have to go on the offense and take on these houthi terrorists where they are in yemen, there's coast, coastal radar our military targets the u.s. navy can go on the offense and take those military targets out and that is what the united states should do but we should not be intimidated by iranian warships. stuart: should the united states and its military forces now go on the offense, almost on the attack against may be some irani and oil installation equipment in the gulf or against that irani enabled vote in the red sea?
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would you say that we should be proactive and start to attack? >> absolutely. we should go on the offense. i will leave the targeting to military force this is determines which ones are the best but clearly there are military targets in the region, we know that iran is behind the proxies so we should not be intimidated. we should not have a fear of escalation. the enemy is going to do what they believe is necessary in their own interests but the united states has an interest in making sure the ceiling is open and safe. there's billions diverted around the region because it is not safe to traverse, 12% of global trade goes to this region, 30% of cargo shipping goes to the region so there's a clear us interest in aiding our allies to make sure it is a safe place to do commerce. stuart: we just heard from trey yingst in israel, he is telling us that israel think the war is going to last all of 2024 in
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gaza so is israel going to be able to ride out the storm of international criticism for the whole year? >> reporter: it necessary for its own national security reasons and these attacks by the houthis are directly related to that because they are trying, the tactic is to try to ramp up international pressure on the israelis to stop the assault and they are doing it by trying to choke out global trade and that is another reason the united states needs to support our allies and make sure we are not intimidated by irani and back terrorists. with the israelis are going to do three things, netanyahu has been clear, take out hamas, try to get their hostages back and make sure the region does not stay a militarized region to conduct further attacks so i fully expect the israelis are going to do that. stuart: would you make the judgment that at this moment israel is winning? repelling the rockets coming into northern israel and the american navy is shooting down
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missiles that come across the gulf of the red sea? is israel winning? >> it is certainly gaining tactically. it has to finally and ultimately destroy hamas's ability to conduct further attacks. has taken out senior hamas terrorist leaders, ones directly responsible for the october 7th massacre but in order to actually completely make sure, they are winning in military victory, they have to take out -- make sure hamas does not rearm and iran doesn't simply regroup and get missiles or weapons back into the region. but certainly i think hamas is significantly degraded. they learned a hard lesson that they cannot conduct these horrific massacres again, the idf will respond but i fully expect the idf to continue to do this until they deem the monetary conflict in their favor. stuart: quick question. after the 1972 massacre of israeli athletes at the
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olympics in munich in 1972, the israeli government tracked down all the palestinian terrorists who did it, you think the same will happen with hamas? >> they will certainly try to make sure they get every single one they know of but it's very difficult, into military zone. lots of people are culpable for the attack so it will be difficult to get everything in place. stuart: thank you for joining us this morning. important day, appreciate you being here. senate democrats are feeling get after the administration bypassed congress for a second time to send weapons to israel. senator tim kaine said, quote, unnecessarily bypassing congress means keeping the american people in the dark. senator chris van hollen said the move, quote, undermines transparency and weakens accountability. secretary of state antony blinken notified congress about the plan to cut one hundred 47 million worth of equip and
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sales including chargers for weapons already bought by the israeli military. they will get that money. still had, a left-wing group is quietly training judges across the country how to deal with climate change cases. climate depot publisher mark more onoh with that. biden's ev mandate sparking concessions, not concessions, concerns over long-distance travel. it's called range anxiety. jeff flock putting evs to the test. and 800 mile road trip in his own electric vehicle, jeff is next. ♪
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stuart: we start with a ton of red ink. 250 points. putting biden's ev putsch to the test, and 800 mile road trip from chicago to new york in an electric vehicle.
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let's get at it. do you think you will make it on time? >> reporter: fingers crossed. if i get to the charging stations, and model w outfitted with cameras, come around here. you know me, i tend to have a policy with electric vehicles. i was in chicago the last two week spending christmas with my daughters and my grandson, my two beautiful daughters but at any rate someone had the bright idea why don't you drive back rather than fly back. we got off to a bit of an auspicious start last night at o'hare airport.
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take a look. >> there is a key, didn't even tell you what to do with it. come on. there's going to be a lot of buttons here. >> any idea what we do here, smart alec? >> absolutely no help. i will say goodbye to my daughters? wish me luck. i'm getting behind the wheel here. real quick. there it is. i did.
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there it goes. okay. there it goes. hang on. okay. a tight parking space. stuart: fasten your seatbelts. >> almost crashed somebody. off we go. see you soon. stuart: we will be following and 800 mile journey all week long on fox business, we shall see. waves the family goodbye. mark more onoh, publisher of climate depot. he's is not big on global warming but welcome to the show. is that going too far? >> it is a bust but a dangerous bust because the more these plans tend to fail the more they tend to double down on the
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failure. let's hope jeff has a better time than his transportation secretary, pete buttigieg or jennifer granhim, in her ev, had npr along, blocking the charger spot. npr reported on this critically. and they said they hadn't built one built. here is the bottom line, where government is mandating you can only drive one car. that is not only happening with government but with corporations, australian banks. this is a kin to the east german government, you can only purchase the crappy east german two cylinder you can wait 10 or 12 years for. they are forcing a situation on
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the american people that we didn't vote for and are you got to do is look at ev sales and automakers coming out saying they are sitting on our lot, we don't want to be part of this anymore, the buick dealers, good luck to jeff as he drives across country but we will see how it turns out. stuart: the environmental law institute, an organization funded by left-wing nonprofits quietly training judges how to prepare for cases related to climate change. how do you train judges, what is this about? >> this is another way. when biden was elected president they made every cabinet agency a climate agency and talking about the treasury department working with social governance of the banking industry wouldn't fund fossil fuel. what they are doing, these are
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ways to bypass, the green new deal, there was never a vote, no town halls, no switchboards lighting up because they don't need those stinky democracy. were courts come in, they want to legislate via the benches so you have lawsuits all over the united states, the most recent one in montana where the kids won and a new one in california with kids as young as 8 suing biden's epa to ensure their climate future. what they decided is climate activists are going to train judges on how they can rule in their favor and these are typically democrat it pointed judges, activists themselves and so they can issue rulings that will withstand higher court in many cases, the supreme court, scrutiny, the problem here is you can't have federal judges commit trying to change the temperature of the earth or reduce the frequency
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of hurricanes. i mentioned east germany earlier, we are taking a page back to the old aztec industry, you must do the following or the weather is going to get you. the judges have to rule a certain way or the weather is going to get us, you have to purchase an ev or a flood or a tornado is going to get us. stuart: thanks very much, see you again soon. on a related note experts warning that global warming could soon affect the grape crop, grapes that are used in champagne production. watch this. >> by 2050 we are looking at 85% of the lands we grow good wine grapes on actually no longer producing suitable wine grapes. that doesn't mean necessarily these grapes will go away, but we are noticing a very marked change in the taste of these grapes due to a warming planet.
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>> we expect in the champagne region itself the characteristics of champagne are likely to change because these grapes are responding to climate change. stuart: other places like belgium, the netherlands, sweden, will be able to grow grapes as the planet warms, you just won't be able to call it champagne, because champagne can only come from a region in france. retailers turning to ai to crack down on return fraud, that is when shoppers return stolen or used merchandise. that story coming up. beverly hills 90210 actor ian desiring speaking out after being attacked by an la biker gang in broad daylight. details on that coming up next.
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stuart: the stock market story of the day is the big loss on the nasdaq, the yield on the treasure your -- 10 year treasury going up, that hurts nasdaq stocks that is down 1.8%. beverly hills 90210 *en ian zyring attacked by bankers in los angeles. stuart: can you believe that? broad daylight. the actor took to instagram writing this situation highlights a larger issue of hooliganism, with responses, it is insufficient. he says it started after one of
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the motorcycles checked the damage. he is able to get back to his vehicle and drove off. the worst part, his daughter saw the whole thing. the actor says he and his daughter made it out unscathed. no recipe made. the lapd investigating the attack. two men from new york city have been charged with staging 8 armed robberies at convenience stores across the country. the two suspects conspired to allow the victims of their robberies to apply for special immigration visas. a spike in return fraud of the most common form is when customers return stolen merchandise as a way to get extra cash. how much are retailers expected to lose from this?
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>> $101 billion, the largest independent retailer. i will show you around here where the growth of computers are here, this is an adult playground. they have a department dedicated to making sure they can fight fraud because these thieves are getting smarter and smarter. carl has been working on this for 21 years. we know 13. 7% of all returns in 2023 were fraudulent. tell me about what the apps does to tackle fraud? >> we hire the best people and everyone trained well so we know what to look for and anticipate to help us make sure we are keeping customers information safe, product safe and do the best job we can. >> reporter: how many people are on that team?
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>> as an electronic service department double checked everything when it comes back, there's 25 people back there so a ton of eyes on everything. we got the greatest people. stuart: let's talk what is behind you. how are thieves manipulating returns on computers to make money? >> reporter: a lot of them are buying a desktop computer and they will get it home, take a part out of it. hard to notice when there's a part missing from inside a box, and they will get their money back. we are trained, they will open up their computer and make sure all parts are in there and they 're getting the right thing back. >> reporter: there are a ton of products in the apps store. these people are being trained to understand a plethora of products. to understand and make sure that everything is as it is and it is returned. stuart: that is a really tough job. thanks for being here.
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see you again soon. now this. new research shows good cholesterol is linked to an increased risk of dementia. we have details coming up. hospitals in 5 states brought masks back, mask mandate back as respiratory illnesses continue to spread. does a mask preventing a of this? doctor siegel joins us next. ♪ rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq,
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a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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hi, i'm tali and i lost 85 pounds on golo. (upbeat music) i started golo because i was unhealthy due to my weight. the minute i started taking the golo release,
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i knew it was working. i was not hungry, and i did not have any cravings. since losing weight with golo, i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. stuart: the story on the market is the decline of the composite index. nasdaq stocks are down sharply 1.8%. look at this one. one doctor is blaming systemic racism for the ongoing health issues in the black community. watch this. >> we often think about health as individual choices that patients make. excuse they. that patients make. instead, we need to understand
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how practices and policies, the legacy of jim crow, systemic racism impacts the health of our communities. individuals are only responsible for 20% of what makes them healthy. the other 80% are systemic factors. stuart: issues like housing insecurity, food deserts, lack of good education, no gainful employment, all contribute to worse health outcomes. look at this one. new research found those with high density lipoprotein cholesterol, the good cholesterol, have a 42% chance of developing dementia. doctor siegel with me now. that's not what we want to hear. i thought good cholesterol was good for you. >> we are starting the new year with a story on dementia. i knew that was going to happen but let's push the pause button. 18,000 people studied the.
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it takes place in australia and the united states. you always love when the former colonies are involved. seriously. hdl cholesterol for most people is protective against heart disease if you have a high number. it is called the scavenger. it gets bad cholesterol out of the way. why would it cause dementia? this is an observational study. it is not proof. i was thinking about it. it may have to do with the molecule itself and how it works on the brain. it is a large molecule and could interfere and cause inflammation related to dementia. we are finding out more. information in the brain needs dementia. we need more work, better studies but it is a start. stuart: i'm not going to lower my good cholesterol level. not going to do that. >> absolutely not, correct. good cholesterol up, exercise
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brings up. stuart: thanks for reminding me. hospitals have reinstated mask mandate in 5 states. every time i go outside more people are wearing masks these days. we have this respiratory illness going around. does a mask prevent it? >> you asked a big question. let me answer a smaller question. 29,000 people were admitted to the hospital last week for covid per the cdc, 15,000 for flu. numbers are skyrocketing up 20%, wastewater is showing a lot of covid. cdc concerned about increasing amount. my answer, masks worn on your chin on the street do nothing. masks that are ill fitting, old and soiled, do nothing. masks stuck on a 4-year-old problematic interfere with learning. i don't have a problem with masks in hospitals. there's a lot of sick patients and presumably doctors and
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nurses know how to wear masks because we wear them in surgery and we would where the right masks. if a hospital feels there's a lot of respiratory viruses going around in the hospital, it is okay if they decide to do that. i will point out that every time they drop the mandates everybody in the hospital takes the mask off. did you believe in this policy. as soon as it stops everyone that instituted the policy is not wearing a mask. there was one study at mass general hospital seemed to show that within the hospital, masks are worn properly they may help. stuart: they should be worn properly in the hospital. i find it reassuring a hospital or medical facility supports masking up. the governor of utah claims social media is causing anxiety and depression to spike. watch this.
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>> it is obvious to anyone who spends time on social media or has kids, i have four kids, they spend time on social media, this is absolutely causing these terrible increases that we are seeing in anxiety, depression and self-harm among our youth. stuart: i suspect that you agree with that but there is no easy way to take care of it, is there? >> i agree with it enormously. 57% of teen girls per recent cdc study have had episodes of severe depression and even suicidal thinking, some of them over the past year. social media is feeding that. it is setting up a perfectionistic standard, marking people, bullying people. it is family. getting together with your family. leaving the phone when you go
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to the dinner table. having more face-to-face interaction. more real in person friendships. that is what we need. that is what we need now and we need less social media. social media is toxic. tiktok, instagram can be quite toxic. it can be useful but it spiraled out of control. i don't want government involved. i want family involved. stuart: agree on all counts. have a great new year, see you again soon. >> good to see you. stuart: still ahead. jimmy faila, clearing the mayor of boston after her electeds of color holiday party that excluded white people. the economy showing real momentum for 2,024. joe conger on the softball interview president biden gave on new year's eve. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
10:57 am
10:58 am
so... i know you and george were struggling with the possibility of having to move. how's that going? we found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walk-in bath. a kohler walk-in bath provides a secure, spa-like bathing experience in the comfort of your own home. a kohler walk-in bath has one of the lowest step-ins of any walk-in bath for easy entry and exit.
10:59 am
it features textured surfaces, convenient handrails for more stability, and a wide door for easier mobility. kohler® walk-in baths include two hydrotherapies— whirlpool jets and our patented bubblemassage™ to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. a kohler-certified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. they made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. i wish we would have looked into it sooner. think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive $1000 off your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our low monthly payment financing.
11:00 am
>> people know what aboutly why they don't like president bind. they believe it is bidenomics that has the economy where it is. they know that it is his border policies that have u


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